Everything Will Be Fine (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Me Too

We can take him for everything he's worth.
What he did is called usurpation.
We'll file a lawsuit.
[Julia] Then what?
Then the house is yours.
You can sell it or rent it, whatever.
I think it's kind of aggressive
to start with a lawsuit.
Do you want a divorce?
but we had agreed
not to bring in lawyers.
We wanted this to be amicable,
but that doesn't seem likely now.
I'll take this
as far as you want me to, Julia.
I want to make sure
you get your fair share.
I gather he hasn't exactly been
the most responsible model husband.
Divorce itself is easy.
The tricky part involves
decisions on things
like the house and child custody
Your sister tells me he's not
open to dialogue, is that right?
This is a process, Julia.
You and I are on the same team.
But I'll be honest here.
You need to be more assertive.
How about we try an exercise.
Let's pretend I'm your husband.
I'm Ruy. What would you say?
[Julia grunts]
What would you say?
What are your grievances?
I don't know.
What do you hate about me?
Come on, don't hold back.
I'm annoyed you won't accept
you're depressed.
I hate that you
refuse to accept your failures,
and that you wanna drag
everyone else down with you.
[shouting] I hate that you have
zero fucking emotional intelligence!
I hate that you tried
to make a complete fool of me!
You disgust me!
I can't stand you, you fucking piece of
[theme music playing]
Did you see Julia?
She left while I was in the shower.
[Andrea chattering indistinctly]
You let her in, didn't you?
Of course I let her in.
This is her house
and she was locked out.
It's also my house.
Come on, honey! We gotta go!
You're gonna be late!
[Andrea] Coming!
I'm just getting my backpack!
You have a great day.
"My house."
As if you paid for it.
[woman] Coming up soon on Resonance Radio
is another of our round table discussions.
We'll hear from a panel of colleagues
here at the station
as well as other experts
as we discuss the Women's March
and its social implications.
You won't wanna miss it.
Good morning, Chuy.
[Rebeca] Hey, guys.
Hey. You stoked for the round table, Beca?
[Rebeca] Is Ruy on the panel?
[Chuy] I guess.
You know how Laura is obsessed
with having multiple perspectives.
They're waiting for you.
Hurry so I can check your mic.
Break a leg!
[indistinct chatter]
Does anybody have the stats
on new deaths from influenza?
- Morning, Rebeca.
- Good morning.
- Now with what's going on in Italy
- [phone buzzing]
- I mean, this
- Hello?
[man] Ruy Villegas?
Who is this?
How are you? I'm Emiliano Velón.
I'm Julia's attorney.
I'll be representing her
during the divorce proceedings.
Hello? Are you still there?
Yeah, sure. Hi.
I'm calling as a courtesy to let you know
that we've started the paperwork
and my advice to you
is that you hire a lawyer.
You can represent yourself if you prefer,
but I recommend hiring someone.
These things can become complicated.
As soon as you've hired someone,
have them contact my office.
We want a quick process. No suing.
Let's try to keep it friendly.
- Nice talking to you. We'll be in touch.
- Okay.
[Laura] This is 96.3. Welcome to our show.
This is Citizen Resonance,
the voice of transformation.
Hello to all you listeners out there.
We've got a great round table
for you today,
very diverse perspectives.
I'm here with Juliana Caso,
a criminal attorney.
We're also joined by our colleague
and collaborator, Rebeca.
She's a brilliant, young feminist
who attended the Women's March,
which is precisely the topic
the topic for today's conversation.
Thousands of women took to the streets
to protest gender-based violence.
- What can you tell us, Juliana?
- Hello, Laura. Thanks for inviting me.
Yes, as you mentioned,
there were not hundreds,
but thousands of women who came
together to say, "Enough is enough.
Not one more."
[Fabrizio] This is why we need to take
an active stance against oppression.
I understand there were also
certain religious and political groups
in attendance.
These groups like to crash such protests
as a way to voice dissent
against the president.
Yes, I think it's pretty obvious
what the objective is
when these groups join in protests.
