Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


- [cooing]
- Oh, what's up?
- What happened?
- [Mariana] He didn't let me in.
God knows who he was with.
But we're having lunch on Monday.
- Here, I'll change her.
- Hang on.
- What?
- A selfie.
[whispers] Look.
[shutter whirrs]
But don't you dare post it.
I don't understand your need
to post everything you do online.
- [baby crying]
- Come on, honey.
- Relax, I'll just save it for me.
- Hey?
This time, it'll be a double diaper change
with an extra something.
But it's fine, so you can learn.
It's a bit hard at first,
but it gets easy.
How can something so small stink so bad?
Pay attention. First put the diaper
- What's going on?
- And Ana.
- [cooing]
- This is Pablo.
Yes, I've met him, when he came
here drunk and causing a scandal.
I'm sorry, that was really wrong.
Mariana and I are good now.
Really? How did that happen?
Mariana realized her lawyer was a bitch.
- She lied about me and said stuff
- Pablo was just leaving.
I'll tell you everything myself, okay?
[playful music]
[opening theme playing]
[bell rings]
Mariana, how could you have
that guy here with the girls?
It's not like Pablo is a criminal.
I was very angry,
and maybe I overreacted a bit.
He threatened you, didn't he?
No, no, nothing like that.
I just thought things through.
I'd like Pablo and Regina
to have a connection,
just like Juan Carlos
with Ceci and Ro, you know?
Why didn't you tell me this?
Regina is like my daughter.
And this guy feels like an ex
I don't want to see ever again.
Ana, don't worry.
Come on, give him a chance,
he's not as bad as I said he was.
For real.
Okay. Invite him over to dinner
the day after tomorrow.
But tell him in this household,
dinner starts at 8:00 sharp.
Right, sure.
Okay. I'm meeting Juan Carlos
and I'm late. See you later.
All right. Thanks.
We've been married for 20 years,
but lately, we argue a lot.
Like every married couple.
If we can't say things as they are,
it's pointless.
How are things?
Her top priority is her work.
- No.
- It comes before her family.
- We just had a baby
- She worked the day the baby was born.
The driver was almost the midwife.
I have a very demanding job,
but I always manage.
- I've got it under control.
- That's the problem.
- You want to control everything.
- Yes, honey.
- That's why things work.
- All right. Okay, okay, okay.
Your first assignment will be
to let Juan Carlos take charge this week.
The idea is to let him
make the important decisions at home,
and see how you feel.
Take some time for yourselves,
to be together as a couple.
[Ana] Hm.
[Ceci] Who does she think she is?
Stupid Estela won everyone over
with some dumb lipsticks. Look.
So what?
Voting will begin soon
for the graduation organizing committee.
We're both competing.
I guess you'll lose.
Of course not.
I have to come up
with something cooler to give out.
- [sighs]
- [Jorge] We are not competing here.
It's a collaboration.
I need you to prepare a presentation
for the members of the board
about our company's strategies
in Latin America.
Sure. I could do
most of it if you want, Ana,
so you don't have to neglect the babies.
Babies? Not just one?
That's another story.
But don't worry, my personal life
has never interfered
with my professional life.
You'd better behave,
so they let you visit Regina.
- You're shitting me.
- Yes, so don't even think
of wearing those ripped jeans of yours.
- What's with?
- No political or religious talk either.
And if they ask you about soccer,
you root for the America team.
No, fuck no. I'd never do that.
I won't betray my Pumas.
Don't say that you live
with four other dudes either.
- Do I have to pretend?
- [phone alert]
Okay, don't get mad.
It's not that.
Sorry, my dad just canceled on me.
- Why?
- I don't know. I thought that
he wanted to reconnect,
but looks like he doesn't give a shit.
- See you at dinner, okay?
- Okay.
I'll pay you back every last cent.
- Lorena and I will be partners.
- [Juan Carlos] Good, I hope it works.
All I want is for Regina and Mariana
to have a place to live.
Right, me too.
That's what the business is for.
Transfer payments to me.
That way, we don't have to meet.
Will do, don't worry.
- Bye.
- Thank you. Bye.
Come in, baby.
