Dream Home Makeover (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Los Angeles Hideaway

[upbeat indie rock music playing]
This neighborhood's cool.
All of these houses have amazing views.
The mix of architecture
in the neighborhood is really nice.
[Syd] I like the old-school,
mid-century houses,
'cause even if they're old,
they still look really cool.
[Shea] A very good era for architecture.
[Shea] Oscar and Diana Ramos
bought a mid-century,
single-story home in the hills of LA.
We started working together
about nine months ago, remotely.
We've been doing everything over email
and FaceTime.
We're in LA to see their house
in person for the first time.
They have been running point,
so we'll see if they've gone rogue
or if they've stuck to the designs.
That always makes me a little nervous.
Diana mentioned
that she was making some changes.
I don't know what they are.
And once you change one thing,
it affects a lot of others,
and so, I'm really nervous.
[Shea] We're here.
[birds chirping]
[Shea] I love that it's hidden.
-[Syd] Am I your design assistant?
[Syd] Hey, guys.
-Hi! How are you?
-[man] Hey. How are you?
-So good to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Good to see you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice meeting you.
-Good to meet you.
-Now you get see everything.
-In person!
We've been working remotely
for the past couple months,
so it's good to see all the demo.
-Yes. All the mess.
-You're taping out the furniture?
-We're taping it up.
They're better at taping out furniture
than I am.
Looks good.
It took us two years
to find our dream home,
where we could raise our family.
Oscar is a very hard-working person.
There is just so much love.
[Oscar] I do
a couple different businesses,
from restaurant to fitness, real estate.
I grew up hard-working,
always, "Do what you have to do
to do well in life."
-[Shea] We've got the rug and two sofas.
-[Diana] Yes.
[Shea] Because these are sliders
instead of doors that open in,
I think you have room
to move this back a little bit.
[Diana] What we liked best about the home
was it was an open floor plan,
so that we could spend time together
and enjoy our children.
The other thing that we loved was that
it was nestled up above in the hills
and felt so far away from Los Angeles
and all the hustle and bustle.
Before we move into entry, kitchen area,
I had our original plans.
I'm gonna pull them up.
-You guys have two girls?
-Two little girls.
-Yeah, you have
-Cool. Two girls.
How old are your girls?
Six and three. They're gonna be
-[Shea] Like ours!
-[Oscar] Yes.
-[all laughing]
-That's awesome.
We've divided the main space
into a kitchen,
living room, and dining room.
In the living room,
there'll be a fireplace
surrounded by
the home's original brick,
and open shelving with built-ins below.
In kitchen, there will be an island,
marble countertops,
and closed upper cabinetry
to give them as much storage as possible.
Our original plan
was keep the existing brick.
-[Diana] Yes.
-That helps leave that mid-century vibe.
-Then we'll update the sides.
[Shea] We've moved the TV
from over the fireplace to over here.
-TV on the left.
[Shea] Oscar's style is very modern,
and Diana's is more bohemian.
So, to have some streamlined pieces
mixed with tassels and texture
is a really nice blend.
-And then these cabinets stay as is.
And it was just putting up
a long shelf along,
instead of having that T.
-That separator down the middle.
[Shea] Are you thinking of removing that
only on this side,
and then keeping the T here?
[Diana] Removing it on both,
so it's the same.
Why were you thinking that?
I was thinking
it starts to make it feel really busy.
I wanted to keep it simple.
I don't want to ruin
the client relationship
by saying something like,
"This doesn't look good."
But in our original designs,
we had a middle divider in the shelves
to allow us to style things in sections
instead of one, long shelf.
When you break it up,
it gives you opportunity
to break things up.
-[Diana] Oh
Otherwise, you have
this huge, long surface.
The mid-century style
is very horizontal, a little bit flat.
And I love that their home
has all of those lines
set against the organic plane of the hills
and the trees to break it up.
That's what these vertical dividers do.
It draws your eye up,
so that things don't fall flat.
When you divide it in the middle,
it allows us to have a few more moments.
But if we end up with long shelves,
it'll still look
-We can make it look beautiful.
-Yeah, I see that.
