Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

When Life Tells You to Slow Down

[tense music playing]
[exhales sharply]
- [woman 1] Ooh-ooh-ooh!
- [man 1] Okay, here we go.
- Ah, yes!
- [Seo-wan] Mediator, it's okay.
[man 2] Oh my God!
- [woman 2] You can do it, Ms. Jung!
- [man 3] Yes!
- Oh, right in the net!
- Good try!
[patients shout encouragement]
- [woman 2] Try again!
- [man2] You got this!
- [yelps]
- [snickers]
- [laughter]
- Pow! I'm doing it right
- [man 3] 11 to one, Kim Seo-wan wins.
- One more.
[Seo-wan] Bring it on.
- [Seo-wan] That's 12! I win!
- [laughter]
- Hey, I'm next. I'm on!
- No way! You're not!
- Hey, I'm going!
- [man 4] Is it over?
[energizing music playing]
You're really becoming
a true psychiatric nurse,
now you're playing table tennis,
that's great.
Seems everybody only wanted
to play against her.
It's 'cause I'm worse at it than anyone.
That's great. Maybe you can help
give them some self-confidence.
My self-confidence is gone!
[Da-eun] When I started out,
I planned to let them win,
except it turns out losing on purpose
and losing no matter what,
are totally different things.
Uh-huh, that's right.
I'd like to win a few games too, you know.
Oh, yeah?
Then you must go meet with the master.
Huh? Who's that?
- It's Mr. Yoon.
- You're messing with me, right?
No way. All roads in our unit
lead to Mr. Yoon. It's the truth.
- [Da-eun] What?
- Mm-hm.
- Lee Tae-gyeong's being difficult.
- Okay.
[tense music playing]
[Soo-yeon] Hello, this is Unit 53.
You never ever listen!
[grunting angrily]
[grunts, breathing heavily]
Come near me!
[cup clattering on floor]
Let go!
[Cheol-woo] Mr. Lee, we'll restrain you
for your own safety.
- [Tae-gyeong wails]
- So, what happened?
- [Deul-re] He kept insisting on leaving.
- Let me go! [wails]
- Get him two mils of Ativan.
- Okay, I'm on it.
- [Cheol-woo] He's not injured, is he?
- [Da-eun] No.
- Just let go!
- I'll get it.
[Mr. Yoon] Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee!
Just try to keep still for a second.
[Tae-gyeong groaning]
[Mr. Yoon] I know this is stressful, sir.
It's okay, Mr. Lee.
Just calm down.
[Tae-gyeong wails]
- [Mr. Yoon] You're all right, sir.
- [Tae-gyeong breathes heavily]
[Tae-gyeong sobbing softly]
[breathing slows]
- [gentle music playing]
- [sobbing softly]
[sobbing continues]
[opening theme playing]
[Da-eun] Are you sure you don't want
somebody to treat that?
Someone's been treating it already.
[chuckles] No need to worry.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
But all this must be
a bit stressful for you.
I'm still gonna do the job, miss.
Keeps me fed, right?
[Da-eun] Hmm.
There, now you're all set.
I think you're probably fine,
but maybe get a CT scan
if you feel sleepy or nauseous.
- 'Kay.
- Done.
[Mr. Yoon] Mm-hmm.
- Hey, Da-eun?
- Yeah?
You've been great.
Oh, so there was some
something I'd like to ask.
[Yoon grunting]
Whoa! How are you so good
at table tennis Mr. Yoon?
Anyone who spent 30 years
playing here'd be good.
You've been playing that long?
Can you offer me a remedial course?
A what course?
Look, table tennis
isn't brain surgery, okay?
You just
gotta be
staring right at the ball, 'kay?
The ball, staring I think I get it now.
[Mr. Yoon] Stare at the ball.
All right.
- Here we go, then, miss. About ready?
- I'm ready.
You should probably try
to hit it, all right?
Oh, I guess so.
So keep watching the ball.
- 'Kay.
- Here.
Oh! Ow.
[groaning] Do I have
any future in this at all?
- I don't know. Is anyone helping you out?
- A friend is.
Well, you got proper posture,
so he must know his stuff.
- That's good.
- Mm.
And with a good teacher,
you'll improve really quickly.
Oh, really? Are you sure?
Yes, I am. Right, let's practice a bit.
All right.
Oh, great! Great posture!
[Yu-chan] Hey, Jungda!
[scooter engine revs]
Oh, good teacher.
What are you talking about?
I'm not telling. You'll get
way more pompous if I just say it.
It's just a thing.
Seriously, what are you on about, huh?
Hey, you are taking
your medication, right?
You need to take them on time, you know.
I know. You don't need to remind me.
So, are you coming from or going to work?
I have to go.
- Ah, night shift tonight?
- Uh-huh.
Hey, in that case,
d'you wanna hear a scary story?
[sighs] Actually, I don't.
Better tell my favorite, "The Red Room."
This room, just imagine,
it's all red and bloody, 'kay?
- No! Not listening!
- The guy next door's bad news.
His eyes are glowing red!
- Blood-red!
- Oh, your bike! Your bike!
- [humming]
- Oh, right. Oh, hey, hey!
[Deul-re] We have one new patient,
Ms. Jung Ha-ram in room 510.
