Death's Game (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

The Reason You're Afraid of Death

Where's the baby's mother?
My baby.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
My money.
My ten billion won.
This woman must be the baby's mother.
The answer was "November 19, World Day
for the Prevention of Child Abuse."
Did you know that every five minutes,
a child somewhere in the world
dies due to abuse?
Why won't you shut up and sleep?
I can't even have a fucking cup of coffee
because of you!
What's wrong with her?
-You're home.
-Feed him.
Why are you lying down?
It's time for your meal.
The dad seems nice, thankfully.
Hey, your wife is insane.
-Did you know that?
-What the…
This expired four months ago.
It's fine. He won't die.
I guess you're right.
It's not like you can taste it.
What's wrong with these people?
Here comes a tasty meal.
-So yummy.
-I won't eat it.
I won't!
Are you kidding me?
Stop spitting it out, damn it.
Why can't I rest when I'm home, you brat?
You're pissing me off!
What's the police doing here again?
What? The police?
The police are here?
Let's get this off you.
I'm here with child protective services
due to a report of child abuse.
Excuse me? Did you just say child abuse?
What report?
The pediatric hospital
reported that they saw
signs of abuse on the child's body.
We'll need to take a look.
Excuse me.
Why would they say that?
I'll take a look at your child.
I think my rib is broken.
My heart also hurts very much.
How could they suspect us
of something like this?
Does it look like we'd beat our own child?
I also work in child welfare.
There must have been a misunderstanding.
We were just following procedure here.
Yes. Please don't be upset.
Let's go to the next house.
No, you can't leave!
Gosh, he sure has a loud voice.
You'll give your mom so much trouble.
Please help me.
We're sorry for the intrusion.
What did I ever do
to have the cops called on us?
Who the hell do you think you are?
You know what?
Nothing has worked out for me
ever since you were born.
It's all your fault.
Why wasn't there
a memory orb for that baby?
Since he never had
any memories or abilities.
I don't even know that baby's name
since nobody called him by his name!
How can such parents exist?
-If they're parents, they should--
-They should what?
No one is guaranteed anything in life.
You've just been taking
everything for granted.
You didn't care for life
and chose death so flippantly,
but that baby
didn't even get to make a choice.
There are many others like that
in the world.
Damn it!
All right.
Hurry and shoot me.
I wonder why you're in such a hurry.
Shoot me!
Humans always struggle to live
only after they die,
not while they are still alive.
Just shoot me already.
You can hear me, right?
You don't care at all
what I end up doing anyway.
You're right.
I don't care what you do.
Why not?
Seeing your actions thus far,
you will end up dying
no matter how much you struggle.
But if you ever try to kill someone,
I will intervene.
What do you take me for?
Why would I kill someone?
That won't ever happen,
so let's move on to my next life.
Sure. If you want to die that badly.
I need to find the money first.
What's the date today?
Where's my phone?
Here it is.
"April 6, 8:45 p.m."?
Then the money will be gone in 15 minutes.
And where the hell am I?
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
Damn it.
Could you hold on?
Please wait. I need to get my things.
One, two, zero, one.
It's mine.
Keep up the good work.
That was close.
You're one handsome devil.
Why is my voice so soothing?
This guy
must be a model.
Come on.
My name is Jang Geon-u. I'm 24 years old.
-Happy birthday, Geon-u!
-Since my childhood,
I was loved by everyone
because of my looks.
I was often the first crush of girls
that many boys had crushes on.
Money came easily thanks to my good looks,
and I've been living aimlessly
while modeling to make a living.
He has money as well as good looks.
No way!
It's gold.
The young guy sure has a lot of money.
Look at that.
So the abuse and murder
came to light in the end.
I wonder how many years they'll serve.
I wish I could go to the police
and testify against them.
Those rotten bastards.
"Serial killer at large."
"Traffic accident."
I wonder how this man is going to die.
A traffic accident?
Maybe he's terminally ill.
Man, it's such a headache.
Who the heck are you?
-You're coming, right?
Where else? The VIP party
we're supposed to attend tonight.
-"The VIP party"?
-That's right.
Hurry up.
All the prettiest girls in Korea
must be gathered here tonight.
Pretty girls?
Right. It would be better to be at a party
than to worry about dying.
