El marginal (2016) s01e04 Episode Script

Capítulo 4

A Netflix Original Series
Thank you for coming,
Your Honor.
I always come to
this restaurant.
Their homemade cakes
are sublime.
Palacios, I don't have
any time to waste.
I don't enjoy seeing you,
especially with
that stupid smile.
My daughter has disappeared.
It seems it was
a mistake to hire
two lowlifes like you.
You may see us as lowlifes,
guys from the outskirts,
But you, Your Honor
Using your position
as a national judge
to steal from
a bunch of criminals.
I don't know
which is worse.
Let's get to the point.
In the very moment that
we give you information
about your daughter,
you will be saving yourself
several million.
The arrangement we made
seems a little unfair,
doesn't it?
How much
are we talking about?
Three hundred
thousand dollars.
It's less than 10%
of what is at stake.
Your daughter's life,
of course.
And that of my brother,
whose neck is on the line.
Do you know
where Lunita is?
That depends.
Depends on what?
On whether you're
willing to pay or not.
It doesn't depend on
whether I'm willing
to pay or not anymore.
Now it depends on
whether I want to
let you live or not.
Hands up, police!
Morcilla's had it.
Morci? Let's see.
Is that fat fairy
playing dead?
No, he's really dead.
May he rest in peace.
What happened to you?
PASTOR: A whole bucket
of oil fell on me.
My brother says to
put him in the fridge
over there.
And if he doesn't fit,
to cut him in half.
What? Scared about
cutting up the fatty?
No, but I respect the dead.
Ah! Back to being
That defect of yours
is a bummer.
A real bummer!
This has to remain a secret.
Until my brother
and the manager
know what to do
with Morci's body.
Let's get on with it.
No, only joking.
Let's take him.
Oh. Oh.
At last, you dumbass.
This is the one.
No it isn't,
it was number 17.
I told you, number 17.
I said number 17.
You said that number 17
was the entrance
to the villa, idiot.
Come on.
Do you think
it's Morcilla?
How could it be Morcilla?
Luna told me that
it was a fat guy and
that she gave it to him.
She lied to you.
She sold you rotten fish.
You told me yourself that
Morcilla was all cut up.
Yes, the guys from
the Sub-21 did it.
I saw him in
the shower with a bad arm.
There he is.
There's Diosito.
Stop, go back a little.
There he goes.
He was careful
with the cameras,
the bastard.
No, you idiot.
That's not Morcilla.
And the girl told you
it was the fat guy.
Really funny, asshole.
Bingo. Son of a bitch.
There's Cesar.
The guy who was with the girl
is the kid from the Sub-21.
We'll have to find out.
Gustavo Sosa's wife?
How are you? I'm Emma.
Oh. Ms. Emma.
Thank you for seeing me.
No, please.
How can I help you?
I'm a little worried.
I know that you did
everything properly.
They told me that.
The director told me that
you're not involved.
Come with me.
Let's sit down over here.
What happened?
My mother-in-law received
a call from the jail.
My mother-in-law isn't well,
she has heart problems.
I came on Wednesday
to visit my husband,
and they told me
that he was in hospital.
The director said
that it wasn't serious.
The director
attended you personally?
Very attentive,
the director.
He told me that
he had gastroenteritis,
but that I
shouldn't say anything
as it's a virus
that came from in here.
I left more or less
But afterwards
we received that call.
My mother-in-law answered it
and they told her
that it was the jail.
I thought it was Gustavo,
but it wasn't.
It was somebody else.
It was somebody
who didn't want
to give their name.
And they said that
That my husband is dead.
That somebody shot him.
Not here in the jail.
He was shot in the street,
that's what they told me.
I know it must be someone
who had it in for him,
and that's why
they said it.
But it worried me
and I came here.
Don't worry.
Don't worry, I'll help you.
I want to talk
to you, Kalina.
I've been looking for you.
Look, I don't understand
much about psychology
methods and all that.
But from the little
that I do know,
I'm sure that
you're taking it too far.
Don't play dumb.
Be careful about
getting too close to
your patients, understand?
No, I'm not sure
that I do understand.
I'm telling you
that you leaked Emma's
report to Diosito Borges.
What you're saying
offends me.