Looks like she hasn't received
any kind of psychiatric treatment before.
However, she's recently developed
traits that indicate psychosis.
She has paranoid delusions,
and those can be tricky.
- We'll just keep a close eye on her.
- Mm-hmm.
All right, Ms. Ha-ram.
- [strangled groaning]
- [air hissing]
Great, you're all done now.
You don't need to keep
holding your breath, you know.
I just do as my Mediator bids, that's all.
You said I shouldn't talk,
you told me not to,
and that I should stop moving
while being treated.
But breathing's important to do,
so please do it, all right?
Ah, so, breath
- [chuckling]
- [Da-eun] Yeah.
Would you like
to slay a Fire Dragon with me
on a grand quest one day?
- Uh
- You're too busy, right?
- Yeah.
- Right.
I think you're the brightest
of the nurses.
Very reliable as well.
That's why I'm hoping
you'll join the party and fight with us.
I'm so happy the party wants me to join.
[both chuckle]
Kim Seo-wan trusts you.
He's really opening up to you, isn't he?
- You mean it?
- Mm-hmm.
You've been called
"the most reliable Mediator."
See, when you put all of your heart
and soul into your dear patients,
then it all adds up.
Yeah, I'm sure it would.
[knocking on door] Hello, ladies.
Excuse me, what's your name?
Jung Ha-ram.
Ms. Jung, I'll just take
your blood pressure now.
[Velcro cuff opening]
You're a new patient here,
so please be sure to ask any questions.
[knocking on door]
[Ms. Hong] I just need to check
everyone's belongings.
- Not again!
- Why?
Sorry, it has to get done.
Sorry to disturb, but thank you all
for understanding and cooperating.
These clips are just a little sharp.
I don't want you to get cut at all, okay?
- [Ms. Hong] I'm sorry.
- It looks normal, 'kay?
[Ms. Hong] I have to check.
Hyeon-seo, what is all that, huh?
Please try to take out your trash on time.
[Hyeon-seo] Okay.
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna check here.
Just be a minute, 'kay?
- [Ms. Hong] Thank you, we're almost done.
- Apologies.
- [woman 1] Ma'am, I have stomach ache.
- Excuse me, sorry.
- Can you please skooch for a sec?
- [Ms. Hong] Yes, of course.
[tense music playing]
[Da-eun] Hm.
- [woman 2] See? Nothing in there.
- [Ms. Hong] I know. I had to check.
[Da-eun] Oh.
- All done?
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you, everyone.
- Thanks much, ladies.
- [patients] Thank you.
- Hey, nurse.
You took it, didn't you?
Wait! Just stop and listen. I said
I want what you took.
I don't
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.
- I didn't take any
- I mean all my money.
I saw you do it.
Is something wrong here?
That nurse took my cash.
She was in my stuff for around a minute,
and took my 30 million won!
Hang on, miss.
It was empty. I didn't take-
Don't be sour at me
when you took my things, okay?
I don't I
Just please give me back what you stole!
Knock it off. I didn't [gasps]
[Ha-ram sobs]
Oh no, you must really be having
a rough day, huh?
[chuckles comfortingly]
Let's take a breath.
See, I'm an expert
in all that goes on here.
- I'll listen.
- [Ha-ram sniffles]
Tell me what's bothering you, 'kay?
Yes, why don't you go
with Mr. Yoon and talk, all right?
Let's go, miss.
- This way, after you.
- [sobbing]
[Soo-yeon sighs]
- Ms. Jung.
- Yes?
[door lock beeps]
You weren't made aware, huh?
Don't you know
Jung Ha-ram has delusional symptoms.
I'm sure you know by now
how to handle patients with delusions.
- Yes.
- Tell me why you did that?
I just felt so flustered
I guess you're not used
to treating delusions yet.
But saying,
"No, you're wrong about things,"
isn't going to make
your patient's delusions go away. Got it?
Just so you grasp the situation,
you gave the worst response you could.
- Understand?
- Yes.
I'm so sorry, ma'am.
You should stop having to say that.
- [sighs angrily]
- [dejectedly] Yeah.
Nurse Park scolded you?
- [Da-eun] Yeah.
- I looked at Ha-ram's history.
A voice phishing scam took
all her money and she's delusional.
Voice phishing?
That happens to the elderly.-
Still, there's a lot of young people
who get caught too.
Voice phishing targets
the most desperate people.
Age doesn't matter.
Desperation's pretty equal.
Oh, well, I understand, I guess
Still, why'd she pick me
and say that I was the one who stole?
The poor woman's been robbed
of all her money.
She's a suicide risk,
but she can't pay her hospital bills.
She'll probably have to rely
on government aid. Must be hard, right?
Try to understand.
Well, I want to understand her, but it's
[Mr. Yoon] All right, guys.
Lights out, everyone. Good night!
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[typing rapidly]
[door beeps]
- Done with rounds?
- [Da-eun] Mm-hmm.
I expected as much on this shift,
but it's so slow around here
at night, huh? [sighs]
[tense music playing]
- [Ha-ram] Excuse me.
- [gasping]
You happened to be sighing, right?
It's 'cause you must be guilty, right?
What're you talking about now?
You sighed because you feel guilty
about stealing all my 30 million won.
