Dead Mountain (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

You have chosen a difficult route, Igor. -
the third category of complexity,
very rough terrain,
no roads, no paths.
By the way, comrade Zolotarev will go with you.
- How come?
The girls in the dorm
predicted to me that on this hike
someone will fall in love me.
- Zina, I think about you all the time.
Are you still mad at me?
- No, I haven't been a long time.
You'll freeze. Let's go in the house!
4th episode
Grandpa, when are we going home?
In three nights, Unhu.
I want my mother to see
that I have become a real hunter.
She will be proud of you, Unhu.
Grandpa, what was that?
- They're here.
- The deadmen.
Sorninai is already waiting for them.
It's her voice.
She will take their souls.
And remember,
you can't go close to them.
We are going up the Lozva River.
the snow depth this year
is less than last year.
often we have to stop and
scrape the wet snow off our skis.
as we're still going through
places that are not yet frozen
Naturally, my backpack is good and heavy,
but it's ok, I can keep going.
the first day is always hard.
Yesterday was much easier
without backpacks.
banks of frozen rivers are
covered with snow, snow and more snow.
Weather is as warm as yesterday,
minus eight degrees.
Lady luck is smiling at us.
we've learned a lot
Mansi words from the guys.
Nyan-bread, yum-house.
Ya-A stream.
Can you guys hear that?
What's that?
Doesn't sound like a beast.
- Then what is it?
This is because of the rock crevices,
a strong wind blows them like whistles.
It's creepy, to be honest.
Sounds just like a monster.
It's like calling us or warning us off.
- Lyuda, don't make up nonsense.
Let's move on.
We'll take a break in two hours.
Don't, Yura.
Gosya, are you free?
What's up?
Oh well
What happened?
Obviously, this was complete nonsense.
what are you talking about?
- About the prediction.
Did I tell you that someone
has to fall in love with me?
No one seems to want me.
Maybe it's Sasha Kolevatov?
What makes you think it's him?
I've noticed the
way he looks at you a few times.
Sasha, what are you doing?
I want to make a sled out of spare skis
to unload my backpacks.
Lyuda is interested.,
and she is too shy to ask.
This is the first time I've seen such a stove.
- Gozya put it together.
It's his invention.
- Nothing complicated.
You just need to be careful with it.
Bring a repair kit,
we need a wire.
Just a second.
- All right.
Hold it!
- I got it, I got it.
Igor, why didn't Yudin continue with us?
Why? Because of his leg,
you heard him.
Something tells me
that's not the problem.
Isn't that right?
He had a dream and was afraid.
I didn't tell anyone,
so as not to make a fool of him.
And you better not tell others either.
You know what?
Some people during the war
as if they had a premonition.
Even before the fight, they knew
they weren't coming back.
They said their goodbyes,
they wrote letters to their loved ones.
We're not at war right now
and nothing will happen to us.
Here you go Gosya, I brought a wire.
That was great.
Well, let's have a drink.
for our first night in the tent
and for you - iron tourists
from UPI.
For us.
- Hooray!
Yurka, did you dilute it with water?
- No, Lyuda.
On a hike you need to drink pure alcohol,
without any mixing.
Dear warden,
I want to inform you.
that a hole was found during
the inspection of the tent today.
What's that got to do with me?
- Exactly that, Lyuda!
Back in Sverdlovsk, you promised to fix it.
- Don't bother me with this hole.
Rustik, can you play mandolin!
The alcohol got her.
So that it, no more drinks for the warden.
Let's sing "The leaves".
What are these "Leaves"?
- You don't know it?
I know.
This is a favorite song of a woman,
that fate brought to me once.
When I get back from the hike,
I will go to her in Kuban.
Well, what?
- What?
Well, sing, Lyuda!
Yellowed, rain-soaked leaves
Falling and dancing over me
We are together my beloved,
we are warm, our souls full of happiness
and a drop of sadness
I love your eyes, sad ones
They shine like
a falling star
one tear like crystal
is falling down
on the leaves that
lay underneath
Grandpa, is that a song?
It's beautiful.
Sleep and keep your head down!
Otherwise, Sorninai will see you
and she'll take you away.
Guys, look!
What is it?
- I'll be right back.
Have you ever seen such a thing?
Grandpa, what is that?
It's probably Sorninai.
She sends signs to people
to leave.
Damn it! I missed it.
- What was that?
Most likely, these are tests.
Tests of what?
- Could be anything: missiles, weapons.
Who knows.
- What if it's not a test?
What could it be then?
- I don't know, something alien.
Sasha, again you start with this.
What was the name of that book?
The Andromeda Nebula.
- Well exactly, nebula, no clarity.
What are you laughing at? No one has proven
that we are alone in the universe.
Right, Sasha?
- Yes.
If we're not alone,
what the hell do they want from us?
They heard the people singing.
and they decided to take her with them.
