El embarcadero (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I'm not here to argue.
Come for a run?
-I'm hungover.
Alex, I promise to tell you the next
time I see husbands out walking dogs
or with strange women.
I promise.
I'm sorry.
I know I'm sometimes the worst friend
in the world. Sometimes!
Not always.
But I'm the only friend you have,
so you have to make up with me.
I went out last night.
But not in La Albufera,
I went to a bar.
-And I fooled around with a guy.
No-strings sex. Just how you like it.
Are you serious?
Tell me everything.
It was a bit crazy.
We chatted, had some shots
and then I took him
into the bathroom.
It turned me on.
We could have been discovered,
they were hammering on the door
-He ate you out?
In the bathroom?
-And? How was it?
But I saw my panties on the floor.
-So what?
-Well, it was a public bathroom.
It spoiled the mood.
-So we stopped.
-Wait a minute.
-Some guy is eating you out
-Keep it down.
Sorry! And you tell him to stop because
your panties are getting dirty.
-I don't understand.
-He understood perfectly.
We went to get a drink and were
chatting. He was a good guy.
-He told me he lived in Amsterdam
-Yeah, the usual conversation.
"Look, we were going to screw
but my panties are getting dirty
and I don't feel like it anymore."
-What's wrong with that?
-It is wrong, Alex.
If you're going to sleep around,
there are rules.
I'm sorry for not reading
the lover's handbook.
I shouldn't have told you.
Do you know why I'm not married?
Because I love my life.
I have my freedom,
I make my own decisions,
I spend the weekends with my daughter
with only our laundry to do,
no problems, arguments or worries.
But who is truly free?
We're all prisoners
of our fears, of our past
and of our arbitrary concepts
of right and wrong.
"Freedom and reality are constantly
bumping into one another
like the spheres on Newton's cradle.
And Orlando was going
to realize this one spring afternoon:
that freedom
and fear live on the same floor."
-Hey, Llum.
-Where's Verónica?
-She's over there.
-See you later.
-What are you doing here?
Well, I'm very interested
in seeing how rice is grown.
Really? Since when?
-Okay, should I explain it?
This is the rice inside the husk.
When it's in water it germinates
and the root grows.
This is the root.
There's some dirt,
but that's the root.
-That's rice?
-Yes, that right there.
Come on, I'll show you something.
This is my favorite smell.
Have you ever made love at work?
And not at your wife's either?
I'm pregnant.
Happiness always lives there:
alongside guilt.
Alongside danger.
Alongside fear.
-Hi, Martina.
-Some juice?
I know, it's a total mess.
When the washing machine broke
the other day it lifted the tiles.
Luckily Vicent came by help.
A friend.
I haven't introduced you, have I?
Vicent this is Martina.
-She's my roommate.
-Nice to meet you.
How's it going?
He might be able to help you too.
-Help me? With what?
Vicent has a boat.
He takes tourists out on it
to show them different birds.
He knows all the species
in this area.
Martina is a biologist.
She's here to do a study of the birds,
or something like that, right?
Which birds are you studying?
All of them.
Right now, I'm focusing
on the Grey heron,
the black starling
and the long-tailed duck.
I'm taking advantage
because when the season changes
they leave by the thousands,
because they don't have offspring
and don't need to come back to the nest.
Anyway, climate change is eradicating
the need for many of them to nest.
-Thanks for the juice.
-You're leaving?
Yeah, see you tomorrow.
-Have a good day.
-You too.
Hey, I'm sorry for coming in
without warning.
-I'll call ahead next time.
-Why would you do that?
Because I came in and
It probably sounds stupid, but
I saw the bed sheets were ruffled and
-I'm thinking,
"They've been having sex".
-We did have sex.
We had sex.
Right. I invaded your privacy,
I'm sorry.
You didn't invade anything, don't worry.
-I find it a little strange.
Because you're so hurt
by the loss of Oscar
and then you sleep with
I mean, it's like you say,
a good screw can brighten your day,
but, I don't know. It's a little
Look, Martina
Those are separate things.
Vicent and I have been friends
since we were kids
and we've always had sex.
We understand each other
on that level.
It's something natural between us.
That's all.
How long have you been
sleeping together?
I told you, we always have.
-So, you were cheating on Oscar?
-No, I've never cheated on anyone.
-You're saying it was consented?
-More or less, yeah.
-I don't know what more or less means.
-What's the problem here?
-Why are you like this? Are you okay?
