Dope Girls (2025) s01e04 Episode Script
Behold the Stars
Kate! Off! Get off!
What happens when
the Saluccis realize he's dead?
I'll take care of it.
We have an opportunity here.
Soho is my land, Frankie.
Who is trying to take it from me?
A friend of mine's opening a place
and they're looking
for hostesses and dancers.
Get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just bring it
straight to me. Understood?
We're not selling dope or girls.
It's not that sort of place.
Girls, this is amazing.
I said no strangers.
Oh, this one's all right.
She'll do anything.
Let's go. Come on.
Oh, Luca. Luca!
Welcome home.
We'll find him, together.
If you screw our chances
of building this racetrack
when your little brat comes back
with his tail between his legs,
I'll kill him myself.
Mama's right.
The racetrack will change everything.
And we both know I'll be running it.
Sorry about all the trouble.
You can't open a club on our land
without wetting our whistles.
But if you want to reopen,
you have to pay.
For what?
How are we going to pay for protection
if we can't even afford to pay our staff?
This is the world you left your baby in
because she doesn't look like you.
- That's not true.
- Yet you kept Evie.
Death is not an end.
It is a beginning.
You're in some kind of trouble.
You can tell me, you know.
This is our chance, Billie.
You'll be free to do
whatever you like.
People just want to enjoy
a drink and a dance.
I perform to escape.
That's all I have.
Get on that stage
and show 'em your tits.
If the Saluccis knew,
we'd already be dead.
Pot kettle hypocrite.
What's that supposed to mean?
You're the one staying out all night.
You're right.
I am a hypocrite.
That's what being an adult is.
Get used to it.
You're dripping everywhere.
Mum, it's water. It'll dry.
Don't forget to clear your bed.
I'll do it once I'm dressed.
You look like shit.
Walter not up to breakfast then?
I still live here, remember?
Or has all that shagging
addled your brain?
I need you to clean the flat today.
It's not my mess.
Well, we all have to pull our weight.
You either stay here and do as I ask or
come and scrub dirty toilets at the club.
Oi, that's mine.
- Milk?
- Finished.
Come on, Evie. Please.
I don't know what happened last night,
but whatever it is,
stop taking it out on me.
Reggie slept over?
You're not talking to me now?
Frankly, Kate…
I didn't expect you to still be here.
Nightclubs are springing up everywhere.
It's becoming a free for all.
And now a police warehouse
has been robbed.
An officer assaulted.
In Soho.
On your patch.
Are you distracted
by something, Turner?
Or someone?
Because it looks to me like
you're resting on your laurels.
And there are younger, hungrier men
and now women who could do your job.
I'm not, sir.
My work means everything to me.
I have my daughter to provide for.
Then act like it.
Message for you, sir.
It's just from the school, sir.
They said she's all fine,
but your mother picked her up
and has taken her to church.
Your daughter tells me she's been having
a bit of trouble at school.
Children can be so vile.
But we have been making a plan.
Show them your finest smile,
and when they are not expecting it,
we attack. Yes.
- Please, she's innocent.
- What, and my son's not?
You promised you'd find him by now.
So, what you've been doing?
Silvio is my first priority.
And yet I can't help but notice
how quickly you move
when it's your own child at risk.
I'll find him.
You have my word.
She's a darling girl.
It would be such a shame
if the years of schooling we paid for
went to waste, wouldn't it?
I'm sorry. You have to go.
I'm sure we'll see her again soon.
Well, chop chop, or you'll both be looking
down the barrel of a Salucci gun.
My God.
You're early.
Thought I'd come
and help with the clear up.
You're new to Soho, aren't you?
From up north. I was working in munitions
just outside Manchester.
I've just returned.
Not from as far away as you.
How come you're doing this on your own?
Without a man, I mean.
Reckon you're the only one. It's brave.
I heard the owner
of another club went missing.
Silvio Salucci.
Brave or bullheaded.
What about your husband?
I saw you wear a ring.
He's gone.
The war?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
For last night.
Standing up to that man.
- You didn't have to.
- I wanted to.
I don't know you, do I?
You look familiar,
but I can't place you.
I don't think so.
Baking tray.
Where are you?
I thought you'd never wake up.
Oh, God.
Oh, shit. Wait. Wait, wait.
Stop, stop. Bill, stop.