They do so to minimize women's voices,
pull focus and move
their own agendas forward.
Right, and to echo my colleague's comment,
it's time to be proactive
against oppression. Right, Rebeca?
Yes. you know
it's funny that you mention that.
'Cause, as far as I'm concerned,
this is a huge problem
with all important
social movements, right?
Anyone can join a cause as a way
to get attention and self-promote,
but in fact, they actually don't
Um, I don't think
they're true defenders of the cause.
Yes, what you're saying
is really interesting.
[Fabrizio] So, speaking of
not minimizing women's voices,
what is it that you want?
What do you want men to do right now?
- Well
- [Ruy] Support, Fabrizio, right? Support.
As the father of a young girl,
for example, I am obviously an ally
- and will always women's causes.
- Oh, an "ally."
Great, wonderful. That's how it should be.
Real allies don't harass you,
though, right?
They don't touch me without my consent.
- They don't follow me around all day.
- Come on.
You just said you were an ally,
but I don't think that behavior
is what the dictionary calls it.
What is this?
You're addressing me directly?
This feels personal.
Are you talking about the party?
- [chuckling] I mean, seriously?
- [Rebeca] Well, if you
I mean, don't forget it was a party.
Laura, come on.
By the way, I got you that gig as a favor.
[Rebeca] Ah, there it is. Great.
[phone pings]
[music playing on speakers]
- What the fuck?
- [friend] What?
- Put Ruy's station on.
- Now?
Yeah, hurry.
- Here we are.
- [Ruy]there's no conflict here.
I'm on your side.
You're taking this the wrong way.
[Rebeca] Oh, clearly.
Since you got me the gig,
you think you're entitled
to harass me all day long.
- This has been going on a while.
- [Ruy] No, no. What? No, come on.
Please, look, it didn't come out right,
but that isn't what this is about.
Look, I think it's necessary to say this.
I am not a macho guy.
[sarcastically] No? All right.
I don't know why you're attacking
me personally like this
It's obvious there's oppression
at every level,
- oppression and violence.
- [Rebeca] Yes.
This is housekeeping. Can we get back
to the main topic, the march?
Sure, yeah. No problem.
I hear you. I know it's the main topic.
But as a woman, Laura,
don't you find it funny
that we have a colleague here,
Ruy, who thinks he's a feminist?
Yes, I am.
But really, he's your
typical progressive macho, right?
He thinks he's an ally
because he uses inclusive language.
Meanwhile, he harasses
his female co-workers.
[Ruy] What are you talking about?
[Rebeca] I'm not the only one
you've harassed. In fact,
I'd like to invite my other female
colleagues to out you here on this show,
- You're a jackass, Ruy.
- because this has to stop.
- Holy shit!
- [Ruy] No way. You're being ridiculous.
Dude, I used to be so jealous of her.
- People have been getting it on like
- [Rebeca] No, not like that. Not anymore.
- It's over. It's over.
- We had our open mic, round table.
Now let's talk about real
Not pretend stories
- [Fabrizio] Oh, God.
- Real stories of abuse.
For example, right here.
There have been stories from this station
that the board of directors
have kept silent for years
in order to protect past
and present administrations.
With this government,
not only are we speaking
of corruption and such abuse.
No, no, no, not only those.
- [Fabrizio] What are you talking about?
- We could talk about human trafficking.
Don't make those accusations
on these airwaves
on these microphones,
without any evidence.
There is evidence. You know it.
- Everyone knows it.
- [Laura] Our time has come to an end.
We'll be back after a message
from our sponsors.
[music plays]
You're tuned in to Resonance Radio, 96.3.
The voice of transformation.
[man] Give yourself a pick-me-up with
Gino's Iced Tea with its brand-new look.
Gino's Iced Tea.
Natural optimism.
[Ruy] What if I don't sign it?
[man] We'll let you go anyway.
[Ruy] I'm a victim here.
Things got out of hand, that's all.
You know that I'm the most
easy-going person at this station, please
[chuckling] I mean
Not only did you violate
the station's code of ethics,
but what you said on the air
could be construed as libel.