Whatever it is, it's
best not to tell anyone.
Let's go to bed.
Tomorrow will be a difficult transition.
An alien!
Seems that Sanya's sleighs
are going worse than him.
You'd better help me.
- Guys, aren't you ashamed?!
Sasha is trying for all of us.
- Really? Our backpacks are on our backs.
Sasha, I'll help you.
Don't, don't.
Yura, what is it?
- I'll take pictures.
What's it?
- Looks like a stash.
What if there's moose meat hidden there?
Let's at least try it.
- Yeah.
Yura, don't! This is theft.
Warden, it's ok,
I'll leave canned meat there.
So this is an exchange.
Don't fall down.
- There is even something to climb here.
Yura, I don't think we should.
- It's all right.
Watch your step!
What's in there?
It's a sleigh.
- A sleigh?
- It's not a stash. It's a grave.
Are you alive?
Did you break something?
- Easy, easy!
There's a small skeleton there.
We told you so, you weirdo!
- Why did you get up there?
Is everything all right?
- I remember now.
I've read that sometimes Mansi bury
their dead in such places.
To come back for them later.
this guy must have forgotten.
They left it here on purpose.
- As a warning
for people like us,
so they don't go further.
I have another question.
Do we have any more alcohol?
Yes, researcher.
- Come on!
We still need to find a place to rest.
Guys, wait for me!
What about sticks?
You forgot your sticks.
I told you not to go anywhere.
Grandpa, I just wanted to see the deadmen.
You don't have to look at them.
There was a very beautiful girl.
She was the one singing. I recognized her voice.
Will Sorninai take her too?
Ggrandpa, what is it?
A bear slept here.
- Where is he now?
She was awakened by the deadmen.
Grandpa, wait!
Why did you hang it so low?
You want to make
a fried chicken out of me, right?
Bake Yurochka under the stove?
- Lie down, it's not so hot.
Not so hot?
It's like a sauna in here, you traitors!
Damn you!
- Tough it out, steam won't break your bones.
If I start steaming,
wake me up!
Someone is walking outside.
Yurka, is the fire still burning?
- No, it's barely smouldering.
I'll go take a look.
Sasha, what was that?
A bear.
- Where is it?
It went there.
Guys, we need to light a big fire.
Do you need help?
- No, stay in the tent!
Sasha, it looks like you wounded it.
There's blood everywhere.
- That's not good.
It may come back, be careful!
Let's follow the trail.
We can find fresh meat.
I call the meat!
- No one's going anywhere.
We leave the watch at the post until morning,
if we get tired, we will change places.
Sasha, why didn't you tell me
you had a gun?
I'd rather not talk about it.
It's a sensitive subject, you know?
As a commander, I should have known
who in the squad carries a weapon.
Now you know.
Gosya, I'll stay on duty.
I can't sleep under your stove anyway.
I'd rather be torn up by the bear.
- All right.
Morning got colder.
Unlike previous warm days
It's a sunny and cold today.
The sun is just shimmering.
By 14:00 we stopped
for lunch.
Smoked meat, breadcrumbs, sugar, garlic,
coffee made in the morning
This is our lunch.
We're in a good mood.
Are they wet? Take mine.
Zina, take them, you'll freeze.
Thank you, Yura.
Here, let me.
- Yura! Don't!
Let me.
- Yura, please stop!
Yura, we have everything ahead of us, you know?
You have your whole life ahead of you.
So many more people you will meet,
so many girls
No, Zina! There is no need
to pity me and comfort me.
Tell me, is it because of Gosya?
Did we break up because of Gosya?
Zina, I think you're wrong about Sasha.
He doesn't notice me at all.
He doesn't pay any attention to me.
Maybe he's just shy.
I don't know.
What would you do in my place?
It must be hard for you,
to imagine
that someone doesn't
pay you any attention.
No, Lyuda,
it's not difficult at all.
Zina, I'm going to get some fire twigs.
Will you come with me?
Remember you talked about the book
that you read at night?
The Andromeda Nebula?
- Yes.
Can I read it?
It sounds interesting.
I just finished yesterday.
I was even going to leave it somewhere,
so I wouldn't have to carry it around with me.
I always thought girls didn't
like science fiction.
Well, I do.
- Really?
Unbelievable. And Tanya says it's boring.
That girls should
only read romance novels.
- Yeah.
My fiancee.
We want to get married in the spring.
Keep your "Nebula".
But you wanted to read it.
- I can't stand science fiction.
It bores me to death.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Come here!
Come here!
Where are you going?
Ah, yes.
Run, run.
Close your eyes.
Gosya, I'm sorry!
I don't know what came over me.
What's the matter, Gosya?
- Let's go to the camp.
The guys are waiting for us.
Sasha, can I ask you a question?
like the grown up man you are?
Go on, I'll try to answer.
- Why do men fall in love with women?
Is it only because of external beauty?
- What are you talking about?