Sure. I'll be there right away.
They say you only live once.
-Bottoms up!
I can usually drink much more than this.
Why'd you drink so much
when you're a total lightweight?
I am?
No wonder.
Damn it.
The host of tonight's party is here.
If you get on his good side,
you could end up modeling for Taekang.
Presenting the host of tonight's party,
CEO Park Tae-u.
Nice to meet you.
-Long time, no see.
-This is my friend.
He's a model.
-Is that so?
-Yes, sir.
He sure is handsome.
Hey, wait.
Haven't we met before?
I'm not sure.
-I'm sure we've met--
We've met before.
He seems drunk already.
Enjoy yourself.
Let's forget everything…
and party hard!
Get up.
Jeez. Hey.
What are you doing?
You didn't answer my calls.
This man
must be Jang Geon-u's older brother.
Have you been drinking?
What? Yes. Why do you ask?
Seriously? Hey.
You promised to man the café
while I went to the States for a week.
-Pull yourself together.
-Get up.
Get up and get washed up.
What a bother.
Here you go.
Look at you.
Why'd you drink so much
when you're a lightweight?
I'm sorry.
I'll just work today
and leave first thing
when he goes abroad tomorrow.
Let's do some cleaning.
Hey, we've got a customer.
You're the only one I love.
I love you.
Right here. This is my boyfriend.
"First Love."
"Written by Lee Ji-su."
Excuse me.
I'll come get it.
Let's just end it here.
I've put you through so much.
Have a good life.
What can I get you?
-One hot citron tea, please.
-Sure thing.
Just act natural.
"Enjoy your drink."
Enjoy your drink.
I'm so sorry.
Do you have a thing for her?
Does she come here often?
Almost every day.
She comes around this time
and stays until closing.
Every day?
If she comes here every day,
what about her work?
Right, I hear she's a writer.
-She's a writer?
A novelist.
A novelist?
"The winning piece, To You in the Future,
was published as a novel."
"When asked who came to mind first
when she won the contest,
Ms. Lee Ji-su answered…"
The person who comes to mind?
The only person
who rooted for me and my dream
is my boyfriend.
That's why I thought of him first.
How did your boyfriend react?
He's been going through a lot these days.
I haven't told him I won just yet,
but I'm sure he'll be happy for me
when he hears the news.
Should I just let you go now?
Look at our relationship.
Are you really okay
with how things are?
Then that envelope must have been
her prize money.
I need to step outside for a bit.
Hey. Where are you going?
Here. It's hot citron tea.
You're working hard.
The contest deadline is coming up.
By the way, Ji-su,
what's it like to be writing a novel?
It feels as if
I'm standing completely naked
in front of the people who read my novel.
Why is that?
Even if what I write is fictitious,
I can't help but write
using my thoughts and experiences.
I finally got to understand
why Ji-su said that
as I was reading her novel.
It was because
a few of the scenes in her novel
were based on
actual experiences Ji-su and I had.
Ms. Lee!
Here's your coffee.
Thank you.
What are you doing this weekend?
I've got two tickets
to the play you wanted to see.
Do you want to go with me?
I have plans this weekend.
What about tonight, then?
Tae-sik tells me
that you're popular
with the men at your workplace.
Why would he tell you that?
Leave me if you want.
But if you do, you'll regret it
for the rest of your life.
Because I'll end up
even more successful than anyone
who's hitting on you right now.
And also because
no other guy will love
and cherish you more than I do.
Do you
still love me?
Of course, I do.
What if I really decide to leave you?
I won't let you.
Why would I let go of someone I love?
But the saying goes,
"If you love someone, let them go."
You can do that.
When a man says
something like that, he's lying.
A man may give up his life
for the woman he loves,
but he would never give up the woman.
I'm going to stick with you forever
and never let go.
That's so scary.
Come here.
Come on.
the only one I love.
Me too.
You too, what?
I love you.
When he told me
that a man would give up his life
for a woman
but never give her up
and that he'd stick with me forever,
I believed him.
What are you looking at?
Fountain pens.
What for?
They say it's good to have one
when you become a writer.
Then I'll buy you one when that happens.
-You mean it, right?
-Of course.
Do you like this one the most?
Can you inscribe "Author Lee Ji-su" here?
Sure thing.
