Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e04 Episode Script

Necessary and Sufficient Condition

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim, let me explain.
Scalpel blade number ten.
I asked for her help.
I don't have any experience
with burn patients,
so I asked her for help.
Inject antibiotics and tetanus vaccine.
Prepare oxygen as well.
Finish dressing the burn wounds.
-Teacher Kim.
-Did you call the burn center?
Yes. The chopper will be here
in 25 minutes.
-Teacher Kim.
-Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim.
Hyeong-gu, Myeong-Bo!
-Please calm down.
Oh, my goodness.
Teacher Kim.
Are they going to be okay?
They will be fine, won't they?
Geon-su. We should take care of
your wounds first.
-Ms. Oh, dress his wounds.
Where is Yeong-cheol? Where is he?
He's not in a good condition right now.
You can save him, right?
Teacher Kim.
You even brought a dead person
back to life.
I saw you doing that many times.
Please save him.
We'll do the very best we can here.
Then we will send them to the burn center.
Let's do that.
This way, please.
Are the kitchen staff all right?
Burn patients can never be okay.
They will suffer
from serious aftereffects, too.
The entire medical expenses
will be covered by the company.
It's no surprise.
Chairman Shin wants to see you again.
Would you like to come with me
once the emergency is over?
As you can see, I'm quite busy here.
Then are you available tomorrow?
If he wants to see me,
he should come here.
Oh, right.
I will charge you
for this with a medical certificate.
Just for your information.
Isn't she the general manager
of the casino?
Why is she here to see Teacher Kim?
Times of money.
It's the time where
money makes you a boss.
The world is full of those who are
willing to do anything for money
and those who believe
there is nothing they can't do
with money.
I guess you've been here for a while.
It's been about two days.
Excuse me. Thank you.
Have some water.
Security. Please call 911.
We have a stroke patient here.
Hurry! Call 911 now.
Call 911. We have a stroke patient.
Hurry up.
Look at my fingertip.
Follow my finger.
Wait. Please pass this to the doctor.
-Thank you.
You just saved someone's life once again.
So what?
It doesn't do me any good.
It's only good for other hospitals.
Come with me.
The chairman wants to see you.
I'm sorry.
This is an order from the chairman.
Why is this steak so chewy?
Are you Teacher Kim?
You didn't have to beat me up
to see me. I'd come anyway.
Why did you beat me to a jelly?
You jerk.
I heard you hustle money from sick people.
Do you call yourself a doctor?
On top of that, it was against my VIPs
at my very own casino.
At least I help them get better.
But you are extorting money
from poor people
without even lifting a finger.
In terms of the seriousness
of the offense,
you are a lot worse than I am.
Is it true that
you are a skilled doctor?
Get off me, you jerks.
It's true that the lives I've saved
are more than the ones I've lost.
I heard that
your touch can bring
even the dead back to life.
It's not like I can perform miracles.
There's no way I can bring
a dead person back to life.
If you are meant to live, you will live.
And if you are meant to die,
you will die anyway.
I want you to work for me.
Stop looking for a patient in the casino.
You should be my personal doctor.
I will pay you as much as you want.
What's the maximum amount you can pay me?
Bring me more streaks.
This is not enough.
Look at how small this is.
Yes, sir.
Listen. We just got an order
for more steaks from the chairman.
-Put the pan on the heat.
-Bring the meat.
-Prepare filet mignon.
What's wrong?
It's acting up again.
How much money do you have
under your name?
Is it about one billion won?
If you give me all the money you have,
I will think about it.
If not, you can't just buy me.
I might not look like it,
but I'm a quite expensive doctor.
If you are done,
I will leave you alone.
You know, it's Friday.
Ma'am, we have a problem.
A fire broke out in the kitchen.
Go get a fire extinguisher.
Teacher Kim! Teacher Kim!
-Go find Yeong-cheol!
Go help Yeong-cheol!
Don't worry. They will be fine. Just go.
Avoid spicy or strong flavored foods.
-Cashier is this way.
-Thank you.
Mr. Park.
I'll send these two
to the burn center tomorrow.
Take care of them in the ICU until then.
