Destined with You (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

There's no way the Love Spell worked.
How can you be so sure?
- Do you think I got dumped again?
- No.
Jae-gyeong does like you.
And I
like you too.
Like me?
Mr. Kwon does?
How do you know that? Did he tell you?
Did you selectively
not hear what I said next?
Well, that's impossible.
And that impossible thing happened.
Very unfortunately,
the person that drank
the love potion you made
by mixing this and that
was me.
Why would you drink it?
I'm sure I put it on Mr. Kwon's desk.
I checked the CCTV.
See for yourself.
No way.
Why did you drink that?
You're left-handed too. Don't you get it?
Are you left-handed?
My left hand looks nicer, but I'm not.
So why did you use
your left hand to drink?
The left side of my brain has an issue,
so my right hand hurts sometimes.
So I started using my left hand often.
That's what happened back then.
I unwittingly reached out
with my left hand and drank that water.
Why that water of all things?
I worked so hard to make it.
I can only use the spell once too.
You should've made him drink
the love potion surely and discreetly.
I suffered because of your poor plan.
Do something.
Why should I?
Causing bodily harm.
Article 257, paragraph 1, assault.
That's the crime you've committed.
Others might think
I shot you or something.
You did shoot me… with a love bullet.
When I'm shot, my heart races.
But I don't want my heart
to race looking at you.
it races.
- Then don't make it race.
- I can't control it.
- I'm under a spell.
- You said you don't believe in spells.
I asked you to go on a trip with me
after I left the meeting.
Why did I do that off the cuff?
When you confidently said
that you wouldn't sleep in the car
but then fell into a deep sleep,
I put down the sun visor for you to sleep.
Why did I suddenly become so nice?
When you turned around in your
white dress for the Cure Disease Spell,
I found you pretty.
On top of that,
when you were with Jae-gyeong,
I got jealous.
I would never do that
unless I was under the Love Spell,
would I?
Don't make that face.
My heart flutters.
Darn it.
I don't have time to have a crush on you.
I'm supposed to be in pain
and keep a low profile
due to a very personal issue.
So break the spell now.
How can I do that?
Do you really think I'm a witch?
You better find a way by any means.
Since I drank the love potion,
I might get jealous
and come between you and Jae-gyeong.
Gosh, what should I do?
This is driving me crazy.
What should I do?
What about you? Are you feeling better?
I don't know.
Think about it.
I only cast two spells.
The Love Spell worked
but the Cure Disease Spell didn't.
- Does that make sense?
- Use your brain.
You cast the Love Spell first.
Cure Disease Spell was next.
That was the order of spells.
Okay. Then let's talk again
once you're cured.
If you can prove
the Cure Disease Spell worked,
I'll believe that
the Love Spell worked too.
You're avoiding responsibility?
If that's what you think.
What is it now?
My feet won't move.
Because I miss you.
How can you explain this?
Don't go…
Go away.
Let's go, Jang Sin-yu.
I should've realized
when he called himself a puppy.
He really is a dog.
He speaks nonsense.
What am I going to do
with this ticklish feeling?
Jae-gyeong does like you.
Is it because he likes me?
I wanted to meet you
because I had a question.
Why do you like me?
When I worked in the Onju Dong-gu Office,
I once went to inspect a dog shelter.
There was a complaint
about dogs barking loudly.
I saw you there.
The project manager told me
that you've been
volunteering for a long time.
You got fooled by the prejudice
that those who like animals
are always good people.
But you know what?
Animals are abandoned
by those who like animals as well.
I often wish…
that I didn't have a family.
I'm kind to abandoned dogs,
but I'm very cold to my family.
I may look fine on the outside,
but I'm not on the inside.
If I weren't who I was,
when you confessed your feelings for me,
I would've been happy.
But I wasn't, because that's how I am.
So meet someone better than me.
Meet someone better than me.
I thought you were perfect.
But you are a lonely person.
Do I look lonely to you too?
You have that lonely autumn blues vibe.
Something like that.
That happens when you
don't date for a long time.
You should've dated Hong-jo.
She was cute. You lost a catch.
Do we have the date
for the Onjeong-dong fieldwork?
- Not yet.
- Please do it quick.
I knew I'd end up loving you
On the day we first met
Why do people around me have bad manners?
Are you saying I have bad manners?
I said that because of how
you don't knock.
Why don't you knock before coming in?
Please knock before you come in.
I don't want to.