I'll show you the microblading products.
All I need now is clients,
- but I'll get those.
- [sighs]
Where did you get
the money to buy all this?
Oh, from, uh it's on credit.
More like a loan. It's called
"Entrepreneur Mexico," heard of it?
Anuar stood me up.
[bittersweet music plays]
I'm sorry, darling.
But you know Anuar.
He's always been like that.
No, not always, Mom.
I didn't know you cared so much.
Well frankly, I didn't use to.
now that I have Regina, the truth is
I want her to have a loving family
that's always in her life.
Am I making any sense?
Of course, I get it. Come here.
[Ana] I so hate him.
Manolo threw me under the bus
with Jorge over the babies.
What's worse, he said his new assistant
was more efficient than you.
- What?
- Mm-hm.
- He's a misogynist.
- Mm-hm.
I went over the new products
R&D is developing.
- Oh really?
- And I made a list
of those we can promote
in Latin American markets.
- Show me.
- [knock at door]
I'm here, what can I do to help?
Nothing, thanks.
Cynthia really pulled it off.
We're almost ready.
Thanks anyway.
You're the worst, Anuar.
- You broke her heart.
- But you told me not to go.
- You didn't want me to see her.
- Yes. But I did it to protect her.
- You know why, don't you?
- All right, fine.
Should I meet up with her or not?
- [sighs]
- [Ceci] You can help me.
What kind of beauty product
would you like as a gift?
Mmm I don't know.
Hmm Maybe
tweezers to pluck my eyebrows.
Tweezers, really?
I thought of that because my mom's
started an eyebrow tattoo business.
- She does microblading?
- [Pablo] My dad is an engineer.
And Thank you.
And my mom's an orthodontist. Mm.
You live with them?
No, I just moved out.
I share an apartment with a friend.
[Ceci] See? Everyone has roomies.
I'll move out when I'm 21.
[Ana] Over my dead body.
Besides, you're not "everyone."
[Pablo] Well, this is temporary.
Until I move to the apartment I got.
- [grabs arm]
- [Juan Carlos] You got an apartment?
What work do you do?
Uh, Pablo has an engineering degree,
in computer sciences.
[Pablo] Mm-hm.
He's helping me with the app
I told you about. He's kind of a genius.
Well, Mariana is the one
who's done all the research.
- [Rodrigo] Ceci.
- Mm?
- Ceci.
- Hmm?
You're drooling.
You survived the first round,
but here's the million-dollar question.
What soccer team do you support?
Uh [chuckles]
- America, obviously.
- [all laughing]
- "Hate me more."
- [Juan Carlos] Eagle brothers.
- [Pablo] Cheers.
- Cheers.
I wish I could stay longer.
- But I have homework.
- What's it about?
An essay about marijuana legalization.
Whether I'm for or against it.
You're for it, right?
[quirky music plays]
[Ana] Do you think
it should be legal?
[Pablo] Well, marijuana has many benefits.
It's been demonized.
[Ceci chuckles] But whatever, huh?
- Who wants to talk about this now?
- I do, I do.
You were saying?
That it's legal in many countries,
- for medical purposes.
- [Ana] Mm-hm.
What about its recreational use?
Do you smoke weed?
Do you?
[Pablo] Uh
Only occasionally, not often.
When rheumatism acts up. [chuckles]
[Ana clears throat]
Well, it's getting late.
- We should go to bed.
- Correct.
And dessert?
There's no dessert.
- What about the bananas and cream?
- They're for breakfast.
Can I pick up Regina tomorrow?
- Yes.
- No.
It's not a good idea.
- And Regina isn't used to it.
- But she'll get used to it.
Besides, we can't take away
Regina's right to be with her dad.
- Exactly.
- Since when do you care
about babies' rights?
Given I get to make the decisions
this week, I say yes.
Pablo can take Regina tomorrow.
[Ana] All right.
- But the nanny has to tag along.
- [all] No.
[Conrado] You won!
- The referee.
- You're so preppy, Pablo.
- Did you go to dinner dressed like that?
- I had to look good.
So, how did it go?
Ana gave me the third degree.
But Mariana was really cool.
