Crazy Delicious (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Bananas, Pizza and a BBQ

[birds chirping, chimes tinkling]
[chimes tinkle]
[birds and bugs chirping]
I love fruit and veg
as much as the next person,
but sometimes
you just gotta treat yourself.
[dramatic music playing]
[woman] Welcome
to our magical edible world.
I'm Jayde Adams,
and this is the show
where creative home cooks battle it out
to make the most insanely delicious
dishes possible.
[dramatic music continues to play]
All to impress our revered gods of food.
Soul food sensation Carla Hall.
British gourmet magician
Heston Blumenthal.
And Swedish god of fire Niklas Ekstedt.
They've challenged Adam,
Hannah and Hardeep
to surprise us with strawberries,
reimagine the hot dog,
and create birthday party feasts
fit for the gods.
The most ambitious cook
will win the Golden Apple.
This isspan style="style2" Crazy Delicious.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Three experimental cooks are here
span style="style2"to create magical dishes.
I'm a full-time youth worker,
and I use cooking all the time in my job
to engage with young people,
to inspire them.
I prefer cooking with fire
than any other method
because the smoke and char
brings you another element
that you don't get in a kitchen.
It is delicious, obviously, always.
A little bit crazy sometimes,
it's not fine dining.
It's not pretty.
It's about being bold, and dirty.
[Hannah] My food is a little bit different
because I like to use
foraged, wild ingredients.
There are just so many
unusual ingredients out there,
um that people aren't aware of.
So, I want to hopefully give the gods
something they might not
have even tried before.
[Hardeep] I've been cooking for, I'd say,
probably most of my life,
um but I got into it because my mum,
she used to bake
and then I baked with her. 
So, the things I make
are really experimental.
I love playing with flavors and
making things that are interesting
to look at as well as eat.
I'm a very nervous person.
I get scared of loud noises,
that kind of thing, so
this will be different for me.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks will compete
span style="style2"over three rounds.
The first is all about making
one ingredient the star.
[chimes tinkling]
[drum roll and harp play]
[Jayde] Welcome to my enchanted garden.
For their first course,
the gods have chosen a summer fruit
we all know and love.
The strawberry.
And they want you to turn them
into something sensational.
They're growing around you,
and they're ripe for picking,
so go forth and forage.
-[Hannah] There's lots here.
-[Hardeep] Yeah
[Jayde] span style="style2"The garden is bursting
span style="style2"with strawberries
and every other ingredient
the cooks could possibly need.
Tastes like lemonade.
-It does a bit.
-It's all right.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The challenge now is to make
span style="style2"their strawberry dishes sing.
[Heston] All the things that are
quintessentially British summertime
are encapsulated in this beautiful,
little, scarlet, studded fruit.
[Niklas] Something I love to do
with strawberries are the unripe ones
-[Carla] Uh-huh.
-When they're hard,
-and thinly slice them
-Oh, yes.
-and put salt and vinegar on them,
and toss them into a salad.
[Carla] Strawberries also go really well
with other herbs.
You know, thyme, basil, tarragon.
-Black pepper.
-There's no end to the possibility.
I think it's safe to say
that we're all fans of strawberries.
Yes! We have that in common.
We're not going to fight about this.
-Have you all got your ingredients?
-We do.
You now have two hours
to turn them into a belter of a dish.
Your time starts
-Good luck, guys.
-[Hannah] Good luck.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The final strawberry dishes
span style="style2"must wow the food gods,
as one cook will win a bonus ten minutes
for their next dish.
I'm making strawberry cheesecake
buffalo wings today.
I think that the dish,
it tastes quite savory,
but still very much
like a strawberry cheesecake.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Adam's chicken wings will be
span style="style2"coated in a spicy strawberry sauce,
and served with pink pickled fries
and a blue cheese dip.
My dad's a really, really good cook.
He was doing the same job
as I do now as a youth worker,
so he was working a lot of evenings.
And I was getting hungry
before he was getting home from work,
so I'd start experimenting in the kitchen
and it's gone from there, really.
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, thank you.
-Come with me.
-How are you?
-Heston, how's it going?
-How are you?
-I'm all right.
-Tell me about your dish.
So, I'm making some
strawberry cheesecake buffalo wings.
They will have, like,
a sweet strawberry spicy sauce.
-Is this the basis of the sauce?
I'm going to bring it down to the point
where it starts to get silky.
And then lots of butter in the end.
And then toss the wings, which will be
coated in digestive biscuits.
-Like a cheesecake.
-So, that's the cheesecake?
-Is that beetroot?
-[Adam] It is.
I've just drained some beetroot vinegar
into here.
I'm gonna blanch these fries in it
and make some pink pickled fries.
