Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Afsnit 4

- Would you like a lift?
- No, thanks.
- What's your name?
- Anders.
- Are you from the youth facility?
- It's no facility.
- What is it?
- It's just a home.
I'm Stine.
Anything new about the
car in the forest?
There was no Golf.
Then the search area needs expanding.
They've searched west of
the country road.
Have we looked aroundBrandelev?
- Yes, but they're going to Fensmark.
- Check the estate out there too.
- Could he have parked by a house?
- Yes, it's possible.
- But he's probably long gone by now.
- Listen here, profile expert
A murderer returns to where he's
dumped bodies for several years.
The police are there, and he flees.
What does he do next?
Does he keep driving in the same car,
or dump it in the area?
- He probably dumps it in the area.
- Thank you.
We'll keep the roadblocks, okay?
- No trace of the car.
- Dennis is talking to the owner.
If AndersKjeldsen drove the car,
we'll notify the press of the search.
Wait, damn it.
The car's tank was nearly empty.
He could have filled up in the area,
so maybe we can identify him.
This is about four murders
and two kidnappings?
Five murders. His mother, too.
A murder in Sweden also fits in.
But a week ago, we had no
suspects at all? Great.
We're checking petrol stations now.
We've already been here.
We'll try here.
You don't think it was
Anders Kjeldsen last night?
It could be a coincidence.
- Erling saw him.
- He hasn't seen Anders in ten years.
It could be another perpetrator.
What about this place?
We'll probably do more
good elsewhere.
If we can identify the three bodies
in the tank, we can work from there.
- If you think we're wasting time
- I didn't say that.
You don't think it wasKjeldsen and
you don't think the girls are alive.
I just mean that instead of
driving around here, we
Run off to your support group
instead. That's today, isn't it?
The bus stop is there.
Did you get much sleep last night?
A couple of hours.
On the couch.
Look. It's a Golf.
7.24 pm last night,
at the gas station.
AW 82 It's the one!
Turn around
Anders fuckingKjeldsen!
Dennis rang.
It was Anders Kjeldsen in the Golf.
- You were right.
- Jan.
Come in.
We've found a vehicle at the
quarry behind the forest.
- Hadn't we already checked there?
- Yes, but I sent the dogs.
It's best if you go there.
Where's Julie?
What have you done with her? Wait!
Please, stay. Talk to me.
What's your name? I'm Emma.
Does he live here too?
Why won't you help me?
- I can't.
- Why not?
I can't. He
You have the code to the door.
You can come and go as you like.
As he likes.
Wait here.
Julie Vinding isn't here yet,
but I've done a postmortem of
the bodies from the tank.
All of them are missing their
left ring finger.
The body that's been there the
shortest is an ethnic African woman.
I've got a picture of her
tattoo if you
- I'll take it.
- I've put it into the system.
The next woman wasn't older than 25,
from Afghanistan or Pakistan.
- Same cause of death?
- I think so.
All three have suffered deadly blows
to the back of the head.
The oldest's hands were bound just
like Natasha Gilholm's.
Yes, talk later.
- MT wants a debriefing.
- I'll wait here for Julie's autopsy.
Go in to your group.
Have you known him long?
Since I was 16.
I was hitchhiking home from a
party and he gave me a lift.
He drove me out into the forest
and wanted payment for the ride.
I'd never
I'd never done it before.
I haven't either.
Did you tell anyone?
A few weeks later he found out
which school I went to.
He sat outside and waited for me.
- We started hanging out.
- How could you?
He forced me.
He hit me, threatened my parents.
He said he'd kill them if
I said anything.
Then he went to prison for a break-in
and I changed schools.
Until what?
He found me again a couple
of years ago.
He comes and goes, he hits me
and forces me to help.
Why don't you go to the police?
Why don't you help me?
If I do
he'll kill me.
Is Julie dead?
How long do I have left?
Six months, a year?
- I can't do anything.
- You don't want to. No, wait!
- He'll kill me.
- God sees everything!
- God?
- God will protect you if you help me.
I know that. No, don't leave!
Amanda. They've found a dead
woman in Næstved.
- Is it Julie Vinding?
- It doesn't say, but surely.
- Where was she?
- At a quarry.
The pig buried her there.
- The other girl then. Emma?
- It doesn't say anything about her.
What do you want?
There's a chair there. Relax!
She was cleaned with chlorine
solution. She was malnourished.
Several blows to the head caused
fractures and internal bleeding.
She was certainly unconscious.
- When did she die?
- Between five and seven this morning.
I was chasing the car she was in at
three last night. Was she alive then?
Was she alive then?
I'm convinced of that.
- Thank you for today.
- Bye.
Stay a moment, Yasmin?
Is there something I can do to
get you to open up a bit?
I just want to help you.
Why did you stop working
for the police?
I realised I wanted to
do something else.
Just like that?
- It sounds simple.
- No
It wasn't that easy.
I would like to be a police.
I have a dream of
me and my partner approaching
a paedophile.
You know, one of the ones who
has abused lots of kids.
We'll arrest him, but he attacks and
I'm forced to shoot him.
And nobody can say anything
because he attacked the police.
And he was a disgusting pig
who deserved it.
Do you want to play Fortnite?
- I'm moving out now.
- You've paid for 14 more days.
- I can't pay you back.
- Don't worry.
Where are you moving?
Okay. Good luck then.
- Where's Jan?
- At forensics.
He's waiting for Julie's autopsy.
- What was her name?
- Rose Bojali.
She'd been in the tank the shortest.
She was registered by police in 2012.
