Cracked s01e04 Episode Script

White Knight

Previously on Cracked The past year, you've been involved in two fatal shootings.
But SIU deemed both shootings clean and justified.
It's been two weeks.
You move out, you don't say anything.
All those times you were staring off into space, and then you'd make a joke and that would be the end.
Listen to me! Look at me! The question you need to ask yourself is: are you still doing your job well? You'll keep me in the loop about Aidan's behaviour.
- Do you trust her? - Yeah, I do.
Where are ya? Hello? Somebody back there? Hello? Ah! Twenty-four-year-old male, homeless, stumbled out on the sidewalk, visible wounds on his face, arms, and neck.
Good Samaritan called it in.
Questionably good Samaritan.
Took 50 minutes from the time he collapsed to the time help arrived.
What happened exactly? Why'd you call Psych Crimes? He says he was attacked by a werewolf.
Hey, he hasn't been transferred to hospital yet; you can ask him yourself.
Thanks, could you give us a minute, please? Hi, I'm Dr.
This is Detective Black.
- What's your name? - Jeremy.
Jeremy, we just want to ask you a few questions, try to understand what happened to you, ok? Well, I was coming down this alley here.
- I was looking for pikons.
- Pikons? Flesh-eating bugs.
They live underground.
Anyway, he was watching me from behind that dumpster right there.
It growled, and then when I tried to get away, he wouldn't let me.
Jeremy, would you mind if I took a closer look? I'd like to see if there are any other wounds that need stitching.
Bite marks.
Not just human.
- Definitely part animal as well.
- Are you on medication, Jeremy? Used to be, but I I don't need it anymore.
Ok, I'm going to get that paramedic to take you - to the hospital.
Is that ok? - Yeah.
And if you remember anything about what happened today, you give me a call.
Guess I shoulda brought my silver bullets today.
There's this thing called clinical lycanthropy, where someone is under the delusion that they're wolf.
Yeah, but in this case it's Jeremy perceiving someone else is a wolf.
Of course, he's also talking about hunting killer bugs.
Ah! Stay back! Call it in! Police! Drop the weapon!! Put it down, buddy! Do it now! Get off the car, get down on the ground! Aidan.
Papa Charlie One, do you have an updated location? Ne negative.
Negative, he's on the run.
Aidan, wh - Are you ok? - Who's the vic? Niall Freeland, age 35.
Coroner said he died immediately: penetrating head injury.
Aidan, I All right, we need to secure a five-block radius, maybe 10 blocks.
All area schools need to be in lockdown.
Tell the media all the people need to be in lockdown, all right? Go! Go, boys! Yeah.
Detective? Thank you.
Thank you.
Ok, it's ok, it's ok.
It's ok.
We're working on a sketch of the suspect, so until we get that, we're coordinating grid sweeps here - and here, here - Liz.
What are you doing here? - Uh, we are just getting started.
- Started, as in ? - Inspector Caligra asked me to step in.
- Why? You'll have to ask her.
So, what do we know about him, this, uh, werewolf guy? He appears to be suffering from some sort acute psychosis, - possibly drug-induced.
- PCP? Not so common anymore.
These days, it's mostly speed, crack cocaine, LSD, and, believe it or not, weed.
So basically anyone under the age of 70.
Well, we know one thing: he's escalating.
First assault, then murder.
The two attacks appear totally random, so we can't anticipate where he's gonna go or what he's gonna do next.
What we can do is work the other way: backwards.
His behaviour would've ramped him up to the first attack.
Maybe someone called in an earlier incident.
We'll check with Dispatch.
Foot patrol's canvassing the neighbourhood.
I'll get someone to inform the victim's next of kin.
Do I have to worry about you? Why? 'Cause I'm suddenly working side by side with my ex, the woman who took my heart, tore it in half, and fed it to a pack of wolverines? Actually, I was talking about what happened today out on the street.
I'm fine.
'Cause our witness, Erin Laswell, is here.
It all happened so fast.
He just he just came out of nowhere, just started hitting the car with that pipe.
Niall got out to try to stop him, and the guy just started and I just sat there, did absolutely nothing.
No, you did what you had to do to survive.
Self-preservation is our strongest instinct.
We're wired that way for a reason.
Can you tell me anything else about his behaviour? Did Niall provoke him? No, we were just sitting there.
The two of you work together, is that right? Yeah, we're real estate agents.
He's my boss.
We were on our way to see a development together.
Erin, you might want to call a friend.
It's difficult to be alone after a traumatic event.
Thank God you came when you did.
We'll get someone to drive you home.
Why did you assign Detective Liette to our case? I read the scene report.
Detective Black had his weapon trained on a suspect.
And then the suspect ran away.