Oh, that's a cool idea.
If you pull this off,
it could be a cracker.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Also trying to make her 
span style="style2"strawberries stand out is Hannah.
It's the star ingredient,
so the strawberry's got to be celebrated.
I love foraging for food to incorporate
into my dishes
and bring some unusual flavors,
so this is amazing,
there's so much to choose from.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's making
span style="style2"a multi-layered trifle,
pairing strawberries with foraged herbs,
rose jelly and a hay span style="style1"crème pat.
I fell in love with cooking
by making desserts.
And my mom often made a trifle at home,
which I really loved.
I thought I could do lots of
different layers with interesting flavors.
What's in your pan?
So, I've just infused some milk with hay,
-which has some marigold through it
-Oh, hay!
-to make a span style="style2"crème patisserie.
-I so love that smell.
A long time ago, people used hay more
in cooking, then it fell out of favor.
It's becoming more popular, I'd say.
You can see why.
It's just got a wonderful smell to it.
-Do you have any concerns?
-is probably one!
-Okay, in which case,
I'd better shut my big mouth up.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Hannah whisks up
span style="style2"her hay-infused crème pat,
Hardeep is using his strawberries
to update a British classic.
So, I'm making an Eton Mess egg.
Just wanted to put a bit of a twist on it.
It's really chocolate.
It's got quite a tangy flavor to it.
Also, you get the strawberry flavor.
[Jayde] span style="style2"He's making a giant chocolate egg,
surrounded by chocolate shards
and filled with strawberry
Eton Mess delights.
-An Eton Mess egg?
And filled with a strawberry
and basil mousse.
I'm adding gelatin and some citric acid.
I like the fact
that you're adding citric acid.
-People think if you want to put acidity
in something, put lemon juice,
the problem with lemon juice
is it brings with it
a really strong flavor.
Are you comfortable with your timings?
I'm a little bit uncomfortable
'cause this is taking
a long time to temper,
but I should be able to do it.
[whimsical music playing]
The tempering process makes the chocolate
go nice and shiny and crisp.
If he doesn't temper
the chocolate sufficiently,
it could stick to the mold.
That's a big potential problem for him.
[Hannah] I've just put some green
food coloring into the span style="style2"crème pat
just to give it
a really lovely, vibrant color.
I love what Hannah's doing.
I love that she's using hay.
She's doing over half a dozen
different strawberry recipes.
If it doesn't showcase the strawberry,
then she's done something really wrong.
Adam, one of my biggest concerns
is the strawberry
has to be the star of the show.
Other than him boiling some down
with some vinegar in a pan,
I've not yet seen and can't yet imagine
how he's going to get the strawberry
to shine enough.
[imitates announcer on PA] Ding-dong!
Will all remaining contestants please note
you have one hour to go
until the store closes. Thank you.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hannah and Hardeep have an array
of strawberry jams, jellies,
and mousses on the go.
So, I've got some basil
going into the mousse
that's gonna kind of act
like a seasoning, basically.
It brings out the flavor
of the strawberry.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Adam is gambling it all
span style="style2"on his strawberry chili sauce.
Happy with that.
[Jayde] span style="style2"He's blanched his fries
span style="style2"in beetroot vinegar.
[Adam] I'm happy with the color.
You know, they're nice and pink,
strawberryesque chips.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Adding the vinegar
span style="style2"before triple cooking
will ensure they won't lose
their crispiness
and will hold on
to that sharp vinegar bite.
Serving chicken and chips
to food gods is
It's bold move, but at the end of the day,
it's the kind of food I wanna eat.
We'll see. Who doesn't like
chicken and chips?
I'm making an olive oil
Genovese sponge to go at the bottom,
which is gonna be soaked
with strawberry liqueur.
I think I might have to make that again.
It's not right.
I've taken it down as far as it will go
without me losing time,
so I'm just gonna go for it
and hope for the best.
I've never used ruby chocolate before.
I'm feeling really quite nervous
about this.
I hope it works out.
[ethereal music playing]
Thirty minutes to go, guys.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm gonna start to coat these wings now
in the digestive base.
I am starting to layer up the trifle,
so I'm adding the sponge layer.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hannah has roasted
span style="style2"some strawberries with thyme
to intensify the flavors.
[Hannah] I'm happy with these
strawberries. They're just cooked,
but still holding their shape,
which is really good.
[Hardeep] They're set, but
I won't know if it's worked
until I try and take them out.
How you doing, Hardeep?
[exhales deeply] Not great.
I don't think the egg's gonna come out
of the mold.
-[Jayde] At all?
-At all, yeah.
I'm gonna have to think of something else.
But the thing that you'll do now
is problem-solve.