Yes, Doctor.
I have something to tell you.
It's about Seo-jeong.
Like I said, it's not her fault.
I asked for her help.
I've never dealt with a burn patient.
I'm not interested in talking about her
with you.
Go on.
What should I have done then?
I had an emergency burn patient,
and I had no idea what to do about him.
Should I have left him to die?
The only person on the emergency
medicine board here is her.
Should she be just sitting around
doing nothing for the patient?
That's not right.
I should do anything and everything
at such an emergency.
It looks like you believe
you were really heroic
to bring in Seo-jeong for help
in such an emergency.
That's nonsense.
You're a coward who can't react quickly.
Here you go again.
Did you just call me a coward?
Look. You have worked so hard
to become the top of your class,
and you can't let go
of Geosan Medical Center's name.
It's all because you're a coward.
If you don't have those to fall back on,
you're just scared.
Are you done?
Why? Are you angry?
Then don't ever be pretentious
in front of me.
Pretending to be someone.
Pretending to know.
Pretending to be a righteous doctor.
Pretending to be a hero
after just doing your job.
I never did any of those.
You didn't bring Seo-jeong in
because of the patient.
You needed her for yourself,
not for the patient.
You didn't want to look like a fool
while treating that burn patient.
You didn't want to be ashamed
in front of our staff.
And now you're here pretending
to look out for Seo-jeong
and pretending
like it was for the patient.
Stop blabbering about yourself.
You idiot.
Teacher Kim.
What's with you? What?
If you got nothing, I'm leaving.
Forgive me, Teacher Kim.
Please give me another chance.
I promise I'll be better.
I'm serious. I will never let you down.
I promise.
-Get up right now.
I'm not moving an inch
until you forgive me.
I won't move.
Alright then.
You coward.
You idiot.
Stay here.
Don't step in.
What are you doing?
That's enough, okay?
What do you know?
You don't know anything about me.
Don't talk about me like that!
I know you're older than me,
but it doesn't mean you're wiser.
Does age give you the right
to look down on other people?
You don't even know a thing about me!
If you're an adult,
you shouldn't talk like that.
Exactly. Adults shouldn't talk like that.
I am older, but I may not be the wisest.
And I don't know anything about you.
if you reach my age,
you'll begin to see something.
You'll be able to see
if someone's a real deal or not.
You'll also be able to see
if someone has a future or not.
Are you saying
I'm a fake?
And that I don't have a future?
You probably know that better.
Hey, let go.
Let go.
Let go.
-Let go. Let go of me.
Mr. Gu, let go of him.
Let go of me!
Calm down, Dr. Kang. This is a hospital.
I'm going to kill him today.
-Darn you. I'll kill you.
Stop it!
Myeong-sim started again.
What? Started what?
This is the moment
when Myeong-sim is the sexiest.
What are you two doing?
This is a hospital
and we still have patients.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Okay, Mr. Gu. Get rid of him.
Stop it, Teacher Kim.
Do you know how hard Dr. Kang worked
at the emergency room today?
Do you know how hard he worked
in this small-town hospital
that lacks in every aspect?
No one else could have done
better than he did.
You should be praising him,
not bashing on him.
You were getting beaten
while he was working.
Come on, Ms. Oh. That's true, but--
Look at Dr. Yun's incident.
President Yeo asked and Mr. Nam asked.
On top of that,
Dr. Yun kneeled down with all sincerity.
Then you should give her
the benefit of the doubt
and give her a second chance.
How can you be so harsh?
Dr. Yun has worked with us for so long.
Is this who you are?
Come on, Ms. Oh. About that--
I don't want to hear it!
Please reconsider your decision
on Dr. Yun.
Hey, Ms. Oh.
-You can't ask me to do--
-I will take that as a yes.
Teacher Kim!
It's over. Everything's been dealt with.
What are you talking about?
I'm saying that you'll probably be fine.
My goodness.
See you.
-See you.
-Thank you.
I saw Dr. Jo of Seonil Medical Center
walking out of the head surgeon's room.
We can't leave
Dong-ju's spot open forever.
We're on a schedule here.
Scouting from the outside?
Yes, exactly.