If that creates for a better design,
putting the things in the right places,
we can add it in. I'm okay with that.
[Shea] Moving into the kitchen nook,
we have a lot to talk about right here.
Now you want to go to open shelves?
[Diana] I want open shelves,
because the kitchen is so small
that adding more cabinetry
would just make the space look smaller.
And I like how open it looks,
now that it's all open.
[Syd] They're changing a lot.
I'm getting worried for you,
on your behalf.
-But how are you feeling about that?
Usually, it's me pushing clients
to do open shelves.
I'm like, "It's beautiful!"
-But I'm concerned that you
I know why. 'Cause storage.
-I know. You know.
-I told you. I know some things.
I've learned some things.
[Diana] Oscar would come up with ideas.
I'm all Dude, I just throw whatever
out there and I see what sticks.
-[all laughing]
-I'm like 50-50.
[Shea] Our original design in the kitchen
called for closed cabinets.
Now we're pivoting to open shelves,
which is a great look.
It just offers less storage.
-[Oscar] What material?
-We gotta decide the material.
I was, like
[Shea] We've got
a marble counter and slab,
so I guess our options,
in my mind, are marble shelves
or wood shelves.
-I love the marble.
-I'm wood.
-Oscar's gonna be like, "Uh-uh."
-I love wood.
To me, it makes sense of the jog here
-to do wood.
Because then it's just 
a different material.
I want marble 'cause I think it would
really make the kitchen very elegant.
We already have marble countertops,
and I want a warm element in the kitchen,
so it feels homey.
But balancing that yin and yang
can involve some marriage counseling
on our part.
[both chuckle]
I have a question.
Are you hoping for one shelf or two?
Because to me, if you do wood,
I think you can get away
with doing two shelves.
Hmm I was thinking just one.
[Shea] People come to us
because they're expecting a certain look.
So then when I am not
making those decisions,
I feel concerned that it's not going to be
like what they expect.
Then they're upset at us, even though
it may have been their decisions.
[Diana] So you're thinking wood
and making two shelves.
You're leaning marble, one shelf.
-Yes. That's what I'm leaning.
-[Shea] Okay. You guys think on it.
I can make either of those materials
look awesome, I promise.
[birds squawking]
-I was trying to hold your hand.
[both chuckling]
[upbeat electronica music playing]
[Shea] New set change looks good!
-Hi, guys.
-How's it goin'?
[Shea] Hi! Don't mind me,
I'm already adjusting things.
-Do your thing. You can't help yourself.
-I know. I can't help myself.
Soon as we walk in, you're like,
"Let me style something."
[Shea] We have a little
brick and mortar store in Costa Mesa.
Every quarter, we go down to the shop
and we set up all new items,
so that the store feels fresh.
It was one of the first set changes
that I've missed.
-Weird, not having you here.
-I know.
-It was super strange.
-[Shea] The first one I wasn't here for.
-[Danielle] It was.
-Team did good.
I like to be in control.
[both chuckling]
[Shea] Even though we're kind of paranoid,
we have grown this amazing team,
and their skill sets
make me feel more confident.
And I feel like we're stronger
because of that.
There's only so much you can do
with this little space.
But I think we've made a lot of it.
It's comfortable.
-I know.
-I just wanna hang out here.
-I just miss it sometimes.
-Miss what?
-I know.
Do you think we
Every time we come,
you say the same thing.
-Do you think we'd move back?
-I don't know.
Growing up in southern California,
it's weird to be, like, even just
living away from southern California
because most of the time
that doesn't happen.
If you're born and raised there,
you typically stay there.
Californians love California.
But Texans that marry Californians
-also love California.
-Yeah. [laughing]
Every time we'd come,
it felt more like home
-than our home in Utah.
Now, it's starting to feel the reverse.
I feel that was my window of opportunity
and I missed it.
Having nice weather all year long,
skating, surfing
He's never gonna let it go.
I never thought he'd leave.
Truly. I never thought he'd leave.
-[Syd] I'll come back one day.
-Do you want some donuts, Syd?
[Syd] What?
You know, we knew you were coming.