-Yes, I mean no. I mean
Just ignore me, I'm talking nonsense.
At the end of the day,
you knew about his wife, so
Never mind, it's just hard for me
to understand this kind of thing.
Ignore me.
I've never cheated on anyone.
Oscar obviously knew everything.
It took him a while
to understand it too,
but later on
he even joined us from time to time.
I'm going to get Sol from school,
I don't want her coming on the bus.
-Are you alright?
-Yes, I'm fine! Really.
-Are you sure?
-See you later.
Do you have a second? Let's see
-What is this?
-Oscar's paperwork.
I've been looking through them
and there are very strange transfers.
For example, here:
1,2 million, 15,000,
and the origin changes, like here:
the Cayman Islands, Panama,
they all sound like tax havens.
The amounts are weird, I've never
seen this money in my life.
-What are you looking for?
-I'm looking for amounts, because
-What exactly are you looking for?
I'm trying to find out
who my husband was.
At this
At this point,
I'm not sure if he was
the man that I had
a mortgage with
and who was the love of my life,
though I clearly wasn't his,
because he spent all his time
in La Albufera
living in flip flops
with a woman and his daughter.
And now I think he might have been
laundering money for Casteleiro.
Casteleiro SLU.
He also had threesomes on weekends
with a gentleman who owns a boat.
He smoked weed.
He liked marijuana.
-He seemed like
-Take it easy, Mrs. Leyva.
-I think you're having a panic attack.
No, I'm fine. It's just that I
-We didn't even go to nudist beaches.
-Take a seat, please.
-It's a little hot in here.
-Please try to breathe.
It's just that when I wear my glasses,
I get a little dizzy and
-Drink some water and try and breathe.
-Thank you.
It's a little hot. I'm
-The joints and the little girl
-Just try and breathe.
-Focus on your breathing.
-The joints.
-Mrs. Leyva, look at my eyes.
What color are they?
What color are my eyes?
Now try and breathe more slowly.
-Just relax.
Look at me. Are you taking anything?
-Are you sure?
We're going to the session now
and ask the therapist
to prescribe you something.
No, I don't want to take anything.
I need to be aware.
I need to know what happened
and if I was responsible for any of it,
I want it to hurt.
I need it to hurt.
To me, guilt is
what floats around, beside you,
after a suicide.
I felt it, too.
And I started to write down
all the reasons I could think of
to feel guilty about my wife's death.
The guilt of marrying a woman
who was out of my league.
Of waiting for years for her
to get tired of guys hurting her
so I could ask her to marry me.
Of letting her go party and enjoy life,
while I was on duty.
"The whore who went out
without her husband."
Letting her be the talk of the town
and the subject of gossip.
And for being the cop who did nothing
when she was raped
leaving the county fair.
Nobody believed her.
Not even the judge.
And I thought,
"What if they're right?"
I did nothing.
I let people talk,
ended up fighting with one or two.
That was pain.
I wasn't capable of giving her
a new life or asking for a transfer.
So she hanged herself in the garage.
It's taken me three years to learn
that those who take their lives are
the only ones responsible for it.
Thank you, Conrado.
We'll finish there for today.
Thank you all.
-Shall we?
-Could you wait for me downstairs?
I need to speak to the therapist.
I have to get back to the studio.
-Another time?
How are you, Conrado?
-You spoke very well.
-I'm better. Feeling good.
In fact, I've decided
to start coming off my meds.
I've been doing this for three years
and I feel like I'm over it.
I think it's time
to gradually get back to living.
I'd rather you continued
for a few more months.
I get that, but I want to do this.
I need to do it.
To face up the reality with its pain
and anything else it throws at me.
Okay, if you feel ready,
we'll give it a try.
You have to take it slowly.
Reduce it by a quarter for two months
and we'll see how you go, okay?
So this guy comes down,
all suited and booted, and says,
"I'm the minister."
He starts asking me all these
questions and then he says,
"I think what is required here
is a marine unit."
"A marine unit?
We have one of those, look."
And there was Vicent.
I've gotten Verónica pregnant.
-What are you going to do?
-We haven't discussed it yet.
-A child changes everything.
-I know, I can't stop thinking about it.
-It also changes women completely.
-I know.
I've thought about it a lot
and I think I know why.
Them releasing one egg a month
and us releasing millions of sperm
is downright weird.
Why is that weird?
Because you appreciate something more
when you know it will run out.
What the hell are you talking about?
We could never have the same
paternal feeling as they do, asshole.
How many times can a woman
get pregnant? Only a few.