Look, dry wood.
I'm just trying to understand.
For example, our Zina is very beautiful.
that's why guys fall in love with her,
and on hikes and in the university.
But not everyone is as beautiful
as she is.
Then I should try something else.
But what?
With mental qualities?
Sasha tell me, your wife, the one you told us about,
is she beautiful?
What's the matter with you? Are you ill?
No, no, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Sasha! Sasha!
Sasha, what happened to you?
He fell.
He's saying something, he can't hear me.
It's epilepsy. Turn him to the side
and put a spoon in his mouth.
Let's take him to the tent first.
Sasha, grab his legs.
Slowly, slowly.
Poor Sasha.
Gosya, is he going to be all right?
I hope so.
What is this ring?
- With a skull of some sort.
It looks like some fascist stuff.
- Don't talk nonsense.
Look yourself!
Ok, get out of the tent, everyone.
We have to leave him alone.
Grandpa, can I ask you something?
These strangers don't look
like dead people at all.
Why can't we tell them
they shouldn't go to Sorninai?
Because then
she'd be furious.
And she will punish us.
You don't want to anger Sorninai, do you?
This is their destiny,
nothing will change now.
Sleep, Unhu, sleep.
Why are you holding on to this ring?
- Maybe Sasha isn't as regular as
he is trying to seem.
The gun, the ring
Maybe Gosya was right about him.
Gosya, why are you silent?
Sasha! How are you? Let me help.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to make you
so worried.
I must have scared Lyuda.
This is from war.
I went through it without being hurt, but
I got caught once.
under heavy artillery fire,
It really shook me, and now from time to time
it reminds me of itself.
War sucks.
- It's all right.
This will pass with time.
What is this ring?
The ring on your hand.
- Oh, this one?
It's a trophy.
It came to me by accident.
Something like an amulet.
Nonsense, of course,
but I always thought that,
it's helping me.
That thanks to it, I came back alive.
So I can't part with it.
Although, it is possible
the time has come.
The war is over.
Igor said it right.
We must adapt to a peaceful life.
Right, guys?
Grandpa, I'm sorry!
I'll be back soon.
Guys, we have a birthday boy.
Yurka Doroshenko was born today.
And he keeps it a secret.
- Hooray!
Who will make the first toast?
Gosya, you go! Gosya!
You've always been
my most loyal and devoted comrade.
This is friendship, Yura
it's the most precious thing I have.
Gosya, what's wrong with you?
Yuri, happy Birthday, dear!
Grow big, don't be a loser.
- Happy birthday. Hurray!
We have a surprise for you.
In the taiga, the choice is small.
So don't be mad at us.
There are only eight pieces here.
It seems that one of us will not have it.
Tibo, I think you
were allergic to tangerines.
Nothing like that. Blatant slander.
Then let the blind lot
decide for us.
I protest.
I suggest we decide
from the merits of the team.
Or, more precisely, their absence.
For example, our favorite warden.
She hadn't sewed up the hole yet.
In the tent.
Which is a reason to deprive
her of a treat.
But I carried this tangerine in my backpack
from the very beginning.
You know what? Eat it yourself!
- I was just joking. Lyuda!
Hey, who are you?
What are you doing here?
Do you understand me?
Can you speak?
I can. My dad taught me.
- What's your name?
Nice name.
Where's your father?
Grandpa said you were deadmen.
You can't go there.
There's Sorninai.
She's scarier than a bear.
She'll kill you.
Unhu, wait here.
Wait, don't go anywhere. Wait!
Guys, this way
There's a boy - Unhu.
Come quickly.
A boy, Unhu
- Don't pour her any more alcohol.
Here it is!
- Where?
He was here.
The boy was just here.
What boy?
- Mansi, the local.
He spoke Russian.
He said we shouldn't go to the mountains,
that we're all going to die.
- Lyuda, calm down!
Why should we die?
- He was talking about Sornnai.
That she's waiting for us there,
that we're all deadmen.
Gosya, do you know anything about this?
This is nonsense, local superstition.
They were already scaring us with this Sorninai.
Gosya, what are you hiding from us?
In Vizhay she caught up with us,
that Mansi woman, she told us:
That if we go to Otorten, then
this mountain was protected by an evil spirit,
the Sorninai .
She is a local idol,
she is also called the Golden Woman.
The Mansi worship her.
Do you really believe that?
Maybe we should be afraid of the Mansi themselves.
They are hunters, they have weapons.
They might not like that
we're bothering this Sorninai.
Maybe the woman and the child
they wanted to warn us about it.
- Lyuda!
- Rustic is right.
Guys, look! Again!
What's it?
Please forgive me!
Shots fired?
- Looks like it.
It came from the forest.
- Gosya, what's going on?
I don't know. Girls, go to the tent.
Sasha, do you have your gun?
Grandpa, I just wanted to save them.
I know.
I know.
You couldn't have done anything else.
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