Dom (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


This program includes mature scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This is a series inspired by true events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictional characters
and real persons are purely coincidental.
Mom, can you help me with this equation?
Math, Lalá? You know I'm not good at math.
Ask your brother. He's good at it.
So, is it good?
Holy shit!
Okay, give it a try.
Wow, I feel weird.
I can't stand still.
Let's hit up a funk party.
Yeah, let's go!
-Mom, I'm going out.
-Hey, where are you going?
To the movies.
-What are you gonna see?
-A movie.
I don't know, any movie. With Lico.
Pedro, you're acting funny.
Come here. What's going on?
Mom, I'll go with him. Right, Pedro?
Yeah, she's coming with me. Let's go.
Okay. Don't come home late.
Are you crazy, Pedro? A funk party?
-So what? Let's dance.
-It's in a favela.
-Lico lives there.
-Yeah, it's safe.
It's not. I really don't like this.
Don't be so lame. Everybody's going.
Pedro, you were snorting cocaine.
-No, I wasn't.
-No? I saw you.
Just a little bit, to try it out.
You're high, doing stupid shit.
I'm not high. I'm just happy.
-You're not going.
-Come on, sis, please!
-No, Pedro. You're not going.
-Please, sis
-No, Pedro. We're going home.
-You're not going.
-Please, sis.
-No. Stop that, Pedro.
-Please, sis!
Promise me you won't use coke again.
I promise.
Don't come home late,
or I'll get in trouble.
I love you, sis!
Holy shit, Lico! You live in a cool place.
-What's up?
You're my brother. I love you, man!
-You're fucked! You asshole!
-Lico, look at me!
Look at me! I'm talking to you!
-He saw our faces!
-Are you crazy? Look what you've done!
-He's gonna turn us in.
-Look at me!
-He saw us
-Look at me!
Get out of here! Go!
Go! Let's go!
Let's fucking go!
Look at me. Come on, look at me.
This is for you.
You didn't see or hear anything.
Here you go.
There was this huge piano
in the living room
I freaked out on that guy.
-Wow, so much money!
-Let me see.
We did so fucking great!
You fucked up big time.
Come on, blondie. Don't be so damn bossy!
You think you're the leader?
What the fuck?
The doorman should have
stayed in the lobby!
I almost got caught
with him going up and down the stairs!
Get out of the car!
Come on, Dom.
You kidding me? I'm staying right here.
-What the fuck, Dom?
-Get out!
What the fuck, bro?
I won't go to jail 'cause of you.
I told you not to fuck up again.
And you did!
-You can't control yourself.
Shut up! I'm talking to you.
-You can't control yourself!
-You can't fucking control yourself!
-Dom, wait!
You're out!
It's over for you.
I'm not going to jail because of you.
-You want money?
Here's your share.
-You're out!
-But we're brothers!
Come on, Dom, you can't do this to me!
Armário, do something, fuck!
Don't do this to me, Dom!
Dom, don't do this.
Dom, fuck!
Is there any more, Lico?
What do you think? Blow is expensive.
-Now what? Here.
-That's old. It's maybe worth a joint.
I'm gonna check my mom's purse.
Here you go.
Now what?
Distract them while I go to her room.
-Hi, Mrs. Marisa.
-Hi, Lico. How are you?
Good. Mom, do you need anything?
Where's Pedro?
-You want some water?
Here's the deal.
We have to stop screwing up
or we're gonna get fucked.
We have to be professionals,
or we'll end up in jail like your ex-boss.
I don't think anyone here wants that.
Also, no violence.
We have to use our brains, no guns,
no one gets hurt, okay?
We're gonna set up a network.
An information network. Okay?
We'll get babysitters, doormen,
security guards, drivers
We'll find insiders who can tip us off
and get chummy with them.
Nobody does anything for free,
so we'll pay them.
-What's that?
-It's everything.
Names, addresses, connections.
A full report.
I told you to forget about this.
I went to the General's house.
You didn't.
He's smuggling drugs out of the country
and bringing weapons in. From Russia.
-In a military aircraft.
-Damn it, Victor.
This is international.
We can ask for Interpol's help.
-Enough. You have to stop this.
What has the Army become? A drug mule?
Do you think this is right?
I've sacrificed my whole life
for this shit.
I lost my marriage, my kids' childhood.
My friends.
I don't wanna lose another one.
You know me better than my own family.
They don't know what I've done
What we've done.
-That's the price of war.
I wanted to save the country,
other people's kids
But I wasn't paying attention
to my own son.
Please tell me I made the right choice.
Tell me I'm not alone in this.
You know the price
for opening this folder.
I do. I've already paid that price.
Let's go!
Get up, asshole!
What do you have there?
-Are you a student?
-No, I'm a diver.
Machado, look what I found.
Sociology students.
Off the bus! Let's go! Hurry up!
Hi. I'm here for Márcio's party.
Hey, are you Márcio?
Yes. Come here.
