El Mantequilla (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Adolfino Matamoros: Capitán del ejército

All characters, plots, situations
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
-[Margarita] Emiliano!
I already told you to not use my makeup.
We have to go.
And we can't draw attention, so move it.
-Get your backpack and bring my things.
-[sirens approach]
-[banging on door]
[officer] Mrs. Escamilla, open the door!
-[banging on door continues]
-[Margarita pants]
Go to your room. Now.
-No! Get out. Emiliano!
-Margarita Escamilla, you're under arrest
for being Butter Man's accomplice,
on charges of fraud
-and identity theft.
-Let him go.
Hey, relax.
Call the orphanage to come get the boy.
-[Emiliano] Stop! Stop!
This is so fucking annoying.
Mom, why didn't you tell me?
I can help you. Leave it there. Come.
Don't touch me, son of a bitch.
You abandoned me.
You betrayed me, you son of a bitch.
-You left us
-Look at me.
-in this fucking town. Don't touch me!
It's me. It's your son. It's your son.
Look at me. Are you okay?
-Oh, my son.
-Yes, it's me. Come.
[stutters] I just
I had to go to the bathroom.
You already did, Mom. Come.
That's why the doctor said
to use the bedpan,
so this doesn't happen to you.
Well, yeah, but the day you have
to clean up my piss, please kill me.
I just don't want to have to take you
-to the hospital again.
-I don't care if you kill me.
-Let's see.
-Why don't you
take your medication like the doctor said?
-[sighs] What's the point? Really.
I don't want to live anymore.
What do you mean, what's the point?
It means everything to me, Mom.
-Take this.
-Let me see.
Plus, I want you to see
what I'm going to pull off.
What's that?
My uniform.
-Oh, it's Monday. I didn't make breakfast.
-No, no, no.
-I haven't dressed you.
I already ate breakfast.
I can dress myself. Look.
My boy is so big now. [laughs]
He gets dressed by himself.
How do I look? Mmm?
I made it myself.
-Fat. [laughs]
It's my disguise.
-Is there a festival, or what?
-There is.
-Are you leaving now?
-Yes, but I'll be back soon. Okay?
Well, let's see if I'm still alive
when you come back.
Don't talk nonsense.
Mmm. [chuckles]
[Margarita] Handsome.
Famous stolen Dodé reappears
and is stolen again!
They're here for you.
What about me, Pedro?
You're not going to get me out?
All of this was your fault.
I don't know, Becky.
Why don't you get a good lawyer?
[door opens]
-[keys jingle]
-[door closes]
-[person] Police?
-[officer] Yes, sir.
[car door opens]
[car doors close]
[engine turns on]
[Botello] Captain, I appreciate
that you came to personally bail me out.
[smacks lips]
Botello, what's a lawyer's job?
A good lawyer, uh,
defends and represents
his clients' interests in legal matters.
Do you think that the deposits
I've made into your account
for more than 20 years
would make me one of your clients?
Captain, you are my most important client.
Ah, very good.
Then, explain something to me:
Why the hell is your client
getting his lawyer out of legal trouble?
I sincerely apologize, Captain.
You withdrew the painting
without my authorization.
Well, you told me to fix the problem.
And assets are good
for fixing mistakes, so
Then you auctioned off the painting.
Well, to fix the problem.
And did you fix it?
Not only did you not fix it,
you got conned.
Then they stole the painting from you.
Why, Botello? Why? Why?
Well, I decided to take a risk.
-I miscalculated.
No, no, no.
Because you're a dumbass.
-Is that clear?
Say it then. Let's see.
Why did you get arrested in Acapulco?
-Because I'm a dumbass.
You know well what ends up happening
to dumbasses sooner or later, right?
Please, Captain. No. I swear that I
-[captain] Go to hell.
-[bodyguard] Get down, asshole. Get down.
-[sobs] Please, Captain.
[Botello sobs]
[car door closes]
Ah. [pants]
[panting continues]
Mr. Botello was on the list of people
who were detained.
Ooh, darling,
that guy took off like a bat out of hell.
Some people get lucky, right?
The order came from above.
What do you mean, from above?
Who can I speak to about this?
My boss went to the beach
and won't come back until next Monday.
-I can tell you where to find him.
-[whispers] Becky.
Let me question the detained woman.
And if you'd give him a little scare,
you'd do me a big favor.
Who are you?
Becky Noriega. Gallery owner.
Tell me, Mrs. Noriega,
what was your relation to Mr. Botello?
Strictly professional.
I met him ten years ago,
because I got him a special price
on a spectacular Rafael Coronel
which, by the way, he gave to a judge.
I'm sure it was to bribe him.
But why did the attorney
go to the auction?
He was very interested in selling a Dodé.
He was desperate to get cash.
And what was your role in all this action?
Oh, no, I only contacted Fernando Lacrosse
because I knew he was the best person
to get the highest price for that piece.
-He's so ungrateful
-Who's this Fernando Lacrosse?
