Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Back to life ♪
Back to reality ♪
Back to life ♪
Back to reality ♪
Back to life
Back to reality ♪
[reporter 1] The sun is shining
and hope is in the air.
In less than a month,
four regular American civilians
will lift off in a SpaceX rocket.
[reporter 2] Twenty-nine year old Hayley
Arceneaux is one of those four.
[Hayley] My alarm went off this morning
and my first thought was:
"I'm going to be on the Today Show today."
I'm just doing this full-time
St. Jude Ambassador Astronaut
training role.
And so that's come
with a lot of interviews
just to get the word out
about our mission, the fundraising.
I didn't expect all of the media
and all the attention on this big scale
when I got this phone call to go to space.
I remember in the phone call they said,
"It'll come with some media."
And I was like,
"Well, that's not unexpected."
I didn't realize the amount.
It's a lot.
There was one day a few weeks ago
that I did 44 interviews in six hours,
and I was beat after that day.
I was like, "Are they
gonna think I'm a celebrity
if I'm going to the Today Show
with a camera crew?"
As much as, like,
I don't really want all that,
like, the spotlight and things,
like, I love talking about St. Jude.
We have a huge goal.
Two hundred million dollars
is not easy to raise.
And I've actually
really taken it personally
that I want to raise that money.
This is why we're going to space.
It's for these kids,
it's for these families.
Be honest with me. How is the hair?
Going into especially some
of the nerve-wracking interviews,
I just really think about my patients,
think about specific ones
and how I'm doing this for them.
We're all doing this for them.
[Hoda Kotb] We are so excited
to have Hayley Arceneaux
joining us here in Studio One.
Hayley, you're about
to have a lot of firsts, girl.
You are the youngest going up in space.
You are the first Cajun going up in space.
Are we right about that?
Yes, and the first person
with a prosthetic
- body part, too.
- Yeah.
I did want to ask you about the space
suit, because you are rocking it.
And also the zero-gravity hair
is working for you.
It's like better than Beyonce.
How did it feel when you first
put your space suit on?
I felt like I'm an actual astronaut.
I'm going to space. This is happening.
- Congratulations, Hayley. We can't wait.
- We'll be watching.
[Hayley] I'm very aware that
I'm the luckiest person in the world.
So wild, Today Show just tagging me
on Twitter.
I think I'm the only person ever
to just get a phone call saying
"Hey, do you want to go to space?"
I didn't apply for anything.
I never saw this in my future,
and here I am.
[dramatic music playing]
All right.
This is officially the first run
of Inspiration4's fighter
jet training weekend.
- [cheers, applause]
- Welcome.
Why are we doing all this?
Part of this is creating a very dynamic
and stressful environment
without actually sending people
up into space.
It's going to be a lot of Gs.
It's not gonna be the kind of Gs
that we've experienced in the centrifuge.
These are going to be ones
that really hurt.
The fighter jet training was
a dream come true for me
because as a kid,
I wanted to be a fighter pilot.
[Jared] We will stop
if anyone is not feeling well,
but just remember
you don't get to stop
when we're in Falcon 9 and Dragon, right?
If you are feeling sick,
and you want to try and muscle through it,
I think everybody's got vomit bags.
It's great that we're going
to have Inspiration4 people here.
We've got SpaceX people here.
We've got our team
on the ground and we've got family.
The motivation for bringing families out,
it really is just, it can be stressful
for family, so it helps, like, I think,
the family members understand a little bit
about what their loved ones
are going through,
and it's also just a nice thing
for families too to come out
and have some fun.
All right? Break.
[Hayley] Yes.
I've learned more and more about Jared
over the last few months
as I've gotten to know him.
He was born to be a leader.
I've told him before, "You were born
to command a mission to space."
I trust him. I trust him with my life.
[Colleen] You continue to impress me.
And I'm not just telling you that.
It's like, it just instills confidence.
- [Jared] Appreciate it.
- It really does.
We're going to get it really nailed
by the third go.
Especially since both my kids
are going up today.
- Okay.
- But, no, I am.
- We'll take good care of them.
- Yeah.
Every time my family can see our crew,
especially in action,
like, my mom has told me she feels more
and more comfortable.
- Hayden, have so much fun.
- That's right.
[Hayley] I think I was
more excited for Hayden.
- I'm really excited for you.
- I'll be good.
He was always into space,
and so whenever I have these moments
where I can share something with him,
it's really meaningful to me.