It's a very serious
Yes, a very serious
I can report you for this.
It's already become serious.
And because one
of your patients
Counselor Molinari.
I cannot allow that.
I let other things go.
So be very careful.
Keep that rotten
bastard under control.
Don't let him
overstep the mark,
because I'll make sure
that you pay for his mistakes.
Do you understand?
I cannot be held
responsible for one
of my patient's actions.
You can if
you're an accomplice.
easily scared, Lunati.
In case there's any doubt,
I took the necessary
So don't think I'm an idiot.
You are an idiot.
But if you try
to extort me,
then you're the king
of the idiots.
There are several people
who know about this.
Discreet people
who don't go around
telling everybody
their secrets.
Unless something
unexpected happens.
Do you think I care
what people are saying?
My daughter has disappeared.
I fear for her life.
As if you loved her,
If you really cared
about her life
we would already
have made an agreement
and wouldn't be
here wasting time.
Fine. I'll give you the money
that you're asking for.
That's the right decision.
My brother has some details
about the whereabouts
of your daughter.
Where is she?
It's not that
I don't trust you,
but I'd like to be sure
of the payment of
the 300,000 first.
We can make
the transaction today.
You go and collect
the cash,
and we'll go to somewhere
where I have a deposit box.
Don't worry,
your daughter is fine.
As soon as I have
the money, I'll keep
my side of the deal.
So you know where she is?
No, I didn't say that.
I said we will keep
our side of the deal.
Hey. Get out.
Get out!
Hey, you fag.
We've come to knock you up.
We're going to ask
you something, asshole.
This morning
in the warehouse
you came across a man.
He had a hood.
Who was he?
I don't know.
Why are you asking me?
What are you doing,
you asshole?
Why are you hitting me?
Shut your mouth.
You bastard.
Don't play dumb.
You know what
we're talking about.
The man came from behind,
you grabbed him
and hugged him.
Tell me the truth,
you fag.
Suck my dick.
I'm not a snitch.
Shut your mouth.
Stop, don't hit me.
Talk then, you scum.
If you don't
I'll break your ass.
CESAR: Suck my dick.
What do you want
with Cesar?
What's going on?
I'll give it to you, I will.
You can keep this toothpick,
I already ate, asshole.
EL ENANO: Take them.
What are you
looking at, dumbass?
Your days are numbered here.
Take it.
INMATE: Don't you know
how to count, Colombian?
Take it, dumbass. Go on.
Take it, idiot.
Take it!
Are you okay, kid?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Yes, I am.
I've been talking
to your sister.
She said she has
no problem with you
staying at her house.
But I never speak to her,
or even see her.
It'll be
a real reunion then.
What does her husband say?
He never liked me.
I don't know, I suppose
he's decided to give
you another chance.
She was the one
who offered.
Look, Emma,
I don't want to
deflate your hope
or be negative,
but I can't see
myself out there.
How will I make a living?
Who would give me work?
All my resume says
is that I've been
in here all my life.
Lots of people will
help you. I told you we
have lots of connections.
And everything
that you've learned
about carpentry
will help you a lot.
I'll recommend you.
You know that
I love you a lot.
You're very
important to me.
Yes, but at my age
and with my past,
who would ever give me a job?
What is it?
What are you so afraid of?
Why won't you tell me?
It'll do you good.
You were worried about
where you would go
when you get out.
That's resolved now.
I don't know.
I don't know, Emma.
I won't be able to do it.
I don't know.
I don't even remember
what it's like outside.
I'll have to
learn everything again
like a little boy.
I don't know how
to cross the street.
I don't know how
to get on a bus.
Not to mention how to
speak to a stranger.
Sometimes I imagine myself
crossing the threshold
with my bag and
I don't know.
Maybe I'm going crazy.
(SOBBING) I feel like
they're throwing me
in a cage.
What's more,
my friends are in here,
they're like my family.
There's you.
And I'll be outside.
You're like my
family too, you know?
It'll all be okay.
You mustn't worry.
Quite a blow, my friend.
A stupid thing,
I did it myself
like an idiot.
The Borges' are
really amped up.
A crazy guy got into
the cleaning warehouse.
He had a hood.
I think I know
who that idiot was.