Uh [sighs]
[Seo-yeon] Denying a patient's delusions
won't make them go away.
So, you must be anxious, huh?
You took my stashed money,
so, yeah, obviously.
Let's just try to calm down for now.
How can I calm down, you liar?!
[panting angrily]
[Da-eun] Ms. Jung Ha-ram.
It's time for bed, so let's talk later on.
You're disturbing the other patients
at the moment, okay?
Let's do this.
In the morning, you'll hand it over.
I'm giving you a chance.
- [Mr. Yoon] Have a good night.
- [sighs]
God, how do I have the rumblies
after all that?
Ah, the rumblies
are unusually powerful at night.
- I could go for takeout right about now.
- [door lock beeps]
[Da-eun] I know, right?
Like a big, gigantic-size bowl
of black bean noodles.
- Want to?
- Huh?
But I thought we weren't allowed
to bring food into the unit?
Of course we're not allowed.
So we gotta be sneaky.
Mr. Yoon knows, right?
[Mr. Yoon] Me? Of course.
Ms. Jung's on the team now,
so she deserves a taste
of the secret black bean noodles.
[playful music playing]
- [Mr. Yoon] Hey, there.
- Hi. Hey, dude.
- Hey, man, what took you so long, huh?
- Thanks again.
[driver] Sweet and sour pork.
Two black bean noodles, here.
Wait. Uh, the freebies too?
Yeah, sure.
I got those too. [chuckles]
[Mr. Yoon] You can hide the noodles,
but you can't hide the smell.
Step one,
fight fire with fire.
Hide one smell with another smell.
Excuse me, sir.
This is a non-smoking zone.
What are you doing?
- [coughs] Oh, how embarrassing.
- Yeah, put it out now.
Hey, that's, plenty.
Gosh, I'm sorry. [chuckling]
[Mr. Yoon] Step two,
always stick with the pot stickers.
They'll suspect with their minds,
and question with their mouths.
But seal the mouth shut.
[chuckles] It's hard
to work so many hours.
I was at a conference,
and they gave me this.
It's from outside though.
I'm not sure you'll want it.
Ah, you
Hey, that's nice of you.
Great, I'll be sure to enjoy it.
[chuckles happily]
[door lock beeps]
[playful music continues]
[whispers] How'd it go?
- [exciting gasping]
- Yes!
- [squealing]
- [shushes]
- [Da-eun gasping]
- [Ms. Hong giggles]
This looks great.
Come on, please eat with us Mr. Yoon!
Oh, no, you enjoy.
Wait. Why are you eating cup noodles
when you have the real deal right here?
Why, indeed?
Ah, you should
[door opens]
[door closes]
Just come and eat.
- Something was bizarre about all that.
- [phone rings]
Hello, this is Park Soo-yeon, Unit 53.
It's her, Ms. Park! Quick, quick!
[Soo-yeon] Oh, hello.
Oh, right, right.
Once I'm done here, yes.
[breathing heavily] Hurry!
[Soo-yeon] Bye.
- Did you call me?
- Uh, no.
Why are you in here with the door closed?
[tense music playing]
[key jangling]
Hey, what's that smell?
[sniffs] Hmm?
Hmm? [sniffs]
[door lock beeps, door opens]
Oh! Soo-yeon.
[sighs] Mr. Yoon, you shouldn't eat
in the treatment room.
- Hey!
- [Mr. Yoon] Oh God, sorry.
- I was absolutely starving.
- Goodness. What is wrong with you?
Uh-uh! [sighs]
- Let it go.
- Oh, wait. I'm just about done!
For crying out loud!
[Mr. Yoon] One more bite? Please?
[Soo-yeon] Why do you eat instant noodles?
They're bad for you.
Yoon planned this. It was his scheme.
[Da-eun sighs]
- [groans]
- Seriously, I'm bloated.
[giggles] Oh, and Mr. Yoon made sure
we didn't get caught.
I could doze off right now.
[door lock beeps]
The station must be attended, always.
Trade time when completing rounds.
- [Da-eun] Sorry.
- Yes, ma'am.
[Da-eun gasps]
Hello there.
I'm pretty sure you ordered
black bean noodles with my card, huh?
[Ms. Hong] Wait. Why aren't you in bed?
You must be tired and mistaken.
I don't think so.
Look in there.
Go take a look in the bin.
Uh, Ms. Jung, you should be in bed now.
- Please go back to your room.
- [Da-eun] Time for you to go to sleep.
- [Ms. Hong] Ms. Park.
- [nervous whimpering]
[ominous music playing]
[Soo-yeon] Black bean noodles?
[sighs] You know getting delivery food
breaks policy here!
- We apologize, ma'am.
- Very sorry, ma'am.
I'll give you two a pass this once,
but it can't happen again.
[door slams]
God, I think my heart stopped.
Still, we were lucky that was it.
Got caught with black bean noodles, huh?
[sighs] Word gets around quick.
Who else knows?
- Information does too.
- Ugh, so embarrassing.
Da-eun, tell me. I heard
you had some trouble with a patient.
- [sighs]
- She was accused of burglary.
[door opens]
- [Da-eun] Oh
- See you.
- [Ms. Hong] See ya.
