DNA Lover (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

(DNA Lover)
(All people, incidents, and backgrounds)
(in this drama are fictitious and unrelated to reality.)
You may not see him now,
but the Lord, who has risen again, is always with us
through the Holy Spirit.
He protects us when we are exhausted from life
and consoles us. We live as we are reminded of this.
The Lord said his country
is not a part of this world.
Therefore, the people who live in the celestial country
where the Lord is king
live in this world
but are not a part of this world.
The people of the land where the Lord is king
listen to his words,
keep his words in their hearts,
and live as they stay true to his words.
How did you come here?
I have something to ask the Almighty.
What might that be?
To our Lord who comforts us
He has the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene.
- Within his embrace - From the man of my pheromones.
- What pressures and oppresses us - Oh, dear Lord.
Let us escape from those and find peace. Let us pray.
- Amen. - Amen.
Who on earth is the one
who will heal and comfort me, dear Lord?
I look forward to your homily next weekend as well.
Sure, have a safe trip home.
Let's go.
- Father. - We are
Thank you. Have a safe trip home.
Thank you.
You come often, but you only ever sit in the very back.
Oh, I
There's no way.
No, something is wrong.
His immune system was a perfect match for me.
So Jin, aren't you getting ready to go to work?
(Phosphoric acid)
Oh Sang Min was nothing but a preview.
This man
What's the answer?
What should I do?
What do you mean, what should you do?
It's highly likely that your DNA lover has the cheaters' gene.
Just admit it.
If you admit it, you'll find comfort.
A cheater is my DNA lover?
Then, I'll get involved with a cheater again.
I'll get hurt again and break up again.
No! That can't happen.
That can't happen!
(Healer gene)
This can't be true.
Not this time.
Why did it have to be him?
(Episode 4: The Healer Gene)
The OBGYN Department of Sim General Hospital
consider the parents and child our utmost priority.
From pregnancy to childbirth, we are there for the pain and worry
of the expectant mothers. And in the process of childbirth,
we are always trying hard so that you can trust us.
Medical staff with vast experience are on call 24-7.
We, at Sim Hospital's OBGYN Department,
take care of all your needs after giving birth.
Haeng Un's mom hasn't called yet, right?
Gosh, that lady is so
I mean, where has she gone when she's not even recovered yet?
Did you contact the priest who came in as her guardian?
Yes, he was the one who paid for all her care too.
He must be searching for Haeng Un's mom everywhere.
Oh, Nurse Park called.
Haeng Un was sick all night, so they moved him to Intensive Care.
Let's go there together.
Dear Lord, please protect our beloved child with your grace.
In Jesus' name we pray.
You might actually become Haeng Un's father at this rate.
How is Haeng Un doing?
He did have a rough night,
but I'm sure he'll pull through, knowing you're so worried.
This is the priest I just mentioned.
I've heard a lot about you.
I'm Haeng Un's doctor, Sim Yeon Woo.
I'm Father Andrea.
Thank you for all your efforts,
but if we can't get in touch with the mother by next week,
Haeng Un will be going to a child welfare facility.
He'll be put up for adoption right away.
Yes, he will meet good parents who won't abandon him this time.
And he'll have so much luck, just like what his name means.
please pray for him, Father.
- Of course. - Bye, then.
Those are marsh marigolds.
Can you tell at first glance?
You sure know everything, Dr. Sim.
Who sent them?
It didn't say who they were from,
but Ms. Oh handed out juices
because she gave birth today.
Maybe she sent you a flower pot instead.
That eye shape must be the logo of the flower shop.
Oh, there will be a pre-meeting
with the genetics centre about the lecture.
- Okay, Dr. Sim. - All right.
Why is she so quiet today?
The test results must be out already.
Right, so this is the most important item
for today.
We'll be doing a project with Sim General Hospital
where we give an information session about freezing eggs and pregnancy.
So, we'll be sending someone
to consult and give a lecture
on DNA testing to Sim Hospital.
Ms. Yoon. How does that sound?
I have a conference with the women's cancer specialist centre.
A conference?
Ms. Han, you can go.
Ms. Han?
Yes? Right.
I'm in charge of the prenatal tests for Sim Hospital.
- I'm busy. - Right.
You've worked with Sim Hospital the whole time,
so you could work with them again for this event.
That'd be perfect, right?
Then, I'll go with A Ri.
A Ri?
Will you be able to go?
Don't worry, Bi Kei.