[all] Ooh!
[sing-song] I bet she wants
to get back together.
No, I don't think so.
But we're a family now.
- Check this out.
- [switches game off]
- So cute!
- [all] Awww!
It's cool! Post it on your Instagram.
- No, Mariana asked me not to.
- Idiot.
If a girl says no,
it means yes, and vice versa.
You're the idiot. No always means no.
You said she was cool, dumbass.
- She wants you to post it.
- Give it.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Wait.
- Posted, dude.
- [cheering]
- You'll be fine, dude.
- Fuck, yeah!
- Come on, bro.
- Hell, yeah, dude!
- [laughter]
- That's how you do it!
Awesome, dude.
- That's what I'm talking about!
- [sighs]
Ro, will you lend me your phone?
My battery died.
Okay, but promise
not to go through my photos.
I want to use it as a GPS to track Pablo.
Why didn't you say so?
[chuckles] Thank you, sweetie.
Call me if you need me.
I'm going to Xochimilco to see my dad.
- What if he stands you up again?
- No, he won't. He called me.
Oh, okay.
Hi! Hello, little penguin.
- Oh!
- Regina. Her name is Regina.
Look here's the list of instructions,
which you should follow to the letter.
Okay? You can't take Regina
out of the complex.
Here's the diaper bag with two bottles.
Diapers, wipes, and spare clothes.
You'll do fine, don't worry.
- Teach him how to use the chair
- Yes.
- And the stroller.
- Look, this gray button.
- To get her out.
- [Pablo] Mm-hm.
Push both of these at the same time
and take the whole thing out, okay?
- All right.
- Like this
- All set.
- [doorbell rings]
I'll get it.
- Hello.
- Hi.
When Dany said it was all for free,
we couldn't believe it!
All you need to do is vote for me as head
of the graduation organizing committee.
You can count on us!
- Okay, come on in.
- Thanks.
Take a seat.
You'll have to wait a bit,
but here's some magazines and lemonade.
- Thanks.
- [mouthing] All?
[mouthing] Yes.
Lore! Oh, please can you come and help me?
Yeah, I have a ton of clients.
I can't manage by myself.
All right, and you know what?
I'll need more supplies.
Will you buy some?
I'll pay you here. Oh, come on, please.
I'll wait.
[sighs and chuckles]
Uh Sorry I'm late,
the traffic was impossible.
- Were you waiting long?
- A bit, but
I haven't been here
since the three of us came here.
- Me neither.
- [chuckles]
You might not remember,
but on that day, your mom
got so dizzy.
I still have the picture we took of us.
Shall we take one now?
- Yes, sure.
- Yes?
- With the trajineras?
- Yes.
- [chuckles |
- Here.
There. Smile.
- [shutter whirrs]
- [woman] Just as I thought!
Fanny, what are you doing here?
You were acting strange.
So I went through your phone.
Who's this?
- Uh
- What's wrong with you?
She's Mariana, my daughter.
This is Fanny.
[gulps] Uh my girlfriend.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Marianita. How are you?
Uh Okay.
Why didn't you tell me, Anui?
We could be friends.
Oh [chuckles]
I got a trajinera with your name on it.
Look, here it is. [chuckles]
- [Fanny laughs]
- Let me help you.
- [Pablo] We'll have the best time ever!
- [phone rings]
What up, Conris?
[Regina cooing]
Bowling, now?
No, dude, I can't.
I'm with my little penguin.
Regina, idiot.
Wait, hold on.
Hey. What do you think?
- Shall we go or stay? Go?
- [laughs]
Yes, let's go. It was your call.
Hello? Yes, we're on our way.
Hey, will you order some fries? For Regis.
Right? No chiles. Okay.
[Fanny] I'm a cycling instructor at a gym.
I'm studying nutrition.
I've even got your dad on a diet,
right, chubby cheeks? [giggles]
Tell us how you're doing as a mom.
Good. Do you want
to meet your granddaughter?
[Anuar] Yes, yes.
Oh, she's so pretty. [laughs]
- Beautiful smile.
- [Mariana chuckles]
Oh, I can't believe
I'm a grandma at 24.