- [Da-eun] Hello.
[Ms. Hong] Hi, Doctor.
[soft piano music playing]
[voice over PA] Lastly, please abide
by the therapy rules of
Hi there, all.
I'm excited to start at the hospital.
I'm trainee Min Deul-re.
[Soo-yeon] Okay, come this way,
let's start the orientation.
[doctor] Hwang Yeo-hwan! Where are you?
Hwang Yeo-hwan!
You a trainee?
Seen Dr. Hwang, by chance?
Shit. He was supposed to help with this.
It's not just him doing overnights.
I'm sorry, he's not here.
I haven't seen him.
[doctor] Really?
Appreciate it.
- Call me if you see Hwang Yeo-hwan.
- [nurse] Yes, Doctor.
He's gone.
Hey, it's not my stupid forum, man.
- Did you know I was here?
- [Deul-re] You can finish eating.
Go on, I'm still busy anyhow.
I can keep an eye out for you.
Oh, thank you.
[pages turning]
[Yeo-hwan] Mm.
- [slurps, gasps]
- [doctor] Follow up on this patient.
- Hello there, sir.
- [doctor] Hi.
Right, check on the patient again
in one hour.
[distant slurping]
[distant slurping]
[gentle music playing]
- So, are you spoken for?
- [Deul-re] Sorry?
Uh, no.
[rapid typing]
[Deul-re] Have you ever lived
in a place with no hot water?
And that's why we can't ever be together.
Yes, but it doesn't matter.
Some customs are here to stay.
Customs like social hierarchy.
If you're naive to that reality,
I have even less reason to date you.
So what I'm saying is, no.
Make sure to double-check your things.
Your mom has changed a lot, you know.
[sighs] Right.
I don't know that I can
It's okay, you'll adjust well.
I think this is my first chance to have
this kind of personal chat with you.
You seemed busy,
always running around, you know?
[sighs] Did I really?
[Ha-ram] How could a nurse steal money?
Just please give me back what you stole!
Knock it off. I didn't [gasps]
[groans tiredly]
Hey, what's up?
[nurse] The the lounge.
Stay away from me. Stay back.
Hyeon-seo, please don't.
- Please calm down. I'll take that, okay?
- Stay back.
- What's happening?
- Stay back.
She'd forgotten her son's passing
until her daughter said something.
- Stay away. Stay away. No!
- Hyeon-seo, let us help you, please.
- Please, go slowly.
- [Deul-re] Okay.
- Stay away! [screams]
- [Deul-re] Hyeon-seo!
[flesh slicing]
- [nurse] Please calm down.
- Stay away, no, get back!
[Hyeon-seo sobs loudly, screams]
The patient, she's bleeding!
[Hyeon-seo sobbing loudly]
It's you. You're the one who's bleeding.
[Ms. Song] Ms. Min.
How is your hand? Is it all right?
Yes, it's fine, ma'am.
Just a scratch, not so bad.
But you bled a lot, I've been told.
- You should take a break, huh?
- No, Ms. Song.
There's a lot on my to-do list.
Does she need to work that hard?
[Deul-re typing quickly]
[cell phone vibrating]
What's going on?
[sister] Hey, sis.
You get paid soon, right?
Could you send me money
for living expenses and stuff?
No, I'm stretched thin. I'm sorry.
Ah, seriously?
How about Ma?
How would I know?
I'm sure she's doing fine somewhere.
Can't you take out a loan?
You'd get approved.
You're a university hospital nurse.
How about you apologize?
Why does nobody say "I'm sorry"
to me at all, huh? [sighs]
[sighs heavily]
[sighs heavily]
- Oh! What a surprise.
- Oh!
Ms. Jung, hello! What brings you here?
Oh, Yu-chan is my friend, ya know.
Oh, you too, huh?
- [Da-eun] Oh
- What's this?
- Ah, Song Yu-chan. Did you take your-
- 'Course I did.
- Yeah, when?
- I took it on time, all right?
- I even set an alarm.
- Ooh.
Watching ya.
- [giggling]
- What?
[clears throat]
I was nagging this guy over it earlier.
Ah, is that so?
[both chuckle]
Sorry to interrupt, but could you check in
with each other before nagging me?
Yeah, I hear you, man.
So, you just hap
Ms. Jung, aren't you usually at work?
No, I'm off today.
- Are you really?
- Huh?
These coincidences keep occurring.
[chuckles] I guess so.
In that case, let's turn that coincidence
into some cleaning, huh?
Here, here, here.
- Here you go. Come on, get sweeping.
- Nope!
See, I'm getting a haircut now.
- See ya. Doctor, bye!
- Uh
- Stop lying to me. Stop lying to me!
- It's not a lie!
- Doesn't my hair need a cut?
- No, it doesn't.
I should go.
- Remember, no caffeine or alcohol, got it?
- Hang on
Chocolate's also forbidden, okay?
Hey, you came to visit, didn't ya?
[Go-yun] Can I like your friend?
Ms. Jung, just seems nicer
every time I see her.
Oh, hello!
- Here for a cut?
- Yeah.
This way.
[Go-yun clears throat]
[chuckles] Oh, I can't believe it!
Oh! Dr. Dong.
You come here for haircuts too?