What do you want, dude?
I'm just letting you know.
I don't care
what you do, Pastor.
Don't ever get involved
with those assholes.
Cover your ass.
Thank you.
Put onion on it.
Onion makes it
heal quicker.
I need to ask you a favor.
A favor?
You need a favor?
Yes, how can I help you?
I need somebody
from your team
to see Verruga.
He's getting out
in a few days.
I'm very sorry,
but the whole
team is exhausted
from the shifts, you know?
I'm asking as
a personal favor.
It's very important to me.
I have been talking to him
but our chats aren't enough.
Please. It would do him
a lot of good, really.
It's great that
you talk to him,
You're good at your job.
But at the moment
I cannot allow
any kind of favoritism.
Because afterwards,
any little thing that I do,
tiny, minimal,
and Antin will come
after me, you see.
Okay. Thanks for nothing.
What a bummer.
I'm really in need.
I'm short of cash.
My lawyer's asking for it.
Lawyers are such a pain.
Know how much do
they pay at the workshops?
In carpentry or
They're real leeches.
They take it all from you.
Come here, listen.
Come on, man. Get out.
My brother's about
to make a big move.
If you want I can ask him
if he needs manpower.
Okay, fine. Yes.
What's it about?
I'll let him tell you that.
He doesn't trust anybody.
What can you do well?
I can adapt myself
to anything.
Anything except playing
darts. (CHUCKLES)
OFFICER: Guys, I've been
looking for you everywhere.
You have a visitor.
Who's here to see him?
OFFICER: The sister.
Your sister? Is she hot?
Come on, you idiot.
We're family.
This is where we note
all the behavioral
of the establishment.
For example,
the death rate.
Ours is zero.
Not one inmate died all year.
We are a model establishment.
I mean that we can
make what we want
out of the Sosa business.
Great, because
there's a little problem.
What little problem?
We need two guys.
Two? What do you mean?
Things got out of hand.
What happened?
He got me riled up.
What did you do
with the body?
It's in the workshop.
In the freezer.
The idiot didn't
fasten the hood and
it fell right on his head.
(SIGHS) We could say
that he left with Sosa,
that they escaped together
and had a confrontation.
The famous
settling of scores.
Whatever you say is fine.
I'll ask my wife
to give Sosa's wife
a little something
so she won't break our balls.
Your wife, really?
They're distant cousins.
What a shitty family
you have.
Pastor. I had no idea
where they'd sent you.
No touching, please.
You may only hold hands.
At last I've found you.
Who the hell are you?
Lunati sent me.
Where's my brother?
I don't know,
they sent me.
You're hurting me,
let go.
Tell me the truth.
Your brother arranged
things with Lunati.
But he doesn't want
to say anything until
they give him the money.
Thank you.
Lunati will give them
what they asked for.
But he doesn't
want to deal with
your brother anymore.
He wants you and I
to speak.
That's not going to happen.
You know where Luna is.
It's obvious.
We need to act fast.
We can't waste
any more time.
Lunati said to appeal
to your good faith.
You made a deal
between gentlemen.
You know he'll come through.
The girl's life is at risk.
Deal with my brother.
But quickly.
Because they're
going to move the girl.
When they move her is
when we can rescue her.
They must be ready.
From now on, talk to me.
Lunati says
not to cheat him.
Don't try to
manipulate me with that.
I'm the only one
thinking about the girl.
When I have the details
I'll pass them to my brother.
Everything okay?
Marito, here you go.
MARIO: Pastor.
Mario, how are you?
Sit down.
Make yourself comfortable.
Bring him a whiskey.
How do you want it?
However you take it.
Bring two.
Thank you.
My brother says
you want to work.
Isn't the warehouse enough?
The warehouse is good,
thank you.
But I get a bit bored
of selling to those kids.
I'm looking for a bigger job.
A little more action.
You were right.
He's like us.
DIOSITO: See? I told you.
He has a good head
on his shoulders.
I want you to know
that I'm very generous
with the people
that work with me,
with those that behave well.
That's why
everybody wants
to work with me.
Because I give people
the chance to grow.
Stop touching me,
give me a break.
I give them
the chance to grow.
I share. Generously.
So they can lead
a good life.
Even in here.
