Dr. Brain (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Chapter 4

[Sewon] Heejin, could you draw
a picture of where you last saw Doyoon?
[Sewon] Heejin.
Do you know who this woman is?
Where is this? Have you been there?
Sir, Heejin needs to rest.
One moment, please.
Heejin, is it OK
if I take this drawing you made?
Thank you very much.
I am certain that my son is alive.
And this drawing is proof?
Are you absolutely certain?
The fire happened this summer.
This drawing had
fallen leaves on the ground.
It could be last autumn.
They only met a few months ago.
She could have drawn something
from her imagination,
or it could be she misunderstood
what she saw.
No, Heejin drew exactly what she saw.
She has a very rare gift.
She has a photographic memory,
meaning she has the ability to remember
and recreate things
she has seen perfectly.
Dr. Koh,
I'm very grateful
that you helped us find Heejin.
I'd also like to apologize
for treating you as a suspect.
- But…
- You have to reopen my son's case.
The police recovered
Doyoon's body at the scene,
and you even held a funeral for him.
We can't reopen a missing person's case
when the person is dead.
But the brain sync I did to find
Heejin wasn't authorized either.
I'm not going to continue
breaking protocol like this.
Never mind.
If you insist on looking for your son,
you need to consider your own safety.
We need to go after the real suspects.
Please don't do this without me.
Come on. I'll take you home.
You see that car?
Those are my colleagues,
and they were put there
for your protection.
[Sewon] You mean to keep an eye on me.
That's right.
Regardless of what I think of you,
you're still the primary suspect
in Junki Lim's murder.
I hope you understand.
Hey, can you please help me find Dr. Hong?
The day you saw me at the mall
I was supposed to meet with him.
I'm not exactly sure how,
but it's possible
that Dr. Hong is involved.
If that's the case,
he could have some information
about the guy that got away.
But I haven't been able to reach him.
OK. I'll look into it.
[man] This is very disappointing.
The girl's alive,
and Dr. Koh continues to cause problems.
The most infuriating thing,
though, is that…
Dr. Namil Hong is nowhere to be found.
I get it. There's a lot to do.
I'll take care of it right away.
[police officer] One person came in,
and the three left together?
[man] Yes, they came separately
but left together.
- Around what time was that?
- Around 10:20 p.m., I think.
Thank you.
Maybe the guys took the elevator
instead of the escalator,
because they knew where they were going.
They were heading to the parking
lot in the basement.
Or maybe they just didn't want to be seen.
So, check this out.
This is the last time
the suspect was caught on camera.
If he came in a car,
wouldn't he have left in it?
He must have known where the cameras were.
So he stuck to the alleyways
and sidewalks.
[scoffs] He knew his way around.
Get any witness statements yet?
Well, I checked with the employees.
I checked the license plates
in the parking lot as well.
Oh, what do we do about Dr. Hong?
- We still don't know where he is?
- No.
You need to go to BC Research Center
and see if you can find out anything more.
Then send that footage out for analysis.
Hang on,
do I look up the plates first
or do I go to the BC?
[Sewon] Jaeyi, Doyoon is alive.
He's the boy in this drawing.
[beeping continues]
I'm all over the place right now.
I can't tell if I'm holding your hand
because of how I feel about you
or the way he does.
Me or Junki…
[Sewon sighs]
I've been so confused.
How are you so sure
that Doyoon was still alive?
[Kangmu] I don't think your wife
can answer that question.
You're been out of sorts lately.
That's very unlike you.
I don't know how to find Doyoon.
Every investigation hits
a point like this.
You're backed into a corner,
and everything goes haywire.
That's when you go back
to basics and start over.
what information do we already have?
Where was your son
the last time you saw him alive?
Meaning I should go back to the cabin?
Got any other ideas?
Well, there are cops all over the place.
Never mind, then. You're fucked.
I guess you'll just have to
sit around and kill some time.
[footsteps approach]
- Someone's coming.
- Who?
- I think it's the caregiver.
- Oh, yeah, it is.
- Hello, ma'am.
- Hello.
The doctor asked to give this to you
for all your hard work. Here you go!
Thank you. You didn't have to.
We've been feeling
so much safer thanks to you.
- No, no.
- We're just doing our job.
- We're just thankful.
- Appreciate it.
- Here, have some oranges.
- We will. Thank you so much.
- Oh, thank you.
- Please enjoy!
- Hey, that's Dr. Koh. We have to go!
- Since you're staying,
- Sorry, watch out!
- where are you having your meals?
- Hurry! Follow him!
- OK.
[cell phone vibrates]
What? Did something happen at Koh's place?
[police officer] He just left
without a word.
We're following him now.
Don't lose him. See what he does.
Protect him if you have to,
and call me if anything changes.
Copy that.
Send that to me as soon as you're done.
And get them out
to all the other precincts.
[tires screech]
[horns blare]
What's wrong with him?
- [tires screech]
- [horns blare]
- [tires screech]
- [horns blare]
Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell?
That was fucking crazy!
