Courting Alex (2006) s01e04 Episode Script

New Best Friend1

How much longer? Just relax.
I'm just wondering if we'll be able to hear the timer out here.
Alex, the cookies will bake, we'll hear the timer, we'll eat.
Everything will be fine.
Just enjoy the stars.
We could have just bought the cookies.
Anybody can just go out and buy a cookie.
And the downside is we'd be eating them by now? Come on.
The best part of a cookie is the anticipation of just how good it's going to be.
So the baking is kind of like foreplay.
I'm glad we haven't made cookies together yet.
Me, too.
Some couples just rush to make cookies before they even know their way around the kitchen.
No, not us.
We waited to make cookies.
Now, the longer we tease ourselves with the thought of them, the better they'll taste.
They're going to be some good cookies.
I've never wanted a cookie so bad in my life.
I know.
So this waiting thing how will we know when we've waited long enough? I think we'll know.
Alex, are you in there? Oh, my God! I totally missed our brunch, didn't I? Why didn't you call? Well, I did.
Unfortunately, I was using one of those phones that only works when you pick up at this end.
I'm so, so sorry.
- I'm the worst friend in the world.
- Oh, it wasn't so bad, actually.
Gave me a chance to mingle.
When you're on your own, they sit you up at the counter with the other friendless loners.
I got to eat Eggs Benedict next to a man who knew everything about Napoleon.
I can't believe I forgot.
Guess I'm just a little out of it.
I haven't gotten much sleep this weekend.
No, none of us have.
Someone in the building was having loud and, from what I heard, rather athletic sex with her boyfriend.
You heard us? Well, it was that or a religious ceremony of some kind.
By the way, someone was informing a higher power that they'd be arriving shortly.
Oh, God! Yes, something like that.
I am so embarrassed.
Oh, don't be embarrassed.
You've found a terrific bloke, and I'm thrilled for you.
In fact, the whole second floor is thrilled for you.
Franklin, with the two hearing aids? Ecstatic.
I thought he only had one.
He ran out and got the second one yesterday.
Well, just because we missed our brunch doesn't mean we can't have our morning coffee together.
I've already had two pots, but what the hell? I love to pee.
Go pour me a mug, and you can catch me up.
Oh, there we are.
All caught up.
Sorry to interrupt.
I was just, uh looking for my clothes.
you might want to find a way to soundproof this place 'cause, apparently, you were a little loud this weekend.
Me? I had to put a pillow over your I think I'll I think I'll just be off.
No, no.
I know you guys have your whole morning coffee ritual I'm going to get out of here.
Oh, no.
That's quite all right.
You've got your own morning ritual, what with your little wardrobe treasure hunt.
- Julian, I'll leave.
- No.
Really, I'll I'll leave.
Wait a minute.
You're my best friend, you're my boyfriend.
I'll bring out the coffee, have some slightly-burnt chocolate chip cookies.
Everybody sit.
See? Perfect.
There's no reason this has be awkward.
A little awkward.
Good morning.
Rose - Shouldn't you really be at home? - Why? It's an allergy, I haven't been sick in 20 years.
Yep, I hope those allergies aren't contagious like last time.
Well, even if I were sick - and I'm not-- I've got to finish up that Bradshaw agreement by the end of the week.
You're going to run yourself ragged, sir.
No, no, That's where you come in.
You're going to be right by my side every step of the way, helping me out, starting right now.
Actually, I was just going to run out and get a quick flu shot.
While you're at it, why don't you pick up a cute little skirt? Next four days, it's going to be you and me, locked in my office, night and day.
Thanks for picking me, sir.
Morning, everybody.
Oh, how did the meeting go at the Tax Board? Fantaxsic! Taxerrific! Ok.
Stop! You're way too perky this morning.
- I'm always this perky.
- Yeah? No.
Something's different.
You have, like, a glow.
You look a little flushed.
- Do I? - Uh-huh.
I'm just wearing a new makeup.
Molly, can you hand me the Addler file? A new makeup.
A new makeup? And you're wearing it for the very first time? Molly, let go of the file.
For the record, I'm very, very happy for you.
I am thrilled! Molly, it's just makeup.
Which one of these is mine? The one without my niece's baby picture, sir.
Good-bye, little Susie.
For what? The makeup.
I was beginning to think you were going to go the rest of your life without wearing any.
Molly! I'm not very comfortable talking about this right now.
- Sorry.
- I meant close the door.
We didn't leave my apartment all weekend.
I felt like a kid with a new bicycle.
You know, you just want to ride it all the time.
That was an unfortunate choice of words.
I pretty much got it.
So, we talking around the block or Tour de France? Hello, you two.
Hope I'm not interrupting.
No, we were just talking about biking.
Oh, do you ride? Sadly, only once or twice a year.