Maybe you'd like to shed some light on that for me.
Something happened with Aidan.
I don't know where his mind went, but he was gone for several seconds long enough to let the suspect get away.
It looked like post-traumatic stress.
This is serious.
What do you want to do? For the moment, nothing.
He's beating himself up pretty hard already.
All the more reason to let Detective Liette step in.
It might make things worse.
I know Aidan, and he is not gonna let his relationship with Detective Liette interfere with his job as much as he might complain otherwise.
We gotta go.
The first two attacks were random, but now the guy enters - someone's residence? - Horse before the cart, Ridley.
Let's find out if this is even the same guy.
Miss Laswell? It was him.
He tried to break into my house.
He had a knife.
Same guy.
I was in the kitchen making dinner, and I heard a smash, and then I came out, and he he was reaching inside, trying to unlock the door, so I just grabbed scissors and started stabbing at his hand.
Are you sure it was the man from this morning? Yeah.
It's a miracle he didn't make it in.
- The lock's an easy reach.
- Any sign of the crowbar? No, uniforms are searching the area.
And Forensics is collecting samples of the blood in case there's a match.
It doesn't add up.
I saw this guy this morning; he was totally out of control.
- This this took planning.
- Yeah.
Maybe he sobered up? - But why is he going after her? - There must be some connection to her we're missing.
She swears she doesn't know him.
Maybe her boss did.
We never got the chance to ask him.
Poppy and Leo haven't come up with anything.
Well, tell 'em to keep looking.
There's gotta be something.
This feels good you and me, doing this.
Have dinner with me.
Why would I do that? So we can talk.
You don't talk.
Aidan, Miss Laswell would like to go to a hotel.
Yeah, yeah, I'll take her.
I appreciate you driving me.
- Well, here's what I've figured out so far: stage one: bad things happen to people; stage two: meh, it's a little blurry right now; stage three is: people get on with living their lives.
Does that help? You're not a typical cop, are you? I dated one once.
Made me feel two inches tall.
Well, I'm guessing "two inches" was a reoccurring theme in his life.
Are you an Aries? Yeah, Aries.
Courageous, impulsive, don't like to be told what to do.
Not a good sign for a cop, then.
Well, it seems to be working ok for you.
Hey, you ok? Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how far I can get on the hotel minibar tonight.
Not very.
Can we go somewhere? I just don't really want to sit by myself all night in a hotel room thinking about Uh, well, it's not that I don't want to, it's just there's a little thing called "protocol" they take pretty seriously upstairs.
It's all right.
Courageous, impulsive, right? Well, no, not only did he leave me stranded in Bermuda, but I I then had to return his rental car with a crate full of marlin in the trunk.
Yeah, it was great.
So, what about you? Single? Taken? Searching? Searching? Yeah not so much.
I give you Bermuda, and you give me "not so much"? Come on.
- I should probably go.
- When did you guys break up? Um a couple months ago.
Was it the detective you were with today at my house? You know, I I'm gonna go.
Um, but let me get this.
Aidan, I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to pry; I just I just didn't want to talk about today anymore.
I, um, I'm gonna call my own cab.
Look, hey, um, no harm done, all right? Get a good night's sleep, and we'll touch base with you tomorrow, all right? Ok.
Good night.
Good night.
cabbie named Daniel Wong around 3am the night of the initial attacks.
We pulled the images from the in-car camera.
It was configured to take pictures every 10 seconds.
Check it out.
- That's him.
- Nice suit.
Werewolf's got money.
We're downloading the cab's GPS data to cross-reference the location.
Wait, wait, hold on.
Just go back a few.
Isn't that the library at the bottom of Bathurst St.
? - Nice one.
- All right, let's get on the phone to Field Command.
- Let's move the search.
- I'll catch up with you later.
- Sean, what's going on? - A homeless man with paranoid schizophrenia turns up with your card, I figure I should - give you a text.
- "Come to St.
Stephen's ASAP"? I was in the middle of something.
I met him this morning.
He was the victim of a violent crime.
- So he said.
- What does he want? He's suffering some anxiety, tremors, pronounced hallucinations.
Whatever happened to him, it was traumatic.
He's asked to be committed.
Good, 'cause he's off his meds; he could use some help.
We're full overcapacity, in fact.
The guy's scared and just needs a safe place to sleep.
- Can you bend the rules? - We'll find him a bed.
Whoa! Who the hell would throw this out? You play? No, but I always wanted to.
Man, I'm keeping this.
You feel comfortable putting your lips on that? Do you? Oh, man, I'm gonna clean it out first! - Ok.
- What? Well, you never know what some homeless guy might have deposited in the end there.
- Awww! - Detective Black, look at this.
