Dive Club (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

SS Gothenburg

What time do you call this, Stevie?
I've been here for an hour.
And look how useful you've been!
I was in a dive.
- Of course.
- But I…
got you this.
I'm not sure this is legal tender.
[Stevie] Mm.
What will it buy me then?
Really? Stevie!
[ominous music playing]
[theme music playing]
[Stevie] Why was this in Lauren's room?
[Lucinda] I thought there'd be
more storm damage,
but the coral is thriving.
I'm going to need your map reading
for Alveopora or Stylophora.
Didn't see any.
What about Montipora digitata?
You must have seen that. It's everywhere.
Where you paying attention down there?
How about the mermaids, did you see those?
Were you paying attention down there?
Yes, I saw coral. Lots and lots of coral.
I'm so glad you came.
Look, I wanted to stay home.
You made me come.
It's not your fault, you know.
What is not my fault?
Lauren's disappearance.
Yeah, well, I was supposed to wait.
Whatever happened to Lauren
after she went back to the boat
was far bigger than anything
you could have saved her from.
No, she's out there, OK? And…
And we're going to find her.
You remember my study
on Glaucus atlanticus?
Not the slug again.
It's not a slug.
That's literally what the entire study
was about.
I was determined to prove
it was a unique species.
I didn't care it was poisonous…
Yes, yes. I remember.
..until I spent two weeks in hospital.
We're determined, Stevie.
It's in our DNA.
But you have to learn the difference
between pushing yourself…
and punishing yourself.
You know, Mum and Dad
are just a phone call away.
You know, they'd be here in a heartbeat
if you need…
No, no. I am not calling Mum and Dad.
What are they supposed to do?
Worry from 20,000 kilometres away?
Besides, we're going
to find Lauren soon anyway.
She's got a lot of explaining to do.
[Maddie] So, what did
the chief say exactly?
[Izzie] Ah, he was looking
for a note book.
He was worried Lauren
had written something down,
something he didn't want anyone to know.
Like what?
I don't know.
Does she have any big family secrets?
Any dramas going on?
Not that I know of.
But if she had written about something,
it would be in her notebook.
OK, well, he's searching for it.
I think we need to find it first.
We know it's not in her room.
I reckon the Dive Club House
is our best bet.
[Izzie] Let's go!
[speaking Russian]
[Viktorya laughing]
[speaking Russian] Very good, Vnuchka!
[Brad] So, my father simply says,
"Brad, you can invest, you can divest,
but you can't cry in my office".
[Renee laughs]
Good morning, Mother.
Brad, what a pleasant surprise.
[Renee] Lovely for you to join us.
You look.. well rested.
Thank you.
[phone ringing and buzzing]
[Renee] John, I see the cell towers
are back online. How wonderful.
Syrniki, Victoria?
No, no, no, thank you.
[Renee] Any good news?
[Viktorya] Well, well, maybe just one.
Oh, no!
No, no, I need to take my pill first.
[Renee] I'm… I'm sorry.
- I'll get it, will I?
- [Renee] What about the lighthouse?
In the kitchen, darling.
Consider it done.
[Renee] So, it won't be ready
for the festival?
[door creaking]
OK, so what are we looking for,
[Stevie] Ah, it's got a wooden case.
Lauren's name on the front
and it's book sized.
[Renee] Apparently the lighthouse
has water damage.
It's been blinding ships
up and down the coast.
[Viktorya] You can't listen
to those old fisherman.
They think they see The Flying Dutchman
every time a bird flies too low. Uh!
[Renee] Well, whatever's happening
is certainly blowing the budget.
We're going to bring
the fundraiser forward.
I think you should give the reigns
to Anna for this one.
[Renee laughs]
Now, that's an idea.
I don't think Anna's ready.
[Anna] I organised the summer social
and it was very successful.
You don't have the finesse
required for event planning,
as demonstrated by your late arrival
to your own grandmother's birthday party.
I think Anna would do a splendid job.
Well, I see I'm out-voted.
You can work from this.
But there's no piano in the venue
so you're going to have to use the one
from the community hall.
That's no problem at all.
It will be a complete success, Mother.
We'll see.
[Renee] Brad, how's your mother?
[Brad] I'm glad you asked. She's great.
Just been busy dealing with all sorts
of mainland politics.