Well, if you ever get the urge, call me.
I've got a ten-speed.
So, you free for lunch? No.
I'm sorry.
I'm swamped.
Well, then forget about it.
You have a boyfriend now.
It's only natural that you want to spend all your time with him.
Julian, I'm not one of those people that dumps her friends just because a guy comes along.
Even if he does look really hot in a towel.
Well, don't worry about me.
I'm going to keep busy.
I'm seeing Natalie again tonight.
Ooh, isn't this the critical third date? Only if you count the time we ran into each other at Starbucks and exchanged numbers as a date.
Which I do, and I certainly hope she does, too.
Where are you taking her? She wants to go to Atrium, but you have to have reservations eight months in advance and Natalie is not an eight-monther.
Ooh, the owner of Atrium is my dad's client.
I can get you in like that.
I don't want to bother you.
Come on, what are friends for? Molly, I need the number for Atrium.
8:00, table by the window.
- Champagne is on me.
- I don't know what to say.
This must be how David Crosby felt when he got his liver.
Here's the number for Atrium.
She must be really classy.
God, I hope not.
Well, I'll get out of your hair.
Alex, thanks for doing this.
It's my pleasure.
Good luck with Natalie.
And order the chocolate souffle.
It's worked on me before.
Hi, this is Alex Rose.
Is Jean Pierre there? Sure I'll hold.
Scott line two.
I've been thinking about you all Molly, hang up.
So, how is your day going? Molly, seriously.
Yeah? Oh, I know.
I miss you, too.
I miss that even more.
Wow, - 9:00.
- Yeah.
Managed to sneak out early.
I'm starved.
Where do you want to eat? I made a reservation at Dante's.
- We can go somewhere else.
- No, no.
Dante's is fine.
I said okay.
No, you said, "Okay.
" Which means "not okay.
" You've got four different types of "okay.
" - Really? - Yep.
- What are they? - Well, let's see, there's the okay that actual means "okay," there's the okay that means "maybe," but my personal favorite is your: "Okay," - which usually means - I recognize that one.
- You wanna see my office? - Okay.
I'm afraid we might miss our reservation.
Oh, who cares about reservations? Oh, God! Julian! That turns me on less than you'd think it would.
I am so sorry I forgot to make the reservation for you.
I hope it didn't ruin your date with Natalie.
I don't think so.
Let's ask her, shall we? Natalie, darling, we've got company.
I don't want to interrupt.
Oh, there's no danger of her coming out in a towel, if that's what you're worried about, because she's not here! Oh, Julian.
No, it would seem Natalie was not impressed by a man insisting, to the maitre d' "But I know someone who's related to someone who has done legal work for the owner.
" Does she like the Knicks? 'Cause I can get you Knicks tickets.
Yes, maybe she'll like me more if we're left stranded outside Madison Square Garden.
Natalie sounds a little hard to please.
You sure she's right for you? Look, I know you have a boyfriend now.
- This wasn't Scott's fault.
- No, That's right.
It was yours.
Alex, I'm happy that you're happy, but I'm fed up with you making promises to me and then leaving me out to dry.
I swear I'm sorry, I'm going to end this conversation before I say something indelicate.
What the hell Bugger off! Oh, good.
I need you to sign the Harrington contracts.
Has Julian returned any of my calls yet? No.
Even changed his outgoing message to, "Alex, stop calling.
" That's better than "bugger off.
" I was paraphrasing.
Okay, new plan.
Call him again, but this time just route him through our London office.
Line one.
It's ringing.
Julian, it's your auntie calling from London.
How's your dear, sweet friend, Alex? I always liked her Hello? Did you send the muffins? I sent the muffins, I sent the brandy, I called ten times.
He doesn't want to talk to you.
Tonight is Celebrity Throwdown.
We always watch that together.
It's our favorite show.
You really watch that crap? I mean, you work 80 hours a week.
You deserve some mindless entertainment.
You can't catch allergies! I'll send these right out.
And bye-bye.
Dad, I'm worried about you.
Somebody must have brought a damn cat up here or something.
No, you're sick.
I'm sending you home to bed.
Well, maybe for an hour.
Right, yeah.
Just until the pollen settles.
Drink lots of fluids.
And I don't mean scotch.
I gotta wash the Claritin down with something.
Steven, look, I'm heading home.
You're gonna have to handle that Bradshaw agreement by yourself.
You up for that? I'm running a temperature of about 104 and, um Butch up, son.
Butch up.
Yes, sir.
Whoa! Careful with that.
You're going to make somebody sick.
All that and more on tonight's Celebrity Throwdown! That Rachel Hunter, she likes to play all innocent, but really she's the one pulling the strings.
Really? I read an article about her recently.
She seems like a really nice person.
