Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Kyabetsu ni/Ôku

On the third basement floor
of the dungeon,
through the underground graveyard
and past the forest of the spire,
you reach the Golden Castle.
The once splendid castle
is now covered in mold and dust
and is a shadow of what it used to be.
The footsteps that come
as if from nowhere,
could they belong to an adventurer?
Or could they belong to a former resident
who has passed away
but is still wandering around?
That's a skeleton.
And they're humans.
That's a ghoul.
How can you tell? You're creeping me out!
The footsteps of a living creature,
bones, and something rotten
are totally different.
Let's go left.
The Golem seems to be wary
of what's on the right.
A Golem is a human-shaped magical creature
made of mud, dirt, and stone.
It is used as a puppet
that faithfully follows
its master's commands.
For your information, Golems are 99% dirt!
They aren't edible!
They are genuinely magical creatures!
I even know how to make them!
- Teach me!
- No!
What do you want to use them for
after you learn how to make them?
What I'm interested in is their bodies.
Follow me.
This is the campsite
I usually use as my base.
You live here?
I hardly sleep here.
I usually hunt
on the second or fourth floor,
and once a month, I shop for seasoning
and other things I lack in town.
It was on my way back
from a shopping trip that I met you folks.
There are only a few monsters
you can eat on the third floor.
They are mostly decayed or just bones.
These wonderful creatures are different!
Their bodies are high in nutrition,
and always maintain
the appropriate temperature and humidity.
In other words,
are you using Golems as a garden?
The people in this castle will weep!
And so will scholars of magic!
I don't like magic,
but those creatures deserve praise.
All gardens should be like that!
After all, they're resistant
to harmful insects.
And they drive away vegetable thieves.
I don't think
they're after the vegetables.
What's more,
they even control moisture levels.
If you plant seeds and seedlings in them,
they'll take care
of the rest of the cultivation.
That said,
you still have to tend them carefully.
That's why I have my base here.
Here they come!
What now?
- Need our help?
- No need!
He's used to this.
How does he know
where the Golem's core is located?
Don't tell me
It's done.
Harvest the vegetables from the Golems.
I thought they were covered in green,
but are these all vegetables?
From a Golem's perspective,
aren't they like parasites?
On the contrary,
the plants' roots make the soil firmer,
so you could say
they're in a symbiotic relationship.
Are you sure?
But please remove the weeds.
What a rich harvest!
Looks like we can finally enjoy
some normal vegetables!
Bring the weeds over here.
Stack them up in this spot
and they will wither.
Once they're withered,
I'll return them to the Golems' bodies,
and they'll naturally decompose.
And this is fertilizer I made elsewhere.
I mix this into the Golems!
I knew it!
You knew what?
You knew where the Golems' cores were
because you're the one who planted them!
It's illegal to activate
a magical creature without permission!
All I'm doing is digging up dirt
and putting it back.
So, you're bypassing the law!
Stir the soil well and make raised rows.
Planting the same crop repeatedly
leads to monocropping issues,
so sow the seeds in a different Golem.
I'm exhausted.
I feel like I used more stamina
than when fighting monsters.
Thanks to your help,
it got done much quicker.
Drinking water
made me want to use the bathroom.
Well then, while that elven girl is gone,
I'll gather up the scattered soil
as much as I can.
Taro, Jiro, Saburo.
Will burying those
make them revive quickly?
No, it takes some time.
They'll revive
just when the seeds begin to take root,
and the soil stays in place
even when they move around.
He treats the Golems with so much care.
I'm impressed.
So this is how you were living.
Wasn't it tough?
I do it because I like it.
It's not tough at all.
That's about it.
Now, let's enjoy the fruits of our labor!
What a beautiful color.
I've sure gotten better at peeling.
Is this size really okay?
It's perfect.
Are you making fire? I can do it for you.
I'll strike a flint, so it's fine.
You always make a fire like that,
but using magic is faster.
You were just singing the praises
of how convenient Golems are.
When you make something easier,
you may lose your edge in a skill.
Convenience and ease
aren't the same thing.
Your method is no different
from buying vegetables from the store.
This is the last of the Basilisk bacon.
It's done.
- Let's dig in!
- Let's dig in!
It's so good!
It's odd to think such tasty vegetables
can grow underground!
I wonder if something inside the Golems
is affecting the flavor.
Stop it!
I don't care if they walk or yell.
They're gardens!
Speaking of which,
Golems are 99% soil, right?
What's the last 1%?
It's a secret.
Phew, that was delicious.
I'm so full.
I'm feeling sleepy after eating so much.
