Country Comfort (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

My Girl

What is goin' on here?
Why are y'all starin' at me?
You look like Bradley Cooper
in A Star Is Born.
[chuckles] Oh. Aah.
Beau, I am so sorry you have to
replace your wife's horse, Melody.
It must bring up such painful mem What?
We didn't want him to know
why we were worried about him!
Beau, no one's worried about you.
Will y'all relax? I'm fine.
Melody can no longer reproduce,
so we bring in a mare that can.
That's how we do it.
That's how we make a living.
Everything's good.
Real good. Real, real good.
See? I told you Daddy was fine.
[softly] He's devastated.
Daddy, for two years you told me
I had to deal with my feelings.
Don't you think it's time
It's just a horse, honey.
Daddy is happier than a cat in the sun.
Now, did anyone come up with a name
for our new mare yet?
I can't believe Melody's gettin' replaced
'cause she can't make babies anymore.
That's too long, Bailey.
Hey, how 'bout My Girl?
You don't have enough girls,
you gotta claim this one, too?
Fine. What do you wanna name her?
How 'bout My Girl?
- You realize that's the same
- I do.
Cheer up, Brody.
Jo's comin' back from France today.
Who's Jo?
She's our next-door neighbor.
Jo's a girl?
Jo's not a "girl" girl. She's my girl bro.
And, may I say, a better bro than Tuck.
At least she doesn't steal girls from me.
Brody, if it makes you feel any better,
I'm over that girl from the wedding.
[car horn beeps]
And there's the reason why.
My new girl, Lorraine!
He's got skills.
Lorraine is ever hotter than wedding girl.
Yay for Tuck.
I'm gonna just run out there and tell her
that you'll be a minute and I love her.
Don't be jealous, honey.
What kind of desperate girl drives all
the way here to pick up a boy for a date?
The kind who's goin' out with
a guy who can't get his driver's license
for six months because of
that time he ran out to help you
and got stopped by the cops, remember?
Nope. So, when's the new mare comin'?
Can we stop talkin' about the mare?
Of course.
Boss, how about a new delicious doughnut?
Why are these doughnuts here?
I told you I don't want the kids
eatin' all this sugar for breakfast!
Chloe bought 'em!
I'm sorry. He can't fire you.
Let's go, Tuck.
- We don't wanna keep Lorraine waitin'.
- What's this "we"?
My sweet Lorraine offered to
take me to my songwriters' meeting.
I thought that was tomorrow.
It just got moved.
Are you gonna be okay, Daddy?
I'm fine, son.
You just go have a good time with Melody.
[softly] Oh, I think he means "Lorraine."
That's what I said.
Chloe, don't correct your father.
[theme music playing]
I like this outfit
you picked out for me, Bailey.
Thank you, sweetie.
Next time, say it front of your daddy.
Hey, baby!
Brody, how many times
do I have to tell ya?
Couch poutin' doesn't help.
I'm not couch poutin'!
I'm only lyin' here
'cause I got nothin' to do.
No girls, no dates, no life.
Nobody disagreein' with me!
When did you say Jo's gettin' back?
Enough with Jo!
I'm not looking for
a friend to skip rocks on a lake with,
I'm looking for a girl
to go on a date with.
That's all fine and dandy,
but don't forget what a good friend
Jo has been to you.
When you lost your mama,
she came over every night
for a month with your favorite casserole.
She is a good friend.
Lousy casserole maker.
But she was a good friend.
Come on, Daddy. Let's go get that mare.
At least I know
that girl's coming home with me.
Baby, listen to me.
You are a sweet, sensitive, handsome boy
and one day you're gonna find a girl
who's smart, fun, and a total cutie.
That was fast.
Total cutie knows me?
Jo? That's the girl
who's like a brother to you?
She did not look like that when she left.
Welcome home, Jo.
It's so good to be home, Mr. Haywood, and
Brody, wow! Look at you.
You really sprouted up.
You sprouted, too! [laughs]
Hey, Jo. Are those presents?
Chloe, I missed you, doodle bug!
Are those toys?
It's a surprise.
I got somethin' for all y'all. And I got
somethin' special for you, Brody.
It's not a casserole, is it?
Hey, Jo. I'm Bailey, their new nanny.