I'll take good care of A Ri and wrap up the event.
I'd be so glad if A Ri could go with you.
Then, I'll take it that no one has any objections.
Let's finish today's meeting.
I mean
Why must I suffer amongst throngs of strangers for days?
He has the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene,
so I just can't face him yet.
Then, just date him.
Anyway, I'm not going.
I'm not sure I can date the guy with that gene!
What am I supposed to do?
It must've been hard.
Next time, don't wear sneakers. Wear slip-ons instead, okay?
And don't ever wear socks by yourself.
And don't clip your toenails.
What good is your husband?
He's there so you can make him do these things.
Well, let me know if there's anything you need.
What's with that cheesy gaze?
A doctor should be nice to his patient.
As we can now test for the fetus' illnesses and growth
before the birth, which we had no way of knowing before,
it has become possible to treat these illnesses early
and for the mothers to choose.
Especially, by working with Iroun Genetic Center,
we've increased pregnancy rates,
and we are now able to share the choices and joys of mothers.
Here to consult with us on DNA testing
and to help us with the lecture, we have Team Leader Han So Jin
and Researcher Son A Ri from Iroun Genetics Center.
Please give them a round of applause.
They're only interested in the bonus.
Are they just here for him to keep them on the hook?
"Keep them on the hook?"
Even among unmarried women,
there have been increased interests in freezing their eggs.
Harvesting one's eggs when one is in the best condition
and keeping them frozen
until one can get pregnant at the time one wants to
could be an obvious right as a woman.
Selecting healthy embryos through the PGT test,
and increasing the success rate for pregnancy
may lead to a higher chance of having a healthy baby.
Especially, the PGT-A test.
Expecting mothers who are older in age and those with histories
of failure in IVF
are recommended to take this test.
So, Sim Hospital and the genetics centre
have decided to hold an information session for our members.
Ms. Han So Jin?
Ms. Han So Jin?
- Yes. - You said you would give
the lecture on genetic diagnostic tests
in the preimplantation stage, correct?
Yes, PGT, the preimplantation genetic test,
is the test we do in IVF procedures
in cases where the parents
have been confirmed to have genetic illnesses
in the preimplantation phase.
She must have the test results.
But she hasn't even called.
And she came all this way, but didn't even mention it.
What's this?
The PGT-SR, and PGT-M
will be available in order.
We're so looking forward to it, Ms. Han So Jin.
Give her another round of applause.
(Cooperation Conference Hall)
Why are you putting me in a tight spot by bringing me here?
Then should I have come alone?
Oh, my.
- Are you okay? - Yes.
So annoying.
He must've flirted with so many people
that all these women see him as a man, not a colleague.
- Seriously. - Gosh.
- He's coming! The cheater! - Let's get going.
- Hurry! - Hurry.
What's wrong with her?
(Yeo Jung Tam)
- Hello. - Hello.
Hey, aren't you the guy I met at the gym before?
remember me.
- Right. - Yes.
I wasn't sure it was you when I saw your name on the chart.
I'll officially introduce myself.
I'm Endocrinologist Yeo Jung Tam.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Have a seat here. - Oh, that's okay!
Yes, have a seat.
- Thank you. - Of course.
Oh, but
you want to have female hormone shots?
Oh, yes.
Maybe it's because of the martial arts competition I'm preparing for,
but I haven't had my period for two and a half months.
I see.
I'm sure it's because of a hypothalamic-pituitary imbalance.
It's quite common, so you don't have to worry.
Instead of a hormone shot, you should get a shot
to induce your period first
No. I want to get that shot, no matter what.
I want to have the female hormone shot.
But why? Is there a particular reason for it?
Feel free to tell me.
ever since I was little, I was told I was very boyish.
I see.
I don't think I've liked boys like other girls.
So, sometimes, I wonder if I really am a woman.
Who? You?
I'm not sure what you mean
You're the coolest woman I've ever seen.
If you don't know that
I mean, how could you not know that?
I'll help treat you on the part you're concerned about.
Don't worry.
- Thank you. - Sure.
Didn't you hear the alarm?
Is the emergency speaker just for decoration?
You can't just remove it.
(March 7, livestreaming day)
- Hey, Mi Eun. - Yeon Woo.
There was a fire in my building.
What? A fire?
Yes, but
I also met a brave fireman.
Are you okay? Did you get hurt?
You should check that in person.
To celebrate me having a near-death experience,
buy me something delicious.