We felt like it wouldn't be a trip
Oh, my gosh.
having donuts.
-You're the best.
-Your favorite!
Growing up, we'd go surfing.
After surfing, then we'd get donuts.
That would make That'd be a good day.
-[Wesleigh] Butter and salt, bacon.
-[Syd] We haven't verified.
-[Wesleigh] Huckleberry.
-[Danielle] The best.
-[Shea] Butter and salt, bacon.
-Look at that. Twos.
-[Wesleigh] And two of the peach crisp.
-[Shea] Literally, I cannot stop.
-Oh, gosh.
-[Danielle] You're going in.
That's so good.
-This is freakin' awesome.
-[all laughing]
-Everybody gets a raise.
-[all laughing]
[upbeat pop music playing]
[Shea] Okay, let's see
what they've been working on!
It should be nice and tight right there.
Boom. Okay.
Oh, it's going in. Ah!
Looks good.
[Andrew] We're doing the spacing
at an inch and a half.
At bottom, we're using glue.
-The glue goes on bottom and top?
-[Andrew] Yeah.
[Shea] And then, once we paint them,
how will we hide the glue?
With, uh caulking.
-Sand it, so it looks seamless.
-Looks smooth and finished.
[Shea] We developed an exciting concept,
where these vertical slats
will break up all of the horizontal lines
in this mid-century-style home,
and then allow us
to layer in organic textures
to give that bohemian feel.
And I also like 
that it designates the entry
as its own space,
because this is so open.
[Pam] Yes.
Honestly, I'm not nervous,
but I know Diana is very skeptical.
She saw the drawings,
but bringing those to life
is a whole different situation.
There's still time left.
We could knock it down if it doesn't work.
[both chuckling]
[Shea] These quartz come really close
to looking like concrete.
Which one are you leaning towards?
I know which I like.
Okay. Surprisingly, originally,
I was leaning towards this one.
But I love that fresh concrete look.
[Shea] I 100% agree.
I wanna give that modern style
that Oscar likes so much,
so we thought a concrete top
would be a great addition to the hearth.
But concrete poured on site like that
can be very expensive and it can crack.
They can cut it
like an actual countertop.
So we decided to go
with a honed quartz finish
that looks like concrete.
This brings in the modern,
then we can bring in the boho look
in the styling on the shelves,
-which is nice.
-[Pam] Yes.
[Shea] I love this green color
for the kitchen cabinetry,
-but I want it darker.
-[Pam] Okay.
[Shea] We want the kitchen
to have a color.
We have so many white walls.
Then pretty neutral on the furniture,
so it'll make a really big statement
-to have a saturated color there.
-[Pam] Yeah. Great.
I don't think that there is a should
or a shouldn't with a dark kitchen.
As long as you have natural light
to bounce around the sunshine
in the space,
then go with the dark kitchen.
-Oh! Hi! Oh, my goodness!
-[Diana] Hi! How are you?
-[Shea] Hi, girls.
-Say, "Hi."
I wasn't expecting a visit
from Diana Ramos today.
Can you guys help us make
a few last decisions on your house?
-[Diana] Yes.
-And be designers?
[Shea] These are door colors.
A bunch of blacks.
That light's reflecting off them,
so I'm trying to make sure..
-We're leaning toward this.
-[Diana] This looks good!
-Oh, my God! I love it!
I'm sorry, I was distracted! I love it.
Yeah, they've been working quickly.
I came in and I saw you first,
and I didn't see this. It looks amazing.
I am immediately relieved
because Diana was skeptical
about the slatted wall,
and now she's excited.
It's these moments that we start
to gain trust with our clients.
-Okay, sorry, focusing.
-[Shea] No!
We're leaning towards this one
-because it's a true black.
And adds a little bit
of that modern element here.
[Diana] Yes. I love it.
It's a great choice.
[Shea] We'll put this down.
We have a couple of other things
that we, now that we have you here,
-I wanna run past you.
We taped up these beautiful shelves
for you to see.
Oscar and I were talking about that.
We're like,
"Do we really want two, or one?"
We're just so confused. I have no clue.
When I look at the elevation,
I think we need to draw your eye up
by doing two shelves.