-Yeah. Okay.
-[Jayde] Be positive.
I'll go grab something.
-[Adam] Fried chicken.
-I love fried chicken.
-That's almost flirting.
-[Adam laughs]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Luckily, Hardeep still has his
span style="style2"decorative chocolate shards to play with.
Kind of go in on the, kind of like,
Eton Mess side of it,
and make a mess, but a nice mess.
Two minutes to go.
[whimsical music playing]
The assembly is already underway.
The jelly is set.
It's not looking good to be honest.
I'm happy with the strawberry sauce,
so fingers crossed.
I've got some meringues
that I'm just adding.
-Anything you've forgotten, Hardeep?
-Just the egg. [chuckles] 
[dramatic music intensifies]
[Jayde] Time's up!
Step away from your strawberries.
Well done.
It looks like an absolute mess.
[whimsical music playing]
What is this, span style="style2"Game of Thrones?
We're better than that.
The gods must now decide
which cook has created
a truly original dish
using strawberries as the main ingredient.
[Hardeep] Good luck, Hannah.
[Jayde] span style="style2"First up is Hannah.
She's worked strawberries
into each layer of her dish
and paired it with the delicate flavors
of thyme and hay.
-[Carla gasps]
[Heston] That's a pretty picture.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Carla] Wow!
The hay and the thyme
kind of make this.
And you taste the fermented strawberry
with the thyme and the cream. Boom.
[nervously laughs]
Also, the saying
"What grows together, goes together,"
you're giving us that aspect as well,
which is really interesting and beautiful.
[Heston] To me, this feels like
what you'd imagine a trifle to be,
-but on a bit of steroids.
-[Heston] Hannah.
-[Hannah] Thank you so much.
-[Adam] Good?
-Yeah, it was good.
Yeah. They really liked the flavor.
Just gotta keep up the work now.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde]span style="style2" Next up is Adam.
The only cook going savory.
He's made strawberry cheesecake
chicken wings
and pink chips infused with vinegar.
-Shall we?
-Let's try it.
[suspenseful music playing]
I like the wings.
I could do with a bit more of a kick.
A bit more heat, you know,
like peppery, slightly chili heat.
I'm not really getting
the showcasing of the strawberries.
I I can't taste
the strawberries either.
You took the idea of chips and vinegar
and infused a vinegar into the fries.
Not only does the beetroot give the color,
but you're getting all of that acid
that cuts through the fat of the fries,
which is so smart.
Triple cooked chips, I think 1993
is when I developed that process.
-And this is the first time since then,
I think I've seen somebody doing triple
cooked chips with some vinegar inside,
and so I thought,
"Now, why didn't I think of that?"
I think that's a great idea.
Thank you very much. I'll take that.
Some good feedback
and some things to improve on.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last to face
span style="style2"the food gods is Hardeep.
He may be missing the egg,
but he's serving chocolate shards
feuilletine bites,
strawberry and basil mousse,
and strawberry and tarragon jam.
[Carla] Wow!
So, what is this?
What happened with your?
'Cause I saw your egg mold.
-Did the chocolate not Did it stick?
-It wouldn't come out.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Niklas] The strawberry flavor
is really there.
Strawberry and tarragon works great.
There's too much chocolate.
I'd like to see more
of the strawberry and tarragon.
But from an appearance point of view,
you've turned a problem into a solution.
You're giving us
all these different textures here.
It's perfect.
A chocolate egg,
I've seen a million times.
This thing, I've never seen.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
I thought they'd rip me to pieces,
but it was fine.
I'm disappointed the egg didn't come out.
I just know I can do better
than what I did.
I haven't shown my best to the gods yet.
I think I'm gonna work pretty hard
to stay in.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With two rounds to go,
span style="style2"the gods must decide
which cook deserves to win
the crucial ten extra minutes cooking time
for their next course.
We have to award one of the cooks
with the extra ten minutes.
-I know who.
-Me, too.
-I think I know who.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
-Well done, guys.
-Thank you.
The gods loved your strawberries.
But the dish that sweetened them up
the most was
Congratulations, you have
an extra ten minutes for your next dish.
Thank you.
[Jayde] For their second course,
the gods would like you to reinvent
a fast-food favorite: the hot dog.
Whoever fails to impress
-will be sent home by the gods.
Go forth and forage.
-Good luck, guys.
-Yeah, good luck.
Good luck finding a sausage bush
in here, more like.
[chimes tinkle]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The second round is all about
span style="style2"reinventing a household favorite.
The cooks must turn an ordinary hot dog
into an extraordinary one.
Hot dogs.
[whimsical music playing]
I love that bite,
particularly the first one.
-When it just bursts.
-That snap.
