Doctor Slump (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Hey, do you want to play jumpsies?
No, let's play jacks.
Let's just have some snacks instead.
Forget it.
Let's just review for math class.
How many numbers
from one to 20 are less than 17?
I never had any friends.
I enjoyed studying over playing
with friends in elementary school.
I really enjoyed studying over hanging
with friends in middle school.
And I really enjoyed studying even more
over hanging with friends in high school.
That's how I ended up as the country's
best student in academics.
Then, is Ha-neul going
to a university in Seoul?
Well, her homeroom teacher said
she could easily get into medical school
at Hanguk National University.
Isn't that incredible?
Ha-neul got in for her achievements.
As a result,
my family's expectations grew.
The top-ranked student at school.
This was the only time…
when my weary dad could smile.
That's why I became
more earnest in studying.
- Ha-neul.
- Yeah?
Do you want to eat
some tteokbokki with us?
I'm allergic to tteokbokki.
Then, want to go to the arcade?
Whoever loses at Tetris buys drinks.
I don't like Tetris.
- I see.
- I see.
Then, how about a movie this weekend?
I've already seen it.
But I didn't say which movie it was.
Let's go.
I gradually forgot
how to hang out with friends.
Guess what?
Remember that guy I told you about?
What? Wait.
I don't have any friends
from my school days.
But then,
a friend…
from those days came into my life.
I now have a friend…
to reminisce about the past with.
Hey, what are you
writing on the sand? Stop it.
These will be memories too.
Memories, my foot.
It's giving me goosebumps. It's so corny.
Hey, don't touch it.
This is like a monument.
Hey, you. Come here.
Go over there, all right?
I need to take a photo of it.
Okay. I got it.
Come on! Hey!
Hey! Are you serious?
Goodness, come on in.
Sit over there.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- All right.
- What would you like?
Two bowls of seafood kalguksu, please.
All right. It won't take long.
Here. It's the dissertation
I brought yesterday.
I printed out a copy
so you could read it too.
We never came across this case though.
I told you. Finding obscure dissertations
to read is my hobby.
We found a similar case,
so you'll have the advantage
in the next hearing.
You must be tired.
You couldn't sleep while coming here.
That's not all.
I spent three nights looking for that.
Are you serious?
Gosh, it's out of battery.
Here. I'll ask if they have a charger.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes?
Do you have a charger by any chance?
Gosh, I don't have one. I'm sorry.
I see. It's okay.
She doesn't have a…
My goodness.
She fell asleep.
Yes. Ma'am, could I see you for a moment?
So… I'm sorry,
but could you let her sleep a bit?
What? In there?
We run an inn too.
An inn?
Gosh, we're not dating.
We're just friends.
Anyway, we don't need an inn.
If you could let her sleep
for an hour or two,
I'll order the spicy braised seafood
and octopus dumplings.
- Really?
- Yes.
Then, I'll let her sleep.
It's early so there are
no customers anyway.
Thank you.
Things will work out.
Am I being too cheesy?
No, I can do this much for a friend.
Come on in!
What would you like?
- Three rice bowls.
- Okay.
Where's our food?
What? When did I fall asleep?
When did I fall asleep?
Hey, you're finally up.
Then, I'll bring out
all the dishes you ordered.
Right. Okay.
Is that so?
No, I'm glad to hear that.
Thank you. You really helped me out.
What's wrong?
Nothing. My clinic got sold.
Goodness, some things
are finally starting to pan out.
Let's go.
How about some fresh air first?
Bitter, right?
It's sweet and delicious.
Not the coffee.
I bet you worked hard
to save up all that money.
I can't even imagine such a figure.
But you spent it all
on penalties and compensations.
You even sold your clinic.
I thought you wouldn't be all right.
Well, I'd be lying
if I said I was delighted.
I also just think
it's a relief to have had
that much saved up.
In any case, some people's lives
were ruined because of me.
I'm glad I had enough money
to at least give them
what they deserved.