Gosh, what a relief.
What do you want to eat?
I'll have dinner before I go home.
The truck is coming today.
The hillside tornado potato skewer is not your ordinary potato.
The food truck owner
farmed the potatoes himself on high altitude in Gangwon Province
with much love and care. And he prepped them himself too.
They are sumi potatoes.
Sadly, he tours around the country
so he only comes
only on the 1st and 3rd Fridays in front of our church.
Those soft high-altitude potatoes
that are sweet but fresh as well.
They're cut in perfect thickness and spacing as designed by the owner.
The perfect temperature of the oil and seasoning.
Getting to
see all of this in person
is a grace from the Almighty.
I will see you later.
- Yes, here you go. Enjoy. - Thank you.
Get home safely.
- Yes, there you go. - I hope business goes well.
- Bye. - Bye.
Yes, hello. What would you like?
The honey butter flavour.
- Honey butter? - Yes.
You ordered one honey butter flavour.
- Here you go. Bye. - Thank you.
Hello, which flavour would you like?
One original, please.
A great choice.
It's very hot. Be careful.
Yes, thank you.
Get home safely.
- Yes, hello. - Hello.
I'll one honey butter flavour.
I'm sorry, but we're all out of ingredients now.
You can come back in two weeks.
- Gosh, are you okay? - Sorry.
- Sorry, are you okay? - Are you okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
- Sorry! - Sorry.
My high-altitude
Are you okay?
Sister Anna. You can have this.
(Gangwon Province High-altitude Hillside Tornado Potato Skewers)
It's fine. You can have it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- You're here. - Yes.
Dad, I'm here. Hey, Yeon Woo.
You're here.
You save people during the day
and help your dad at night. When do you have time to date?
I know, Yeon Woo. You should set Kang Hoon up with a girl.
This crazy punk won't date.
Why don't you date?
I said I didn't want to start something
I can't be responsible for.
Hey, punk. Are we in the Joseon Dynasty?
Why does the time period matter when it's all about people's lives?
But you age faster than most people. You have to hurry and get married.
We'll all grow old anyway. Why does the speed matter?
Also, I take after you.
If you take after me, you shouldn't look so old.
I look old because I look like you.
He does look old, right?
He does look a bit older than me.
- Did you come alone? - Someone will join me.
Look. There she is.
Hey, Yeon Woo.
- Wait. - Oh, my.
What a coincidence meeting my saviour here.
Your saviour? Do you two know each other?
I told you there was a brave firefighter who saved me.
- I see. - She's the life I saved yesterday.
I see.
Let me introduce you. This is
my closest friend, Seo Kang Hoon.
- This is - Oh, Seo Kang Hoon?
Hello. I'm Jang Mi Eun.
Did you fix the emergency announcement speaker?
Not yet.
That's the perfect spot to hang a painting, you see.
You're hanging a painting where the speaker should be?
I'm joking. I fixed it.
Yesterday, I saw you were burning incense with the windows closed.
Please remember that incense
makes more carbon monoxide than regular candles.
You can't burn incense for more than 15 minutes.
Yeon Woo. Is he always full of worries like this?
He's gotten a lot better. Let's sit down.
I see.
But why is he working at a sushi restaurant?
He's helping out his father's store.
Oh, that's his father.
This is such a nice place.
I'll come often from now on.
How old are you?
It must be a secret.
He's 28, no, 29.
He's a baby.
I'm not a baby, and I don't like semi-casual speech.
- What do you want to eat? - One salmon and tuna set.
And a warm sake.
He's not the one.
He'll never fall for you.
I'll tie it for you.
I take after you.
This boy.
Guys like him become very bold
once they cross the line.
People have the right to be forgotten.
You don't even remember properly, and you've already forgotten?
What are you thinking about?
It's nothing.
Oh, I know.
That otaku researcher?
If someone has to receive prenatal education,
I believe the husband has to be the one to get prenatal education
during pregnancy.
The mother will feel the happiest when she feels
safely protected and loved by her husband,
and the fetus in her stomach will feel all of that.
Rather than during the dating phase,
I believe pregnancy is when a woman can know and see
her husband's noble and pure love.
Why does a guy like this
have the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene?
Official statements and personal lives are different.
Men who say overly beautiful things
are not to be trusted easily.
Could it be that his Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene
went into a dormant state after experiencing
countless miracles of birth as a gynaecologist?
What a beautiful story.
