Dekalog (1989) s01e04 Episode Script

Part 4

Anka, stop it, damn you! Please don't! Stop it, do you hear? Anka It's Easter Monday No What do you mean, no? Open the door! I won't Please let me in.
I'm in a hurry No Open the door, damn it Easter Monday, eh? No! Easter Monday? No.
But I won't have the time to get dry if I'm get dry if I'm to Well Yes? Yes, it's me Just a moment Would you hang up the receiver, Dad? I'll take it from my room O.
Has he hanged up? Yes Have you hanged up, Dad? Yes Well? It's all right, False alarm I got the curse in the morning Thank God Want me to come to the airport? What is it? My ticket, damn it Are you scared? You won't believe me anywasy if I say: No Right, I don't like your going away It's wet, damn it Yeah Bye, Dad Bye.
And take care Anka I forgot to pay the rent and the telephone bill Where are those bills? One of the bureau drawers You'll find them, well Dad! Your christian name, please? Anna Age? Twenty Are you a student? S.
Third year The Thea trical College I know I wonder y son wants to study there What exams did you have on admission? Literature, prose, poetry, song Which poem did you recite? Let me see.
Elliot's, Herbert's I see.
He hasn't got a chance Do you have problems with your sight? Yes.
Yesterday I look at a plane from a distance I ought to have seen it clearly but it was just a blurred shape And then I rememberd I only notice but numbers from a very close distance Here you are F-A-T-H-E-R Father You've been guessing At least the last letters Yes And you speak English Yes Why have you arranged the letters like this? I checked your I.
, too I see, my father was leaving on that plane which I couldn't see yesterday Have I done anything wrong? No, you're not in the centre of everything Bad temper? I don't like Father to be away If you feel sad or scared I can stay with you all the time "To be opened after my death For my daughter Anna" Well, who's next? I know it's going to be me And me All right.
Step up to each other Good night.
We won't have any more games tonight.
Good night What a Shrew.
You love him, remember Pardon? You love him You're offanded An offended princess Concentrate Why should I love him? Are you kidding? Don't you get the implied meaning? It's possible to love just anybody We all have a silly something for which All right, but why do I love him? I don't know.
Think of something What do I love him for? Let's say you love him because he started at you All right, sir, if you please Now don't get personal Lie down on the table You too Let's imagine such a situation Forget about yourself just the text Good night Good We won't have any more games tonight May the angel put his blue wings around you Don't be shy Good night May your eyes that cried so much have some rest at last Let the smile fade And now get closer to him, closer Good night Good night Look Look, look at me once more Let me Let me, let me kiss you Good night Good night You aren't concentrating Do you want Let me kiss you Do you want Do you want to call the servants in? Let me kiss your breast No.
Good night "I would prevent you from falling asleep if I kept saying good night" See: You know how to look at him Now you're concentrating Thank you.
We'll have a break now Hello Hi Sorry I haven't phoned I just happened to be in the nieghborhood.
Michal asked me to collect some drawings I know.
He told you about them? I'm in a hurry.
Someone's waiting for me downstairs.
Oh that's fine.
Thanks I say, Adam Yes? You've known Father a long time haven't you? I seem to remember you from times immemorial We were students together Did you know my mother? Yes.
Not too well, actually What was she like? You resemble her I mean, what did she look like? You resemble her that wya, too But she also had intuition, like you do you think she could have had a secret? I don't know Something she might have wanted to let me know? She'd have told you.
She was like you I was five days old when she died Ah, yes She'd have wrote you a letter or something Sorry, I've got to go I'll call in some day after Michal's back.
Bye Thanks Departure of the Polish Airlines plane to Cracow and Rome Hello.
Why here of all places? Well yes, it's quite nice Is anything wrong? No At school? No Then what is it? My dear baby daughter.
Pardon? My dear baby daughter.
I don't know what you look like reading this letter You must be a grown-up woman now and Michal is already dead When I'm writing this you're just a tiny baby I saw you just once They refused to show you to me anymore because I'll be dying soon I guess There's an important thing I've got to tell you Michal is not your father But it doesn't really matter who your father is Just a moment of forgetfullness and the harm was done I know Michal will love you like a daughter and you'll be comfortable with him I'm thinking about you now wondering what you look like when you're reading this letter You have dark hair, haven't you? And slender hands and neck I would so much like to Mother Good afternoon.
Is Jarek home? No, he's out but he'll be back.
Come in did he tell you he wanted to marry me? Indirectly.
I guessed it, anyway I can marry him straight away What about your father? It doesn't matter He's not my father, really I've been looking for you I forgot the keys Is this our floor? Sorry Good evening Good evening Are you going down? Yes You knew it Good night Good night Yes I guessed Oh, I'm sorry.
It seems I've brought all the way down No, we weren't going down But this is the basement, Dad Never mind.
Come on Do you recognize your mother? Yes, well One of them may be your father Dad? It belonged to your mother.
They gave it back to me in the hospital Since when do you know? I've never know for sure I only suspected You deceived me It never mattered to me You've always been my daughter You should have told me First, I planned to show this letter to you when you were But then it turned out you were still to small.
Next, I decided to wait till you were fifteen Then you proved too big So I just put it into that yellow envelope So damn simple I thought things would be the same between you and me But you're lying Yes you are Look I've got two candles This one's mine and the other one yours The person whose candle is the first to die out will ask a question.