I'm gonna…
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Christ. Reggie.
- What…
- That was really close.
- It's you.
- It's just you're so…
- Learn some bloody self-control.
I don't want a bloody baby.
- How much for that?
- 10 pence for you, coconut.
I thought the place could do
with a bit of cheering up this morning.
I bloody love a knickknack.
What are you doing,
robbing Kate?
- Well, what's your big plan then, Kate?
- We pay the protection.
It's going to hit us hard at first.
We need to improve our takings,
but we can do that.
If we pull together, we can handle it.
I can't sit by and watch them turn
this place into another Danton's.
I don't want that either.
I'm not interested in running
a club where people turn up,
stick their hands up our skirts
and screw us over.
We have to be more professional,
but we do it on our terms.
We make our own rules.
Well, I can't wait to see how
the Saluccis like your rules.
And anyway, how are we gonna get
more booze with no money?
You have no idea
what they're capable of.
You all right, love?
I'm here to see Damaso Salucci.
Follow your nose.
A hundred skins arrive each week.
They're soaked in the pits
to get rid of all the filth.
We pride ourselves on making
the finest leather in England.
And if anyone thinks differently,
they soon change their minds.
Our men hand scour skins
to get rid of all the flesh.
Then we use a mixture of animal brains
and dog shit to soften the hides.
Anything that doesn't meet our
standards is turned into glue.
Right, this is how it's going to work.
Payment is due every Friday,
so have the money ready.
I don't accept lateness.
I don't accept excuses.
What do I get in return?
Well, I'll keep you safe.
Can you do anything about the police?
Well, if you keep us happy,
then they won't bother you.
If I don't keep you happy?
Well, then the pigs will be the least
of your problems, won't they?
Thank you…
for looking after us.
Shame you weren't
so gracious last night.
How am I supposed to reopen
when all my stock was destroyed?
- Well, that's not my problem, is it?
- It is if you want to make money.
Loan me some drink,
or this will be your last payment.
Does your husband know you're here?
He's dead.
Are you going to help me or not?
Well, I mean,
I work with several clubs already,
and we don't loan to them, so…
why should I make
an exception for a woman?
Because my club is going
to be the best in London.
Well, yeah, but any shithole could have
a couple of trumpets and an exotic dancer.
What makes yours so special?
All right, I'll…
I'll loan you the booze.
But you'd have to pay back cost
plus 50%.
I'll handle the dope.
We won't be selling any of that.
Thank you.
Luca. Fetch her a driver. Tell him
to give her whatever boost she needs.
Tell him yourself.
It's your charity case.
This way.
Please, do go in.
Hello, Mr. Huxley.
Mandragora officinarum.
People in the Middle Ages believed
it grew under the gallows and the blood
of hanged men.
They also believed if a woman
made love to the root,
she'd bear a child with no soul.
Isn't progress a wonderful thing?
Evie, did you get
the things I asked for?
When someone passes,
their energy remains
within the things they loved.
- It's known as…
- Transference.
I know.
People underestimate you,
don't they?
She would slap his face
Make him keep his place
Till one day he took her for a walk
He asked her if she'd
kiss him in the garden
And in the garden,
she said "no"
Where are you going?
I need some air.
That bad?
That bad.
Are you going to go?
- The audition.
- What audition?
Everybody's talking about it.
The movie.
I told Eddie to tell you.
Middle page.
"The movie 'Cleopatra' will be
filmed entirely in California,
where the construction of a vast replica
of the great pyramid is already underway.
Auditions are set to take place
in Los Angeles and London."
So, you're planning to sell out
on some trite American nonsense?
Isn't that the exact opposite of
everything we're trying to do here?
It's a proper dancing role.
And it's money.
I know Walter told you about the audition.
And why didn't you tell me?
Whatever's going on
between you and Kate,
running away and putting an ocean between
you and your work isn't the answer.
It's not about Kate.
It's about me.
And what about us, Billie?
What do you make of Kate?
She's cursed. I've never known
a woman to run a club.
And Bill's been acting really
weird since she turned up.
- When was that?
- The night Danton's was raided.
Then she opens up her own place,
and it's destroyed on opening night.
I thought the police were
cracking down on all the clubs.
Not on the Salucci clubs.
The cops stay well away.
Didn't want any trouble.
