Disclaimer (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


Yeah. Yeah, right there.
- Uh-huh.
[MOANS] You taste like me.
- Yeah.
I have to go back to London
the day after tomorrow.
- Huh?
- Do you have to go to Rome?
Why don't you stay a day longer?
- D-Do you want me to?
- I would love it if you did.
I would love to fuck you
all night long tomorrow.
I-I guess I have to stay then.
Oh, my gosh.
- What?
What are you doing?
Just wait. Wait, wait.
- No.
- No.
- [GASPS] Yes.
- Put them on.
- You're kidding me.
- Come on. I'm changing my trip.
I think it's the least
you could do for me.
You better keep these
pictures to yourself.
- For my innocent eyes only.
- Mm-hmm.
And Page Three.
- Jonathan.
No, seriously. During the day tomorrow,
we're going to ignore each other.
It's gonna be sexy.
[CHUCKLES] If I see you in your bikini,
I don't think I'll be able to resist.
[CATHERINE] Well, you must.
And then later, at night, we'll
come together and explode.
And don't be getting
friendly with Nicholas.
I don't want him telling his dad
about Mummy's new friend.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at me. Look at me.
Are you listening? This is serious.
We have to pretend we
don't know each other.
What if I can't?
Then I'll have to kill you.
- Sexy.
Sit down.
Okay. And touch your breasts.
- Yes.
- Now take off the bra.
- I just put it on.
- Take it off. Please.
- Mmm.
There we go. Okay, squeeze your boobs.
- What?
- Squeeze them, like [SIGHS]
Okay. Open your legs.
Lean back. Open your legs.
Okay. Um [GRUNTS]
put your hand in your knickers.
Bring one finger in.
- Touch yourself.
- Mmm.
Come here.
What is this that I feel?
[JONATHAN] So hot.
Oh, yeah.
[NARRATOR] Robert has to stop reading,
appalled by an intense
feeling that troubles him.
The anxiety and anger
piercing his stomach
has found its way further down,
where the gash has swollen into
an erection between his legs.
- Good book?
- No. Um
- Do you want another coffee?
- Yes, thank you.
No, I mean, um, I'm fine, thank you.
Uh, could I have the bill, please?
- Yeah, sure. Be with you in a sec.
- Thank you.
[NARRATOR] He can only
trust this printed word,
and there is enough of his wife in
the book for him to recognize her.
It has also shown him things
he had failed to see before.
She is a woman who has
always got her own way.
Always done as she pleased.
[BRIGSTOCKE] When Jonathan
died, Nancy shattered.
Her mind shrank into
a small, dark thing,
and all she could think about
was our son's absence.
It was about two months after his death
when I finally persuaded
her to come for a walk.
She went upstairs to
put on some clothes.
Nancy, we should go now.
Why did you pull me up?
I wasn't trying to kill myself.
I just wanted to know.
I just needed to know
[GASPS] what he felt.
[SOBBING] They said it was painless.
That he would have passed
out before he died.
But how can they know that?
How can they know
that he wasn't in pain?
That it didn't hurt him.
How could they know that?
Nancy, let's get you out
of this cold water.
- How can they know? I hate you!
- Come, come.
Sit down, dear. There we go.
Oh, Nancy.
Do you remember how vast that sea was?
Here we are.
- I couldn't replicate it in the bath.
- No. [GRUNTS]
- I couldn't.
He must have been s-so
frightened. [WHIMPERING]
And so lonely. [CRIES]
[NICHOLAS] Mummy, I can't find Sandy!
I found Sandy! I found Sandy!
Hi, angel.
Ew, it smells yucky.
[CATHERINE] Yeah, I think
My tummy hurts.
I think it was the pizza.
[NICHOLAS] Me too. I farted.
- [CATHERINE] You did?
- From the pizza.
Can we get a dinghy for me and Sandy?
[CATHERINE] You want a dinghy?
For me and Sandy.
Everybody's already there.
Mrs. Stephenson from the Charity
Commission left a message.
I gather from her assistant
that she's very upset.
Oh, bollocks. Tell her I'll get
back to her after the meeting.
- I need an Alka-Seltzer.
- Will do.