-You get this juicy Yeah, that snap
of that hot dog saltiness.
You've got the pop in the meat,
then the soft bun,
-and then, "Hello, toppings!"
-[Carla] Yes.
-It's all about the toppings.
Oh, there's some cheese over here.
-[Hannah] Is there?
[Niklas] I mean, it's very difficult
to reinvent a traditional dish
that's cooked so often and is so common,
but if you twist it a little bit,
I think we're going to be amazed.
[Jayde] span style="style2"All three cooks must now reimagine
span style="style2"the hot dog,
but only two will make it through
to the final round.
You now have 90 minutes
to make some heavenly hot dogs.
Hannah, your extra time starts
We're just gonna wait here awkwardly.
[Hannah] Ten extra minutes
is gonna make a big difference.
This is mainly just, um,
for presentation purposes.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hannah is going all out
span style="style2"with her wild woodland theme,
serving a campfire soda bread
stuffed with wild boar meat,
with crab apple sloe jelly
and charred leeks.
[Hannah] I do quite a lot of outdoor,
off-grid cooking in woodlands,
and it's something I really love doing,
cooking with fire,
being outside,
so that's why I've chosen that theme.
You're just doing a bit
of flower arranging with your ten minutes?
[woodland animal noises]
It's quite therapeutic, this.
Adam and Hardeep, the wait's over.
Good luck!
Good luck, guys.
Those ten minutes would've been
pretty handy for what I've got planned.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Adam's making
span style="style2"Mexican-style chili dog eclairs,
with beef sausages in choux buns,
topped with guacamole,
salsa and lime cream.
[Adam] I'm going to have to be on it
to make it work,
but if you enjoy it as much as I do, then,
occasionally you get something right
and it works.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Niklas earned his Michelin star
span style="style2"cooking on open flames,
so the barbecue king
is going to be tough to impress.
[quietly] Niklas is coming.
-Hello, beautiful.
-[laughs nervously] Oh, God! Hi!
Let's go over here.
Adam, it looks like you need some help
with your sausage.
I'd love some. If you could
feed the meat into the hopper.
That's a good-sized sausage you got.
-[Adam] Like it?
-[Adam] This is ground brisket from home.
-Did you put any spices in it?
-I have, yeah. Tell me, what's in there?
-Such a caveman.
And there's, uh
some type of chili.
Just regular chili powder and jalapenos,
pickled jalapenos as well.
It's very good.
You're gonna grill it on a grill
or in a pan?
-I'm gonna smoke it indirect over smoke
-[Niklas] Good.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Also with his eyes
span style="style2"on the Golden Apple prize is Hardeep.
I didn't do amazingly
in the first course, so
I think this is the deciding factor
on whether or not I stay.
I hope I do well.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hardeep's making lamb koftas
span style="style2"in coriander choux buns,
with lashings of Indian spice toppings.
You can't really beat a hot dog.
Well, I'm hoping to, so
How does the lamb come?
So, the lamb's gonna be,
kind of like,
-a sort of meatball, kind of, kofta.
Will there be onions or leek?
So, there's gonna be
the mayonnaise and coriander chutney,
and also a smoked aubergine puree.
-There'll be a lot of toppings?
-There'll be a lot of flavors.
[Niklas] You like flavors and spices?
Yeah, I like Indian,
Middle Eastern flavors,
-so I really want them to come through.
Hope you guys like it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Hardeep concentrates
span style="style2"on his condiments,
Hannah is starting on her sausage.
I want it to be at room temperature
before I start cooking it
so that it cooks nice and evenly.
Hannah! So, tell me about your dish.
I'm hot-smoking wild boar meat,
a sausage meat with oak,
and I'm stuffing that into a damper bread.
-Is it only wild boar meat in there?
-Just wild boar meat,
and I'm also gonna hot-smoke
some hazelnuts.
That's a good idea
'cause wild boar meat
sometimes can get really dry
and needs some extra fat,
so I guess the hazelnut would be your fat.
Well, I mean,
best of luck with everything.
Thank you. I think you might be
the harshest critic, somehow.
-Well, yes.
-High expectations!
[Niklas] Maybe Adam
will use his imagination
and create a crazy hot dog
for us in the end.
It doesn't seem like a reinvention
at this point.
Hardeep is doing
the least conventional hot dog.
Seems to have a lot of toppings.
It's gonna be interesting to see
how they match with the spiciness
from the lamb.
Wild boar meat is
the most difficult meat to work with
because it varies so much
depending on which animal you get,
so getting the fat content right
in the meat is difficult.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With time ticking,
all three cooks are now battling
with their buns.
[Adam] Choux pastry is definitely
not my bag normally.