She's a busy woman.
Mother's currently working
on the environmental preservation
of Cape Mercy,
which will be great for the future
of our town.
Well, good morning.
What a pleasant surprise
to see you guys all here today.
[Renee] You're on our verandah, Stephanie.
[Viktorya laughing]
Anyway, it's in preparation
for the future,
which has made me think about our future.
You're never too young to start planning,
and I certainly have a plan.
I'll study at AU, just like Dad,
and I'll make team leader…
And I'll propose to an incredible woman…
at a little French place.
Just like Dad.
This has been lovely,
but, um, we've got that thing to do.
Remember, Anna?
Thing? We don't have a thing.
You know, the, um…
the thing?
Oh, yes! We do.
- Well…
- Delicious, Grandma V.
[Viktorya laughs]
So, you found this in Lauren's room?
And you confronted Hayden?
And he had no explanation?
Lauren wouldn't do that to you or herself.
So, then, what does it mean, Anna?
Lauren always liked Hayden.
Lauren was nice to Hayden.
I'm nice to telemarketers,
but that doesn't mean
I'm going to change internet providers.
Well, we need to find Lauren.
If she's alive.
Oh, she's alive,
because I am going to kill her.
[exhales] OK, so you know
your hand signals?
- Breathe.
- [laughs]
[heavy breathing]
[pump hissing]
Sorry. I was…
I just couldn't…
I got down there,
and I just couldn't breath and then I…
What do you see?
The water, um…
The sky…
The best thing you can do
when you feel overwhelmed,
is take a moment to breathe.
Nothing that scares you
can hurt you as badly as panic will.
I thought this would be easier.
The girls just seem so free
when they're down there.
Freedom is on the other side
of difficult things.
OK. I'm ready.
[oxygen hissing]
I can't wait to these wrecks.
The water here is just so clear.
Oh, not everywhere.
Water visibility can decrease rapidly
without warning.
Generally speaking,
everything around this area
is usually pretty good.
You can see clearly
between ten metres and 40 metres.
But over here, visibility is awful.
Murky, dark, goodness know
what you'll find out there.
[Maddie] It just makes no sense.
Like, how are we down one notebook
and up one coin?
It is not just a coin, Maddie.
[Anna chuckles]
Oh, you sang beautifully
last night, Camille.
We're really lucky to have you back.
[Camile] This place is chock full of
Do you remember that dance concert
we did when we were six?
- 'Scenes from The Nutcracker'?
- And Mr. Tyler left the staff room open?
And we drank all of that chocolate milk.
[Camile] You spilled it all over your
white tutu.
But I still went on with the show.
[Camile] Your mum was so angry.
I can still see your little face
covered in chocolate
[Camile] as she dragged you away.
It was good to see you.
You too.
[Anna] See ya.
[Stevie] It appears to be something
untoward happened.
Don't look at me like that.
It's silly.
[Anna sighs]
You can relax, he's working
at the marina today.
Oh, thank god.
[Henry] I did say it wasn't glamorous.
Hey, I'm not complaining.
Thanks for hooking me up with a job.
As it turns out,
"I must report to a parole officer",
isn't a good look on your resume.
But between here and the Lodestar…
I should be able to pay off those fines.
How much is it?
[Hayden] If I work for seven days
in the next eight months,
I'll still owe a lot of money.
[Henry chuckles]
Well, it's a step in the right direction.
I know the money isn't much, but…
something to be said
about ache in your arms.
You know, it feels like
you've achieved something.
Alright, Superman.
Shouldn't you be saving
the family farm somewhere?
Nah, it's good to have you back, man.
It's good to be back.
I'm officially a certified diver!
- [Stevie] Ooh.
[Maddie] You're almost a Cape Mercy local.
Come sit.
[Izzie] I'm exhausted is what I am.
[sighs] Any news?
Yes, tell her about the coin.
This is my love coin…
and it was in Lauren's room.
[Henry] See much of Stevie?
Yeah, a little.
I think there's some work for me
to do there, though.
Still madly in love?
[Hayden] You could say that.
How about you? How are you holding up?
[Henry] Just wish I spent
more time with Lauren.
She seemed really preoccupied
those last few weeks.
[Stevie] Why do we need a piano?
What's wrong with a nice
light set of bongos?