The coupons I received yesterday in return
for telling you where Mr. Kwon went,
I'll use one of them.
No-knocking coupon.
You want to waste that on this?
I decide when to use it.
I'll think carefully
about when to use the other two.
About the date
for the Onjeong-dong fieldwork…
When are you free?
Any date is fine.
How is
Mr. Kwon?
Did he look happy today?
He asked a strange question
on whether he looked lonely.
So I told him to date Hong-jo--
That's none of your business!
And? Did he say he would?
I don't think he'll date her.
He continued to look lonely.
So nothing happened.
Where are you going?
To make a confession.
Su-jeong and Sae-byeol
are managing the forest together.
The business covers a huge area,
and it involves a big budget.
What about you?
I need to change the tree labels
on Mount Onju by this week.
And by next week,
I should check play facilities
and prepare a firework festival. And--
You're doing a lot on your own.
When I wasn't around,
did Mr. Gong bully you?
I didn't.
I didn't ask you, Mr. Gong.
I asked Hong-jo.
No, nothing happened.
I'll be joining the task force
directly under the mayor.
Mr. Gong, be more attentive
with work distribution.
And the final announcement.
There's no outcast in my department.
Cherish, love, and help each other.
That's all.
Thank you.
I'm Jang Sin-yu, legal advisor.
These are for you.
Why did you bring them here?
To make a confession.
I wrecked the hanging baskets
set up by your team.
- You were the one who did that?
- Yes.
It was an unintended car accident,
but I made you work twice.
So I apologize.
You didn't have to buy these.
Thank you.
It looked like Hong-jo
was getting bullied in the team.
I was worried
that she might be bullied
even more because of my mistake.
It was totally my fault.
It wasn't Hong-jo's fault.
Let's make that clear.
I understand.
Hong-jo, you may leave now.
The rest, stay.
What's going on?
How could you say that there?
I'm in a tougher spot now.
So am I.
I hate disposables,
but I bought lots of coffee to go
and even heart-shaped cookies.
I never brown-nose anyone,
but I bowed slightly.
Why did I embarrass myself like that?
Because of you.
Do you think I want this?
I can't control my feelings
because of the spell.
Wait. Why are you suddenly
speaking so openly?
I want to get closer to you.
No, I feel I already am.
Get a grip, Sin-yu.
You're Yoon Na-yeon's boyfriend.
- We broke up.
- What?
That's why it's painful. As I said,
I was supposed to be in pain
and keep a low profile.
In the emotions control center in my head,
sadness should be working actively.
But Joy is having fun cluelessly.
Why? Because of you.
- This is crazy.
- I'm the one going crazy.
It's a norepinephrine,
serotonin and dopamine rush.
They're released because of you.
You're not the only person.
Mr. Gong might have drunk it too.
Then he must like me too.
He probably drank a little.
I drank one whole cup.
A fatal amount if it was poison.
Is that why your love is fatal?
- Stop joking.
- You think I'm joking?
What do I do?
Don't blame yourself.
It hurts my heart too.
Let go of my hand.
I didn't do it to hold your hand.
I think I did it on purpose
to hold your hand.
See? I hate myself doing this.
What are you going to do?
Break the spell by all means. Please.
I have a good idea.
Drink a lot of water.
When the love potion is urinated,
you'll return to normal.
I didn't think of that. Are you a genius?
I'll do my best.
Okay. Then do your best.
I'll be off.
Drink with me.
Can you drink with me?
You wanted to go to a teahouse with me.
Get a grip, Sin-yu.
is sick.
I'm sure he didn't mean it
when he said he wanted to break up.
I had a hunch.
I've heard of the rumor
about the hereditary disease.
Sin-yu said
that I was
the most selfish person in the world.
He must be right.
I'll shamelessly ask you for a favor.
I want you
to stay by Sin-yu's side.
I'm supposed to
deliver it tomorrow. I'm sorry.
It's okay. Now I can
check for the typos beforehand.
You should hurry.
Thank you for understanding.
- I'll carry them.
- I'll do it.
Go now. You don't want to
miss your baby's birth.
- Okay. Thank you.
- No worries.
What are you doing?
Helping you carry them.
Where to? The lobby?
Greenway Building Division?
- Give me that.
- I'll carry them for you.
My gosh.
I'll help.
You did that to mess with me, didn't you?
Yes, I think I did it
on purpose to be with you.
You really don't have to help.
What will others think when they see us?
They'll think I'm a kind,
nice, and considerate lawyer.
