Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Dee and the Ozberry Adventure

[magical jingles playing]
-[rhythmical whistling playing]
-[Dee] That piece goes there.
[Dee chuckles]
I did it, Grandma. I did it.
Ahem! Troop Leader Grandma
reporting for duty.
I see Bumblebee Dee has built her tent.
Hmm! And it's the best tent
in the whole troop.
Grandma, it's the only tent
in the whole troop.
Well, just 'cause you're visiting me
this summer
doesn't mean you can't still earn some
badges. ♪
Yes. Another badge.
[Grandma chuckles]
Bumblebee Dee, it looks like
you're ready to earn your next badge.
The peanut butter and jelly
badge. ♪
To get it, bumblebees must make
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
with a new recipe.
But it's peanut butter and jelly.
You put peanut butter and jelly together,
and that's it.
Well, if you wanna earn that badge,
looks like you'll have to
think a little differently.
[soft piano music playing]
Peanut butter and jelly.
Ugh! There's no way
to think differently about it.
-[magical, ethereal jingles]
-Aah! My key!
Time to go to Oz.
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
[panting] I'm here! I'm here!
Dee, welcome.
Today, we're going to Strawland
for the Ozberry Feast.
I can't wait to show you my home.
Strawland is the greatest!
-I'm so excited.
Honey, you should be.
Now put your bubbles on.
But bubbles are something you blow,
not something you wear.
In Oz,
you gotta think a little differently.
[magical bleeping]
[bubbles gurgling]
Bubbles can be floating shoes
that get you where you're going.
-[Scarecrow] Wow!
-[TIn] Wow!
Bubbles as shoes?
-What an interesting idea.
[Tin] Oz-tastic indeed.
What better way to travel
to the Ozberry Feast? Come on.
-[Miss Emerald chuckling]
-Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[all chuckling, gasping]
[Scarecrow huffs] Whoa!
[Scarecrow] Bubble shoes?
Or maybe bubble board! Ha ha ha!
Let's go to Strawland!
Look out, world, I'm on my way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in my way ♪
Got my bubble shoes on
And I'm shoutin' yay ♪
On a mission, got a vision
And I know the way ♪
Scarecrow, what are you doing?
I thought of a new way to bubble.
-[Dee gasps]
-[Scarecrow] Hello. Whoa! Whoa!
[Scarecrow] Woo-hoo!
Nice moves, Scarecrow. Let me try.
-Whoa, oh!
Oh, wow, whoa!
-This is so awesome!
Yes! You came up with
a different way to bubble.
I like the way you think.
Thanks, Miss Emerald.
I like the way I think too.
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
We're gonna go
Where the ozberries grow ♪
Strawland, where I'm from ♪
Bubble through air
I'll get us there ♪
Look out, world, here we come ♪
All right now, y'all.
[bubbles bleeping]
Be wonderful.
-Thank you.
-Bye, Miss Emerald!
-[magical ding]
[all chuckling]
-Well, hi there.
-Welcome to Strawland!
-[whimsical music playing]
-[Dee] Wow! This place looks so amazing.
Look! Look! Look! Over there's the field
where the ozberries grow.
-[Dee gasps]
[Scarecrow] And there's other scarecrows
hanging shiny decorations for the feast.
-[Dee, Tin] Wow!
And here's my second favorite hay bale.
And my third favorite.
[Scarecrow laughs loudly]
Guess what this one is? My first favorite!
-[Scarecrow laughing]
Scarecrow. Oh, there you are.
Hi, Nonny. These are my friends
from the Wonderful School of Oz.
Tin and Dee. This is Nonny Haybert.
They're the leader of the scarecrows.
Delighted to meet you.
Welcome to our Ozberry Feast.
[magical twinkling]
Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.
When the feast starts at sunset,
we'll dance and eat
and have the berry best time.
-[Nonny chuckles]
We sure will. Now, come on.
There won't be a feast
if we don't pick those ozberries.
-[Dee] Oh, wow!
They look delicious.
Ozberries are so beautiful.
They're one of my favorite things
about home.
And this year, we need
you three to protect the ozberries.
[all gasp]
It's a very important job.
Wow. Important, huh?
I know we can do it, Scarecrow.
Together, we can do anything.
You're right, Dee.
We're gonna be
the best ozberry protectors in all of Oz.
But who are we protecting them from?
-[flapping] Woohoo!
-[all gasp]
From these Woohoo birds.
If we don't protect the ozberries,
they'll take 'em to their nest
and eat 'em all.
But then, we won't have
any ozberries for the feast.
That's right.
So, uh, how do you protect the ozberries?
Mmm! The scaring way. Ahhh!
Us scarecrows know the way
To keep those birdies out ♪
If you get in their face
Woohoos won't come around ♪
We learned how to scare the birds
And now we're tellin' you ♪
Wanna get rid of Woohoos?
This is what you gotta do ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
It's the scaring way ♪
It's the scaring way ♪
We learned how to scare the birds
And now we're tellin' you ♪
Wanna get rid of Woohoos?
This is what you gotta do ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
[Woohoos] Ahhh!
