Demon's Path (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

My workers didn't listen to me
and dumped their cigarette butts here.
Madam, please do me a favor.
Don't tell Mr. Cheng.
Any discovery, madam?
Should I give you the key,
so that you can check all night?
Mr. and Mrs. Cheng,
thank you for your voluntary cooperation.
We've troubled you.
You're welcome.
Goodbye, madam.
All of you were severely
misunderstood and hurt
by this law enforcement institution
and social system.
"If this system collapses,
the outcome will be very sad."
Now that I've been released,
I'd like to borrow your power
to let this system and everybody
Sorry, Mentor.
This place is a little cramped.
But I'll pick you up
once the reporters are gone.
I was in jail for so long.
I would be happy
even if I have to sleep on the street.
What place is this?
It's my old warehouse.
It has been abandoned for many years.
Thank you, Yu Lou.
I'm the one who should thank you.
I almost got jailed
and lost my life back then.
Now that I've been released,
I really need to do something.
By the way, how's the website
I asked you to create for me?
It's done.
I hired someone to write stories
based on the information you provided.
We post a story at midnight every day.
So many people are talking
about this case now.
Now, we're at the second case
that happened in Elizabeth House.
-But what?
This is just the first step.
I'll make use of this platform
to gather all capable people.
In the future, people who are wronged
can get help from us.
John said Mary Jean Reimer
and Chen Wan Hoi
who helped us back then
sent us some private messages.
Should we tell them that
we are behind this website?
We're keeping this a secret
in order to keep you all safe.
Anyway, the more people
pay attention to this,
the less the authority
can abuse their power.
If this website existed back then,
you wouldn't be wronged
and jailed for decades.
Many things happen because of fate.
If I wasn't fated to go through that,
I wouldn't have met you all in jail
or came up with this secret website
because of my personal experience
to reveal all these dirty secrets
and make use of the media and public
to monitor this institution.
Right. When you came
to meet me and the others,
we thought you wanted
to propose a big business.
But it turned out that you want us
to be Hong Kong's version of Snow
What's his name again?
-Snowden, silly.
-That's right.
By the way,
we bought a smartphone for you,
so that you can check the website anytime.
There's no button on it. How do I use it?
Press this and swipe like this.
-That's how you make a call.
-I'm a man in my 60s.
I just left the prison
and learned how to take the train
and use the Octopus card.
Just give me a feature phone.
I'm going home to my wife and kids.
Rest well.
By the way, is there still
no news of my wife and daughter?
As you know, people back then
didn't have mobile phones or telephones.
So we couldn't find them
after they have moved.
There's no TV here.
-I'll come again tomorrow.
-Okay, thanks.
I have no freedom
I lost my freedom
I am crying in sadness
Sito Wing Keung.
Do you know that
I have waited a long time for this?
I almost died before I get to talk to you.
Who are you?
I'm your biggest fan
who wants you to live forever.
So do you like
the chicken wing rice in Stanley?
How did you know that I'm here?
Your students really care for you.
They took the trouble to send you
to a place with no TV,
so that you won't see the news
and get the shock of your life.
What are you talking about?
The day you left jail,
that fateful December 17,
but in 2017 this time,
I recreated the murder
at the same place with the same method
and another 16-year-old girl.
In fact, the girl is the youngest daughter
of the younger sister of Bin Yuet Yin.
Do you know how much trouble
I went through to find this girl?
I kept myself alive
just to wait for your release.
My imagination of your expression
at this moment alone
makes me feel so
It's you, scumbag.
Here's a 50-marks question.
Do you know why I committed the murder
on the day you were released from jail?
Because I want the whole world to know
that you, Sito Wing Keung, are innocent.
You spent decades of your life in prison
while the real murderer
got away scot-free.
Scumbag, you better not let me find you.
By the way, send my regards
to your wife and precious daughter.
No, wait.
Your daughter is now a mom
and your granddaughter
is turning 16 years old soon, right?
You were the one who framed me!
It was you!
What world is this?
Why isn't there any
telephone booth or stalls?