24, Dad?
She turns 25 this month.
[Juan Carlos] Young
But delicious. Don't you want a taste?
I have my presentation later.
- Taste it, you'll love it.
- [sighing] Fine!
- I'm glad you're the boss this week.
- [laughs] I know.
You have no idea
what I have prepared for tonight.
- Oh, really?
- Mmm.
- And you can't disobey, huh?
- [phone rings]
What's that?
It's an alarm I set on my phone.
What for?
So I remember to check where Pablo is.
I planted Rodrigo's cellphone
in the diaper bag to track him.
I knew I couldn't trust him.
And look.
- [phone chimes]
- He's taking Regina who knows where.
Uh He's her dad,
who cares where he takes her?
- [phone chiming]
- No, no, no.
I shouldn't have let him take her.
Where are you going?
Check, please.
- With a 20% tip.
- Yes.
- [man 1] Good one!
- [clapping]
- There you go!
- [man 2] Great, great.
[man 1] Check this out.
- [Pablo] I'm here, team!
- [all cheer]
My firstborn and future heir.
- Say hi to your uncles.
- Hi, baby girl.
[Fanny] Irresponsible.
But I love him anyway.
Once we get married,
we'll get a house with a garden.
And your room will be
right next to the nursery.
- You know about babies.
- [Mariana gasps]
Nanny and all, so great, huh?
We can all live together
like a happy family!
I really like your daughter.
We have so much in common.
Why didn't you mention her?
What? You never mentioned me,
but you want more kids?
No, no, no,
I don't want any more children.
What do you mean?
We've talked about this many times.
And every time I said no.
You're so selfish. [gasps]
- [Fanny crying]
- You know what?
This was the worst idea.
[Anuar] No, Mariana!
Mariana, wait.
No, you stay here.
I always wanted to be in your life!
There's a lot of things you don't know!
Talk to your mom!
[Fanny sobs]
The list of instructions I gave Pablo.
My goodness!
Look! Look at them, passing her
around with no regard for safety.
Oh Hey, hey!
Let's keep our distance.
[phone rings]
What's up, honey?
Mom, I need to talk to you.
Oh, darling, I'm very busy right now.
Can I call you later?
Anuar said I should ask you
- to tell me the story.
- [Tere sighs]
Don't listen to him.
Your dad's just weird like that.
I'll call you later, please. Bye.
[Elena] "Happy family."
Dude, chill out.
Hey, shall we get to it?
What's the hurry?
She just found out her ex-girlfriend
got back with her ex-boyfriend.
Your ex-boyfriend? Aren't you a lesbian?
- [chuckles]
- Shut up, stupid. Her ex-boyfriend.
All right.
[shutter whirrs]
[phone alert]
[Pablo] Penguin, penguin!
- Penguin, penguin.
- Ooh!
Check out your daddy's strike.
- Check it out.
- Look.
- Look at Daddy.
- Look.
Look, yeah.
- Cheers, cheers!
- [chattering]
She'll be a good drinker, huh?
- [all babbling]
- No, no.
Do you know how many germs
those dreadlocks must have?
Oh, no, no.
[quirky music plays]
- [gasps]
- You No, where?
Ana, no, where are you going? No. Ana!
Get your hair out of her mouth!
She'll catch something!
Come here, baby. My girl.
- Ana?
- My baby.
What are you doing here?
Bringing Regina here
was not part of the deal.
Nor was spying on me.
It's clear you can't be trusted.
How could you let
the baby put his hair in her mouth?
- Chill, ma'am, we're just drinking.
- Ma'am you call you granny, dumbass.
I found the list of rules
crumpled by the door.
- But I'm her dad.
- [scoffs]
- Do you always set the rules in your home?
- Yes.
Well, sometimes we argue,
but Ana always wins.
In that case, let's make a bet.
Okay, what's at stake?
- The winner sets the rules.
- Fine.
- One game.
- Okay.
- No!
- Hell, yeah!
Juan Carlos and I against you and any guy.
- You're on.
- Okay.
This will be good!
- Ana. Ana!
- Come on. Let's show them.
What about your presentation?