Dr. Hong hasn't called in
and hasn't been here the last two days.
He's never done this before.
He's not usually this irresponsible.
We're all so worried about him.
When's the last time you saw him?
I think 9:00 p.m. on Monday.
when he was leaving work.
Did you notice anything strange
or unusual?
Well, it was like any other night.
We just said goodnight. So…
Do you mind
if I look at his employee file?
He must have an emergency contact
or something like that.
I think his mother is the contact.
She hasn't seen him in a while.
So, you've reached out to her?
Yes, well, because he wasn't here.
I see what you mean.
[gasps] There's even a lake over there.
Actually, I can't go.
Doyoon was really excited you were going.
I was too.
The lab scheduled an approval review
for early next week.
I don't understand.
Why are you always working?
Is that really your only priority?
What can't you understand?
You used to be consumed
by your own research as well.
You're right. I really was.
I still think about it sometimes,
and sometimes I really do miss
that part of my life.
But I made the choice to put it aside
for you and for Doyoon.
Can't you do the same for us, Sewon?
Sacrificing work won't make me
a better father.
I don't want you to sacrifice work.
I just want to know
when we'll be a priority.
Soon, I promise. But for now, I can't.
You'll both have to go on without me.
[birds chirping]
-[Heejin] Look, it's Doyoon!
-[Junki] Yeah.
Sorry we're late.
- Hi. Was it hard to find?
-[chuckles] It was fine.
[Heejin] Want to give me a push?
-[Doyoon] Okay!
-[Junki chuckles]
This place is beautiful.
Thank you for inviting us.
Thank you both for coming
all this way, Junki.
Of course.
I think Doyoon is so happy
now that Heejin is here.
[both giggle]
Mom and Dad are gone ♪
Thank you so much!
Please allow me. I got it.
- You guys want snacks?
- Wow!
- Yum!
- Thank you!
[Jaeyi laughs]
- Are you having fun?
-[Heejin] So good.
- Happy Heejin is here?
- Hmm.
[Junki] Is Dr. Koh OK with this?
What do you mean?
Well, with us…
with us being here together.
It's fine really.
He's too preoccupied
to care about you guys being here.
He also doesn't even know
how to be jealous.
There are times…
I wonder if he actually feels
any kind of emotions at all.
I wish he would…
just once try to understand me
or how I'm feeling.
[Kangmu] What did you see?
They looked…
more like a family with him.
It's that sort of insecurity
that tears relationships apart.
What am I doing here?
The only thing I've learned
is that I was a terrible husband,
and it turns out
my wife was seeing someone else.
None of this is actually going
to help me find Doyoon.
I have no idea
what else I should be doing.
Then stop trying so damned hard.
And maybe wait for your eyes
to adjust to the darkness.
[pops, sizzles]
[doorbell rings]
Who is it?
Hello, ma'am. I'm Namil's friend.
I came by because I was worried.
What do you mean? Why?
We were supposed
to have drinks last night,
but he never showed up at the bar.
Oh, is that so?
That's just terribly rude of him.
Do you also work at the research center?
[medical monitor beeping]
[hissing of released air]
Ah, well, I'm so sorry,
but Namil is visiting relatives
and won't be back for a while.
But I'll let him know you stopped by.
And I'll give him a piece of my mind
for breaking a promise like that.
[Namil's mother grunts]
And now you're going
to tell me where he's hiding.
[Namil's mother grunts]
[cell phone vibrates]
-[machines beeping]
-[tube hissing]
[hissing stops]
[beeps slow down]
[wind blows through window]
[wind stops]
[cat yowls, hisses]
[cat meows]
[cat meows]
[Jaeyi] Mika.
Oh, no! How did you get outside, huh?
[distant meows]
[squeaking door]
[breathing heavily]
[Doyoon groans]
-[Jaeyi] Come here, Mika! Mika!
- [meowing]
- Mika!
Come back. It's dangerous out here.
[Jaeyi] Mika, where are you?
What the hell is that?
We have to give the cops
something to find.
That's enough. Get the car,
and I'll meet you out back.
[popping sounds]
Mika, what are you doing here?
How did you get out?
Imagine how sad Doyoon would be
if you disappeared.
[terrified screaming]
Doyoon, no!
Doyoon, no!
[speaks indistinctly]
[breathing heavily]
Let's go! Go!
It wasn't Doyoon.
The child in that coffin is not my son.
He's alive, and I can finally prove it.
You were right. They drove a car
into the mall parking lot.
Detective Nam is looking for fingerprints.
- He'll tell me if he finds anything.
- And Dr. Hong?
I found some websites
in his search history.
He looked up rental cars, sea fare,
and train tickets. He's on the run.
- Where did he log in from?
- Dobong-dong.
His mom lives there, so I'm heading over.
I'll meet you there. Send me the address.
Yes, ma'am.
[forest sounds: crickets, owl]
[breathes heavily]
[shovel thuds]
[Namil grunts]
Hey! You trying to shoot
a horror movie?
