Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

The Final Book

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
All right, I read it!
She read it!
All right!
Let us run fast.
There it is --
the library.
We made it
with three days to spare.
Three days?
Wait. Why did we run so fast
if the book ain't due yet?
Because I have to know
what happens next
to Ythrith of Scriggth,
the Dragonmancer!
I've read 16 books,
only one more to go.
Will he be able to save
the realm of Scriggth?
Will he find his mother
who abandoned him
in the nest of a dragon?
Will there ever be
a character named Kelsey?
There is
in my book. Wink!
Only one more book,
and I will find out.
[ Grunting ]
Ah! Onwards!
"The Smarty Boys and the Case
of the Missing Cardigan".
Oh, boy. What a scary
thing to lose.
Chapter one --
"It was a chilly day."
Oh, no!
It has to be here!
Where is it?!
The final book --
It's not here.
I-It's okay. Let's just
ask the librarian.
So, the book's
been checked out.
Yeah, we know Harold.
When is it supposed
to be returned?
It should have been
back two weeks ago.
I'm afraid it's
So, would you like me
to put you on the wait list?
I demand to know
who checked it out!
Sorry, that would be
a violation
of librarian-reader
He's not worth it.
I need to know
how it ends.
I've spent years
reading these books.
I need to know what happens
to Ythrith and Scriggth.
I need to know
who has that book!
It's a mystery,
just like the Smarty Boys!
And if skimming through
the first chapter of this book
has taught me anything,
it's that kids
can solve mysteries
much better
than the police.
Let's do it
So, what do we do first?
We need to see
if there are any witnesses --
someone who would have seen
the culprit take the book.
[ Gasps ]
I know who we should talk to.
Got your book report --
1,250 words, single-spaced.
It was actually
a pretty interesting read.
I think using
the dog as a --
Hey, if I wanted
to read the book,
I would've
watched the movie.
[ Grumbles ]
Psst! Stacks!
Kelsey![ All groan ]
Come on back.
It's good
to see you, Kels.
How mances the dragon
with you?
With honor and fire,
as she does with you.
So what did you think
about book 16?
When Ythrith found out he was
the heir to Scandarmith,
I got goose bumps!
All those years
living in --
I think they're the only
two kids who read these books.
I have to know
what happens next,
but the final book
is missing!
Oh, no. Geez, that's --
that's terrible,
but you know
we're in the midst
of a Y.A. fantasy boom
right now.
You could always read
"The Trials of Trebulon."
You know
I don't do sci-fi.
I need to know
what happens to Ythrith.
Do you know
who checked it out?
Two months ago,
I was writing a book report
for a middle schooler
about some kids
who live on a train.
I remember seeing
this suspicious kid
in the Young Adults
right next to
the "Dragonmancer" books.
They had a red
turtle-shell backpack.
I bet they're the one
with the final book.
Our first clue!
All we got to do is find
that backpack, find that book,
and get Kelsey
the emotional closure she needs.
I got my trusty
binoculars to help.
Red turtle-shell
Red turtle-shell backpack?!
Red turtle-shell back--
Oh, it's just red.[ Galloping ]
[ All saying "neigh" ]
I mean, neigh.
What are you doing?
Don't you know the meadow
is only for horses?
I was just looking for
a red turtle-shell backpack!
A turtle?
Turtles are gross!
Horses are the best!
I love horses!
Horses don't scream.
This is not
a turtle backpack.
It's a saddlebag
from France.
My dad bought it from
a French horse named Croissant.
Uh, well, do you happen to read
the "Dragonmancer" books?
Those books are
for indoor kids, Craig.
H-O-R-S-E-S -- Horses!
We are into horses!
Why do you think we're out here
eating sugar cubes,
galloping around?
[ Gasps ] Our jump!
I'm going to buck him.
I'm going to buck
the heck out of him!
Is this the end
for Craigy Boy?
Hold your horses!
Craig, are you okay?
And don't use library property
as a shield.
Do you need a ride
into some battle?
