Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Red Eyes at Night

Narrator: Previously on
"expedition bigfoot"
Mireya: Did you hear that?
That's where it is.
I tried to get to where
the source of the sound
Was coming from,
but it was just too vertical.
It was just impossible.
We brought a hair sample that
russell found to dr. Meldrum.
Oh, wow.
Matches the gold standard
for bigfoot hair.
That's good news.
- Hello?
- Hey, mireya.
I need someone who's familiar
with the bigfoot world.
Ronny's gonna be
a great asset to the team.
Ronny: Look at this thing.
If we find a bigfoot nest,
That could be the key
To proving bigfoot
is real, right?
Well, that's right.
I feel like I've walked right
in the living room,
And the kettle is still hot.
Mireya: I know what gorilla
nests look like.
This looks nothing like that.
In a sense, I want to say
it's much more humanlike.
Russell: Hey.
Bigfoot, sasquatch --
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
To the pacific northwest,
every year,
Hundreds of eyewitnesses
log their encounters.
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings
To pinpoint when and where
to encounter this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
[ roaring ]
- I'm really blown away by this.
- Yeah.
It's not what I was
expecting to find.
Narrator: Deep in the mountain
forests of central oregon,
Primatologist dr. Mireya mayor
and bigfoot researcher
Ronny leblanc are investigating
what could be a bigfoot nest.
Is this typical
from what you've seen?
Seems to fit exactly
what I've seen back east.
The spot is perfect
to hide in here.
Narrator: In an effort
to determine what could have
Constructed the nest,
Mireya is taking samples
of the dirt
Below the mysterious structure
for testing.
Mireya: If you want to lift
that side of the bedding,
And I'll just take
some soil from there.
Narrator: Living things
constantly shed their dna
In different forms,
Like dead skin cells,
saliva, and hair.
This is called edna
or environmental dna.
A revolutionary new process
called metagenomics
Allows scientists to scan
the edna in a sample
And identify
every living thing
That has come in contact
with the area.
The amazing thing about
environmental dna is that
It enables us to find
An entirely new physical class
of evidence
That we didn't even know
to look for just five years ago.
It's entirely possible
that the key
To solving the bigfoot mystery
Has been staring at us
in the face
From the very beginning.
This little sample
could hold all the answers.
Oh, holy .
What is that?
About 6 feet from the nest.
Is that something that is
typically reported,
Some sort of a kill nearby
the nest?
People have been gifted
feathers and things
Like that that are
in certain hot spots.
When I went back to my truck,
I didn't believe
what was happening.
Under the windshield wipers,
I found hawk feathers.
Ronny: Native americans have
talked about this gifting
As leaving an offering,
a gift.
So it's a way of kind
of communicating
And exchanging
between sasquatch and humans.
Mireya: Let's document
this for bryce.
Clearly something is unusual
about this area
And this nest site.
It sounds like this
very much falls in line
With previous nests that have
been attributed to a bigfoot.
If this is a nest, there has
to be more evidence nearby.
We're gonna go ahead
and check just all around us
In close proximity
of this site.
Narrator: While ronny and mireya
search the area
Around the possible nest,
a 1/2 mile to the north,
Survivalist russell acord
is tracking
What he believes
is a massive animal.
Russell: I keep hearing the same
strange sounds of movement
That come
and go without warning.
I'm hearing something
really heavy.
It can't be that far away.
I feel like
I'm just that close.
It's just dead quiet up here.
Complete still.
I don't even hear any birds.
You know, it's been a while
since I've heard anything.
But as a tracker,
I have my trajectory.
I know exactly where
I'm headed on this one.
I'm gonna keep
in this direction
And see if I get
any more sounds.
Narrator: As russell continues
to follow the path
Of an unknown creature
Oh, man. This is wild.
Narrator:39 miles away,
running operations
From the command center,
Team member bryce johnson
reviews the video evidence
From the nesting site.
I was not expecting to find
a bigfoot nest.
This could change the entire
course of the investigation.
Look how fresh these boughs are.
This was done, like, a day
or two ago at the most.
Bigfoots are known to make
these nesting beds,
But this nest
in particular reminds me
Of a discovery in california
In a place called
marble mountain.