? O.
It's a draft Got a cigarette? You win.
You can ask and you'll get a honest answer Why I read the letter? I read it because you wanted me to I first saw it during the removal quite accidentally Papers fell out of a briefcase of yours I was sixteen at that time Fifteen and a half All right, fifteen and a half I put the letter back to the briefcase but I already knew it existed It was quite exciting to begin with to know there was something I could only learn after your death I noticed you took the letter with you when you away But you didn't take it with you the last time No You did it on purpose Well, so I took it I carried it with me three days long A week had passed And I went to sit on the Vistula and opened the latter Yes Quite an exhaustive answer Have you ever read it? No It wasn't too exhausitve, really Like they tell us at school, think why you say the things you say Think about the intentic or the implied meaning Don't you want to learn about the implied meaning? No The implied meaning is that I sensed or guessed the contents of this letter several years ago When I had my first boy-friend I knew I was decediving somebody I couldn't understand it That somebody was you I keep looking for a person Another person But when somebody touches me I think about your hand When I'm close with somebody I'm not really with him How shall I call you? I don't know Anka Ah, so you're back.
Hello! Well, how was it? Not too bad Here are your drawings I copied and mailed them and they wire they got them This means everything's all right Hello, Anka I've heard these are drafts Yes That one? Yes.
Exactly the same And thanks Does it help? Sure it does Just look at Anka After just a month of taking it don't you believe me? Just try it Oh, you've been drinking together? Yes, Anka How are things at school? When are you graduating? In May And what about those dreams you had? No thanks, old boy, I'll be going You haven't even unpacked you things Bye and thanks Go to him He's gone I know Take a bus and got to him Or take a taxi and go no matter where You don't want to talk, do you? Anka baby I'm not listening! Leave me alone! Who are you afraid of? Me or yourself? No reason to be afraid I'm getting married Answer it It might be Krystyna or Karta or Jarek.
Answer it Yes? I don't know No, I haven't been asleep Phone tomorrow, O.
? He doesn't know he's going to be married, does he? No, but I told his mother Aren't you afraid? Went to talk? Really? You can run away go away get married, but it won't help any What I told you before Adam came was true I always felt quilty in bed Now I know why I was deceiving you I didn't feel it I say, let's make a deal if you lie and I catch you out you will admit it, O.
? All right You lied, that you'd never felt it Yes You did feel it, then? Yes You live your own life You're free to do what you like And I pretent it's all right Even if you really want to marry that boy Jarek.
I won't tell you not to No matter how much you'd like me to I have no right to forbid you anything If I forbid you something or force you to do something I'll consider myself jealous Not the way a father is jealous about his daughter That won't be ordinary jealousy like between man and woman.
Do you get my meaning? Don't I get your meaning? I don't want it to be like that I've never wanted it But it's been like that I don't know why remember three years ago, when you caught be in bed with Marcin? Was it because of that that you went away? Yes I tried to find an excuse then, too no father likes it when his daughter starts sleeping with men But I wasn't your daughter I don't know I often thought your mother could have been mistaken But they say women always know But she could have been mistaken No, she couldn't.
Women do Know How do yu know that? I just know Have you ever been pregnant? Yes When was it? Last year Let me tell you something I used to go away, to spend night out I left you alone because because I wanted something to happen Something irreversible At first I thought it would happen with you first man but it didn't And then I just dreamed that you should have a baby.
I still dream about it That's why I had an abortion I didn't want you to tell me it was all right that calm smile of yours on your face For that same reason I didn't tell you I was going to have that abortion I was afraid you'd say Ah well, do as you wish my girl It's all right Has it never poccurred to you that I didn't want anything irreversible to happen? What do you want my baby for? You just want everything to be settled without you once more, right.
Just like that letter to be opened after my death I'm putting it back where it belongs It's addressed to you I don't want it I don't.
I don't want it When I was a little girl you used to caress my back Sometimes I would cry on purpose To make you reack under my pyjamas and caress me It gave me a thrill You wanted me to stay a little girl, didn't you? To be a baby You forbade me to wear proper bathing suit despite the fact I already had breasts When I was to have the curse for the first time you took me to the mountains You wanted to stop it somehow And you never married Marta or another woman I was afraid you might But there was no reason You didn't marry again You've been waiting for me haven't you? Haven't you? Yes, it was bound to happen I'm not your daughter and I'm a woman Do you want to touch me? Do you? All right Then answer just another question Just one Why did you want me to read that letter? I wanted the impossible You didn't know it was impossible I didn't That's why I hit you the first time back at the airport That because you'd ead the letter And because I'd want you to read it Because of Mother Because she wrote things she never told me Because I love you but you're not my daughter Because everything could have shaped quite differently And because of the days that won't ever be back When you caressed my back whenever I cried Sing Dad? Dad! Oh! Daddy! Daddy! I lied to you, daddy I didn't read that letter I didn't ever open it Dad I wrote it myself What you read what I told you at the airport I noticed Mother's handwriting on the envelope and forged that letter dad, what did Mother write? I don't know Where have you been? To fetch some milk for breakfast I know what we should do with the letter This is the genuie one Will you help me? Yes My darling daughter I'd like to Is it: Tell? I'd like to tell you something that most important Michal Is is this letter "n"? Michael is not the rest of it's been burnt down The End Thank you for watching
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