No. My quest today is
for a tome concealed
in a red turtle-
shell backpack.
[ Neighs ]
I think one of the ninja kids
has a backpack like that.
They hang out
by the waterfall.
Ah, thank you!
Here -- Apple for your troubles?
have you seen Craig?
Hey, girl. You got
an apple in your mouth.
The backpack we seek
may be at the waterfall.
[ All neighing ]
Hey, uh, you guys
like basketball?
There's a basketball game
named "horse."
[ Gasps ]
[ Ribbiting ]
All right, Turtle. Where'd you
hide your backpack?
What business have you
in the ninja garden?
Is thata red
turtle-shell backpack?
Ha! I can see how a fool
like you might think that,
but this backpack is a replica
of the impenetrable hide
of the famous
Japanese monster,
the king of the Kaiju!
Well, do you have a very overdue
"Dragonmancer" book in there?
How dare you suggest
I read high fantasy!
My backpack contains
imported manga
you couldn't even dream
of finding at your dumb library.
Can I see?
Let me see
or taste my blade.
She let her hair down.
If you were looking for trouble,
you found it.
I'm not looking for trouble.
I'm looking for my book!
UhI don't think the
Smarty Boys ever fought a ninja.
If it's a battle you seek,
it's a battle you'll get.
Oh, geez.
Are you okay?
Please stop.
You've caused enough pain
in the ninja garden.
Let's just hope you haven't
damaged her importedmanga?
"The Complete
Justice Bro"?
You've been reading
Western superhero comics?
[ Sighs ]
Why can't we find this kid?
I don't know.
According to
the Smarty Boys,
we should be chasing
down the culprit
in our dad's convertible
by now.
You know what? These books
aren't very relatable.
We don't even have
a culprit!
Guys, I think that was
a red turtle-shell backpack.
Get her!
Hey, kid! Do you
frequent the library?!
We can cut her off!
Coming through!
Ugh. I think I broke
my binoculars back there.
It's just a book report
about kids living on a train.
I don't know
what it's about, okay?!
I got some kid at the library
to write it for me!
Here you go.
There goes the red turtle-shell
backpack and all hope.
That was it, but the book
wasn't there like Stacks said.
My only chance to know
how the series ends now
is if they make a movie
out of the books,
and even then I won't be able
to see the movies
until I'm 18
because they're bound to be
too violent for kids!
Yeah. Everything's
too violent for kids.
Smarty Boys?
Those books are
so juvenile.
The culprit is always
the first person they meet.
There's no way it was
the guy at the malt shop!
It was the guy
at the malt shop!
What's a malt?
It's always
the first person we meet.
Now let's go get a malt
on Daddy's dime.
Always the first person
we meet.
I got some kid at the library
to write it for me.
Those books are
for indoor kids, Craig.
I think they're the only
two kids who read these books.
You read
manga backwards!
Could it be?
We solved
the mystery, Stacks.
We know you have
the book, Stacks.
I -- I don't know
what you're talking about.
You have "Y-Youthra."
Yathra?"Ytthrith Of Scriggth."
Yeah, that book.
You must be mistaken.
I would never detain a
library book past its due date.
You have the book, but
you didn't want us to find out,
so you pinned it
on someone else,
one of the kids
you gave book reports to.
What would be the harm?
They don't need
the library like you.
All they need is
a passing grade.
They don't care
about story.
They don't care about
literary symbolism!
They don't
respect books!
respects books!
Nobody except you,
Tell me it's not true.
[ Sighs ]
It was under our noses
and her butt the entire time!
But why?
Why did you do it?
I was worried
once you finished the series,
I'd have nobody else
to talk to about books.
Nobody else talks
to me about books,
unless they want me
to do a report for them.
I'm sorry, Kelsey.
What was the name
of that other series?
of Trebulon"?
Maybe I'll check it out
next time.
I'll let you know
what I think.
Well, you did it again,
Smarty Boys!
Case Closed!
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
at the creek ♪
Just like I drew it.
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