Where's the blow? Give it to me.
Where is it?
Evandro Brandão, lawyer.
We went to school together.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Where is it?
What have you got, man? Come on.
Hey, everyone. It's gonna snow tonight.
I don't know what to do.
Things just keep disappearing.
My ring, the stereo system,
cash, all missing.
Even the silverware is gone!
Laura, do you know anything about this?
You can tell me.
What Pedro is doing is no joke.
It can get him killed.
Is Pedro using cocaine?
Go to your room.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I didn't know!
I didn't understand what was going on.
You should have told me.
Aren't you looking after him?
Don't start!
I know this drug.
You won't be able to handle it.
And you? Will you?
Look at me.
We've already talked about drugs.
I explained everything, remember?
Marijuana makes you dumb and sleepy
I'm serious!
Have you tried other drugs?
Look me in the eye, Pedro.
I'm giving you the chance
to tell the truth.
Have you tried cocaine?
No, I haven't.
Stop lying to me!
I'm your father. I know you.
That drug is gonna destroy your mind.
You think you can stop whenever you want.
You feel powerful.
But it'll make you go crazy,
then kill you.
I know. I've seen it happen.
Are you listening?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
I'm dead serious.
Your mother doesn't know what to do.
Your sister is sad and crying.
You're stealing from your own home!
Say something. Answer me!
-My bad, Dad.
-"My bad"?
This is really fucking bad!
Really fucking bad!
You know what?
You can do whatever you want here.
So, now you're gonna live with me.
You're gonna quit that shit.
The party is over.
Our new home.
Holy shit! You rock!
-Is it ours?
-Not yet.
Let me show you the bedroom.
-The kitchen
-The kitchen.
Do you mind?
Come here.
-Adriano, right?
-Yes, sir.
What do you do?
I work at a lottery kiosk.
-Illegal gambling?
No, Dad. Lottery tickets.
Do you make enough to support my daughter?
Stop, Dad. I told you I'm gonna work.
Doesn't your boyfriend know how to talk?
He does, but you don't. You interrogate.
I'm a father. I worry.
I just want to know
if he really loves you.
I do. I love her very much.
Did you know your brother
is still living in the favela?
Dad, let's not talk about Pedro now.
Why? Are you embarrassed?
No, it's not that. I'm not embarrassed.
You don't want him to know
your brother is an addict?
What? There are no secrets in this house.
Go, diver!
Are you fucking asleep?
Come on, hold that!
Pay attention to the game!
Come on, diver, do something!
Get back to the game, man!
You're not paying attention, man!
Pay attention to the fucking game! Move!
Are you low on energy?
Wanna turn the game around, diver?
Here. Go for it.
There's no doping test here.
-It's just an appetizer.
-No, thanks.
Don't you want to join the gang?
Give it a try, man.
Buddy, this
This is the 8th wonder of the world.
Try it.
Try it, man.
Be brave!
In one go. Come on.
That's it, man!
Holy shit.
You fucked up my athlete, Ribeiro.
Relax, bro.
Freaking out, playboy?
He's freaking out!
I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm not a criminal!
-What are you saying, playboy?
The cocaine fucked me up.
I have to quit the operation.
It's compromised.
Relax. You're just coming down
from the coke.
It's normal to feel paranoid.
No, I went too far.
I was only supposed to do research.
Victor, you'll mature with time,
-and you'll see things differently.
-No, Arcanjo!
Look at what I'm doing.
I'm using and dealing coke.
Relax, Victor.
You've done the hard part,
becoming one of them.
I don't know anymore.
The drug will keep coming
in increasingly large amounts.
We must get to the source.
I'm afraid to go back there.
Think of what you're doing
for future generations.
-Good morning, Pedro.
-Good morning.
Lico! Are you there?
-Catch the backpack.
He's the one selling it.
What's up, Copa?
What's up?
I'd like some coke and some weed.
Keep it, boy.
-It's not enough for a small joint.
-It's all I got.
Come on. Cut us some slack.
Are you kidding, boy?
Do you think we sell on credit?
What an asshole.
What about the things you've been selling?
Are you crazy? I'm at my father's place.
I can't steal from him.
Shit. So, now what?
What the fuck, Armário?
-He insisted.
-Please, Dom.
Let me back into the crew.
It's been a long time. I'm broke.
You screwed up.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
It's been a while, Dom.
I'll do whatever you want.
I'll do exactly as you say.
-Please, Dom.
-Get lost.
-Please, Dom.
-Go. Forget it.
I brought you into the crew. Please, man.
Let me talk to you quickly.
Dom, please! Let me talk to you.
I'm fucked.
Dom, please! I quit using coke.
Come on, open the door!
Just one minute, please.
I'm really screwed, bro.
Open the door.
-What's going on?
-Come on, brother!
I quit using. I'm doing better now.
Open the door, man.
I didn't want to do this to him.
He's my brother.
But he always screws up.
You're doing the right thing.
