Django (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


Everybody get back! Get back!
- Whoo Whoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Whoo -
Ha-ha Ha-ha!
Ha-ha! Yeah!
It's Sarah Her fever has risen again.
What do we do? She's
been sick for a month.
How are you feeling?
It's just a cold, Daddy.
Nothing to worry about.
You're strong.
Caroline is sick too.
You need to find a doctor.
This is all we have.
Take it, and God help us.
Sarah got worse.
What do you want?
How much money do you have?
I have one dollar fifty, it's not
going to be enough for the doctor.
This wind never stops,
it's driving me crazy.
Look at me.
Elijah. Give me whatever you have.
I'm going to Lost Mercy and
bring back Reverend Young.
You break your hands here all
you like, but nothing grows.
Are you listening to me?
No, you're not. You're
not listening to me.
You're not paying any attention.
We need a doctor, you
hear me? I need the money.
I need to go get a doctor!
I've never felt so al
Get a grip!
Get a grip.
Sarah is dying.
Caroline needs you.
Margaret needs me. We need
to hurry up. Do you hear that?
Caroline's pregnant.
I'm going to get a doctor
and we'll be alright.
No, but you don't get it, do you?
I don't want a baby with
her, I don't want it.
Well, it's not up to you!
I love you, Julian.
I love you!
Your wife needs you
and my wife needs me.
My children need me.
Do you understand that?
I'm c
- I'm coming with you.
So, how many barrels of oil we got?
Three barrels, so far.
We can probably ramp it up to ten
a day, once we get a rhythm going.
We can drill a new well
every couple of weeks.
Market price is around
three dollars a barrel.
So, let's say, in six
months we have twelve wells,
ten barrels a day each, that's
That's over 100,000 dollars a year.
It can be really good for us.
Yeah. That's if we can find a buyer.
- Nah, we'll find someone, Pops.
- Where? Elmdale?
You think Elizabeth's gonna
let us just walk up in there
with fifty barrels of oil?
Houston, then. Or, San Antonio.
San Antonio's 200 miles.
I mean, we'd have to go
through the valley either way.
And after what happened at the bank,
it would be too risky for you, Dad.
Not if we go to Pueblo.
Pueblo's four buildings in a swamp.
I've taken shits bigger than Pueblo.
Pueblo's on the river.
We take a boat to Pueblo
and meet the buyer there.
We won't go through the valley.
The Lady's none the wiser.
And who's arranging the sale? You?
If I can bring a gun with me.
I'll go with him.
No, you need to stay here
and manage the production.
Kevin will go.
I don't need Kevin.
I just need a gun.
What do you want me to do?
I won't be here to protect
you forever, sweetheart.
It's time for you to
learn to protect yourself.
See? Hold it like that.
Now you can't shoot.
To drop a shot in the barrel,
you have to lower the lever
That's right. Then you
Mama! How am I supposed
to shoot? I can't see!
You don't know what it's like
to live in absolute darkness.
Blaine. Give me your scarf.
As you wish.
You see? Now I'm as blind as you.
Now Was it a hit?
Yes, ma'am.
If I can, you can.
'Cause you're my son. You're my blood.
Now it's your turn.
Mama, I know how much you wish
I was like you, but I'm not.
I'm different.
If we get those barrels over here
Stop lollygagging.
What you doin' here?
I figured you'd need some help.
Is that what my father said?
Well, he doesn't know I'm here.
Who are you, stranger?
Someone trying to be a friend.
Seymour, it's ready!
Sir, we're not here to make any trouble.
My name is Julian Wright,
his name is Elijah, tell him your name.
Elijah Turner.
We live southwest from the river,
we're just settlers and we
came to ask you something.
Never seen you here.
- We were never here before.
We heard you studied medicine before
you took the cross, is that right?
Is that right, sir?
Give it to him.
C'mon, give it.
Came to ask for your help.
Pardon my welcome, but you never know
when it's a wolf showing
up in sheep's drawers.
You were probably expecting Comanches.
How do you know?
Because we've been
around here long enough.
They don't like houses
of the Lord on their land.
And from their point of
view, they're not wrong.
I consider this a
contribution to our community.
Ah Can't get by on
the Holy Spirit alone.
Do you think we should trust him?
Well, he's the only chance we
have. So, it doesn't matter.
- I didn't see your horses.
- We don't have any.
I can only take one of you.
Well, you go. You get
there as fast as you can.
I don't trust you.
Huh. Well, one day you will.
I don't think so.
How did Sarah end up with you all?
That's none of your business.
How old was she?
She's mine.
Ain't nothing you can do about that.
I'm not doing anything
I see the way you look at her.
No, you don't know what
you're talking about.
I know what I see!
All I'm saying is
..she's your father's wife.
Fuck you.
I'm going southwest from the river.
- Hop on in, friend.
- Thank you, sir.
Let's go!
Grant's marching south, we
need men to help stop him.
Thank you for the ride, sir, but
I'm not really much of a fighter.
All we're looking for is men
willing to defend their homes.
I understand that, but
..I can barely defend
my home from the wind.
And one of my children might
not make it through the night.
I have to be home.
The entire regiment is full of
men just like you who are willing
to defend our rights as
free and independent states.
I appreciate it, but as
I said, I'm not your man.
The Second Corps is currently
offering a very generous
enlistment bonus to any
man who puts on a uniform.
A hundred dollars.
Transferrable to the next of kin.
Cough a little bit.
And now take a deep breath.
Good you came when you did.
Another couple of days
would have been too late.
Ten drops in the morning and
the evening, for two weeks.
And keep them in bed,
as much as you can.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I didn't want to say this
in front of your wife,
but your daughter has
a severe infection.
Her right leg is never
going to work properly again.
