Edens Zero (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

A Man Named Weisz

My name is Xiaomei.
Someday, you'll find out who I am.
For now,
think of me as the narrator of this story.
You say that last time,
the story jumped 20,000 years ahead?
Don't read too much into that.
You see, in this story,
time has little meaning.
Previously on EDENS ZERO,
Happy and I met Shiki
on the planet Granbell.
We decided to go in search
of the goddess of the cosmos,
Mother, who grants wishes.
But we don't have a ship
that will take us that far!
So we came
to the planet Norma to get a ship
and to see Professor Weisz,
the man who helped me and Happy.
I'm Weisz Steiner!
Who the heck are you people?
Why did you break into my house?
Like I said,
we're here to see Professor Weisz.
I get it now.
You're Sibir's henchmen, aren't you?
If you leave now, I'll let you live.
Get out!
Hold on a second.
There's someone on the second floor.
Hey! Those are my goggles!
The second floor?
-There they are!
Magimech Attack…
Gravity Fist!
What is going on?
Did he run off?
Are you people working with Weisz?
Then give him this message.
Sibir the Mighty
will never forgive traitors.
What are you laughing at?
Not so threatening
coming from a naked dude.
-Buck naked.
There's even a river underground!
Sit normally, will you?
The Professor isn't here,
and we got attacked by some crazy guy.
What in the world is going on?
Isn't that guy the Professor?
He had the same name, right?
No, he was someone different.
I should have his photo.
Doesn't he resemble that guy?
That's what I was thinking too.
Maybe he developed a drug
that makes people younger,
but it wiped out his memory!
That's it!
But something doesn't quite make sense.
What? I can't connect to the net.
Me neither.
That's odd.
The network has always been great here.
Next in the news.
On Blue Garden,
a planet known for attracting immigrants,
Shooting Starlight, an Adventurers Guild
has just been established.
It has already attracted many adventurers,
and it is expected to promote
exploration of the cosmos.
That's the guild we're in.
I didn't know it was so new.
That was 50 years ago.
They just said on TV
that it was just established.
Maybe they're replaying old news.
Professor Weisz!
Rebecca! Happy! How have you been?
Looks like you've grown.
No, not a bit!
How are you doing, Happy?
-Aye! I'm great!
-Come on, Professor!
Let's live together on Blue Garden!
That planet is too bustling for me.
Then Happy and I will live here on Norma!
We want to be with you, Professor!
I can't let you do that.
Remember what I told you?
This planet is dying.
It's too frail for youngsters to live on.
Hey! We're still eating.
-I knew it.
-What's the matter?
The cars are very old models.
The machines are outdated too.
This is the world from 50 years ago.
This is Norma from 50 years ago!
Did we travel through time?
I don't know how it happened,
but there's no doubt about it!
Happy, what year is it now?
It's Cosmic Era X492.
Look at that digital sign!
That's 50 years ago!
We're 50 years into the past?
Then that guy who said
he's Professor Weisz…
That's Professor Weisz
when he was young!
Oh, no! 50 years ago!
I probably wasn't even born yet!
-Anyway, stay calm!
Speak for yourself.
We've got to find a way
to get back to our time!
How did this happen?
At any rate, it's time to live stream!
Our views will go through the roof!
We can't connect to the net.
-What'll we do about the Professor?
If this is the past, we can't do anything!
We could cause a time paradox.
I've found you.
Those are Weisz's pals!
What should we do with them, Sibir?
It's a giant robot!
It's Sibir's gang!
Run away!
You know you shouldn't steal, right?
If you're Weisz's comrades,
the jerk who stole from me,
then you're just as guilty!
Professor Weisz stole something?
You mean he's actually Professor Thief?
I won't let him have it.
This is mine.
No way in hell I'm letting
that damn Sibir have this.
-Where is Weisz?
I don't know.
He's the scumbag who stole my money!
Are you scumbags too? Are you?
Yes, I know!
My language isn't that foul, you know!
That guy's talking to a little bird.
Well, we're talking to a cat.
Sibir, let's beat them up!
Shut up! Zip it for a minute!
-Let's run while we've got the chance.
-How come?
Didn't I tell you?
We can't go messing around with the past.
If we do, it'll change the future.
I don't really get it.
But we should probably run away.
-Hey! They're trying to get away!
-You won't escape!
-Hold on tight!
-Not again!
We're falling sideways!
They're flying!
Eat shit!
Impossible! He's pushing back!
Weren't we supposed to leave things alone?
There really is no limit to your power.
Let's take this chance to hide!
-Shut your trap.
I know.
He'll be back for sure.
You can count on it.
May I have your order, kid?
Quit freaking out
over every alien you see!
Even though they look different,
aliens that live with humans have
language and culture similar to ours.
Strictly speaking,
you're an alien too in our eyes.
Alien friends!
-Be my friend--
-Cut that out!
Let's figure out what's going on.
I know what's going on.
The Professor stole something and ran off,
and we're now 50 years
into the past. Right?
The situation
is hopelessly impossible to understand.
All we can do is eat.
Is that right?
This bar is like a hideout
that the Professor told me about
fifty years in the future.
So I thought I just might find him here.
-I'm sorry…
It's you guys!
What are you doing here?
Just a second! Hear me out!
I saved this cat?
I helped you out?