[Chris] I think it was just so cool
to have my wife there,
and she takes on so many challenges
with me not being home
and taking on the sole responsibility
of being that parent back at the house.
She's been so supportive.
I can say this with 100% honesty
that I have grown to love
every single member of this crew.
They've become like our family too.
And it's not just them,
it's their family, it's their friends.
We are going through this together.
[Sian] You're ready.
I feel so fortunate
that I got to bring my brother, Chris.
- That's what I do, right?
- [man] You got it.
That's what I do.
You just get to come along for the ride.
- Keep that in mind.
- Exactly. And I love it.
He was so happy to get this experience.
Whenever you have time,
I have a pre-brief before our flight.
A pre-brief? I love pre-brief!
I have some very specific things
I want to talk to you about.
- Ok. I'm ready.
- Ok.
My pilot was Kidd,
and I love that he's my pilot
because he's a former Thunderbird.
He has a really impressive
aviation career behind him,
and I've gotten to know him
so well over the past year.
- I have three main goals for this flight.
- Ok, three main goals, ok, all right.
- I want to pull some high Gs.
- High Gs.
- Yes.
- How many?
As much as you can pull.
- Okay.
- I want to feel all the Gs.
- So two, I want to do a lot of flips.
- Okay.
Gs, rolls
- And then three, I want to take control.
- Gs.
If we can, we'll get you stick time.
Kidd has been calling me the G-Monster
since centrifuge training.
So I wanted to hit even more
than I hit in centrifuge.
- He's always hiding.
- [Colleen] I'm counting on you.
- What?
- I'm counting on you
to bring her back safely.
- Of course I'll bring her back!
- I know.
[Hayley] Ok, she also does this
when I, like, drive after midnight.
- Yes, I do.
- Yeah.
- It's gonna be fine.
- We'll take care of her, I promise.
- [Colleen] I know you will.
- [Heyley] I trust this guy.
[Colleen] I trust you.
[Jared] The idea was:
let's expose crew members to a lot of Gs
and a very physically
demanding environment.
NASA astronauts have T-38s, they've had it
since the beginning of the program,
and it's a big part of every astronaut's
training is getting in those type of jets
and really putting on the Gs.
Can they push through when they're feeling
really poorly at that moment,
because you don't get to turn Falcon off
when you're going uphill to space.
[woman] Three, two, one.
[Jared] When we launch on Falcon 9,
we're going to
be experiencing five, six Gs.
Same on the way downhill when you're doing
this giant breaking event as you re-enter
the atmosphere. That's a lot of Gs too.
And then if there's ever
a launch escape scenario
[man] Dragon launch escape initiated.
[Jared] That can get upwards
of 20 Gs or more.
So no matter, like,
what experiences you've had in life
at an amusement park or roller coaster,
you are not getting anywhere close to,
to feeling what those Gs are like.
There's only two ways you're simulating
anything close to that on Earth.
You're either doing it in a centrifuge
or you're doing it in a fighter jet.
["Jimmy James" playing]
- [Hayley] Have you ever had to eject?
- No. Don't say that.
- I'm just asking.
- Twenty-five years. Never.
- So, you ready?
- Yeah, I really am.
- Let's do this.
- Let's do this.
[song continues playing]
People how you doin'
There's a new day dawnin' ♪
For the earth mother
It's a brand new mornin' ♪
For such a long while
There's been such a longin' ♪
But now the sun is shinin'
Let's roll back the awnin' ♪
[Kidd] All right, here we go.
[Chris] Let's do it.
This is a type of kinda like
A formal dedication ♪
[Kidd] Okay, Hayley.
You ready?
Let's do this.
[Jared] How are you doing, Si?
Doing good, Commander.
I'm not playin' the roll
Just being who I am ♪
And if you try to dis me
I couldn't give a damn ♪
We took off
and then we hit the afterburner.
Pulled straight up, which was awesome.
[cheers, laughs]
Wow. Wow.
That is so awesome.
All right, Si. We're going
to pull a couple Gs, all right?
Okay, I'm ready.
[Jared] Five Gs.
[Sian] Rockin' and rollin'.
I'm Mike D, and it's been proven ♪
[man] Okay,
we're going to get some Gs on.
[Chris] Roger that.
Any nerves I had were, like,
around this little blue bag
I had in a pocket down by my leg.
Would that come out?
Would that stay in?
Is the doctor really setting me up
for success with the medicine
he's prescribed?
- [man] Ready?
- Ready.
[jet engine roars]
Oh, my gosh.