[ROBERT] Um, sorry.
I was up very late last night
reviewing all these documents.
Uh, now the charity
trustees are getting grilled
by the Treasury Select Committee,
and so our job
is to ensure that the way that the
government aid was channeled
through some of the charity's projects
is never perceived as dodgy.
Remember, worst comes to worst,
incompetent is always better than dodgy.
- Hmm? Understood?
- [COLLEAGUES] Yup. Yes, we have. Yes.
Okay, Charles, um, can you give us
some updates on the ground please.
- Thank you.
- [CHARLES] Thanks, Robbie.
So, um, the situation
on the ground, it's
[GRUNTS] it's confusing.
The funds that we receive
through that country
are not only subject to the
governmental requirements
[NARRATOR] One of these
charities is under intense scrutiny.
[CHARLES] that have been imposed
[NARRATOR] Robert is aware
of the charity's wrongdoings,
but he needs to create a narrative
that the law can support.
subject to the governmental
requirements but
[NARRATOR] He is glad to have
people reporting to him.
He doesn't have to perform or speak,
simply observe, and he can
just about manage that.
- Do you need anything else?
- It's all right.
The exceptions that are already
built into sanction legislation,
they could be applicable to
us only if we prove specific
[SIMON] Uh Because we don't know
how long that voice is going to last.
It could It could last
a week, you know?
That's the problem.
[NARRATOR] The shock you felt
when Robert confronted you
with the photographs
slices through you again.
He wants you to be punished.
He thinks you deserve it.
We need to get back to work
and reconvene later, okay?
Ca Catherine.
You know the headmaster
who left Rathbone College
- right after Brigstocke was retired?
- Uh-huh.
Well, they were friends at Cambridge.
I've got a number for him.
[CATHERINE] Oh. There's
no story. Just leave it.
[JISOO] But should I give him a call?
Back off, Jisoo,
I said there's no story!
Look, I'm sorry.
It's just there's no story there, okay?
Look, just forget it.
Just forget Stephen Brigstocke.
- Do you want a cup of tea?
- [SIMON] Yes, please.
[NARRATOR] You know you have concealed
parts of yourself from Robert,
but you had not realized until now
how much of him you didn't know.
He has allowed his anger
to fill every space,
making him deaf to
anything you might say.
- Everything all right, Cathy?
- Yes. Yes.
All fine, good, thank you.
- They say, uh, moving home is
- Milk?
more stressful than
divorce, isn't it?
- Are you all right?
- Absolutely. All good, thanks.
- Oh, no. You need to wait.
- There you go.
- Right. Yeah, sorry.
- Blocking the ladies'. Thank you.
[EMILY] Robert Ravenscroft's office.
- Yes, Emily. Hello. It's Catherine.
- Oh, Catherine.
Um, I just wondered if Robert's
in the office at the moment.
Want me to fetch him?
Oh, no. I don't need to-to talk to him.
I just want to, uh, drop something off.
[EMILY] He's around
Oh, that's a relief.
- Shall I get him?
- No, no, sorry. So silly of me.
Thank you so much.
- [EMILY] Bye, Catherine.
[NARRATOR] Your years of secrecy
have helped Robert reach
his guilty verdict.
Your misguided belief that
you had a right to silence
has condemned you.
[EMPLOYEE 2] Can you
unlock the door please?
Oh! I'm s It's locked!
[BRIGSTOCKE] Nancy stopped working.
She couldn't face being
with children anymore.
So I worked for both of us
just to keep life ticking on.
[NANCY] Look at these.
Look at these.
He was experimenting with
that new camera I gave him.
- Look. [CHUCKLES]
- Oh.
They're really abstract close-ups,
taken with the zoom.
Quite an eye. Hell of an eye.
- What is that?
It-It-It's-It's me, you silly.
- It's-It's that bit.
- Oh, yeah.
- Of course. Of course. Of course.
I didn't know he was taking this.
Look. Sneaking up on Mother
[CHUCKLES] reading
her gardening magazine.
Mother getting up.
- Look at that!
[NANCY] Mother doing the washing up.
[LAUGHS] Oh, more of me
washing up. [LAUGHING]
There are no pictures of me.