Seeing it taped out
makes a big difference.
[Shea] We've been leaning to two.
-[Shea] Mm-hm.
And then the top one would be things,
like, cake stands,
or things that I don't use every day.
-[Diana] Yeah.
We are winning right now.
We got those two shelves in the kitchen.
-Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
-Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
[Syd laughing]
Seeing that line up there,
it would be nice to do it that way.
It fills the space.
I wanna leave.
Okay, hold on, baby.
It was just a quick stop. Hold on.
[Shea] I wanna go down to your room.
-Could you show me?
-[Diana] Do you wanna go?
-Let's do that.
Be careful.
They know the way.
Yes! They're so excited about their room.
Having two daughters about
the same age as the Ramos girls,
I feel like I know
what little girls are drawn to.
Our girls love to craft and play
and make-believe, build forts,
and we have taken all of those things
and tried to incorporate them
into the design.
-[Diana] Where are the bunk beds going?
-Right there.
[Shea] They're going right there!
Our design for the girls' bedroom
calls for bunk beds,
a craft table in the center,
and a teepee in the corner.
What? A teepee-teepee?
A teepee-teepee.
Yeah, that's awesome!
Do you know where the teepee's going?
The teepee's going right over here.
[Diana gasps]
Right here.
There's gonna be lots of pink.
-Thanks for the tour!
I appreciate it.
It feels so good
to be on the same page as Diana.
It's the best feeling
when clients are excited
because that's why we do this.
-Good to see you.
-Thank you.
We'll see you again soon.
-Yes, we will!
-All right!
-[Pam] Great.
-I know.
We have made decisions.
Decisions, yes. We can move forward.
[mellow music playing]
-Hey, Syd?
-[Syd] Yeah?
Where are you?
Was in our room,
doing something productive.
-[Shea] Really?
-Laying down.
-Are you packing?
-[Shea] Yes, we gotta get packed!
[Shea] We're going to California
to install the Ramos family home.
For the last few weeks, Diana and I
have done a lot of work over FaceTime.
So, fingers crossed.
I'm just gonna grab
ten different button-downs.
We're only going for two days.
You always yell at me,
"You didn't bring enough options."
-Okay. Good.
-[Syd] "You pack really bad."
[both laughing]
You usually bring a lot of options,
but they're not the right ones.
On this trip out to LA,
we're able to bring the girls with us.
They love it.
They're very excited.
The beach and some nice weather.
It just feels like we're going home.
-Jacuzzi, swimming, beach.
-[Shea] Yep.
But then you live in Utah
-and not in California.
-Oh, my gosh.
[Syd chuckling]
[Shea] You can't dog on Utah.
You associated negative feelings
with that.
-I didn't.
-I'll feel better once we get some donuts.
-Okay. And some sun?
-And some sun.
[playful music playing]
[Wren whistles]
[Syd] Let's get you buckled up.
Sit down. Wrennie, we're gonna beat you.
-Let's beat her, Ivy.
-Please! It's not a race!
One, two
[buckles click]
-Oh, tie.
-[Wren giggles]
Kids and I are headed over
to the Ramos house.
Whenever it's install day,
I feel like I can't do a lot,
unless directed by Shea,
so I try to support them
by bringing them a treat.
-Okay, guys, ready?
-Daddy, you can hand me the donuts?
Just to smell 'em?
-[Ivy giggles]
-Don't eat any, okay?
-I won't.
-[Syd] Promise?
-[Syd] Pinky promise.
We make a big thing of it
when we go to California,
me taking the girls to get donuts.
So it's become
a really fun thing that we do.
Not all the time
'cause they get sugared out
and go crazy.
He makes the girls split one donut,
and then the rest are for himself.
Daddy, I can just see
what them look like?
-[Syd] Because looking leads to touching.
And then touching leads to eating.
[upbeat music playing]
So, we're gonna put this bench
right here against the stone wall.
[Shea] Today, the Ramos family
finally gets to see their finished home.
And although Diana and I had a few
little hurdles that we had to jump over,
I am looking around
and I feel so confident
that they're gonna be blown away.