[Go-yun] Yeah, I do.
Ah, cool, we meet again.
What's that, the third time, huh?
They say third time can't be
a coincidence, right?
Do they?
[both chuckle]
Well, sir,
was there a style you'd like to try?
[Go-yun] Sure.
One that takes long to do.
- [hairdresser] Sorry?
- I like my head massaged at the salon.
So haircuts are therapeutic
to you then, huh?
How's it look?
Looks great, right?
- You happy with it?
- Yeah
Yeah, beautiful.
How much is that?
- 320,000.
- [Da-eun] What?
Wh 320,000?
The promotion's our big special, 10% off.
Plus, you can't go without this cream.
It's an essential.
Oh, um, that's so expensive
that cream
240,000 won, sir.
Uh it's how much? Pardon?
Oh, it's just because I put in
extra scalp care for you, sir.
Your girlfriend didn't need as much,
you see.
- Uh, we're not together, actually
- Oh my, really?
What a shame, sir!
You two would be great together!
- 240,000 won.
- Oh.
- Here.
- Shall I, then? [chuckles]
We might've been extorted there.
- I know, right?
- Mm-hm.
- Well, Ms. Jung, what's next?
- What?
After being extorted,
do you maybe wanna grab some food?
- Some food?
- Yeah.
Mmm! Wow, that's good!
[Go-yun] Mm.
You know, I suddenly feel
a bit jealous of Yu-chan.
Yu-chan? Why's that?
[Go-yun] He has a friend like you.
A friendship like the two of you have,
with a man and woman, is rare.
I don't have any female friends.
Hm? Why not?
Based on what I heard,
you've always been a good friend
to both men and women.
- I have?
- Yeah.
- Yu-chan said you're well-liked.
- Huh. It's nice of him to say that.
You must've asked about me, then,
if he said that?
Yeah. [chuckles]
What for?
I was just curious, you know.
Like about what made you decide
on colorectal surgery.
Just curious about stuff like that?
Well, I can tell you, if you wanna know.
[clock ticking]
- [soft, sleepy grunting]
- [Go-yun] Would that be 210?
It may be able to achieve
Then as the rate increases,
it may reach uh
[Yeo-hwan] Hey, Dong Go-yun.
It's sleep time, okay?
It's not fair to the top classmates,
you being here studying this hard.
- [Go-yun] The solution
- [sighs tiredly]
to the aforementioned problem
can be found
Hey, stop it, dude.
[pained groaning]
What the?
You crying?
What's wrong? Hey, tell me.
- [pained screaming]
- Whoa, what's wrong?
[pained sobbing]
[Yu-chan] Oh wow.
- It's pretty hard, huh?
- What?
[Yu-chan] Studying is hard.
[pained wailing]
[Yu-chan] Isn't it?
[Go-yun] I was so busy,
I put off treatment.
[sighs] Then the hemorrhoids got worse.
Ah, it seemed like death was near.
I saw that life
and death don't just hang on,
the encephala,
or ventricles, or bile ducts,
they can depend equally
on the anus, did you know that?
That's crazy. Whoa!
Colorectal surgery,
which I hadn't considered
until my diagnosis,
it's part of my life now.
So that's how it started.
That's how it all started.
I've never looked back.
For real? That's really great!
[Da-eun chuckles]
By the way, is that an occupational quirk?
It's like you're treating me
like you're consulting with a patient.
Oh my Did I really?
[gasps] I'm so sorry.
Oh, it's okay. No offense taken.
I just mean, it's sorta cool, the way
you just listen and empathize like that.
[chuckles softly]
It's like somehow,
I'm free to say anything about myself.
You're a pretty great listener, I guess.
Oh, that's much too kind.
[exhales sharply]
- Bangchitang's tastier eaten bare handed.
- Just your hands?
Huh, it's just a lot to hold. Uh
Mmm, it's so good!
I've never had this type of meat.
Bangchitang's a cut of beef,
you know that?
No, what is bangchitang?
I'll, uh I'll tell you next time, 'kay?
[Go-yun chuckles]
Okay. [chuckles]
[sweet instrumental music playing]
Guess my compulsion is gone
from just being near her.
So, it wasn't the mugwort, huh?
[Yeo-hwan] What's this?
You're happy. Is there a reason?
I've finally felt Cupid's arrow,
my friend.
You? With who?
- You know her.
- Who is it?
- [whispers] She is a nurse in your unit.
- What?!
- Mm.
- [tense music playing]
[Go-yun] Whoa! Hey.
[tense music playing]
[Yeo-hwan swallowing loudly]
She's pretty?
Yeah, she's pretty, of course.
Her eyes are round, lips are pouty,
and she's got a smile that melts you?
[groans softly]
[groans] How'd you feel
when you first saw her?
[whimsical twinkling]
Just imagine the fog clearing,
As the sun breaks the horizon.
About like that, yup.
Just one woman matches up, then.
Seems like it.
I'm sure it's her.
[Go-yun sighs]
Got her photo?
[suspenseful music playing]
On three,
- What the?
- Sorry, no pic.
Hey, come on, pretty?
- Do you wanna die?
- Man, you're a dumb
Wow, you can keep her!
[relieved chuckle]
All right, tell me yours, dude!