- Oh, he wasn't interested in you.
- No, clearly.
Oh, I remember that one.
[BRIGSTOCKE] It pleased Nancy
to know that Jonathan had focused
so much attention on her.
- He always favored her over me.
- Hmm.
There's some contact sheets here.
[BRIGSTOCKE] I am sure that
she had not developed the film
she'd found in Italy by then.
But I wonder whether it
was these photographs
that made her think about it.
She must have assumed she'd
find more photographs of her.
There's a real spirituality to these.
[NICHOLAS] So, I'll put this down.
I think I'm gonna have a dinosaur.
That one's gonna have
And that one's gonna have a lizard.
That one's gonna have
[NICHOLAS] There we go.
[NICHOLAS] I'll save you. [EXCLAIMS]
[NICHOLAS] There you go.
What's happening?
[IN ITALIAN] Excuse me.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Would you mind looking after my
son while I go to the bathroom?
- [BEACHGOER] Certainly.
- Thank you.
- Yeah?
this lady's gonna watch you.
I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
So you're going to the loo?
- I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
- Okay.
[EMPLOYEE 3] gray area
concerning the charity
receiving governmental funds, but
[NARRATOR] There's a throbbing
mass in Robert's head,
another in his stomach.
Dark lumps of something
he has not felt for years
He tries to push it away
and focus on the present,
but all he can see is the past.
Sorry. To To make
up for the shortfall.
With all due respect, Charles,
there doesn't seem to be any
[NARRATOR] The images of the photographs
keep coming back to Robert's mind.
His wife's body on display
for the enjoyment of others.
Catherine enjoying being looked at.
[NARRATOR] He always knew that
there had been others before him,
but he had always
lived with the certainty
that it was he who had
made a difference.
It was he who had delivered
Catherine such pleasure
that the memory of everyone else
had been completely erased.
She had deceived him.
You've been a good friend to me.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't
have had my book published,
and I certainly would never
have had the courage
to start on my new novel.
Stephen, that's great. What's it about?
I-I have a character in my head.
I-I can see him. I can hear him.
Uh, I-I'm still at the research stage,
and I-I wondered if you might be
able to help me with something.
I know you've already given
me a lot of your time.
And so, I don't like to ask.
Oh, don't be stupid. Go on, ask away.
One of the characters is a teenage boy,
and I want to create a
a Facebook page for him, a real one.
I mean, a a fake page
for a fictitious teenager?
Yes, I suppose so. [CHUCKLES]
That's seriously creepy.
No, no Uh, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
is method to my madness.
Uh Uh, he's not the
main character anyway.
It's It's really about
a-a a grandfather,
someone our age, and his
relationship to the boy.
- Mmm.
- But I need to understand
about the world these kids disappear
into when they go online.
What they talk about. What they like.
I mean, look at them.
What are they looking at?
- I know what you mean.
- [SIGHS] Maybe it's a bad idea.
But I I-I feel like such an imbecile
around all that sort of stuff.
I-I was hoping you might be
able to guide me through it.
An idiot's guide to Facebook
and whatever else young people
use to communicate with each other.
It's such an alien world to me.
Hang on.
You remember young Tommy
who set up our website for us?
Yeah, well, I think he's
the sort of chap we need,
and he'll be able to help you out.
- Oh, that's that's great.
Thanks again, mate.
[NICHOLAS] Ooh. Yeah. Yahoo. Ooh.
[ANDREW] Now, some of this
is obviously due to a lack
of invoice capability in the field,
uh, but it is 48.35% higher
[NARRATOR] And then,
a question pierces Robert's mind.
Where was Nicholas while his
mother was having an affair?
Was he in the next room?
Was he asleep?
What did he witness?
How much did he see?
How much did he understand?
It could tie up all our loose ends and
make up the difference costwise.
I mean, I think that's the way forward.
Robert, what do you think?
[CHARLES] Robert?
[NARRATOR] Now he thinks
he must look after Nicholas.
He must bring him under
the protection of his wing.
There's a lot to think about.
[SIGHS] Thank you, everyone.
[EMILY] Robert,
the Charity Commission
- [NICHOLAS] Hello?
- Nick. Nick. Hi, it's Dad.
