Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


Why would someone build a village
all the way up here?
This village has been deserted.
Where is everyone?
We heard word of the Dragon attacking
the city at the foot of the mountains.
Aernst Castle.
They panicked
and ran off to who knows where.
They made the right decision in leaving.
But it must have been very difficult
for them to abandon their homes.
Not really. They hated it here.
We don't, though.
You two look like you could use some tea.
We make our home in a cave just up ahead.
Why would you live in a cave
instead of your village?
It offers protection
if the Dragon does decide to attack.
Would you mind if I asked
what brought you two here?
We rarely encounter anyone
from the outside world.
We're headed to those mountains.
That's where the Dragon's lair is.
Are you
an Arisen?
I am.
Thank the Gods.
You made all these after you heard about
the Dragon's attack on Aernst?
Not exactly.
They're converted work huts.
For what?
A rare species of moss grows in this cave
that's very valuable.
It's the only reason our village exists.
I know that smell.
All right, party's over.
Go on, get out of here.
Thought you'd be gone
a few more hours, love.
Well, guess you were wrong.
Lennie, I'm really not in the mood
for a lecture.
I need a nap.
I'm sorry you had to see that.
He's not normally like that,
but when he smokes
What was he smoking?
The moss.
It creates incredibly vivid dreams
for the user,
makes them feel
like they can control them.
I know of it.
A man from my village, Cassardis,
was a habitual user.
I didn't know it came from moss, though.
He said that smoking it
made everything better.
He even claimed that when he smoked it,
he could make
all of his desires come true.
That kind of feeling
comes at a price, though.
He became unable to separate
the dream world from reality.
He would forget to eat and sleep
for days at a time.
All he wanted to do was smoke,
escape the reality that we all know.
And that reality killed him.
It has ruined countless lives.
I often wonder
if the person that stumbled upon it first
could have even begun to imagine
the devastation it would bring.
After its discovery was brought
to the attention of the governing lord,
the lord realized
there was money to be made.
He forced a group of his subjects
to build our village,
so that we may live here
while harvesting the moss.
That would explain your village's
eagerness to leave so quickly.
Aye. And as soon as the lord's guards
heard of the attack, they fled.
The other villagers left shortly after.
Why didn't you leave with them?
They were the ones who built this place.
They know of another life,
but we? We were born here.
So we stayed.
You're still selling the moss?
That's all we know.
But look at the cost!
It seems unwise for your compatriots
to partake in this substance
with it being so destructive
and readily available.
It's difficult to live like this.
They need to be able to escape reality
every now and then.
That's a slippery slope.
I know.
But what can I do?
You can make the decision to change.
But I can't live your life for you.
Hannah, let's go.
The Dragon's lair awaits.
You won't get far.
The path to it is only passable
for a short time in summer.
And there's no other way?
I can't tell you for sure,
but legend has it
the cave has another opening
on the other side of the mountain.
Hell are you doing, Lennie?
I'm looking for the lantern.
The lantern?
The two people I was with
when you were "busy"
are going to try to reach
the other side of the cave.
The legend
What if we
Are you certain she was telling the truth
about another exit?
What reason would she have to lie?
If you do, in fact, defeat the Dragon,
the lord will return to the village.
Perhaps she wants our mission to fail.
I can't believe
you would think so lowly of her.
I am pointing out the possibility.
There is another possibility, though.
If the lord and his men return,
the villagers would be forced back
into labor.
They would no longer be able
to imbibe in the moss.
Which would be good, in a way.
You mean, the man named Yang
and the other villagers would be denied
the source of their addiction?
That is one possibility.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Perhaps not.
To be honest,
I have no idea
what that woman is thinking.
Humans sometimes behave
in mysterious ways.
Troublesome creatures.
And that is what makes them interesting.
It appears her story is true.
Why would someone put a bridge here
if there wasn't something
on the other side?
-The exit?
-Most likely.
The water level must have risen
over the years.
Mind your footing.
There's something in the water.
What the hell is that?
A Hydra.
Looks like we're going to need
more than magic to win this fight.
Here it comes.
One down, three to go.
You really don't know much
about Hydras, do you?
Are you kidding me?
It is heading for the village.
So it appears.
Oh, yeah.
Yang, run!
Yang, on your feet!
But Lennie
She's gone. We have to go!
Now you care?
Her death is on your hands.
I'm choking.
You could have prevented this.
You could have left this place
with the others.
You weren't held here by the guards.
You were held here by your addiction!
-We're going to kill that Hydra.
As you wish.
I'm not doing this for you, Yang.
I'm doing it because that monster
stands between me
and my destiny.
Let's go.
What have I done?
I'll keep it busy!
Hey! You four-headed freak!
I got this! You take care of Hannah!
What the?
I'm so sorry.
Death is not the same for Pawns.
What do you mean?
When we suffer fatal wounds,
our bodies cease function like humans.
But unlike humans, our bodies recover.
What of the Hydra?
I killed it.
On your own?
I don't know.
I can't remember any of it.
It's like I was there
but I wasn't.
I can't explain it.
Please be alive.
Yang, is that you?
I'm here.
I'm so sorry.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I should have never put you
in that position.
I guess things here
can go back to normal for you now.
Actually, we're leaving.
We don't know to where,
but anywhere is better than here.
It has to be.
He wants a fresh start.
What will happen to the two of them?
Why do you ask?
I have no doubt he cares deeply for her.
Those tears were real.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Lennie must feel as deeply
for Yang as well.
It seems as though Lennie is simply taking
the path of least resistance.
She and Yang are dependent on one another.
Humans are such troublesome creatures.
That is what makes them
interesting, though.
What are you talking about?
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