[Pam] Let's see what this looks like.
Let's try this here.
[Shea] It was a bit of a challenge
to blend both of their styles,
but a challenge that I love.
I love to mix styles and see how that
really adds to the personality of a home.
And I feel like we've been able to do that
really seamlessly,
and I'm ready for them to see the result.
[Syd] Ivy, no.
I know! I know!
I know you know that you know.
I won't I won't touch.
You were peeking.
Eyes on you.
We can take this out.
I feel we can start clearing
all these flowers.
Clearing so we can get
a real view of the kitchen.
-[Syd] Da
It just opened.
-[Syd] Oh, dang, guys.
It just opened by itself.
[Syd] Ivy, a lot of things
have happened "by itself".
-This looks good!
Feel like we got the modern,
the bohemian mix.
We nailed that. Good job, everybody.
That's great.
[Syd] You can carry the donuts in.
Wren, help me carry the pictures in.
These are family pictures
for the Ramos family, okay?
Got that?
Let me hold these.
Got those?
[gasps] Oh, my gosh!
-[Syd] Hey, babe.
-[Pam] Hey!
-Hi, Pam.
-How are you?
You wanna check out the girls' room?
It's so fun to invite the girls
into spaces that we have designed
and let them see everything.
[Shea] They have a teepee and bunk beds
in their rooms.
Isn't that so cute?
-[Ivy] Yes.
-[Shea] Don't jump on their beds,
but you can climb up the ladder
and peek at the bed.
[Syd] I feel very excited to see you
and deliver something,
but then I feel very stressed.
They're like puppy dogs
that are cute,
but they'll wreck the place.
[Shea] I know you wanna jump on that bed.
Just take a peek.
I'm trying to also not have
the destroyers destroy things.
Way to be gentle. Keep it all pretty.
Let's not put our hands on
-[Syd] Anything.
They got sticky fingers
and they wanna jump on everything.
And it's a good idea
to show them what we're working on.
At the same time, I'm like,
"Two seconds. All right, guys."
You guys go hop in the car, okay?
-[Syd] I gotta put my shoes on.
-[Wren whining]
[Shea] I know.
We're not gonna eat in their house.
We'll leave you guys be.
[Shea moans] Thanks, babe.
-[Shea] Oh, my gosh, those look good.
-[Syd] I know.
-That one?
-[Syd] Split this one.
-Love you. I'll see you.
-[Ivy] Sprinkle, sprinkle!
-[Shea] Hold your shoes.
-[Syd] We're going to the car.
You're in charge of holding your shoes.
I love you. Be good
Oh! No! She just ran into the glass.
-[Shea laughing]
-I didn't know that was there!
Note to self,
"Always put stickers on glass."
-Love you. That donut made it feel better.
-Love you.
-[Syd] Love you like a chocolate donut.
-I see a smile.
-[Syd] Love you, babe.
-Love you. Okay.
[upbeat electronic dance music playing]
-Don't peek in!
-Don't look!
[Diana] It feels so amazing to know
that we are done
and that we get to see the home.
I'm so excited.
I know, I'm nervous.
It's so surreal.
-It's really happening.
Oh, my God!
-Oh, my God!
-[Oscar] Oh, my gosh!
[Diana] This is amazing!
-[Syd] Hey, guys.
[all laughing]
-[women squealing]
-[Oscar] Oh!
[Oscar] Oh, man. This looks so nice.
-[Diana] Oh, my God!
-[Oscar] Wow!
-I did not expect this.
-It feels so good here.
-[Diana] Thank you!
[Shea] Throughout, I kept saying,
"Okay, here's the balance to the styles.
Here's all the things we talked about."
[Diana] And the wall looks so pretty.
-It's cohesive with everything.
-Thank you!
-[Oscar] Awesome.
-I'm so happy!
-[all laughing]
[Shea] Well, come into your living room.
We've got the fur,
-a little bit of bohemian.
-[Diana] Yes!
-Two huge sofas, chairs.
-Then I saw it. Yes!
[Shea] And I love that you kept
the original mid-century fireplace.
We have a couple of different tones.
[Diana] It's seamless
and it's just the perfect shade of gray.