That night,
I secretly purchased the fountain pen
that Ji-su had been looking at…
Thank you. "Author Lee Ji-su."
…because I believed
that Ji-su would achieve her dream.
Although I never got to give it to her.
What are you doing here, Hui-su?
The two of them were craving bread
at this time of night.
I'm sorry, honey.
Ji-su, you should join us.
It's okay. I'm going to write some more.
Come home before it gets too late.
-Take care.
Let's go.
So he was Ji-su's older brother.
I suspected her
because of my inferiority complex.
I'm an idiot.
Take good care of the place for me.
I guess I'll have to keep the café open
for Ji-su's sake.
-Could I have--
-One hot citron tea, right?
That's right.
Here's your citron tea.
I didn't order the cake.
It's on the house.
I'm a fan of your book.
How did you know?
I really enjoyed To You in the Future,
so I looked up who the author was.
I see.
Thank you.
I have an idea
I want to develop into a novel.
Is that so?
What is it about?
May I sit down?
So my story
is about a man
who experiences a series of deaths.
The man ends up dying.
-He goes to the afterlife…
-I began to tell her
what I experienced after death
as if it were fictional,
skipping the part about Ji-su and I.
…he gets reincarnated…
About how I met Death after I died.
Then, the main character…
Hold on.
What did you say your name was?
It's Choi…
It's Jang Geon-u.
-That's right.
-You tell your story
so realistically,
as if you've experienced it yourself.
You describe
the protagonist's emotions in detail
as if they're your own.
Is that so?
I guess that makes sense.
I did experience it myself.
But this character called "Death"
really is cruel.
Death is completely nuts.
How could it do such an awful thing to him
just because he mocked it?
And it keeps saying
that's just how death is.
It's complete nonsense!
-What's wrong?
-It's funny.
It's a character you came up with,
but you're so immersed,
as if you've actually met it.
I must seem pretty weird to you.
No. I like it.
Do you have any more of this story?
Tell me how it goes later.
I'd love to hear more.
Sure thing.
But wait.
What's the protagonist's name?
I still…
need to come up with a name.
I don't have one yet.
I see.
Ms. Lee.
Could I get an autograph?
That fountain pen…
What about it?
It's pretty.
It was a gift from someone.
I think Yee-jae bought this
to give to you as a gift.
From that day onward,
I kept talking to Ji-su
whenever she'd visit the café.
I kept telling her
about the deaths I experienced
as if I were writing a novel
just for one person.
But why did the protagonist of your story
never once visit his mother?
I'd visit her every day if it were me.
It's because…
he doesn't think he could stand it.
He thinks it would be…
too painful to see her again.
What's wrong?
You said that
as if it were your own experience again.
I want to hear what happens next,
but it's gotten late already.
I'll get going, then.
It suddenly started raining.
Take this umbrella.
I'm fine.
You'll catch a cold.
Just take it.
Thank you.
We should…
do this again tomorrow.
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
How unfortunate.
I hope she didn't die in the accident.
I know. I think she came here often.
Just wait.
The pain that death brings you
will only get worse from now on.
It can't be.
You can't come any closer.
How is she doing? Did she survive?
-Step back.
-Tell me if she's okay!
-Is she alive or not?
-Please calm down.
-Stay back!
-I asked you if she survived or not!
Let go of me! Come on!
Just let me go!
Are you all right?
Yes. It wasn't a deep cut.
Not your hand.
You came running over earlier.
I saw you.
I thought it was someone I knew.
It must be someone
who means a lot to you.
You must have been startled.
It's fine.
I know what that feels like.
Watching you earlier…
made me think…
that I might've looked like you did today…
on that day.
"That day"?
Where's Choi Yee-jae?
Where's Choi Yee-jae?
Please tell me where he is.
This can't be true!
How could this happen?
Do you feel
better now?
No, not yet.
I should get going.
The wound may not be deep,
but you should see a doctor.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll tell you more of my story.
I don't think
I can visit the café tomorrow.
Did something come up?
Listening to all your stories…
reminded me of someone I know
and made me miss him.
Are you doing all right?
I, for one…
have been doing just fine.
It's as if nothing's ever happened.
I sleep, eat,
laugh, and talk.
I miss you so much.
If only I had…
kept you from leaving that night…
If I hadn't…
said those things…
would you have made a different choice?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Who are you?