Okay. G-monster. Let's do this.
I'm ready.
Holy shit.
Eight Gs.
This is me and my commander at work
and we are tearing up the skies together,
and he had the confidence
to say, "It's your control."
[Jared] You have the aircraft.
All right, my controls.
Your controls.
["Jimmy James" continues playing]
Handing me the stick of a MiG-29?
Are you freaking kidding me?
That's the best.
- [Jared] How's it feel?
- [Sian] It's great. Are you kidding me?
This is amazing.
- [Kidd] Hayley.
- Yes.
Take control of the stick
and fly the aircraft.
I can do that.
[laughing] Oh, my gosh!
[pilot] You wanna roll the jet?
[Chris] Ah, sure. What do I do?
[pilot] Just nose it up like this.
And then push us all the way
to the edge like this.
- Okay?
- Okay.
[pilot] All right, so pitch up.
You've got the controls.
And then pull up
and then all the way to the side.
Hard as you can. Hard as you can.
- There you go.
- [Chris] This is fantastic.
This is so cool.
[pilot] How you doing back there, okay?
Oh, I'm doing just fine.
[pilot] You didn't have to use the bag,
did you?
[Chris] Ah, negative. Negative on the bag.
[pilot] That's great, dude. Great job.
Okay, Hayley.
Barrel roll.
I'm excited.
He granted all my wishes.
We hit eight Gs,
which I think is the most
anyone hit that weekend.
I texted my orthopedic surgeon
and I said, the internal prosthesis
can officially handle eight Gs.
I loved every minute of it.
I hope I get the chance to do it again.
[Hayley] So exciting to be there.
It felt like a reward
because we had worked
really hard in training.
[song continues playing]
[song ends]
[Jared] Just about a month
away from launch.
It's a time where you want to spend
a little bit more time with your family.
You want them to hear all the stories
meet all the people
that we're spending time with every day.
[all cheer]
[Hayley] It's great that
we can do these things together.
My mom was talking to Jared
and just saying
how much she trusts him
and she knows
this mission's going to go really well.
And Colleen can be kind of hard on people.
[Chris] Most importantly it felt like that
this particular weekend in Montana
was an opportunity to celebrate
the cohesion of the team
and really just celebrated
Inspiration4 being what it is
and looking forward to the launch
in just a short time.
- [Hayley] And so like
- [woman] Wait, it's on the ceiling?
[Hayley] The bathroom's on the ceiling.
There's literally a panel that we take off
and then there's like a funnel.
[woman] So you pee upside-down?
There's no upside-down in space.
I think the majority of the questions
my friends had were like, at first like,
"Well, are you gonna put on
makeup in space?"
And like, "How are you going to sleep
in space?"
And just all like the practical questions
of like, "How is this going to work?"
I've really been touched
at how supportive everyone has been.
I had dinner with one of
my best friends last night
and she's like, you know, she's like,
"You're going to be fine
because you're on a Falcon 9 rocket
and that is the safest rocket they have."
And like, she would never have known
the words "Falcon 9"
a couple of months ago
and now she's, like,
researched all the rockets.
She knows I'm on the safest one.
I thought
that was just the sweetest thing.
A couple of my friends had the idea
to have like a bon voyage party for me.
The name of the party is,
my friends came up with this,
"Let's Get Lit for Lift-off."
You know, there's been no other
American astronauts in their 20s.
This is what we do.
I'm a 29-year-old going to space,
and at the end of the day, I'm 29.
She has arrived!
How are my girls?
I love y'all!
Y'all are my favorite people
on the planet Earth.
Thank y'all for being there for me
through space, through all the things.
I love y'all so much.
- Cheers to us.
- [all] Cheers!
[Hayley] This group has been there for me
through so many big events in my life,
also that party carried
a little bit of weight
because I knew it was the last time
I was seeing a lot of these friends
before launch.
[Brittney] Hayley's unique,
and I knew that right from the start.
She's just one of those
that you're just instantly drawn to.
Just a true light, you know,
and such a go-getter.
When I met her, like,
she inspired me to be so much better
and she still does.
Like, that's why I love her.
She's like this outgoing, fun person
and I love being around her.
She makes me so happy.
[Hayley gasps] Oh, my gosh!
Yo, it's me.
Inspiration4 SpaceX.
This is amazing.
I think I'm most excited
for her excitement.
So we're like, pterodactyl!
[Colleen] And I see that passion in her
just being that example
of positivity and hope.
She's having my little niece
and then she's gonna come to my launch.