I'm telling you, Kate's cursed.
Some people carry
a shadow on their back,
and I can see it on her.
Come on, you Barn Pot.
He's just there, in my head.
All the time.
I just want to know that he loves me.
He was hiding so much.
He hid his pain to protect you.
- He loved you.
- He left me.
At the time of my daughter's passing,
I was in agony,
just like you.
I know without that darkness,
there would have been no dawn.
I think it's time
you should go home.
- But what about…
- My sessions are limited in capacity.
- I can wait.
- And expensive.
I'll pay.
- You've counted those twice already.
- I don't trust their numbers.
There's a policeman here.
Says he wants to talk to the owner.
I guess that's you.
Mrs. Galloway.
I almost didn't recognize you.
So, this is what
a lady club owner looks like.
All fur coat.
What can we do for you?
You're a fearless woman,
aren't you?
- Got to be, to run a place like this.
- Leave us alone.
You had your fun last time.
Another friendly face.
Where have I seen you before?
I'm sure I saw you in the café up there
sitting on another man's lap.
I'm not sure what land you're from.
That sort of thing's illegal
in this country.
You should come with me.
That's a proper juicy invite, Eddie.
A night to remember with the officer.
He's a naughty little prick.
That's true. We had quite the time
in the lockup, didn't we, Billie?
His favorite's when you're on your period.
Likes it all over his face.
What makes you think I have got time
to stand around waiting for you?
- I might have something on Galloway.
- 'Cause you look pretty cozy down there.
- You and your new friends.
- It's called acting, sir.
Upstairs need to know the whereabouts of
the Salucci boy and they need to know now.
So find out what happened to him.
People's lives depend on it.
Give me something good.
That's your ticket back in.
You can walk through those doors,
all scrubbed up,
head held high.
I know how much you want that.
- Don't you?
- I do, sir.
Then get me some evidence
and do it quickly.
I'm counting on you, Davies.
You don't speak much, do you, Evie?
I just couldn't do that to save my life.
Half the trick is just
learning how to let go.
She's got something special,
don't you think?
Join us.
I'm spent.
Even with the deal
I got with the booze,
it's going to be a struggle.
Casting a spell on me?
I don't have anything strong enough.
You all right?
You know, just…
gangsters and police and…
really sore feet.
- I hope I made the right choice.
- What, going to the Saluccis?
I guess we'll find out soon enough
if they're going to leave us alone.
- That stinks. What is it?
- Your bathwater.
We really need to make a killing
tomorrow night, so do whatever it takes.
And I promise I won't let
the Saluccis bleed us dry.
We are going to make this club work.
- Old-fashioned?
- No, I'm pretty progressive really.
For example, I think it's great
you've finally started to move on.
What are you on about?
That Galloway woman,
you like her, right?
She's definitely dripping for you.
Oh, you do, don't you?
You should go for it.
Look, after everything you've
been going through lately…
I think she might be
exactly what you deserve.
So, what we're going to do
about this racecourse, then?
Shouldn't we be flattening
the old man Flynn's house?
Or do you want the horses
to jump over it?
I fucking hate the countryside.
Good long straight.
What do you reckon, eight furlongs?
Paddocks there, parade ring, betting hall.
Nice little lounge with a big
"Fuck off" Salucci sign outside.
I mean, the ground's
A bit soft, but…
what can you do?
It's by a river.
The Elephants
have their eye on it.
If we don't buy it, another gang will.
It's about territory.
Mama's right about that, isn't she?
Let's get this done then.
Mr. Flynn?
I'm not selling.
I've had offers from people
like you punching up from London
with your hair oil and your plans.
I turned 'em all down.
Well, we're here to make
a very serious proposition, Mr. Flynn.
I'm not interested. This is my home.
You're not even going
to hear us out, old man?
Seems perhaps you're not
thriving here, Wilfred.
I was born on this farm.
I delivered my children here.
My wife is buried over there.
Well, yeah, family tradition is important,
but so is legacy, Mr. Flynn.
And when you're dead,
your children will need
to sell this place, won't they?
How do you know
I even like my children?
Give it up, mate.
You live with a fucking donkey.
Come back in a year.
I'll think about it.
We're not here to negotiate.
We just think…
We just think it would be nice for you
to hear us out a little bit, that's all.
Hang on a sec.