For the little ones.
I can totally bathe myself.
I mean, take care of myself.
Point is, I am single. Unattached.
Without a partner. Free as a bird.
Open your present, son.
Thank you, Daddy.
Wow, I love you.
- "It." It is what I love! [clears throat]
- [Jo chuckles]
Parti pêcher is French for "gone fishin'."
Wow, where did you learn French?
In France.
Lord have merci.
I can't believe that just happened.
I'm so humiliated.
I totally embarrassed myself.
It's fine, sweetie. Women are flattered
when men act like fools.
Bailey, you're makin' me feel worse!
Don't tell your daddy!
Look, sweetie, your feelings for
your best friend have obviously changed.
Is that what's happenin'?
Oh, that is what's happenin'.
It's a whole Dawson's Creek situation.
I'm not letting you
make the same mistake as Joey.
Who's Joey and where's Dawson's Creek?
Joey is Dawson's beautiful neighbor.
And she and Dawson were best friends,
like you and Jo, but when they turned 15,
like you and Jo, their hormones changed.
And when Joey started havin' love feelin's
for Dawson,
she was too terrified to let him know.
So, what happened?
It was horrible. The whole first season,
she didn't tell him.
You're givin' me love advice
from a TV show?
Of course.
Go on.
Well, Dawson didn't think he had a shot
with her, and he started likin' Jen.
What are you sayin'?
I should tell Dawson how I feel?
Exactly! You can't wait till season two.
But I'm not sure how I feel.
I mean, Jo's my best friend.
She's always been like a brother to me.
Oh, honey, I saw how you looked at her.
That's not how you look at your brother,
unless you're Liam Hemsworth.
Or Chris. It works either way.
I don't get it.
I never had a problem
talkin' to her before.
We used to stay up all night talkin'
about everything.
Fantasy football, movies, bands.
How could I not know that my girl bro
could be my dream girl?
But now that I know, it's too late.
I missed the window.
What window?
That little window when she went
from being my best friend
to totally out of my league!
What is wrong with you?
No! You are a great catch.
Now all you gotta do is
tell her how you feel.
Oh, okay, no problem. Except I obviously
can't talk to girls when I like 'em!
You're talkin' to me.
You're not a beautiful 15-year-old girl.
I can't hear that enough.
I'll never be able to tell her how I feel.
We're gonna end up like Joey and Dawson.
Maybe you don't have to talk to her.
You have somethin' Dawson doesn't have.
Nothin' melts a girl's heart
more than a love song.
Well, I do sing better than I talk.
So sing your feelin's out, honey!
Uh-oh! Why are you lookin' in my closet?
Those aren't my Spidey pajamas!
At the end of the day,
Jo's gonna love you for what's inside,
but it doesn't hurt
to spruce up the outside.
Now, take that flannel off
and let us see those guns.
I know.
I look like Uma Thurman.
Honey, Uma Thurman is gorgeous.
But it is cold out today.
Let's get that flannel back on.
Check out all these presents
Jo brought from Paris!
Not one toy.
Hey, why don't y'all go upstairs
and get in all this pretty stuff
and put on a fashion show?
All I wanted was a Barbie DreamCamper!
- Come on, Chloe. It'll be so much
- Just them, darlin'. You mind? Go on, now.
Come on. Go.
To be honest with ya, honey,
um, I'm kinda on thin ice around here,
and since you've known the family
for, like, ever,
I thought you could give me some insight.
Sure. What do you wanna know?
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- Wait, what?
Just a beautiful young girl in Paris.
Those French fellas
must've been all over vous.
[both chuckling]
Thank you, but to be real with ya,
I didn't look quite this grown-up
when I left.
Come on.
You couldn't have changed that much.
Trust me.
That was me a year ago, standing here
sayin' goodbye to everybody
the day I left for Paris.
I can't even see your face
through those bangs.
Those are my eyebrows.
Well, look at you now.
[laughs] I know.
[Bailey chuckles]
One day, everything just sorta
- Jiffy Popped.
- Yes!
No wonder he was never into me that way.
- What's that?
- Oh, nothin'.
It's somethin'. What was it?
Nope. Nothin'.
Oh, okay.
I get it. You don't know me.