That's how I feel.
Where's Ha-neul's car keys?
They're not in the drawer.
What do you need them for?
It's a waste having it always parked,
so I was going to drive it.
I thought I'd take my crush for a drive.
Drive, my foot.
You don't even earn money
for the gas. Forget it.
She took the car keys with her anyway.
Really? Where did she go?
She went to Sokcho
with a friend to see the sunrise.
And she spent the night outside.
She's never been out all night
hanging out. I'm proud of her.
- Who's the friend?
- Who do you think?
I see. Hong-ran?
Gosh. She must be distraught.
I hope she gets fresh air with Hong-ran
in Sok-cho and feels better.
Who is it?
Hello, ma'am.
Hey, Lambada.
It's Nam Ba-da, not Lambada.
Anyway, how was Sokcho? Where's Ha-neul?
What do you mean "Sokcho"?
Is Ha-neul not home?
No, she's not.
She said yesterday she's spending
the night in Sokcho with a friend,
so of course, I thought she went with you.
Then who could it be?
Goodness! No way! Oh, my gosh!
Where are you going?
To Sokcho! I need to find my daughter!
How will you find her there?
Just call her instead!
Her phone is off!
I'm sure something's wrong!
She could've jumped into the sea!
Why would she do such a thing?
She has depression!
What? She does?
Come on!
- Mom.
- What?
Wait. Why is he… What's going on?
Ha-neul, did you go
to Sokcho with Mr. Rooftop?
"Mr. Rooftop"?
Is this your first love
who moved into the rooftop room?
- What?
- I'm your first love?
- No, you're not.
- What?
No, you got it wrong.
He isn't.
What are you doing here?
Where do I even begin?
What should I ask first?
Hey, let me ask you first.
Why did you come unannounced?
I thought I'd see you
before my night shift today.
Your phone was off,
so I thought you'd be home.
Seriously, where do I begin?
What are you so curious about?
Do you… really have depression?
I told you I was depressed
over drinks last time.
I didn't know it was serious.
Is that why you quit your job?
I had no idea.
Hey, don't overreact.
You said you were depressed too
like everyone else in this day and age.
I was screened and quit work as advised.
I'm also taking medication,
so don't worry.
Knowing you, you must've mustered
the courage to tell me.
But I just blabbered on
about your first love.
I nagged you for another round of drinks
and kept ordering more food. I was so…
I was insane.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Enough with the pity party.
Next question. What do you want to know?
- The rooftop room guy.
- I said he wasn't my first love.
Then, that's even weirder.
How is your nemesis and rival from school
Yeo Jeong-woo, "the nation's doctor"?
Fine, let's say that's true.
But I thought you hated each other.
You despised him.
You said he was moving out, so why did you
go to Sokcho to see the sunrise with him?
I don't want to repeat myself,
so all of you just listen.
Should we?
He's just a friend, not my first love.
We weren't close before,
but we became friends.
But the news said--
Since when did you watch the news?
There's more to the story.
It's still an ongoing trial.
And above all else…
I can handle it myself.
I know how to judge if someone
is good enough to be friends with or not.
Hong-ran, take this with you and eat.
Thank you.
By the way,
is it really okay to let Ha-neul
hang out with the rooftop fellow?
I'm sure she'll be fine. Like she said,
she knows how to judge such things.
But still, it doesn't seem
like a normal medical malpractice case.
It makes me so worried.
Speaking of which,
why don't you set up a blind date for her?
- All of a sudden?
- She's not interested in getting married.
But I'm afraid if they hang out together,
they'll start liking each other.
I think it'd be better if she had
someone by her side while she's depressed.
Then, I'll ask her--
Come on. Then, she'd definitely refuse.
Let's look for a guy first,
and then pressure her.
Just set her up with someone,
and I'll carry her there if I must. Okay?
I'll give it a try then.
- All right. Take this.
- Okay.
That's what I said, but…
This guy got married last year.