Have you been well?
Will you come to this lecture?
You do well on your own. I don't need to be there.
I'm thinking of hosting
a prenatal genetics counselling symposium early next year.
I see. I think
you could put Dr. Choi in charge of that.
Next year, I'm going to take a break from working at the hospital.
- Take a break? - I need to have some fun
before starting my own hospital.
Start your own hospital? This hospital is yours.
No way.
I can't be a gynaecologist forever.
What's your schedule like this evening? Should we have dinner?
I have plans.
Oh, is that so?
If so, let's have dinner together soon.
Let's do that.
Right, Chief Director. I guess you're going to date this woman
for a while.
I never planned to have a short relationship.
If you're my son,
you won't be able to live with a woman who you don't love.
Not all women are the same.
There is a woman somewhere that will make you go crazy.
See you later.
Oh, this addiction.
I will never eat rose carbonara again. Gosh.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Ms. Yeom Jang Mi.
I see that you signed up
for the anti-ageing food therapy program.
You are quite underweight.
I think food therapy is too much
I don't like having excess fat.
Excess fat?
Your body fat percentage is way lower than the average range.
Just do it for me.
Also, you can't take appetite suppressants like this.
The hormonal imbalance could cause depression
I get it, so just
So just do it for me.
My husband doesn't like women with excess fat.
He likes women who look like models.
Not wrinkly, sagging skin like mine.
There's a girl younger than my son by my husband.
How do you think he'll feel
looking at me?
Your husband
At first,
he seemed he would only care about me.
He didn't know much about women,
and he couldn't drink.
when I got pregnant, he cheated for the first time.
It was barely an affair.
He got caught very soon and begged for forgiveness.
But that was just the beginning.
Those men are the problem.
Men who look for other women
because their wives gained weight after having kids.
They get old too, but they hate it when women get old.
Those jerks!
Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene holders are the axis of evil.
I will crush these axis-of-evil men.
Do you think Mr. Sewer is part of the axis of evil?
Who are you?
Who keeps talking about me?
(Sim General Hospital)
Da Mi. Listen to me.
So who is that girl?
I thought you broke up. Why is she messaging you?
She's always been a super obsessive person.
Do you know what her nickname is?
It's French Bulldog.
Ruff, ruff.
Once she bites, she never lets go.
If so, call her right now.
So I can hear her say whether you're dating or not.
You're the only one for me.
What should I do? Should I write a blood note?
Call her now, you punk!
I'll call her.
Ms. Kim Hee Yeon.
What are you doing?
Is that you, Hee Yeon?
Yes, So Jin.
Oh Sang Min is in front of me right now.
I was curious if you two were happily dating.
Why is Sang Min with you?
Oh, we just ran into each other.
I see. Of course, we're happy together.
We're going to Iceland next month to see the aurora borealis.
Oh Sang Min. Were you cheating on me?
You asked me to go to Iceland too!
Sang Min. Who are you with right now?
Who is that woman?
Hey, Oh Sang Min. When you broke up with me,
you told me you found true love.
You said that was Hee Yeon.
And now you're cheating on Hee Yeon with another woman?
- Shut it. - That's what you were always doing.
How many girls did you cheat on me with?
Forget it. I don't even want to know.
I don't even want to recall the times I spent
dating pieces of trash like you.
I told you to shut it.
I won't let you get away with this, Han So Jin. Just wait.
Da Mi!
Da Mi. Wait.
I didn't mean that.
- Stop that. - Wait. You can't just go like this.
Yes. I should give up here.
If I fall for a cheater, that'll be the end of me.
(Sim General Hospital)
The results of your DNA test.
Mr. Sim Yeon Woo possesses DRD4-7R,
the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene.
With seven Indecent Octopus Tentacle Genes,
you are in the second percentile in the whole world.
What I'd like to suggest to you
is meditation and temple stays to reflect on yourself.
Foods that I don't suggest
are eels, chives, oysters, and more.
What is she talking about?
Gosh. This isn't right.
(Samil-dong Intersection)
Ms. Han. I need an explanation. Where are you?
Let's meet at the park we met at before.
- Ms. Han So Jin. - Yes?
I need an explanation
on the test results you sent earlier.
- An explanation - Isn't that
what you should do as a researcher?
Even if
my partner gets sick
with a rare or terminal illness,
I'm going to do everything with my partner.
I can't date a guy with the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene.
I just agreed to the test,
but while you were running the DNA test,
you already dated me.