And how many women
can we get pregnant?
As many as we want.
That's true.
-What's up, man. You missing me?
-I got Verónica pregnant, Fran.
Jesus, man. Congratulations.
I'm really fucking happy for you.
-How are you?
-I mean, a kid changes everything, Fran.
-Well, so be it.
-It's about time, don't you think?
-Yes! I guess so.
Oscar, look at me. Look at me.
Alex will be fine, okay?
You'll live with whoever you want.
With Verónica, who’s wonderful,
and you're having a baby, man.
-It's awesome.
It's going to piss and shit on you.
You'll never get any sleep again,
but it’s awesome, man.
Everything is going
to be alright, okay?
It's the flashing neon light, man.
Believe me.
Hi, Martina. We're having a memorial
service for Oscar this afternoon.
I'd like you to be there. Take care.
You have four new messages.
[In German] Oscar, we're pulling
the plug on the deal
Oscar, it's Vicent. You called me.
-Where have you been all morning?
-At the bank, it took them hours.
-Are you okay?
-Yes! Yes, what about you?
What's happening here? Any news?
There's definitely news,
I just don't know what.
-What's up?
-Big Boss is behaving strangely.
He seems the same as ever.
That little wave, the smile
Something's going on, I'm telling you.
I'm going to find out.
No, it's in one block only.
Can I call you back?
What's going on?
And don't say 'nothing'.
-I can tell by your wave and smile.
-I've left my wife.
-Because we weren't getting on.
I've sensed things were off for a while
and after what happened to Oscar,
I made up my mind.
Wow, the things his death
reveals for everyone.
Is this really the time
to be disrespectful?
I'm sorry.
I didn't expect you
to be happy for me, but
a "How are you? Can I do anything?"
What friends say.
How are you?
Just one thing.
Does you leaving your wife
change things between us?
-That depends.
-Does it for you?
No, everything is great as it is.
Sometimes good news can fall on us
with the force of a nuclear bomb
and a devastating effect
it's hard to recover from.
Just like the news
of my pregnancy on my marriage.
"This was the only time in our lives
Orlando and I felt like
we couldn't take on the world."
Do you think Oscar wanted a child with
Verónica because Alex didn't want one?
Frankly, no.
-So, I have good news, darling.
Do you know the only thing
men want out of life? To pollinate.
To pollinate their wives,
lovers, everyone.
-Pollinate, pollinate, pollinate.
-Don't be so old-school.
Nowadays, there are men
who look after their kids.
-They love them and educate them.
-Because they have to.
They have to bathe them, because
their wives are on the front line.
Where’s this remorse coming from?
It's not remorse.
It's statistics.
Do you know how many
women get cheated on?
The majority of us.
Your mother, my daughter
and myself, of course,
could all be the stars of this novel.
I see you're over
what happened 25 years ago.
Over it? This isn't about
getting over it. We're fighting.
Look, the novel would be
much more interesting for me,
if it was about a man who was really
in love with two people.
Madly in love.
Madly in love?
Madly in love!
That's not bad. Madly in love.
Hey, what would you say if I invited
you to collaborate on this novel
and gave you 10% of the profits.
Great. How much would that be?
-About 4,000?
-What do you want 4,000 euros for?
For a trip.
-A trip?
-I want to take someone to New York.
Someone older?
-I'll tell you about it some time.
But don't let them pollinate you.
"The first time Orlando toyed
with the idea of being a father,
he said yes and his wife said no."
A year on, facing the same dilemma,
Orlando lost it.
He thought that if in 2000 years
we hadn't freed ourselves
from our catholic guilt,
how was he going to in 50 damned
weeks by his lover's side."
I've been thinking a lot
about the baby and
I don't know,
maybe we should talk it over,
or make a decision, maybe it's not the
ideal situation to bring a baby into?
What situation would that be?
Being born of something so primal?
-The likes of which we partake in.
What I mean is,
I'm not here all the time,
the trips and work
-But we knew that.
-That's not what I mean.
A child changes everything, my love.
A child needs a father.
-A child changes your life.
-We won't let it. I don't care.
-Well, I do, dammit.
What's wrong?
What is it? Are you alright?
Alejandra got pregnant last year.
And, for a second,
I thought it was the answer.
That it would fix things.
A sign for me to stay there
and not come back here.
But she had an abortion.
I've felt like shit ever since.
A bastard incapable of deciding
if he should be there, or here.
I don't want to hurt her.