She was from Nigeria and worked
as a prostitute.
- Was she searched for?
- No.
It wouldn't have made a difference
for someone like her.
- That's not true.
- No?
Do we invest a lot of time
into black prostitutes?
No, but for someone like
You don't give a shit
about those girls.
Relax now. Everyone's tired.
Look at this.
Samira Khan, 21-year-old
asylum seeker from Pakistan.
She was reported missing by the
asylum centre three years ago.
That fits the body which
was there longest.
The autopsy said she could be
from Afghanistan or Pakistan.
- Find the employee at the centre.
- I'll try to get her here.
He kept Julie alive.
I can't bare to think about it.
- Has he done it with all of them?
- Maybe, if he has a hiding place.
But where is he holding them
prisoner if he's homeless?
If Erika Bernn was also his victim,
it's a 35-year-old Swedish lawyer
and a black prostitute. Why?
- He changes location and signature.
- Do you mean cutting off the finger?
I'd started getting a grasp of him,
but now it doesn't fit.
It's me.
I can't investigate this anymore.
I quit.
MT will get my resignation tomorrow.
I'm sorry, Louise.
- Where the hell is Jan?
- At forensics.
- He's not answering when I call.
- He's probably just busy.
See you.
- What are you doing?
- We have to finish this.
- Stop.
- The idiot has tiled unevenly.
Give me that.
I'm moving back in now.
We'll give it a few weeks or a month.
I know I've worked a lot,
but it'll be different now.
I've quit, okay?
I saw they found a body this morning.
Is it Julie Vinding?
- Yes.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- What's going on?
- Jan came by. Can you go out a bit?
Me? Why should I go?
- Because it's my fucking house.
- Please, go out for a bit, Danny.
- We can't sell the house.
- The bank is letting me buy you out.
- I didn't think you could afford it.
- I can.
If he moves in?
You wanted this four months ago but
you can change your mind.
I'm not changing my mind.
- Hey?
- Hey.
I can't get hold of Jan.
Have you said anything to him?
Julie Vinding was alive last night
when Jan was chasing the car.
She died later.
- What's that?
- An earring Julie was wearing.
We'll hold a press conference
We're searching for AndersKjeldsen
with name and picture.
We have no other option.
It must not be revealed that
Julie was kept alive.
Of course not.
If Emma Holst is alive and
Anders Kjeldsen is searched for
What would he do with her?
- It's a risk we have to take.
- Yes.
She was alive yesterday.
I know.
I could have saved her.
Yes, maybe.
I understand if you want to
leave everything.
Yes, you did it.
- But not when someone needed me.
- Is this Emma's earring?
The other one of her earrings.
They found it on Julie.
- So Emma and Julie
- They were in the same place.
You were right.
Julie has been alive while
you've been looking for her.
So Emma probably is as well.
Do you think everything that
happens is decided by God?
That if I help you,
it's God's will?
It's your will, but God sees all.
He will protect you.
In that case, I want to help you.
- Linda Olsen from the asylum centre.
- Okay.
- I know it's a bit late.
- Yes.
Samira Khan. You worked at
the centre where she lived.
I got to know her well.
She had just turned 18 when she came
here, alone, from Afghanistan.
- Isn't that unusual?
- Very. But Samira was special.
She learned Danish in a year and
made up all her schooling.
- But she was deported?
- Yes.
She knew the police would come,
but when they did, she ran away.
She didn't take anything with her.
Samira and I were friends. She had
contacted me and wanted to disappear.
How can you be so sure of that?
I didn't tell anyone this then,
because it would have cost me my job.
Samira rang me the day after she ran
away. I don't know where she was.
We decided she'd come to
my place that evening.
- But she never showed up.
- And you know she was going to come?
I'm certain. I know something
has happened to her.
Do you know if she went to the
dentist in Denmark?
You mean
if there are X-rays you can
use to identify her?
Have you found a body?
Sorry, but you can't see anything.
- It's okay. Is he up there?
- He left a couple of hours ago.
He usually doesn't come back
until the morning after.
The car is here.
Let's continue. We've confirmed
that it's Samira Khan.
- How can we use this?
- A prostitute and an asylum seeker.
He was lucky. Or he knew they
wouldn't be missed?
He's not that rational.
He mostly goes off age and
appearance, not how big the risk is.
He goes on the hunt,
so they can't turn up by themselves.
- Erika Bernn didn't come by herself.
- But is she his victim?
- She has to be.
- I can't fit it together.
Get away. Run, Emma.
The timeline fits.
Kjeldsen is let out of prison and
kills Erika six months later.
She's the first victim he severs the
finger of, but not the last.
What if Erika Bernn was a hit?
Is he a hit man now?
Kjeldsen meets her ex who
pays him to kill her.
So the three in the tank
are also hits?
- I don't know.
- You're onto something, Dennis.
What if AndersKjeldsen isn't alone.
He kills his mother, alone.
There's no doubt about that.
But whoever kills Erika Bernn has
some kind of connection to her.
It's planned.
I don't think it'sKjeldsen.
He might have a partner in crime.
It's his signature to cut the
ring finger off the victim.
- So afterKjeldsen's release
- he hasn't killed alone.
Kjeldsen is first and foremost a
sex criminal. He has no need to kill.
But our partner in crime
enjoys killing.
He's methodical and organised.
It's also his place they use
to hold the girls prisoner.
He wants his victims close,
he enjoys having power over them.
The ultimate control over
another human.
It's what gets him off.
I'm not finished with you yet.
Subtitle translation by: Lily Ray
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