Dhootha (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Crime Report

He's the Central Minister's son,
and he's peddling drugs!
That Nigerian guy
gave you all the proof.
But you've come all the way to Delhi
and handed over
all the evidence to the Minister.
Imagine if we exposed the scandal!
How would we benefit from that?
Think about the bigger picture.
How would it benefit
our newspapers and our careers?
That's what we need to look at.
You know what?
We just cracked a deal with the Minister.
Every ad regarding
his party will come to us.
He's bought all the slots.
Do you know how much money that is?
It's extremely important for a media house
to have power over the powerful.
Oh, shit! The flight got canceled.
When is the next flight?
We'll have to wait until morning.
we got the Minister's deal.
I guess it's time to celebrate.
Sir, your room keys.
Amrutha, freshen up
and meet me at the restaurant.
How do I look?
You look amazing.
I've never seen you like this.
Thank you.
You said it was a celebration, so
when do I get to meet your husband?
Whenever I ask, you say he's out of town.
What does he do?
Merchant Navy.
Ten months on duty.
He comes home once or twice a year.
And without notice at that!
Guess he likes to surprise me.
It's a love marriage, right?
We met in college.
He was my senior.
He used to be quite possessive about me.
Back then, I thought
that kind of behavior was romantic.
But after getting married,
I realized that
he has anger issues.
He started hitting me.
Not just ten months
I wish he doesn't come home
throughout the year.
We decided to celebrate tonight.
And I love this song.
Would you care for a dance?
Our baby.
What do you mean, our baby?
I'm sorry, Sagar.
I didn't know I was pregnant
until this very morning.
I didn't know.
You're pregnant?
Amrutha! What the hell!
We've been clear from the start.
You are married, and so am I.
We said no complications,
and that it's just a damn physical thing!
You promised me
you were going to be careful.
How could you let this happen?
I was careful, Sagar.
I was really careful.
Contraceptive pills
aren't 100% effective, right?
Just somehow it happened.
What do you mean? Shit!
Are you sure that you got
pregnant because of me?
Wasn't there somebody else?
What do you mean, Sagar?
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Amrutha.
How could you say something like that?
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
I shouldn't have said that.
I'm sorry, Amrutha.
What's with all the bruises?
Who did this to you?
What the hell!
Missed you.
You were going
to visit after two weeks, right?
I thought I'd surprise you.
I need to use the washroom urgently.
-Pay the cab driver.
It's been eight months since I came home.
You witch!
I'm busting my ass off away from home,
and you're screwing someone here?
Who is he?
Who the hell is he?
Who the hell is he?!
Who is he?
How can you do this to me?
You witch!
How can you do this to me?
Who is he?
Did you
tell him my name?
No, I didn't, despite what he did to me.
Good. You did the right thing.
Now that I think about it
it's actually good that you were pregnant.
-I mean, look, it's in my horoscope.
Read what it says.
See what's written.
My baby will die
whilst still in the mother's womb.
The maid called at the exact time,
and Priya was in pain
Do you know how tense I was?
But what a relief!
It's a great thing that you got pregnant.
Otherwise, Priya or the baby
would've definitely gotten hurt.
You actually saved us.
That was so close!
Thanks, Amrutha.
Anyway, listen.
Keep this credit card with you.
It will cover the hospital expenses, etc.
Here, take it.
And you know
it's not right for us
to work together anymore.
It's not good for both of us.
Let's stop.
I'll search for good job offers for you.
-I'll give you some good recommendations.
-Sir, you're here?
The doctor wants you in room no. 315
Okay. I'm coming.
What are you doing here?
You're not supposed to leave the room.
Come with me.
Why are you giving me
so much money, ma'am?
You need to do something important for me.
Careful, Priya.
-How are you feeling now, ma'am?
-I'm okay.
What happened, Mom?
I was really scared!
Nothing happened, Anju.
I was just having a little pain.
I went to the hospital, right?
So, now I'm fine.