What's wrong with you?
Just calm down.
- What's he doing?
- Leave it to me.
Where's he gone?
Just go back to the car.
Sorry, mate.
I'm sorry to hear the situation
got out of control.
No, no. Luca.
Luca's out of control.
- Where shall I put this?
- Leave it there.
Besides the fact that he's drinking
half the profits, he's a liability.
Is this about Luca or you?
- Thank you, Mrs. Salucci.
- Ciao, amici.
He's sick.
He needs to be with his family.
You are his family.
Look, I'm supposed to be focusing
on finding my son. I'm not Luca's minder.
It sounded like a lovely cream puff,
but it's rock solid.
I'm so sorry, sir.
I'm head of this family.
I can't have him involved in business.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
The only thing for you to focus on
at this time is the land sales.
The survival of our business,
our family depends on it.
And might I add, being head of this family
is not the same as running it.
You're lucky I didn't chip a damn tooth!
Marta, just bring the prick a fresh
cannoli without the fucking pastry!
- All right, ladies. Feathers. Heels.
- Surprise me. Provoke me.
Learn people's names.
- Learn their favorite drinks.
- Rip out your heart.
Cash only from now on.
No checks.
Convention is our enemy.
I want to see you bleed.
Make people feel important, wanted.
That's how you sell drinks.
Is everyone ready?
This will help.
Thank you for yesterday.
Oh, the pig?
Takes more than a man
like that to scare me.
If he gives us any more trouble,
I'll speak with the Saluccis.
They have friends in the police.
There ain't nothing
I can do
Or nothing I can say
That folks don't criticize
But I'm going to
Do just as I want to…
Touch me again, and I'll have my doorman
rip off your fucking face.
Well, now, we can
help you out with that.
Keep him under control, please.
If I
Should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
Ain't nobody's
Business if I do
Why is he fucking looking at me?
Fill it up. To the top.
Yeah, keep going. That's it. Stop.
If I go to church on Sunday
Then cabaret all day Monday
- Ain't nobody's
- Is he pointing at me?
- Luca, calm down.
- Business if I do
If my baby
Ain't got no money
- And I say
- And I say.
- Take all of mine, honey
- All of mine, honey.
Ain't nobody's business
That's enough, Luca!
- If I do
- If I do
If I do
Do, do, do. Do.
If I give my baby my last nickel
And it leaves me
Leaves me in a pickle
Ain't nobody's
- Business if I
- Show us what you got then.
Come on. Let's see it.
If I should take a notion
To jump in
- To the ocean
- Freak show.
Ain't nobody's
Business if I do
Billie actually believed you.
That it would be different here.
That she would have a say
in the running of it,
and it'd be safe to perform what we want.
It will be. Just give me time.
Get off me!
Get off me!
I'll kill you!
Violet, stop. It's a Salucci gun.
Put it down.
We've gotta go.
He won't remember us.
He's wasted.
We've gotta go.
Violet, come on!
You made some decent money tonight.
Could have made more.
- Your brother.
- What the fuck do you want me to do?
Do you think I like this?
I should be out there looking
for my son, running my family,
not stuck here with my rabid brother.
What happened?
He's missing.
He's a fucking nuisance.
He's a hothead like his uncle.
After my wife died,
I raised him on my own.
He slept in my bed until he was nine.
And now…
if something's happened to him…
Good night.
Look at the state of you.
Come here.
- Who are you?
- Come on.
Oh, Jesus.
- Where are you going?
- Come on, mate.
Everyone out!
I found the gun.
- And I know who shot it.
- Who?
It's these damn clubs,
emptying out on the street
every night like sewage pumps.
They're depraved, flea-ridden pits
full of drunken plebs.
And that's when you get
them to buy a bottle of champagne.
- You said it was just dancing.
- It is.
Who are the Saluccis?
- Is this how she's paying us then?
- Show her some fucking respect, Luca.
I don't think she deserves it.
I think you should leave.
You're threatening my daughter?
I'll make sure nothing
happens to you or your daughter.
Good boy.
That's all you care about, isn't it?
- No.
- So, why are you doing this?
She's sick in the head.
A scandal like that
could ruin a man's career.
What do you want?
You don't know anything
about me because you never asked.
The only reason you're still alive
is 'cause you're useful to me.