-A fucking twiggy fruitcake.
-Hey now.
That big-nosed neurotic guy
played us all for fools.
Mexico City
[door closes]
[teacup clinks]
Captain Robles, it's an honor.
And you are?
Captain Antelio Matamoros,
at your service. Good evening.
Tell me, how can I help you?
I don't know if you're aware
of a military operation
that we're carrying out
in international waters,
where we arrested
the criminal Fernando Lacrosse on a boat.
I don't know the details
of that operation.
We confiscated
a very valuable piece of art.
As you'll find out,
it was easy to tell where it came from.
I still don't understand
how this is relevant.
Our investigation lead us
to Pedro Botello, Captain.
He told us that art piece
is part of your personal collection.
I've always acknowledged and appreciated
the precise and discreet participation
of the Mexican Navy
in criminal affairs.
How did that piece
get into your hands, Captain?
The last time anyone had seen it,
it'd been stolen by Jacinto Buenaventura.
Do you remember Butter Man?
It was 20 years ago.
I find it strange
that someone of your rank
is doing investigative work.
-It's a simple question.
You know very well that people of our rank
receive more gifts
than we can even open, right?
I don't investigate every gift's origin.
-I understand.
Well, I have to tend to other matters.
I appreciate your visit, yeah?
My pleasure, Captain. Excuse me.
[door opens, closes]
How was your beach vacation?
[scoffs] Do you never leave here, or what?
Don't you have a home?
The news is my home. Look.
Ah, yes, I saw it this morning.
No, thank you.
I owe you one.
Did you get anything?
Will you share the commission, or what?
No, but you'll be able to rest easy
knowing you contributed
to help a poor, hungry young man
from Chignahuapan, Puebla
has enough to eat tomorrow.
Wow, cry me a river. Please.
Well, turns out that the Acapulco con job
involved a guy whose physical description
matches the one of the guy
who conned Don Plutarco de Guzmán.
-Elena, do you know what that means?
-Yes, Pablo.
But, easy now.
-We have to confirm it.
Garduño, your pieces have people talking.
We've received calls
asking for more on this topic.
Honestly, I'm just as surprised as you,
considering that your writing
leaves much to be desired.
I'm going to work on that, sir. I promise.
You better, because I don't work
with wannabe journalists.
But the newspaper editor asked me
to make space to follow this story.
-That's right.
We'll publish a weekly column
on the new Butter Man,
so I hope you're up to the task.
[exhales, hisses]
-[assistant] Miss
-[Elena chattering]
I already said you can't come in.
The lawyer is very busy.
Did you forget
to use sunblock in Acapulco, sir?
I'm sorry, sir. I tried to stop her, but
-I've been waiting for 20 minutes.
-You don't have an appointment.
-He only sees people by appointment.
-[Botello] It's okay, honey.
Don't worry. I'll see her.
Thank you.
-What do you want now?
-[door closes]
To know why the Dodé was in your hands
before the underground auction
you attended.
If this isn't part
of an official interrogation,
I don't have to answer anything.
You do know that painting
fell off the face of the earth years ago
when Butter Man stole it, right?
Just for that alone, sir,
I could issue a warrant against you.
-But, well, the painting wasn't mine.
-Whose was it then?
One of my many tasks
that comes from being a lawyer
is managing assets and securities
for many of my clients,
with whom I have signed
strict confidentiality agreements.
Sooner or later,
I'm going to get your client's name.
If you want all your questions answered,
why don't you talk to you-know-who?
In the meantime,
if you don't have a court order,
I'm going to kindly ask you
to leave my office, "Detective."
Go on.
-[footsteps departing]
-[door opens, closes]
[reporters chatter]
I told you not to break the story.
I needed to verify it,
but you didn't care.
This is the last one I give you,
if you won't give a shit about what I say.
-[Emiliano as Manríquez] Good afternoon.
-[reporters] Good afternoon.
[reporter] Come on, it's gonna start.
Dear members of the press,
first off, I want to thank you
for joining us again
at this press conference.
Without further ado, I'll leave you
with the man known until today
as "Butter Man."
For 20 years,
I've been in locked up in this jail
serving Jacinto Buenaventura's sentence.
I'm not Butter Man.
-[reporter 1] What?
-[reporter 2] That's impossible.
[Renato] I was hired to pose as him.
My real name is Renato Sánchez,
but I've never been,
I am not,
nor will I ever be the true Butter Man.
[reporters chatter]
[Pablo] Did you know?
[footsteps approaching]
Did you call me, Captain?
What the hell were you doing
at the beach yesterday?
And why were you at the press conference
at the prison, like some gossip reporter?
The Acapulco thing
was about the lawyer Pedro Botello.
He was arrested at an auction
Yes, yes. I read the newspaper, Elenita.
But Botello already dropped the charges
in the Don Plutarco case.
Your case is closed.
Pedro Botello is the piece that links
Don Plutarco's identity theft
and fraud case
with the Dodé con job in Acapulco.