I don't want to hurt you either.
I'm sorry but I can’t have
a baby with you.
-I'm sorry, I can't.
Shall we put the flowers on?
Here, you put those ones on.
This is the last one.
"Nobody can escape
that which is truly wild.
At least we can't.
We, who grew up here in La Albufera.
We, who were born among shotguns
and learned how to steer boats
before riding a bike.
We, the grandchildren of those
who ate only rats during the war.
We, who know that if you don't put
eels in fresh water for two weeks,
they taste of earth."
How long?
Eight weeks.
-But have you done a test or something?
-Of course. I did two.
-So, you're
-I'm pregnant.
-Why didn't you tell me, sweetie?
When could I have?
Recently, you're always gone.
-Anyway, I needed time to take it in.
-I'm done with all that.
It's all over with. The long lunches,
the weekends away, the trips to
-Listen to me, please.
I'm staying here for good.
Listen to me, honey. I won't be here.
We're starting work
on the Shanghai Tower.
The Shanghai Tower isn't important.
We're having a baby.
-We're having a baby, love.
-It is important.
It's an incredibly important step
in my career.
You go to Frankfurt four days a week,
I'm going to China for eleven months.
We'll have one later on.
Or we just throw everything out
the window and start from scratch.
We can start from scratch, it's okay.
How can we have a baby now?
Shanghai is not a cool place.
You can build one here, in Castellón,
or in Benicassim.
Hey, drank it all. That's great.
A kiss for Martina?
Goodnight, Martina.
Let's go.
-It's not
-Oscar, I'm here.
And this baby will be here with me.
And if you don't want
to be part of it, it's okay.
I won't ask you for anything.
I never have.
But I can do this.
I already love it.
And it doesn't have to be in your
life if you don't want it to.
Or in your feelings of guilt
for your wife or
the life of that baby
who was never born, Oscar.
This baby is simply a person
on their way to being,
so you can get ready to know it,
if you want.
Look what I was sent.
Tomorrow is the reading
of the will.
And I can't stop
thinking that tomorrow
Oscar's wife will find out he has
a daughter, in an attorney's office.
This situation is a mess.
-It really is.
-This isn't
This isn't fair, Martina.
I can't let her find out like that.
-What will you do?
-I don't know.
Call her? Send her an email?
-An email?
Are you serious?
What would you put in the header
for something like that?
"I was screwing your husband
and, hey, we have a daughter."
What I have to do is go
and talk to her myself.
That's what I have to do.
I I think that
that's what attorneys are for.
They don't charge that much money
just to sign documents,
they're there to resolve
these types of situations too.
Put yourself in her place.
You go to the reading of your
husband's will, alone and in a mess,
and suddenly, this suit
who you don't know from Adam,
tells you your husband was leading
a double life, and not only that,
he also had a daughter.
What happens if you need to scream
or you need to cry
and you're there with a suit
that you don't know from Adam.
What do you do? Ask him to hold you?
Shit. I can't do that to her.
The least she deserves
is to be alone.
So, I have to go
and tell her myself.
I'll go find his ID card.
His address has to be on it.
Verónica told me she's coming to my
house tomorrow to tell me everything.
I know!
I've been going to the Albufera
Alex, this is getting out of control.
Don't you realize this is mental
torture? You're not living your life.
What life? My life is a lie, Katia.
I don't have a real life,
I've never had one.
It's crazy, you're right.
But when she comes tomorrow,
she'll know everything.
You don't understand.
I do understand,
you're losing control.
Oscar was fired five
years ago, right?
Well, he was depositing money
in tax havens every month.
-What was he into?
-I don't know, I'm trying to find out.
There's this guy who owns a boat
and he was his best friend,
They had threesomes
Well, that's another story.
What matters is, I think
he's involved in Oscar's death.
Listen to me.
Listen, to this. Wait.
Oscar, it's Vicent. I need you to come
for your stuff. I can't keep it anymore.
What was he keeping for him?
I don’t know and I need to find out,
and the only way I can is
if she doesn't know who I am.
So what are you going to do?
I need you to pretend to be me
when she comes by my house.
-Do you realize what you're asking?
-I can't do something like that.
-You can.
-Do it for me, Katia.
Ask me anything else, Alex.
Anything at all, but I won't do that.
-I need you to do it.
-I can't.
-I'm begging you, please. Please.
All good. I'm getting off the plane
at Santo Domingo.
I'll take the ferry
to Panama in a few hours.
You'll have the money
in two days, okay?
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