What should I do?
Mister, can I borrow your phone?
Buddy, I have an emergency.
Can you lend me your phone?
Miss, please lend me your phone.
Oh, no.
What's Yu Lou's number again?
What about Peter?
Can you go home and sleep?
You came here as soon as you left work.
-At this rate--
-I don't want
to go home and do nothing.
I want to find Sito Wing Keung quickly.
I want to ask him
if he was the one who killed Lam Lam.
How many days have you not slept?
Do you see that?
Almost all reporters are gone.
If I were Sito Wing Keung,
I'll choose to come home in this period.
Where are you going?
I caught you!
I'm from Fong Daily!
Your wife and daughter left you
without a word
and never came back to visit you at all?
The reporters kept
harassing her back then.
As a result, she lost her job
and our daughter couldn't go to school.
I was falsely accused.
You can guess if the police threatened her
and warned her against appealing
or protesting for me.
She was just a woman with a daughter
and she had no money.
If I were her,
I wouldn't be able to take it either.
Actually, were you really falsely accused
in the cardboard box murder back then?
If I were the murderer,
I wouldn't be so unresigned now.
So the rumor is true?
It was related to the ICAC
and police's corruption
and you were
the British government's scapegoat?
One mistake can leave you
with regret forever.
When you turn around,
it is already too late.
Why was I ultimately convicted?
Because Bin Yuet Yin's friend
suddenly came and accused me
of burning her with a cigarette butt
in the ferry.
When the jury heard that,
they thought I was crazy.
Maybe she wanted to avenge her friend
and because she believed
that you were the murderer,
she lied and falsely accused you.
In prison, I met a man convicted of rape.
But he was actually a homosexual.
The police didn't have
enough evidence to charge him.
So they got two female delinquents
to accuse him
of molesting and raping them.
Then he got sentenced
to decades of imprisonment.
Did you commit the murder
that took place the day you left jail?
-It was me.
-I knew it, scumbag!
-Are you crazy? It wasn't me!
-Calm down and let him talk.
-Why did you say it was you then?
-You didn't let me finish!
I said, it was me when pigs fly.
I wasn't out of jail yet.
Why should I believe you?
I was released
in the afternoon on the 17th.
How could I possibly kill her?
Did you instruct your students to do it?
They idolize you so much!
You can manipulate them to kill
and create an alibi.
Speak! Which student did it?
This has nothing to do with them.
Someone carefully recreated the murder
on the day I was released
in order to tell the world
that I'm innocent.
-Who hates you so much?
-I don't know who he is.
But I think I have some idea.
Who is he? Speak!
Do you know how much I hate the police?
If you want me to help you, sure.
But I want you to find
my wife and daughter for me.
Do you still want to burden them?
Over the past decades, I kept thinking.
I promised to take them to Ocean Park
when the theme park opens
before I went to jail.
You have no right to bargain with me.
Believe it or not, I can arrest you now.
The police will never change.
Do you want to extort a confession again?
Do you know that you're in great danger?
Two of your students were killed.
-Who are they?
-Don't you know?
Peter and Lan Chai Tung are dead.
They are dead?
Who killed them?
Stop playing dumb.
You're such a good actor.
No wonder people believe you.
Speak. Who is that person?
-Why are you here?
-Why are you guys here?
We came to ask Sito Wing Keung
some questions.
Dr. Ho, what are you doing here?
I know what you're thinking.
It was my teacher
who dissected Bin Yuet Yin's body.
Before he had dementia, he told me
that over the years,
people have been saying
that there were over 200 fibers found
and even though
only seven belonged to Wing Keung,
he was convicted of murder.
So the people blamed
the forensic pathologist in charge.
As such, this case had been
my teacher's dark record in his career.
But actually,
when my teacher got drunk
during his retirement party,
he told me that he did mention
in his autopsy report back then
that there were other unknown fibers
from someone else.
But for some reason,
the information was erased
when the trial was held.
As a result, they only focused on
the seven fibers from Sito Wing Keung.
So you came to find Sito Wing Keung
after you knew he was released.