All right, you're new, so let me tell you how this works.
Half the fun of watching Celebrity Throwdown is being catty.
What's the other half? The anticipation of being catty.
This is a different side to you.
Hey, I spend 80 hours a week reading contracts and case law.
I deserve a little mindless entertainment.
Okay, come on, you gotta admit this is great.
Yeah, fantastic.
You're not watching.
I can do two things at once.
Oh, yeah? What just happened? Uh, some celebrity I don't care about just did something stupid.
Well, okay, yes.
But the fun is seeing how stupid.
Alex, if you want to watch this show, that's fine, but why do I need to watch it with you? Because it's only fun when you watch it with someone else.
Then watch it with Julian.
Oh, Julian's still mad at me.
And, frankly, I'm a little mad at him.
I mean, I know I messed up his date, but aren't friends allowed to mess up every once in a while? I'm starting to wonder if he's not just jealous of you.
I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would be jealous of me right now.
I'll tell you one thing, I'm through groveling.
If he wants to talk, he knows where I live.
You're gonna wait for him to come to you? But he's as stubborn as you are.
That could take months.
- And this show is on every week? - Yep.
- Where are you going? - I need some air.
You're going to miss the hot tub elimination round.
This is your third time at Hot Tub Council.
Can you give me one good reason why you should stay? I'll give you two.
Oh, Bollocks! This is the best bit.
Go away! Does anybody mind if I take my top off? Just stay with me, Tara, darling stay with me.
Oh, Scott.
She's not here.
Yeah, I know.
I, uh, can I talk to you? Can't it wait? Mmm, it's kind of important.
All right, fine.
They fuzzy out her jubblies, anyway.
I assume you've come with some apology from Alex.
Actually, Alex doesn't even know I'm here.
Look, I'm sorry if I got in the middle of your friendship.
Oh, that's big of you to say so, mate, but look it's not your fault.
Maybe not.
But you're a really important part of her life, and I think it's crazy you guys aren't talking.
Making you watch Celebrity Throwdown, is she? Uh, yep.
But the point is you're the one who should be down there watching it with her.
I quite like it up here.
I've got everything I need.
Brandy, muffins the occasional phone call from a demented relative.
You're watching it by yourself.
You have no one to be catty with.
Half the fun is being catty.
That's true.
Why don't you stay and watch it with me? Or I could slam my head in a drawer.
She, uh, she really misses you.
Well, I miss her, too.
I'm not sure she's suffered enough.
Oh, she has.
We all have.
Look, it would mean a lot to her.
And to me.
Yeah, all right, fine.
She's got it on downstairs, right? - Yes.
- Popcorn? - Yes.
- Fine.
I'll wait here so you two can have your space.
Rachel I'm afraid you've lost all your dignity points.
You know what that means-- onto the trampoline! Come on! Hasn't Rachel jumped enough? Oh, hi.
H ello.
When did you get back from London? Do you want to come in? Yes, I suppose.
I see you're watching - Throwdown.
- Yeah - I assume you were as well.
- Well I guess they're still not speaking to each other.
Can you believe Brooke Burke? How can anyone that bad look that good? Three words: spray-on tan.
It wasn't my fault she broke her nail.
What a crybaby.
She just quit on us.
The other day, when my contact fell out I'm really sorry, Julian.
Me, too.
I used to be able to juggle everything in my life so well.
But with Scott, I lose track of time.
Well, perhaps if you put a clock on the ceiling I just want us to go back to the way we were.
Well, I'm not sure that's possible.
Well, not right now, anyway.
Why not? Because you and Scott are in that state of bliss where you want to spend every moment together.
And you should.
You are such a romantic.
There will be time enough for our friendship when the sex between you two has becomes as boring and mundane as making cookies.
I'm glad you're here.
So am I.
You know, I've missed this.
You me a seemingly endless supply of Scott's underwear.
Is there nowhere safe to sit around here? Well, we could Yeah, next week, we'll watch at your place.
How's the soup? Perfect.
You're the one guy who knows exactly how to take care of me.
I come bearing soup.
Which you already seem to have.
- Chicken noodle? - Yep.
I'll bet he didn't bring bagel chips.
Of course I did.
My two favorite guys.
Oh, Celebrity Throwdown.
Hey, Honey.
I brought you Oh, chicken noodle? - Yup.
- Yup.
Well, I guess I'll give this to my driver.
He's coming down with something.
How's Stephen? Well, his fever has broken so he remembers what year it is again.
He'll be in on Monday.
Did that girl's top just come off? - Yup.
- Yup.
What is this filth? Dad, it's just a reality show.
Honey, you shouldn't even be out here.
Go on into bed.
I'll bring you some tea.
Go ahead.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Not too close, sweetheart.
Scott hit that "rewind" a second.

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