El Presidente (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

En el palo

Who's that damn woman
taking photos out there?
There's a woman taking photos over there.
Mr. Jadue, such a big house.
I'd love to know
what money you're building it with.
Have a little respect.
-Hello, good afternoon.
-Hi, good afternoon.
I'm Sofía Díaz, a journalist.
And I'm working on a story
about Sergio Jadue.
I would like to know if you have
an opinion on the rise of his
I work for the paper El Andino
and I'm investigating Sergio Jadue.
And, well, the tourism agency
created to launder Sergio's money,
all of a sudden,
started generating its own money.
Hello? Offer them something else.
Hello? Yes, I have it here.
What no Calerano saw coming
was that with the Copa América
comes a lot of money.
Everyone wants to come.
Buy passes, tickets, hotel rooms, trips
You can sell them what you want,
at the price you want.
And what are we going to do?
-With what, Checho?
-I have to launder my money somehow.
-And this agency? It's a business, man.
-It's a travel agency, you know?
-We have one branch, we're in La Calera
-Jashir, come here.
Give this to Emanuel.
Tell him it's for the hotels.
He already knows.
-And don't look at him for too long.
Take it easy, my boy.
Are you not allowed to earn money?
How much do they pay you
to be president of the ANFP?
It's an ad honorem position, you know?
And at FIFA, how much do they pay you?
No, it's just that
I don't have a job at FIFA yet.
You should get one.
Maybe if you traveled
to Zürich more often
we could solve many issues.
Hey, that position in Zürich
is still open, isn't it?
Honestly, it's going to take time
to fill that spot at FIFA.
-And who are they going to appoint?
-Whoever works hardest for the job.
Bedoya's the guy. I'm betting on it.
Son of a bitch,
you have to help me with this.
Seriously, I need it.
I don't vote.
You have to convince the old guys.
Why not talk to Blazer
and see if he'll help you?
I've never spoken to him
without Don Julio present.
Besides, wasn't he suspended?
No. Blazer is a friend of the house.
FIFA may have suspended him, but not even
a red card would get him off the pitch.
Go to New York and ask Chuck to talk
to the rest of them, and that'll be that.
Yeah I'll buy my ticket right away.
Hey, the next time we video chat,
try not to talk with your mouth full, huh?
Argentine simpleton!
When you come here, to Buenos Aires,
I'm going to make you a roast
that's going to knock you
on your ass, you'll see.
Bye. Bye, partner. Thank you, huh?
Take care, champion.
It's just, one of my Datisa associates
is currently in Zürich,
and, well, the time change.
And now that I'm vice president
I just I don't have any time, yeah?
Well as I was saying,
I think it's a necessary change.
Let's say, I'm here all day, huh?
My day at the ANFP
starts at 8:00 in the morning
Meetings, lunches, meetings and I'm here
until 8:00 or 9:00 at night, you know?
So, I find that
nobody works for free anywhere.
Let's go to the conference room.
to join our team,
because there are many candidates
who are looking for your talent,
who need it.
Impossible. The truth is,
I have lots of work here.
You know, Nené?
Look, you have your own wings.
You don't need to depend on anyone else
in order to grow, to fly.
I don't depend on anyone.
Sergio is my equal.
No, no, yes. Of course. And the work
you did with him is impressive
But think, imagine for a second,
a candidate
that's sharp, intelligent, capable,
who really has
Careful. You're talking about my husband.
Look, Jadue,
we all sacrifice ourselves for our clubs.
This is a non-profit organization
and your position
has always been ad honorem.
We would have to change the statutes.
Change them, then.
-Yes, Checho?
Organize a meeting with the small clubs.
And you,
you're in charge of getting me votes.
We have to change the statutes.
They're not going to want to change them
if you're not there, Sergio.
Can you tell me what's going on?
You're going to New York
and I have to find out from Cecilia?
I already told you that it's a matter
involving CONMEBOL. I trust you.
What matter? Tell me.
I don't ask about what's going on
between you and that guy, do I?
I thought I was going on this trip alone.
I didn't know we'd always be together
for this job.
Hey, Harris.
I think we should re-evaluate
your plan, huh?
You only have to pretend to be catching up
while you're installing the camera.
Obviously, it sounds very easy.
I don't understand
why I have to do it in his office.
-Why can't it be in the living room?
-Because I said so, baldie.
Remember when your only problem
was whether or not your team moved on
to the next round of the World Cup?
When nobody told you what you had to do?
What good times.
What are our hopes for Brazil?
We're going to Brazil, with your hope
Give it, Chile, give it, oh, Chile!
with my hope,
the hope of all of you and
that of more than 18 million Chileans.