But I don't want that. I want to be
that kind of lawyer only to you.
How much did you drink?
I don't think you urinated
the love potion out.
I had five cups of coffee
and five liters of water.
Going to the bathroom 32 times,
I reached a conclusion.
I am under a spell,
and this spell
cannot be urinated out of me.
And I think
the Cure Disease Spell worked too.
Look. My hand is fine too.
I think the disease got worse.
It moved to your head.
I'm worried. Go to the hospital.
I was actually on my way
to the hospital.
Before that,
let me go to the bathroom first.
I'm sorry I couldn't help.
What is it?
My feet won't move,
even now when nature's calling.
I want to see you longer.
What's with your eyes?
What about them?
Are they shooting hearts?
You're back.
I missed you so much.
I was so lonely
because you weren't around.
Then are you going to sell this house?
I'm going to rent it out.
Don't worry about it.
Since you live on the second floor,
I told them clearly
I want a trustworthy tenant only.
Are you feeling down?
I hope you get a boyfriend soon.
Isn't there anyone nice at City Hall?
There is.
But I can't tell
what the nice guy is thinking.
And the not-so-nice guy
chases me around making it too obvious.
As a woman,
it's best to date a man who likes you.
And I like you too.
Don't make that face.
My heart flutters.
My feet won't move.
Because I miss you.
Are they shooting hearts?
It gives me chills.
Aren't you tired?
This Korean mountain magnolia
is called Siebold's magnolia too.
It's very aromatic
when you drink it as tea.
Do you know the names
of all the plants here?
Let's see.
Japanese cornel, sawtooth oak,
Korean dogwood, crape myrtle, and beech.
That isn't beech.
That's Meliosma.
I see.
Beech or Meliosma.
They look similar.
Why is he so picky?
Looking for this?
This is yours, right?
Yes. Where was it?
Over there.
You always leave something behind.
By any chance,
did he drink the love potion too?
you look a lot like my wife.
We started a flower garden
because she liked flowers.
But she passed away.
I must have made you feel uncomfortable.
It's okay.
I know very well how painful it is
when you miss someone so much,
but you have nobody with whom
you can talk about them.
The heavier the story is,
the lighter it gets when you share it.
So when you want to talk about it,
talk to me anytime.
I'll listen to you.
Just hearing that makes me feel lifted.
- Eat up.
- Okay.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you.
Who is it?
You're the worst.
You didn't get a promotion
not because of Hong-jo.
You wouldn't have been promoted anyway.
You're lazy and you avoid problems.
If you put all the traits
of a civil servant I hate in one place,
that would be you, Mr. Gong.
Why aren't you getting off work?
Both you and Mr. Gong are working.
Get off work if you want to.
Don't mind us.
You can go home when you're done.
- Okay.
- Yes.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm telling you this because
Ms. Ma said there were no outcasts.
Ms. Ma's nickname is Ms. Malicious.
Don't do that.
Using names to make nicknames.
If Ms. Ma is Ms. Malicious,
is Mr. Ha "Mr. Happy"?
I'm Mr. Gong,
so I should be Gong Yoo then.
I don't want to be Gong Yoo,
but you can call me that if you want.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Would you like a drink?
See you tomorrow.
They act like I pooped or something.
Hello, Hong-jo.
I got a tenant.
He's very trustworthy.
Even the owner was fine with him.
He's very tall and handsome.
He looks like a nice guy too.
If you end up dating him,
you should thank me.
I don't think that will happen.
This is troubling.
I'm sorry.
Someone was following me.
Stay here for a while.
Someone was definitely following me.
Well, he shouldn't have.
Don't use this path from now.
I lost my phone.
Can you come with me?
Of course.
I think it was around here.
What happened?
I turned on the lights for you.
Why don't we change the order?
The order?
It's better to work
on high-crime areas first.
That's a great idea.
My son-in-law never disappoints.
You've become a true City Hall lawyer.
I abused my power to light up your alley.
The problem is, the street lamps
aren't the only ones lit up.
My heart lit up too.
It's twinkling.
Oh, there it is!
Thank goodness. The screen is fine.
The screen may be fine,
but my heart isn't…
What are you doing?
Give it back.
What are you looking at?
Why do you look like this?
I had to. It was a school play.
I saw this face.
I've never met you before,
but I saw this face.
What do you mean?
We met in the haunted house.
We're meeting now too.
Now I get why my dream felt so refreshing.
I liked it because it was that face.
The clothes were from late Joseon.