It's with my work team, they can wait.
It's Regina's future.
Besides, look at them.
I'm sure they suck.
- Come on.
- Let's do it.
- Ana is running late.
- [in Portuguese] Well, I'm here.
[in Spanish] I'm Cynthia, Ana's assistant.
Hm. Nice to meet you.
I am Matheus, chairman of the board.
I wasn't coming, but I made
some time in my schedule and here I am.
Sorry it's sudden..
Where's Ana?
[Cynthia] Ana is on her way.
She asked me to start
presenting one of the products
that R&D is developing and that
we want to promote.
Will you give me a second?
[phone chimes]
Ana the chairman of the board
showed up out of the blue.
Everyone is waiting for you.
Get here, please.
I'm so good!
- [cheering]
- Fuck, yeah!
- [Ana cheers]
- [Pablo's friend] Wow!
["Eres Para Mí"
by Julieta Venegas playing]
Come on, come on.
- Great one, dude!
- Man
[Juan Carlos muttering]
Please, let him botch it.
Botch it. Just botch it.
Miss, miss.
- Hell, yeah!
- That's it, dude!
- Good one, bro! Good one!
- Whoo!
- Cool, dude!
- Fucking great!
We have to do something.
We can't lose.
Who would've thought they'd be this good?
- [sighs]
- What if they actually win?
If they win, I'll sue Pablo
so I don't have to deal with him.
Regina can't have
such an irresponsible dad.
Well done, dude.
- We only need one strike.
- Bro, you have to let them win.
- Why?
- They want to sue you.
And we know the kind of lawyers they have.
- Seriously?
- Mm-hm.
[Cynthia] I present to you
our disposable menstrual cup.
It's very easy to put in.
You just insert it and
it fills up.
[Matheus] Uh, sorry, sorry.
Thanks, but I can't keep waiting for Ana.
Listen, the product is interesting,
but I was expecting to hear
about the financial market analysis.
Thank you.
Um No, this is part of the analysis
That's not it.
- [Cynthia] The
- I want the analysis.
[in Portuguese] Matheus, evening.
[in Spanish]
George said Ana had an emergency.
I'll take over.
That's great news, Manolo.
- [chuckles]
- Good. I'm glad you're here.
Gentlemen, well
- We'll leave the cups for now.
- [laughter]
We'll start with the statistics
from the 2019 report.
[quirky music plays]
- Whoo! Yes!
- Great!
We're back on top!
[Ana laughing]
- You're up, sweetie.
- Yes.
I mean,
I get that you're letting them win,
but don't make us look bad.
Come on!
- Oh!
- Yeah! [laughs]
We're the best!
Not to disappoint you,
but Pablo is letting us win.
Why? How do you know? Are you sure?
Yes, I am, I heard them.
Did you think I wouldn't notice, kid?
You're letting me win.
Do you think
I can't beat you on my own merit?
No, that's not it.
Then what is it? Why do this?
This is for Regina,
don't you care about her?
Of course I care about her.
But if I win, I'll lose anyway.
I heard you tell Juan Carlos you'd sue me.
I don't care who wins this stupid bet.
I only care about seeing my daughter.
You're up.
[Ana sighs]
[playful music]
Oh, hold on tight.
- It's on.
- There you go.
I should get going.
- [Elena] Okay. Bye.
- See you, girl.
What's up with you? Why are you mad at me?
You're back with Pablo, Mariana.
What are you talking about?
Cute family.
- Come on, I'm not back with Pablo.
- I don't need explanations.
I agreed to let Pablo be in Regina's life.
That's all.
Right now, I'd rather be single.
My priority is for Regina
to have a family, even if mine is a mess.
What makes you say that? What's wrong?
I had the shittiest day.
I wanted to reconnect with my dad.
So we spent the day together.
It was a mess.
The asshole has a 25-year-old girlfriend.
Yeah, that is fucked up. I'm sorry.
I miss you, dude. I miss you so much.
I miss my best friend.
- Hm?
- I really miss you too.
It was a huge success. Everyone loved it.
I know.
The problem is the budget was way off.
Jeez, Tere.
- That much?
- Yes.