No, no way, No, no, no, no.
Come on, that's not fair.
No, that's nuts.
I'm serious, Ruy.
It's in your best interest to sign.
Son of a bitch.
You know what happened earlier today?
I found out she's filing for divorce.
What will I do? With no money, no work?
With no income? Come on, man!
The worst part
is that she's hired a lawyer.
We had a deal, for fuck's sake.
We said we wouldn't get lawyers involved.
We had a deal.
A fucking lawyer!
You know what that means?
A fucking lawyer?
How can she do this shit?
What a bitch.
- Sorry, man.
- [boss] Listen.
I can recommend a really good lawyer.
Her name is Claudia.
She is a real tiger.
You can cover her fees
with your severance deal.
If you decide to hire her,
I promise it'll be a slam dunk.
Thank you. Seriously, thank you.
You're a good friend.
[continues sniffling]
[pen scribbling]
May I have a tissue, please?
Sure, of course.
- That's why I have them.
- Thanks. [chuckles]
[groans] I'll be all right.
- Mind if I grab another?
- Sure, sure. Take as many as you like.
- I don't want them to know I cried.
- Don't worry about it.
I think I'm good.
No evidence of crying, right?
She's here.
What's going on? You haven't paid yet.
I won't pay you,
and I'm gonna tell on you.
Miss, Andrea wants us to pay her
[school bell ringing]
[talk show playing on radio]
[overlapping voices on radio]
[woman] It's no secret. That kid will
grow up one day and find out about this,
and his parents won't lie to him.
Some kids don't recover from this stuff.
Son of a bitch.
[woman] Everyone's out of control.
[man] He dropped his lawsuits,
but she hasn't dropped hers.
I'm going to a different destination.
[woman] No, because she's the one
who has more to lose.
[woman 2] We are carefully going through
and reading each of your comments
following the shameful on-air incident
with Ruy Villegas.
He has been relieved of his duties
here at the station.
To reinforce our commitment
to you listeners,
- we will read some of your comments.
- [phone ringing]
Lilliana writes,
"Many thanks to Rebeca for exposing"
- [Idalia] Hello?
- Hi, Idalia.
Don't pick up Andrea up today.
I'm going now.
Ruy did something stupid,
and I don't want her to find out.
Oh, no, Julia. What did he do to you?
Not to me, but
turn on the radio, and you'll hear it.
Such an ass.
Oh, will you please make me
copies of the keys of the new locks?
Sure, I'll get you some, don't worry.
Okay, great, see you later.
[woman] That's why we've gotta get
these bastards back
and let everyone know
In order to have a proper discussion
about workplace harassment,
we've all got to
[radio clicks off]
[Ruy] Ma, are you home? Can I come over?
Yes, yes. I know, I know.
No, I'm here, downstairs. Let me in.
Andrea! Andrea, your mom's here.
Come on. Give me your hand.
- Hello. She said she wasn't feeling well.
- What's wrong, sweet pea?
Why such a long face? What's wrong?
Are you sad, honey?
[man] You're good to go.
Oh, my little sweet pea.
Mommy's gonna cheer you up.
My little one needs a whole lot of love
to get her to smile again, doesn't she?
[car horn honking]
Okay, okay.
Someone's impatient.
- [honking persists]
- Be right back.
[shouting] Would you hang on a second?
Darling, what would you say
if we took the rest of the day off
and go for sushi and yummy cakes
No, my love, don't cry.
Tell me all about it.
I'll buy you whatever you want most.
A black rooster?
I'll buy you the next best thing.
Do you like it?
Let me see. Come here, my love.
- [patting] Come.
- Don't you like it?
This is what you want?
Are you sure you really want it?
[phone buzzing]
[Ruy] According to this,
I'm the worst scum there is.
No, you're not.
You made an error in judgment.
You aren't defined by that.
Admitting what you did would be
a very good first step though.
What did I do wrong?
This is just so unfair.
I really thought she was into me, Mom.