Narrator: In 2001,
a youth ministry group
Was camping in the foothills
of the marble mountains
In northern california.
After discovering a mysterious
Made of broken trees
and pine limbs,
A giant figure appeared
on the ridge.
Boy: I don't see nothing.
- On the ridge.
- On the ridge.
Right on the ridge.
Almost to those trees.
It's coming down this way.
Narrator: Some have called this
3 minutes and 45 seconds
The longest
bigfoot video ever recorded.
I was able to get ahold of one
of these kids.
He's no longer a kid now.
He's actually an adult.
He's willing to talk with us
about this video
That they took in 2001,
And he's agreed
to speak with me.
[ computer chiming ]
Hey, ben. It's bryce.
Hey, bryce.
Thanks for taking the time
to talk with me today.
Yeah, absolutely.
So walk me through it.
How did all this take place?
Yeah, so my dad
was youth pastor,
And my dad just loved
the outdoors,
And so we'd take kids
on backpack trips
All time, still do.
Actually, my brother
and I run the same ministry
That my parents were running
at the time.
So yeah, we were up in this --
The marble mountains
Which is up northern california
near mount shasta.
Girl: Oh, it stopped,
and it's looking at us.
My parents went off for a walk,
And they came back
and they said,
"guys, you got to
come check this out."
Man: Some kind of creature
has taken and piled tons
And tons of leaves and branches
to either camouflage
Or make a place to hide.
See how they're broken,
snapped like twigs.
They're snapped like twigs,
no hatchets,
No human marks of a saw.
Everything is snapped as though
my mighty, mighty strength.
One of our team members
found a nest as well.
And the similarities between
this nest
And the nest that you guys
came upon are striking.
I mean, that there's
no cut marks.
There's no hatchet marks.
They're just snapped in half.
Some have even pulled apart.
So, ben, if you can, just walk
me through that moment of, like,
After you see
this huge structure,
And then I think it was you
who said you pointed out
walking along the ridge.
So I'm the one in the video
that says,
"hey, look. He's right there.
Sasquatch is coming down."
- He's walking down.
- Oh, my word.
Bigfoot is walking down
right now.
See, he's standing taller.
So you could barely see it,
And then when we got
the camera on it
And zoomed in
with the digital zoom,
it's pretty pixelated,
But you can see the shape
a little better.
Oh, you can see the shape good
if you ask me.
I mean, and I even hear
some of your friends
In the background
say it doesn't look human.
- That is --
- it doesn't look like a person.
- It does not look like a person.
- It doesn't look like a person.
- No.
- Its arms are way too big.
Look at how long the hands
hang down to the
How can you see from down
his knees at least, aren't they?
He's shaking his fist at us.
- And he is furious.
- [ laughs ]
He knows we're in our --
in his
He is acting kind of strange.
I just want to encourage you,
just be safe.
It's a wild animal.
It's 700 to 800 pounds.
You are in its home.
If the nest is there,
There's a good chance that
it's around there somewhere.
Good luck out there.
Be safe.
And hopefully you guys capture
the next big video.
Thanks, ben.
Wow, it certainly feels
like we're getting close.
Deep in the target zone,
And now a 1/2 mile northwest
to the possible bigfoot nest,
Mireya and ronny are scouring
the area for evidence.
Hey, ronny.
Hang on just a sec.
What's that?
Oh, holy .
That looks fresh.
Looks like a print to me.
Big toe and the middle toe
and then here's the heel.
On the way back
to the nest site,
We came across a footprint
that had this bizarre shape.
This thing is really big,
and I don't see any more around.
I just see this one.
That's just peculiar.
I think that it would be great
to document this.
- You have the video camera.
- I do, yeah.
The fact that we've just
found a footprint
That could be bigfoot's
right by the nest,
That could be
the missing piece
That we need to solve
this mystery.
Narrator: Coming up
That's interesting.
This thing was massive in size.
I'll be staking out this area
later tonight.
[ whispers ] oh, look at that.
There's something out there
putting out a heat trace.
No one really knows
What they're communicating.
But it's believed that they're
talking to other bigfoots.
We just came across what could
be a possible footprint.