Don't worry, okay? Come.
Hey! Hi, Sahana!
-Hi, Kiara, Jhanvi and Dhanvika.
-Hey! So, everyone's here!
-Yes, Aunty.
Oh, it totally slipped my mind.
-Hi, Uncle.
-It's sleepover day, right?
Okay. Go and play upstairs.
-Yes, ma'am?
-Please look after the kids.
-Look after the kids.
Okay, ma'am.
-Be careful!
Climb the stairs slowly.
Squeeze in, kids.
Give me some space.
I want to watch it too.
Hello, all. Welcome back
to Ghost Shadows.
Are ghosts and spirits real?
Ghost Shadows is the channel
that investigates this scientifically.
We have received an email
from a guy named Chandrahas.
Today, we're at a shopping mall in Tirupur
that's been shut for two months now.
-Is Ghosh here?
-Yes, sir.
He's here, sir.
But he's not taking any visitors today.
Sir please listen to me.
Are you grazing donkeys out there?
Random people are barging in.
Sir, I tried to stop him,
but he didn't listen.
I'm sorry for speaking rudely
to you the other day.
I need to discuss something important.
Please, just listen to me.
You say "sorry" and "please"
only when you need something.
it's only "screw you."
What did you do with the body?
I've handled it. Don't worry.
Putting your journalist mind
to use, is it?
Be careful.
DCP Kranthi Shenoy is
searching for Koti all over the city.
She already met me.
So, she has involved you too now.
Did you come all the way here
to tell me that?
read the third clue line
on this crossword.
Just read it.
"In a car accident by the Dum Dum Dhaba
on the beach road,
famous journalist Sagar Varma Avuduri's
dog passed away. What is its name?"
What is this?
The newspaper I found
before the accident happened.
Before the accident?
Look at this.
Charles, my colleague.
He shot himself right before my eyes!
This newspaper was in his hand
before he pulled the trigger.
That means
people are dropping dead
like flies everywhere you go.
Now you've come to the station.
What's going to happen to me?
This is about the driver Koti's death.
"Somebody beat him black and blue
before he finally died.
They even pulled his gold tooth out"
There's no chance anyone
would know about the gold tooth.
What gold tooth?
He had a gold tooth cap.
I pulled it out.
Where did you find this newspaper?
He wasn't dead like you said.
When I reached the generator room,
he was covered in blood
and was pacing in the room.
He slipped and fell on
the cleaver and died.
This newspaper came out of his stomach.
So, he wasn't dead?
I'm finding these newspapers
before these people are dying.
They come searching for me.
I mean, how did this newspaper
end up in his stomach?
While being given the third degree,
he was screaming out loud.
No, sir!
-This is the dustbin.
-Okay, let's search.
Hey, Suri!
You threw all those newspaper
chunks two days ago, remember?
-Where did they come from?
-Oh, those papers?
Pandu from the pan shop
brings pan every day.
They're wrapped in paper.
We had the pan
and threw the papers in this.
Good job!
Go away!
If I bring in Pandu
and beat him up in my style,
the truth will come out.
And then I'll have to dump the body?
that's not the point.
Somebody is planning this.
They're targeting me and my family.
We need to find out who that is.
Please, I need your help.
No matter how much money it takes!
Send me the photographs
of all the newspapers.
I'll look into it.
What's wrong?
Check these out.
The Telugu letter "Ka" is reversed.
You're right.
It's reversed in every newspaper.
-Alright. Send this to me.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of this.
Don't worry.
What was the date that day, Ranga?
November 10th, ma'am.
What time did Koti's wife say he called?
Between 11:00 and 12:00 in the afternoon.
-Call Koti's lawyer and get the details.
-Okay, ma'am.
Good morning, ma'am.
-Morning, Niranjan.
-Good morning, ma'am.
Show me the footage from near
the Mankapuram PS on 10th November.
I want the footage from the camera
pointed directly at the PS. Okay?
Sure, ma'am.