Why would you confide in me
somethin' that's obviously confidential?
Like, I don't know you,
so why would I confide in you
that somebody in this house
might have a big crush on you?
- What?
- Nothin'.
- Somethin'!
- No.
Let's just say the thing
you're not confidin' in me
is the same thing
I'm not confidin' in you.
- And what are you not confidin'?
- I can't say.
But what I can say is
men love women who are confident enough
to make the first move.
And if you do,
honey, I can almost guarantee ya,
your feelings will be reciprocated.
- You know this for a fact?
- I can't say.
Oh, do you have any idea
how happy you have just made me?
About as happy as you just made him!
Okay. I'm gonna go home, put on
one of my pretty new French outfits,
then I'm gonna come right back
and I'm gonna tell Tuck how I feel!
Well, good for
Oh, dear Lord.
Dear Lord. Dear
Nothin' happened.
- Really?
- Well, it's not my fault.
- Really?
- I don't think it's a fireable offense.
- Wanna tell me what happened?
- No, I do not.
Just, with everything
you're not goin' through today
Are my kids okay?
Yes, they're amazing.
You did a great job
- Bailey!
- Okay.
One might be havin' a little trouble.
You know your little neighbor Jo,
who you might've noticed
isn't so little anymore?
Well, Brody noticed,
and his hormones went a little crazy,
and he told me he's real attracted to her
in a way that's no longer brotherly.
So, I took the liberty of letting her know
someone here had feelings for her.
And she told me she had feelings for him.
And I was so happy
till I found out the "him"
she had feelings for was Tuck!
You did all that in one breath.
I'm a singer.
I have a well-trained diaphragm.
Why must you butt into Brody's life?
I know why you're angry.
I don't blame you.
- You're upset about Melody, not me.
- No.
I'm upset with you.
- Okay, we disagree to agree!
- This will break his heart.
It's the first time he's felt like this.
You know what it's like
to have a first love.
Now he's gonna lose it before
he can even tell her, because it's over.
She's gone, Bailey. Gone.
We still talkin' about Jo?
Thank you so much, Bailey.
I wrote the perfect song.
Oh! Hey, Daddy. You're home.
Are you okay?
I mean, I know you're okay, but
are ya okay?
I'm fine, buddy.
Good, Daddy. So, this morning
I'm sure you noticed I was a bit
tongue-tied around Jo because of my new
and unexpected feelings for her.
So Bailey suggested that
I put those feelings into a love song.
Can y'all listen and tell me
if you think she'll love it or hate me?
Uh, keep in mind, I wrote it fast.
Uh, okay, you ready?
Okay, here it goes.
If I could talk ♪
If I could say
The things that I feel inside ♪
When you walk by ♪
But I can't say ♪
I'm so confused ♪
'Bout me and you ♪
Are you the girl next door ♪
Or so much more? ♪
I just can't say ♪
- I don't know how you're gonna tell him.
- I'll tell ya how. You're gonna tell him!
I haven't missed you ♪
- I can't!
- Somebody's has to!
I can't say I haven't dreamed ♪
Y'all won't believe this. So, two minutes
after sweet Lorraine drops us off,
me and Tuck are walking up to the house,
and guess who we run into?
- And this guy says to her
- "Hey, Jo. I didn't know you were back.
You look good, girl!"
And she says thank you and asks him out!
Somebody told him.
- Havin' trouble making a choice?
- Yep.
Me, too.
I don't know whether to tell you
Brody likes Jo
and is devastated that she asked you out
or keep it to myself
like your daddy yelled at me to.
- What?
- I'm this close to gettin' fired again.
Brody likes Jo?
"Loves." Brody loves Jo.
I stupidly tried to help him
by telling her
someone had feelings for her.
She said she felt the same,
so I encouraged her to tell him,
but it turned out the "him"
she had feelings for was you!
- What?
- What?
Look at y'all.
You look like two little macaroons.
I thought Brody liked Jo as a brother!
He did. Till someone inserted herself
where she didn't belong Chloe.
Well then back off, Tuck.
You got tons of girlfriends.
Can't you let Brody have just one?
Yeah, give Brody one!
"Give Brody one" what?
Please tell me you didn't tell 'em!
We think you should be with Jo.
Not Tuck.