Don't worry, Mario.
I won't let you down.
Welcome to the team.
Thank you.
I want you to
join something that
I'm getting together.
And if it goes well,
your share will be
80,000 pesos.
Is that enough?
That's very good.
I said I'm a generous guy.
It involves moving
some merchandise,
a packet that I have
here in the jail.
It has to be taken
a few kilometers away.
It's a couple of
hours of travel.
I'm not sure,
something untoward
might come up, but I doubt it.
Come with me.
Bring the whiskeys,
MIGUEL: Once inside,
you never get out.
A prisoner is
always a prisoner.
Like the cops.
Once a cop, always a cop.
It's written on their faces.
In jail you get
filled with hope.
If you behave,
you'll be better prepared
for the outside world.
A world full of shit.
It's rare to get
out of here alive
and without some wound
that has broken you.
And then manage to find work.
Earning enough to get by.
And to fill yourself with hope
or with hatred,
with no way out.
Jail gets so far
into you that you take it
with you when you get out.
Can you remind me
to take the money
to the school?
The co-operative.
Yes, don't worry.
Okay, see you
this afternoon.
See you, bye.
Thank you.
Come, my love.
Help me choose.
Where do you want to go?
Punta del Este? Cordoba?
To the north,
as we haven't been there?
I don't know. I told you,
I'm not in the mood
for traveling.
What's more, Punta del Este?
We don't have
permission for Lucas.
He can't leave the country.
We've asked your brother
to sign the permission
form so many times.
We'll go north, then.
Why do we have to run away
at the drop of a hat?
I have a right to know.
I told you.
A business
opportunity came up.
You didn't explain
any of that to me.
Trust me.
I can't say that
it'll support us
for the rest of our lives,
but if it goes well,
we can relax for a few years.
It's illegal, isn't it?
Is that why you're afraid?
Can you relax?
Everything's fine.
It's okay.
A break will do us good.
I have to get it.
Yes, go ahead.
I'll take this.
Hello. Lunati?
Stop being sad.
Buck up, honey.
Not long left.
Did my dad pay?
No, little lady. Not yet.
What are you thinking?
Tell me and
I'll give you a gift.
What can you give me?
This is a jail.
They don't sell shit here.
I like it
when you're feisty.
On the warpath.
That's my girl.
Let's talk a little.
Then I'll give you
something that you'll like.
I'm thinking about my dad.
I don't understand
why he won't pay.
And your mother?
She died two years ago.
What a shame.
If she were alive,
I'd be with her
at home by now.
What if my dad doesn't
pay what they want?
Your boss said
he'd send him my head
wrapped up like a gift.
No. Don't worry.
You're a woman.
Your head is worthless.
What a stupid joke.
Nobody will touch you here.
The only one who
touches you is me.
Don't worry,
you'll be back
with your family soon.
Your daddy the judge pays,
and we set you free.
The telephone
that you are calling
is switched off or
outside the service area.
The telephone that
you are calling is
Can you turn that shit down?
It's breaking my head.
What's up, brother?
Learn to coexist.
This isn't
a five star hotel.
Why don't you learn
to coexist, dumbass.
Looks like he's
having a bad day.
He's taking
the role of being
an asshole very seriously.
Enough with
the music already!
Doesn't it bother you?
How are you doing?
You've only got
a few hours left.
Yes. I won't lie to you,
I'm shitting myself.
Shitting yourself?
About what could
happen outside.
It can't be worse
than in here.
The guys are throwing me
a going-away party.
Why don't you come?
Yes, I'll be there.
You're invited too,
but only if
your mood improves.
Thank you.
Did you go to that
part of the old jail?
No, I wouldn't
dream of going there.
Is somebody waiting
for you outside?
VERRUGA: Yes, my sister.
I don't know if
she really wants to,
or if it's just
because Emma asked her to.
You're almost out.
Will you be back soon
or do you plan
on dying first?
You're old, Verruga.
So much freedom at once
will give you a heart attack.
What a generous country.
we killed people like you
while you were still young.
Population control.
Three came in,
we killed three.
And we were in charge,
the security guards.
Then that leftie
asshole arrived
with that crap about
the prisoner's rights,
and now it's as if
we're your servants.