I'll call if I need anything else.
You'll have to come to the station.
Ma'am, Koti's lawyer bailed him out,
spoke to him at the bus stop for a bit,
and left around 11:30 a.m.,
is what he says.
In that case, show me the footage
-between 11:00 and 12:00 p.m.
-Okay, ma'am.
Okay. So, the time is 11:22 a.m.
Hey, that's the lawyer
leaving in the auto, right?
-Yes, ma'am.
-There's another man standing there.
Damn it!
We didn't factor in the rain.
No clarity.
Ma'am, did you notice the umbrella?
He came from the station
and took Koti inside.
It could definitely be Ajay Ghosh.
Could be or could not be.
The footage is inconclusive.
This evidence isn't enough, Ranga.
Ma'am, according to what
Ajay Ghosh told us,
let's assume that he let Koti go.
If that's the case,
there should be footage
of Koti leaving the station.
Niranjan, fast-forward
through the full day's footage.
Sure, ma'am.
Niranjan, pause.
Ranga, Koti hasn't come out since.
Only Ajay Ghosh's car
left the station at 10:18 p.m.
Yes, ma'am.
Ranga, Ghosh told us
that he headed home early that evening.
You're right, ma'am.
Do you know where he lives?
Yes, ma'am.
Mamidipatnam police quarters.
Mamidipatnam Mankapuram
Hey, Mamidipatnam!
If you want to go from
the Mankapuram PS to Mamidipatnam,
you ought to take a left turn.
Yes, ma'am.
But he went straight.
Sir, did you ask for me?
Get the fuel tank refilled.
-Go on.
-But I filled it up yesterday morning.
Is it spent already?
Do I owe you an explanation?
What is the distance from
Mankapuram PS to Mamidipatnam?
Hardly three to four kilometers, ma'am.
If it's hardly three to four kilometers,
the car doesn't run out of fuel
the very next day, right?
Yes, ma'am.
For that to happen, Ghosh must have
traveled really far that night.
Ranga, find out what
Ghosh's cellphone provider is.
-Okay, ma'am.
-Use GPS tracking
for the night of 9th November
and find out where he went.
-Good morning, ma'am.
-Good morning.
Welcome to Cellular Q.
This is Manoj. I'm your liaison here.
Please, ma'am.
I've gathered the call data
and GPS positioning info
for both the numbers you sent.
How many calls were exchanged between
Inspector Ajay Ghosh and Sagar Varma?
Where did they go that day?
How much time did they spend there?
I've got all the details.
-Just give me two minutes.
No, it's okay.
Ajay Ghosh left the Mankapuram PS
at 10:18 p.m.,
traveled 42 kilometers,
and reached Ankayyapalem.
That number stayed there
for almost 47 minutes.
He left the place
and reached Mamidipatnam police quarters.
At 12:18 a.m., Sagar Varma
started from Siripuram
and finally reached Ankayyapalem.
Manoj, how long was Sagar there for?
Just a minute, ma'am.
Almost three and a half hours, ma'am.
He returned to Siripuram around 04:28 a.m.
So, at midnight, both of them
went to the same spot.
And for three and a half hours,
Sagar was there.
-Something happened there, Ranga.
-Yes, ma'am.
We need to check out that farmhouse.
-Who are you looking for?
-Is this Mr. Anand Varma's house?
It's about a missing person's case.
We need to search your farmhouse.
Here's the search warrant.
-You guys go left.
-Okay, sir.
-Check the corner rooms.
-Okay, sir.
-Mallesh, you go upstairs.
-Yes, sir.
-Sagar, the police are here.
Some missing person's case.
They're searching the house.
What's the officer's name?
Some Kranthi
What is this really about?
It's just a small case, Mom.
Nothing else.
We didn't do anything wrong.
They'll do their job and leave.
Ma'am, we searched every nook and cranny.
We didn't find any clue linked to Koti.
-Ranga, go and get the umbrella.
What are you looking for, ma'am?