Two doctors just did their interviews.
What are you going to do?
I think your spot will be
taken over by someone else.
Kang Dong-ju, you idiot!
You're doomed. Do you understand?
What are you doing?
I'm waiting for his decision.
They're all inside discussing
what to do with me.
Goodness gracious.
There is nothing to consider.
We need all the doctors we can get.
I feel bad about what happened to Dr. Yun,
but I have faith
that she'll overcome her difficulties.
Don't you think so, President Yeo?
What are you going to do?
Are you crazy?
I'm done with this place anyway.
I want to speak up before I go.
If you're going to go, just go.
Don't cause any trouble in there.
Come in.
Goodness, Dr. Kang.
We were just talking about
how you excellently handled
the Friday night shift.
You must be tired from working
all night. What brings you here?
What's this?
-It's my letter of resignation.
Dr. Kang.
I don't think I'm the right doctor
you're looking for here at this hospital.
I don't think I'm capable enough.
-That's all I needed to hear.
-Please, Teacher Kim.
You can't do this.
Please think about it again.
There's so much for you
to do here at this hospital.
I completely understand why you're upset.
At least stay here until
you go back to Geosan Medical Center.
I'm looking for other places,
not Geosan Medical Center.
I already got offered
by a couple of hospitals.
That's good news. Off you go, then.
Teacher Kim. Sit down.
You can't make the man stay
just because you want him to.
Kids like him are good for nothing.
Please think it over. You must.
Thank you for your help.
I owe you much for your kindness.
I almost forgot.
I get that you're a great doctor
and that you're a big shot.
you're the one who thinks
you can lecture other people
after just doing your job.
You're right about me.
I'm a stupid coward like how you said.
I studied so hard because
I was anxious about having
Geosan Medical Center's name
to fall back on.
I did try to flatter in order to
climb up the social ladder.
And I'm not proud of
every decision I've made in my life.
But you must know this.
Old fossils like you
are the ones who made me live like this.
You shaped this world
so that people with no background
can't become anything
unless they live like I did.
And you look down on us
calling us idiots and cowards.
Dr. Kang.
You don't even know
what it's like to live a proper life.
Stop trying to teach me how to live right.
You disgust me.
That'll be all.
Where are you going, Dr. Kang?
Why are you so scared?
You haven't done anything wrong.
What's so great about this hospital
to make you be like that?
Anywhere is better than here.
Do you want me
to look for your position as well?
Dr. Kang.
Let's calm down and talk this out.
Let me know when you change your mind.
It's not hard to find open positions.
Dr. Kang!
-What are you going to do?
-I'm not sure.
What should I do, indeed?
Dr. Kang, you shouldn't take this
so personally.
I know Teacher Kim irritates people.
I know that. He's done it to me, too.
But still,
it's not right for you to quit
just because of one person.
It's not just about him.
I hate everything about this hospital.
Tell me what you don't like about
this hospital.
I can't even tell whether it's
a surgery department or an ER.
The nurses come in and out
from the operating room
to the emergency room.
Nothing is organized here.
I don't even know
who are responsible for what.
That's simply because of lacking manpower.
There are no departments here.
Everyone works together--
That's why I want to work at a hospital
where I can put my specialty to good use.
A big and clean hospital
with the latest technology and equipment.
I admit that our hospital
lacks a little in some areas
compared to big hospitals
in big cities, but--
It's not just a little bit.
We're very lacking in many areas.
The building is old.
The system is out of date.
Also, the equipment is just awful.
So stop wasting your time
in a place like this
and go to a different hospital.
And then what? Live like you?
You value the opinions of higher ups
more than of the patients.
All you care about is
how to climb the social ladder faster.
It's either that or being stuck
in a place like this forever.
-You're a disgrace.
-Dr. Yun.
How are those the only things
you think about
with all your capabilities?
Because nothing works out for me
even with these capabilities.
Of course nothing would have worked out
with that victim mentality.
What did you say?
Break it up, you two.
I heard you loud and clear, Dr. Kang.
I'll discuss with President Yeo
and improve the working conditions.
Do you need a raise?
A house to stay in? You name it.
