Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Chapter Four

[NARRATOR] Previously on
"Emperor of Ocean Park"
It'll be a lovely service.
The judge requested
some of the same hymns
from your mother Claire's
and your sister Abby's funerals.
[TAL] You see Justice Wainwright's here?
In the back like he
doesn't want to be seen.
What'd he leave us, though?
The Shepard Street property to Mariah,
Martha's Vineyard summer home to Tal,
and Chicago Bears season
tickets to you, Addy.
[TAL] What'd you do
to piss the judge off?
Sally, any chance you've
been in the judge's study?
- No. Why?
- There's some stuff missing
a scrapbook, a couple of
pawns from his chess set.
He invited me out for drinks.
So you're going back downtown?
I have to.
All the late-night phone calls
and mysterious errands and meetings
I know the behavior of
a cheater when I see it.
[KIMMER] She was pretty.
Nothing wrong with looking.
I'm Agent McDermott.
This is Agent Foreman.
We're here to ask about Jack Ziegler
and an associate of his named Lisa.
[TAL] Mariah, there's a letter from Dad.
We need to meet.
Dad knew that he was in trouble.
That's probably why they killed him.
And it was probably Ziegler.
We should figure out who this Lisa is.
She has to know something.
Why are you following me?
I find people. That's my trade.
You'll get a text with
a station and a time.
Red sedan, far end of the lot.
[WOMAN] Someone was in that car!
[NEWSCASTER 1] Authorities
confirm one fatality
in a car explosion at the
Western train station.
The remains have been
identified as Colin Scott,
an army veteran and military contractor.
There were no other injuries.
Arson investigators have
not yet ruled out foul play
and will continue to analyze
evidence recovered at the scene.
right. In related news
- local residents say
the blast set off car
alarms and disrupted ni
What's all this about?
The judge's letter,
the arrangements, Lisa.
- Did you forget?
- No, I know, but
We need to figure out who this Lisa is.
So I brought over church
directories, a yearbook,
couple things I printed
from the internet,
a few things that I stole don't ask.
Something happened yesterday.
McDermott, the FBI agent
the fake FBI agent that's
been snooping around,
he's dead.
Well, how do you know?
I saw it happen. And I
think it's because of me.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Robbed mid-photo shoot?
I'm lucky they didn't realize
the dress was worth
more than the cameras.
I'd have been riding home naked.
Do you need to answer that?
Uh, nah.
No, I can call them back.
So tell me more about this photo shoot.
If you're one of those
people that insists
on leaving a message, even
though you could easily
just hit me on text, go ahead, do you.
It's your father.
Just made it to the hotel.
I was thinking we might
have dinner tonight.
Call me back.
[MARIAH] This man was never
alone, I'm telling you.
Freeman Brown line danced
with the United Order of Soul,
he sang with the Deaconess Divas,
card games with the casino ministry?
There is no such thing
as a casino ministry.
Well, whatever it's
called, Rev's everywhere.
Well, that's what preachers do.
Minister's supposed
to be with his flock.
[SCOFFS] Apparently, he
was all up in the flock.
Motherfucker came out
covered in feathers.
Feathers? You think that allegory's
about a minister shepherding
his flock of birds?
- It's about sheep.
- Okay, fine.
Whatever, covered in fur.
Can you stay focused, please?
The point is, there are too
many women to sift through.
It would take us forever
to figure out who's Lisa.
Well, I can handle checking
the women in the Facebook group
and the folks in the class reunion too.
[MARIAH] Well, then
I'll call all the women
in the church named Lisa.
Hopefully, we can figure it out
before somebody tries
to blow you up again.
Too soon. No one tried to blow me up.
I was just there.
But I'm wondering if
because I was there,
someone decided to blow up McDermott
or Colin Scott.
[KIMMER] Blow who up?
Didn't hear you come in.
You heard about that car explosion
at Western station yesterday? [CHUCKLES]
It's crazy, huh?
Why were you there?
Professor Lewis wanted to talk to me
about some departmental issues.
I took the train with him.
You tell me about every
bit of academic politics,
but an explosion doesn't
come up over dinner?
You haven't been home
much for dinner these days.
Well, that's my cue.
Hi, Mariah. Didn't see you there.
Bye, Kimmer.
Sorry, I didn't mean
[KIMMER] Whatever you're
getting sucked into
with Mariah seems like trouble.
She was closer to the
judge than any of us.
She just needs closure.