That's his, that's the one he wore in the cab.
Wallet's gone.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Check this out.
Kenneth Hobart.
Financial Analyst.
Police! Search warrant! All clear.
He's not here.
He hasn't been for two days.
I'm glad you called.
So, you said there was an update in the case? Yeah, I got a name of a guy.
Maybe you recognize him.
It's Kenneth Hobart.
He's a financial guy, works for Anderson and Roche.
No, I don't know him.
What's going on? Come on, tell me.
Look, I will sit here and not say a word, ok? You speak, I will just be here to listen for you.
I had a bad day.
Let's go.
I can't see anything.
Nothing? Nothing.
Well, your fingers don't quite block out all the light, but - What is this place? - I sold a suite to a client upstairs.
Kept the key.
Uh I isn't this against, like, realtor code or something? Uh-huh.
Come in.
It's warm.
- Comin' in! - Ok.
I'm comin'! It feels good, right? Come here.
Uh - Hold on.
- What? This is really nice, but let's let's not do this.
I don't understand.
Yeah, I I want to, but, uh let's just not.
I'm gonna Hey.
I'm sorry.
I think I've just been so mixed up with what happened.
I keep seeing him, I keep seeing it.
But I'm so focused on myself It's not that.
Aidan, come on.
You were you were there.
I saw you.
You were standing there with your gun out.
Something happened to you.
I shot someone six months ago.
There was this guy.
Um, he'd taken some hostages.
I just, I I didn't get the result that I was hoping for.
Yeah, I, uh I need to go home.
You work with Kenneth Hobart? Like I said, he's in my unit.
When was the last time you saw him? Three nights ago.
Ken got a promotion to managing director, - and we went for drinks.
- Just drinks? Well, until Ken decided he wanted to get crazy.
He went looking for some blow and came back a few minutes later.
With? All right, look, I just want to make it clear that I had nothing to do with buying the stuff, - and I didn't take it either.
- What was in the bag? And I'm damn glad I didn't, 'cause Ken went nuts yelling - at people, growling - Hey.
What exactly was in the bag? Bath salts.
- Bath salts? - It tracks.
Paranoia, delusion, violent behaviour.
Not to mention - elevated body temperature.
- Explains - why he tore off his clothes.
- They're selling this crap in clubs? I got a buddy works night shift over at East General.
Says guys come in so hopped up, they gotta give 'em a general anaesthetic.
So what does this mean for us? Well, depending on how much Hobart took, he could still be - high right now.
- Two days later? The psychoactive stimulant makes it impossible to sleep.
It compounds the effects of paranoia and delusions.
Aidan? Hi, can I come in? Hey.
Uh, what's going on? Oh, I just wanted to come say hi.
Brought you cupcakes.
Red velvet.
Um can we just maybe go out here and talk for a second? - Ok.
- Yeah.
Erin, wh what are you doing? What do you mean? You can't just show up at my work like this.
Ok, I get it.
You haven't told them yet about us, huh? Ok, you need to go.
Cluck like a chicken in the deli-mart hey, make any animal sound you want.
But when it comes to the work She's one of Hobart's victims.
She's feeling grateful.
- She brought me some cupcakes.
- I don't care.
There's a killer out there.
I need your head in the game.
Go home, get some rest, come back tomorrow, and find this guy.
Cluck, cluck.
I'm just testing.
Ok, man, thanks.
Well, 48 Division picked up somebody matching Hobart's description outside a liquor store near the Beach, but turns out it wasn't him.
Where you been? - What's this? - Read it.
Restraining orders against Erin.
Three different men, dating back six years.
- You searched her court records.
- Erin lied to us.
I spoke to Niall Freeland's wife.
Erin and Niall were having an affair.
That's why they were in the car together.
Aidan, I think this woman has an unhealthy obsession.
She may be fixated on you You have to make it clear to her her behaviour is inappropriate.
And even then it may not be enough.
This thing could get messy real fast - Ok, ok, Daniella! I get it.
I hear you.
- Ok.
All right, um I'll deal with it.
Hey, there you are.
Welcome home.
What are you doing here? I thought I'd come visit you at home in private so you don't get in trouble again at work.
Sit down, relax.
I'm making dinner.
My famous lasagne.
How'd you get in? How'd you get my address? I asked the super to let me in for a surprise.
And besides, you gave it to me, silly.
No, I didn't.
You want beer, or wine? I have both.
You need to leave, Erin.
What is going on with you? You're acting so weird.
There's nothing going on between us.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood that.
Don't you want to eat? You need to get your lasagne, and get the hell out of here right now.
Get out!! I'm gonna leave.
Sorry you had such a bad day.
Detective Liette just called.