I don't know what those indecent octopus tentacles did to you,
but you need to put trash in the trash can.
If you always hold onto your wounds,
you won't be able to meet a good person.
For someone who was too sincere about that love,
some wounds can last forever.
You can only get wounds if you allow it to happen.
run these tests because I don't want to get hurt.
I no longer want to hurt
from wounds I didn't agree to getting.
Going forward,
I'm going to continue to test all men that I date.
Over people's feelings No.
Over my feelings,
I trust DNA.
DNA is the only thing that doesn't change.
I feel a bit flabbergasted and wronged.
You don't know anything about me,
but you labelled me a cheater before even starting anything.
You might not cheat right now,
but you'll definitely
one day.
You might have affairs until you die
if your gene manifests you.
It's not about having an affair or not.
It's a matter of time.
That's why
I can't start anything
with someone with the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene.
I'm sure I told you that that's not how men and women
are supposed to get to know each other.
Other than my Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene,
what do you know about me?
I trust DNA.
If you're my son,
you won't be able to live with a woman who you don't love.
If you're the kind of person who judges people easily
and makes decisions based on those judgments,
I'm also no longer interested.
Hold on.
Yeon Woo.
We keep running into each other.
Aren't you here with someone?
Go to the guy who's waiting for you.
I want to be alone today.
Give me a glass of the one
- I was keeping. - Okay.
Did something happen?
Nothing happened.
I just feel angry for some reason.
Mi Eun.
Do you also think I'm a Casanova?
Well, I think you're good at noticing
when women look their prettiest.
Whether that woman is old or young.
I'm sure the women you dated can't forget you.
So why do things always end so badly?
All relationships end badly.
Relationships are dirty. That's how love is.
who is making you so worried?
She's strangely bothering me.
What about him?
He's a guy who knows we'll break up
as soon as he comes here to get me.
I'll listen to some music before I go home today.
So Jin.
- Hey. - Why are you up there again?
What are you doing there?
Kang Hoon.
Yes. Tell me what's going on.
Do you also think so?
That you need to break up when you feel sorry
and sad?
That's when you're supposed to break up.
When you feel sorry and sad.
Not when you feel sick of someone and so angry at them.
What do you mean by that?
I just remembered
someone saying that.
Who said that?
I guess I'm bad at deciding when to break up with someone.
I can never
break up with a guy until we're fighting like crazy.
So this time,
I found the right chance to end things before that.
I still don't feel great.
Oh, you fool.
You have so much going on in your head.
You did something dumb again, didn't you?
When are you going to stop doing things you regret?
It's not like that.
I've been very busy lately with my experiments.
Experiments to find my DNA lover.
I told you not to test people.
"Experiments are the only way"
"to truly learn."
Leonardo da Vinci.
Han So Jin.
You can't find fate
through experiments.
When you get to know the person, you can see your fate.
Let's go.
Did you change your fabric softener?
You smell like flowers.
- Hey. - Gosh.
Don't say things like that to other guys, okay?
They're going to think you're a pervert.
I've already been told that.
Aren't you being too lazy about exercising these days?
You fell over while trying to hold me.
Maybe you grew this way and that way.
Look here. I stopped growing when I was 16,
and my weight has also stayed the same.
Oh, has it?
Is that why your eye for men
also stayed the same since you were in elementary school?
- Hey. - Gosh.
Come on.
There is a gene that pulls down
the holder to suffering.
If you know someone
with such a gene,
it's best to cut ties with them.
(Sim Yeon Woo?)
Say hello, Ms. Han. This is Dr. Sim Yeon Woo.
(Sim Yeon Woo?)
This is my original hair. This is the super hair.
Will touching it help
(Sim Yeon Woo?)
Open up.
(Sim Yeon Woo?)
(Personal Characteristics)
(Personal Characteristics)
(Possibility of developing cancer according to the lifestyle)
What? This is the optimistic gene.
Does Mr. Sim have the optimistic gene?
Each person is born with a weakness-like gene
that could make you unhappy.
And for each of us,
there exists someone
with a gene that could heal us.
I call that gene
the healer.
I call it the healer gene.
There are countless men as many as the stars,
and I've found the man with a healer gene for me.
is the healer gene
that could heal my dying gene.
That man with the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene
was my healer.
If you're the kind of person who judges people easily
and makes decisions based on those judgments,
I'm also no longer interested.
But it's over between us now.