Listen, I really enjoyed
seeing you last night.
- Yeah.
- Uh, are you are you free this evening?
There's something
I wanna talk to you about.
Uh [SIGHS] maybe.
Perfect. I'll pick you up later.
- Okay, bye.
- Okay.
[NARRATOR] He flicks through
the pages of the novel in his mind.
Robert barely gets a mention.
He's portrayed as a minor character
who doesn't even merit a name.
The husband.
[BRIGSTOCKE] I was wrong to assume
that sorting through Jonathan's things
was a sign of Nancy's recovery.
If anything, she got worse after that.
[BRIGSTOCKE] She refused to go out.
And for five years we lived like that,
Nancy and me, alone with our grief.
Jonathan's absence
filled every instance,
every space and every object.
I'm moving into Jonathan's room.
Say again.
I'm moving into Jonathan's room.
I need time by myself.
I respect that
but can we please talk about this?
[NARRATOR] You stop
at your local bookshop.
You want to kill some time in
a place where you are admired.
You're afraid of what could
be waiting for you at home.
- [CLAIRE] Hey, Catherine. Hi.
- Hi, Claire.
Congratulations on your award.
Hmm? Oh, thank you.
I was just wondering if the book,
uh, I'd ordered had come in.
Uh, most of them arrived.
I think we're still waiting
for the Ágota Kristóf novel.
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, by the way,
thank you for that, um, Janet
Malcolm recommendation.
- Oh.
- That was, uh, fantastic.
Oh, um, that's that's a new book.
The writer was here this morning.
It's self-published,
but it's pretty good.
I think you'd like it.
It has this, um, awful,
awful female character.
Oh, no, that's not all of them.
Oh, and, um, uh, I-I wanted to
tell you about the uh the
- Oh! [GRUNTS]
- I say. Be careful, you clumsy bitch.
- No, no. Wait. No.
- Huh?
- No, I have to go.
- Why?
Nicholas is outside. I have to go.
Wait for a minute before
you come out, okay?
I'm coming with you.
- [PANTS] To London.
- [PANTS] Tomorrow. Same as you.
- Why? Why?
[SIGHS] What do you mean
why? To be with you, silly.
No, no, n Go to Rome. Go to
Rome. [KISSES] Go to Rome.
- I don't
- Find new lovers.
- I don't want that.
- Come on.
I wanna be with you.
- Well, you can't.
[SIGHS] Why?
Because You know Because
Because of a million reasons.
I I have a husband.
[SIGHS] I d I don't care.
You You You don't have
to leave him right away.
This morning I learned
I can fly from Pisa.
- You can't come with me.
- Why not?
You know I would do anything for you.
Can we please just
talk about this later?
There's nothing to discuss. I'm coming.
I know you want this as much as I do.
I already bought my ticket.
- I'm flying back with you tomorrow.
- No. No.
- Nicholas.
Nicholas, where's the lady gone
that was looking after you?
I don't know.
Is there a doctor?
- [LIFEGUARD] Nothing happened.
- How is it nothing?
- But he's losing a lot of blood.
- Come on, he'll recover.
- We'll see if he gets better tomorrow.
- He cut himself.
Let's call an ambulance.
Is there a doctor?
There's another squid.
- There's anoth [GRUNTING]
- I'm gonna take a nap, okay, Nicholas?
Don't go anywhere.
There's another shark.
There's another whale.
[NANCY] What?
[BRIGSTOCKE] It's me, Nancy.
I brought you dinner.
[NANCY] Leave it outside.
[BRIGSTOCKE] I could feel a foul
smell coming from inside the room.
She had cancer.
She was in pain, but she
endured it, relished it, even.
The pain had filled the space
which Jonathan had left empty.
I cursed myself for having been so weak,
for not having forced myself in.
She died a few months later,
surrounded by decaying flowers,
and the photographs of our dead son.
[NICHOLAS] I think that's better
than an American corporation
that just cares about merchandise.
I mean, what do they
know about football?
[ROBERT] Right, it's just about
whether the owner sells T-shirts
or not, is it?
- You don't really care who owns it?
- [NICHOLAS] No. Okay.
No, I just really want it all to be
over and done with, to be honest.