Jung Da-eun, yup.
W wh what?
[both] Oh. Hello.
Aw, I spent so much on this hair,
and it seems like nobody even noticed it.
- Hi, hello.
- [man] Hello.
You're early. Hello! I was just
- Ms. Jung, stay calm, okay?
- Huh? What?
[man] I'm supposed to be
in a psychiatry unit, not some kind of
[nurse] Go inside, please.
She's fixated on you now.
- [sighs]
- [tense music playing]
Jung Ha-ram was busy last night, huh?
[sighs] Yeah.
The night team wasn't gone for long,
just a minute or two, and
Just get ready for the shift transfer.
I'm going to clean up this mess.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you, but I'll clean up, Seo-Wan.
Please go to your room, all right?
I'm grateful. Thank you.
Go inside now.
Hey, don't erase that!
What are you trying to do, you thief, huh?
- You liar!
- [Ms. Hong] Ms. Jung Ha-ram! No, stop!
- We need help here!
- No!
[door lock beeps]
- You all right?
- Oh, yes, it's fine, I'm
You're what?
All right.
It could be for the best
if you keep your distance from that girl,
at least for a little while.
So how about we give Ms. Hong a chance.
It's just, I'm
I'd still like to care for her
She's still a patient.
I don't want to just abandon Ms. Jung.
You'll find that as you do this work,
you aren't equipped
to manage all disorders.
It seems like these delusional disorders
might not sit right.
Like with Ms. Oh Ri-na,
and now with Ms. Jung too.
Let's try not to provoke
the patients needlessly, all right?
Just keep some distance, 'kay?
You understand?
[sighs softly] Yes.
Come on back in a minute.
- [door opens]
- [sighs]
[door closes]
Dear Mediator. Hello there.
Must be hard, huh?
Oh, not at all, no.
Here ya go.
Huh? For me? What is it?
[Seo-wan] 30 million won.
It must be hard,
so you can use this to fix it.
It's nothing, really,
so you can just use it.
Uh, I can just, uh, do a side quest
real quick and make it all back,
so don't worry.
It'll help you break free from
all of the evil spells
the witch has been casting upon you,
so now you could help me reclaim
my stolen mana, if you can.
- It's time for some lunch.
- Go without me, all right?
I really don't feel hungry after
what went down with Ms. Jung before.
I'm hoping some rest
could hopefully happ en during lunch.
Soo-yeon'll say no, right?
You gotta see Mr. Yoon,
the master of sleeping spots.
[Ms. Hong] I told you,
all roads lead to Mr. Yoon.
About how long?
About half an hour.
Okay, come on.
[door lock beeps]
[whimsical suspenseful music playing]
[groans softly]
All right, come on in.
[Da-eun] Whoa.
I had no idea we had
this kind of space hidden away.
Oh, here, look right here.
- You see these burn marks?
- Yeah.
It was caused a long time ago,
when Ms. Park attempted
to grill her lunch here.
Ah-ah! Ah!
Mmm. [chuckles]
She would've been in her third year then.
- [chuckles]
- Wow!
Park Soo-yeon,
she was really bold, right? [chuckles]
Ooh, what's this mark here?
Oh, these?
It's tear marks, yeah.
She cried here so often
that these spots hollowed out.
Our head nurse, she'd come here
so no one would see her crying, you know.
Hey, you're pulling my leg!
- Might seem like it, huh?
- [chuckles]
So much of this hospital's been remade,
and yet, strangely,
this floor here is the same as ever.
You really seem to know
all there is to know, Mr. Yoon, don't you?
How'd you learn it all?
Just by being at this hospital
for 30 years,
that's how I learned it all. [chuckles]
Ah, here, miss.
[Da-eun] Oh.
- There.
- [gasps]
Sleep a while. Better take your break now.
- I'm so very thankful.
- Sure. [chuckles]
Wow, so many years!
Such a long time here!
[groans softly]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[exhales softly]
[moans sleepily]
[groans gently]
- [gasps]
- [dramatic music playing]
Oh! [relieved sigh]
- You found the hideout, huh?
- Ah, Mr. Yoon showed me that.
I heard Jung Ha-ram tried
grabbing your hair. It almost ripped out.
[sighs] Ugh
What did you do to her, huh?
I wish I knew why
I'm the one she hates, I just don't.
Can I ask, do you agree
with what Ms. Song mentioned?
That I'm not good
with delusional patients?
Jung Ha-ram has been experiencing
a short-lived delusion
after being scammed
Hang on. "Short-lived"?
How long till it's over?
I'd say in about a month, maybe,
she'll recover, if she stays on track.
That means I'll have to deal with
her accusations for a month longer, then?
Seems so.
Look, I know
she's not doing it intentionally,
it's just hard to deal with, Doctor.
Can't we do something in the meantime?
[Yeo-hwan] Hm.
- You might try this one trick.
- [gasps] Wait, what trick?
Pay her back all the money you stole.
- Hey, quit that!
- [chuckling]
I really need your help here, you know!
Hey, some people have lost
everything they had, hmm?
No matter how old a person is,
something like that
makes your whole world crumble.
See, humans, uh, have a tendency
to pin all the blame on others
when they're powerless to make a change.