But if you stop being useful…
I thought you stood for something.
Kate! Off! Get off!
What happens when
the Saluccis realize he's dead?
I'll take care of it.
We have an opportunity here.
Soho is my land, Frankie.
Who is trying to take it from me?
A friend of mine's opening a place
and they're looking
for hostesses and dancers.
Get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just bring it
straight to me. Understood?
We're not selling dope or girls.
It's not that sort of place.
Girls, this is amazing.
I said no strangers.
Oh, this one's all right.
She'll do anything.
Let's go. Come on.
Oh, Luca. Luca!
Welcome home.
We'll find him, together.
If you screw our chances
of building this racetrack
when your little brat comes back
with his tail between his legs,
I'll kill him myself.
Mama's right.
The racetrack will change everything.
And we both know I'll be running it.
Sorry about all the trouble.
You can't open a club on our land
without wetting our whistles.
But if you want to reopen,
you have to pay.
For what?
How are we going to pay for protection
if we can't even afford to pay our staff?
This is the world you left your baby in
because she doesn't look like you.
- That's not true.
- Yet you kept Evie.
Death is not an end.
It is a beginning.
You're in some kind of trouble.
You can tell me, you know.
This is our chance, Billie.
You'll be free to do
whatever you like.
People just want to enjoy
a drink and a dance.
I perform to escape.
That's all I have.
Get on that stage
and show 'em your tits.
If the Saluccis knew,
we'd already be dead.
Pot kettle hypocrite.
What's that supposed to mean?
You're the one staying out all night.
You're right.
I am a hypocrite.
That's what being an adult is.
Get used to it.
You're dripping everywhere.
Mum, it's water. It'll dry.
Don't forget to clear your bed.
I'll do it once I'm dressed.
You look like shit.
Walter not up to breakfast then?
I still live here, remember?
Or has all that shagging
addled your brain?
I need you to clean the flat today.
It's not my mess.
Well, we all have to pull our weight.
You either stay here and do as I ask or
come and scrub dirty toilets at the club.
Oi, that's mine.
- Milk?
- Finished.
Come on, Evie. Please.
I don't know what happened last night,
but whatever it is,
stop taking it out on me.
Reggie slept over?
You're not talking to me now?
Frankly, Kate…
I didn't expect you to still be here.
Nightclubs are springing up everywhere.
It's becoming a free for all.
And now a police warehouse
has been robbed.
An officer assaulted.
In Soho.
On your patch.
Are you distracted
by something, Turner?
Or someone?
Because it looks to me like
you're resting on your laurels.
And there are younger, hungrier men
and now women who could do your job.
I'm not, sir.
My work means everything to me.
I have my daughter to provide for.
Then act like it.
Message for you, sir.
It's just from the school, sir.
They said she's all fine,
but your mother picked her up
and has taken her to church.
Your daughter tells me she's been having
a bit of trouble at school.
Children can be so vile.
But we have been making a plan.
Show them your finest smile,
and when they are not expecting it,
we attack. Yes.
- Please, she's innocent.
- What, and my son's not?
You promised you'd find him by now.
So, what you've been doing?
Silvio is my first priority.
And yet I can't help but notice
how quickly you move
when it's your own child at risk.
I'll find him.
You have my word.
She's a darling girl.
It would be such a shame
if the years of schooling we paid for
went to waste, wouldn't it?
I'm sorry. You have to go.
I'm sure we'll see her again soon.
Well, chop chop, or you'll both be looking
down the barrel of a Salucci gun.
My God.
You're early.
Thought I'd come
and help with the clear up.
You're new to Soho, aren't you?
From up north. I was working in munitions
just outside Manchester.
I've just returned.
Not from as far away as you.
How come you're doing this on your own?
Without a man, I mean.
Reckon you're the only one. It's brave.
I heard the owner
of another club went missing.
Silvio Salucci.
Brave or bullheaded.
What about your husband?
I saw you wear a ring.
He's gone.
The war?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
For last night.
Standing up to that man.
- You didn't have to.
- I wanted to.
I don't know you, do I?
You look familiar,
but I can't place you.
I don't think so.
Baking tray.
Where are you?
I thought you'd never wake up.
Oh, God.
Oh, shit. Wait. Wait, wait.
Stop, stop. Bill, stop.
I'm gonna…
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Christ. Reggie.