To tell him on behalf of your teacher
that he's innocent?
You sound clever for once.
What is this?
It was outside your door.
What video is that?
Mom, where are we going?
Yay! Do you like celebrating your birthday
-at Ocean Park, Kuen Kuen?
-Let me watch.
Yes. Thanks, Dad and Mom.
Silly girl, this isn't your Dad.
He's your uncle.
It's my wife and my daughter.
It has been so many years.
You were jailed for over 40 years
and there are over 40 videos.
This person stalked your wife and daughter
right after you entered the prison.
-Even until you came out--
-Who left that here?
You have no idea
even though you came before me.
I just arrived. How should I know?
Is it you?
Are you the one behind everything?
Ho Fei, you are suspected
of being involved in a murder.
Please make a trip
to the police station with--
It's you again.
Where are my wife and daughter?
An 80-marks question.
Do you know what's worse
than being jailed for half of your life?
Worse than when you can't be
with your wife and daughter?
Three, two, one.
Time's up.
While you were in jail,
the murderer slept with
He looked over your wife
and daughter for you.
Yet you only found out after decades.
What exactly do you want?
Do you really want to know?
Hello. Help me track a phone call.
Because I want to know
how you will look when you lose
even the only thing in your life
that kept you alive.
I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to kill you!
Have you found me?
I beg of you.
Where are my wife and daughter?
Your wife and daughter are
I'll call Sir Ma and gather everyone.
Let's wait over there.
Are you stupid? It's dangerous.
By the way, is there still
no news of my wife and daughter?
Do you know how much I hate the police?
If you want me to help you, sure.
But I want you to find
my wife and daughter for me.
Do you still want to burden them?
I promised to take them to Ocean Park
when the theme park opens
before I went to jail.
I would hold my daughter in the cable car.
This has been my wish.
My girl.
Why are you doing this to me?
You murderers!
Call the ambulance!
Call the ambulance at once!
She was already dead when I fired the gun!
I didn't kill her!
I accidentally shot her!
I didn't kill her! She was dead!
You killed my daughter!
Give me back my daughter!
-Stop! I'm going to shoot!
-I dare you to kill me!
Calm down!
Your daughter was dead when we came in!
You can make up excuses!
You can say she attacked you!
-Grab him!
Can you calm down?
Your daughter died two hours ago.
Why should I believe you?
All of you are in cahoots.
You are insulting forensic science.
Her face and limbs are cold.
But there's still warmth on her body.
The muscles on her face
and around her eyes have hardened.
But her body is still soft.
Under the current normal room temperature,
livor mortis would only appear
at least 30 minutes later.
If your daughter was shot to death
a moment ago,
why would there be
such dark livor mortis on her elbow?
The dead never lies.
Although this is not my job,
I'll do you a favor.
I went into the kitchen earlier
and saw two cups
that were washed not long ago.
This was done by someone she knew.
It is scientifically proven that
when one is sick, in pain or shock,
the body will release different odors.
During a woman's menstruation,
the strength of the odor
would be directly proportional
to the changes in her emotions.
Unfortunately, your daughter
did not believe at all
that this person she knew
would do something
so scary and violent to her.
Judging from the degree of her injury,
apart from being tortured before death,
she was in pain, in tears and incontinent.
Why is it you?
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I have no freedom
I lost my freedom
-I am crying in sadness
-I'm really sorry.
-Your daughter is now a mom.
-I'm sorry.
and your granddaughter
is turning 16 years old soon, right?
-I failed to protect you.
-My imagination of your expression
at this moment alone
makes me feel so
Scumbag, you better not let me find you.
Come out!
-I know you're watching!
-Calm down!
-Come out and face me!
-Calm down!
-Come out!
-Calm down!
Come out!
I'm waiting for your return
Chi Chi, it's Grandpa.
I'll come back after finishing my work.
Okay. A 30-marks question.
Guess what supper
I'll buy for you tonight.
Apple pie?
Apple pie is sleeping.
I'll teach you a song when I come back.
Wait for me
Wait for me
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