I'm sorry?
I'm here to see my mother.
I see.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, Mom.
I wrote my mom a letter
pretending to be an acquaintance of mine.
It said that Yee-jae made the money
through an investment in cryptocurrency,
so she should spend it freely.
I've died so many times…
that now I even die in my dreams.
That's fascinating.
Please tell me more next time.
It's late.
Would you mind if I walked you home?
-It's fine.
I need to get going soon anyway.
Okay, then.
The uneventful days
when we walked together hand in hand.
Those moments alone
were more than enough reason to go on.
Why hadn't I realized it sooner?
The reason we're afraid of death
is because there will be no tomorrow.
That's why I'm afraid
that death might come knocking
at this very moment.
Does that story of yours
have a happy ending?
Do you think
that a happy ending is possible?
I sincerely hope…
that your story ends happily.
Because I feel bad for the protagonist.
He had a difficult life
and didn't have anyone to rely on.
That's why he died.
But he needs to keep worrying
about his next death.
Even when he comes back to life
as someone else,
he constantly has to live in fear.
You can't really say you're living…
when you live in constant fear.
"You're not really living
when you live in constant fear"?
People are happiest
when they can truly be themselves.
In the end,
life would be meaningless
if you can never really be yourself.
I'm sorry.
I rambled on too much.
Wait, Ji-su.
I have to tell you this today.
today could be my last day alive.
I'm sorry?
Could you hear me out for a second?
I used to have a girlfriend
whom I dated for seven years.
While I was with her…
I was never able to show her my best self.
Take a seat.
Gosh, this place is nice.
Don't think about leaving.
We're going hard tonight.
I'm not going home tonight.
Ms. Lee.
Have you ever considered Mr. Lee
as a potential boyfriend?
Sir, I already have a boyfriend.
Come on. You're lying.
What do you think of Ms. Lee?
Gosh, I'd love to date someone like her.
Then you'll be
our team's first-ever couple.
Over here.
Come on. That's nonsense.
Would you like to order?
You must care about men's looks.
Good looks won't put food on the table.
You'll end up starving to death.
I really do have a boyfriend, Mr. Kim.
Where is he then?
Right here.
This is my boyfriend.
What are you doing?
Say hello, Yee-jae.
These are my colleagues.
See? He's handsome.
He also works very hard.
He'll never let me starve to death.
Even during the times
I felt ashamed of myself,
she would confidently introduce me
as her boyfriend,
no matter who she was with.
She proudly told them
that I was the man she loved.
She was cynical
when it came to romance movies,
but she would call me in tears
when she saw starving children
in the ads on TV.
She preferred citron tea
over bitter coffee.
She was someone
who made the most effort
when those around her felt down.
That's why I foolishly thought…
that she'd be doing just fine.
I want to tell her…
that I'm sorry for misunderstanding her.
that she should stop being so sad
over someone like me.
And also
that she's still the only one I love.
the only one I love.
Why didn't I realize then…
that I had people in my life
who would cry with me
during difficult times?
I know very well
that it's too late to ask for forgiveness.
I know that…
because I'm already dead.
What do you mean?
The story I told you
about that man who had to keep dying…
I didn't make that up.
I know it sounds crazy,
but it's what I'm going through right now.
Just like the story I told you,
I've experienced seven deaths.
Now I'm living as this man
who works as a model.
The name I had before my first death…
was Choi Yee-jae.
What are you saying?
I know it's hard to believe,
but I really am Choi Yee-jae.
Choi Yee-jae?
Make his death look like an accident.
I'm so fucked.
Sir. Are you all right?
What should we do?
That woman…
Her neck's been completely twisted.
Her dead body…
looks like a marionette.
So you're not dead yet.
I'll help you.
You see,
whether it's people or corporations,
I specialize in euthanasia.
I'll kill that bastard.
But first…
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Try it for yourself.
Are you still standing there?
Are you afraid to turn back?
The face I somberly remembered
The person I'm grateful for
The person I owe
Although there's no miracle we hoped for
Nor the strength to get back on our feet
Listen to the voice that embraces you
"I love you"
"I love you"
If you're still hesitating
I hope you find the courage
To stand up again
And overcome it
Subtitle translation by: Sonya Hong
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