I'm not a pastry chef,
so fingers crossed it comes out.
I've got to get the choux in the oven.
They usually take about half an hour
to 40 minutes.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Adam and Hardeep
span style="style2"have both chosen choux for their buns,
Hannah's taking a more unusual approach.
So, I've made the damper bread,
and I'm going to be rolling it around
this tin foil so I form a hollow trunk.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Damper bread
span style="style2"is a simple soda bread.
It doesn't need to prove,
meaning it can be cooked quickly
over flames.
[Hannah] I actually have really
not struggled with it staying moist,
so I'm hoping it should be good.
-You have 45 minutes left.
[Adam] In my salsa is red onion,
coriander, lime juice.
So, let me just grab a chili.
These little ones look hot.
They are hot. They didn't like the fact
that my wings weren't hot enough,
so, you know
I'm gonna blow their brains out
with this instead.
This is the coriander chutney.
It's got coriander, garlic, chili,
a bit of seasoning, and some yogurt in it.
I learnt how to cook from my mum.
I used to watch her when I was a kid.
She used a lot of Indian spices
to make, like, curries and stuff.
So, I like to use those
in my dishes as well.
So, bringing an Indian influence
into a lot of what I make.
Ooh! That smells lovely!
Just in the nick of time.
I'm chopping through some rosemary
through the hot-smoked wild boar meat.
I'm gonna chop through
the smoked hazelnuts,
and then stuff it into the bread.
This is coriander chutney.
-Ooh! That
-Do you like that?
-Oh, yes!
I think your mother would love this dish.
I'm gonna leave you to it.
-OK, thank you.
-[Jayde] Woo!
[Jayde] span style="style2"With ten minutes left,
span style="style2"it's a race against time
to get their hot dogs ready
for the food gods.
The choux's coming along all right.
I'm worried they won't be done in time.
The choux pastry is ready
to come out of the oven.
[Adam] The buns feel good.
They're nice and crispy.
Fingers crossed.
[dramatic music playing]
Yep. Soggy.
[Hardeep] But they are what they are.
[Hannah] I've just been burning
the leeks and
they're, kind of, gonna represent
log tree stumps
in the wood,
with a crab apple and sloe jelly.
[Hardeep] Slight worry it might
look like a burger,
but I hope they're just wowed
by the flavor.
That's two minutes to go.
[dramatic music intensifies]
[Adam] Piping isn't my thing.
I need to do the crab apples.
[Jayde] Time's up, everyone.
Hands off your wieners.
[exhales deeply]
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hardeep, Hannah, and Adam
are about to present
their reinvented hot dogs.
After the judging,
one of them will be sent home.
Adam's cooked up chili dog eclairs
with salsa, guacamole and lime cream.
Like a hot dog profiterole.
I think they look fantastic.
[suspenseful music playing]
-The choux's great.
-Thank you.
-The bit inside is nice and soft.
But it also absorbs a lot of the juices,
but it just works.
The meat is perfectly spiced.
It's delicious from the first bite.
What a difference a course makes.
You took something that is normally
something sweet and gave it to us
in a savory format,
and it really works.
-[Carla] Your flavors were fantastic.
I'll have a second one.
[Niklas laughs]
You are the one I was worried about.
-Thank you.
-[Carla] Thank you.
-[Hardeep] Yeah?
-Yeah, man.
-Was it good?
-They loved it.
-[Hardeep] Wicked. Well done.
-[Adam] Thank God.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next to face
span style="style2"the food gods is Hannah.
[Adam] Good luck.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Her wild boar dog
is stuffed in soda bread
and served with charred leeks
and crab apple jelly.
[Carla] Oh, my!
[Carla] Look at that.
[Hannah] And I've also got this
to reheat your hot dog.
Is that a barbecue?
[Heston] It's like sawing a log of wood.
I love the idea of eating around the fire.
[suspenseful music playing]
The bread's a little dry.
And the meat, I like the flavor
but it's a bit dry.
The one thing I feared
when I saw your dish,
I thought, like, "Ooh, wild boar.
That's gonna be difficult."
Everything is really heavy base note.
But pushing the leek outside,
and you get that
-tender sweetness.
I was just going to stay that.
The grilled leeks
are the best thing on this.
Hannah, thank you very much.
Thank you.
The second course definitely wasn't
as positive,
um, but I think it was still
relatively strong,
so I'm gonna back myself.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last up is Hardeep.
Good luck, buddy.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"He's made
an Indian spiced lamb hot dog
with aubergine puree, turmeric mayo,
and coriander chutney.
I don't get hot dog, but I do get
a reinvention of the hamburger.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Carla] Mmm!
[Niklas] So, there's a lot of taste.
There's a lot of spice.