You can rest.
There's a little something
I want to take care of.
Clean up!
I'm going to the toilet.
The toilets around here are so proper.
They aren't some random holes
dug in the ground.
In busy areas of the dungeon,
there are designated spots
for people to relieve themselves.
They're always kept clean,
and sometimes
they're even decorated with flowers.
There must be some diligent people here.
What is it?
What are you doing?
I'm collecting the feces and urine
and carrying them to the chamber pots.
I'm impressed you can do that
right after a meal.
They serve as crucial fertilizers
down here.
You mean they were also used
for the vegetables
Marcille, they do the same thing
on the surface, too.
I know that, but it's still gross.
Why are you so determined
to stick to your life in the dungeon?
If you want a self-sufficient life,
you could have it above ground as well.
Don't you think it'd be easier
to cultivate a garden outside and hunt?
Then who else will maintain
the toilets in the dungeon?
Who will remove the zombies
that fall inside the toilets?
Who will help up the fallen Golems?
There used to be over ten Golems,
but now there are only three.
Without Golems,
monsters from the lower levels
will climb up here.
And the monsters driven out
by those monsters will enter other places.
And they will drive out other monsters.
If that happens,
this dungeon will be a different place.
You wouldn't be able
to stroll or hunt in here.
The dungeon is just like a garden.
You can't abandon them
and expect to reap their rewards.
More than anything,
eating the things that grow here
and giving back to the dungeon
Living like this, I finally feel like
I've truly entered this dungeon.
And that makes me happy.
But if that's the case,
is it okay for you
to leave this place on our behalf?
If this place falls into chaos
Don't worry about it.
Even if I'm away for a month or two,
the Golems will take care of things.
Besides, I wouldn't rest easy at night
if you all died from malnutrition.
Give me a minute.
I'll get ready in a hurry.
Senshi is so amazing.
What are you going to do
with these vegetables?
I usually use them for bartering.
Sometimes I set up
an unmanned booth and sell them.
An unmanned booth?
I used to collect the money
in a treasure box,
but I stopped
because they kept getting stolen.
So that's why that treasure box
Always had money in it.
So, do you do your bartering around here?
I have customers on a lower floor,
but even if we go now,
they probably won't have time for us.
I didn't want to leave
the garden lying idle,
so I harvested the crops.
But you can throw them away
if you don't need them.
You can't do that!
You shouldn't waste food!
You worked so hard to cultivate them,
and they're so glossy and delicious!
You're growing attached to them.
Well, in that case,
we really should trade them around here.
- Around here, huh?
- Around here, huh?
There are merchants
even inside the dungeon.
Many of their customers are adventurers
or people who, for reasons,
can't go back above ground.
Welcome, my dear guests.
Are you looking for a place to stay
or something to eat?
We want to trade.
Well, well.
So, what do you have?
Go away, go away!
Wait, at least listen to
If you want to trade, bring coins!
Do you understand? Coins!
The round, shiny, and glittery things!
It's not like we want
to trade them for gems.
You have a kitchen here, don't you?
You need ingredients
These are round and shiny, too.
Show this carrot to your cook.
I'm sure they'll want to use it.
Who would eat something so disgusting?!
How awful!
You'll incur divine punishment
if you waste food!
Throw them out now!
- Quickly now!
- Listen to
Kill the ones with weapons first!
Don't leave even one alive!
Why are orcs here?
I thought they were on much lower floors.
Anyway, we have to run
- Marcille!
- Wait.
What are you doing here, Senshi?
That's what I want to ask as well.
Are these folks your acquaintances?
That's right.
To think you would associate
with humans and an elf.
By customers, did you mean
I meant them.
I figured he meant folks like them,
but orcs, huh?
I thought they'd be goblins at least.
I assumed he meant Kobolds.
The Red Dragon showed up.
The Red Dragon
that rarely appeared in the past.
But lately, it's been showing up
near our settlement.
There are some who can't fight
in our settlement.
We came to this floor
for temporary refuge.
The Red Dragon, could it be?
The Dragon, where did you see it?
Are you asking me
to tell you where our settlement is?
I refuse.
Boss, we dealt with everyone inside.
Carry out everything that might be useful.
What on earth?
Rotten milk?
Throw it away.
Those are crops you cultivated, right?
As you can see, we're in need right now.
I'd like you to share that with me.
For barter?
In that case, these are
As I said,
we can't afford that right now.
It pains me to ask this of a friend,
but I want you to give us
all the stuff you have there.
Very well.
But in exchange,
I have a favor to ask you.
Tonight, let us stay at your place.
