En Fin (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Los cinco jinetes del Apocalipsis

Let me ask you a question.
Are you feeling disheartened?
Gloomy, apathetic, depressed?
In short, you feel alive?
Did you know that
since the red planet appeared,
fossil fuel consumption
has dropped by 90%?
Got used to the idea
that the world was going to end?
Well, it's better now than it was before.
What a disgrace.
Feeling nostalgic about something
that never happened?
That'll be apocalyptic anxiety.
But don't worry, you're not alone.
The Community of Colleagues
of the Apocalypse wants what you want.
The peace of mind of knowing
that tomorrow will never come.
The question isn't, "What kind of planet
do we want to leave for our children?"
The real question is, "Do we actually
want to leave them a planet at all?"
So you want the world to end?
Well, just wait until you get old.
And if you're in a hurry,
throw yourselves off a bridge.
-Well, it's just
-Go on. Get the hell out of here.
Since the end of the world
was first announced,
crime rates have risen by 110%.
My insurance company won't cover me.
I've got full coverage.
But they say you can't insure
against the apocalypse. Motherfuckers!
Average citizens are now part
of criminal gangs.
There are lots of divorced people.
Fearless people with nothing to lose.
"Its rider was given power
to take peace from the Earth
"and to make people kill each other."
Come and get me, show your faces!
"To him was given a large sword."
Are you the red planet, dude?
Come over here so I can knock
some sense into you, piece of shit!
Come get me.
Let's get into a fistfight.
Piece of shit!
I don't have insurance,
but I got balls, fuckers.
Bang! Bang!
We ask the public
to place their trust in law enforcement.
All members of the police and armed forces
have resigned from their posts.
We also have the right
to have a fucking great time.
-Am I right?
People in the streets are celebrating.
Fearless people.
-Come get me.
The three fundamental pillars of life are:
happiness, survival
and I don't remember the last one.
He said I'm a whore,
but I'm nothing of the sort.
Those responsible for cleaning the streets
have also resigned.
It stinks.
The coming weeks
will be hard for all of us.
Go get it, Coco.
But we must stay calm.
Violence is never the answer.
I know how I want to spend my last days,
doing what I've always done:
exercising, reading a good book
or making a tasty risotto.
I want to spend the time I have left
in peace
and tranquility
with my family by my side.
This message is brought to you
by the Ministry of the Interior.
State Department for the Disintegration.
Please, stay home. Everything will be
exercising, reading a good book
or making
I want to spend the time I have left
in peace
with my family by my side.
brought to you
by the Ministry of the Interior.
He's in bad shape.
He's been like this for two weeks now.
Yeah, but Tomás? Are you sure?
We could use him.
Right, but I just can't see him
being a team player.
He'll get used to it.
What skills does he have?
Well, he's
my friend.
So another good-for-nothing.
Listen, after his breakup and all,
he just needs a distraction.
When Yoli left me,
I signed up for pottery classes.
How did that go?
I tried to make a cup,
but I didn't want to get my hands dirty.
I've got this thing about clay.
When I was a kid, I thought it was poop.
Nobody explained it to me.
I never ate off clay plates.
I never really got over it.
-Would you eat off a plate made of poop?
I'll go first.
They say he shot the ad in exchange
for a one way ticket up to the satellite.
You know,
the one where all the rich and famous are.
Well, fuck them.
I hope they never come back.
I want to introduce you
to some friends of mine.
We've got this group, this team.
We have a good time together
and I thought you might want to join us.
It's nothing
This is
Come on.
Come here.
Hey, be careful, dude.
Move over. There you go.
Come on.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
Come on, join us.
You could use some fresh air.
You just need some air, Tomás.
We're heading out on patrol.
Why don't you come?
You already know Molina.
This is Manoli, she's paralympic
world champion in archery.
And remember Curro?
He's Molina's nephew, Pili's kid.
-I'm a streamer.
-You were.
Without the police, it's down to us,
the Four Horsemen.
We try to make sure
things don't get out of hand.
It's like a jungle out there
and we're like Tarzan.