Come on, Pedro! I'm clean.
Let's go back to bed.
I'll be right there.
I'm fucked.
-Come with me.
-I'm coming.
-I'm coming.
-Open up, man.
Come on, bro!
Let's go, man.
Look at that store. Wow!
What a cool game!
I've always wanted one of these.
Hey, listen.
I have an idea.
Let's switch backpacks. Follow me.
-Come on!
Do you have handheld games?
Yes, what are you looking for?
Maybe forests or fighting games
I'll get them for you.
I've got some cheap ones
and some more expensive,
more sophisticated games.
This one is cool.
This one, for instance
-What about this one?
-That's a great fighting game.
But this one's the best.
This one is cool.
That's the best-seller.
It's expensive, but it's the best one.
-You little brat! I saw you!
-I didn't do anything.
Give me that backpack! Let go.
I didn't do anything, sir. I didn't steal!
Is this because I'm Black?
I saw it! Where did you hide it?
-Where is it?
-I didn't do anything!
Shit, you hurt me!
-I saw it. Where is it?
-Give me my backpack.
-Are you crazy?
-Where did you hide it?
-Are you crazy?
-Where did you hide it?
I saw you! Where did you hide it?
I saw you!
What's going on? Leave that boy alone!
This is racism! He's a student.
Look at the books.
-This is discrimination!
-Let him go!
-He's a student! Look at the books!
-Let him go!
-Get up!
Get up!
Get lost. And don't come back here!
-You coward!
-I'm gonna report you.
We did it, man!
Sorry, brother.
I didn't want you to get beat up.
It fucking hurts.
But tomorrow
we'll exchange all this for coke.
Lots of blow!
You won't feel a thing anymore.
You bet.
This one is for you.
Holy shit! Thanks, brother.
Hey, chief, do you know where Pedro is?
Pedro Dantas?
There's no one left inside.
Why weren't you at school?
I left early. I was feeling sick.
Feeling sick? What's wrong?
What is that?
It's mine.
I didn't give it to you.
Where did you get it?
I have a mother.
If I call your mom now,
she'll confirm that?
Call her.
Look at me. You're fucking lying!
Why can't I have a game?
You want me to stay at home,
but I can't even play games?
You know what? I'm going back to Mom's.
Give me that shit!
Enough! Damn it.
What the fuck, Dad! Fuck off!
Watch your mouth!
Jessika? Any news?
Your son is here at the funk party again.
He's looking good, well-dressed.
He's the king of the party.
-And his girlfriend?
-She's still with him.
But they moved out of the favela.
I heard they got an apartment
in the South Zone.
Don't know if I should celebrate or worry.
Is he still using coke?
I have to go to work now.
Wanna meet me there?
No, I can't today.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Thanks, Jessika.
Okay, but relax, your son is doing fine.
Give me a beer, please.
Give me another one, bro.
Asshole! Piece of shit!
Let go of me!
Let me go! He's my bro. Are you crazy?
What's up, Dom? Let me back into the crew.
Come on, man. I'm doing better.
I quit coke.
-Please, bro.
-Stop it, Lico!
Look at me. Enough!
You're my brother, you know?
I love you so fucking much!
You're my brother.
But you fucked up!
-Come on!
-You fucked up twice!
I gave you a chance. I warned you!
-Come on, bro!
-You fucked up!
If you come back, you'll fuck things up
for everyone, including yourself.
And I won't let you do that.
-Come on, bro!
-I won't.
-You're really gonna do this?
-Stop it. It's over.
Stay cool. Please.
Get out of here. It's better for you.
-Get out of here.
-No! We're partners!
Are you Let me go!
What are you thinking? You're my brother!
We're fucking partners!
You think you're
the king of the party now?
-I brought you here!
-You're jonesing, man.
You're an asshole! That's what you are!
Piece of shit!
-Are you jonesing?
You want some coke? What do you want?
You want some blow?
Is this what you want?
Go for it!
Come on, take it! Come on!
Go for it!
-You're really gonna do this?
-I'm trying to talk to you.
For your own good, get out of here!
-My own good, my ass!
-Get out!
-You're really gonna do this?
-You're really gonna do this?
-That's enough.
You're gonna do this to me, Dom?
Let me go.
-Let's go.
-Let go of me!
You're here because of me!
You'll see! You're fucked!
I'm sorry, son.
We need help.
Shit! What happened to your face?
My father. He found the game.
Does it hurt?
What about you?
Only when I breathe.
Fuck it.
We're in this together.
We're in this for good.
I love you, Dom!
I love you, brother.
I love you, bro. I love you.
We're brothers. I love you!
I love you, man. Let me go.
-What the fuck?
Lico! Stop it!
Look at me!
Call an ambulance!
Look at me! It's all right. I'm here.
Call a fucking ambulance!
Fuck! Come on!
Lico, open your eyes!
Talk to me!
Lico, open your eyes.
I love you, man. We're bros forever.
We're bros forever.
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