Exception (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


[Nina] Patty,
do you have the results of the simulation?
I'd like to know
how much longer it'll take
until we know what areas
are good candidates for settling.
Yeah, I Um
why don't you go rest in your quarters?
It won't make a difference where I am
when the bomb goes off.
Lewis wouldn't do that.
If anything happened to the ship,
he'd die too.
What if he doesn't care
whether he lives or dies?
[engine whirring]
He's trying to destroy the ship.
He's gone crazy because he was misprinted
and now he's going to commit suicide
and take us with him?
Fucking Lewis!
Sorry, I'm I'm not talking about you.
It's okay.
My misprint and I
are clearly not the same person.
Same past, but different personalities.
then I can keep calling him an asshole.
[Lewis] Feel free.
The atmospheric converter looks good.
No problems with the energy generator.
We're still running at 90% efficiency.
[Oscar] Once we get this onto Planet X-10,
we need to conserve power.
[Lewis] Which is why we go into cryosleep.
Who would have thought there were
that many different species of plants?
It's crazy, right?
The Beanstalk.
You know, these seeds will save humanity.
Turn this barren planet into our new home.
[Mack] Patty's harvested her potatoes.
This is amazing, Patty,
especially since we're low on food.
I'm sorry my misprint
is the one responsible.
I'm glad I was able to help.
[Oscar] This is really great, Patty.
Reminds me of home.
Funny how it reminds us of Earth.
We're all nostalgic
for a place we've never been.
[Patty] I'm glad you like it.
It's a family recipe,
with a few modifications.
[Mack] I want to discuss
our next course of action.
We can't let this bomb threat
derail our mission.
We have to continue
our terraforming preparations
while we look for Lewis and the bomb.
We won't bomb the polar regions
for carbon dioxide anymore.
We'll focus on using the Beanstalk
for the paraterraforming.
[Lewis] That's the safest bet.
We should avoid any unnecessary risks.
[Nina] I'm in.
[Oscar] I'm good either way.
Let's just get things moving.
[Patty] Sounds good to me.
[Mack] Great. Everyone's on board.
[groans] Smells like chemicals down here.
Humid too.
Oscar said he was here,
but it seems like he's moved on.
Lewis probably guessed
we'd be searching here. Let's split up.
Okay, but let me know right away
if you find anything.
[ominous music playing]
What's this?
[misprint on device]
Don't make a sound or Nina is dead.
Damn it!
Relax. I'm not going to hurt Nina.
I just needed to get your attention.
I didn't steal the RA bomb.
Don't tell anyone you have this device.
If you promise me,
I'll tell you where I am.
He didn't steal it?
What the hell is he talking about?
Did you find anything?
Uh, no, nothing.
Let's go check in with the others.
I have a birthday present for you.
The soil sample from Planet X-10 is here.
[Patty on radio] On my way.
If we can't grow plants in the soil,
it's game over.
But, before that, we need to double-check
there's nothing harmful in there.
Where's Lewis?
[Nina] He's resting in his quarters.
[misprint] I didn't steal the RA bomb.
When I got into Area D,
it was already gone.
Someone else stole it.
There's a traitor on board.
That's impossible.
[misprint on device]
I needed a cooling core, not a RA bomb.
Hey, what are you looking at, Lewis?
I wanted to, uh, check something.
[Oscar] Bastard's got the bomb
under that thermal wrap.
[misprint] Oscar may have planned it
to frame me.
He's the one who suggested I go to Area D.
[Lewis] What? Was it all a show?
[misprint] Don't trust anyone.
The only one who is innocent is you.
I know I'm innocent.
[Lewis] How can I be sure?
[misprint] Take Stairwell 8 to Corridor F.
Go up the yellow ladder.
[footsteps approaching]
Is this what you wanted to show me?
[grunts] Yes. That's right.
A cryopod.
You may have made this to trick me.
It doesn't prove anything.
[misprint] Wanted cooling core.
Things changed. Didn't steal.
Then where did the RA bomb go? Who has it?
What you're saying doesn't make sense.
You obviously stole the bomb
so you could protect yourself.
I didn't do it.
How do you expect me to trust you?
I'm right.
How is it possible
that one of our crew is a traitor?
If the mission fails, we all die.