-Please don't say that.
-What? It's a good slogan.
-It's shit.
So? Are you in?
Didn't you want the world
to go back to how it was before?
That's what we Horsemen do.
This coffee tastes like shit.
So this is what you were doing
every Tuesday afternoon?
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Molina and I started out a few months ago
after the police and the Civil Guard quit.
Then Manoli and my nephew joined us.
But now is when we Horsemen are needed.
It's time to rebuild.
Well, there's plenty to do.
And plenty of bastards in our way.
Yeah, there's a whole host
of badass gangs around town.
Obviously, we're keeping a tally.
At the highway exit to the north
we have the Junkiedrome.
Doctors, civil servants, sportsmen
Even the mayor's hooked on heroin.
Many educated, well-prepared junkies.
They're like zombies,
but really fast ones.
You have to keep out of their territory.
But it's better to avoid some places,
like that one or Los Álamos.
Los Álamos is dangerous now?
It's hell over there.
It's the Garcías' territory now.
They used to live in shacks by the river.
They read Marx and,
with all the apocalypse craziness,
they moved to a rich area.
Now they won't stop talking about
capital gains and wealth distribution.
The beach belongs
to those Perpetual Help bastards.
An alliance between lifeguards
and the guys that rented out sun loungers.
Now they control all access to the beach.
Then there are The Keys,
computer programmers.
Since the Internet collapsed, they got
nothing to do and don't give a fuck.
Who would've thought it was computers
keeping those sons of bitches in line.
Curro here was one of them.
But I got out in time.
I've seen a lot of shit.
The ones who gatecrashed the barbecue
at Romero's were The Keys.
They like sneaking into houses.
But the most dangerous gang of all
is José Antonio.
-José Antonio.
-José Antonio.
-José Antonio?
-Don't ask.
You don't want to know.
Never mention José Antonio again.
What the hell?
What the hell are you doing?
Morning! We're just vandalizing
this bus stop.
The apocalypse is a joint effort.
We all have to do our part.
A small act alone may not seem like much,
but all those small acts together
can make all the difference!
-We're from COCA,
Community of Colleagues of the Apocalypse.
Nice to meet you.
Curro, the notebook.
We're the Five Horsemen
of the Apocalypse. Our work
Five horsemen?
Yeah, we know. There were four of us,
but Romero keeps inviting people.
Curro, it doesn't matter.
-What matters is that we want to
Holy shit, Tominator!
This is the kamikaze I told you about.
Remember? The dude's a legend.
-The fireworks and placenta guy?
-That's him.
Shit, man, I thought you were dead!
No. I think you must be mistaken.
It's me, Toño!
Remember? We were high as kites,
but we had a fucking awesome time.
Right. Still not coming to me, really
Your friend is one crazy motherfucker!
We spent a week partying in a water park.
But remember the penguins?
That was some crazy shit.
Really, I wish I could remember but
-I don't think it was quite that crazy.
-We had a great time, right?
Good times.
But at what cost?
I mean, everything made sense
with a grand finale on the horizon, but
without that finale,
how could we do that
to the penguins, dude?
I'll never be able to forgive myself.
We have to get going.
I don't know.
we must do something about this.
When you said you guys
were night vigilantes
patrolling the streets
and fighting bad guys,
this isn't quite what I had in mind.
I need more soap!
Of course. Catch.
-They're really fond of you, aren't they?
-And I am fond of them.
All we need is a place in this world,
a mission.
The Horsemen represents "home" to us.
That's why I want you to join.
I'm not calling you Captain.
Fine by me, soldier.
The world is totally screwed.
You know cleaning a bus shelter
isn't going to fix it, right?
Won't do any harm either.
that guy just now,
you know him, don't you?
It seems you two had a great time together
during the apocalypse.
It was no big deal.
I don't know,
you've been here for weeks now
and you still haven't told me
what you've been up to or with whom.
There's nothing to tell, Juan.
I mean, I don't want to talk about it.
I don't want to remember, okay?
Right, but why
didn't you say anything? I
I would have come with you.
-All done, Captain.
Great job.