There's no need for that.
He won't even be grateful.
Why are you doing this, Dr. Yun?
Help me out here, okay?
I'm really fine, Mr. Jang.
Like what she said just now,
those things won't change my mind.
-Dr. Kang.
-See? He's like that.
Dr. Yun.
I wish you the best of lucks
in this rubbish place you call a hospital.
Mind your own luck.
I don't need you to worry about me.
My goodness.
-Please, Dr. Kang.
-Let go of me.
-Please. Just this once.
-Let me go!
-Dr. Kang.
-This hospital is really noisy.
What are you two on about
in this early afternoon?
Ms. Ju. What a pleasant surprise.
-Is he your father?
-He's Chairman Shin.
Nice to meet you, Chairman Shin.
I'm Jang Gi-tae of Doldam Hospital.
I've been meaning to say hello.
Thank you for coming down here.
Is there something wrong
with Chairman Shin?
He's here to see Teacher Kim.
What? To see Teacher Kim?
These are the candidates
for the operation on the chairman.
One of them is Dr. John Woo.
He is a renowned surgeon in the US.
This will surely guarantee
your third consecutive term.
Congratulations in advance.
Don't get too ahead of yourself.
We still have two months left
before the board decision.
I'm not getting ahead of myself.
I'm just stating the obvious,
President Do.
Give Ms. Ju a call.
I'll go down to Jeongseon myself.
What brings you here?
I heard you said I should come
if I wanted to see you.
I'm the desperate one here.
I'm here to see you now.
If you want me to be your doctor,
I've already told you my answer.
It's been about two years
since the operation, right?
You're exactly right.
How does it look?
Do you think the operation went well?
It must have gone perfectly
since you're alive and well.
It's been two years now
since I've been living with
electric wires inside of my body.
The way I look at it,
there's something wrong with
the battery inside my body.
It feels uncomfortable
when I'm not even doing anything.
They told me that I have to live like this
unless I get a heart transplant.
Who knows when
that's going to happen?
You've lived so well with all that money.
Isn't it about time for you to start
giving away to other people?
Try to do something good for a change.
Who knows? If you start to live like that,
the heaven may be touched
and send you a perfect heart.
Even if I do find a perfect heart,
the problem is this.
I don't have the perfect doctor.
What about the one
who gave you that artificial heart?
He died.
He died with a heart attack.
He was in a heart surgery
to save someone else's life,
but he got a heart attack and died.
Funny, isn't it?
It's sad.
Will you do it?
I heard you used to be
a cardiothoracic surgeon.
Why me?
There are many other qualified doctors.
I know that there are
millions of qualified doctors.
not many of them are the real deal.
And you think I am?
How do you think
I made this much money?
It's all because I have an eye for people.
I can see
who is the real deal.
In that case,
your eye for people probably grew old.
Why? Don't you want to perform
my surgery?
Is it because I'm not worth it?
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
Please let me introduce
some of our tea menu
prepared just for our VIP patients.
We have Earl Grey tea,
English breakfast, and Ceylon tea.
We also have
three different types of green tea.
You can have them in both hot or iced
or as a milk tea if you wish.
What would you like?
Have you ever
thought about me?
Have you ever missed me?
Can't you hear me?
What's with you?
What did you say?
Did you say something to me?
Have you ever missed me?
For the last five years,
have you ever thought of me?
I got lost in the mountains.
I slipped on a slope and hurt my wrist.
My focus was only on rehabilitation
for the next three years.
Thankfully, 90 percent
of my wrist is back to normal.
That's how I got
on the emergency medicine board.
After that, I wanted to be certified
as a cardiothoracic surgeon.
Most of the patients
in the emergency room have
heart or lung problems.
That sounds like you did not
have any time to think of me.
Is that right?
Okay. I get it.
I heard you.
I missed you, too.
I don't know why,
but I thought of you from time to time.
Are you saying this because I'm leaving?
Do you feel pity for me?
Is that what it sounded like to you?
Then I guess that's what you heard.
I have to go.
Being successful and
advancing in your career.
They're all great.
But Dong-ju.
We're doctors.
So what?
We're doctors, so what?