She needs therapy, not an enabler.
[OLIVER] You actually picked up.
I should feel honored.
Yeah. Uh, sorry I missed your call.
Uh, what are you up to today?
Thought I'd drop by
a little French bistro
I used to go to.
It was your mother's
favorite when we lived here.
You hate French cuisine.
I do. But I was a young man
with a lady to impress.
And besides, I was an
impoverished associate,
and they had a deal on
the day-old croissants.
So, is that what you called
to talk to me about, croissants?
[OLIVER] No, I want to
talk about our dinner.
How about this evening?
Uh, yeah, I-I can't.
I have plans.
But I made us reservations for Thursday.
I need to talk to you. It's important.
Are you okay?
I'm the picture of health.
Why do I need to be dying
in order for you to make time for me?
Uh, look, sorry.
Dad, look, I ca I can't make it work.
I already made
reservations for Thursday.
Okay, I I gotta be on air soon.
Okay? I gotta go.
[OLIVER] Are you listening to me?
- Addis
Right, thank you.
Son of a bitch.
Excuse me.
There used to be a French bistro here.
Do you know what happened to it?
Sorry, I don't.
Oh, well, the march of time. [CHUCKLES]
Do I know you from somewhere?
That's unlikely.
- Have a good day.
- Hold up.
Are you Oliver Garland?
I am.
You're my dad's favorite
Fox News commentator.
That's very flattering.
Please tell him I said thank you.
I won't be saying shit to him.
We haven't had a civil
conversation in years
because of your crap.
Do you really believe all that racist,
homophobic shit you spew?
I thought you liberals were
supposed to be tolerant.
Fuck off.
Good morning, New York.
I'm Addison Garland in for Bryan Pierce.
I'm here with my wonderful
cohost, Mackenzie Lewis.
[MACKENZIE] Lots of fun
stuff to talk about today,
including a new fashion
trend that mixes patterns.
Stripes and polka dots.
It can be pulled off,
y'all, I'm telling you.
[MACKENZIE] And a heartwarming
story from Seattle
about one Girl Scout troop
that saved one family from homelessness.
I love that story.
But first, let's turn our attention
to our national treasure
Kit Dunn for the weather.
How's it looking out there, Kit?
[KIT] Thanks, Addison.
It's gonna be a cold
one out there today.
Got a low pressure system
coming in just off
Thanks for driving me.
Dealership says my car
should be ready later today.
[TAL] No problem.
You okay?
Yeah, just
Silver Audi down there,
it's been following me.
You're not being followed.
It's a parked car.
I'm serious.
There's someone in it.
Probably on their phone.
Stop glaring. Come on, get in the car.
It's the same one from
the school parking lot.
- Has to be.
- You think there's only one
silver Audi in all of Chicago?
[TAL] It's a Black dude
with sunglasses and a hat.
Is that Agent Foreman?
[KIMMER] See? It's fine.
Why would someone be following you?
[OLIVER] I read everything you write.
I'm being a dad right now.
I wanted to protect you.
[TAL] Mariah?
I'm coming.
Any luck finding Lisas?
The last Lisa in the church directory
passed away from cancer two years ago.
How'd it go with the hip
replacement dance crew?
Nothing. The only Lisa there
had a very touching
late-in-life coming out story
and now lives with her
new wife in Andersonville.
Father Brown's high
school class was a dud too.
[TAL] You still hiding from Howard?
Unlike you, I have a
functional marriage.
[TAL] You choose to spend
all your time away from him
and the rest of your
family. Real functional.
[MARIAH] There's a lot
of shit to do here
packing, bills.
Mm enough with you.
Actually, I found something else.
In his journal, he has
all these little notes
pray for this person, smite that person.
And this one,
"3:00 p.m. Room 100" kept coming up.
Always circled.
Prayer group or something?
Sure, maybe.
But considering his
girlfriend's a pill popper,
and Room 100 is a random rec space
at the back of the church
It's an NA meeting.
You think Lisa's there?
[CHUCKLES] If not,
it's a room full of addicts
at her boyfriend's church.
Someone has to know her.
We're already late. Let's go.
- Wait.
Don't we need to be undercover?
Should we mess up our clothes?
Like, I can dirty up my shirt.
Let's take your car.
I mean, we had to walk 45 minutes,
and then I still got a parking ticket.
[LAUGHS] You know, I
tried something like that
in high school did not go well.
Well, that's right, folks,
there are no shortcuts in life.