Does anyone know when the 5 is due?
It should be here any minute now.
In five minutes.
At this rate, I won't make it
to the movies on time.
At least you're going to the movies.
I'm late for work and I've got a meeting.
-This damn 5 is always running late.
-But it has a good ramp.
-The 30 is awful.
Full of old folks stinking of cat piss.
At least you always get a seat.
-Look, what I meant was,
since it's always full, it's a good thing
that at least she'll be seated.
I'm taking the bus today
because my car's at the mechanic
and I have to pick up my daughter.
It ain't cheap. "Support public transport"
they say, but
It's the same with the bike lane.
That comes out of our pockets.
True that.
I can't wait to get my license.
Get down!
Fucking kids.
Hey, come here!
Your fucking dad can go fuck himself.
-There were at least 15 of them.
-They're organized.
A new gang. Put it in the notebook.
The Kids Gang, made up of kids.
They throw stones. Done.
-Stop squirming.
-Let go of me, old man!
-The rest escaped, but not this one.
Hey, keep it down.
You've caused enough trouble.
-You fancy little girls, pedophile?
-Enough of that.
Look, we just want to talk.
Why did you do that? Are you stupid?
"Why did you do that? Are you stupid?"
-Very mature.
-"Very mature."
What have you got there?
Hey, Tomás, what are you doing?
She's a kid, you animal.
I wasn't going to hit her.
-We're supposed to be the good guys.
-I said I wasn't going to do it.
You okay?
What's your name?
"You okay? What's your name?"
We Horsemen don't resort to violence.
Especially with
She's just a victim.
She and all the other kids
running around out there.
God only knows where their parents are.
Those who aren't dead
have abandoned their kids.
What kind of animal
could abandon his daughter?
-Tomás, I didn't mean
-Doesn't matter. Forget it.
Hey! Leave me alone!
No. Let fucking go of me.
I can do it on my own.
I'll pick it up.
-There's more there.
-Put it here.
-Wait, damn it.
Tomás, we need another bag.
Look, that's it. I've had enough.
Juan, this is a fucking stupid idea.
Look at yourself.
You look like a Street Sweeper Action Man.
Hey, don't talk to the Captain like that.
Listen to me. If you carry on like this,
you're going to get hurt.
I doubt it. They've got my back.
The Horsemen ride together.
Don't you see you're just
a bunch of losers? Even kids tease you.
"Oh, look, the Horsemen!
Oh, the big, scary Horsemen!"
"The horsewoman on wheels."
Want me to break your legs?
-Four-eyes here disguised as The Matrix.
I'm dressed like Blade, the Afro-American
vampire hunter, dumbass.
I also represent a minority.
I've got myopia.
-Shut up, Matrix.
-Don't talk to him like that.
And then there's Molina,
the typical idiot nobody likes,
but whom you befriended out of pity.
It's not Molina nobody likes.
Remember the Christmas dinner
with the guys from the hotel?
What dinner?
The guys from work? What a bore.
I'm glad they didn't invite me.
I had plenty of plans.
With yourself, right?
-No, with your mom.
-She's dead.
I have friends, okay? Lots of them.
Real ones, not geeks and farm animals.
I hang out with you
because Romero asked me to.
No, sorry. That's why I hang out with you.
Nobody can stand you, know-it-all.
Tell him, Juan.
He's a know-it-all. Tell him.
Molina's a fucking great guy.
He's been looking after his aunt Paqui
since this whole thing started.
-She's not doing so good. She's 90.
And he started a food bank.
But Tomás is a badass.
Today he threatened a little girl.
Okay, I see. So I'm the bad guy now
and the PAW Patrol here are saints.
Why don't you tell them the truth? Go on.
No? You going to tell them or should I?
Want me to do it?
The two who gatecrashed the barbecue
weren't some crazy programmers.
-No, no, no.
Your Captain here was holding
two people hostage in his garage.
I may be a bastard,
but you've got a fucking screw loose.
Don't sweat it, Captain.
We Horsemen don't judge.
Well, not each other anyway.
