Dudes (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Money issues

Sausage? Fries?
Hey, beer? Beer? No?
- Juli, medium rare.
- Come, love.
- [Santiago] Oh, mine too.
- You better come help.
[indistinct chatter]
- Have you thought about Miranda?
- Oh, no. Not now.
- Come, come, come, come.
- Ah!
Do you know what makes me mad?
This shouldn't be a debate.
Look, if it wasn't for them,
I would tell Miranda to go to hell.
I swear.
Oh, so is it about Antonia?
- No.
- [Mafe] Are you obsessed with her?
- No, I'm telling you. No, no.
- [Mafe] You're obsessed!
Shh. No, obviously not.
It's not about Antonia,
it's a matter of principles.
Okay, so, it's decided, then.
They would kill me.
Yes, I know, you are right, yes.
Why don't you speak with Miranda?
Put yourself in his shoes.
How many men approach
his daughter out of interest?
It feels different, isn't it?
But it doesn't matter.
I don't care about Miranda, the family,
if she is rich, if she isn't rich.
I don't care.
Oh, you bastard! You fell in love, Julián.
- Julián, you are screwed.
- No, no.
That's it, you're screwed.
- Come on, eat something.
- Look at me, look at me. No, look at me.
- I'm telling you, no!
- [gasps] Julián!
- No!
- You fell in love!
- Perfect!
- No, no.
Could you get me a beer, please?
Hey, by the way, what about Lorena?
- Didn't have the courage to invite her?
- Oh, yeah! What?
You're such a dumb-ass.
No, nothing, uh
It's over. "Finito".
You already bored her?
Hey. Have you ever considered
stop being a web model?
No, why? What?
- Mmh.
- Are you jealous?
No, no.
[laughs] No. No.
No, no.
No, but hey, you already are all set.
You've got your car, your apartment,
your life is very organized.
You don't need money
and I can help you maintain
your lifestyle,
if that's your concern, my love.
Sorry? Are you serious?
Yes. No.
- Look, we were having a great time.
- No. We are.
No, we were having a great time.
And I really like you,
despite what you represent.
But I'm not looking for a guy
that provides economic support.
That's the last thing I want,
and I want to make things clear
that I love my job.
It's okay.
- No. Come on, baby
- No, Dani!
Sexism is very harmful.
And men like you can't be
with a successful female entrepreneur.
Self-confident and happy. What a shame!
Honestly, it was me who got bored.
And I told her that it was over.
That I was tired, and well,
she got upset, she stood up.
She left, very offended.
I think she burst into tears.
She doesn't take my calls anymore.
I think she blocked me,
but hey, even better.
That is so sexist.
Oh, well! Not a big deal.
No, no. Hold on.
Who is sexist? Why sexist?
Look, brother. Let me get things straight.
In this life,
you can't say, "What did I miss?"
You say, "That was a close call."
Now, the lady seems to be an entrepreneur?
- [Daniel] Oh, yeah! Absolutely.
- Absurd.
You are absurd.
Imagine how much money she's making.
- Way more than ourselves.
- [Ricardo] Whatever!
Exactly! Can you imagine a woman
making more money that the man?
No, they are already a pain,
just imagine. No!
Yes, sure. Okay, enlighten us
with your wisdom, sensei.
What's wrong if a lady makes
more money than a man?
Yes, I don't see the harm, either.
[Santiago] No, my point is clear.
What I'm saying is that the more you earn,
the more dominant
you are in a relationship. Period.
My wife makes more money than I.
I don't see a problem in that.
[baby talk] That's right, gorgeous!
That's exactly the point!
Oh, I definitely don't understand
how Ana María can stand you!
The truth is that I don't understand
how she does it, either.
That's why I didn't bring her here.
Mmh. I'll take the baby to bed.
She's tired.
- What's up? What happened?
- I'll go with her. No, no. No big deal.
What's the matter?
Look, don't pay attention.
Eat the sausage that you couldn't
eat so far, and that's it.
- Let me ask you a question, Mafe.
- Let's see. Put it here.
It's your birthday.
When you go out with a man,
who should be paying the check?
What? Hold on. [laughs]
One thing has nothing
to do with the other.
It's about being a gentleman, that's it.
- [Julián] But you also invite them?
- Obviously.
There's the answer.
That's the limit of gender equality
and all that made-up nonsense, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
- You know what that means?
- [Mafe] Tell me.
- Selective feminism.
That's not how things
are played nowadays, grandpa.
We go half and half with my lady.
Alright? She's a businesswoman, aged 28.
She's doing very
well selling clothes online.
Our dynamics is simple, you sucker.
The inviter pays. Simple.