But it's not spicy, it's not hot.
[Carla] It's really tasty.
I love all of the coriander.
I love that mayo.
[Heston] The spicing, the little sauces,
the chutney,
those flavors are wonderful.
All of the condiments,
for me, were the star of this show.
[Carla] Uh-huh.
-Thank you so much.
-[Heston] Thanks.
It was all right, like 50-50.
[dramatic music playing]
[Heston] This particular challenge,
reinventing the hot dog,
-and one person did not give us a hot dog.
-No, he gave us a hamburger.
[Heston] The flavors of the condiments
were nice.
It just wasn't a hot dog. Hannah?
It wasn't great.
The presentation was really interesting,
but it wasn't great.
But she can clearly cook.
She had a lot of things on there
that was tasty.
-First course, not so good.
-Not so good.
[Heston] His second course, though
-I think he really reinvented the hot dog.
-[Heston] He did a great job.
[Carla] Sadly
only two can go through.
I know the two that I want to eat more
-of their food.
-Me, too.
Are you thinking the same
as I am thinking?
[Jayde] Here he comes.
[suspenseful music playing]
You're all clearly very talented people,
but only two of you can go through
to cook for the final.
Heston, who's it going to be?
The two cooks going to the final
[suspenseful music playing]
Thank you.
Well done.
and Hardeep.
Well done, guys. [chuckles]
-Well done.
-Well done.
Thank you.
-[Hannah] Congratulations.
-Thank you. Well done.
-You cooked a brilliant first course.
-Thank you.
-Just the second didn't quite stand up.
[Hannah] I am disappointed.
I'm a perfectionist
and I'm really determined,
and always like to succeed,
and I'm competitive, and do my best.
You're really talented.
Well done.
Thank you.
[Jayde] Well done!
-Thank you.
-Well done.
-Yeah, you, too. Well done.
Getting into the third course,
I'm going to try my hardest.
There might be a chance I could win.
I'm going to give it my all,
and then hopefully
that Golden Apple will be mine.
[Adam] I'm proud
that I made it to the final.
You know, I'd hate to have left now,
at this point.
I feel like I can go into the final
with my game face on
and try and smash it.
-[Jayde] On to the next bit.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the third course, our cooks
span style="style2"must create a magnificent feast
to wow and delight the gods
in one last bid to take home
the Golden Apple.
[chimes tinkle]
The gods' final demand is that you create
a birthday party feast.
[Jayde] But only one of you
will be celebrating
because the gods will decide the winner
on your birthday spreads alone.
Go forth and forage.
I love birthdays!
[whimsical music playing]
-You know what I love?
I love surprise parties.
Oh, you do?
Some people hate surprise parties.
I don't like them.
The thought of coming home
from a long day at work,
-I love that.
Have you ever had one?
-Oh. Note.
No one ever surprised me with anything.
[Adam] Carrots, apples, limes
Some eggs.
Oh, yeah, eggs. Good one. Thanks.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] All right.
-Have you got everything you need?
You now have four hours to make
a banging birthday feast.
Your time starts
[dramatic music playing]
The name of my dish is Birth and Turf,
a take on "Surf and Turf."
It's something that was a treat for me
on my birthday when I was a kid.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Adam's unique take
span style="style2"on a birthday feast
includes a lobster mac and cheese cake,
a giant tomahawk steak,
and deep-fried jelly and peanut butter
ice cream burgers.
[cackles]span style="style2" Yes, mate!
[Carla] Adam, Adam, Adam.
Oh, my gosh, Bamm-Bamm was here.
-Fred Flintstone or somebody.
-[Jayde and Adam laugh]
I don't really do cake.
I'm turning a mac and cheese
into a cake.
The shells from this
are gonna go into the sauce,
so it will be almost like
a cheesy bisque sauce.
Okay, high five for using the shells,
'cause that is natural flavor.
What are you doing with the meat?
So I'm gonna do a reverse sear
with these.
So, gonna cook 'em low and slow,
and then before you get them,
they're going to get some super hot coals
just to sear them off.
Remember to salt the meat.
You can salt the outside,
but you can't salt the inside.
It's gonna definitely need
a lot of seasoning.
Keep your head in the game.
Thank you.
[Jayde] span style="style2"To make sure his final course
span style="style2"impresses the gods,
Hardeep is sticking to what he knows best.
I'm a lot more comfortable
'cause it's cakes,
and cakes are what I do.
Got a lot to do.
So, the pressure is on.
[Jayde] span style="style2"His final feast sees
span style="style2"all the best bits of a birthday party
piled into one giant cake,
with each tier offering up
different flavors, from savory to sweet.
Now, that's my kind of party.
[Carla] Hardeep!