Uniformed patrol picked up a witness who says she saw Hobart hanging around here three days ago around lunchtime.
Said he was bleeding.
She didn't make the connection until now.
That's not far from the car attack.
And if he was injured, then he could still be there.
Let's go.
All right, we'll search and canvass.
Why don't you guys take down here? You two, down here.
Let's check out this alley.
We've got blood here.
In here.
We got him! He was completely dehydrated in addition to his other injuries.
I gave him 20 diazepam.
Now we're pushing fluids into him.
- Can he talk? - He should be lucid by now, yeah.
I'm Dr.
Do you know where you are? What have I done? What have I done? Where's Detective Liette? She went to go tell Erin we caught Hobart.
Why? Forensics report on the blood from the attack at Erin's apartment.
We'll be in touch to coordinate transport when he's cleared medically.
Daniella, before you go, - I just wanted to say - Detective Black.
I haven't always been supportive about this notion you have about blending psychiatry - and police work.
- Sean, you don't But I was wrong.
You're doing very valuable work, and I hate it because it means that you're not coming back.
We got a problem.
The blood at Erin's house is hers.
Well, yeah, she cut her hand.
No, no, all the blood outside the door, on the lock, on the railing.
She faked the break-in.
Hobart was never there.
Liette's on her way over there to tell her we got him.
No, no, bad idea.
If Liette tells her we've concluded the case, it'll shatter her delusion.
I don't know how she'll react.
We just thought you should know he's safely in custody.
Excuse me.
- What's up? - Are you there with Erin now? - Yeah, she's right here.
- Is that Aidan? - You tell her about Hobart yet? - Here, I just need to talk to him for a second.
I'll be right with you, ok? Aidan, what's this about? You need to get out of there right now.
I know what you're doing.
You're trying to keep them from me.
- Ugh! - Liette? Liette! Aidan? Erin, what's going on? Put Detective Liette back on the phone right now.
- No.
- Why not, Erin? Because she wouldn't let you talk to me.
What's the immediate action plan? There's no update on Liette's status.
We're gonna go in hard - in three minutes unless we establish contact.
- Let me take a crack at it.
- I know this woman.
- You got three minutes.
Keep an open channel on your radio.
And get us some eyes in there if you can.
Aidan, what's your plan? I don't know.
Ok, just remember, if you're going to lie, make sure it comes from an honest place.
Erin, it's Aidan.
Can we talk? Why are you wearing a vest? Is Detective Liette ok? I need to see her.
What's happening? - Erin, I want you to let her go.
- Why? She's trying to keep me from you.
She's got nothing to do with you and me.
Why do you care so much about her? You are supposed to care about me.
Listen, I do care about you.
Just just let me in and I'll show you.
- What the hell is he doing? - He's playing into her delusion.
Erin, I couldn't say this before, but everything's changed now.
Please, just just let me in.
Leave the gun out there.
Come in.
Close the door.
Sit down.
Guys, we got eyes in.
Alpha team, stand by.
Rest of you, over here! Here it is.
Open concept, main floor, with stairs towards the back of the residence.
Alternate exit.
What'd you want to talk to me about? You know, I've been thinking about you non-stop since you left.
I don't know why I wasn't able to be honest before.
I just too wrapped up in my own shit.
I know you were doing your best, and I, I drove you away.
And you didn't deserve that.
I'm sorry.
It's ok.
Look, Erin you and I know each other really well, and I know that you are not a killer.
So why don't you put that gun down? You and I, we're gonna walk out of here together.
What about the police? I'll tell 'em to stand down, and they will.
They won't hurt us.
- But what about her? - She's not going to stand in our way.
She knows how I feel.
Erin, hey, hey, no, no, no.
No, Erin, Erin, just Erin, look at me.
Erin, right here, look at me, look at me.
Just stay with me, ok? Come here.
Just please, just just come here.
I want you.
Just come here.
Yeah, yeah.
Just come.
Yeah, that's good.
That's good.
I got you, I got you.
Yeah, I got you.
I got you.
I got you.
No, no.
I got you.
- I got you.
- Wait.
- Wait! Let go of me! - It's ok.
- Let go of me! - I got you.
- No! - It's ok.
Whew Loneliness, fear of abandonment, poor self-esteem.
The attack with Niall was her world exploding.
That's what trauma does: opens up the doors for whatever's trying to get through.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm sorry I didn't call first.
Can I come in? Of course, yeah.
How's your head? Apart from a few stitches, it's fine.
Can I get you something? A beer, or I'm on concussion watch.
But, yeah, yeah, please.
I'm look, I'm sorry about the last couple days.
That's ok.
We were all a little on edge.
And then today, and what you did, and what you said Look, I I I didn't
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