Botello defended the true Butter Man
in 1963.
-It's too much of a coincidence.
-You're back on that one?
It doesn't prove anything
that the same lawyer represented
Butter Man 20 years ago
and, now, Don Plutarco.
But why was Botello at the Dodé auction?
Butter Man stole the painting.
If Botello made a mistake,
it was wanting to sell stolen property.
Plus, no one asked you
to investigate that.
Stop wasting time
and stop wasting my resources
on a matter no one asked you to pursue.
Unless you want to go back
to being a secretary.
[whistle blows]
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Did you bring my Dodé?
[Emiliano] No.
I brought you something better.
I think someone like you
should be informed.
I went to the trouble
of bringing you the newspaper.
What do you want?
To advise you it's only a matter of time
until Botello speaks out,
until he breaks this down,
and calls you out
as being solely responsible
for finding a scapegoat
to serve Butter Man's sentence.
[Robles] Botello.
Botello would never betray me.
But if he doesn't, I will.
I have enough information
to sink you, Captain.
If you actually had information,
you would've already done it.
[clicks tongue] That's where you're wrong.
I'll give you one last chance
before the shit hits the fan, Robles.
I'm not going after you.
I want you to tell me
where to find Butter Man,
the true Butter Man.
I wish I could tell you that.
I don't have a clue where he is.
As you wish, Robles.
Yes, I was the police chief at that time.
But my predecessor made the deal,
Captain Rodríguez.
If I'm not mistaken,
when Renato Sánchez was arrested,
Rodríguez had already retired.
Yes, but Rodríguez
was still giving orders.
-They already gave me the post, yes,
but he still was in charge of the role.
Why should I believe you?
Because of the painting. The Dodé.
Butter Man gave it to Rodríguez,
and Rodríguez gave it to me
as a sign of thanks for my cooperation.
For staying silent.
Years later, I realized that in reality,
he did it to implicate me
in the whole thing,
to be able to blame me
if they came for him one day.
He's the only one
who knows where Butter Man is.
He's the only one who had,
and who has, contact with him.
Even if all this is true,
Rodríguez will deny it.
I agree, but there's
another piece of evidence.
A ruby necklace
that has an "M" on the back.
Butter Man stole it back then.
It was news.
Rodríguez has it now.
It's one of the things Butter Man gave him
so he'd let him disappear.
I appreciate your cooperation, Robles.
See you around.
Butter Man 1963
Captain - Head of the
[partner] Elena. [laughs]
Uh, I have to go.
[doorbell rings]
-[partner] Yes?
-Hi, I'm Pablo.
[partner] Pablo who?
The journalist.
Oh, come in. [laughs]
-Thank you.
Pablo's here to see you.
What are you doing here?
Who gave you my address?
Beto. I think that guy
would trade his son for a sandwich.
Uh, would you like coffee?
-Of course. Thanks so much.
-And you?
Elena, they gave me a weekly column.
You gotta give me an exclusive.
I don't know what to do.
I can't give you any more information
without obstructing the investigation.
Why don't you write about yesterday?
Butter Man is not Butter Man.
I think you can make some good money.
I'll leave you two. I'm going to shower.
Is that girl your roommate?
She's pretty, huh? And really cool too.
Hey, I have to go.
You also have to go, Pablo.
Coming. I'll just finish the coffee.
I won't be long.
-[Elena] Pablo.
Your roommate was so pretty.
[bodyguard] Here's the investigation
report you asked for, Captain.
What did you find?
There really is a Captain Matamoros.
He reported a robbery at his house
nine months ago.
What did they steal?
His baptismal medallion,
his late wife's
engagement and wedding rings.
And his passport.
That's right.
-Are there pictures of this person?
-Yes, Captain. At the back of the file.
[Emiliano] Send me everything there,
to Hacienda La Chavelita in Guada
Yeah, that's the one.
-[pan sizzling]
-To José Alfredo "Mockingbird" Cruz.
Yes, he's speaking. At your service.
Of course, just tell me how much it will
-Ugh, son of a fucking bitch.
-[sizzling continues]
What is it, son?
[Emiliano] No, Mom.
For a fucking mixer and some microphones?
Okay, then. Whatever. Yeah, send it.
All right.
-There you go.
-My egg?
No, you finished it yesterday.
Don't you remember?
-Do you know if Butter Man stole
-[pouring drink]
a white gold choker necklace
that had a ton of small stones
and one big one in the center?
Yeah. [clears throat]
The ruby necklace your dad gave me.
Where are you going?
No, tell me what you want. I'll get it.
-Don't get up. I'll go.
-Wait, kid, I'm not crippled.
Look. It's this one.
Oh. [sighs]
Your dad engraved an "M" for Margarita.
Well, for himself too
That letter united us.
-What happened to that necklace?
-Those dickheads stole it.
Damned corrupt police,
they steal everything.
[doorbell rings]
Medal of Merit
Captain Cuauhtémoc Robles
Sir, you have a visitor.
Hello, Dad.
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