- What…
- That was really close.
- It's you.
- It's just you're so…
- Learn some bloody self-control.
I don't want a bloody baby.
- How much for that?
- 10 pence for you, coconut.
I thought the place could do
with a bit of cheering up this morning.
I bloody love a knickknack.
What are you doing,
robbing Kate?
- Well, what's your big plan then, Kate?
- We pay the protection.
It's going to hit us hard at first.
We need to improve our takings,
but we can do that.
If we pull together, we can handle it.
I can't sit by and watch them turn
this place into another Danton's.
I don't want that either.
I'm not interested in running
a club where people turn up,
stick their hands up our skirts
and screw us over.
We have to be more professional,
but we do it on our terms.
We make our own rules.
Well, I can't wait to see how
the Saluccis like your rules.
And anyway, how are we gonna get
more booze with no money?
You have no idea
what they're capable of.
You all right, love?
I'm here to see Damaso Salucci.
Follow your nose.
A hundred skins arrive each week.
They're soaked in the pits
to get rid of all the filth.
We pride ourselves on making
the finest leather in England.
And if anyone thinks differently,
they soon change their minds.
Our men hand scour skins
to get rid of all the flesh.
Then we use a mixture of animal brains
and dog shit to soften the hides.
Anything that doesn't meet our
standards is turned into glue.
Right, this is how it's going to work.
Payment is due every Friday,
so have the money ready.
I don't accept lateness.
I don't accept excuses.
What do I get in return?
Well, I'll keep you safe.
Can you do anything about the police?
Well, if you keep us happy,
then they won't bother you.
If I don't keep you happy?
Well, then the pigs will be the least
of your problems, won't they?
Thank you…
for looking after us.
Shame you weren't
so gracious last night.
How am I supposed to reopen
when all my stock was destroyed?
- Well, that's not my problem, is it?
- It is if you want to make money.
Loan me some drink,
or this will be your last payment.
Does your husband know you're here?
He's dead.
Are you going to help me or not?
Well, I mean,
I work with several clubs already,
and we don't loan to them, so…
why should I make
an exception for a woman?
Because my club is going
to be the best in London.
Well, yeah, but any shithole could have
a couple of trumpets and an exotic dancer.
What makes yours so special?
All right, I'll…
I'll loan you the booze.
But you'd have to pay back cost
plus 50%.
I'll handle the dope.
We won't be selling any of that.
Thank you.
Luca. Fetch her a driver. Tell him
to give her whatever boost she needs.
Tell him yourself.
It's your charity case.
This way.
Please, do go in.
Hello, Mr. Huxley.
Mandragora officinarum.
People in the Middle Ages believed
it grew under the gallows and the blood
of hanged men.
They also believed if a woman
made love to the root,
she'd bear a child with no soul.
Isn't progress a wonderful thing?
Evie, did you get
the things I asked for?
When someone passes,
their energy remains
within the things they loved.
- It's known as…
- Transference.
I know.
People underestimate you,
don't they?
She would slap his face
Make him keep his place
Till one day he took her for a walk
He asked her if she'd
kiss him in the garden
And in the garden,
she said "no"
Where are you going?
I need some air.
That bad?
That bad.
Are you going to go?
- The audition.
- What audition?
Everybody's talking about it.
The movie.
I told Eddie to tell you.
Middle page.
"The movie 'Cleopatra' will be
filmed entirely in California,
where the construction of a vast replica
of the great pyramid is already underway.
Auditions are set to take place
in Los Angeles and London."
So, you're planning to sell out
on some trite American nonsense?
Isn't that the exact opposite of
everything we're trying to do here?
It's a proper dancing role.
And it's money.
I know Walter told you about the audition.
And why didn't you tell me?
Whatever's going on
between you and Kate,
running away and putting an ocean between
you and your work isn't the answer.
It's not about Kate.
It's about me.
And what about us, Billie?
What do you make of Kate?
She's cursed. I've never known
a woman to run a club.
And Bill's been acting really
weird since she turned up.
- When was that?
- The night Danton's was raided.
Then she opens up her own place,
and it's destroyed on opening night.
I thought the police were
cracking down on all the clubs.
Not on the Salucci clubs.
The cops stay well away.
Didn't want any trouble.
I'm telling you, Kate's cursed.