We're only doctors,
but we're still doctors.
Don't forget that.
Are you off duty?
No. I am leaving.
Did you say goodbye to President Yeo?
I turned in my resignation.
That should suffice.
I'm so sorry,
but we have a hand laceration case
in the emergency room.
I know you're leaving,
but can you stitch it up before you go?
Where's the patient?
The patient is waiting
in the hybrid operating room.
I'm listening.
I will comply with
whatever decision you made.
I mean
I will comply
with anything but getting fired.
Come closer.
-Let me see your hand.
Come closer.
Are you doing okay?
Yes, I am.
You're good.
You would have made
a great plastic surgeon.
Are you saying that because I'm slow?
I'm complimenting you for your precision.
What do you hate so much
about Doldam Hospital?
I asked you to tell me three reasons
why you want to stay here so much.
First of all, I don't like Teacher Kim.
I want to learn from you.
Second, I don't like this hospital.
I want to learn from you.
I can't see my future in this hospital.
I want to learn
from you.
I want to carry out a collaborative
surgery with you some day.
It is my dream.
I want to become the best doctor,
not a good doctor.
That means
this isn't where I belong.
Is that so?
Then let me ask you one more thing.
From your perspective,
is Teacher Kim a good doctor
or the best doctor?
Which one is he?
Is Teacher Kim
a good doctor
or the best doctor?
These are the best doctors.
Please take a look.
I feel so bad.
You came all the way here for nothing.
I've already found a doctor
to operate on me.
He's a talented doctor.
May I ask who you have in mind?
Chairman Shin,
it's a call from Teacher Kim.
Okay. I'll take it.
Yes, Teacher Kim. It's me.
Have you made up your mind?
First, I need a new ultrasound machine.
The latest model.
Are you asking me for that
instead of the surgery fee?
This would be the settlement money.
Because I got beaten up badly yesterday,
I have injuries requiring
two or three weeks of medical treatment.
As I've already told you,
I'm worth a lot of money.
All right.
I'll buy you the latest equipment.
Then will you take up my operation?
In order to change
the battery of your artificial heart,
we need a new ultrasound machine
to begin with.
We also need the latest model of
operation table, anesthesia machine,
and a heart-lung machine.
If you consider a heart transplant
in the future
I'm listening.
We'll also need a clean room
for the immunosuppression therapy,
but, I mean
They are very expensive equipment.
I'm worried.
I wouldn't mind how much it'd cost.
Don't worry about it.
No matter how much it'll cost me,
I'll buy you the latest equipment.
If I do that, will you operate on me?
Once we get the equipment,
I'll set the date for your surgery.
You heard that, right? Teacher Kim said
he'll operate on me.
I'm glad to hear that.
Chairman Shin.
Have I done
anything to upset you?
What are you talking about?
You've been doing a great job
in running Geosan Medical Center.
Then, why did you refuse
all the doctors I recommended you
and let a random doctor operate on you?
-Do you want to know?
-If I may,
I'd like to hear the reason.
Ms. Ju, show it to him.
Yes, I will.
-What do you see?
-It looks like the scene of a fire.
Is this the kitchen in the casino?
The fire broke out last night.
What do you see?
It seems that the staff
in the kitchen got badly injured.
Right. What else?
This man is
That's right.
That's him.
He jumped into the fire
to save other people's lives.
I don't think I'm following you.
Usually, when people get hurt,
doctors only care
about the treatment of their wounds.
But he tried to help them
get injured less.
He might have lost his own life,
but he still jumped into the fire.
Do you still not understand
the difference?
No, I don't think I do.
This man is the doctor
who's called Teacher Kim.
He's the true doctor whom I can entrust
my life with.
It looks like you finally
recognized his face.
You're right. That's him.
He's in ventricular fibrillation. Sir.
Move him to the hybrid operating room
and bring the defibrillator.
-Epinephrine every three minutes.
-Yes, Doctor.
Did you meet Teacher Kim?
Dr. Yun.
What did you say?
What did he say?
Did he say you can stay here?
You can stay here if you want to.
Thank you.
I won't forget that you gave me
the second chance
and I'll do everything in my power
to repay your generosity.
