Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Non Troppo: Not Too Much

Hi, Mom.
The part-timer's a no-show?
No, no. It's fine.
I'll be right there.
The visitor just left.
Mr. Park Joon Young
is alone upstairs.
May I ask what this is about?
It's nothing.
Thank you.
Dong Yun and I
got drunk and crossed the line.
go to the dinner?
Everyone spared time to
celebrate my birthday.
How can I not go?
I'll take you.
It's raining outside.
I can't go.
Will it be okay
if I don't go?
Yes. It's okay.
Think only of yourself.
Don't think about others.
Can you take me to the bus stop?
Song Ah! Chae Song Ah!
- Song Ah.
- Song Ah.
Joon Young.
Hey, Dong Yun.
Gosh, Mr. Park
Joon Young? No way.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Dong Yun, what great eyesight.
How did you recognize
Song Ah in the rain?
It was so obviously her.
Do you know Song Ah?
- Well
- We're friends.
No way. You're friends
with someone like him?
It's not really like that.
Hey, I'm Joon
Young's friend too.
We'll go ahead. We're late.
Song Ah, do you not have
an umbrella? Share mine.
Come with us.
Joon Young, come with us.
You know today is Song
Ah's birthday, don't you?
- He
- Come with us.
- No, Joon Young
- Okay.
I'll come with you.
This is tasty.
In that cartoon, you
know what I mean?
- What do you mean?
- It looks like that dish.
Hey. Will you feed me some?
- Eun Ji.
- My gosh.
Are you drunk?
I'm not drunk.
There she goes again.
- A toast?
- Sure.
Beware of her, Joon Young.
Happy birthday.
Were you at work
with Joon Young?
Yes. We met on the way out.
I'm going to Paris. Can you
recommend any restaurants?
Hey, he doesn't travel for fun.
I only play at concerts
and don't really see the sights.
- I'm not surprised.
- See?
Hey, if we're done eating,
let's have some cake.
- Oh, right.
- We need cake.
It's a nice one.
Is it a rice cake?
It has chocolate
inside. Your favorite.
Are you touched?
- Why would I be?
- Hang on.
Let's face-time Min Seong.
- Yes, let's.
- Ready?
- Why didn't she come?
- Is it working?
- Why is she busy?
- I don't know.
- No answer?
- I don't think so.
- I don't think she'll pick up.
- Is she drinking?
No reply?
- She won't pick up.
- That's weird.
- Shall we?
- 1, 2, 3, 4.
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday, dear Song Ah
- Happy birthday, dear Song Ah
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
Thank you.
- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
I'll cut it now.
Let's just dig in.
- Just dig in.
- I'll cut it.
That's rude.
Thank you.
There are too many people.
Let's just use spoons.
- Get in, Song Ah.
- What?
We're going to Seocho-dong.
One gets off at the subway station,
the other at Seoul Arts Center.
Aren't you getting in?
You go ahead.
You're not going home?
I'd like to finish
up discussing
a project with Joon Young.
Can we talk for a bit?
You want to talk
work at this hour?
Let me go if you won't get in!
Sorry, sir.
I'll go ahead then.
- Get home safely.
- Bye.
Don't stay out too late.
- Shall we get some air?
- Shall we get some air?
Right before graduating
from business school,
when I said I wanted
to study music,
Dong Yun was the only
person who supported me.
I think that was the beginning.
I studied for four years
before finally getting in.
Once or twice a week, Dong
Yun taught me the violin.
He was my tutor and friend.
Even then,
I didn't expect
anything from that.
Just like Dong Yun,
Min Seong is just as
special a friend to me.
if I think about it,
I already knew how it would end.
now that I faced that end,
I wonder
what happens
to the time we spent together?
It's all in here, stacked
up, layer by layer.
Where should all this go now?
The phrase "too much".
We use it when something
exceeds the limit.
I think that's the reason
love becomes painful.
You should love adequately.
But you loved too much.
So next time,
don't go too far or do too much.
Adequately, moderately.
Don't love someone too much.
If you do,
it becomes too much.
The credit card company
already notified their CEO?
I met Joon Young by
chance and asked him,
and he willingly said yes.
I thought you'd
been notified but
I apologize.
You happened to forget that
by chance, right?
Thanks to him,
now we have bragging rights
to the credit card company.
Joon Young will do the event
at Hankook Arts Middle School.
That's great.
Song Ah, you follow that up.
He won't perform.
He'll just talk.
There's a separate host.
You've been communicating
with Joon Young so far.
You handle this project.
- I will.
- Okay.
Mr. Park, give her the contacts of
the credit card company's staff.
Hae Na.
You went to the same arts middle
and high school as Cho Su An?