- Yes. Simple.
- [Ricardo] Mm-hmm.
Another clear example where women wears
the pants in the relationship.
- [laughter]
- So old-fashioned this guy!
[imitates monkey]
Alright, alright, come on, come on!
Cheers, cheers!
Alright let's go, happy birthday!
- At last, 23 years old!
- [all] Cheers!
[Antonia] Oh! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!
Were you waiting for a long time?
I just arrived.
What would you like?
- Hello.
- [barista] Hello.
Could you please get me
an almond milk cappuccino
and a cranberry muffin?
- [barista] Alright.
- Thanks. And you?
Same for me.
Hey, how is it going with
the company and my father?
What's the status so far?
Oh, fine, fine.
Now we are reviewing a contract clause,
but let's not talk about that today, okay?
- [barista] It's $43 500.
- Okay.
- I'll get that. I was late.
- No, no, no, no.
- Who should pay? Who should?
- Me, me, me, allow me, here take it.
No, no, no, no. Come on. No.
Next time is on me. Seriously.
Next time.
Thank you.
[soft romantic music]
[soft romantic music continues]
[soft romantic music continues]
[soft romantic music continues]
[soft romantic music ends]
Hello, I'm already concerned.
Yes, I know, but it's a bit hard to get
them to sign the document
if they don't even answer my calls.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry about this situation.
I'm a bit fed up, to be honest.
Of course. I'll keep you posted.
[upbeat pop music]
Mmh? Marci?
Marci? Hello?
How are you?
What's the matter?
Tell me.
Nothing, nothing.
Well, long story short.
The three-people relationship
is now two people only.
No! How come?
You know how they broke up with me?
They put me inside a bathtub.
They began pouring bath salts,
I don't know
and told me:
"This is your farewell ritual."
Oh, Marci! What did you do?
What did you tell them?
What was I supposed to do, baby?
I was naked.
They were naked as well.
One on each side. Oh!
They told me:
"No, you have to leave the apartment."
They are such SOBs! They're so dumb!
I, listen to this,
I pay for almost everything.
70, 80 percent of everything.
You don't do that.
Marci, come here.
- They don't deserve you.
- Oh, no!
Let's leave aside
those cliche phases, really.
But, hey, come here.
Let me love you a little bit.
[Marcel sobs]
They don't deserve me.
[Andrea] Jessie, what do you think
of functional training?
- Is it good?
- [Jessie] It's fantastic.
[Andrea] I think it would be suitable
for him, you know?
Let me introduce him.
- What's up?
- Let me introduce you.
- This is Jessie. He's my trainer.
- How are you doing?
- Nice to meet you. Jess.
- Nice to meet you, too. Ricardo.
Have a good training session. See you.
- Love.
- [Ricardo] Huh?
[Andrea] The thing is that
I mean, it's difficult at your age
to achieve some goals,
but that's why we have Jessie,
to help you out.
I'm fine. I know the drill. Thank you.
Oh. What's the matter?
Ricardo, well, I've already paid
six months in advance.
Why don't you take it?
It's not a big deal.
Don't be like that.
You are going to look divine.
- Ready? Have you made up your mind?
- [Ricardo] Yes.
[Jessie] Okay, we are going to work hard,
you are a bit weak, aren't you?
[Ricardo] Not weak, no, no. Not at all.
[Julián laughs]
How was your Sunday?
Fine. Movies, staying at home.
Ha! Movies or shagging?
Juli, I already told you.
I won't be fooling around.
I mean, the next man I date
will be someone new.
- [Julián] Mmh.
- Mind you, I have a date tomorrow.
- Wow!
- What? Tell me about yourself.
How was your Sunday?
Have you decided what you want to do?
I'll tell Miranda to go to hell.
That's my friend with balls! I like it!
Are you 100 percent sure, Juli?
Because if things don't work out
with Antonia,
you sent Miranda's investment
down the drain, right?
I'm just saying.
[Antonia] Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Please, have a seat.
Sure. Yes, perfect. Straight to the point.
Now, please tell me.
What are the negotiation aspects
that you don't agree with?
This picture is a clear representation
of men's repression towards women.
Tell me, can you see that?
- Well, I
- You can't see it.
Because you don't understand
the philosophy behind Token.
[Antonia] So, please, invite me.
When? To visit Token.
So I can learn and understand
its philosophy. I'd love to.
My assistants will be calling you. Mmh?
- Thank you.
- See you soon.
Excuse me.
[exhales] Sure.
[text message tone]
[suspenseful music]
[dialing tone]
- [man] 800.
- [Marcel] Okay. Count them.
[Marcel] Hello, my love. How are you?