And you guys came
from 50 years into the future?
I have proof.
Here. Look at this.
Is this some kind of joke?
My hairline is receding!
That's not my fault.
You expect me to believe
that kind of nonsense?
I guess you're right.
At any rate, I will believe
that you're not with Sibir.
We need your abilities
to return to our time, Professor.
Like I said, I'm not a professor!
-When will you become one?
-Can't you grow up faster?
Heck if I know!
Didn't you steal something
from those guys?
Is it in that case?
That is none of your business.
Maybe not, but stealing is wrong.
But on Granbell, the planet I lived on,
we had a job called "thief."
-A thief steals stuff, and…
-Say, who are those guys?
That's none of your business.
You've already done enough.
Stay out of it.
Especially if it's true that
you came from the future.
Don't go messing around in this era.
Just go back to the future quietly.
But we don't know how to get back!
What do I care?
My case!
My case is gone!
I switched jobs! I'm a thief now!
How do you like that?
Why you little…
What's inside this thing anyway?
What the heck happened?
I suddenly lost my power.
Your power?
My money!
That certainly is
a rough way to handle me, Master.
What the heck…
is that?
I do not see my master.
First, it's a giant robot.
Now it's a tiny robot.
I am an anti-bot android.
My name is EM Pino.
Please call me Pino.
It wasn't money?
-What happened?
A blackout?
I'm sorry.
It's because of my EMP.
Electromagnetic pulse.
It's a pulse that temporarily shuts down
all electronics.
I get it now.
No wonder your Ether Gear stopped working.
Please do not worry.
My ability lasts only a few seconds.
What? What happened? Did I stop working?
Thank goodness.
You really are a robot!
You've got incredible power.
Be my friend!
Have you got no shame?
Searching definition of "friend."
I do not believe
all the requirements have been met,
but request approved!
All right!
So it became his friend.
You'll have to go
on the waiting list.
I didn't want to be your friend anyway!
But anyway,
what the heck is going on here?
I thought the case was full of money.
Professor, were you
going to steal money from those guys?
You bet. Got a problem with it?
-Hey, what are you doing?
-Maybe this thing is worth something.
I was built by and belong to my master.
Therefore, I do not have a retail value.
I woke up because I thought
that I heard my master's voice.
Your master? You mean that jerk, Sibir?
Restoring damaged memory.
Sibir, my new master.
Sibir's orders must be obeyed.
Sibir's orders must be obeyed!
-What happened?
-Are you broken?
I am too frightened to disobey Sibir.
Sibir's orders must be obeyed.
Checking schedule!
Commencing transit to the destination.
Please wait…
Could it be…
Was that jerk Sibir planning to use
that EMP to make money?
With the EMP?
Like hacking digital currency?
This is the perfect chance
to take it for myself!
-What a scuzzball!
-What a scuzzball!
My luck is back!
No matter how poor you are,
you must never steal.
God is always watching, you know.
I heard you guys talking about Sibir.
I wouldn't mention that name lightly.
They're a gang of thieves
who've been ransacking the town.
If you get on their radar,
you won't get out of this town alive.
Isn't Professor…
I mean, isn't Weisz a regular at this bar?
Do you know anything about him?
That loser used to be one of Sibir's pals,
but he got out a little while back.
I don't know the details though.
So the Professor
was a thief when he was young.
I always thought he was a little odd.
What do we do now?
There's nothing we can do.
Let's make sure that
the Aqua Wing is in good condition,
then we'll return to Blue Garden.
I mean, our ship could have
functioned like a time machine.
Is it all right to leave
the Professor and Pino?
Like I've told you before,
this is the past.
We shouldn't get any more involved
than we already are.
But we became friends and all.
Not the Professor though.
Hey! Where did you get that?
Oh, I took it with me.
Also, look at this.
It was inside the case.
A B-Cube?
You shouldn't have taken it!
I switched jobs to a thief, after all.
You can't have it!
Isn't that the giant robot guy?
It's Sibir!
This video was taken a week ago.
I told you to dance, you piece of junk.
Don't forget.
You owe me for taking you in.
I have not been programmed
with that function.
-I am an anti-bot android.
I want to see the dance of an iron doll!
Please! Put me down!
If you won't dance,
then you don't need those legs.
No! Please don't!
Left leg damaged.
Hear that? It's damaged!
Restoring system to normal levels.
Who is your master?
My master is--
Delete all your memories
of your previous master.
I cannot do that!
They are precious memories!
Please do not make me do it!
Delete them! Do it yourself!
Wipe out your memory!
I cannot!
-You. Take it out and delete it.
-Yes, sir.
No! Don't delete it! Help me!
How cruel!
Want me to fix its leg?
It doesn't need it to do its job.
Just stick a screw on.
-Yes, I know!
I cannot remember…
my master,
and my leg was removed.
I want to go back
to my master.
I'll take you there!
-Don't try to stop me!
I don't care if this is the past.
My friend is crying!
I don't intend to stop you.
I won't stand for this either.
What's more, this case has
a record of its most recent maintenance.
X492. That's the time we're from!
In other words,
though I don't know how it happened,
Pino is an android from the future.
Pino traveled back in time like us.
If Sibir is using Pino to commit crimes,
then this is no time
to avoid getting involved!
Sibir is already messing up the past.
We have to stop him!
Wait for us,
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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