For all of us here at "Sunrise Report,"
I'm Mackenzie Lewis.
And I'm Addison Garland.
Can't wait to wake up with you tomorrow.
See you then.
[DIRECTOR] And we're out.
It's great to see you.
Television really suits you.
Very natural, especially in person.
Thanks. I mean, I know it's not
what you do at Fox News, but
what are you doing here?
Wanted to see you in your element.
And your producer was
kind enough to see me on.
I was just telling my son
how good he is at this.
But seeing how well you run things,
it's probably more the
team than anything, right?
[NATALIE] He gets it from you, sir.
Your last appearance on "Hannity"
was all anybody could talk about.
Do you mind if I steal
Addison for a minute?
Of course.
[NATALIE] Yes, I want you to do it.
- Are you kidding me?
- Nope.
Last I checked, you thought
my father was in league with Satan.
Well, Satan does numbers, and honestly,
our numbers could use some help.
No, I'm not interviewing my dad.
- That's not my brand.
- You don't have a brand.
You're a fill-in on a
poorly-rated morning show.
I covered Obamacare,
the Edward Snowden leaks,
the Iran nuclear deal,
and on and on.
And now you're what's
on in the background
while parents pack school lunches.
The network doesn't know you
from a hole in the ground anymore.
An interview with your dear father,
conservative firebrand Oliver Garland,
that'll kill.
It'd be great for you, wouldn't it?
It would be fucking awesome for me,
but it would be better for you.
You want to start getting those
calls you used to get again,
you do this interview.
Hey, Dad.
I'm sorry that took so
long. You know how it is.
Come have coffee with me.
I can't.
I came all the way down here
to be able to talk to you
But I can I can
move some stuff around
and make dinner work for tonight.
That's great.
Is there something else?
Uh yeah, it's a favor
well, it's not really a
favor as much it is a
it's an opportunity.
I'd like to interview
you for the show tomorrow.
'Cause you see, this
isn't the kind of show
that would, you know,
ever have a discussion
about Black fathers
I'll do it.
Seems like you need this.
I wouldn't say I need it.
Swing by the hotel
around about 7:00 tonight.
Yes, sir.
[TAL] If this is an addicts meeting,
are we supposed to just start
introducing ourselves to folks
and blindly hope there's a Lisa here?
No, don't you know how this works?
They introduce themselves anonymously.
Kimmer somewhere she not supposed to be?
Once a cheater
- This way.
- No.
I don't know where she is exactly.
Okay. I'm Mariah,
struggling to stay sober
after my father's death.
Wow, dug deep in the
creative vault for that one.
- Boy, let's go.
- [TAL] I gotta make a call.
- I'll be in.
- [MARIAH] Well, hurry up.
It's almost over.
Dude, what the hell
did you teach these kids
in Civil Procedure this year?
Um, I may have missed some things.
I've been a little scattered.
These kids are the cream of the crop
at an elite institution.
Yet my dog has a better grasp
of trial advocacy than they do.
Can you do me a favor?
[DANA] I can't cover
another class for you, Tal.
I'm sorry. I mean, no shade,
but you're doing a pretty
shitty job this semester.
It's about Kimmer.
If I send you an address,
can you drive by it and
tell me if she's with anyone?
Is this related to seeing her out
with homeboy from her
job, that George guy?
It's her boss, Jerry Nathanson.
Look, can you do this for me or not?
I can, but are you really
sure you want to know?
[WOMAN] I want a better life
than what I had when I was using.
But sometimes I can't
believe that I deserve it.
[MAN] Thank you for sharing, Carmen.
Thank you to everybody who shared today.
[ALL] One day at a time.
Jalysa in the entire place.
I'm sorry?
Nothing. Just a little frustrated.
Didn't find the session helpful, huh?
Sometimes that happens. It's normal.
You must be a newbie
at least new to us.
Yes. Uh, but to be honest,
I'm actually here looking
for my friend's sister Lisa.
Do you know anybody by that name?
I can't really tell you that.
We take each other's
confidences pretty seriously.
- So
- Yeah, I un I understand.
It's just, her sister hasn't
heard from her in weeks.
And, you know, that's a sign of relapse.
Or of just not wanting to talk.
If we thought that was all it was,
we would leave it alone, but
her boyfriend passed away recently,
and it was violent, so
I don't know anything about that.
You sure?
He was a pastor
I don't know what you're doing,
but it's bordering on inappropriate.