Marci, that bastard,
guess who's here in the city.
I need you to speak quickly
because I'm working, okay?
- Andrew.
- [Marcel] What is he doing here?
No idea, I don't know,
he asked to see me this evening,
and I don't know what to do.
Okay, Antonia, do you want to see him?
No. Ha!
Or do I?
What an idiot, huh?
All you have to do is tell him
you don't want to see him.
Tell him to leave
and screw any ladies he wants,
- but to leave you alone.
- [Antonia] Absolutely.
But hey, he's already here.
I mean,
I don't want to be rude, that's it.
Rude? Do you remember
he jilted you before the wedding?
Yes. I know, you are right.
But you know what?
I don't lose anything
if I see him for five minutes.
And I can use this opportunity to get
a proper closure and problem solved.
Don't you think so?
No. I'd rather be dead than a pushover.
Do you know what's his problem?
It's every man's problem.
He realized he screwed up
but with tremendous delay.
Marcel, the contractor is here.
Okay, I'm coming. Coming.
My love, I must go.
Look, what you have to do is to doll up,
make yourself pretty,
beautiful, delicious.
Go to that love date
where Andrew is not invited.
Focus, my dear! Julián, Julián is the one!
He's handsome, he's gorgeous,
he's divine, he's delicious,
and he is available. Bye.
[soft pop music]
[text message tone]
Julián: Hello! I've just got home.
Let me know when you're ready
and I'll be there.
Antonia: Hello! I'll have to cancel.
Sorry. Something came up with my dad.
I have to meet with him urgently.
I'm very sorry.
Coffee tomorrow?
[soft lounge ambient music]
[in English] Hi.
[in Spanish] Beautiful!
[in English] Can I get you
anything to drink or you?
You drinking these days?
[in Spanish] Tequila, please.
[Andrew in English] Okay.
- Juli
- Mmh?
Ready! What do you think? Taran!
- Divine. Incredibly gorgeous.
- [Mafe] Okay?
[Mafe] What a gorgeous lady, right?
She's hot.
[baby talk] She's up to my friend.
She's stunning.
Okay, I'm leaving.
Why don't you go to bed?
Don't go all crazy with her, okay?
What's wrong?
Who is this guy?
That's her ex-fiancé.
Her ex-boyfriend?
[text message tone]
Diego: Hello, gorgeous. I'm here.
Juli. Juli, Juli.
Take a deep breath, and don't say anything
that you might regret, okay?
[text message tone]
Diego: I'll wait for you downstairs.
- I'm going to cancel the date.
- No, how come?
Take it easy. Go, go, go.
I'm going to get drunk.
[Andrew in English] I was an asshole.
I never should have
even asked you to consider
an open relationship.
I'm not even into open relationships.
That must be a fucking nightmare.
You could have told me over the phone.
No. I wanted to tell you in person.
And you did.
So now you can go to El Museo del Oro.
Or hiking in Monserrate.
You know, go party in Cartagena.
- Baby
- Don't
I'm sorry.
[in Spanish] Another tequila, please.
[in English]
Hey, we were good together, weren't we?
We can start over.
I was an idiot.
I love you.
And I need to be very clear with you.
I started over.
And there's no place for you anymore.
[upbeat pop music]
This can't be real.
[Julián] Hello.
Did you see the video of the thieves
that fell asleep?
No? They broke into a supermarket,
they swept over the place.
Ate everything, drank all the booze,
and fell asleep since they were so drunk.
No! They can't be so moronic!
Can't be possible!
I'll forward it for you to see.
How did it go with your dad yesterday?
I'll send it to you.
Antonia, we are grownups.
Why did you cancel on me?
Tell me the truth.
It's okay. It's all good. Tell me.
Yes, Julián. I'm so sorry.
You are right.
I lied to you, I'm sorry.
But I don't know
We've had a couple of dates,
and I didn't want to
Isn't it worth it to be honest?
No, I didn't want
you to get the wrong idea.
Which idea?
I don't understand, you tell me
you're going out with your father,
then you meet with your ex.
Is that the idea?
If you don't want me to know about it,
why do you guys post photos?
Julián, look.
I had a five-year relationship
with Andrew, my ex.
And it was very beautiful.
But things ended very badly.
And he came over, so we could talk
and give it proper closure,
as I think it should be.
And that's it.
That's what happened last night.
I wasn't going to tell you,
because I didn't want to stir drama
where there isn't any.
And forgive me, but I feel these claims
are a bit exaggerated.
Considering that we only saw each other
a couple of times
Yeah, I'm so exaggerated.
I am exaggerated.
Your father made me choose
between a company investment and you.