And this one…
No, he has terrible habits when drunk.
Ha-neul knows the rest of them.
How will I ever find anyone?
Dr. Lee, here's the list
of the C-section patients for tomorrow.
- Nurse Joo.
- Yes?
Do you happen to know any decent guys?
What? Guys?
I'm just looking
for good blind date candidates.
Blind dates?
Hello, Professor Park.
- Let's talk later.
- Okay.
"Lee Hong-ran."
Who in the world could she be?
Why would she subscribe to me?
Come in.
What is it?
- Do you want to go on a blind date?
- A blind date?
No. No, thank you.
She's the anesthesiologist
at Hope OBGYN Clinic.
- I'm not interested.
- Her name's Lee Hong-ran.
Lee Hong-ran?
The person who chose me just for my videos
and isn't family or someone I know?
This Lee Hong-ran?
I'm not sure.
I can't tell if they're the same person,
but you did get offered a blind date.
Did she really subscribe to you
and ask for a blind date
because she's interested in you?
I'll tell her you said no.
No! I'll go on the blind date! Nurse Do!
Nurse Do!
Things are getting weird.
We used to be archenemies.
"Mr. Rooftop"?
Is this your first love
who moved into the rooftop room?
Am I really
Ha-neul's first love?
Come on. No way.
Come on. That's ridiculous.
- Who is it?
- It's me.
Hold on.
Come on in.
I found these alongside that dissertation.
I thought you might want to read them too.
Okay. Thanks.
Right. Who pulls all-nighters
to find papers to help someone?
It's only because I'm her first love.
Do you want a drink? Want some coffee?
Sure. Let's drink outside.
Okay. Go sit down.
Did your mom scold you
for hanging out with me?
What am I, a kid? I'm too old for that.
Don't take anything you hear to heart.
Right. Are you free later today?
Well, I have nothing planned. Why?
Then, can you come shopping
with me tonight?
Why shopping all of a sudden?
No, I just…
What? Why are you being shy?
Of course, she'd be shy
with her first love.
So are you coming or not?
I'll come. Jeez.
Let's nap so we won't be tired,
and I'll see you at 7:00 p.m.
Thanks for the coffee.
My goodness.
Gosh, how blinding. What's that?
Wait, it's just me.
What should I wear?
Gosh, she's such a nuisance.
No. Not you.
Pink. No, thank you.
Get out of here. No use in clinging on.
Gosh, too dull.
Why are you wearing
a cap at night? There's no sun.
Well, no reason. I don't want people
to gossip if they recognize me.
Sorry. I shouldn't have invited you.
I meant you, not me.
I wore it so you wouldn't be embarrassed.
In that case, I'm fine. Just take it off.
- It's okay.
- Come on.
- Take it off.
- I said I'm okay.
- Take it off.
- I'm okay. Stop--
Hey, thanks.
If it wasn't for you, I would've fallen.
Let's go.
What? Okay.
Is this one pretty? Or is this one pretty?
I think they'll both look fine.
But I think that one will look better.
Then, I'll try this one on.
What is this?
Does she still care about what I think?
Is this why they say
you can never forget your first love?
What do you think? Does it look pretty?
Very pretty.
The dress.
It's really pretty.
What? Why are you suddenly being shy?
Is it because we touched
when you caught me earlier?
What are you talking about?
As if that was a big deal.
Don't be ridiculous.
To be honest, I was a bit surprised.
You seemed to have matured a lot.
- What?
- You once threw me.
So I almost broke both wrists. Remember?
- What do you mean?
- You remember.
It was when I'd just transferred,
and in our classroom fan broke.
That fan incident.
Gosh, it's hot.
This is way too hot.
I'm going crazy.
It's spring. Why is it so hot?
That's so noisy.
What are you doing?
Jeez, it's not that loud.
She's making such a fuss.
- Date!
- Date!
- Date!
- Date!
What's the matter with you guys?
Don't be ridiculous.
- Gosh.