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
It's the scaring way ♪
It's the scaring way ♪
We learned how to scare the birds
And now we're tellin' you ♪
You have to get rid of Woohoos
And this is what you gotta do ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
Make your body shake
Make a scary face ♪
Kick your leg out
Turn it all around ♪
-[Nonny] Good scaring, everybody.
-Great job.
Scarecrow, are you okay?
It's just I like the Woohoo birds.
I don't want to scare them.
But scaring's what we do, Scarecrow.
It's the only way we know
to protect the berries.
When it comes to the woo-hoo birds,
the scaring way just works.
And we've never even tried anything else.
So, ready to scare?
Yeah, I guess.
All right, then. Let's get moving.
Time to pick those berries
for the Ozberry Feast.
I'll protect those berries.
And there's gotta be
a way to do it without scaring.
Here come more Woohoo birds.
We have to scare them away.
C'mon, Scarecrow. Protect the ozberries.
Get out! Go! Shoo! Rahh!
Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo!
Woohoo, woohoo!
Huh. Flap, flap, flap.
-[Scarecrow laughing]
-Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo!
-[Tin, Dee bellowing]
[Scarecrow laughing]
Hey, the Woohoo birds
are flapping with me.
It's like we're dancing together.
-[Scarecrow] Woohoo!
Maybe I could protect the ozberries
a different way without scaring them.
Hey, nice hops. Hop, hop, hop.
[Whoohoos] Woohoo, woohoo!
[Dee] Huh?
Woohoo, woohoo!
[Tin] Ooh!
Hop, hop, hop. Flap, flap, flap.
-Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo.
Wow. The woo-hoo birds are dancing
instead of taking the ozberries.
Yep. I'm protecting the ozberries
a different way. My way.
Woohoo, woohoo!
And it's working.
-[playful music playing]
-Let's dance.
Hop, hop, hop. Flap, flap, flap.
-I say woo, you say hoo. Woo?
-Woohoo, woohoo!
[Nonny] Scarecrow, no!
-[Scarecrow 1] Get back!
-[Scarecrow 2] Hey!
We have to protect the berries
by scaring the birds away.
There. All gone.
Scarecrow, what were you doing?
I just thought [sighs]
I thought I could do things
a different way.
You can't dance with the birds.
You have to do it the scaring way.
It's the only way we've ever done things.
Uh, Nonny.
We scare the birds. That's what works.
[Dee] Nonny!
-[Tin] Nonny! They're getting the berries.
[Nonny] No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh!
-[playful music playing]
Hey, come back here. You cut that out.
-Woohoo, woohoo!
-No, no, no, no, no, no. Hey! Oh!
-[Scarecrow 1] No!
-[Scarecrow 2]Come back, y'all.
[Scarecrow] They got every single ozberry.
It was my job
to protect the berries and I didn't.
Now we won't have any
for the Ozberry Feast.
[sad piano music playing]
Where are you?
Hey, what are you Woohoo birds
doing back here?
You already ate all the ozberries.
See? You cleaned us out.
-[magical twinkling]
Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Personal space.
-[woohooing repeatedly]
-[Tin yelling] Whoa!
Tin! Tin!
-I'm okay, Dee. Whoa! Ooh!
-[woohooing repeatedly]
I really wanted to do my important job
and protect the ozberries,
but everything got messed up
when I tried something different.
[sighs deeply]
Should I have just done things
the way they're always done?
-[Tin yelling] Wh wh whoa!
-We've gotta save him, Scarecrow.
We're coming for you, Tin. Hold on.
I don't think I have a choice.
Wh wh whoa!
This must be their nest.
[magical twinkling]
Hey, it's kind of nice up here.
[gasps] I can see my house.
But it'd still be really nice
if you guys could get me down from here.
We'll think of something, Tin.
What should we do?
Oh! I don't know. Think, Scarecrow, think.
[grunts] What am I doing?
The way I think's probably
just gonna mess things up again.
But, Scarecrow, I love the way you think.
Yeah. You don't just do
what's always been done.
You think differently
and come up with your own way,
and I love that.
[soft music playing]
I know you're feeling low ♪
And no one understands your flow ♪
You might feel all alone ♪
But there's one thing
that you should know ♪
I like how you think
I love the way your mind works ♪
You think upside down
And inside out ♪
I'm out of the box, it's true ♪
The way that you think
might save the day ♪
Step right up to the Scarecrow way ♪
I like how I think ♪
I love the way my mind works ♪
[rhythmical whistling playing]
If anyone can think us out of this,
it's you, Scarecrow.
Thanks, Dee.
Woohoo, woohoo!
-What a lovely nest you have.
-Now, how are we gonna save Tin?
Think, Scarecrow, think.
Hmm! To get Tin down,
maybe we need to figure out
why the Woohoo birds
took him in the first place.
-[magical twinkling]
Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo!
[chuckles uneasily] Nice birdie?
[ticktock rhythm music playing]
Woohoo, woohoo!
The woo-hoo birds take the ozberries,
but they don't eat them.
They use them as shiny decorations.
Aah! And they're using Tin
as a shiny decoration too.
That's it, Scarecrow.