And I put you over my friends,
my company, my dreams.
I'm a bigger idiot than those men
who fell asleep in the robbery.
No, Julián, please,
you don't have to feel that way. Call him.
Tell him that you accept the investment
and problem solved.
Let's put this behind. It's easy.
It's okay, relax.
Thank you.
You helped me make a choice.
Excuse me.
Mario Miranda!
[soft sad pop music]
Mister Miranda, how are you?
This is Julián Quintana.
I've been thinking, and the truth
is that you are absolutely right.
It wasn't professional to get involved
with your daughter
so I have decided to turn away
from Antonia,
so that we can focus
on the future of Billuka.
New message
[Daniel] Do you understand this?
- [Mafe] Who sent it?
- [Daniel] I don't know.
[Santiago] Look at the sender.
Andrea: Look at this,
if you are interested, it's on me.
[Daniel] No, no. Do you understand?
[Santiago] No. It happens to me
when Simón speaks.
I don't understand anything.
[Daniel] Richie, come on!
Could you explain some terms here?
Ricardo, an image that was just sent.
[Daniel whistles]
[upbeat pop music]
What's up? I thought you didn't care
about the hair.
- We all care, brother.
- No, man! How disappointing!
Making plans
for a hair transplant in Turkey,
while you can do it
in Chapinero, you dummy.
Well, the situation with Andrea
is getting strange. I don't know.
Yesterday, she made me
work out with her trainer.
- It's crazy, man!
- Show me.
She paid for six months in advance,
and now she has sent me a link
so I have a hair transplant in Turkey.
That's horrible!
I feel very well with the way I am.
She wants to impose things on me.
She should find and seduce someone
like you guys and leave me alone.
But what about independent women?
Weren't they the best?
- And they are.
- [Santiago] Yeah, sure, it is so evident.
Okay, brother, it's better to be
the one with the money.
No, man. Do you think money is
the only control tool that exists?
We left the kitchens long a go!
So, what? What's the story, then? Tell us.
Leave me alone,
you better tell us about yourself.
What's up with your plan? Come on.
Please, don't change the subject.
Show us what you are having.
What are you going to have? Dreadlocks?
Yes, show us, show us, tell us.
[Mafe] Oh, no, Richie!
- Do you think it's cheap?
- Cheap?
Come one, you're not that bad.
[text message tone]
[in English] Sorry, Drew, I told you
yesterday it was great seeing you,
and I appreciate you coming,
but we said what we said and that's that.
And, also, can you please untag me
from the picture you put up last night?
And don't do that ever again.
Thank you.
What did you do?
- [Julián] What?
- [Daniel] What?
Don't play dumb. What did you do?
What are you talking about?
- [Daniel] What are we talking about?
- [Santiago] What are we talking about?
This bastard
managed to close an investment
of six million dollars!
[Tomás] What?
- [cheering]
- [Mafe] Bravo!
I don't know what you did,
but the contract
has arrived already signed.
- You rock!
- I love you! I love you!
I love you, gorgeous! I love you!
I love you! I love you!
[indistinct shouting]
Tell me, tell me, tell me
We need to celebrate, let's go for drinks
Shall we celebrate? Shall we celebrate?
Shall we celebrate?
The question is with or without them?
- How so?
- Oh, no! He's such a child.
With or without girlfriends?
No, no, so without girlfriends, okay,
because I'm tired, I give up.
Nowadays, they are all frivolous
and manipulative.
Okay, so that's it, it's all set. Done.
Exactly. Let's go.
- Come on, come on.
- [Mafe] Go, go, go.
By all means. I'm going, I'm going.
Today it is.
[melancholic soft music]
I know it was a difficult decision,
but you did the right thing.
Good for you!
- 80 million?
- Mmh.
- 80 million.
- Please, it's a lot of money.
- In dollars.
- No, no, no, no. In euros.
- Euros, right?
- That's why it's a half less.
- They take a lot.
- Okay, baby.
- Okay, what?
- Isn't today this guy's first time?
- What's up?
- What's up? What's up?
The first time for this head.
Stand up. Stand up. Stand up.
Don't be afraid. Go, go.
You can do it, you can do it.
- Hold on, hold on, hold on.
- Thank you.
- It's time.
- Yes!
[all shouting]
- Go on, go on, it's time.
- [Tomás] But leave me
[Daniel] Go on your own.
Tomás, Tomás.
Tomás, Tomás.
Let me introduce to you
You don't know what a stud I'm dating!
You are so romantic.
No, seriously, he's the perfect man.
Mafe, you always say the same,
and end up getting bored.
No, not this time.