But, I can't allow you
to treat patients yet.
If I don't treat patients,
what should I do here?
You'll work as an orderly.
-Yes, I'm an orderly.
Did you just tell me to work
as an orderly?
I need to be sure if I can let you
be with the patients or not.
Until you become able to
control yourself solely
with your willpower
without taking medications,
the only job you can take
in this hospital is
to be an orderly.
Why? Can't you do that?
No. It's not that.
Did you accept it?
I asked him for some time
to think about it.
Why would you say that?
You should have refused it.
You think so?
-Working as an orderly is--
-Really? You don't want to?
You can just leave if you can't do it.
-I won't stop you.
-I didn't say that.
You can't make her work as an orderly.
This is the best offer
I can give her, Ms. Oh.
Don't try to change my mind.
You heard him. I should go now.
Charge 200J.
It's ready.
-Fill me in.
-He had a car accident.
He has right-sided hemopneumothorax
and his right hip is dislocated.
He went into ventricular fibrillation
while being hydrated.
Please hang in there.
I'll check his heart rhythm.
-Let's try it again. 200J.
-Yes, Doctor.
-How long has it been?
-It's been about three minutes.
Please, please.
I'll check his heart rhythm.
Doctor, we have his pulse now.
Print out the electrocardiogram
and prepare the central line.
-For the blood transfusion--
-You said you'd quit.
Why are you still here?
I'm considering him as my last patient
in Doldam Hospital.
Did you get his CT scan result?
He has multiple rib fracture
and right-sided hemopneumothorax.
I put in a tube
and he's not bleeding much.
Simple dislocation on the right hip
and compound fracture
on the left humerus was also found.
Have you ever dealt
with hip dislocation before?
I know how to do it, though.
Do you want me to do it?
Mr. Park.
Bring me a sheet.
What are you doing?
Tie up the other side.
Are you doing it alone?
Is it done?
It's done.
What about his vital signs?
-They're stable.
Next up is the humerus.
Which one are you?
What do you mean?
Are you a good doctor
or the best doctor?
I want to hear it from you.
Are you a good doctor or the best doctor?
If the patient lying down here
gets to choose,
which one do you think he will want?
-The best doctor.
He will need a doctor
who can treat his injury.
What this patient needs so badly now
is an orthopedic surgeon
who can treat fractures.
So I'm playing all my cards
to be the right one for him.
Does this answer your question?
You can blame the system and the world.
You can blame all the people
who messed up the world if you want.
That's fine.
But nothing will change
even if you keep blaming others.
Those people won't even
remember your name.
If you really want to win,
become a doctor people need.
Stop blaming them
and pay them back with your capability.
Unless you change,
nothing will change.
Unless you change,
nothing will change.
That's it.
I will let you finish up
on the last patient
at Doldam Hospital.
No way.
Is that him?
Dr. Kang!
He will be back. Let's just wait.
Teacher Kim.
What? Do you still have things left
to say to me?
You are him, right?
You are the doctor.
Aren't you?
You are Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
Is that him?
Is Teacher Kim at Doldam Hospital
Dr. Bu Yong-ju?
Well, I don't know.
President Yeo.
I don't know the real name of Teacher Kim.
There's no way for me to confirm it.
Hey, Un-yeong!
Answer my question!
I'm sorry, but there is nothing
I can tell you.
President Do, I have to go.
Look at these fools.
Is this your way of getting back at me?
Please tell me.
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
You are him,
aren't you?
You bonehead.
I already told you who I am.
What are you talking about?
Teacher Kim.
I'm Dr. Kim.
I don't have any other names.
Happy now?
Dear Dr. Bu Yong-ju,
My name is Kang Dong-ju.
When I grow up,
I want to be a good doctor like you.
Excuse me.
Where can I find Dr. Bu Yong-ju?
Dr. Bu Yong-ju?
He doesn't work here anymore.
He doesn't?
Do you know where I can find him?
I don't know that.
Excuse me.
This is Geosan Medical Center.
Yes. Okay, I will.
So that
there will be no patients treated unfairly
like my father.
I'm sure.
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
He's the one.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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