I-I listen, I don't mean any harm.
You're right. Forgive me.
Hey. I think that's her, Lisa.
Come on.
So you are Lisa?
We just want to talk.
But I don't want to talk to you.
We know you were dating Father Brown.
He was getting you pills before he died.
Our father was murdered
too, just a few days before,
and they were friends.
[TAL] Maybe he was murdered.
We don't know for sure, but
it could all be connected.
Who's your father?
[MARIAH] Judge Oliver Garland.
Freeman spoke fondly of him.
We think Freeman might
have known something.
Look, whatever you say,
it stays between us.
You have our word.
Is it the arrangements?
Did Freeman know about them?
Arrangements for what?
Did he ever mention
any arrangements that
he had with our dad?
No, and anything he had to
share about Judge Garland,
I'm sure he told the FBI.
[TAL] The FBI?
Freeman was talking to the FBI?
Somebody from the FBI called Freeman
shortly after your dad died,
said they wanted to set up
a meeting about your father.
We just assumed it was routine
given how famous he was.
I thought y'all knew.
He met with him the night he died.
Did he mention the agent's name?
Uh, yes.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Mc-something.
Uh, McDonald, McDade
- McDermott?
- McDermott?
That sounds about right.
[TAL] McDermott killed Freeman, why?
[MARIAH] Thought he knew something
he didn't really know?
How did he even to look for Lisa
or Lisa's boyfriend?
He's ahead of us.
Or was.
God bless the dead.
We're on the wrong track.
We think we've been
following Dad's trail,
but we keep running into McDermott's.
Well, unless they're the same thing.
[TAL] What do you mean?
You said the Vineyard
house was ransacked, right?
Maybe it's teenage vandalism.
Maybe somebody was
looking for something.
What are you saying?
The only way that
McDermott could have known
that Lisa's boyfriend had anything to do
with the arrangements
is the same way we did.
He read the judge's letter
and left it there for you.
Well, didn't do him any good.
He died not knowing shit.
The letter told him
I had all the answers,
but I don't know shit either.
I agree, you don't know shit.
How is that useful?
I'm going home. Let's regroup tomorrow.
No, stay for dinner. Addison's coming.
What? Since when is he in town?
Since yesterday. Apparently,
he's gonna be here for work more.
He said he's covering an
election or something
which is why he should be
joining us on our mission.
Also, I need you to cook.
When were you gonna tell me?
I'm telling you now.
Hey, Dana. What's up?
[DANA] Found Kimmer.
Big condo complex in River North.
I just sent you pictures,
but I could not get inside.
Yeah, I saw them.
I don't know anyone in that building.
What's she doing there?
[DANA] Well, there's
a chance this is all
a misunderstanding.
You don't actually think that.
No, but I have to say it.
Follow her.
See where she goes.
[DANA] Okay.
Hey, hey. You're early.
You told me not to be late.
Here, I brought this for you.
I'm surprised that's the
only thing you brought.
No new flavor of the week?
[CHUCKLES] You also said family only,
so I made her wait in the car.
Tal's in the kitchen.
[ADDISON] What's good, boy?
Our sister got you in here
looking like Mrs. Butterworth.
Why do you let her do that to you?
I volunteered.
[LAUGHS] You lying ass.
I gotta get this. Food
should be done soon.
[MARIAH] We'll be drinking
heavily in the meantime.
Where'd she end up going?
[DANA] Some house in the suburbs.
Whose house?
I don't know.
Can you look around, google the address,
find a welcome mat, anything
that could tell you
Okay. Christ.
Are you close to the door?
[DANA] Shh!
Then take me off speaker.
Is there a mailbox? Can you check
for a letter or something?
God, that's a federal crime, dude.
I'm not doing that.
Best I can get you is a license plate.
There's an Amazon package on the porch.
[TAL] So go.
[DANA] Well, what if
there's a Ring camera
- or something?
- Just cover your face.
[DANA] It's Kimmer's
boss, Jerry Nathanson.
I'm sorry, man.
[ADDISON] Man, what
clumsy-ass, what are you doing?
I know you're not breaking
shit in my kitchen.
I'll go get the broom.
Welcome, son.
What's all this? I
thought we were eating out.
I decided it was better
for us to have some privacy.
This hotel has some of the best steaks
this side of Peter Luger.
Sure, it looks great.
I don't pay all this
money to eat poorly.
I thought the Federalist Society
was paying for the hotel.