You could say we have
a director with balls
who maintains
old school values.
So prepare yourself.
I'm sure we'll give you
a good farewell dance.
You old shitbox.
I hope they shoot
you down on the corner.
Thank you.
Less than 10.
You're very lucky.
Yes, so very lucky.
That's why I'm here
with you instead of
with my friends, right?
You shuffle,
you know what you're doing.
I've never met a girl
who plays cards so well.
You shuffle them
really well.
Do you do everything
so well?
How long have
you been here?
Two Christmases.
Why did you kidnap me?
Does your boss know my dad?
Are we playing cards
or is it question time?
You're very inquisitive.
I want to know.
Your dad was
an associate of my boss.
It was arranged.
He threw a few cases
and he let us work.
But one day
the son of a bitch
fucked us over.
He seized a drug shipment
and a lot of money.
As they say here,
he earned a few beans
as a judge and fucked us over.
The worst thing was that
he took all the money.
Money that wasn't his.
That can't be true.
Why not? Think about it.
Didn't life suddenly
get better for you?
I didn't know that
judges did home visits.
Sometimes we do.
Fair enough.
To what do I owe
the pleasure of seeing
you here, Your Honor?
My daughter
had nothing to do with
the problem that we had.
Your daughter?
I didn't know that
you had a daughter.
Don't play stupid,
I've come to
make an agreement.
Give her back and
we can do business.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
If you want, I'll negotiate
whatever you need.
Lately things aren't
going so well for me.
What negotiation
are we talking about?
Where are you keeping her?
Is she okay?
Do you have any idea
of the agony
I'm going through?
I feel like you're
accusing me of something,
but you're wrong.
Take a look
at where I am.
What can I possibly do
inside a dark and
gloomy cell?
I came in here clean.
I have no cameras.
I'm not wearing
a microphone.
I didn't even
alert the cops.
So I'm asking you
to negotiate with me
like men with principles.
Without bringing
daughters into it.
You're talking to
me about principles?
You make even my ass laugh.
Who's paying me
for all the time
I've been in here?
I didn't expect you to do
what you did for me.
You did it
because you're a crook,
a piece of shit.
At some point cycles get
interrupted, they stop. Hmm?
I told you that they
would go after you,
that they were
investigating you.
That we were all going down.
You know what, Borges?
Some dumbass has to
go down eventually.
I understand.
Know what you can
do with my money?
Spend it on your family.
Your daughter
has health problems?
She needs new braces?
You'd better not
touch a hair on her head.
You have children too,
don't you?
I'd give anything for them
because I'm a real father.
Not like those who
discard their own
flesh and blood
for a few peanuts.
Know what? I really hope
that you don't touch
a hair on her head.
What is it, Lunati?
Are you nervous?
Ciao, Lunati.
You son of a bitch.
That's my little biter.
I'm not the only one
you flirt with.
That little look.
I win.
I caught you.
You were trying to trap me.
In order to win.
Come here for a minute.
Are you going to
stay here all day, man?
I was just chilling,
MARIO: Don't say
my name in here!
You know that
if things go badly
you'll be the one
to put a bullet
between her eyes?
So if you've
become fond of her
that's your problem, got it?
And don't say
my name again.
There's a lot to do.
Come on.
You idiot.
What did he say?
He didn't say anything.
Promise me that
you'll look after me.
Ah. They're here.
How are you?
Come on, Verruga.
Only good things
lie ahead from now on.
It's like a dream,
isn't it? You're leaving.
Look at how
he plays the good guy
so that the girls
fuss over him.
Be careful when you get out,
don't wait for the tram
as it doesn't run anymore.
If you see a television
that looks strange,
it's a computer.
That's enough. Come on.
Sit down.
Let's have a drink.
How about it!
Hello. Counselor.
How are things?
How are you?
Good. I didn't think
I'd see you anymore.
You said you were
leaving soon.
My stay was extended
a little.
I hear your sister
came to see you.
How strange.
In your file it states
that you have no family.
I don't know
what my file says.
I don't know
what you're hiding.
But watch out,
because anybody could
find out what I did.
How's it going over here?
Verruga. Look.
What is it?
INMATE: We all chipped in.
Take it.
So that you have something
when you get out. Why not?