- Hey.
Did she hurt her wrists?
I think she broke them.
It hurts.
Stop doodling and solve the problem.
She doesn't know when to give up.
How is she able to work like that?
Jeong-woo. Be honest.
Helping her was an excuse.
You were actually trying
to kill her, right?
Didn't you try to get rid of your rival
since you're unhappy she came here?
Right. He destroyed both her wrists,
so she can't take notes
or solve problems quick.
She's struggling to keep up.
Hey, things are going
just as you as planned.
You guys are dangerous.
Who keeps chatting?
- Who?
- It's Jeong-woo.
- Do you have a question?
- No, sir.
- Nice.
- Nice.
- I'll kill you.
- You're the teacher's pet.
Are your wrists okay?
Shouldn't you see a doctor?
It's okay. I just sprained them.
Hold on.
- Here.
- What's that?
I took notes and recorded the lectures.
I got our teacher's permission
to record, so don't worry.
I'll do it until your wrists get better.
I'm really sorry.
Let's go. I'll carry this for you.
What are you doing? Come on.
Even if I was hurt back then,
you found seats for me, took notes for me,
and got permission to record lectures.
I thought you were kind.
Is that why she fell for me?
I wasn't trying to be nice.
I just wanted to play fair and square.
- I finally get it.
- Get what?
All this time, I just thought
you were framed for some vague reason.
My gut told me you weren't the type
to brazenly deny your wrongdoings.
But after getting to know you
and reminiscing about that incident,
I finally get why I trust you so much.
You're extremely competitive
but still thoughtful of others.
Despite losing everything you had,
you worry about the pain of others first.
So you couldn't have done it.
Thanks for making time today.
And actually…
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
You see, I…
I have a blind date tomorrow.
A blind date.
What's wrong?
It was so unexpected.
They say blind dates
are supposed to be sudden like this.
I was going to tell you earlier,
but I was too shy.
Asking you to come help me
buy a dress for the date was hard.
A dress for the date?
The internet said asking guy friends
was the best option, so I brought you.
I see.
But I thought
you wouldn't be interested in blind dates.
I wasn't, but I after spending
some time with you,
I realized I hadn't done much in life.
So I'm going to have some fun
like you told me to.
I'm going to try every new thing.
I see.
Hong-ran did kind of pressure me
to do the blind date.
Right. You saw her, didn't you?
She blabbered on
about you being my first love.
She's always making a fool of herself.
Wasn't that really funny?
She's going to be
the death of me. Let's go.
I'm glad.
This is a good thing.
It was uncomfortable
thinking that I was her first love.
So this turned out great.
What a relief.
Let's clean up.
Damn it!
Okay, I'll see you there.
- Was that your blind date?
- How'd you know?
I could tell right away
from your despicable tone.
What does that scum--
What does that guy do?
- He's a plastic surgeon.
- Age?
- He's a year older.
- Any hobbies?
How would I know? I'll ask.
All right, you do that. A good scum--
I hope he's a good guy.
I hope so too.
Eat up.
This is the best restaurant in our area,
so it wasn't easy to reserve a table.
I see.
So you're an anesthesiologist?
Yes. And you're a plastic surgeon?
I opened my practice here recently.
Gosh, hold on. Please excuse me.
There it is!
This is my business card.
Feel free to visit whenever you like.
"La Beaute Plastic Surgery Clinic"?
Yes. It's a noun in French
meaning "beauty."
But I believe "beauty"
is a verb, not a noun.
Because I could change beauty
with my fingertips.
I see.
If your practice recently opened,
it must've been tough settling in.
No, not at all.
I have an excellent aesthetic sense,
and my hands are quite dexterous.
So I'm your best bet
in helping you transform yourself.
I don't know
if you're familiar with this saying.
"Medicine is an art."
It's the art of medicine,
and I create that art.
Call me "The Michelangelo of Surgery."
I see.
Anyway, that's why I chose
that name for my channel.