[breathes heavily]
I'm trying to figure out the truth.
The truth?
Wait a minute.
Listen, Dr. Koh.
This video will also prove
that you're guilty of destroying a grave.
- [doorbell rings]
- [dogs bark in the distance]
[doorbell rings]
[doorbell rings]
[sighs, whispers] I don't think
anyone is here.
- What's that?
- Someone's inside.
[gate creaks]
Anyone home?
Wait. The door's open.
Anyone here?
We can see you. Can you open the door?
Anyone there?
[door cracking half open]
Who is it?
Oh, uh.
Are you Namil's mother?
Yes, I am.
Do you know where your son is?
I haven't been able to get
in touch with him.
We knocked several times.
I guess you were busy.
I'm sorry, I just woke up.
Are you OK? You don't look well.
I don't feel well.
Tell me, do you know
where Namil could have gone?
Or is there any way we can reach him?
I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you.
Just one more thing before we go.
We're looking for someone.
Can you tell us if you've seen this man?
I'm sorry, I haven't seen him, no.
[mouthing words] One…
[door slams]
[siren wailing]
I have Dr. Hong's location.
I'm on my way over there.
I'll call you as soon as
I take care of him.
Let's go to Hapcheon.
[cell phone vibrates]
He was torturing her
to get Dr. Hong's location.
And he took one of her fingers.
What a crazy psycho.
If they find out where he is,
Hong is dead.
We have to find him first.
Dr. Hong took his mother's card
and bought a train ticket.
He arrived in Jinju two hours ago.
He took a bus from Jinju station
to Hapcheon.
Hapcheon? What's he doing over there?
Ask his mother what he might be
looking for in Hapcheon.
I realize she's in a lot of pain,
but tell her that her son's in danger.
Yes, ma'am.
Just a sec'.
-[Sewon grunts]
-[shovel thuds]
[dull thud]
[drill buzzing]
What's that? What are you gonna do?
To obtain DNA from a burnt body,
I need to extract a deep-bone sample.
[drill buzzes]
[drill continues buzzing]
[buzzing continues]
[cell phone beeps]
[dog barking in the distance]
[officer 1] Dr. Koh's back.
[officer 2] What's he doing?
I think he's trying to sneak in.
[officer 2 chuckles] You're right.
[computer chirps]
[medical monitor beeps]
[Sewon] I have regrets.
I shouldn't have ignored you
at Doyoon's funeral.
Even if I wasn't able to grieve,
I could have held you.
But you were right,
the child they found at the cabin,
it was not our son.
[breathes heavily]
I wish that…
I had believed you.
[weeping continues]
[medical monitor beeps]
I don't know who took Doyoon's place,
or where the body came from.
The DNA only says…
that this was not Doyoon.
If it were you,
you'd worry for the boy's parents.
You'd say someone
lost their child, like us.
What are you doing?
That poor boy had a scar on his head.
It could have been brain cancer
or epilepsy.
If I can figure out
what kind of surgery he had and why,
I can figure out who he was.
It's 78% likely that he was
somewhere on the autism spectrum.
An abnormal brain.
Doyoon could seriously benefit
from a program like this.
Doyoon, let's go.
Here he is.
[cell phone vibrates]
Dr. Koh?
I can prove that Doyoon is alive.
Oh, what do you mean? Dr. Koh…
I need to see you right away.
Sorry, I can't right now.
I'm down south looking for Dr. Hong.
So you were able to find out where he is?
I'll let you know
as soon as I get back to Seoul.
Wait. Hello?
Hey! Now he's not even hiding it.
- Wake up! It's Dr. Koh.
- Huh?
Dr. Koh!
Who else would I be talking about?
Where's he off to?
[screeching tires]
Well, we lost him again. Damn it.
What kind of doctor drives like that?
We're in trouble. Shit!
Hello, sir.
- I'm Doyoon Koh's father.
- One moment, please.
I would like to speak
to his primary doctor.
Yes, of course.
Excuse me, sir.
If you'll please take a seat,
we'll assist you shortly.
- Sanghee?
- Yes? Please, follow me, sir.
Please have a seat.
Dr. Hyun, Doyoon Koh's father
is waiting for you.
[nurse] Heejin.
What are you doing here?
Doyoon was over there.
OK, yes, ma'am.
Excuse me, sir. You can't just walk in.
Dr. Hyun, I'm sorry.
He let himself in
while I was on the phone.
It's all right. We'll be fine.
Please, have a seat.
I've always wanted to meet you,
so thank you for coming here.
Meet me? Why?
Well, your book had quite an impact
on my work.
I know that my son was here
receiving treatment.
Obviously, I wanted to meet you
as Doyoon's father as well.
I'd like to review
his medical records, OK?
I'll grab them. Just one minute.
[Hyun sighs]
Doyoon's file number is…
Uhm, no, this isn't good.
I think his records
have been archived already.
I'll go ask the manager.
I'll be right back.
[door closes]
Yeah, he's in my office right now.
What should I do?
I'll take care of it.
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