You told them?
I only told Tuck.
Technically, they walked in.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't take
seeing ya hurt like that.
I just had to do somethin'!
Bro, I didn't know you liked Jo.
- Brody likes Jo?
- Loves.
Ain't no way I'm goin' out with her now.
Bros before Jos.
So, are we okay, Brody?
I mean,
Tuck seems to be backing off,
everything's good now, problem solved.
What's solved? Nothing's solved!
- I'll go talk to Jo.
- No. I do not need your pity.
[all] Take his pity.
Even if I do,
his deciding not to date Jo
isn't gonna make her like me.
Sure it will!
She'll be so hurt from losing Tuck,
she'll come runnin' to you on the rebound.
Well, that's not how I want her.
You think it'd work?
Works on The Bachelor.
Not that I wanna
influence anyone's decisions,
but if you fellas resolve this,
I might be able to keep my job.
Just say the word, bro.
Word, bro.
Well, Tuck agreed to back off,
so you'll be happy
to know everything's resolved
with the Brody-loves-Jo,
Jo-loves-Tuck situation.
I know.
I saw Brody skipping through the yard.
I'm thinkin' maybe you're thinkin'
you've had enough of Bailey,
so I'm encouragin' you to forget about it
with these "forget about it" lemonades.
I'm lyin'.
It's not the real reason I brought out
these "forget about it" lemonades.
- Oh Lord. Which one of my kids did you
- No, none. They're all fine, I swear.
I brought these to make you feel better,
cause even though I'm not supposed to
talk about you bein' upset about Melody,
I know you're upset about Melody.
I'm not upset about
- What the hell is in this?
- [Bailey laughs]
That would be the "forget about it" part.
Somethin' my grandma used to slip in
her lemonade when she was feelin' low.
- Wow.
- Yeah, she felt low every night at eight.
- I bet she felt high at nine.
- [Bailey laughs]
Yep. Only two Johnnys would
make my grandma smile.
Johnnie Walker and
Johnny Cash.
So, uh, while you're doin' the Walker,
I'm gonna do ya some Cash.
- I really don't
- I know.
You don't have to
Love is a burning thing ♪
And it makes a fiery ring ♪
Honestly, I really am fine.
Bound by love's desire ♪
I fell into a ring of fire ♪
Look, I appreciate what you're trying
I fell into a burning ring of fire ♪
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher ♪
And it burns, burns, burn ♪
- [shouts]Bailey!
- What? Is it burnin'?
I'm okay.
I know you think you're okay,
but you're not.
Look, Beau
- I know how hard today was for you.
- No, you don't.
You don't know.
How could you know what it's like to lose
the love of your life, your best friend,
and have your heart break every time
you look into your children's eyes?
I don't.
And I'm so sorry.
But I do know this, Beau,
you are a great daddy.
Those kids are so blessed to have you.
Well, thank you, Bailey.
- There's more.
- Oh, sweet day.
And because you're such a good daddy,
I think you've been so consumed with
making sure the kids are all right after
losing their mama,
especially Cassidy
that you haven't taken the time
to grieve for yourself.
I just want you to know I'm here now.
Unless you fire me again.
But until then,
I'll be here to help with the kids.
Which will free you up
to finally be able to feel and
grieve and
miss her.
Without havin' to be the hero 24-7.
Bailey, you are just about
the worst nanny we've ever had.
I know.
But you've got a heart the size of Texas.
I know!
Bonjour, Papa!
Be still my heart.
Hey. Well, is this what Jo brought back
for you from Paris?
Yeah. No toys.
Look at my girls.
How you doin', Daddy?
I mean, I know you're fine,
but if you weren't, how you doing?
You know what?
Y'all were right. I wasn't fine.
But I think I'm gonna be okay.
I told you
that lemonade would do the trick.
This looks refreshing!
- Oh, Chloe!
- I got it!
So, Daddy,
ready to show My Girl to her new home?
Look at her, Daddy.
I think she's got your dimples.
Mama would like her.
Oh, My Girl.
Welcome to Harmony Hills.
[clicks tongue] Come on.
- [all chattering]
- [Cassidy] Come on, My Girl, come on.
- Come on.
- [Chloe giggles]
I'll go pack my things.
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