It actually wasn't my intention
to bring in more patients.
How do I put it?
It's just a hobby. Yes.
NeoTube is just a hobby for me.
I see.
And I just started, so that's why
I don't have many subscribers.
But I'll gradually get more.
I see.
What? Why does he keep talking
about NeoTube?
"Why did you subscribe to me?"
"Are you interested in me?"
It'd be rude to ask right away, right?
- Eat up.
- Okay.
I wonder how the blind date is going.
I don't have time for that.
Let's not think about nonsense
and just focus on the trial.
I guess Ms. Hong-ran
doesn't like meat that much?
What? That's not true.
- Hong-ran likes meat.
- Sorry?
I see.
What else does Hong-ran like?
Hong-ran likes alcohol.
She also likes junk food.
I see.
What's her deal? Why does she keep talking
about herself in the third person?
Why does he keep asking about Hong-ran?
You seem to be great at grilling meat.
Hold on!
Hey, Eun-jeong.
- Isn't that your dad?
- What?
- You're right.
- He's with a woman.
Your dad likes someone!
No, he doesn't.
- He has a girlfriend?
- No.
Jeez, why did he have to go
on a date in our neighborhood?
This is so annoying.
What does Hong-ran
usually do on her days off?
She usually spends time with her son.
I see. So that's what she does.
Still, it must be nice that Ms. Hong-ran
gets to spend time with her son.
My daughter's all grown up and only wants
to hang out with her friends.
She doesn't even hang out with me.
You have a daughter?
Dad, who is this woman?
- You have a girlfriend?
- Well… You see…
She's not my girlfriend.
It's a blind date.
What? A blind date?
Hey, why are you doing this?
Even I don't go on blind dates.
Why would an old guy like you go on one?
You just got divorced too.
It's actually been a while, okay?
It's been four years already.
- Sure, brag about it.
- I wasn't bragging.
You think I wanted a divorce?
Later on, you might get divorced too…
- Gosh, I'm sorry.
- Are you trying to curse me?
Are you really my dad?
- You're so annoying.
- Eun-jeong.
Goodness, I apologize.
Let's talk again next time.
I'll be in touch, Hong-ran.
What? Hold on.
I'm Ha-neul.
- Sorry?
- What?
Damn it.
Hey. I can't believe this.
I asked our nurse if she knew
any blind date candidates,
and she thought
I was asking for one by mistake.
- So that guy thought it was me.
- Forget it.
What's his deal? He showed up to see you.
He wanted to ask you something.
- Ask me? Ask me what?
- How would I know?
Then, how would I know?
I've never met him.
Hey, is he cute?
Find out for yourself if you're curious.
Jeez, I regret buying this dress
and wasting my time for this date.
Yeah, you're all dressed up.
It'd be a waste to just go home.
Want to go somewhere nice and have wine?
I'll pay for everything.
- Really?
- You bet.
Hang on.
It's an emergency. Bye.
Yes, I'm coming.
Did she go on the blind date yet?
Should I call her?
Never mind.
She'll come home once she's done.
Jeez, why is she calling me?
Hello, Suk-ja. It's been a while.
Wol-seon, did Ha-neul quit her job?
How did you know?
The thing is
Mi-ja and I are in Seoul for a wedding.
The venue was right next
to Ha-neul's hospital,
so we visited thinking
she could treat us to some coffee.
But they said she quit.
Well, you see…
You should've called her first.
Goodness, never mind.
Let's talk at your house.
I'll be there in five.
What? Five minutes?
Goodness! What should I do?
Gosh, what do I do?
That little… Jeong-woo.
What do you want?
What? That's no way to greet your friend.
Plus, I just came back from a blind date.
Isn't asking me how it went
the polite thing to do?
I'm not the polite type.
I'm not that curious either.
It didn't go well.
The date was a flop.
- What?
- Jeez.
Why was it a flop?
What happened?
How's business here?