-You're doing a birthday in a cake?
So, the top tier is gonna be a play
on a cheese and cucumber sandwich.
The second tier is a pink peppercorn,
parsnip, and guava cake.
The king of flavor pulls it out.
So, your parsnips,
they're the same way that carrots
-hold in that moisture.
But you get that sweetness as well.
And then the last tier is going to be
a vertical layered cake,
basically like a Swiss roll,
but on its side.
How big is this cake?
Um I'd say about this big.
Wow! Is anything or anybody
popping out of the cake?
-[Carla] Okay!
My first volunteer, Jayde's gonna pop out.
I won't fit in that cake.
I barely fit in elevators.
[dramatic music playing]
[Carla] We have one sweet and one savory,
but they're both going big.
It is "Go big or go home."
[Jayde] span style="style2"With two hours to go,
Adam starts making
his peanut butter ice cream.
Just blending up some dry ice.
I'm gonna throw it straight into the mix,
which should turn that cream mixture
with the peanut butter
and the condensed milk
into ice cream immediately.
Whoa! Here we go.
It's frozen it. [chuckles]
Deep-fried ice cream is
a really risky dish to try in the final,
but I've got to try
and push the boat out a little bit.
[Hardeep] What? Come on.
So, the oven's been off
for about half an hour.
Hopefully my cakes get done.
That's going to put me back
a long amount of time.
[Adam] I'm putting
an obscene amount of salt onto this
because it's a big, thick piece of steak.
I don't like celebrating my birthday,
so I try to avoid it at all costs.
I don't like being
the center of attention.
[makes indistinguishable noises]
Sorry. An hour to go!
I need to cool the cakes down completely
before starting to decorate,
because if they're not cool
and I start adding buttercream
it's like adding butter to hot toast.
[Adam] Just gonna strain my macaroni.
I'll give it a bit of oil
so it doesn't stick together.
Then I'm gonna line the tin here
with a bit of oil
and grate some Parmesan in there,
which is gonna create a crust of cheese,
which hopefully holds everything together
when I bake this as a mac and cheese.
I just hope it all comes together.
I'm a little nervous.
Whoa! That's sexy, innit?
[Adam] There's a little way to go,
but it looks alright.
[Jayde] I'm so excited about this.
Literally, this is my death row meal.
-If I had one meal left,
it would be a posh surf and turf.
Hopefully, it's up to your standards then.
Whisking my own buttercream,
you can sometimes under-whip the eggs,
then you'll get a sloppy buttercream.
I make it so often
that if I screw this up
I'm quitting being a baker, to be honest.
[dramatic music playing]
Nerves settled?
The nerves have definitely settled.
They've been replaced
by complete and utter, like, adrenaline
and get the job done.
Holy moly.
-Do you like it?
This is so good!
This is me in my element right now.
Cooking meat over fire,
but I've got the lord of cooking meat
over fire upstairs, so
let's just see what he thinks.
Now I'm filling my balloons
with edible confetti.
It is made from
just ripped-up dehydrated fruit
and then some wafer paper.
Thirty minutes to go.
Step it up.
[Hardeep] What? Come on.
[dramatic music intensifies]
There's my ice cream.
[Hardeep] It's not going to plan.
It's actually cracking and sliding.
I'm gonna try and hide it
and hope it lasts.
Five minute call.
Oh, no.
[Adam] That's collapsed.
This has never happened before.
Sad times.
Adam, do you need help?
-No, I'm cool, mate.
-You sure?
One minute left.
[dramatic music continues to play]
[Jayde] Woo! Yes!
Five seconds.
[dramatic music intensifies]
Time's up, everyone.
-Well done, lads.
-Hardeep, this is steak versus cake.
Yeah, it definitely is.
Well done.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The gods must now decide
span style="style2"which cook has created a birthday feast
worthy of winning the Golden Apple.
[ethereal music playing]
-It smells amazing.
-[Niklas] Exciting!
-[Adam] Hi, guys.
-[Carla] Hi, Adam!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Adam has created
a daring surf and turf
with a tomahawk steak,
lobster mac and cheese cake,
and peanut butter ice cream burgers.
-Whoa, whoa!
-You went full on.
-[Niklas] Look at that bone!
-[Adam] I'll just finish it for you.
[Jayde] Oh, yay!
[all]span style="style2" Happy birthday to ♪
-span style="style1"[Niklas] Adam! ♪
-span style="style1"[others] you! ♪
I've never seen a birthday cake
like this, but let me tell you,
I've never been so happy to see
macaroni and cheese fall apart in my life,
-because if it wasn't falling apart
-Oh, sweet.
it would be too stodgy.
Do you wanna start with dessert?
Deep-fried peanut butter ice cream.
