Enheraf (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

"The most terrible thing in the world,"
"is to feel abandoned without knowing
what you've done."
"I'm so tried, Dr. Hor."
What about Aser Al-Mufti?
How did he enter your life?
"from his show."
"I used to listen how he solves
people's problems."
I fight the world with you,
and you fight me with the world.
Today in our episode, we'll talk
about people we trusted.
The people we believed,
but unfortunately they've
disappointed us.
A new episode of "Love Talks" podcast.
With me, Aser Al-Mufti.
I don't have a problem to talk about.
I just want to talk about
Why does the closest people
hurt you the most?
From people you didn't expect
them to do so.
Are you talking from
an experience, Solafa?
But I don't want to talk about it.
I want to send a message,
to people who use others who
believed and trusted them.
What comes around goes around.
Who hurts someone today, God can
send them someone to hurt them tomorrow.
And days pass quickly.
We'll get back to you after this song.
-Hello, Solafa. How are you?
-Who's this?
-This is Aser Al-Mufti.
Yes, because actually I felt
your voice is
Very sad.
I decided to talk with you after the
episode and figure out what's going on.
Actually this is the first reason.
What's the second reason?
I like your name a lot, because it's
my mother's name God rest her soul.
Is it your mother's name?
Thank you so much for your interest.
But my problem is big and
I don't like to talk about it.
I would love to hear it,
but can I ask you about something?
I've checked your WhatsApp and
I didn't find a photo of you.
Because all people I have
do know me.
And I don't like to post my pictures.
What about who wants to know you?
Can they take an appointment,
and invite you for lunch today?
-Tell me,
did you think I'm ugly?
Of course.
Because I'm not used when someone
doesn't use their photo,
to look good, or maybe have
some confidence.
Why can't it be that they
don't want anyone to know them?
Because I ran away from my family.
-Yes, as I'm telling you.
Because I'm from a well known family,
and my father is a big business man.
I'm sick of them, and escaped.
Why did you do that?
Because we're not the same.
I wanted to live with my natural
personality, they didn't like that.
I mean is there anything specific
that made you do this?
I fell in love with a simple guy,
he was an employee at my
father's company.
He was very ambitious.
They rejected him, because
he's not our level.
The only solution I had was to escape
with him and get married far from them.
-Did he accept that?
-Sure, he did.
I packed my bag, and went to
meet him.
-Guess who I found.
-My father.
-You're kidding!
-He told your father?
-He sold me for some money.
Did you know, why I've told you
about disappointment?
Actually this situation is really hard.
But, I have a question.
Since it didn't work,
why did you ran away?
Because they will never leave me,
they will keep monitoring me.
I'll stay with you, and will
never leave you.
You'll find me so close to you.
-Is there something wrong?
-I've just told you my story.
-I don't want anyone to see me.
It's okay, don't worry.
What do you think if we want to
meet later for a coffee,
we meet in my place.
-Your place? You misunderstood me.
-Hold on, wait.
It's a safe place instead of being
paranoid like this.
We can be comfortable.
If this is the case, then okay.
Did the Brazilian guy get back home?
Are you sure? Okay then, bye.
Good morning my love.
Good morning, why did you sleep here?
Nothing, I was sitting here
and I just fell asleep.
Don't worry, did you sleep well?
Yes, but there's something
I want to tell you about.
We have an event at school
about the father's day,
and every student should bring
their father.
But it's not going to work,
you won't come anyway.
Why I won't come?
-Because you're busy.
-Who told that?
-I'll leave everything behind and come.
It's an evening party, it will be
around 5 p.m.
-An evening party?
Okay, fine.
You have time to come home
from school and wear your dress,
-then I pass by you and we go together.
Fantastic? An evening party?
Bring a unit quickly.
Sherif, track my phone quickly.
Dad, enough.
Do you know this is my first time
wearing a dress?
By the way, you're getting late,
Where are you?
Honey, Uncle Wael has a problem.
I'll fix it and come.