I had a high status even then.
You looked like you had a very low status.
I never saw you when you were young.
But you appeared
in my dream with that face.
- Take responsibility for it.
- For what?
I want to be in pain
and keep a low profile.
But I can't.
I should be
in tremendous pain from the breakup,
but I feel butterflies because of you.
When I'm awake, I think about this alley.
When I'm asleep, I meet your younger self.
So you're responsible for it.
Let's go together.
Where? At this late hour?
Hong-jo, that is a terribly
good idea. Where?
To find out how to break the spell.
I see.
Right. We should
break the spell. Of course.
But I don't want to break it.
It's not that way…
But let's walk together anyway.
You're so early.
It's past 9:00 p.m. We're not early.
I should've come
when I got the wooden box. Sorry.
I have a question.
Is the spell book
in the box really effective?
Can't you tell from looking at me?
Of course it's effective.
Did you get me anything?
No. She was in a hurry.
Would you like this instead?
You're better than him.
He's tactless.
I don't do group fortune-telling.
Sin-yu, you first.
Hong-jo, after him.
She made the love potion
to cast the Love Spell on another guy.
But I drank it.
That's bad.
I don't want to feel butterflies
around that woman outside, but I do.
I don't want to do this.
But I can't control my body.
And maybe even my mind.
Anyway, this is urgent.
Teach me how to break the spell.
I don't know that either.
I'm not the owner of the wooden box.
The woman you said was the owner
of the wooden box doesn't know either.
Is that so?
Then it can't be helped.
That's a relief.
I don't want to break the spell at all.
Look at this. What are you going to do?
I have no time.
What if I end up
really loving her?
You have no power in this.
Everything is up to her.
- What did she say?
- She won't budge.
She says everything
is up to you, so do your best.
You must find out how to break the spell.
Grill her if you have to.
I'll tell her you told me to grill her.
No, that's not what I meant.
She's cute when she talks.
She's cuter when she runs.
Get a grip, Jang Sin-yu.
It's so nice.
My first time drinking in two years.
Take this with you.
I don't want to get scolded.
Next time, bring soju.
I'll bring it in a big tumbler
so they can't find out.
Don't bring it to the river this time.
Your dad isn't there.
Can you see all that?
He saved two lives, so he'll be blessed.
Don't feel so heartbroken.
Right. Why did you give me the wooden box?
Because you're the chosen one.
Then what about Jang Sin-yu?
It's hard to believe,
but he surely became strange
after drinking the love potion.
He says he likes me and his heart races.
He even broke up with his girlfriend.
It's weighing on my mind.
The spell might've caused it.
Is there any way?
There's only one way.
What is it?
Did you find out?
I don't know.
What do you not know? The method?
I don't want to say it.
You heard how,
but don't want to say it? Why?
I can't dare say it myself.
I knew it.
The way to break the spell.
A kiss.
The Frog Prince, Beauty and the Beast,
Snow White, and Shrek.
All curses can be lifted with a kiss.
That's not it.
If it's not a kiss,
but you can't say it, could it be--
I don't know what you're thinking,
but it's not that type of thing.
Go home and sleep.
- Where are you going?
- To take a bus.
How can you leave alone
when we came together?
I want to be alone.
I don't want to be with you.
Do you think I'm doing this
because I want to be with you?
Yes. I'm doing this
because I want to be with you.
Can you please get in my car with me?
Don't look at me with those starry eyes.
Don't look at me
with the prettiest face in the world.
I'm not that pretty.
I know. But you are to me.
You said you only blushed
in front of someone you liked.
This isn't because I like you.
What you're feeling now
is exactly what I'm feeling.
Your mind separate from your body,
and the hemispheres
of your brain out of sync.
It's like singing an opera song
on Show Me The Money.
If you have a conscience
and a sense of responsibility,
let me give you a ride home at least.
Let me ask you a favor.
Please don't appear in my dreams.
Please appear.
So I can see you in my dreams.
Appear, please don't appear.
Appear. Don't.
Get a grip, Jang Sin-yu.
The first person
to write the book was Aeng-cho.
Aeng-cho was a real person.
"You cannot reverse the spell easily."
"If you reverse it,
a disaster will befall you."
Why won't she tell me what it was?
What's something she can't say
that is not a kiss?
What did you tell Hong-jo?
I can't remember.
Don't play dumb.
Only a few hours have passed.
When the spirits possess me to speak,
I often can't remember what I said.
You're lying.
Have you ever served a god?