In Busan, there are tons
of milmyeon restaurants,
but none could hold a candle
to Tae-seon's noodles.
That's true.
Here are your noodles.
- Thank you, Tae-seon.
- My pleasure.
This looks delicious.
By the way,
why did Ha-neul quit such a great job?
I doubt she quit willingly.
She was probably shunned
after failing to become a professor.
It's not like that.
She was just exhausted,
so she's taking a break.
Well, what a lucky girl.
She can even take a break.
I heard you had to jump through hoops
to become a professor.
You think there's time for rest?
Goodness, our dear Ha-neul
must be extremely naive. Right?
Or she's too weak to endure things.
What the hell?
Goodness, I spilled the broth.
Have some of this too.
Well, since she's not working,
she might as well find
a decent guy to marry.
Gosh, not everyone can get married.
Who would like her personality?
What's wrong with Ha-neul?
Do you really not know?
She loves to brag, and she's inflexible.
She's arrogant too. Gosh.
She's not the type that men usually like.
She's single too, right?
No, she's not!
She's even on a date right now.
He's a plastic surgeon
who's just as successful as she is.
To be honest, she quit work
to prepare for her wedding.
- What?
- Wedding?
Wol-seon, I'm a bit busy.
Can you steam the dumplings?
Ha-neul is getting married?
- Why did you say that nonsense?
- I don't know.
I must be insane.
What do I do?
Gosh, isn't that Ha-neul?
Goodness, she really is with a guy.
Holy cow. How could that happen?
Why do you look so excited?
Are you happy that my date flopped?
- No, that's not why.
- Goodness!
You're finally here!
Hello, Aunt Suk-ja. What brings you here?
We were in Seoul for something
and decided to drop by.
Goodness. Hello.
I heard you're a plastic surgeon.
Yes, I am.
So Wol-seon was right, wasn't she?
Goodness. Please come in.
- Sorry?
- Let's chat inside.
- Ha-neul, come in.
- No, I…
All right.
No, you see…
Over here.
- Sorry?
- Sit down.
You can sit here, Ha-neul.
Goodness. I can't believe
we get to meet Ha-neul's boyfriend.
Gosh, you're so handsome!
So? I heard you're getting married soon.
- What?
- What do you mean?
No, he's just my friend.
- That's right.
- Just a friend?
Your mom said you went out
to meet a plastic surgeon.
Oh, that?
I did have a blind date today,
but it didn't work out.
Then, he's just a friend,
and she went on a blind date today.
So the whole marriage thing was a lie?
Well, you see…
I finally get it.
You were so proud
that your daughter was a doctor.
Imagine how humiliating it must be
now that she's jobless like Ba-da.
Right? I get it.
You were lying.
Goodness, of course.
You packed up and went to Seoul
so she could get into HNU's med school.
But she didn't get in.
Then, you bragged about her
becoming a doctor at a big hospital,
but even that went down the drain.
What'll you do now?
Mr. Just a Friend.
Then, why did you lie
about being a plastic surgeon?
- Because I am.
- What?
Then, does that mean
you can give us a discount?
I was actually planning
on getting my eyes redone.
Hey, your eyes are already so beautiful.
You don't need surgery.
Let's just get Botox instead.
Goodness, Suk-ja.
We already look so young.
We don't need Botox.
Come on. Tell us how much work we need.
Then, I'll be as honest as I can
since you're Ha-neul's aunts.
All right.
I'll start with you, ma'am.
Given how old you are,
your face has aged quite a bit.
Your double eyelids were thick, right?
But you can barely see them now.
It's because your skin
is aging and sagging.
But getting something minor done
won't solve the problem.
You need major eye surgery.
What? Major?
Yes. As for you, ma'am…
I see. You got fillers
for your smile lines, didn't you?
But those fillers have spread out
and are creating more wrinkles.
What's even more serious
is those saggy, bulldog-like cheeks.
Gosh, you'll need a complete facelift.