Yes. We even got into
university together,
but he went abroad to study.
That's great.
I'll let you plan
this event, then.
Everything is printed and ready, so
you'll manage the event that day.
Hello, I'm Kyunghoo Foundation's
Chae Song Ah calling about
Park Joon Young's
middle school event.
No, that's my name.
It's not Choi. It's
Chae, spelled C-H-A-E.
Yes. I'll email it to you, then.
Thank you. Bye.
My last name isn't "Choi",
but actually "Chae"
Yes, I know. "Chae Song Ah".
He got it right away.
I'm going out.
You won't work at
the foundation?
- That work doesn't suit me.
- You haven't even tried yet.
I'll live as a
performing musician.
Does that suit you?
Do what you can do, not
what you want to do.
If you join the foundation because
Seoryeong doesn't hire you
They'll say I joined
because they didn't hire me.
Everyone loves to talk
about how others fail.
But even if I can't teach,
I won't join the foundation.
So find someone else.
There's Young In too.
Think of your mom.
If Mom were alive,
we wouldn't be
talking about this.
And there'd be no foundation.
You speak so scathingly,
just like your mom.
What you say
sometimes really stings.
You're right. I'm
a lot like Mom.
Then you know that
Mom did everything she wanted.
She taught me the violin
and took me to the US.
So I'd like to do as I wish too.
You don't seem to know where
your mom got that from.
But eventually, Mom
triumphed over you.
She married Dad.
Yes. And things didn't end well.
How things would've ended,
no one knows.
I'll keep playing music.
See you later.
I'm back from my business trip.
Let's talk later.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Happy birthday, although
it's a day late.
Shall I put it on for you?
It's just a birthday present.
You can put it on.
Give me your hand.
Not your left hand, you
need to play the violin.
I'm sorry.
Can you put mine on too?
Shall we go?
We'll be late.
It's the day before the
school's summer break.
Only the music department
will participate.
And you won't be
playing the piano.
Oh, okay.
Hello, Song Ah.
Song Ah, I'll call
you later then.
You must be busy, so you can go.
Right, sure.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Excuse me.
I think you left this.
It was on top of the sink.
Isn't it yours?
It is.
I'm glad.
Do you need an A?
Is Jung Kyung running late?
Joon Young.
I'm thinking of getting married.
Did Jung Kyung say yes?
That's fine. Yes. I understand.
I'll call you later.
Hae Na. Cho Su An wants
to switch her accompanist.
Her accompanist was her
boyfriend, but they broke up.
That's why you should
never date at work.
This is exactly an
example of that.
Darn it.
Do you know you look
really funny right now?
Sorry I'm late.
Give me an A.
All right, let's begin.
I'm sorry, but can we start
over from the beginning?
Wait, stop.
It doesn't feel right.
What do you mean?
I don't know. It
just feels wrong.
Tell us exactly
what feels wrong.
Then let's just start over.
It's useless if
we don't know why.
Jung Kyung.
What don't you like?
Whether it's the tempo or whatever,
just tell me what you want.
I'll just follow along.
You would do that.
You have no opinion of your own.
Have you ever done
as you wished?
Even once?
Where are you going?
What about practice?
Joon Young. Park Joon
Young. Let's talk.
About what?
Give me a birthday present.
My birthday present.
It hasn't come yet.
Because I didn't send one.
Why not?
Why didn't you send one?
I told you.
I said I won't play
Träumerei again.
Joon Young
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Let's have the meeting now.
The meeting? Now?
Yes, what we didn't get
to talk about earlier.
Then come with me to the office.
Is the practice session over?
You can go now.
I didn't mean for us to
really talk about work.
I stopped you because
I wanted to escape.
I'll stay here a little longer.
In case she's still outside.
Thanks for your help.
It's fine.
You did the same for me.
You're right.
We're even now.
See you.
I'll give this back to you now.
Thank you.
It's yours. You can keep it.
Song Ah.
- Hi.
- You got off work?
I have to hurry back.
Okay. Go ahead.
Song Ah.
- Are you okay?
- What?
With your fixed
violin. Is it okay?
It's fine.
What's up?
You're finally back?
You had too much.
Stay the night.
What is it with
you and Jung Kyung?
Why are you two like that?
Earlier today? Sorry about that.
How long will you
be in Korea for?
Until next summer, I guess?
Are you sick of seeing
me? Shall I leave sooner?
For me.
I said you can stay.
I don't want to.
What are you doing?
You shouldn't keep an electric
fan on your face for too long.
I set the timer, so
sleep. I'll go now.
The wind is stinging my eyes.
For me.
Song Ah, have you been to
Hankook Arts Middle School?