They hate and blame some other person
because it's potentially
all they have left to hold onto.
All right, I'm off.
All right, I'll try to understand.
[sighs] I'm sad over just 300,000 won.
It must've been awful
to lose all her savings.
Hello, miss!
I hope you enjoyed your lunch.
[exhales] Let's do this.
Here goes!
[distant clattering]
[thudding, clattering]
[door lock beeps]
Ms. Ha-ram, no!
Ms. Ha-Ram, stop it!
What are you doing in here?
You hid all the money here.
Gimme what you stole.
Why are you doing this?
There isn't any money here.
Ms. Jung, stop this now!
No, where is it? You took it all!
Just stop, there's nothing here
Please, I need help!
No, Ms. Jung, don't!
- [Soo-yeon] God, what's going on?
- Please, just let go!
Just tell me
how you got in here, Ms. Jung Ha-ram.
Can you tell me how you got in here?
She must've stolen a key card somehow.
- A key card?
- Miss, calm down. It's okay.
No, you just give me back
all the money, got that?
Give it back now. Right now!
[Ha-ram groans, breathes heavily]
[Mr. Yoon] Let's go, then, miss.
[breathing heavily, whimpers]
- [gasps]
- [Mr. Yoon] No, wait.
Please, I'm begging you.
[breathing shakily]
It was all a mistake, okay?
See, I'm sorry
that I said those bad things about you
and I spread them around, all right?
Everyone, please go to your rooms.
Everything's okay.
- All right?
- Go to your rooms.
Oh, no, miss.
Please calm down. It's all right now.
Just listen, I'm
sure you're someone good at heart,
aren't you?
You try to understand your patients.
I know you do.
So, can you help me out now?
Your pretty hairdo,
let's just call it a gift, okay?
I'll say the clothes and shoes you bought,
they're presents I bought for you!
[sobbing gently] Can you please
give back the money now, huh?
Can you do that?
Without the money, I'll die.
- [sobbing]
- Oh
So that's what you've been thinking, huh?
Let's get you up now.
[Mr. Yoon] Stand up now, miss.
- Seclusion room, please.
- Okay.
- [nurse] Move along.
- Is it for real?
- Let's just go inside now. Thank you.
- I wanna see what happens.
[Mr. Yoon] Ms. Ha-ram, wait.
[unsettling music building]
[Soo-yeon] She seems to have stabilized,
but we never know for sure.
[Ms. Hong] Mm-hm.
[Soo-yeon] Let's monitor her closely
the rest of the day.
[Ms. Hong] All right.
[Soo-yeon] I'll let Dr. Hwang know
about what happened later.
[Ms. Hong] Okay.
[Ms. Hong sighs]
Oof, I just feel sorry for her.
Here's the key card.
Oh my.
Ugh, the cleaning woman's card.
Wait, uh, where did Ms. Jung go?
Oh, Mr. Yoon
It's pretty hard.
She's one of our patients,
I shouldn't feel this way. [sobs]
But I hate her now, Mr. Yoon, I do.
And that [sniffles]
[heaving sob]
is just so awful
that I hate myself for it.
Because I deserve it! [sobs]
A nurse isn't supposed to hate
anyone in her care.
[sniffles, sobs]
I just don't know what to do
since I'm not supposed to
argue back, right?
What options do I have, then, huh?
What am I going to do, Mr. Yoon?
I just don't know anymore.
[sobbing loudly]
Just listen to her.
Ms. Ha-ram's feeling lost too.
She wanted someone to be on her side,
it's just that nobody made the effort.
Yes, but Mr. Yoon, I really did.
I did try to be patient
and to be a better listener for her.
With her as a patient, true.
Try as a person, though, 'kay?
See, sometimes,
we get patients
who need some consolation,
and not just a nurse.
[door lock beeps]
Hey, Jung Ha-ram didn't touch
her lunch or dinner.
What do we do?
Uh let me talk to her
Oh, it's a bit too hot.
Ms. Ha-ram?
How about some dinner?
Would you like to eat together?
[Ha-ram] Just give me back my money.
[Da-eun] You need to eat
to regain your strength first.
Let's talk about it again
once you've eaten something.
Makes sense.
You steal money
so you can be a careless spender, huh?
I used to take a single bowl
and get two days of meals that way.
Why's that?
Eating it all at once is a waste.
[solemn music playing]
All right
[cell phone beeps]
[woman] Ms. Jung,
you owe 350,000 in rent.
Please get it to me by the 20th.
[man] How many interviews has it been now?
You need to get a job.
We've got debts to pay.
We'll be in trouble if you don't work.
[heavy rain pattering]
Let's raise a glass
to Hanlim Architecture!
[all] Cheers!
[laughs] All right, let's hear you guys!
- I'm gonna get another one.
- Oh, pass this around.
Here, it's late. Take a taxi, all right?
[Ha-ram] Thanks so much.
Hey, did you send in that job application?
Uh yeah. Haven't heard anything yet.
- I'll head home, then. Thanks for today.
- Mm-hmm. Good work today. See ya.
10,000 WON
[cell phone ringing]
I'm here.
- [man] Ms. Jung Ha-ram?
- Who is this?
It's the HR Team at DY3.
I'm calling to let you know
that you've been hired.