Some people carry
a shadow on their back,
and I can see it on her.
Come on, you Barn Pot.
He's just there, in my head.
All the time.
I just want to know that he loves me.
He was hiding so much.
He hid his pain to protect you.
- He loved you.
- He left me.
At the time of my daughter's passing,
I was in agony,
just like you.
I know without that darkness,
there would have been no dawn.
I think it's time
you should go home.
- But what about…
- My sessions are limited in capacity.
- I can wait.
- And expensive.
I'll pay.
- You've counted those twice already.
- I don't trust their numbers.
There's a policeman here.
Says he wants to talk to the owner.
I guess that's you.
Mrs. Galloway.
I almost didn't recognize you.
So, this is what
a lady club owner looks like.
All fur coat.
What can we do for you?
You're a fearless woman,
aren't you?
- Got to be, to run a place like this.
- Leave us alone.
You had your fun last time.
Another friendly face.
Where have I seen you before?
I'm sure I saw you in the café up there
sitting on another man's lap.
I'm not sure what land you're from.
That sort of thing's illegal
in this country.
You should come with me.
That's a proper juicy invite, Eddie.
A night to remember with the officer.
He's a naughty little prick.
That's true. We had quite the time
in the lockup, didn't we, Billie?
His favorite's when you're on your period.
Likes it all over his face.
What makes you think I have got time
to stand around waiting for you?
- I might have something on Galloway.
- 'Cause you look pretty cozy down there.
- You and your new friends.
- It's called acting, sir.
Upstairs need to know the whereabouts of
the Salucci boy and they need to know now.
So find out what happened to him.
People's lives depend on it.
Give me something good.
That's your ticket back in.
You can walk through those doors,
all scrubbed up,
head held high.
I know how much you want that.
- Don't you?
- I do, sir.
Then get me some evidence
and do it quickly.
I'm counting on you, Davies.
You don't speak much, do you, Evie?
I just couldn't do that to save my life.
Half the trick is just
learning how to let go.
She's got something special,
don't you think?
Join us.
I'm spent.
Even with the deal
I got with the booze,
it's going to be a struggle.
Casting a spell on me?
I don't have anything strong enough.
You all right?
You know, just…
gangsters and police and…
really sore feet.
- I hope I made the right choice.
- What, going to the Saluccis?
I guess we'll find out soon enough
if they're going to leave us alone.
- That stinks. What is it?
- Your bathwater.
We really need to make a killing
tomorrow night, so do whatever it takes.
And I promise I won't let
the Saluccis bleed us dry.
We are going to make this club work.
- Old-fashioned?
- No, I'm pretty progressive really.
For example, I think it's great
you've finally started to move on.
What are you on about?
That Galloway woman,
you like her, right?
She's definitely dripping for you.
Oh, you do, don't you?
You should go for it.
Look, after everything you've
been going through lately…
I think she might be
exactly what you deserve.
So, what we're going to do
about this racecourse, then?
Shouldn't we be flattening
the old man Flynn's house?
Or do you want the horses
to jump over it?
I fucking hate the countryside.
Good long straight.
What do you reckon, eight furlongs?
Paddocks there, parade ring, betting hall.
Nice little lounge with a big
"Fuck off" Salucci sign outside.
I mean, the ground's
A bit soft, but…
what can you do?
It's by a river.
The Elephants
have their eye on it.
If we don't buy it, another gang will.
It's about territory.
Mama's right about that, isn't she?
Let's get this done then.
Mr. Flynn?
I'm not selling.
I've had offers from people
like you punching up from London
with your hair oil and your plans.
I turned 'em all down.
Well, we're here to make
a very serious proposition, Mr. Flynn.
I'm not interested. This is my home.
You're not even going
to hear us out, old man?
Seems perhaps you're not
thriving here, Wilfred.
I was born on this farm.
I delivered my children here.
My wife is buried over there.
Well, yeah, family tradition is important,
but so is legacy, Mr. Flynn.
And when you're dead,
your children will need
to sell this place, won't they?
How do you know
I even like my children?
Give it up, mate.
You live with a fucking donkey.
Come back in a year.
I'll think about it.
We're not here to negotiate.
We just think…
We just think it would be nice for you
to hear us out a little bit, that's all.
Hang on a sec.
What's wrong with you?