You haven't.
Don't bother an old lady.
If you're so curious, ask Hong-jo.
Can I do that?
Not right now though.
I'm sorry you got hurt,
but it's not our fault
that the stairs were wet--
Fuck, are you deaf?
The stairs were wet!
So I fell. What nonsense is this?
I don't know
why the stairs were wet, but--
You bitch.
How dare you talk back?
I would appreciate it
if you stopped swearing--
How can I not swear in this situation?
What's your position?
How dare you swear?
This is why you fell at the park.
Who are you? What's your name?
My name?
Manager Ma Eun-yeong
of Greenway Building Division.
Aka Ms. Malicious.
What? Malicious?
Let me see that freaking face of yours.
You want to see my face?
That's great. I want to see your face too.
What? That's great.
- I'll go fight you now.
- I won't.
I don't fight with someone who's drunk.
And you know what?
This phone call is being recorded.
He hung up.
He's called three times now.
When he calls again, don't talk to him
and connect him to me.
Let's have a talk.
If your juniors are getting cussed at,
you should be on standby and protect them.
You roam around during the morning,
doze off all day,
check your phone, then go home.
Are you serious?
I had something to do.
There are more than
2,000 people working in City Hall.
All of them have something to do.
Instead of complaining
about not being promoted,
reflect on yourself
and figure out why.
Or you'll be sent somewhere far.
- I'm sorry, but--
- You should be.
No. I have a phone call.
Gong Seo-gu speaking.
I understand.
Come with me somewhere.
We're still working. Let me go.
Stop. Where are you going?
Are you going to a restaurant again?
- He filed a lawsuit against hate comments?
- Yes.
A third party filed a lawsuit,
so I called you for a fact-check.
He collected a lot of evidence.
There won't be an issue.
The ones who wrote--
I won't sue them.
I don't want to punish them.
One thousand pages of hate comments?
You didn't get to sleep
- because of this?
- Yes.
Why would you do something so useless?
They said he cheated
because you were ugly.
They also said you got pregnant
and forced him to marry you.
I see stuff like that every day.
- How can I stay still?
- Let them be.
Why do you care about me?
Am I a stranger to you?
You are.
Even my husband
that I lived with for 20 years is.
You're nothing.
I've been your colleague for 21 years.
Am I still nothing?
Lee Hong-jo
of Park Maintenance Team speaking.
What is it? Is he the same guy?
No, a different person.
He said the flowers
in the park were withered,
so I should go check now.
Or he'll report it
to National Civil Service
for wasting taxes.
There are days
when you get tons of complaints.
The day you hit the jackpot.
How scary.
They're not withered.
They're very fresh.
This is just starting to bloom.
That's not the flower.
Are you the one that made the complaint?
The flower over here is withering
because it couldn't see you.
Withered, my foot.
It looks cooler.
Are you saying you find me cool too?
That's a relief.
I did my best to look good in your eyes.
Usually, I shower for ten minutes.
But today, it took longer than 20.
I spent more than 30 minutes
to choose my clothes.
I even put on some perfume.
I didn't know what perfume you'd like,
so woody on the left
and citrus on the right.
Which side do you like?
I had tons of complaint calls.
Do you have to go this far?
I don't want to do this either.
I just broke up with my girlfriend
I've been dating for two years.
Falling for you is wrong.
It's like I'm the only one wearing
a Hawaiian shirt at a funeral.
Tell me what Eun-wol said.
How can I break the spell?
She didn't tell me how to break the spell.
Then what was it?
I won't tell you.
- I'm off. I'm busy.
- I'm busy too.
Don't you see the document in my hands?
They need my advice
on paying the standing committee.
What ordinance we should follow
to pay the standing committee.
They have varied opinions.
I don't know how much
a normal civil servant gets.
I need to learn everything.
But I can't study.
Because of you.
Because I want to study you.
- I'll report you to the Audit Team.
- Then I'll tell them the truth.
You liked Jae-gyeong,
so you used the Love Spell.
But I, who happened to sit next to him,
took the brunt of it.
You shouldn't hit anyone,
even with flowers.
And you hit me with the spell.
I'm a victim.
Do you really want me to hit you?
There are a lot of fresh
and pretty flowers here.
Don't follow me.
Where are you going?
You hit my right side. Hit my left too.
Where are you going?
I cooked dried yellow croaker.
You don't want it?
Is it
because of Na-yeon?
Did something happen between you two?
It's not about that.
Tell me.