That's exactly what they're doing.
If Nonny were here, they'd tell me
to scare the birds to rescue Tin,
but I don't think
I wanna scare the Woohoo birds.
The scaring way isn't my way.
So then, maybe we can do things
the Scarecrow way.
What if you dance
with the Woohoo birds again?
That's a great idea.
Birdies, let's get dancing.
Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo!
[Woohoos] Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo!
-Woohoo, woohoo.
-Flap, flap, flap. Hop, hop, hop.
Flap, flap, flap. Hop, hop, hop.
-Flap, flap, flap. Hop, hop, hop.
-[woohooing repeatedly]
[joyful dance music playing]
Woohoo, woohoo!
[Dee] Flap, flap, flap. Hop, hop, hop.
Flap, flap, flap. Hop, hop, hop.
[all woohooing repeatedly]
[snarling] I'm back on the ground!
Thank you, Scarecrow! Thank you.
[Dee] You did it, Scarecrow. [chuckling]
I love thinking the Scarecrow way.
Yeah. I love the way I think.
But the birds still have
all the ozberries for the feast.
-How are we gonna get them back?
-Hmm! Think, Scarecrow. Aah!
[Scarecrow] The shiny berries
are like shiny decorations.
-Aah! I know what we can do.
-[Dee] What is it, Scarecrow?
We don't have to scare. We can share.
Hey, Woohoo birds. What if we share?
We can give you something
even shinier than ozberries.
No, no, no, no. Not Tin. Think shinier.
Ha ha, yeah. Way, way shinier than me.
[woohooing repeatedly]
[Nonny sighs] I'm sorry, friends.
Without any ozberries,
we can't have an Ozberry Feast.
The Woohoo birds took every last one.
[all sigh desperately]
[Nonny] Huh?
[woohooing repeatedly]
-[all chuckling]
-[magical marching music playing]
[Nonny] Me oh my! What is going on here?
We've got to scare those birds away!
Nonny, wait. No!
The Woohoo birds are bringing
our ozberries back.
Back? Ugh! I thought those birds
ate our berries?
-[Dee] No, they didn't.
-Woohoo, woohoo!
-[Nonny gasps]
-Woohoo, woohoo!
[Scarecrow 1] Why, it's our ozberries.
They're back.
-[Scarecrow 2] Ha ha!
-What? Wha oh!
They were using them
to decorate their nest.
So we're gonna share
some of our decorations with them.
Then, they won't need the berries anymore.
Now I know the way
To keep our berries safe ♪
Listen to what I say
To make a better place ♪
Dee and I learned
The birds want to decorate too ♪
We can share with the Woohoos
And this is what you gotta do ♪
Make your wings flap
Do a little hop ♪
-Sing a woohoo
-Woohoo ♪
And share what you got ♪
Make your wings flap
Do a little hop ♪
-Sing a woohoo
-Woohoo ♪
And share what you got ♪
It's the Scarecrow way ♪
It's the Scarecrow way ♪
But, Scarecrow,
we've always done things the scaring way.
Well, maybe it's time to try a new way.
The Scarecrow way. Come on, I'll show you.
Make your wings flap
Do a little hop ♪
-Sing a woohoo
-Woohoo ♪
And share what you got ♪
I love the way I think
And you can too ♪
If I can think like me
Then you can think like you ♪
Scarecrow, I love the way you think.
From now on,
we scarecrows don't need to scare.
We can dance instead.
[joyful dance music continues]
[scarecrows] Woohoo hoo hoo!
Make your wings flap
Do a little hop ♪
-Sing a woohoo
-Woohoo ♪
And share what you got ♪
Make your wings flap
Do a little hop ♪
Woohoo, woohoo!
-Sing a woohoo
-Woohoo ♪
And share what you got ♪
[Scarecrow] Yeah!
I love the way I think
And you can too ♪
If I can think like me
Then you can think like you ♪
[all cheering, woohooing]
-[Dee] This feast looks delicious.
-And it's gonna taste delicious too.
What? It's my way of eating ozberries.
-Come on. You gotta try it.
-Don't mind if I do.
[Dee] Mmm!
[gulping] Tastes even better
than they look.
Scarecrow, we need more thinkers like you.
I love the way I think.
[Nonny] Now, let's dig in. Mm-hmm!
[all laughing, cheering]
[magical whizzing]
I know how peanut butter and jellies
have always been made,
but maybe I can make one my way.
[playful music playing]
Troop Leader Grandma. I'm ready.
All right, now.
Let's see that PB and Hey!
I call it a PB&J the Dee Davis way.
My, my, my. Mmm! That looks delicious.
Now, what's the Dee Davis way?
Well, there's peanut butter and jelly,
of course, but then I added ozberries.
I think you mean blueberries, Dee.
Here, have a bite.
Well, do you like it?
I love it. Especially the ozberries.
I love the way I think.
Troop Leader Grandma's proud to award you
the peanut butter and jelly
and ozberries badge.
Yeah! I did it. I did it.
Another badge. Yeah. Yeah.
You did. You go, girl. That's my Dee-Dee.
[ethereal, magical twinkling playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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