Don't get smart with me.
For me?
That's what it's there for.
I had them open it
up and let it breathe.
I meant what I said before.
You're doing good on that morning show.
- Thanks.
- I wish you'd let me help you
find something else.
You're better than some
substitute teacher position.
I thought you said you had
serious business to discuss.
I do. I do.
But I haven't seen you in months.
So what's new?
[MARIAH] I just want to know
what happened to your funeral date.
Well, I got reassigned
to Chicago for six months.
I don't do long-distance.
[MARIAH] Damn, that's cold.
She could've helped you reacclimate.
[ADDISON] I don't need help.
I'm from here.
That's why I got stuck
covering this special election.
Don't sound too happy about it.
Oh, I love being here.
Dealing with you two
is the only downside.
Oh, funny, I was gonna say
the same thing about you two.
Mm, mm.
To family.
To the judge.
I can't think of a better
way to honor our father
than to find out who killed him.
I thought you got her
off this conspiracy mess.
You were there when
Jack Ziegler showed up
to the judge's funeral.
Yeah, they knew each other,
what, for 50-odd years.
It's not really shocking that
he showed up at the funeral.
Tell Addison about the letter.
[ADDISON SCOFFS] All right, y'all.
If y'all called me over just for this,
I might as well go back to my place
'cause I heard enough
batshit conspiracy theories
when the judge was alive.
I don't need to hear it from y'all.
[TAL] You don't need to go.
We'll drop it.
I didn't cook up all
this food for nothing.
Well, it is pretty good.
I'm sorry.
[ADDISON] Man, it's all right.
No, that's that's not my demographic.
I'm progressive. You're
the one in the family
who has angry conservatives sewn up.
You could use a little more
conservatism in your life.
- Hm.
- [OLIVER] Tell me,
is there someone special?
Or are you still chasing
a series of someones?
[CHUCKLES] What, I can't enjoy my youth?
It's hardly youth anymore, is it?
I had fun in my day.
Oh, did you?
But at some point, you got to start
thinking about a family.
[MARIAH] One more. To Abby.
[TAL] To Abby.
It still hits me sometimes, this
this rage that they
never caught the guy.
I'm sure they got what they deserved.
I wish I had your certainty.
I wish the judge had been able to get
some sort of closure before he died.
You think he didn't?
He had this scrapbook in the study.
It was filled with hit-and-runs.
He was obsessed.
You saw it?
Don't you want to know
what really happened to Dad?
I already know what happened.
He died from a heart attack.
The judge apparently left some
sort of arrangements behind.
What the hell are arrangements?
[TAL] We don't know.
Maybe contracts, maybe files.
It could be nuclear
codes for all we know.
But there are people after them.
Including that psychopath Jack Ziegler.
Addison, if you would join us,
together with your help,
we would be able to
I'm not interested
in running around this
city chasing shadows.
He died from a heart attack.
That's it.
I'm out of here.
You're out of here?
[TAL] For real?
[OLIVER] I've been thinking
of a number of things
since your mother passed.
I need to know my affairs are in order.
I've made certain arrangements.
And as my oldest son, you're the one
who'll be carrying
on the Garland legacy.
Well, I thought the torchbearer
for the Garland legacy
was Mariah and all her kids.
[OLIVER] No, it's you.
I know I don't say this to
you children often enough,
but I'm proud of you.
What is this?
Did you
did you give this to the police?
What are you gonna do with it?
I've already done it.
I can't believe you.
In order to protect this family,
sometimes you have to make some hard
- That's bullshit.
- choices.
- Addison.
Never seen him like that before.
Grief messes with people, I guess.
Well, Addison struggled
to really know Dad.
Now I guess he just
wants to forget about him.
Well, people never
really know their parents.
I wonder if any of us
really knew the judge.
Maybe we should talk to Wainwright.
What? Why?
Because we've already talked to Mal.
Ziegler's an asshole who I still think
had something to do with this.
And everybody else pretty much bailed
when the judge lost the nomination.
Can't hurt to see if he can shed light
on any of this stuff.
Think you can get a Supreme
Court justice on the phone?
But I am still friendly
with his daughter Candace.
We just sent her a
gift for her new baby.
According to her Insta, Papa's in town
damn near every weekend.
So I'll call her.
[LAUGHING] Oh, my God,
we'd looked everywhere,
only to find Candace
hiding in the coat closet with you
eating all the crab puffs.