Sinhon has such a loud heartbeat.
Don't you think so?
It sure does.
Ms. Heo, your prenatal test result will come out tomorrow.
You can come directly to the genetic centre.
The nurse will tell you the location and the time.
- Yes, Doctor. - See you tomorrow.
That flower pot is really beautiful.
(Happiness will surely come.)
- So Jin. - No!
Why are you so surprised?
I thought someone was following me.
Don't take this path for a while.
I told you about the college student, right?
The abduction was reported on this path.
Should I just stay home?
To you,
every inch of Seoul was a place where some kind of case happened.
Do you have a tracker on me or something?
You're just too predictable.
Do you have your safety alarm with you?
Of course.
Here it is.
Let's go to our restaurant. I'll make you some udon.
(Table 2)
(Sim Yeon Woo)
Yeon Woo. What brought you here without notice?
It's not like I ever called before.
Take a seat.
Aren't you closed?
You're always welcome here.
- Do you want something? - I'll have an udon.
Udon? Just a minute.
You should come sit with So Jin. You two know each other, right?
- No. - I
Why are you keeping a distance?
It's hot. Be careful.
- Thank you. - Here. Enjoy.
Why are you picking at your food?
What? No, I'm not picking at it. I'm eating.
Not again. Here.
You should pull up your sleeve when you eat.
You're going to get soup on it, you clumsy.
Hey, isn't this mine?
Is it the one I gave you during a high school retreat?
- Did you? - It's so stretched out.
You should throw it out now.
It's the most comfortable thing on earth. Why would I?
It helps me fall asleep.
I'll buy you a new one.
I know your size, but the colour
You like pink, don't you?
I remember how you cried when your mom bought So Ri
a pink bag but you got a blue one.
How do you remember all that?
I was always there when you cried.
Although you always cried over nothing.
You cried in front of me too, you know.
- Me? - Yes.
No way.
Anyway, I swear you did.
I should apologize first.
Kang Hoon, I'm going to get going.
I enjoyed it. Take care.
- What? Already? - Yes.
She's talking more than usual today.
Good job!
Gosh, that stinks.
We have to get a car wash thanks to you.
Do we have to rescue dogs from sewers now?
The whole neighbourhood knows that dog is homeless.
It got through a rough patch,
so I'm certain only good things will happen to him now.
Sure. Hurry up and take a shower.
That stench will be on you for a month at least.
- Here. - Hey!
You're really something.
- Good job today. - You too.
I didn't expect you.
This time, she's even younger than you.
Didn't I introduce you to a lawyer?
Why won't you get a divorce?
That lawyer is talented.
They'll leave Father penniless.
Your father had affairs with countless women,
but he always came home whenever relationships ended.
I'm going to make that happen.
You know my grandfather
and uncles also had affairs.
Do you still expect Father to live a different kind of life?
They all returned in the end.
It's in the family gene.
They never abandon the woman who gave birth to their child.
That darn gene talk again.
How much longer will you let this ruin you before you stop?
Please, you should start living your own life.
blaming, and waiting for your father
is my life.
There's still no room for me in your life.
I have to see a patient off-site. Please see yourself out.
(Vice Director Sim Yeon Woo)
(Iroun Genetic Center)
I'll start now.
(Retinitis Pigmentosa, RP)
(Autosomal dominant)
(Genes by genetic pattern)
Does it look very bad, Doctor?
According to the DNA test, your baby
It's Sinhon.
My baby's nickname is Sinhon.
There's a bit of a problem with Sinhon.
Just as you were concerned,
the gene from your father-in-law
is also in Sinhon.
Are you saying Sinhon will go blind?
No way. That's impossible.
Sinhon's dad has perfect eyes.
We can't conclude that the baby will lose sight.
In terms of RP,
it's diverse in genetic and clinical features.
It could show in the early stages,
but it might not show at all.
Ms. Heo Ga Hee.
It's a good thing you found out during your prenatal test.
It's currently in the clinical stage,
but there's a new RP treatment
using the stem cell currently under development.
This is impossible.
I don't believe it.
Why only my baby?
You have the same genes. How are you fine?
Your face tells me
you already know
whose child Sinhon is.
Do you mean
just like how you came to see me knowing who I am?
This time, she's even younger than you.
Would it be okay for me to ask what your baby nickname was?
I want a son like you.
It was Sinhon.
They gave me that nickname because my mother wanted
her and my father to live like newlyweds forever.