And Caroline?
Malaria for her.
This is about the worst
place on God's earth
to bring your beautiful families.
If I were you, I'd keep moving.
Well, we can't afford to.
Whiskey and a couple of
dried hares are enough for me.
But, I warn you, they're both
sick because of malnutrition
and poor conditions.
God is giving you a
warning. Best listen to him.
It's an ambush.
Watch out!
Stop shooting! Stop
shooting, we surrender!
Stop shooting!
Drop the gun
- Put the gun
- Put the gun down
Put the gun down and come forward.
- Real easy.
- Slowly in
Keep those hands up-
If you're gonna kill me, go ahead.
- I don't wanna kill you, Seymour.
There were at least half a
dozen of them waiting for us.
They took Seymour, and
sent me back to tell you
Elizabeth wants a parley. Today.
- I don't like it.
- Neither do I.
Alright, take me to the meeting place.
We're coming with you.
It's our land, our family.
I know your father better than you.
He never once thinks
about anyone but himself.
My father ain't perfect, I know that.
But he takes care of everyone.
He's a leader in the community.
He did
- He did marry the girl he raised as a daughter.
Didn't he?
I wanna offer you a deal.
You help me take back my land and
you get to lead the extraction.
With all the compensation that implies.
It's not your land.
Your father left it to my father.
The land belongs to me.
I'll get it back, one way or another.
You must be starving.
You see, in this
household, we don't starve.
Now, Seymour.
Now you eat and you let
me know what you decide.
Where's my boy?
He's safe.
Then bring him back to me,
and leave us the hell alone.
Hostilities ending.
Not good enough, I'm afraid.
As long as you
..and your sinners are
there in that dirty hole.
We ain't breaking any laws.
How much do you want?
It's not for sale.
A hundred thousand dollars?
That's ten times what it's worth.
What it was worth. Before we found oil.
You've got no idea how
much you have in there.
And you do?
You're being short-sighted, John.
I can give you cash today,
more than you've ever seen
in your miserable life.
All you have to do is
take your family and leave.
And never come back again.
What about Seymour?
The child bride speaks.
I need an answer today.
Either you take your chances on
dry wells and endless wars, or walk away richer
than you ever dreamt.
It's our town. Our fate.
It's your son, John.
You walk away, and you're
signing his death warrant.
Elizabeth, I will never
give you what you want.
So, next time you come after me,
you better bring more men.
I know what it means to
love against your will.
To love someone who
only cares about himself.
It feels like you're
..slowly drowning and you can't breathe.
Then you start
..hating yourself for being that weak.
There's only one thing you can do.
You have to decide that it's not you,
it's him you hate.
And then
Then you can
Then you can breathe again.
I thought I was gonna die.
You didn't.
I was scared I was never
going to see you again.
You feel this?
This is real.
And this is real.
It's not going anywhere.
I'm not going anywhere.
Promise me?
I promise.
Try to get some sleep.
So you can recover.
I have something for you.
Good for an ox, a plow,
maybe a maybe a water tank.
Take it.
Where'd you get that?
I joined the Confederate
Army, I'm going to war.
You remember what the reverend said?
God sent us a warning,
I just listened to it.
Come on, take it. You don't
wanna see your boy grow up?
So that's it. You're-
You're leaving? You're
just walking away?
God says?
You know what, Julian Wright?
I don't believe in that God.
You're not leaving to save us.
You're leaving because
you wanna get away from me.
Because you can't take this
anymore, and neither can I.
This is not about you.
You don't know what it is
to have your kids ask you
what they're gonna
eat every night do you?
I'm not leaving for you.
I'm leaving for them.
And you're staying for the
same reason, you hear me?
You hear me? Uh!
I'm sorry, man.
I'm sorry come here. I'm sorry.
I'll make it back, don't worry.
I'm leaving two days from now.
Leaving for where?
I'm going to war.
I'm going to war.
This was your idea.
You're the one that brought
us all the way out here.
There's no other way around it.
We're not going to make it
out here if I don't do it.
That's the way it is. I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
You're not coming back, are you?
I will come back, don't worry.
If I don't come back, the
army will take care of you.
And your brother.
You'll never come back.
It's just a few months.
What am I going to do without you?
I do it for you, and for us.
- For me?
- Yeah.
Do you remember when we met?
You looked like a king,
wonderful, I fell in love
..but I was wrong.
You're not that king. You never were.
You're just a fool.
Desperate bastard who runs
around and you have no idea where
you're headed, do you?
And the thing is, Julian, I
loved you even more for it.
And I know you love us too.
But I also know that
whenever you're with us,
you always wanna be
somewhere else. Don't you?
I'm doing this for you.
You've got that right.
For us.
You stay if you want to do this for us.
Stay with us. You wanna
get yourself killed?
I can't stop you.
Timmy and Sammy, they're
too young to understand.
But Sarah?
Don't expect me to be
the one to tell her.
Two y'all go round the back.
Ain't gonna hurt you, miss.
We're here for my son.
You know where he at?
Come on. It's all right!
Seymour, wake up. Come on.
How dare you break into my home.
I've never shot a lady,
but I'm willing to make
an exception for you.
Don't you dare shoot my
mother! Don't you dare shoot!
- She's my mom!
- Calm down, kid. Ah!
Don't shoot!
Now we're all in the blind, my love.
Now, take your people and leave.
Untie the horses, Kevin. Come on, now.
You left me there, she
could've killed me already!
Yeah, well I knew she wouldn't.
And I still came back for you.
Is it ready?
Let's try.
- Does it hurt?
- No.
- Careful.
- I'll be ok.
I shot you. Timmy, watch out.
Bang, bang!
You haven't told her yet, have you?
No, I haven't.
The wind.
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