[suspenseful music playing]
I love the flavor in this.
The ice cream is great.
This is taking me back to childhood
'cause I loved peanut butter
and jam sandwiches.
-That's nice.
-That's a cracker.
Thank you.
[Niklas] Okay.
The mac and cheese.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jayde] It's absolute torture.
[Niklas] The crunch I love the crunch.
There's a birthday surprise.
-[Adam] A nice chunk of lobster for you.
How's the lobster cooked? All right?
It's a little bit over.
For me, I would want
a little more fat in the crumb,
but I think, overall, you did a great job.
It's probably the best macaroni and cheese
I've ever had.
-[Carla] Wow!
[Heston] Niklas, this one's for you.
[group laughs]
[Niklas] Nice.
-[Adam] All right?
[Heston] It looks beautifully cooked.
It's pink,
but it's warm all the way through.
I love the smokiness of the meat.
You actually seasoned it really well.
-Thank you.
-[Carla] It felt like a feast.
I love that you made the cake
the savory thing,
and what looks like a burger
the sweet thing.
-I'd love to have this for my birthday.
-Adam, thank you.
Save a party bag for me.
And by bag, I mean
the other leg you cooked.
For his birthday feast,
Hardeep's three-tiered cake
goes from sweet to savory
and is topped
with edible confetti balloons.
[Carla] Wow!
It's fun to see how your style
goes all the way through your cooking.
-I can tell it's yours.
-[Hardeep] I'm excited--
-[all exclaim]
Oh, my God, that's amazing!
-[Carla] Can we?
-Pop 'em. Go for it.
Oh, my God!
I want to pop one.
That alone was worth everything.
[Hardeep] Savory scone on top.
Look at that.
[suspenseful music playing]
It is so nice and savory.
I think the scones are really delicious,
but I'd like to see
a little bit more of the filling
-and less bread.
[Hardeep] The middle tier is parsnip,
pink peppercorn, and guava.
It looks beautiful.
-The color looks fantastic.
-Thank you.
It's like a carrot cake,
-but with parsnips?
[Carla] I just wanna drag that off.
I'm going to because this
frosting it's very good.
I've got this lovely finish now
in my mouth
of parsnips and pink peppercorns.
And they just seem to knit together
really beautifully.
-Are you ready for the next flavor?
-No, I don't think so.
I think I need more of this!
[Carla] That's okay. You're just
[Hardeep] The bottom tier
is a vertical sponge.
[Carla] Look at those layers.
It's kind of reminiscent
of Fruit Salad sweets that I had as a kid.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'd like to see less icing on this one.
-And I think that dominates it.
My favorite was the parsnip cake.
[Heston] Mine, too.
-And I loved the decoration side.
-And the balloons! Pop!
[Carla] That was great.
-Thank you.
-You smashed it.
Wow! Making it hard.
[dramatic music playing]
Today I've served chips to Heston,
a steak to Niklas,
mac and cheese to Carla
and had pretty good feedback
on all those things,
so if I have to go home
without a Golden Apple, I'll take that.
[Hardeep] It would mean a lot for me
to win the Golden Apple.
It would be confirmation
that I'm doing something
that is amazing and unique and different.
[chime tinkles]
[dramatic music playing]
I was right, right? "Go big or go home."
They both went big.
It's hard to choose one.
Two totally different
birthday interpretations.
[Carla] You look at Hardeep.
So, he takes the idea of the birthday cake
and goes from savory to sweet.
Smart. So, it was a three-course meal
in a cake.
[Niklas] Yeah. Even if it was
a heavy birthday meal,
there was balance in it.
I really felt I was invited
to his birthday party.
-Two very talented cooks.
-[Heston] I know.
-We can't cut that Golden Apple in half.
[thunder crashing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The final reckoning
span style="style2"is upon us,
as the gods descend
to deliver their verdict.
They like to make a big entrance.
Thank you so much
for inviting us to your birthday feasts.
It was a really tough decision,
but we chose the winner
based on their clever concept
and their exceptional flavors.
[suspenseful music playing]
The Golden Apple goes to
-Well done, bro.
-Hard luck, man.
-Well done.
-Come here.
-Good job.
-Thank you.
I started off as this nervous wreck,
but as the courses went on,
my confidence built,
and I'm not disappointed I didn't win,
I'm just happy that I actually did it
in the first place.
-Thank you.
[Adam] I'm pleased.
You come here to try and do your best.
I'm buzzin', I've got the Golden Apple.
Who thinks of surf and turf
for a birthday party?
But Adam did.
And he created a concept
that tasted amazing.
We've been crazy and delicious.
Join us next time
for more incredible innovation.
[dramatic music playing]
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