- So congrats!
- What?
Will you accept the position?
Otherwise, we'll offer it
to the next person in line.
Oh, yes, I accept the position. Yeah.
Great, thank you.
To link your card pass
with your debit card,
send a copy of your ID,
and your bank account
and credit card numbers.
Oh, right, right.
I'm gonna send all my info right away.
Great, I'm so excited!
Yes, thank you!
Oh man.
[muffled squealing]
[relieved sigh]
Hey, Ma, wanna guess who just got hired?
Yeah, I'll work in an office now!
Sorry I couldn't send more money.
Sorry, yeah.
- [ATM] Select the type of transaction.
- I'll send more now.
Reading your card now.
[keypad beeping]
There have been cases
of attaching card duplicators on ATMs
in an attempt to steal
customers' personal information.
Please select the desired type
[ominous music playing]
- [breathing heavily]
- [man] It sounds like voice phishing.
A lot of folks these days
get scammed this way,
but most [sighs]
never get their money back.
[solemn music playing]
- [Ha-ram] No, just let me go!
- [officer] Ma'am.
[Ha-ram] Don't stop me!
Let me go!
I said let go!
- Please just relax, miss, come on,
- Let me go!
- Stay calm. Just relax.
- I can't do this!
- I wanna die!
- Ma'am!
- Let go! Let go!
- You have to keep on living!
I just wanna die! Let go!
- I just can't!
- Come on, let's go.
[Ha-ram] No!
So could you
[sobs softly]
just return it now?
My money.
[Ms. Song] Oh no, what's this?
Nurse Do-eun's very sick tonight.
She's been in the ER, I guess.
Ugh, um
Should I call some other nurses
about covering?
Are there any?
Everyone's gone home, right?
- Is anything wrong here?
- Huh?
Oh, well, it's just we might be missing
a nurse for the night shift tonight.
There's nobody to cover for her,
so we're not sure what to do.
I'm free. I can do it.
It's too much, you worked the day shift.
And with an injured hand.
No worries. I'm fine, okay?
Huh? You're supposed to be off tonight.
Another nurse is sick tonight,
so I decided to work late.
- That's overworking yourself, isn't it?
- It's all right.
Get in. I'll give you a ride.
It's fine, the bus is coming.
Just get in. You've been awake
the whole night, and your hand is hurt.
- [bus horn honks]
- Aren't you getting in?
[horn honks]
[Yeo-hwan] Do you have to
work yourself that hard?
To the point of injury?
I guess rich boys
don't know much about discomfort.
I'm lucky, I don't worry about money.
My mom and dad had
all the money we ever needed.
Although, if we were to go by your logic,
then my self-esteem, as someone rich,
should be way better
than people who have less, right?
When are you going to let this thing go?
When you give me a real reason.
You want the real reason?
[whimsical music playing]
[panting breathlessly]
More stairs
[groans mournfully]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
- [Deul-re] Come on in.
- Yeah.
You asked me once about
what kind of home doesn't have hot water.
Well, this is one.
Climbing all the way up here might not
seem like much after doing it just once,
but then the more climbing you do,
the more you'll start to hate it.
After ten times,
it just turns into a chore.
And you won't feel sorry for me
after that.
These are fleeting emotions
you're feeling.
Drop it, please. It won't work.
One minute, okay?
[door closes]
[knocking on door]
- Hey, what are you
- [yelps]
You asked me
if I've ever lived without hot water.
Honestly, I haven't.
So I thought
I'd get a little experience.
- You're being so childish. Why?
- I guess I can't help being childish.
I can't express my emotions
in any other way.
I want to be with you, I really do.
[Deul-re sighs]
Ah, come on.
Why are you making this so difficult?
Dr. Hwang.
You're being childish and immature.
I really don't like tactless
[romantic music playing]
[romantic music stops]
Good morning, everyone.
I guess they went out already, huh?
Well, then, I better be yeah.
Wait a sec.
[Da-eun sighs]
Yes, Ms. Ha-ram?
Could you, um, as a favor,
start a new checking account with this?
To save up my money again.
Oh, I can't deposit it for you,
but I can
We can head there together,
if you'd like to go?
Yes, I'll go to the bank with you.
[Da-eun] Hmm, let's see now. Good
Hmm. Let's go.
All illnesses
are caused by loss.
[Da-eun] You may have lost
what you cherished the most.
Or you may have lost yourself.
[Ms. Oh] Goodness!
[Da-eun] Or maybe
what you've lost is
the memory of happy days.
Serving number 212!
[Da-eun] At times like these,
we have to rely on something
that seems quite old-fashioned, really.
It's just a little thing called hope.
And we're all here
30,000 WON
searching, in order to find it.
That clichéd thing
called hope.
Ji-eun, please put the racket away.
I'm not sure which color to use here
[nurse] Ji-eun, please.
Ji-eun, you should not have the racket
unless you're going to
[whimsical music playing]
Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, hey!
[whimsical music continues]
Da-eun, hey!
What do you want?
[Yu-chan] Hey, Hyung.
What's so urgent, bro? What is it?
Right Hey, look, I can't take it.
Come on, can't take what?
I'm telling you not to like Da-eun.
[tense music playing]
[closing theme playing]
[music fades out]
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