-If you want to know somebody
you simply have to look through
their week's worth of trash.
You'll figure out so many details.
-Check what that is.
-Okay, ma'am.
It's a can of limestone powder.
-Ranga, bleach!
-Yes, ma'am.
The limestone powder coating looks fresh.
Look, it's still wet.
They cleaned the floor as well.
Look how neat it is!
When it's pouring so heavily,
what was the need to clean up
and do a limestone powder coating?
Unless they're trying
to hide something, of course.
These two look super clean, don't they?
The rest of them are muddy.
Yes, ma'am.
This drum has also been moved recently.
Suppose Koti was
being held hostage in this room.
Let's say he was trying to escape
-and they killed him.
-Yes, ma'am.
The room is full of blood.
They have to dispose of Koti's body.
Let's say they dragged the body outside.
I'm sure they wouldn't have gone that way.
There are streetlights.
They must've gone into the dark.
Which is this way.
What's your weight, Ranga?
About 70 kilos, I guess.
If the mark of a man
weighing 70 kilos is this deep,
imagine the weight of this one.
It should be a minimum of 140 kilos.
Yes, ma'am.
the man who walked this path
must have been carrying
a huge rock or a sack.
Or a dead body, for that matter.
What's on the other side, Ranga?
-Venu, move the drum here!
Hold this, ma'am.
Give me the baton.
Watch out, ma'am.
-Ranga, look here.
The same set of footprints.
We found Koti's body, ma'am.
I wanted to catch him alive.
I'm from the bakery.
Ma'am ordered egg puffs.
Ma'am, the egg puffs are here.
Kids, the egg puffs are here.
Come and get them.
Thank you, Aunty.
-Let's go upstairs and eat in the tent.
-Dig up quickly.
-Okay, sir.
-Hurry up! It's getting dark.
-Sure, sir.
Come on, hurry!
Sir, there's a foul smell coming
from underneath.
Ma'am, there's a foul smell coming
from underneath.
Hello, all.
Welcome back to Ghost Shadows.
Thank you all so much
for writing to us and supporting us.
What is it, Mom?
Come downstairs
and change into comfy clothes.
Alright, coming.
-I'll be right back.
Come fast.
Mom, the dress is stuck.
I can't get it off.
Anju, how many times
do I have to call you?
-Where's Anjali?
-She just went downstairs, Aunty.
Yeah, Priya. What is it?
I can't find Anjali.
-Did you look properly?
-I looked everywhere, Sagar.
I can't find her.
Okay, don't panic.
She must be around.
I'll go look for her, okay?
Did you find Anjali?
Where did these puffs come from?
I ordered them for the kids.
Where's Anjali?
How many did you order?
Is that really important right now?
Where are the rest of the puffs, Priya?
The kids took them upstairs.
Sagar, Anjali
Where are the papers
that came with the puffs?
Where's one more paper?
Move! Move!
Hey! Where did one more paper go?
"Tragedy strikes famous journalist
Sagar Varma's family.
His six-year-old daughter Anjali has died.
She fell into the lift area
that was left open by accident.
The lift turned on"
Mom Mom
"Her body got crammed
between the lift and the wall,
becoming the cause of her death."
Anjali Anjali
-Hello, Ramana. Turn off the lift!
-Hello, sir. Security.
-Ramana, turn off the power grid!
-Okay, sir.
Nobody gets into the lift, okay?
-Hurry up, Ramana! Turn it off!
-Okay, sir.
Turn off the lift!
-Quickly turn off the power grid, Ramana.
-I'm on it, sir.
I'm headed there.
-Anjali! Anjali!
He tells me to turn off the lift.
Some other guy whines
about why I turned it off.
Anjali! Anjali!
We'll be late for the train. Hurry!
Ramana, I told you
to turn off the power grid!
I'm on it, sir.
I'm going to the power grid.
Turn it off quickly.
Yes, sir. One minute.
An Anjali!
Anjali! No!
Somebody help!
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