Hey, hey, don't get any closer.
[grunts] I'm right.
I'm telling you to back off. [grunts]
Deployment system checks out.
Atmospheric Transformer is good to go.
[Patty on radio] Copy that.
I'll start the final systems check.
- [alarm blares]
- [gasps] What is it?
[Oscar on radio] Something's happened
in the sewage treatment area.
[misprint panting]
- [Mack] Lewis!
- [Lewis] Mack, watch out!
[misprint snarls]
[Lewis grunts]
[misprint groaning]
- [snarls]
- [grunts]
[misprint groans]
- [grunting]
- It's going to fall. Jump!
[Mack panting]
You're sure he's out this time?
[Nina] I pumped him with enough
tranquilizers to kill a normal human.
He'll be incapacitated for a while.
[microscope chitters]
What's this?
we can all breathe a little easier now.
Not really.
We still don't know where the bomb is.
I brought you some food.
Not that you deserve it.
How's it feel now?
Did you frame me?
Me? Frame you?
Were you just laughing?
[Oscar] Yeah,
that Lewis is still real good with jokes.
Hold on a second. I need to talk to him.
[misprint groaning, retching]
[breathing heavily]
[Mack] He's not cooperating.
He knows we can't euthanize him
until we know where the RA bomb is.
Lewis and I talked it over.
We think that finding the bomb
is now our highest priority.
If you agree, raise your hand.
[dramatic music playing]
The research lab is clear.
I didn't find anything.
[Oscar on radio] Same here.
Flight deck, escape pods, all clear.
We've got to search every inch
of this place.
That bomb is small. It could be anywhere.
[footsteps approaching]
[Patty] It's my turn to watch him.
Thanks, Patty. Here.
What's this?
You can message him through that.
Who knows?
Maybe you can get him to open up.
[Lewis on phone] It won't
log anything, but it's still useful.
Try talking to him through the door
about where the RA bomb is.
He probably won't answer,
but might as well try, right?
Yeah, might as well.
I'll join the others
and look for the bomb.
Lewis, can you hear me?
[misprint] I can hear you.
I want to help you,
but you have to tell me where the bomb is.
[misprint] Did you frame me?
[Patty] What?
[misprint] Are you my enemy?
I'm your ally.
I respect you and want to protect you.
[misprint] I am not a helpless puppy.
No, you're a human being.
A human being in trouble.
Let me help you.
Thanks for coming.
What took you so long?
Is this about the bomb?
[Lewis] Everyone's going to have
to wait here for a while. Sorry.
[misprint] This conversation is over.
I'm getting out of here.
[Patty] Lewis?
Can you hear me?
Hello? Lewis?
Lewis? Answer me!
What's this message mean?
- [misprint] Patty.
- [gasps]
Come with me.
[footsteps approaching]
Glad you made it.
What the hell is this?
[Oscar] You traitor!
What the hell is going on?
He was in another room. I I didn't know.
It's not your fault, Patty.
It probably happened
when Lewis was on watch.
[sighs] If they were colluding,
misleading you would've been easy.
Colluding? Since when?
Look, I'm sorry I had to lie to you all.
[Mack] Lewis, have you lost your mind?
[Lewis] No, I'm putting the mission first.
There's a traitor among you.
The only person I can trust right now
is my other self.
I apologize to the three who are innocent,
but I have to put you in there along
with the perpetrator.
[misprint sighs] Kate.
[Lewis panting]
You remember her?
Will complete mission.
Will protect ship.
For Kate.
You promised. We promised.
We swore to God.
Please help me.
[straining] Trust me.
[Lewis] All right.
We both know the devastation
we felt that day.
I'll trust you.
Mission will be a success.
See Kate again.
They don't normally allow the printing
of anyone who's died.
But they're willing to make an exception.
Upon successful completion of the mission,
the crew is being allowed
to print their family and loved ones.
So Kate can come back.
[Mack] Mm-hmm.
Fortunately, we have her biomaterial
and memories backed up.
But you've got to understand, Lewis.
Her reprint's not going to live with you.
She'll be printed somewhere out in space
and live with the reprint of you
after the mission is done.
That's No, that's fine.
All this
This world, space, the stars, it
means nothing without her. [sighs]
[gentle music plays]
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