Darwin's Game (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


I noticed the phenomenon
from the moment I started Darwin's Game.
What's wrong, Rein?
Nothing, I just got a notification from Mio.
Let's see, "Darwin's Game."
Pierre-Simon Laplace, the 18th-century
mathematician, spoke about it in an essay.
If there were an intellect that knew the location
and momentum of all matter at any time
and possessed the ability
to analyze all of that information
To that intellect
Nothing would be uncertain.
And the future, just like the past,
would be present before its eyes.
Two are coming.
Contact as soon as 30 seconds.
Got it.
They slipped away again?
With the rings, they can find my soldiers' locations,
but they're still evading them so easily.
Now they're on the 29th floor?
Are they predicting my instructions?
If possible, I'd like to have
the soldiers ditch their rings,
but an order that contradicts their desires
could break my hold over them.
Only one thing to do.
Scattering my troops is risky, but
I'll station a soldier in two stairwells,
and have the other two close in
from the east and west.
That'll let me clear each floor.
It doesn't matter if any of my soldiers get picked off,
since they're all replaceable.
If one of them does get killed,
I'll know where my prey are!
Move out! Door-to-door operation!
It's okay. They're gone.
Looks like he hasn't figured out that we could be
in one of the auto-locked guest rooms.
We made it over the first hurdle.
Still, using a pillow to block the door frame
of the room you first teleported to
Your quick thinking saved us, Rein.
If your specialty is evasion, prudence is a must.
Locked rooms can come in handy.
But our opponent will probably catch on
to the trick any minute now.
It may be annoying asking again,
but are we really doing this?
At an estimated 40% chance of success,
it's a dangerous gamble.
And even if we succeed,
the odds of our survival are less than 50%.
In other words,
there's an 80% chance we'll die.
That's right
As long as we're prepared.
Where did they disappear to?
There's nowhere to hide in the hallways.
And there's no sign of
any rooms being broken into.
All of the room keys are on the first floor.
They were on the upper floors,
so there's no way they could've gotten a key.
None of the doors show signs of damage,
they can't be hiding in a room.
No, wait.
Is that a dangerous hunch?
It's possible they got a key from somewhere
or used some kind of Sigil.
Let's suppose for a moment
those two are hiding in one of the rooms.
In that scenario, one reason they were
meticulous about destroying the cameras
is they didn't want me to see
which room they were hiding in.
But going by which cameras were destroyed,
and the place they disappeared
The 29th floor.
It's highly likely they're hiding out in room 2907!
This is checkmate, boy!
No, there are signs that they were in the room.
They must be hiding somewhere in there
An explosion? From where?
They mean to use explosives
to break through the barricade on the 25th floor?
But now I know where you are!
As expected, one explosion wasn't enough?
But we don't have time to try another one.
The enemy is on the 26th floor!
The eastern barricade!
This stungun is actually pretty useful!
Well, the explosive failed,
but everything is within expected parameters!
It's the next part that's do or die!
I hope it'll work
You're the one who suggested it.
I'd say there's a good shot.
It's just that no one else has thought to try it.
And here we go.
It never crossed my mind that we could
use the Gacha shop in the middle of D-Game.
There's never time to try it
during one-on-one battles.
Now we're ready.
We just have to divvy up the duties.
I have Laplace,
so I'm best suited to use the explosives.
Yes. It's the Sigil I got from D-Game.
Universal Function. It looks like this.
Nothing like that showed up on my screen.
Did you come up with that name yourself?
That's the part that bothers you?
The D-Game system decided on my game name.
Or at least, the D-Game creator did.
Have you heard the of "Laplace's demon"?
In the 18th century, before the field
of quantum mechanics was established,
a scientist named Laplace came up with
a demon, or rather a concept.
Think of a demon that knows the mass
and momentum of every atom in the world
and possesses an infinite calculating ability.
What, like a supercomputer demon?
I'm sure D-Game's creator thought of my Sigil
as being similar to that demon's power.
All four of them are following me as planned,
but now it's a test of stamina!
I should have done
more training runs
to prepare for a situation like this!
They've caught up!
Ten seconds earlier than I anticipated!
They've failed to hit her again?
Are these soldiers less proficient than I thought?
No, that's not it.
Don't tell me
she's dodging the bullets?!
Due to poor formation,
they've got dead space to their right.
Two seconds before their next volley,
one second before that
I fire into their blind spot!
I didn't realize the girl was this tough!
And there's something else that bothers me.
Where's that boy?
Did he send the girl off to fight alone
while he cowers elsewhere?
If so, then I've misjudged him
But those eyes
Are they the eyes of a coward?
No sign of him near the barricades or elevators.
Where the hell is he?!
He already made it to the first floor?
How did he get down here?
Did he climb down the outer wall
to bypass the barricade on the 25th floor?
I didn't mean to underestimate him,
but he was one step ahead of me!
I failed to anticipate his goal.
No, that's not it.
I was always that boy's target.
What I failed to realize
was his determination!
The Florist was watching us
with surveillance cameras.
If this place has a security office,
it's probably down that hall.
Blocked by another plant barricade
Guess I'll have to blow this one up, too
But I'm totally exhausted.
Is it from the repeated use of my Sigil?
But I didn't have time to
use the shop again in the danger zone.
There's no need to use that, boy.
You're the Florist?
I've never introduced myself as such.