We were really good at the
start of the season and,
I don't know, something's different now.
We almost lost to Luton the other week.
Well, yeah, yeah. Listen, you know,
we've definitely got
trouble at the Bridge,
but I mean, it it's so important
for the owners to have integrity.
Uh, Nick's, uh, come to keep me
company while you're away.
[ROBERT] I heard it's
a really big story.
You're gonna be gone for a long while.
[STAMMERS] Don't Don't worry.
I I realized you'd be in a rush.
I packed a bag for you.
- Robert
- I should actually call you a cab,
so you're not late for the flight.
What's the story, Mum?
[ROBERT] Oh, your mother
won't even tell me.
It must be a big exposé
of hidden secrets.
Hi. Can I have a car for
Do you want to go upstairs and
check I've packed what you need?
78 Kingsgate Crescent. Four minutes?
Fabulous. No, that's great.
[NARRATOR] Robert wonders
if you blame Nicholas
for your lover's death.
And if that is why it has
always been so difficult
between you and your son.
[ROBERT] you you think
they've really just said
[NARRATOR] Robert has
always covered up for you,
smoothed things over,
always been there to support you,
trying hard not to make you feel guilty,
never criticized you or judged you
until now.
Mummy! Mummy!
Help! Help me! Help!
[GASPS] Nicholas.
No! Stop! Help!
No! Stop it!
[IN ITALIAN] Come on! Grab it! Grab it!
Nicholas! He can't swim!
Come on, Guido. Take it.
- [LIFEGUARD] I got it, I got it.
- [RESCUER] Go, go, go.
- Mum!
Yes. Don't worry.
[BANKS] Thank you, Mr. Jones.
[BANKS] Thank you. Lovely service.
It was a wonderful service.
[BRIGSTOCKE] Years before, we had
purchased two plots at Kensal Green.
But Jonathan died before us
and was buried in the grave
that should have been mine.
And Nancy was then buried next to him.
That's what she wanted.
I'll be buried alone.
[ROBERT] Your taxi's here.
- Oh.
Just gonna say goodbye to your mother.
Nick has read that book.
You can't tell him
That his mother is a
liar and a hypocrite?
Oh, I am not.
- Everything all right?
Uh, yeah, everything's fine.
Your mum's just really upset
about something at work.
Y-You know what she's like.
You're hurt. I understand.
No. No, I'm not hurt.
This is about integrity, right?
My parents said that you
had absolutely none of it,
but I chose you over them
because I foolishly believed
that you were the most
honest person I'd ever met.
- I am. I am.
- Oh, yeah yeah?
Oh, you're honest, are you?
You didn't fucking tell me for 20 years
that our son almost drowned, right?
He nearly died because you fell
asleep after a fabulous holiday fuck.
- I fell asleep [STAMMERS]
- No, no! He nearly died.
I know I am wrong.
Yeah, but you didn't want
the affair to be found out.
- It wasn't an affair.
- You prefer for your lover to die.
I I wanted him to die.
You don't deserve us. Now, get out.
Nick, say goodbye to your
mum. She's leaving now.
- Uh, bye bye, Mum.
- B-Bye, darling.
Come on. You're gonna miss the flight.
Get Get off me!
Mummy's here.
Nicholas! Nicholas, are you
okay? Nicholas! Nicholas!
[IN ITALIAN] Calm, calm.
You got scared. Are you cold?
You're shaking. You're shaking, hey?
You're with mom now, all right?
Come on. Come here.
It's okay. Come on.
Come on. Towel.
[BEACHGOER] Good, good.
- Yes. Thank you.
Get away, get away.
Get away, get away.
Now we've got you covered.
He Help!
Over there. Here, look.
There is a hand in the sea.
[IN ITALIAN] There he is!
- I don't see him there.
- He's there. He's there. He's there.
- Where?
- He's here. Go, go!
Take it, Augù!
The life buoy!
Hey, let's go! Come on.
Call 118!
Come on! Come on!
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four, five,
- six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
- Augù, Augù, Augù.
- One, two, three
- That's enough, Augù.
Hey. There's nothing we can do.
Don't look. Don't look.
It's not a pretty sight for a child.
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