Erky Perky (2006) s01e04 Episode Script

Webb of Death

Life was good
on Hot Dog Stand ♪
For two bugs
with food demands ♪
Had our last meal
one sunny day ♪
They got caught
up and swept away ♪
Into Kitchen's
where they landed ♪
We're so hungry ♪
And we're stranded ♪
Finding food is
quite a mission ♪
Other bugs are competition ♪
Now just one question ♪
How do we find our
way back home? ♪
- Remember that great
red stuff we used to eat
when we lived at hot dog stand?
Sticky yet slimy with just
a touch of rancid ooze.
Oh, remember, remember
we ate so many of the
crunchy green things
we felt like kings?
- Do you know the
only thing worse than
not having any food?
- Uhhh
Not having a mouth?
- No, it's you constantly
talking about food!
From now on, unless
we have gruel, no more
talking about stuff.
Red stuff, green
stuff, slimy stuff-
- Purple stuff.
- Purple stuff, that lip
smacking, drippy stuff.
- Ah, ha ha!
- It's so beautiful.
(both moaning)
- Stay close and
remember what I told ya.
Only step on the light tiles.
The dark tiles
are booby trapped.
- Oh hey, it's Frenzel.
- He'll see it.
Get rid of him.
- Why can't we share it?
- I'm going to pretend
I didn't hear that.
Now go.
- Ooh, the garbage can.
Such pleasant odors.
And a deadly place
known for prowling parasites
waiting to devour kitchen scraps
like you!
- Ahh!
- Ooh!
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
- [All] Ahh!
- Stop right there.
If I don't get ya home
to Mama, I don't get paid
my wad of grease.
Back in line.
- (laughing nervously)
They're so small and cute
they frightened me.
- These mites are enjoying my
dangers of kitchen
introductory tour.
(Erky straining)
- Ahh!
- What was that?
Behind me.
I'm comin' in, whatever you are!
- Dangers of kitchen
introductory tour, hmm.
Wow, that sounds like
Can I join you?
- Fine.
Just put your mark
on this release form.
This little baby says
I'm not responsible
if anything happens to you
like death, dismemberment,
act of mantis,
squashed up millipedes
crossing, acid spitting,
beetle attack and stampede,
lightning bug electrocution,
that kind of thing.
- Okay then, I guess I'll
just have to go with you
on the tour.
Well, mmm, let's go.
- Mm.
Ooh uh uh, my foot, eh.
There we go.
- I feel dizzy.
- Grrr.
Ugh, this is harder
to hide than I thought.
Curse you, purple stuff!
- Behold the hole.
Where it goes, nobody knows.
Okay, watch your step.
- Hey, Perky!
I'm looking for a place
to hide the purple stuff.
- Not here.
He's just around the corner.
Now you've brought
the purple stuff here
so I have to take him
even further away.
- Wait!
Eh, wha, whoa!
- [Voice Below] Yessssss.
- [Mad Margret] Look, Cecil.
- [Erky] No, no, get away.
Aha, whoo!
Curse you, Mad Margret!
(lands with a thud and a bounce)
You're the last piece left.
We'll hide you.
- What better place to end
the dangers of kitchen tour?
The most fearsome
creature known to bug kind.
I give you
- Oh gobble gobble
gobble gobble.
- Ahh!
- Now we need a
courageous volunteer.
- Volunteer?
- So here's the scene
A bug caught unawares
now retreats in fear.
- Ah ah ha umma a
mum mum I'm sorry.
I think i better be going.
- But darling,
you're not leaving.
Why don't you stay for dinner?
- Dinner?
Wow, that'd be great.
What are we having?
- Look at how easily
she snares the bug.
Soon he will be eaten! (laughs)
- Did he say (gulps) eaten?
- Eaten!
- What are you
talking about, silly boy?
Here, let Delilah help you.
- On second thought, I, I, I
seem to have lost my appetite.
- And darling, I think
I just found mine.
(teeth chattering)
Nice and juicy.
- No!
- See how diabolically
the strands trap the victim.
- Help me.
- And drag the bug back.
- Oh!
- Perky?
- Now the most gruesome
part of the feast begins.
- What's she gonna do?
- She drinks her
victims' insides!
- Oh, gross!
- That's so cool!
- Perky!
- Erky, get me outta here.
- Huh, what's this?
Suddenly another bug has
stumbled onto the scene.
Watch as he runs in fear.
- Ooh!
- I'll save you pal!
- So we're going
off the script are we?
(cries out)
- Yay!
- Have I been saved?
What happened?
- I don't know, my
plan was flawless.
- Well there's only
one thing that can
save these witless bugs now.
Take that.
And that.
- Hey, oh ah.
Two, three.
- Curse you!
- Say your prayers, Delilah!
- Oh, ow, I'm dying.
What a world, what a world.
- Yay!
- Oh thank you Frenzel.
Thank you.
You saved us from
the scary spider lady
Who's not really dead.
- [Kids] Yay!
- That was the best show yet.
- Uh, show?
I thought I was gonna die.
- A very convincing performance.
Time to get you home and for me
to collect my payment of grease.
- Bye darlings.
- Well that was great.
Hey, you okay?
- (trembling) She had a straw.
- Oh you'll be okay.
A little purple stuff
will cheer you right up.
- [Frenzel] Come on,
everyone stick together.
- This'll make ya feel better.
- Ah!
- Actually I feel
a little bit worse
if that's possible.
Remember when we
lived at hot dog stand?
We always had great food.
- Oh not again.
Stop it.
- Remember that red stuff?
Ooh hoo hoo hoo.
- Perky, that's enough.
- Sticky yet slimy with
just a touch of rancid ooze.
- [Erky] Curse you, red stuff!
(upbeat music)
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