What happened?
It's just…
there's something I want to know,
but she wouldn't tell me.
If she doesn't tell you,
play charades.
Don't you watch TV?
"I can't stand living with your dad"?
That's correct?
You can understand without speaking.
Ask her to give you hints.
Are you kidding?
He's very serious.
You can't read the room.
"I moved in downstairs."
"Nice to meet you."
"I want to grow plants."
"Tell me if there's any plant you like."
He's a nice person.
Sirutteok tastes good too.
- What now?
- What else?
I missed you so much I video called--
- Get to the point.
- Charades.
You didn't want to say it.
So tell me with your gestures.
Give me a hint.
She didn't say much.
I'll decide that.
If you don't give me a hint,
I might come to your house right now.
Fine. I'll give you a hint.
You and I
won't work out. It's an X.
- Are those fingers from E.T.?
- Wrong.
You and I, two of us.
We pray and say thank you.
Third time is your last chance.
Then no more charades.
Give me the first letters of each word.
Fine. But if you're wrong again,
don't bother me again.
I won't. I mean, got it.
Got it.
What are you two doing?
Sin-yu asked for my help
to solve an initial puzzle.
Isn't this too difficult?
How do you solve this?
What's the prize
for solving this?
I can break a curse?
Guess it now.
I'm good at stuff like this.
You don't care,
big son ate ice?
Big son ate icing.
Big son ate Italian.
Bald snowman's aching ice.
What could it be?
"I'll get the flowers."
"I'm close with a flower garden owner."
"Thanks for the sirutteok."
We have nothing more to talk about.
I gave you my house deposit.
That was my final present for you.
I can't do this longer.
I'm going to change my number.
Darn it.
I'm Hong-jo, I live on the second floor.
Congratulations on moving in
on the first floor.
Is this what they call destiny?
There's no such Japanese.
Do you know Japanese?
I'm sure you do.
Give me three more days.
You won't solve it in 30 days.
Your girlfriend's friend left it behind.
I'm sorry.
I can't pass it on to her now.
I understand.
What do you mean?
Why can't you pass it on to her?
We broke up.
She used to hit on you so much.
Is she breaking up because you're sick?
I thought she was better than this.
I didn't tell her.
Are you mad?
During hard times,
you need someone beside you.
It'll only make it hard for her.
Are you seriously trying to look cool now?
That's not being cool.
That's just bravado.
What brings you here in the morning?
You came to me last night.
Appearing in my dream
every night is very rude.
Timothée Chalamet appears in my dreams.
"You're rude." Should I DM him that?
Don't joke around.
I'm dead serious.
A personal issue came up.
I must break the spell.
If not,
I might end up
becoming an asshole who dates others
while I care about you.
If you solve the puzzle,
you won't want to come here.
Just tell me the answer.
You said you would solve it yourself.
You also promised
not to bother me if you couldn't.
Don't go back on your word now.
Where are you going?
- I'm going on a date.
- With whom? Jae-gyeong?
There's no need
to go on a date with him now.
What do you mean?
Tell me what you mean by that.
Breaking the spell…
- Hello.
- How are you?
It didn't read your card.
Why wasn't it read? It's a very good card.
The card cannot be used.
- Let's go quickly.
- Hong-jo.
Tap it and sit down.
We need to leave.
Can we go now?
I'm sorry.
Did you follow me?
Yes. Actually, I did follow you.
And you made me pay for you too.
Don't misunderstand.
Mine's a black card.
Did you see the river just now?
It looked very pretty.
Be quiet.
Where are we going now?
I told you to be quiet.
What's wrong?
Is it because of the bus fare just now?
Who's your date?
Stop following me.
Don't you think I'm better than seagulls?
We can talk at least.
Does Na-yeon know you're doing this?
You came all the way here to drink?
All this time,
I've never properly commemorated
your death, Dad.
I always went to that river
because I didn't know you were here.
But the lady told me you're here.
Are you really here?
You must be cold.
I found out…
the answer.
- Your destinies…
- Your destinies…
- …cannot be severed.
- …cannot be severed.
- Accept it.
- Accept it.
Subtitle translation by: Yeeun Kim
Inseverable destinies normally mean love.
But none of these apply to us,
so we decided to go against our destinies.
I don't know what true love is.
My mind and body work separately.
Were you in Changdeokgung?
Please, stay out of my sight.
Why are you doing this to me?
Don't worry so much.
Because these feelings aren't real.
Ripped and synced by
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