No, I just went to an
ordinary middle school.
What about you?
I went a few times long ago
for parent-teacher conferences.
Joon Young lived alone when
he went to school here,
so I used to nag him quite a bit
whenever he got his report card.
Anyhow, if you have
any questions later,
you can ask anything
Hey, it's Joon Young's mom.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm of Joo Sang Wook
of Kyunghoo Card.
Hello, I'm Chae Song Ah.
We spoke on the phone.
- Yes, it's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Can you give me a business card?
Oh, I don't
Song Ah is an intern.
An intern?
You were an intern.
An intern.
I heard Mr. Park was
your direct senior
when he worked at Kyunghoo Card.
Oh, yes. I respected him a lot.
When Mr. Park came to our
foundation for the first time,
he was exactly like you.
You remind me of him.
What do you mean by that?
You know, they're all cute when
they're assistant managers.
Of course, he was good at
his job. That was a given.
I see.
I have another meeting to attend,
so I'm afraid I'll have to go.
You can discuss anything
regarding the performance
with Ms. Chae over here.
Joon Young.
You're here.
You told me dad changed.
I'm sorry.
When do you need the money by?
Our students hold mini
concerts in here once a week.
I see.
Did you move the
piano somewhere else?
Oh, we actually got rid of it.
We're getting a new
piano next month.
I see.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
Yes, ma'am.
So Ms. Intern?
Intern lady?
- Yes?
- It's just, when you called me
When I answered the phone,
someone suddenly
said, "I'm sorry."
I was so taken aback.
I wondered who it was.
I wondered who could be
calling me to apologize.
it would be difficult to
operate the foundation
if it weren't for Kyunghoo Card.
I guess that's why
you're sorry, right?
Hey, Mr. Park.
What brings you here? I heard
you had other plans today.
Is this performance not enough?
If it's not enough compared to
the budget you're giving us,
you can talk to me.
I'll do anything
you want. But
does that budget
give you the right
to talk down to our employee?
It was so nice to see
you today, Joon Young.
By the way, Hyeon
Ho visited recently.
I heard Jung Kyung finished
her studies and returned too.
The three of you should
come together next time.
You know, that guy from
the credit card company.
He's just acting up because
his company allocates
budgets to our foundation.
That's why I got angry.
He thinks money is everything.
I don't think I have the
right to criticize others.
I'm just the same.
Just because I
earn some money
Okay, I understand.
Can you ask Joon Young
if he's okay with it?
I'm sure he won't refuse, but
I'm in a meeting right
now, so let's talk later.
Who? Joon Young?
Did his dad get
into trouble again?
Is he in Europe right now?
Joon Young
returned to Korea.
Why aren't you
wearing your ring?
Hyeon Ho
seemed concerned about it.
Aren't you the one who's
concerned about it?
You're really
funny lately.
- What?
- I mean, I really can't stand you.
Joon Young.
You should get married already.
I called you to say this.
Do you really mean it?
I hope you do.
I reported it to Ms. Cha
and she's making the final
arrangements right now.
I'm sorry.
Is it really okay to perform?
You're on sabbatical.
It's fine.
You can buy dinner next time.
Okay, I will.
About what you said earlier.
That you hate people who act
up after giving money or help.
But I think
it's normal for anyone
to feel that way.
When we choose gifts,
we look forward to the person
receiving the gift to like it.
It's the same when
we help someone.
Even if we don't hope to
get anything in return,
we hope it was meaningful
for the other person
and look forward to that.
When the director
gave me a scholarship, she
expected nothing in return.
I don't know if it's
right for me to say this,
but the director
probably hoped you'd live
happily while playing the piano.
That's what she wanted to see.
Live happily?
Song Ah.
Do you want to have
dinner tonight?
Come to think of it, this is
the second time we met today.
It is.
I went to the school earlier
because my appointment ended
earlier than expected
and I knew you'd
be there anyway.
So I just wanted to drop
by and see the venue.
But then I suddenly
realized something.
That I wanted to meet you.
That if I met you,
it would make me feel better.
So, do you feel better now?
Thanks to you, I realized
that I was wrong.
I guess I went to
the school today
because I actually
wanted to smile.
Since being with you makes
me smile and feel happy.
I guess it was
because I missed you.
Doesn't the audience love
it whenever you play?
I envy you.
Sometimes, I don't feel well,
and sometimes, I find it
strangely hard to concentrate.
And the piano sometimes
sounds off too.
But there's a saying, "There
is no bad piano in this world."
"However, there are
merely bad pianists."
That's what I heard.
So I guess it's just
something I have to live with.
Regardless of how I feel
or what kind of
piano I'm playing,
I must always put on the
best performance ever.