I'll be on baby duty.
[Hayley] I really thought about,
throughout the whole party,
I'm going to space.
This is my last time seeing my friends
before I go to space.
But it didn't feel sad.
It felt exciting,
and my friends were so excited
and their energy was palpable,
and we just had a celebration.
[Gabrielle] She's going to go up there
and it's going to be awesome.
And I'm going to give her the biggest hug
when she comes back.
I don't really think she needs luck.
Hayley's not one that needs luck.
She forges her own way.
[Hayley] Some have told me
they're a little nervous
but they also say that they feel confident
because of how confident I am.
I thought I would be nervous right now,
but I don't feel nervous at all.
Don't be afraid, don't fall in line ♪
[Sarah] This is the final stretch
of their training.
I really enjoy seeing
their confidence grow
as they start mastering
the difficult tasks
the Emergency Operations.
[computer beeps, trills]
[Jared] Smoke detected?
All right, that's a real fire response.
Let's get our masks on.
Dragon SpaceX VCE
fire in pressure section.
Execute your arrived response.
[air blows]
[computer beeping]
[Jared] What the hell is wrong with this?
- [computer beeping]
- [air blows]
[air blowing]
[Jared] There we go.
[Sarah] At this time
I will just pause here
and end this first drill,
and we're going to do it again.
[Jared] We're doing long days
every day at SpaceX.
We have an immense amount
of trust in them.
We have immense trust in Sarah.
And we know we're in good hands.
[Sarah] We're changing perceptions
about who can go to space
and how you can end up going to space.
But with that, we need to be successful.
We need to make sure we're doing it safely
and that we are approaching the problem
from the right direction.
I think it is the next step
in many ways changing the world.
["Elevators (Me & You)" playing]
One for the money, yes, sir
Two for the show ♪
A couple of years ago
On Headland and Delowe ♪
Was the start of something good ♪
[Lewis] Well, we met
the first day of college.
I was too sissy to talk to her.
So, I didn't say a word to her
for the next three years
because she was pretty.
And I'm an engineer.
First day of college.
And I turned around
and Lewis was sitting there.
Very cute guy sitting there so
we swapped numbers
and eventually started dating.
And then both got super lucky
and got jobs at the same place together.
So it worked out.
[Lewis] You see a lot of folks that are
couples that are both at SpaceX,
because it's how they both cope with it.
We get to talk about work at home
and we both understand
because we both experience
almost all the same things.
I think we understand each other
better for it.
I haven't driven home before 7:00
in like such a long time.
[Sarah] I think it is hard
to leave work sometimes.
I think it comes in waves though.
Like when there's a huge push
to get crew to launch.
Or a huge milestone that's coming up.
You probably live with it more
than otherwise.
- Oh, killed it.
- What!
Nailed it.
- It's a little bit hanging off the back.
- It's fine. We nearly got it.
It's hard to do
as you get close to launch.
But all the people that are here
and all the people
that we work with, in this family,
they get what you're going through.
Get through, understand the pressure.
And so it's, I think it's a break
for everybody, which is super important.
How can we help since
we're just drinking wine over here?
[Lewis] Just drinking wine, doing nothing.
[Sarah] I love the people
that I work with.
And this is just a small group
of people that are here tonight.
But all the people that are here get it.
The people that I get to work with
day after day
are the reason that I keep coming back.
- So would you like some wine, Anil?
- Physical training?
[Anil] SpaceX and the Inspiration4 crew
are jointly creating this mission.
So it's almost a work of love, of passion,
together to jointly create this thing.
And it's good to have
a healthy amount of nervousness
that drives us to just be better,
and I think that starts right now
so that when the mission happens
we've closed out all our worries
so that those aren't issues
that we're carrying forward.
There's basil, there's red sauce,
there's bruschetta.
Or, barbecue sauce.
You didn't You feel a little pressure.
it shouldn't go on,
like pizza, or ravioli.
[Chris] Sarah Gillis, she is probably one
of the most professional
and intelligent people I've met.
She is highly motivated
and concerned about our safety.
You know, she's probably had a few strokes
throughout this whole process,
but she has taken it with grace.
[Sarah] Nice work.
As you start getting this close to launch,
it's double-checking and triple-checking
what you've done.
That's probably my worst fear
is having missed something.
I guess it helps having Lewis,
because we can talk about things.
So it actually maybe helps us
let things go faster,
because you can come home,
you can decompress,
but you have somebody you can talk to
what you went through that day with.