Give it, oh, give it, oh! Give it, Chile,
give it, oh!
Give it, oh, give it, oh!
And give it
We're a little behind, Sergio.
I've already sold 2,000 packs,
look at all the people I'm in charge of.
I need a little help.
These young women we've hired are awful.
Hey, hey. Awful?
Those young women are my grandnieces,
and your contract says
you have to work with them.
Teach them, then.
They learn quickly, as we all do.
Yeah, yes, that's what we have to do,
obviously. We'll see.
Sabja, look.
How beautiful.
And to think we've been battling
three years for this promotion.
Yeah, it's making me nervous.
I asked you for a World Cup
and you came through.
We're going to enjoy it.
Sergio Jadue was on cloud nine.
The Chilean national team
had never been better.
For the first time in history,
Chile had a really competitive team.
-We were waiting for you.
-My wife.
A pleasure. How are you?
Welcome to the grand
celebration of soccer.
The World Cup.
Or as we say, behind closed doors,
For a true fan, the World Cup of soccer
is better than Disneyland.
The fan puts reason aside
and feels a wide range of emotions
for things he has no control over at all.
For us,
3,000,000 TICKETS
US$ 527.000.000
they represent almost three million
in tickets sold. Ching!
It's 527 million bucks.
Wherever you see
fanatical fans cheering
Cling! We see thousands
of original jerseys.
Brazil versus Mexico is a grand spectacle,
but the match they play
nowadays is Nike versus Adidas.
The real competition takes place
away from the pitch.
Imagine this,
over the course of one month,
the eyes of the entire world
are fixed upon one country.
That, to FIFA, means a return of
$2.4 billion in television rights.
$2,400,000,000 USD
In the 2014 World Cup,
FIFA brought in some $4.8 billion.
$4,800,000,000 USD
Not bad, eh?
The difference between a thief and us
is that a thief takes your money
against your will.
Sport ignites passion.
And passion, well, moves other things.
We worked hard for this,
especially Brazil.
They promised to maintain order,
and we had to bring growth.
When the ball rolls,
nothing matters anymore.
Soccer takes care of everything.
Goal! Goal!
That's it! Bravo!
For: Rosario Paraguay
Hi, are you there?
For: Rosario Paraguay
How are you, Rosarito? Bored in Asunción?
For: Rosario Paraguay
I'm enjoying myself at the beach. And you?
To: Sergio Jadue
I was taking an order at the bar
To: Sergio Jadue
Here in Paraguay, it's hot as hell
Sergio, get in the office, now!
Thank you, Sergio. Thank you.
You're going to end up
sucking my dick, asshole.
That's it. That's my bald Chilean badass.
King Pelé, huh? What an honor.
The greatest player of all time, huh?
End of discussion.
Sergio, look, the French team
has canceled a friendly with Brazil.
It would be a relief for us
if Chile accepted to play that game.
Of course. Consider it done.
For free.
No, the price for the match
It's to be played in Toronto.
They'll pay you at the hotel.
-And why can't we play it
-Here's the paperwork.
Don't read too much, Sergio
There's no money involved.
Don José María, get me the spot
in the executive committee and
you'll have a voice that will protect
each and every one of your interests, huh?
I'll do what I can.
Whatever you ask of me.
Can I count on your support?
You have all of my support.
My complete support.
While Sergio was wasting his time
in New York
trying to obtain a position at FIFA,
Nené was looking for votes
in hostile territory.
It's not the same
to convince this slimy old man
than to convince
this sick old soccer workaholic.
I know what those guys are thinking
when they see me.
We don't need them to respect you.
We need their votes.
I think, with five or six more votes,
we'll succeed
in shifting the balance in our favor.
And then we'll be ready
to get Sergio his little ANFP salary.
Do you know how to act?
Well, when I was 15,
I took a theater course in La Calera.
Good enough.
So, we'll start with this old jerk-off.
If you want, I can advise you
on your campaign in the club.
I know you're seeking re-election.
For starters, you shouldn't hold meetings
in a strip club masquerading as a café.
Want anything else, sweetie?
No, thank you.
Among active members,
35% of them are women.
35% of your members are women.
That's 35% of lost votes.
Nené, thank you. It's not every day
I receive gifts like this.
No need to thank me.
The ANFP must support developing teams.
I don't know about developing.
We've spent many years
stuck in the B division.
Osorio, your left winger
will most likely be called up
to the national youth team soon.
Doubling his price.
Are you crazy?
I can't promise them something like that.
Don't worry,
we haven't signed anything yet.
Yeah. Yes, okay. Perfect.