Just calm down.
- What's he doing?
- Leave it to me.
Where's he gone?
Just go back to the car.
Sorry, mate.
I'm sorry to hear the situation
got out of control.
No, no. Luca.
Luca's out of control.
- Where shall I put this?
- Leave it there.
Besides the fact that he's drinking
half the profits, he's a liability.
Is this about Luca or you?
- Thank you, Mrs. Salucci.
- Ciao, amici.
He's sick.
He needs to be with his family.
You are his family.
Look, I'm supposed to be focusing
on finding my son. I'm not Luca's minder.
It sounded like a lovely cream puff,
but it's rock solid.
I'm so sorry, sir.
I'm head of this family.
I can't have him involved in business.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
The only thing for you to focus on
at this time is the land sales.
The survival of our business,
our family depends on it.
And might I add, being head of this family
is not the same as running it.
You're lucky I didn't chip a damn tooth!
Marta, just bring the prick a fresh
cannoli without the fucking pastry!
- All right, ladies. Feathers. Heels.
- Surprise me. Provoke me.
Learn people's names.
- Learn their favorite drinks.
- Rip out your heart.
Cash only from now on.
No checks.
Convention is our enemy.
I want to see you bleed.
Make people feel important, wanted.
That's how you sell drinks.
Is everyone ready?
This will help.
Thank you for yesterday.
Oh, the pig?
Takes more than a man
like that to scare me.
If he gives us any more trouble,
I'll speak with the Saluccis.
They have friends in the police.
There ain't nothing
I can do
Or nothing I can say
That folks don't criticize
But I'm going to
Do just as I want to…
Touch me again, and I'll have my doorman
rip off your fucking face.
Well, now, we can
help you out with that.
Keep him under control, please.
If I
Should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
Ain't nobody's
Business if I do
Why is he fucking looking at me?
Fill it up. To the top.
Yeah, keep going. That's it. Stop.
If I go to church on Sunday
Then cabaret all day Monday
- Ain't nobody's
- Is he pointing at me?
- Luca, calm down.
- Business if I do
If my baby
Ain't got no money
- And I say
- And I say.
- Take all of mine, honey
- All of mine, honey.
Ain't nobody's business
That's enough, Luca!
- If I do
- If I do
If I do
Do, do, do. Do.
If I give my baby my last nickel
And it leaves me
Leaves me in a pickle
Ain't nobody's
- Business if I
- Show us what you got then.
Come on. Let's see it.
If I should take a notion
To jump in
- To the ocean
- Freak show.
Ain't nobody's
Business if I do
Billie actually believed you.
That it would be different here.
That she would have a say
in the running of it,
and it'd be safe to perform what we want.
It will be. Just give me time.
Get off me!
Get off me!
I'll kill you!
Violet, stop. It's a Salucci gun.
Put it down.
We've gotta go.
He won't remember us.
He's wasted.
We've gotta go.
Violet, come on!
You made some decent money tonight.
Could have made more.
- Your brother.
- What the fuck do you want me to do?
Do you think I like this?
I should be out there looking
for my son, running my family,
not stuck here with my rabid brother.
What happened?
He's missing.
He's a fucking nuisance.
He's a hothead like his uncle.
After my wife died,
I raised him on my own.
He slept in my bed until he was nine.
And now…
if something's happened to him…
Good night.
Look at the state of you.
Come here.
- Who are you?
- Come on.
Oh, Jesus.
- Where are you going?
- Come on, mate.
Everyone out!
I found the gun.
- And I know who shot it.
- Who?
It's these damn clubs,
emptying out on the street
every night like sewage pumps.
They're depraved, flea-ridden pits
full of drunken plebs.
And that's when you get
them to buy a bottle of champagne.
- You said it was just dancing.
- It is.
Who are the Saluccis?
- Is this how she's paying us then?
- Show her some fucking respect, Luca.
I don't think she deserves it.
I think you should leave.
You're threatening my daughter?
I'll make sure nothing
happens to you or your daughter.
Good boy.
That's all you care about, isn't it?
- No.
- So, why are you doing this?
She's sick in the head.
A scandal like that
could ruin a man's career.
What do you want?
You don't know anything
about me because you never asked.
The only reason you're still alive
is 'cause you're useful to me.
But if you stop being useful…
I thought you stood for something.