- Oh, it looks so good.
- Cheers!
[Benji] So good afternoon,
everybody here in Hawthorne
and across all of our SpaceX
facilities, welcome.
And a huge welcome
to our Inspiration4 crew.
[cheers, applause]
This mission in particular
is super exciting.
This is our first
all-civilian mission to space,
our first commercial astronaut mission.
This is a huge step
towards making life multiplanetary.
- So, thank you again, guys.
- [applause]
[Sian] As we get closer to launch day,
I just keep feeling more ready
and more confident.
I'm gelling with my crew even more.
Just getting to know the crew
and do everything
with this team right here,
and having this extension
of my family up here on stage
that's been one of the best parts.
[Sian] Initially, you know, you come in
and you're like,
"Wait, who are these people?"
We really do enjoy each other's company.
So I'm curious what the crew is bringing
with them as personal items.
Uh, well, I was born on Guam
because my dad worked
for the Apollo missions,
and my dad got Neil Armstrong's autograph.
So I have been dreaming
about being able
to take that with me to space
not knowing that it would ever,
ever come true.
Space has been a part of me
my entire life,
but not just me, but my siblings.
I was 19 when my father passed away,
and my brother Langley
has been there for me ever since.
He has just been the best big brother
that I could ever, ever hope for.
I've always idolized him and then
he, like I said,
he's just always been there for me.
So the fact that he is coming
from Australia
to support me
and go into quarantine with me
and to be there for me, means the world.
About the last four years or so,
I've only seen Sian about three times,
but over the last two years, not at all.
I'm based in Australia
and travel is very difficult
in and out of Australia.
Um, but my wife just goes
"This is so important,
if you can't come back,
you'll have to stay in the States.
And I have to be here. There's no way."
I'd give my life.
We moved a lot, because
my father's different roles in work.
His main focus was on the Apollo missions.
[Chris Proctor] My dad,
he was a self-educated person.
He taught himself calculus, physics,
chemistry and that just led to him
getting a job with NASA, you know,
at a very early age in his life.
He didn't have any college
or schooling around this.
And when my dad explained
in the interviews for NASA,
"I just taught myself."
These people couldn't believe.
"You taught yourself how to do calculus?"
He did the impossible.
Being Black and getting a job in 1959
for NASA, and so young.
I mean, he was 19 years old.
[Langley] We moved to Guam and he worked
at this remote tracking station,
and that's the one that really helped save
the lives of the Apollo crew.
Coming back from the Moon,
Houston was unable to track
where the Apollo 11 spaceship was going
and where it was going to land,
so my dad worked with the team there
on Guam, because they had the tracking
station that was working.
They mapped it out,
and then he was able to just calculate
where they were going to land
in the ocean and he sent the ships there.
[man] Unofficial splash time:
195 hours, 18 minutes, 21 seconds.
The crew has reported to Air Boss
that they're in excellent condition.
Afterwards, the Apollo 11 team flew over
to Guam to thank him,
and Neil Armstrong signed
a thank-you to my dad.
[Sian] "To Ed, thanks for all the help.
Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11."
My brother Langley got
the Neil Armstrong autograph
because he said he was the oldest
even though I was a finalist
for the NASA astronaut selection process.
But he's bringing it over
from Australia for me to be able to pack
and bring to space.
[Langley] It's been with our family
everywhere we lived, all across the US,
and then I brought it over to Australia.
And it had to come back,
because it has to go into space.
It has to be part of this mission.
It's just a family history.
We've dreamed about this since the start.
And to actually achieve it, is worth
It's worth our lives.
This is what we love.
This is what we love.
I'm so excited about this
and I just can't wait to see her.
- Don't hurt yourself.
- I'm not hurting myself, you know me.
Well, my head, because Oh, my God, Sian!
I can't believe it.
- It's been forever.
- You're crazy.
I know Hi, Langley,
it's so good to see you.
The thing that makes me so proud
is she's always had this dream
of going into space.
She's wanted it since she was born.
It's just in her heart.
I'm just happy she did it.
She did what she really actually
wanted to achieve for her life.
The medal made from the eagle.
That is so awesome.
- I don't want to cry
- Yeah, I know.
- but I wish Dad was here.
- I know.
But as you know,
the most important thing in the world:
A thank-you from Neil Armstrong to Dad.
My dad was so great.
He's I consider him
the greatest person in the world.
He taught us to be this way.
He taught Sian to achieve this mission.
Decades ago.