That's pretty. I'll use that baby nickname too.
Of course you should know
since you're family.
I don't know about that.
What you're doing now is committing adultery.
No. The chief director and I will soon get married.
He proposed to me.
Does he know you came to see me?
Do you think your father wouldn't know?
I grew up without parents while supporting my siblings.
He was the only man I met
to have proposed to someone like me.
Let me give you some advice.
His feelings for women change frequently.
He also cares
about his public image.
So I urge you to behave.
Also, I know you don't have any siblings.
How ridiculous.
Did you hire someone to investigate me?
I saw many likes of you around him before.
But when you need him the most like right now,
he won't be around.
Are you clueless, or are you acting like you are?
Do you really not see why
your father gave me his specimen?
What is it? Are you scared?
Your house and your hospital will belong to me and Sinhon!
I'm sorry.
Please keep today's consultation confidential.
- Wait. - It's my parents' personal life.
It has nothing to do with me.
You might not cheat right now,
but you'll definitely cheat one day.
You might have affairs until you die
if your gene manifests you.
It's not about having an affair or not.
It's a matter
of time.
It must have sounded like he'd become his father.
What have I done?
Mr. Sim!
Mr. Sim!
Mr. Sim
If you're not busy today,
should we get a drink together?
I'll buy.
I don't think we're in the position to have drinks.
Then please give me a minute.
I want to apologize. I was
I don't know what it's about, but consider it accepted.
I said that you would cheat one day,
and that you might cheat until you die.
I want to apologize for saying that.
It must have sounded like you'd follow your father's steps.
But if you find your DNA lover,
you'll be able to live differently even with your current DNA.
I told you it's my parents' personal life,
and that it has nothing to do with me.
Also, that cheaters' gene and your DNA talk
don't bother me
nor do I believe in it.
I'll give you a piece of advice, Ms. Han.
All you talk about are DNAs,
and that's why you always fail in your relationships.
You should take that into account.
Was I too harsh on her?
Don't take this path for a while.
I told you about the college student, right?
The abduction was reported on this path.
It's a safety alarm.
It's no problem from your place and around here to my restaurant.
I specially prepared table number zero for you.
(Always Sushi)
(So Jin)
(So Jin)
(Missed call: So Jin)
So Jin?
Kang Hoon, someone's following me!
- Where are you? - I'm
in front of the traffic lights!
Han So Jin!
Hey! Hey, Seo Kang Hoon!
Please Please help me
Help me! Help!
Help me
Please, help me
Please, help me
Please Please! Help me!
- Please Please help me! - Ms. Han So Jin!
Please help me
- Ms. Han, are you all right? - Help!
Ms. Han.
It's me, Sim Yeon Woo.
Ms. Han, are you okay?
Are you okay?
So Jin!
- Did he leave? - Kang Hoon.
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
- Where did that jerk go? - That way.
- Please look after her. - Okay.
- Who are you? - Let go of me.
That hurts!
I can't believe how low you're stooping!
What did I do? Well, what did I do?
My information leaked all thanks to Han So Jin.
My girlfriends dumped me.
I only came to tell her that.
I only came to talk!
So Jin almost got hurt because of you!
Hey, it wasn't me who did that.
She fell on her own!
You jerk!
- Are you okay? Can you get up? - Yes.
Have you calmed down?
- Thank you - What?
Thank you for rescuing me.
I'll take you home.
I know this is random in this situation,
but there is something I must tell you.
That Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene you have
I told you.
This isn't the way to get to know someone.
Aside from my Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene,
what do you know about me?
I found out something else.
Aside from the Indecent Octopus Tentacle Gene,
you have the healer gene.
That wasn't what I meant.
Do you still want to talk to me about genes?
The gene you have
can save someone who wants to die
and make someone who cries all the time to smile.
For someone who has a fatally unlucky gene,
It's a gene they really need.
I must learn more
about you.
Do you want to learn more about me?
Please let me continue
the tests.
This woman
keeps calling attraction a test.
This is how
you perform a test.
(DNA Lover)
- Let's go. - Hey.
Do you like Ms. Han?
She's like family to me.
Then mind your own business.
Family shouldn't come between a man and a woman.
You're suddenly acting like someone else.
It gives me butterflies.
Did I give you butterflies?
One, two
- Mandu soup. - Mandu soup.
- I want to check. - Check what?
If genetic partners could communicate telepathically.
Ms. Han So Jin.
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