The moment comes for every player
to get on the pitch.
Sergio thought he had made it
to the World Cup,
but in reality,
his World Cup hadn't started yet.
Here, in the VIP area,
is where the orders are given.
Where the real matches are played.
The World Cup the people see is one.
The real one is another, that of business.
They call this "the pussy."
Everyone wants to finish up in here.
A seat here means a lifelong pension.
This agent over here
is the most important of all players.
Or slaves, as I say.
That Russian over there is
the gambling czar. The official sponsor.
Never bet against him,
because he always wins.
This guy is Santa Claus.
He flies all over the world
giving out presents.
Ask him for the impossible
and he'll get it for you.
That one, yes
He'll bring you a present
but he'll keep the bow, eh?
Let me introduce you to Chuck Blazer,
Mr. Ten Percent.
-Sergio Jadue.
Pleased to meet you, eh?
Chi-Chi-Chi, le-le-le! Long live Chile!
I had a delay in Switzerland
and we couldn't get here earlier.
Swiss airplanes are like Swiss watches.
They're never delayed.
A Swiss is like a clock.
I want this guy out of the stadium!
Right now! Come on, now!
What's going on, José? Calm down.
I beat you in an election
and you get your goons to kick me out?
You have to learn how to lose, old man.
Go listen to the game on the radio
from your home!
Go cry to the church, let's go.
This incident here
Calm down, calm down.
which resembles a Mexican soap opera,
is what will set the bomb off.
This place is mine, my whole life.
This stadium belongs
to the Brazilian Soccer Confederation.
Or are you the owner of the Maracanã?
Go to hell, you son of a bitch.
Let's go! Come on!
The next day, the Chilean team would play
the most important match
in its history up to that point.
For the first time,
they had a competitive team.
They weren't the favorites,
but they could win.
Who's sleeping tonight?
This trick is older than me.
Send a rival team to a hotel downtown
and, coincidentally, a group of fans
spontaneously appears.
Awful. Just awful.
Matches should be won on the pitch.
But one can see that they don't have
much confidence in their team,
these Brazilians.
Dammit to hell.
Hey, listen to them yell,
those Brazilians out there, dude.
They're a happy people.
Very happy, it seems.
But why so much, so much dancing,
so much music, huh?
They used to be slaves. Now they're free.
There's no oppression.
That must be it. Cheers to that.
-My dear.
My dear.
-My dear.
-My dear.
Come to Jashir.
Hey, what are you doing, man?
Caleranos are legion, and they're crazy.
But Emanuel's very sly.
He knows how to control them.
He's very sly.
We're going to the quarterfinals!
Let's hope we beat Brazil! :)
My dear. Who are you talking to?
And why is she talking to you?
I don't know.
Perhaps she likes
her presidents slim-fit, you know?
Tickets, tickets, tickets, hey.
-How much?
-For you? $4,000.
Why's that? Do I look like
a gringo or what? 2,000.
Okay, 3,500. And a blow job.
Hey, come, come, 2,500.
Okay. I only have 2,300.
I had a horrible day.
Hell, Rosario, yes, I understand.
Paraguay is a tough country.
It's awful that those bastards
aren't letting you have a few days off.
They have you there, doing nothing?
-Do you need money?
-No, it's not that. Thanks, though.
No, I can't lose my job here in Paraguay.
Sergio do you miss your father?
No. What I really miss is my private jet.
Dude, you don't have a private jet.
How can I miss something I never had?
I also have photos of all the presidents,
but I don't frame those.
And, and, and, why? Why why not?
-Sit down. Sit down.
-Thank you.
Can you help me?
And young ladies.
Yes, yes, I get it. Young ladies
But going back to your question,
Don Julio's spot is very valuable.
An executive member of FIFA
earns $300,000 a year?
Plus $250
for every executive session,
and there are 100 a year.
And every four years
it's Christmas! The World Cup.
Yes It's impressive.
And how much to convince the others?
Fifteen percent of everything?
Fifteen percent?
Yeah, well. I think that
the nicknames are given for a reason
and yours is Mr. Ten Percent, not 15.
You're right.
You're a good investment for me.
We're having a party here on Friday.
You're invited.
Thank you so much.
Well, I won't bother you any longer.
Chuck, I'm very grateful to you, eh?
Thanks for coming.
No, thank you. We'll
we'll see each other on Friday, yeah?
-Bye, Maxito. Bye, Chuck.
There are good people.
Very good people.
And these people are the most dangerous
when they're bent on revenge.
Hey, you couldn't find
a costume hotter than this?
I think you look dashing.
are going to recognize you, huh?
I'm warning you.