You can't flirt anymore.
I may not be the best person
for you to speak to about these things,
because I'm from a different generation.
But even when I was young,
the dating game could get
kind of complicated.
- I lied to get out of dates a lot.
- [phone buzzing]
I'd say I had to go to the bathroom
or something like that,
then I'd walk right out of the party,
and leave the guy there.
What? That's different.
I'm not a pervert!
No, but what I'm trying
to get you to understand
is that women have
very different perspectives than men.
I didn't mean to, but I suppose
I raised you to have macho attitudes.
Because well obviously,
it was just the two of us.
- Your father wasn't around.
- All right, don't start with that.
[mother sighs]
- What does Julia think?
- I don't want to talk about Julia, Mama.
Okay, I'm sorry.
[Julia] Do you wanna tell me
what happened at school?
[Andrea] Yep. In a minute.
I found them, Mom!
[groans] Are you sure, sweetheart?
I want them all. Which one do you like?
They all look the same.
No, they don't.
This one is a prince,
this one plays soccer.
This one has a mini skirt.
But darling, look at their faces.
Which one do you think will live
happily ever after with the princess?
Oh, my love
all that "happily ever after" stuff
is a big lie.
How come?
Um let's say this princess
meets this prince.
They laugh all the time.
They have fun together
and their pajama parties are amazing.
And they share similar views.
Then, all of a sudden,
he doesn't see the world
like she does anymore.
And the princess
meets this other prince.
And he wears ugly clothes,
and she doesn't know why,
but she realizes that she likes him a lot.
And their sleepovers are super amazing.
So, it's not fair then, right?
Because why can't she meet another prince
and have sleepovers with him
just because
she agreed to live "happily ever after"
with the first prince?
Why can't she just play with both princes?
[phone buzzing]
What's up?
[Raiza] What's up with you?
What's going on with that woman?
Did you see the tweet?
Which one?
They're pouring in like cockroaches.
Dude, the station says
it's cut all ties with you.
Did they fire you, pollito?
Yes. Dude, I can't believe
this is happening to me.
No fucking kidding. Wanna talk about it?
No, no, no, maybe later.
Not over the phone, okay?
I'm kinda paranoid about all this.
All right, I love you.
Yeah, me too.
I love you, I love you. Kisses.
Right, back at you.
I'm here for you.
[phone buzzing]
For fuck's sake, what is this?
Honey, we're home.
[Andrea grunts]
Watch your head.
You okay? Need any help?
No, thank you.
Go on in. Anything else?
There are bags in the car.
[Idalia] Your keys are in your room.
[Julia] Thank you.
There you go.
I lost all my toys.
When, sweetheart?
When I rented them.
You can tell me in the morning.
Okay, darling?
YouTube lies.
Everybody lies sometimes, love.
Let me pull the blankets over you.
That's better.
What are you doing?
- You can't be naked in here. Cover up.
- I can't be naked in my own home?
Not in my room.
- You're not sleeping in here.
- I don't want to.
Where's my mattress?
[Julia] I don't know, not my problem.
You can take a pillow.
You better ask your fucking lawyer
if that's okay.
You must be feeling like
a real big-shot, right?
We agreed not to hire any fucking lawyers.
Yes, but that was before you changed
the locks and behaved like an ass.
I apologized for that. Come on.
Can I get any sympathy?
I had a shitty day.
- I got fired for a tiny misunderstanding.
- Oh, you poor dear thing.
All you did was harass your colleague.
I didn't harass anyone.
For once in your life, take responsibility
for your behavior, asshole, and grow up.
I'm sorry,
but I'm not letting you off the hook.
So this this how it's going to be.
Fuck it, I want this pillow.
[door slams]
Why don't you "grow the fuck up"?
[door slams]
[dialing keypad]
[phone ringing]
- [woman] Hello?
- Is this Claudia Guerra?
Yes, it is.
My name is Ruy Villegas.
I was given your number by Mr. Ordoñez.
Apologies for calling this late, but
I was hoping we could talk.
[theme music playing]
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