I guess that's the
fate of a pianist.
Anyhow, there are various reasons
I can mess up a performance,
but the audience or critics
don't need to know the
pianist's personal issues.
They just judge
the performance on
stage at that moment,
and that's actually right.
That's why
I feel pressure
during every performance.
How did you perform
every 2 to 3 days then?
To make a living.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Please follow me.
The piano renting company said
they only have baby grands.
I guess they had
a full size left.
That piano is from
the chairman's home.
I heard he's friends with
the chairman's daughter.
You should've told me earlier.
I got an earful
from the secretary's office
that I should provide
the best possible environment
for the performance.
why isn't he playing?
Hello, students of Hankook
Arts Middle School.
Welcome to the Talk Concert
of Passion and Sympathy
hosted by Kyunghoo Card.
I am your host,
Announcer Yoon Su Mi.
It's nice to meet you.
I can already feel the
heat in this concert hall.
The special guest who will
give a special lecture
is waiting behind
the stage right now.
Then shall we call him out?
- Joon Young, come out!
- Joon Young, come out!
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday dear Professor Song
- Happy birthday dear Professor Song
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, Professor Song.
Gosh, it's beautiful.
Professor Song, we all
pitched in to buy this.
Gosh, you didn't
have to buy this.
I'm just thankful you're here.
Professor Song,
how about a photo?
Sure, let's take a photo.
Come this way.
Jung Kyung. What are you
doing? Come over here.
Can you scoot over
a bit? Come here.
Jung Kyung, come here.
Everyone, let's take the photo.
I heard you practice for
several painful months
in order to participate
in a competition.
We want to know how you managed
to participate in competitions
for more than six years
without taking a break.
Were you born to compete?
Born to compete? No way.
I really hated competitions.
First place?
Of course it's nice.
I was happy at first, with
the prize money and all.
But after winning
a few more awards,
I had to continue competing
and had to win first place.
And later on,
I wanted to die rather than
compete in a competition.
Did you write that down?
How can I say that to the kids?
Say it.
I'll listen to what
you have to say.
I think I learned a lot while
preparing for competitions.
Playing music
is the process of finding
your own answer
in your sheet music.
Seven years ago, after
the Chopin competition,
you became a traveling pianist
who plays for the multitudes.
What is life like as a pianist
who plays all over the world,
2 to 3 times a week?
A classical musician
is always alone.
Nowadays, when I arrive at
an airport or train station,
someone from the host
organization picks me up,
but not in the beginning.
What if you get sick
when you're alone?
Even if you're sick,
you can't be sick.
Maintaining my health
is part of the job,
and canceling a show is
too big of a nuisance.
But what can I do?
Antacids, sleeping pills, and
when it's bad, even sedatives.
I get by with medication.
I sometimes wonder
what did I do so wrong
in my previous life
that I'm doing this right now?
Living as a
classical musician
is a great blessing, I believe.
When you almost had to quit
because of your family's
financial situation,
you got Kyunghoo Cultural
Foundation's first scholarship.
That's how you were able
to continue to play.
If you hadn't met
the foundation,
what do you think you'd
be doing right now?
That would be hard to imagine.
I'd be doing something, I guess.
Just not playing the piano.
I think I'd be
a little freer.
Mister! Can we get going?
Let's take a short break.
We got a photo of Mr. Park
when he was a student here.
Where did you get this?
Even I don't have it.
I think it was taken in
this hall. Do you remember?
I think this was
when I entered a chamber music
competition as a piano trio.
This person is my
best friend even now,
and she had just
transferred from the US
Is she your girlfriend?
- She's a friend. A female friend.
- Come on
Did you not have a
girlfriend at this time?
I don't have one even now.
You've experienced unrequited
love though, right?
Why was it unrequited?
You should've played
the piano for her.
I did, but I guess
it wasn't that great.
Can I ask what you played?
No comment.
I'm really sorry to say that it's
time to end the talk concert.
- No!
- Keep going!
To wrap things up,
Mr. Park said he'll play
something for you all.
What will you play?
What shall I play that day?
Is there anything
you want to hear?
From Schumann's "Kinderszenen",
"Träumerei". Was it something
I shouldn't have known?
It's just one of many piano pieces
and playing it makes no difference.
It meant nothing?
Because there can be no
meaning between you and me.
You can get some air.
Just don't leave me.
There's an opening for professor
of music at Seoryeong University.
Jung Kyung applied.
I tried hard to love like her.
It didn't work. I'm sorry.
Do you have plans
after work tomorrow?
Song Ah. I don't know why
I think of you on bad days.
Song Ah, would you
Yes. I'd like to.
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