Look what's in there.
It's from the whole wing.
Sofi and I bought
you a gift, too.
Well I never! Thank you.
It's great.
This is high class,
Let's have a speech.
Yes, come on.
We want a speech,
let him speak.
Yes, let's go!
We want a speech, come on!
Thank you for all of this
and for all of these years.
Whatever I couldn't
find outside,
I found in here.
You are my family.
The family that I chose.
I'm sure that these have
been my best years.
I hope that you'll all
be okay without me.
Because I'm really
going to miss you.
A round of applause
for Verruga.
Here, let me serve
you a little of this.
INMATE: Have a little more.
VERRUGA: No, that's fine.
INMATE: Cheer up, Verruga.
Did you have
a good time in the end?
VERRUGA: Yes, very good.
INMATE: Your dinner is ready.
You ate some chow,
the girls spoiled you,
some kisses
Clothes, money.
How about it?
You must come and visit us.
We need to keep
the drawing classes up.
You've no idea
how well you draw.
You didn't invite me
to the party.
I hope you behave
yourself this time.
And don't end up back in here.
If they let you.
I've heard that people
go around lynching
ex-cons in the street.
Did you know that?
Leave him alone,
come on.
He did nothing to you.
What have you there?
Great. It's my size.
Thank you.
Hey. Hey, hey.
Give him back the shirt.
What's your problem?
Give it back to him.
What are you thinking?
Are you Robin Hood, asshole?
Know what you are?
You're a bitter
piece of shit.
You couldn't be a real cop
so you pull your
crazy shit in here.
But I'd love to see
you on the street,
facing crime head-on.
You want to go one on one?
I'll meet you in
the ring in an hour.
One on one, you and me.
I'm going to bring you down.
What's the ring?
The ring? It's a one on one
in the visitor's room.
Capece fights dirty.
Please, be careful.
Nobody's seen him lose.
We'll see about that.
Do you remember
where I put the medicine?
Is it in the suitcase?
Lucas' medicine.
You left it upstairs.
In the bag.
I'm losing my mind
Can you come for a second?
Thank you.
You idiot.
Why did you have to go ahead
and ask for more money?
They went gossiping to you.
Stop being paranoid.
Being scared shitless
doesn't suit you.
In life you have to
take risks sometimes.
You'll thank me.
MIGUEL: I have something
important to tell you.
You need to come tomorrow.
FERNANDO: I can't.
Tomorrow I get paid
and I disappear.
Betina and I are
going away with your son.
Don't worry.
It's just a precaution.
What do you mean, going away?
For how long?
I don't know.
Until all of this blows over.
Until they get the girl back
and it's safe to come back.
As soon as I get
what I asked for,
I'll give them
the information.
There was a change of plans.
I need you to come.
Tell me now.
I don't have time to come.
They're going to
move her, understand?
Yes, I understand.
Do you know where to?
MIGUEL: Not yet.
But it'll happen
this afternoon
during Argentina's
soccer match.
I'm traveling with her.
I'll have the details
of the place tomorrow.
Okay. I'll be waiting
for your call.
Is Lucas okay?
He's happy about the trip.
See you later.
Where was I?
Yes, that's right, your son
Focus, buddy,
the neighbor just left.
His first time on a plane.
MIGUEL: Listen, Fernando.
If you're going,
please go and see Mom.
Make sure that she's okay.
Fine. I'll go. Don't worry.
Take money. To pay in advance.
In case you take
a while to come back
and they take her out.
Okay. I will.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Look after yourself.
Be on the lookout, okay?
INMATES: Hooray! Pastor!
Ready to go?
INMATE 1: Come on!
INMATE 2: Give it to him!
Stop, you asshole. Stop!
Watch out!
Let's go!
MIGUEL: There always comes
a time when you feel
completely alone.
Alone with your
body and your soul.
Detached from everything.
And unable to think.
Your head becomes a jail cell
and it overwhelms you.
They are all tests
that you must pass
in this hell hole
so that,
with the mercy of God,
those lacking spirit,
the weak,
those that resist,
at least have
Our Lord's forgiveness.
May God forgive your sins
and lead you to
everlasting life.
Sweet Jesus,
be not his judge,
but his savior.
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