Take himlower the gate for my buddy.
This is the Brazilian!
-I'm almost there
-The GPS brought me here.
-Exactly. Building 72, ground floor.
-Perfect. Is there a doorman?
-NoI'm waiting for you.
I'm so lucky you're here today, Solafa.
I'm the lucky one. Aser Al Mufti
the most famous broadcaster on love
is free for me.
That's because you're an exception
What would you like to drink?
I have everything
tea, coffeewhiskey.
You're very naughty.
You don't seem like that.
Forget Aser Al Mufti, the broadcaster.
Now, you're with the human.
a regular human, that will
show you things
you'll forget everyone else.
Let me make you a cocktail
I'll make it with my own hands
you'll never forget it.
You know what? I'll call it
"Soulafa Cocktail.
I wish you would.
Your house is very nice.
It may be small
but it's got everything.
You'll get used to it quickly
you'll be coming a lot.
Why am I tied? Who are you?
Me? I'm your dirty deed.
You're a thief, right?
No, I'm not here to rob you.
I'm here to kill you.
-Shut up! Stop!
Lower your voice. No one
will hear you
the music is loud.
No one can hear you at all.
How do I know you?
You don't know me
but I know you very well..
I know all your dirty deeds.
I know every girl that thought
you were a good person
Reaching out to you for help
involve her in your life,
get her attached, and then
become her new problem.
II forced no one.
I forced no one.
You did worse than that!
When a person does something by force,
they don't blame themselves.
You know why? They blame those
who forced them. But you
but you
you take advantage of the
girl's weaknesswith your sweet words.
You make her do what you want,
but by her own will.
-You lied, deceived and betrayed.
You destroyed homes!
You destroyed a lot of homes.
You destroyed a family.
Didn't do anything!
the fatherlost his mind
the wife was killed
and the girl
the girl
the girl
the girl..the girl
will be broken forever.
Yes, broken
-broken forever
Give me one more chance.
A second chance? To go on
destroying people's homes?
Second chances are given
to deserving people
as for youno.
-I beg you.
You beg me?
A celebration for all girls
a celebration
as they hear about your
death on the radio.
The deathof the famous
Aser Al Moufti
caused by an overdose.
Come here.
Crap! Fathy!
What's the matter, Effat?
I can't sleep because of the music.
It's really late.
This presenter
need to learn some manners.
How rude of him!
Either you go upstairs and
confront him, or we call the police.
This presenter has taken things too far.
There must be a solution to this.
The music has been playing
for a long time,
and he hasn't appeared all day.
Do you think
something happened to him?
Beats me.
We're about to find out.
What's this! There's no
power or strength but with Allah.
I don't know what I would've
done without you, Sherif.
Me neither I don't know what
would you have done without me.
I love you, man.
I have this habit.
I always must do you favors.
Aw! Aw!
Careful, man! The wound!
Toughen up a bit, man.
It's not like you were shot.
It's my fault I called you.
But what can I do You were
the first person I could think of.
Hadn't you done so, I
would've been mad at you.
Don't you know? You're a brother to me.
You're a brother to me
too, I swear by the Quran.
Tell me Did you manage
to catch any of the guys?
We caught two, and the rest will
be apprehended tonight. Don't worry.
Great. Take me with you, then.
Take you? You should rest!
Aw! Careful with the
wound, Sherif, I'm serious.
I didn't mean to, this time.
I'm serious.
OK, man.
Tell me, since you're all dressed
up like that, where were you going?
Dressed up? Oh, crap!
I forgot Habiba, Goddamn you.
You should have been shot
dead, I would've been relieved.
I'm not going anywhere.
By the way,
I dismissed the school bus
and I'm the one driving you to school.
Don't sweat it.
You don't have to make up
for what you did yesterday.
- It's OK.
- Make up?
What's with all the big girls talk?
What happened yesterday
was bad, real bad.
And I agree with you,
you have a right to be angry.
If I were you, I'd be angry too.