I mean, we've talk about it,
and he has no problem
in not being exclusive.
If things move forward on the right track,
we'll be having an open relationship.
Don't talk to me about relationships,
I don't even want to hear about it.
Oh, no, you're glued to your cell.
- We'll talk later!
- Juli! Okay, okay, okay!
No. Leave it, leave it.
You are so moody
because of Antonia, right?
Am I?
Yes, your hopes with her were up.
It's a complicated situation, you know?
Having a father-in-law
like Miranda wasn't a good deal.
And as a partner?
He wins and I end up looking like a fool.
Like a fool?
Mafe, I sold myself for money.
Oh, I'm sorry July,
but I disagree with you.
I mean, Antonia lied to you.
I mean, you'll be a real fool
if you throw down the drain
everything you've worked for,
just for a chick that is confused
about her relationship with her ex.
I mean, no. You're a fighter,
you're a hard-working man.
You are a handsome man.
More, more, tell me more.
Tell me more, because I'm sad.
Tell me more.
- I don't know what else to tell you.
- Oh, bullshit! That's all? Really?
Oh, my dear!
Come here, come here. My dear!
[cellphone ringing]
Jimena! Finally!
Who's calling me?
Publicaciones Matriarcado dot CO?
Yes, I know Jimena Lozano,
but I have no idea
what you're talking about.
No, I won't share my perspective
about anything with you, you know?
You can go to
Damn it!
[suspenseful music]
No, on the contrary,
we have to meet in person.
Are you available today?
So, let's meet tomorrow.
Can you stop? I'm getting dizzy.
[host in TV]
And we are back with Province Beau.
[Antonia] "Province Beau".
[Gringa speaking unintelligibly]
- "In any way"?
- "In any way"? Do you understand her?
"Stay at home"?
[Gringa speaking unintelligibly]
No, but you know about the situation here.
Well, because no one's offering work
and you have to accept
anything to get by,
that's how we are, really bad.
And thanks to my mommy
who gave me this beautiful face.
- I'm so lucky I've been invited here.
- Beautiful, right?
- Delicious.
- Here at this reality show.
[Henry] So, well, here we are all in.
Because I, I'm sweettalking the lady,
very gently.
Hopefully, she'll give in and invite me
to live with her in the United States,
maybe she can support me, too.
I'd take you anywhere, in business class.
Little thing!
It's kind of weird.
Like scripted.
It's Miss SSilver Crib speaking!
Who has never had to suffer for anything.
- How painful!
- [Antonia] Oh, Marci!
Look who's talking. You're so ridiculous.
Okay, tell me about it.
I met up with Julián and that's over.
How so? But tell me what happened?
He noticed the little lie I told him,
and he didn't take it very well.
Not well.
Well, that's our situation now.
Not a little lie. A big fat lie.
What a pity, because
this man was really worth it.
Okay, let's embrace single life
with dignity.
Listen, were you harsh with Andrew?
Oh! Something like that.
Yes. I don't know.
[notification tone]
I'm happy for Julián, you know?
I think he's a very nice guy,
and I wish him well in life.
[cellphone ringing]
Are you going to answer that?
- Well, yes.
- Anto! Oh!
[in English] Hi.
[in English] Hi, I don't remember
this city being so fucking cold.
You never? You guys don't have heaters?
It's a lifelong mystery.
Bad day?
What happened?
I met the CEO of the company
I'm supposed to close,
and [exhales]
Well, she's difficult.
But at least I got a follow-up meeting
out of her.
I'm sorry to hear that.
But, hey! They haven't said no yet.
That means that "yes"
is still a possibility.
Well, yeah. Who knows?
[laughs] Don't worry.
Everything is gonna be okay.
I promise.
Let's go for a drink. Come on.
There's no way in hell
I'm going out tonight.
Why not?
There's a nice bar at the hotel.
I'm perfectly fine under my sheets.
I'm tired.
I'm in a bad mood, and I'm cold, so
Thanks, but no thanks.
[Andrew] Come on!
Just one drink?
One drink,
at my place.
And bring your own.
[in Spanish] What?
What? You gotta play dumb, yeah.
[in English] "One drink. At my place.
Bring your own."
[in Spanish] Don't look for things
you've already lost, Antonia.
But, hey
No. No, the voice of wisdom
has spoken, then.
Well, yes indeed.
[laughs] Here comes the bitch?
Hey, tell me, haven't you learned
to leave before being kicked out?
[gasps] Well, yes! I'm leaving!
I will never stay here as a chaperone.
No, ma'am! Absolutely not.
[in English] "One drink at my place".
[in Spanish] A drink! Just a drink!
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music ends]
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