[MARIAH] We were growing children.
That you were.
I still find it hard to
believe that you're adults now
with children of your own.
I know your father was proud.
That's, uh, part of why
we asked you to come by.
Are you aware of any arrangements
he may have made for after his death?
What sort of arrangements?
Well, that's the problem. We don't know.
[TAL] His instructions were cryptic.
He seems pretty sure that
you'd understand them.
Unfortunately, I think
my father may have placed
undue faith in me.
I'm sure that's not true.
I remember when my father passed,
one of the things that
broke my heart the most
was thinking I'd never get a
chance to understand the man.
But time passed and it turns out,
I knew him better than I thought.
"Excelsior, my son. Excelsior."
It's all Greek well, Latin to me,
but I'm sure it means something to you.
Ah, closest I can figure it
out is it's a chess problem.
But I don't know how that makes sense.
Your father trusted you. Trust yourself.
He knew what he was doing.
There's a little part of me that knows
it should have been your father
on the court instead of me.
[MARIAH] Well, that wasn't your fault.
That was all Jack Ziegler.
I won't argue with that.
Do you think there's,
you know, any possibility that
Jack Ziegler could
have had something to do
with our father's death?
I'm not sure I follow.
We have reason to believe
there may have been foul play.
And we think Jack Ziegler
might have been involved.
That's a very serious allegation.
But between us
I wouldn't put it past him.
Judge Garland, no one seems
to be able to find Addison.
Has he been in contact with you?
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Good morning. He's flying in now.
Here he is.
Thank you.
Sorry, the C wasn't running
so I had to take a cab.
- We ready to go?
- [NATALIE] Sure are.
I'll set Mack up with your intro.
- Son?
- Don't.
[NATALIE] And three, two, one.
Good morning. I'm Addison Garland
here with a special guest.
You may know him as Judge Garland,
but he happens to be my father.
And today, we're gonna
talk about, uh, fatherhood.
[OLIVER] Taxi!
Will I see you at
Mariah's for Thanksgiving?
Yeah, Dad.
I'll be there.
If you're gonna pout about it,
we can go to the lame-ass place
that you suggested, even though Sublime
clearly has the better burger.
As I've said repeatedly,
Melvin's Burgers
is better by a mile.
I'm not pouting.
I'm thinking.
You really think Jack
had something to do
with the judge's death?
I don't know.
He's a criminal who was
snooping around the body
before it was cold.
And he's the closest thing
we have to a real clue now
that Lisa's boyfriend
turned out to be a dead end.
She gave you shit for
being with me today?
[MARIAH] Who do you think?
[SCOFFS] The one who's
got you football-spiking
glasses and staring out into
space like a '90s R&B video.
Do you want to talk about it?
Where are you going?
I told you I'm not going
to fucking Melvin's.
Has anyone been following you?
No, I haven't seen anybody, why?
Someone's been driving
around dogging me for days.
I think it's the other
fake FBI Agent Foreman.
The thing is, he's been in an Audi.
There's a BMW that's been
tailing us for six blocks.
Okay, come on, then let's lose him.
Lose him? What do you want me to do?
It's the long, skinny one. Floor it.
God damn!
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Wait, go around! Go around. Go around.
- Maxine?
- What the fuck are you doing?
Actually, Sally's is close by.
We'll be able to lay low there.
What the hell?
What are y'all doing here?
We're just in the neighborhood.
Come on.
Oh, can I get y'all something
sangria, wine spritzer,
something to eat?
[SIGHS] I'm starving.
Food sounds good.
You know I got you.
I'ma pour up some sangria too.
Why was the woman from
the roller rink chasing us?
I don't know.
Is she working with
McDermott and Foreman?
Maybe, but if that's the case,
why didn't she just
grab me off the ferry?
[MARIAH] Maybe she was the
one in the judge's study
with the pawn and the scrapbook?
I don't know why she'd want a scrapbook
featuring the judge's
obsession with hit-and-runs.
[HESITATES] What scrapbook?
[TAL] Something my dad made.
Remember, it went
missing after the funeral?
Yeah. Was it important?
I don't know, but some weird
shit has been happening,
so maybe.
What do you know, Sally?
I'm sorry.
If I'd known it was
that important to you,
I wouldn't have agreed to take it.
You took it?
Addison asked me to.
- He what?
- Where is it now?
[SALLY] Look, you got to understand,
I thought I was doing him a favor.
What did you do?
He told me to burn it.
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