It's carnIval-themed.
Carnivals have lively piano music.
Oh, your mother has made you crazy.
I just want everything to be perfect.
[Stevie] Well, if it's not,
you'll just have a nervous breakdown.
[Anna] Probably, yeah.
[Maddie groans]
Where's Lauren's notebook?
[Stevie] I don't know, Izzie.
Why was Lauren's coin in Hayden's room.
I don't think what we think happened
The coin, the notebook,
or Volkov parent-child conflict?
Hayden's coin.
I don't think it means that him
and Lauren, like, you know?
Then what does it mean?
Intelligence is knowing
what we don't know
and I don't know what they were doing.
Well, I know that Hayden
is a heartbreaker.
Someone run me over with this piano.
[Anna] He breaks your heart,
you call it off,
he does the bare minimum
to get you back,
and then just when you think he's changed,
he breaks your heart again.
I know that Hayden can't be trusted,
but what if Lauren can't be either.
Do not say that. Lauren was disciplined.
She was principled. She was…
[Stevie] Is disciplined.
Is principled.
I'm sorry, but you, out of all people,
have no right to be angry with her.
I didn't know
that she would disappear, Anna.
Look, we've done that ride
a million times. OK?
I know I said I was going to wait,
but there was lightning and it got dark
and I got scared.
[Izzie] Hello! A little help here, guys.
[Stevie] Don't you think
that I feel sorry?
- That's not what I meant.
- Stevie, no-one is blaming you…
[Izzie] The piano! Ah!
Ah! Sorry!
[piano collapsing]
Hayden ruins everything!
My name's Izzie.
Pianos are robust, right?
I'm sorry.
Can we chat?
How did you find me?
You hauled a piano through town.
How much do you think happens
on this island?
I want to explain myself.
Well, you've had all day
to think of a lie. So…
Why do you have Lauren's notebook?
Lauren was supposed to sing.
Tried to be your sunbeam ♪
You ragged ray of joy ♪
The light you trust ♪
In the darkest days ♪
Sometimes you see ♪
Shadows hanging over me ♪
And you want to run ♪
From a setting sun ♪
Because I'm not easy ♪
I'm damaged inside ♪
[Hayden and Izzie singing]
But I was your best friend ♪
And you can't hide from me ♪
All my mess ups ♪
Cut us up ♪
Can't you see? ♪
A little time ♪
Is all we need ♪
And if you give me one more chance ♪
You know I'd make you my best friend ♪
Again. ♪
Because you are my queen.
You always, always have been.
Lauren was helping.
It was going to be a surprise,
or whatever.
I just figured we needed a new song.
Slightly backfired.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Just slightly.
You're right. They were up
to something romantic.
I didn't know that you played the piano.
Well, you make me
want to be a better person.
- [Izzie] This is Lauren's notebook.
- [Anna] Mm-hm.
And she just gave it to you?
I wanted to practice.
And we've lost her again.
And the coin?
I don't know.
OK, she's seen it, like,
a thousand times before.
She just got really interested.
She asked if she could borrow it one day.
When do I get it back?
I'll think about it.
[Izzie chuckling]
[Maddie] Isn't Hayden full of surprises?
So, are you really going to marry Brad?
Well, he's never written me a love song.
Yeah, true.
[Izzie] Perhaps Hayden can give him
some pointers.
[Maddie] Well, at least that's one mystery
['La Bamba' by Ritchie Valens playing]
I'm sure the damage isn't as bad
as it looks.
Definitely, I think she just needs
a bit of love.
We'll have her sailing in no time.
Mm. Aye.
That's the spirit.
Para bailar La Bamba ♪
Para bailar La Bamba ♪
Se necesita una poca de gracia ♪
Una poca de gracia pa' mi
pa' ti y arriba y arriba ♪
Ah y arriba y arriba ….. ♪
[Stevie sighs]
[Anna] Well done.
[Izzie laughing]
['La Bamba' continues playing]
[group singing] La, La Bamba ♪
La, La Bamba ♪
- What's that?
"Check with LK?"
I don't know.
La, La Bamba ♪
Para bailar La Bamba. ♪
[phone chimes]
[Izzie] "Lauren, 7pm tomorrow night.
Are we still on?"
[Izzie] Who is LK?
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