Can I ask you just one question?
- Go ahead.
- If you weren't coming
Why did you promise me
from the beginning?
Because I was coming.
But some difficult circumstances
occurred, causing me to be late.
Circumstances Yeah.
Mom travels and leaves me alone
It's OK Because of circumstances.
And you have no time for me
It's OK. Because of circumstances.
I wish I were those circumstances
you drop everything for.
What are you talking about, dear?
Don't you know that I could leave
the whole world behind for you?
Do you take me for a fool?
Or is it because I let things
slide, you think I'm an idiot?
or that I don't know what you
get up to behind my back.
Or that you created an account
on the video streaming application
to monitor me?
And after all of that
You storm into the room like I'm
one of the criminals you deal with.
I did this because
I'm worried about you.
I think those who worry about
people, tend to assure them.
And listen to them.
Not smother them.
Let me drive you to school
and talk on the way.
Dad, please.
I'll order an Uber.
What Uber? Let me drive you.
Dad! Please!
What's with you, woman?! Are you blind?!
Excuse me, doctor.
I'm indebted to you
I came all the way from upper Egypt.
And I've been standing here all
day, waiting for you to come out.
- Why didn't you come up to the clinic?
- I did.
But the chubby girl you have there,
told me that the nearest appointment
is two weeks from now.
What I came to you about can't wait.
OK. Come over.
Thank you so much, doctor. Thank you.
Thank you.
How come you're this beautiful?
What's with this new hairdo?
What do you think?
Your mom,
may God have mercy on her soul.
Used to braid your hair everyday
when you were going to school.
And before you got on the bus.
You would've already
unbraided your hair.
You've always been tough.
How's life on the outside?
Really bad without you.
I've met Dr. Hor, by the way.
And thanked her for getting you to talk.
The lawyers told us
that proving infidelity
would lighten up your sentence
to 5 years.
You would spend
two-thirds of your sentence,
then get released due to good behavior.
That's 3.5 years.
They'll pass really quick.
I don't know
How will I look people in the
face after I'm released from prison?
What people?
I've bought the house I
told you I liked in Dahab.
It's a small, cozy, seaside
house, you'll love it.
You'll begin
a new life when you come over.
New people.
Everything will change.
The only thing that will remain
unchanged is my love for you.
It'll never change.
I'll never
I'll never forget what you did for me.
I love you.
Now what? I miss home.
- You can go.
- Alright. Bye.
OK, Mrs. Ehsan.
I'm with you now. Go ahead.
I came to you in regard
to Wedad, my neighbor.
If you came in regard to Wedad,
why didn't you bring her along?
She's facing a death sentence.
Why did you come to me? I'm no lawyer.
I know it's God's will.
And I'm a Muslim.
She, too, is a believer and a Muslim.
I'm scared she'd die
before death comes for her.
She hasn't eaten for a week.
Last time I saw her
She looked pale.
Her eyes were swollen
And her heart was hardly bumping.
What can I do for her?
She loves you so much and
watches you on TV all the time.
This is why I came to you,
so you could talk to her.
And tell her to stop
doing all of this to herself.
I'm scared she'll die an infidel.
Why was she sentenced to death?
She killed Sayyed, her nephew.
Mr. president
The defendant before you, in this cell.
Has committed murder in
its most egregious forms.
She committed a crime
That drove all eyes to cry.
And the skies turned gray in condolence.
The person whom she killed
The fruit of her son's loins.
It's well-known that
aunts are like mothers.
But what can I say?
Except that she is a woman who
is lacks any shred of humanity.
She killed her nephew in cold blood.
She thought, meditated, and prepared
Not only did she kill
him, she tortured him.
She burned him to cover her tracks.
Mr. president.
This woman
Was possessed by the devil.
And she made light of
an innocent, pure, soul.
In the peak of its youth.
And she made light of her brother's
heartbreak and grief over his son.
Shouldn't we make light
of her despicable soul?
While applying God's ruling upon her.
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