- Huh?
- Huh?
If you will grant us that,
we will gladly offer our lives
or our vegetables.
And you there!
That isn't rotten, it's fermented!
Be sure to take it with you!
Why did you say that?
They took our weapons.
If we learn the location
of their campsite,
we'll never see the light of day again.
You do have a plan, right?
The jar I told an orc to take earlier
is leaven made of yeast.
And the orcs have the flour
that was in the kitchen.
In other words
In other words?
I can make bread!
- Moron!
- So you don't have a plan!
- Moron!
- You just wanted to make bread!
Hey, there! Be quiet!
It's an elf!
What a barbaric face.
Stay inside this cage.
Dad came back!
We better not end up
becoming their meal for today.
Where did you put the leaven?!
If you don't know how to use it,
you're sitting on a gold mine!
Give it to me! I'll make you bread!
Mix together strong-wheat flour,
salt, sugar, leaven, and water.
And knead it until it comes together.
Are you playing with mud?
How about a history lesson?
This is a story about a time
when we were still living above ground
instead of under the ground.
People like that elf and humans there
killed many of our people
and took our lands.
Orcs killed a lot of other races, too.
Now, you add olive oil.
We were forced to leave the surface
and after wandering for a while,
we found our place underground,
and we had peace for a while.
Until they found us again.
Hold the edge of the dough
and knead it by punching it down.
They poured oil into the underground
and set fire to it.
That's because you orcs kept raiding
the villages of other races over and over!
It was the only way for us to survive.
That was your way of life
even before you moved underground.
That's why you were driven out!
Stop it, Marcille. That's enough
Shut up, half-foot!
Knead it with more strength, will you?!
Give it to me! I'll do it!
We were driven from the surface
and fled underground.
And when we finally
arrived at the dungeon,
you folks tried to take it from us!
It was the villagers
above ground who found it first!
But we went into the depths first!
Then the zombies roaming around
were there before anyone else!
Once the dough stretches smoothly,
it's time for the first fermentation.
When the dough doubles in size,
divide it evenly and shape it neatly.
You've been silent
this whole time, tall-man.
But what are you thinking?
They say anyone who defeats
the lunatic magician who built this place
will gain this whole castle.
Why are you trying
to go to the depths of the dungeon?
When you gain the kingdom,
what will you do?
I've heard of that story,
but I've never thought of that.
What a joke.
All adventures are like you.
You make your daily wage
and you test your skills.
You're all just greedy fools.
I shudder to think what might happen
if someone like you
ends up getting this castle.
That's why we kill anyone
from the surface we can find.
What a poor excuse!
Then you should compete
for the throne as well.
Or is plundering
the only thing orcs can do?
At least you have spunk.
I like that.
I'll throw you into the fire alive!
See? You turn to violence so quickly!
Second fermentation.
Once it has expanded enough,
cook it on low heat one side at a time.
Let it steam a little,
and open the lid.
And the bread is done!
It smells so good!
Let's have a taste.
Stop! That bread is ours.
We won't give it to you.
I let you make bread
because you wanted to,
but what we do with it is up to us.
These people made it together,
but they don't get to eat it?
That's because bread alone
won't make a meal.
You need a main dish, meat, and vegetables
for a well-balanced meal.
Your father just wanted us to wait
until the other dishes were ready.
Hey! What are you saying?!
Exactly. He promised
to provide lodging for a night
in exchange for our vegetables.
And your father is someone
who can't break promises.
Hey! Make them some random food!
Here! It's ready!
- Eat!
- Okay.
Thank you.
I-It's good!
So spicy!
It's spicy and delicious!
It's made with the same ingredients
as Senshi's stewed cabbage,
but it's a completely different dish.
I said plundering
was the only thing you could do,
but orcs can be pretty decent, too.
Shut up.
You asked me why I was trying
to reach the depths of the dungeon.
You see, my sister
was eaten by the Red Dragon.
That's why I'm going after the Dragon.
If you will tell us where it is,
we'll defeat the Red Dragon.
We won't involve your settlement at all.
I promise.
Hey, bring me a map.
Got it.
It's two floors under this one.
Last time I saw it, it was around
the west residential area.
Thank you.
From now on,
I'll think about the possibility
of gaining this dungeon as I explore it.
It's tough to imagine a guy
who gets captured by an orc
and bakes bread will become a king.
But good luck.
It tastes really good.
You know, that cabbage
was grown on the back of a Golem.
Even though people have varying views,
they all experience hunger.
It may only be dungeon food,
but it's still dungeon food.
Subtitle translation by: Ai Matsuoka
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