If you kidnapped them,
they sure did something to deserve it.
To be honest,
I wanted them to repopulate Earth.
See? You had a reason.
Besides, we've all done some crazy things
these past few months.
My car's been parked
in a no-parking spot for seven months.
I've started smoking again.
I gave Curro a hand job out of pity
Nobody's perfect here, Captain.
It's better like this anyway.
Four Horsemen. Five didn't make sense.
-Have you two been friends for long?
-Since elementary school.
I bet he was a son of a bitch
back then too.
Not really.
When I met him, he was the one
getting his ass kicked by the other
I'm telling you
the aorta vein ends in the leg.
Don't touch me!
Fuck my life.
-That hurts.
-Shut up. That's not pain.
Yes it is, damn it.
That stuff really stings.
Want to know what pain feels like?
We were ambushed. I don't know how.
They appeared everywhere.
Molina, they're kids.
No, they're not.
He's got a theory.
They may look like kids,
but they're actually tiny adults.
That's my theory.
What the hell is he talking about?
He's in shock. Let me pass.
Where's Romero?
He didn't make it out.
Stone to the temple.
Went out like a light.
You left him there?
I told him he'd get hurt, damn it.
Didn't I tell him?
-You coming with us to bring him back?
-No. I'm out of here.
"The Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
doesn't sound right.
José Antonio.
Come on, Tomás.
They're hiding out in there, for sure.
I saw loads of candy wrappers, and this.
What do we do now?
Beat them at their own game.
We may want to restore civilization
by cleaning bus shelters,
but we have to strike first.
Right here, right now.
You mean that figuratively, right?
School is a place without rules.
There are only predators and prey.
It takes just one look at you to see
that you're some fucking gazelles.
At least they're fast runners.
No more running.
Tonight, we're going to destroy
the food chain.
No, wait. I mean
Tonight, we're going to get our revenge
on those bastards.
-What if it's a trap?
-Don't worry.
Even though Molina may not agree,
they're only kids, got it?
You've never seen Home Alone, have you?
-Well, if you hold here and I
-Don't touch me.
That's a lot of steps.
-Well, Tomás, you hold the back and I'll
-Let go, damn it.
Don't worry about me.
Keep going. I'll catch up.
Well then
No, stop! It's a trap.
Told you so. A trap.
-It's a bit strange, isn't it?
-What's strange?
If it were a trap,
they wouldn't let him tell us it's a trap.
Interesting. Maybe the trap
is letting him tell us it's a trap.
If it were a real trap,
they'd have gagged him until we got here
and when we took the gag off he'd say,
"It's a trap!"
Then it would be too late.
A classic trap.
But maybe they want us
to think that's the trap,
but it's not. That's the trap there.
So, what do we do? Are we going or what?
-Right. Let's go?
-Let's go, right?
Are you stupid? What are you doing?
I just told you it's a trap.
Yeah, right, a trap. Sure.
Would you look at that?
It really is a trap.
Told you so.
But you get our theory, right?
We thought the trap
was you telling us it was a trap.
-You made a big mistake
-"You made a big mistake"
-What are you doing, dumbass?
-"What are you doing, dumbass?"
-Look, stop that right now or
-"Look, stop that right now or"
-You asked for it.
-"You asked for it."
Not so funny now, are you?
"Not so funny now, are you?"
You're safe now,
Come on!
Now what?
We did it!
Go on, cry now!
Hell yeah!
Those kids went flying. Bam!
-Excuse me, what about that epic arrow?
The new Horsemen are fucking badass.
The bad guys better get ready for this.
Let's stop by my place.
I've still got a bottle of whiskey.
Hey, cheer up, soldier. We beat them.
I know, but
I know it was awesome.
But we kicked the shit out of some kids
that weigh what? 20 kilos each?
Who's to say we're the good guys
and they're the bad guys?
Put it in the notebook.
Give me those.
will be hard for all of us.
But we must stay calm.
Violence is never the answer.
I know how I want to spend my last days,
doing what I've always done:
Hi, good evening. Heard about the
Community of Colleagues of the Apocalypse?
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