It needs to be lifted as much as possible
to fix the saggy skin and wrinkles.
You think a few tweaks will make you
look a decade younger, right?
No, there's no chance.
You won't even look six months younger.
Normally, people say
plastic surgery is reconstruction.
But you two will need
a full redevelopment.
Young man!
How dare you bad-mouth our faces?
Hold on. "Bad-mouth"?
You asked him how much work you needed.
So he was providing medical consultation,
not bad-mouthing you.
And let me say this
since we're on the topic.
Before you consider Botox for your faces,
you should think and speak more kindly
and frown less.
They say inner beauty matters more
than outer beauty as you age.
All right. Good for you.
Is that why you were shunned
by your hospital?
Gosh, Suk-ja. Let's go.
Let's go. Come on, Suk-ja.
- That's enough. Let's go.
- Let go of me.
Let's go.
- That'll be 23,000 won.
- We barely had any.
I guess it didn't suit your tastes.
You still need to pay 23,000 won.
Hello, did you look over
that case report you received at court?
Yes, we got in touch with the writer,
and they'll appear in court if needed.
You'll have an advantage in court
since we found a similar case.
That's a relief.
Right. Have you looked into Dr. Kang?
We're keeping a close eye on that.
Just wait a little bit more.
All right. Thank you. Goodbye.
What is it?
- What is that?
- Let's have a drink.
Jeez, I told myself
I wouldn't waste time on nonsense.
Why is she doing this to me?
I can't believe you're mixing them.
I've ruined my life,
so I need to drink all the alcohol I can.
Why would you say that?
Is this because of your aunts?
That too.
I'm depressed and unemployed.
I'm so unlucky that my blind date
even had a teenage daughter.
This crushed can reminds me of my life.
Hey, I should drink more
than you if that's the case.
- My life's been crushed more than yours.
- That's not true. My life's worse.
Jeez, you're being so competitive again.
I'm always exhausted because of you.
Here's a sneak peek into my life.
Here you go.
My life is worse.
Fine. Let's find out
whose life is worse tonight.
I won't lose.
Ruining my life's my specialty.
Gosh, I really don't know.
- Don't know what?
- Just…
I told myself I'd start having fun.
That's why I went on that blind date
and shopped for clothes.
But it wasn't fun at all.
I feel so pathetic right now.
I hate myself.
Do I sound too depressed?
You do. You're definitely depressed.
Is it a sin to be depressed?
- No.
- No!
Does everyone have to be
bright and cheerful?
I'm choosing to be sad,
so why does it matter?
Exactly. Hey.
Don't worry about others
and just be depressed.
But I don't want that either.
Then, what do you want?
I don't know.
It's so hard to even please myself.
Even if it wasn't
a life full of happiness,
I just wanted a decent life.
You can do just that.
You really think I can work again?
Of course!
I give you my word.
How are you so sure? What is it?
Do you have a job referral for me?
- No.
- Damn it.
- Hey.
- What?
Submit your résumé
on that job site for doctors.
You're right! I can do that.
Hey, I'm going to write a résumé. Okay?
But before that!
We're out of alcohol.
Running out of alcohol midway
is so annoying.
We have a secret weapon.
- What is it?
- In my room…
I have whiskey!
Let's drink it.
Wait here.
Hey, be careful.
I won't be long.
Damn it.
Why is it suddenly raining?
Then, what about this?
We can drink under an umbrella!
When are you going to bed?
After you do.
I see. After I do.
After I do…
She's a habitual offender.
She just falls asleep anywhere.
I wasn't going to think about this.
I shouldn't think about it.
"Zero, five, four"?
What area code is that?
Yes, this is Nam Ha-neul.
- Hey!
- What?
I'm in huge trouble.
I was drunk yesterday and sent
my résumé to a medical center in Hwabon.
What? Hwabon?
As in North Gyeongsang Province?
Yeah, it was
for the Chief of Anesthesiology position.
And they want me for an interview.
So tell me.
What's your plan?