By your legs.
They're not as smart as you, baldie.
Harris, I'm going to shit my pants.
I'm no good to you like this.
I'm really nervous.
Hey! The only thing I need is
for you to get me into that party.
After that, you can get lost.
I can't believe this, man.
I can't believe it.
Hey, couldn't you have gotten me
something more fierce?
I don't understand the idea of this thing.
If it's supposed to amuse them, or what.
I chose it in your size.
You're the most intelligent
and skilled of all the animals.
If I were the most skilled
of all the animals,
I would be with Vidal and Alexis
playing on the pitch.
And if I were the most intelligent,
I wouldn't be here with you, believe me.
You're hurting my feelings.
I thought that we were going to party
like we did in Luque.
If I make you nervous,
we'll see each other tomorrow.
What a pity for you, Blazer!
What a pity for you! What a pity
for you, Mr. Ten Percent!
Hey, Chuck! If you want to go into racing,
you're going to have to lose some weight.
This guy used to be fat and bald.
Enjoy it while you still have hair, Jadue.
Enjoy your hair.
Silence! Silence!
Luis, bring your ass over here, Bedoya!
Bravo, Luis! Fucking hell, Luis!
And, well, Sergio, the position at FIFA
is not going to happen.
There are those who say
you wanted to be more important than
you had any business being.
Fortunately, your wife is a rock
who got the AFNP to pay you
a salary for your work.
Excuse me.
Hi, Nené.
Pardon me for for bothering you, but
No, no worries.
I need to speak with you
about something important and urgent.
-May I?
-Of course.
Thank you.
I met with my campaign team
and we've decided to go with you.
This is a big opportunity.
Now, where's Sergio?
In New York, I couldn't get a hold of him.
This is the moment.
The big opportunity for Sergio
to jump into politics.
Into the big leagues.
it depends on how well he plays his cards
in the Copa América.
Thank you.
Besides, thinking about it
it's interesting that we can be together.
Work together. You and I.
Why not toast to it?
To you.
Chuck, what a shame.
They broke your heart.
A few months back,
Sergio would have his heart broken.
He was here convalescing
under the illusion that
A pass and goes
Goal! Goal, goal, goal, goal, goal!
Vargas looks around. It goes to Alexis.
Alexis in the corner
He shoots! Goal, goal, goal, goal, goal!
We're playing the last minute
of the match.
Look out, ladies and gentlemen,
Chile is giving it their all.
Pinilla is all alone. He passes to Alexis.
Alexis to Pinilla. He shoots.
It hits the crossbar.
I can't believe it!
It was the goal of the quarterfinals!
Chile finally had it at 120 minutes!
I can't believe it
Losing is hard.
In the end,
Chile was eliminated by penalty kicks.
And Brazil
almost eliminated at their own party.
Like what happened to José,
who didn't take it very well.
My God!
He wanted revenge,
but everything comes back eventually.
Or old Chuck, who thought he was smart
until someone smarter crossed him.
Harris had them both by the balls.
All the same,
sometimes you lose the match,
but gain an opportunity.
And Chile, on the other hand,
was left with a burning question.
What would have happened
if that ball had gone in?
Bad luck? It's possible. But, who knows?
If this guy had used different cleats,
if it had been a rainy or windy day,
or if grass had been longer or shorter
Pinilla is all alone
He passes it to Alexis.
I don't know!
Alexis to Pinilla. He shoots.
Goal, goal, goal, goal, goal!
Destiny can be changed,
but only if destiny wants to be changed.
We need two votes.
It's gonna be hard,
and time is running out.
May I interrupt?
Cecilia told me you already got together.
We're in for a huge fight, ladies.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'm very impressed.
Now, if I may offer a piece of advice,
you know I have lots of contacts.
I can get you a couple of votes.
What do you say?
Will you have a salary for me
on the board?
I've invited you here so we can vote
on changing the statutes,
so, ladies, we're in your hands.
If you don't control your destiny,
someone else will do it for you.
There, it's done.
What's certain is that destiny exists
when things are going well.
When things are going badly,
everything is a great injustice.
Money can help you
face the laws written by men.
But, as I said before,
there are other laws.
Those of destiny,
those that we can't escape
even with the best lawyers.
It's just that I
If you had come earlier,
our task would have been more efficient.
Yes, the question is that
this agent pressured me
by telling me that I
I didn't have any other option.
Do I have another option?
Your situation is complicated.
I'm very nervous. I can't take it anymore.
Sergio's destiny had already been written,
he just hadn't realized it.
And your destiny
is something that reveals itself to you
the moment you least expect it.
Now you work for me.
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