Between the extra supplies
and the number of clients that came, well
I blew past my original budget.
- My sponsor is going to kill me.
- No, no, no.
No. Don't worry,
this was my fault, I'll take the loss.
Don't worry, I'll cover the costs.
- Again.
- [Juan Carlos] Your mom is so good.
- She got three strikes in a row.
- [Ana] Hah!
- I didn't know you were that good, Mom.
- I'm amazing!
When we were dating,
we went bowling a lot.
We should go more often.
- More often.
- Oh!
- She still has the touch.
- [Ana] Right?
[Mariana] What's up?
- [Ana] Hello.
- What did I miss?
We had a change of plans.
I took the penguin bowling, then
I kept calling you,
but you never picked up.
Thanks for inviting me.
[bittersweet music plays]
Sorry for not telling you, honestly.
It was all so last minute.
But it was a
pleasant surprise, frankly.
In spite of the fact that Pablo
didn't follow my rules and
did what he wanted,
I came to realize he's a good dad.
Did I say something wrong?
I wish I could say the same about my dad.
My day with Anuar sucked.
- Really?
- Mmm.
I'm also sure that he and my mom
are hiding things from me and
I hate being kept in the dark.
[sighs] I'm sorry.
Well, let's make a deal, okay?
From now on
let's not do things
behind each other's backs.
You should talk to your mom.
You have the right to know
that which they're hiding.
[phone alert]
["Niña de Ayer" by Ale Zeguer playing]
The lyrics, the rent ♪
The bills to pay ♪
The distance and the loneliness ♪
My monsters, the steps ♪
I haven't been able to take ♪
The four walls ♪
I feel like sinking in the sea ♪
No, do not cry, yesterday's child ♪
This part of the story
Is called Growing Up ♪
No, do not cry ♪
My yesterday's child ♪
I can promise you that soon
Everything will be just fine ♪
See you at counseling?
Oh, I don't know about you,
but I think we're cured.
- [chuckles] Ah! Really?
- Oh, yeah.
I have good and bad news.
The good news is, I'm head
of the graduation organizing committee.
- Mmm!
- Hm!
What's the bad news?
I need Dad to give me
more money to settle a debt.
How's that?
Tere had to give me money
for the microblading event.
- She miscalculated.
- We have to help her, honey.
- Hm?
- [Ana] Yes.
[playful music]
I won't leave until you tell me
what you and Anuar are hiding.
All right.
But I want to make it very clear
that all I've done in my life, everything,
has been to protect you.
Do you understand?
Anuar is not your biological father.
Then who is my father?
- [gasps]
- Mom!
I can't tell you.
Because I don't know.
How is that possible?
I don't know.
What do you want me to say? I don't know.
I'm sorry.
- Where are you going?
- I don't believe you.
- Sh, sh, sh.
- [Regina cooing]
- Unbelievable.
- We're not done talking.
Come back. Mariana!
- Fuck's sake!
- [door closes]
Take some time off.
I understand your situation.
But if you're here,
I need your full commitment.
It's the first time
I've let you down in 15 years.
It won't happen again.
But it happened
when the chairman of the board came.
[Jorge sighs]
I hadn't told you, but there's
an opening for the COO position.
I was backing you.
- Was?
- Now I'm not sure.
I need to know
you have the dedication and the time
for this position.
[doorbell rings]
- Mariana, you forgot your keys
- Hello, Tere.
Oh! Ceci, how are you?
What brings you here?
I wanted to thank you
for being so nice the other day.
- Aww.
- I have a surprise for you.
I brought an expert
to help with your business plan.
[Tere] Really? That's so nice of you,
you didn't have to
Hello, Tere.
I want to fall straight to your knees ♪
Just so I can know what will happen ♪
Right here ♪
Where we met each other ♪
So many moments we lived together ♪
Thinking that everything
Would be all right ♪
For ever ♪
For ever ♪
For ever, yeah ♪
Yeh, yeh, yeh ♪
I want to know what bothers you ♪
So I can have the best answer ♪
And that way ♪
Make you understand what will happen ♪
In this city we claimed for ourselves ♪
Where we lost our heads ♪
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