I'm not sure. What should I do?
That place is so far away,
and you won't know anyone there,
so wouldn't it be hard on your own?
Plus, you didn't think it through
before applying.
You did it impulsively while drunk.
Take your time.
I wish I could.
But I can't help but feel impatient.
Work has been so tough for me lately.
Even if I do exactly what they wanted,
some patients complain about the outcome.
They'd file complaints.
Now, I'm just going through the motions…
To be honest,
rather than figuring out
if I liked my date or not,
I felt pitiful for being unable to relate.
I was envious of my friend who had a job.
All right. Good for you.
Is that why you were shunned
by your hospital?
Gosh, Suk-ja. Let's go.
- Her words cut deep.
- Let's go.
That's how far my self-esteem had fallen.
Thanks for the coffee.
Rest up.
And your interview outfit?
- Don't you need my help to pick them out?
- What?
Do the interview.
They say when someone asks you for advice,
they've already made up their mind.
No matter where you go, you'll do great.
- You're going all the way there to work?
- Yes.
It's not a bad idea to start afresh
in a completely new place.
But still,
returning to your hospital
after resting a bit more--
How can she? She beat up her professor.
Before I beat you up,
just shut it and eat.
How can I? I need to open it to eat.
Anyway, just know I'm going
to the interview tomorrow.
They said it was just a formality
and I'd likely get the job.
So it's safe to say I'm leaving soon.
Gosh, why is she in such a rush?
Is it because of what her aunts said?
Why did you have to lie
and rub salt in her wound?
Damn it, I know. I'm out of my mind!
This is all my fault!
What's with you, Mom?
You cry so easily nowadays.
Ha-neul's depressed.
And are you going through menopause?
I guess it's not that.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye.
- Be safe.
- Okay.
Don't skip your meals.
I won't.
Go on in.
He hasn't wished me luck on my interview.
What kind of friend is he? Jeez.
Good luck with your interview.
Be safe.
Kyung-min! What suddenly brings you here?
I haven't visited at all
after you moved in.
It's not bad.
- I thought we could grab some food.
- Then, you should've called.
So tell me.
- What are you buying?
- What do you want to eat?
- There is something I want.
- What? Gukbap?
- Yeah.
- Why are you so surprised?
You must be psychic!
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Right. I heard Ha-neul gave you
a dissertation at your hearing.
The victim had taken warfarin
for over six months.
But there was a case in India
where a patient also had taken warfarin
and died during surgery
due to excessive bleeding.
Gosh, Ha-neul is impressive.
She must've searched
a long time to find that.
Tell me about it.
Gosh, she had so much potential.
I feel bad for her.
She lacks social skills,
so she didn't have many close colleagues.
It seems like she looked
for a job in a rural area.
How did you know that?
I know the director of that clinic.
- I got a call this morning about Ha-neul.
- And so?
So I told the truth.
I said she had issues with her professor.
Afterwards, I think they asked
others about her too.
They said she kicked her professor
and didn't get along with her colleagues.
They're afraid of Professor Kim
and didn't defend her.
But why did you say that?
I just said the truth.
Then, you should've told the entire story.
He stole her dissertation, bullied her,
and took the research funds
and her severance pay.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
She was so excited to go there.
Hello, I just arrived.
I'm so sorry, Dr. Nam.
You don't have to
come in today for the interview.
Sorry? Why all of a sudden…
Our director looked into
your history a bit.
He doesn't think you would be
a good fit for our hospital.
Hey, Jeong-woo.
I couldn't do the interview.
I think
I've lived my life wrong.
What are you doing here?
You didn't live your life wrong.
It's not your fault.
I came here to tell you this.
What do you want to do
if you can go back to being a student?
I'd like to give you a hug.
Are you sure that you won't feel a thing
even if you spent the night
at a hotel together?
Confess, my foot.
I told you we were friends.
I have no right to be happy.
I missed you.
You care about me, right?
Stay with me.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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