-Love it.
-[Oscar] Yeah.
-Wanna keep showing?
-I love that we kept this brick.
-Because this is original, and feels great
to mix the old and new.
It feels new again.
I can't wait to have
friends and family over,
and probably another 50 kids
in here running around.
It's gonna be so much fun.
[Diana] Oh, my gosh,
the entry looks so much bigger!
-[Oscar] Chairs are beautiful.
-[Diana] Kitchen!
-[Oscar] Awesome.
-[Diana] My God.
-[Diana] The shelves opened up the space.
-[Shea] Yes.
We talked about doing the marble shelves.
That was a big debate.
"Do we do a marble shelf?
Do we do one shelf or two shelves?"
The wood, it feels so good.
Even if it was a less expensive material
than doing marble,
I love that it warms up your kitchen.
It was the right decision,
-regardless of cost.
-I do, too. I'm so happy we did it.
It really warms it up.
It ties in your pendant beautifully.
-[Oscar] Yes.
-[Diana] It does.
[Diana] I'm happy we went with wood
because Shea and I
were going back and forth,
but had we done marble,
it would've looked too plain.
It turned out beautifully. It was perfect.
I love that the brass and the wood here
ties in with the brass hardware.
-[Diana] And I love the dark green.
-[Shea] Dark green.
It feels risky when you say,
"dark green," but
You have so much
dark green foliage around the home,
-that it feels natural.
-I love that it's masculine
because I didn't want
a super girly kitchen
-because he likes to cook, too.
-You're dying to see the girls' room!
-I am!
I'm like, 
"All right, enough about cooking."
[Oscar] The ideas that Shea came up with,
the small tweaks and changes,
made a world of a difference.
Even though Diana and I
were more like,
"I don't think that makes sense."
But it makes a ton of sense now.
-[Oscar] Aw!
-Oh, my God! It's so cute!
[Oscar] Aw! This is so awesome!
[Diana] It's so playful and beautiful.
Oh, my gosh. I love it.
-Two beds, a play table,
a full dresser, and a teepee.
It is, just, girl heaven.
But then, it allows them to grow up.
With the foundation of the walls
being white,
you can change things in and out
if you want to.
[Diana] Oh, my God!
Oh, wow!
It's so beautiful.
We really wanted to mix the bohemian
and the modern together,
and especially in this space,
where it belongs to both of you
and I want you to feel at home.
[Diana] Oh, my goodness!
[Shea] Master bedroom has a lot of glass,
and so I love bringing
the organic textures outside, in.
You know, that bohemian feel.
It's so cool how it just feels so open
and it feels like it's gonna be fun.
It's funny that the space
can make you feel that.
And I think that you guys
Syd is still surprised, even to this day,
that design can make
[Syd] Yeah!
[all laughing]
[Shea] He's still shocked
that what we do actually works.
-This works, guys.
-[Shea] This really works!
-Amen, dude.
Watching Oscar and Diana
move into their home,
I'm so excited for them.
-[Syd] Thanks.
-I appreciate that.
-Thank you.
It really feels like home.
[Syd] Seeing the Ramos home come together,
all the spaces that you did for them,
and how happy they are,
it's like, they're in.
They finally know
it's time for them to be in their home.
-Oh, man. I'm getting all emotional.
-[both laughing]
[Diana] The girls are here.
-Welcome home!
-[Oscar] Welcome home.
-[Diana] Do you like it?
-[Oscar] Take a look!
I like it.
You like it.
Let's go look in our rooms! Come on!
It's so pretty!
[Oscar] I work a lot at making sure
that family is happy.
It makes it worth it.
You know, even if you sacrifice
what you do for family, it's important.
So, to see them happy and excited,
that means a lot.
[voice cracking]
So Sorry.
[Diana chuckles]
[Oscar chuckles]
[Shea] I'm so happy
we've been able to give
the Ramos family everything they wanted.
The openness of the home
allows for the family to be together.
To cook together,
to play together,
to eat together.
This house is where Oscar and Diana
want to bring up their girls.
I feel like we've given them
a true "dream home."
[upbeat music playing]
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