Why don't we talk a bit before we begin, boy?
One of us is going to die here.
Or perhaps both of us.
Which makes this our last chance
to exchange words.
Tell me, why are you playing D-Game?
Why? I don't have a reason!
I just got dragged into it!
I need money.
100 or 200 million is equivalent to a person's life.
That's why you kill?!
When someone dies, it helps someone else.
Like right now.
So, which of us is going to die?
Shut up, dumbass!
You don't get to decide what happens!
It's not I who decided!
It's the law of the jungle!
How the hell is he so powerful?
I figured a "plant master"
would be a weakling!
Have you heard of the ancient lotus seeds
that were found in ruins and then bloomed?
Or haven't you ever seen weeds
breaking through concrete so they can grow?
Plants are much tougher than animals!
And I've been given their power!
Then I don't have to hold back, right?
No way!
The bullets are bouncing off!
You messed up, boy!
He can do that?
This is checkmate!
Don't count your chickens!
I see. Your Sigil is indeed a thorn in my side.
It seems you have the power
to reproduce any weapon you've seen before?
it looks like the power isn't limitless!
Dammit! He saw right through me?
I'm dead on my feet with a killer headache.
I can use the Sigil once more, twice at most
But I didn't expect the Florist
to be this powerful!
I'd better go back to square one!
I figured you would do that!
You're a formidable opponent after all.
But there's no escape from my garden!
You have true fighting spirit.
That's admirable.
You were a worthy opponent, boy.
But it ends here!
No good. I can barely stand
Is this really the end of the line?
Well, I probably lost the moment
my trump card bullets bounced off his armor.
I've got nothing else.
You again?
The poor loser within
It seems you have the power
to reproduce any weapon you've seen before?
Even if you're not told what it is,
you should be able to use your Sigil naturally.
The D-Game system decided on my game name.
Or at least the D-Game creator
My power
The power to reproduce weapons that I know?
Are you sure?
What's that sound?
I don't know what it is,
but it's soothing, somehow.
The sound of a hammer.
A hammer?
A blacksmith's hammer as it forges steel.
Why have you come here?
There's still something
you have to do, isn't there?
Something I have to do?
What are you doing?
For all this time, I've been forging swords.
All this time?
It's been a long time.
This artillery you made, it's not bad work.
It should hold up in battle.
Get outta here.
One second on the battlefield
is equal to a brick of gold.
But this won't do it.
I can't penetrate his armor with this.
On top of that, he can make a shield.
Shield and armor that surpass firepower like this?
They must be well made.
Don't laugh! I'm desperate here!
It seems our history of spears and shields
will never end.
Your opponent saw that armor wasn't enough,
so he prepared a shield, right?
So one more push.
You should already know all this.
The structure of this gun,
how it was made, and how to use it.
That's right. I do know.
I can produce it and use it.
Like I could from the moment I was born
He went to the trouble of using a shield.
That proves he sensed a threat from my shooting.
A little more
If I could increase its power a little more
I've got it!
For this situation, perhaps it would be
worth sacrificing the life span of the gun.
Who are you?
How do you know so much about me?
Me? I'm
I'll at least finish you off with one strike,
so you won't suffer.
Screw you
What was that?
It would have been an easier death
if you just stayed down.
Screw you!
I'm sick of your selfish logic!
Shut up already!
That's pointless!
Yelling won't change the result!
Each bullet is
In exchange for shortening the gun's life span,
I increased the internal pressure.
And increased the amount
of gunpowder by 10%!
If those bullets go one millimeter deeper
My shield will fall apart at this rate!
Should I retreat?
This is the critical moment!
I win, boy!
You call being knocked on your ass a win?
Was I hallucinating?
I thought I hit you.
Well fought, boy.
Finish me off with one shot, if you please.
I'm sorry, Suzune.
Daddy lost.
You're a selfish old man to the end.
Aren't you afraid to die?
I've always had a bad heart.
I don't have that long to live.
I see.
But you dying here doesn't do me any good.
Put it off a while and die of a disease.
I have a feeling
this Treasure Hunt event is going to
Hey, boy!
Please don't try anything funny.
I've got a bead on your head.
My Sigil's maxed out for a while.
Just like this boy's.
Ah, shit. I just blacked out for a second.
You should get some rest, Kaname.
By the way, you said your Sigil was maxed out,
but rest would probably get it back to normal.
Yes, if given the chance.
Good to hear. Then I'll offer you a deal, Florist.
Or rather, Ichiro Hiiragi.
A deal?
How much do you know about this event, Mr. Hiiragi?
For example, how many rings are in this hotel?
There should be 24, but what about it?
Then did you know that Wang,
the bloodthirsty Eighth Clan leader,
is participating in this event?
The leader of the Eighth Clan?
That loose cannon?
Are you sure about that?
I'm the information broker they call the Analyst.
Many players who provide me with information
are participating in this event, too.
I've accumulated information
from them about the other players.
The first stage of this event
is about to draw to a close.
Already, the stronger players
have gathered the majority of rings,
so it's become easy to tell
where to go to get them.
From here on, it'll be a free-for-all
between the strongest players.
Meanwhile, we exhausted ourselves here.
When members of the Eighth Clan
target the rings that are here,
we won't have the energy to stand up to them.
The only way to survive this
is by forming an improvised clan
to resist the Eighth Clan.
Do we die apart?
Or survive by working together?
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