Can you believe that
I get to bring it to space?
I know.
The fact that I can share
my dad's legacy
Both my parents grew up
half their lives in segregation.
My dad did something,
he contributed, and here's the proof.
And now I get to share that
with the world.
I just never imagined that this
I'd have this opportunity to do this.
- So
- [Langley] Yeah.
Well, it's here.
- It's happening.
- I know! I know!
- I'm so excited!
- Twenty-one days to launch.
Yeah! Yeah.
To know that my dad was able to contribute
to the advancement of human spaceflight
and for me now to have this opportunity
in my way of helping
to advance human space flight.
It's a dream come true.
- Yeah. All right.
- [Chris Proctor] It's perfect.
[Jared] Preparation for
Comm check. Hey, Spacex. How are you?
check. Ground safety.
Next, seat rotation.
Our seats have already rotated right now.
Contact SpaceX for seat rotation.
[Chris] Well, so here today at SpaceX
it's our last day of training officially
before we fly down to Kennedy Space Center
and get ready to get strapped
into the real deal
and go launch next week.
[Jared] Preparation for LES arming.
- Crew check for LES arming. Go!
- [Hayley] One.
- [Jared] Two.
- [Sian] Three.
- [Chris] Four.
- We're getting there.
Verifying tight and restrained.
What surprised me about training
is how much I've enjoyed it.
I've enjoyed feeling accomplished
by how far I've come.
One of my first questions
when I found out I was going to space was,
"Are we going to the moon?"
And now I feel like I've come so far
from that moment.
I'm proud of myself.
You know, while we're sad
that this is our last time
training at SpaceX,
I think we all feel really ready
to go to space next week.
[woman] Dragon, SpaceX. Go for launch.
SpaceX, Dragon. We are go for launch.
[Sian] You know, I don't want to leave.
I don't want it to end.
It's really been the best
five and a half months of my life.
[woman] Five, four, three, two, one.
One Alpha.
[Jared] This was our final call
from the sim. It's over.
Well, next up is the real thing.
But we're going pretty much
right from here to KSC,
getting in quarantine,
and working out a bunch of stuff
we need to do prior to the big day.
I haven't let you guys know yet.
I wanted to save it for in-person.
We met on Friday and went through
all of our documentation.
We met with the MDs and the cores,
and we have officially
certified you guys for flying.
- So
- [all cheering]
- [Chris] Talk to you soon.
- Talk to you very soon.
- We'll see you down there.
- See you down there.
- Talk to you soon, man.
- Talk to you soon.
Have an awesome week out there,
and I'll talk to you.
- Jared, it's gonna go great.
- Yup.
[Sian] Thank you for everything.
I appreciate you so much
and everything you've done for me.
Just so you know.
You done good. You made us ready.
- Let's roll.
- All right, thanks.
Good luck, guys!
- I'll see you guys.
- See you soon.
- Thanks!
- Bye.
Good luck. Goodbye.
Holy water ♪
Cannot help you now ♪
Thousand armies ♪
Couldn't keep me out ♪
I don't want your money ♪
I don't want your crown ♪
[Hayley] I assumed that I was would
get close with my crew members
based on how much time
I knew I was gonna spend with them.
But I didn't know
how much I was gonna love them.
We're going through
a really big thing together
that only the four of us understand it.
See, I've come to burn ♪
Your kingdom down ♪
[Chris] It's really starting to sink in.
My space suit has my name on it.
It's got the Inspiration4 logo on it.
This was for me.
I'm going to space.
Those things are pretty emotional
if you let them sink in.
And that's why I've been pushing them off,
but you can't ignore it for forever.
Seven devils all around me ♪
Seven devils in my house ♪
I got to fly fighter jets,
I got to train to be an astronaut,
and I get to go to space.
And nobody will ever be able
to take that away from me.
It's just
It's magic.
I don't know. I'm just so happy.
This is happening. This is real.
Like, I'm not dreaming this.
We are ready to go.
They can keep me out ♪
Till I tear the walls ♪
Till I save your heart ♪
And to take your soul ♪
And what has been done ♪
Cannot be undone ♪
In the evil heart ♪
In the evil soul ♪
Before the day is done ♪
[Kluger] This is a hinge point in history,
and humanity will be forever transformed.
[Sian] This is happening. This is real.
Let's do it.
[Hayley] We've worked so hard.
There's no doubt in my mind that
we're gonna have a successful mission.
[Jared] If we execute really well,
there will be a lot
more missions to follow.
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