Narrator: Just 850 yards away
from a possible bigfoot nest,
Dr. Mireya mayor
and bigfoot researcher
Ronny leblanc
have come across
What looks like
a giant footprint.
Here is where we think we see
the outline of a heel
Going around and then
into what looks like toes.
And then the size,
in comparison there's my foot.
As you can see,
it's pretty massive.
That's what we have found
out here.
The plan is to try and cover
this and try and preserve it,
And then come back.
The team carefully covers
The possible bigfoot track
With layers of plastic sheets
to protect it from the elements.
I don't know if this is
a bigfoot track
Or the print of a bear
that slipped.
The only way to know for certain
is to just scan the track
And send it
to a footprint expert.
Unfortunately, our scanner
is back at base camp,
And we're gonna have to
just double-track it back here
Before any bad weather comes in
and removes this evidence.
Russell: Just looking out here
ahead of me,
Maybe we'll luck out
and catch something.
Survivalist russell acord
Is continuing north,
The direction he last heard
the impact sounds
Of what he believes
could be a massive animal.
Oh, a bog.
That's some deep water here.
There's a lot of wildlife
up here.
This is within
the last couple days.
We got elk, a lot of deer
through here.
What a great find.
If the deer, elk, and bear know
That this water is here,
so would a bigfoot.
It wouldn't be a bad idea
to set up a trail cam up here,
Then watch this water,
see what comes to it tonight.
Everything out here
needs water.
That means as a hunter,
an apex predator like bigfoot
Will go to the water to hunt.
I'm gonna hunt the hunter.
There we go.
All right.
Let's see if we can get
some other cams up in this area.
We are close,
and I can feel it.
[ birds calling ]
Looks like we're making it
just in time with this rain
Starting to come down.
Narrator: Eight miles northwest
of base camp
Here we are.
Doesn't look like it's been
disturbed, so that's good.
Narrator: Mireya and ronny
return to the location
Of a potential
sasquatch footprint.
There it is.
All right, well, let's pull out
the scanner.
- The scanner, cool.
- Yeah.
Narrator: To capture and analyze
the print,
The team will not be
using plaster of paris.
This method often used
by bigfoot researchers is messy
And extremely time consuming.
Instead, they'll be using
a cutting-edge technology,
3d scanning.
This scanner produces
A three-dimensional
Of a real-world object
By projecting patterns of light
onto a surface
And then measuring
the resulting distortion
To calculate the object's
precise dimensions.
You want to move that computer
a little bit, and I'll spray it.
Narrator: To improve
the accuracy of the scan,
Mireya applies
an anti-reflective coating
To the print's surface.
This scanner is accurate
to within.2 millimeters.
What are you seeing
on the screen?
So it's plotting all
the different sections here
And forming the footprint.
Also, grabbing everything
around it.
It's amazing how it's just
showing up in front us
On the screen here.
Amazing piece of tech, huh?
It's incredible.
With possible nest and now
this print,
It seems like we've hit
some sort of a hot zone.
I'm not ready to say that what
we've got is a bigfoot,
But sometimes little clues
start to add up
And lead you to further ones,
and there's our evidence.
Wow, look at this footprint.
Well, I wanna get
this analyzed
By dr. Meldrum right away.
He's an expert in the field.
I'm gonna send him
the files right now.
While I'm doing that, though,
I want to take a look at that
Sound recording that our team
captured in the field.
Narrator: Just days ago,
a team of sound engineers
Using a brand-new
sound localization prototype
a possible bigfoot call.
Those sound files
have just been sent to bryce.
These could be actual
bigfoot recordings,
Which is a huge deal
because there's really only
A handful of credible
audio recordings of sasquatch
Within the research community.
Capturing a recording of bigfoot
in our target area
Is suggestive of a sasquatch,
And that tells us
that our data analysis
Has us looking
in the right palace.
But here's to problem,
this isn't a perfect recording,
So we have to analyze these
and make sure
That these audio recordings
come from an actual animal,
And not just a human
making that howling call.
[ howling ]
So I have a contact who's
an expert in sound design
And recording.
I want to get him this file
in the hopes that he can isolate
This sound recording
as well as clean up the file.
I also want to see if this
recording contains infrasound.
Narrator: Infrasound is
a powerful inaudible
Low frequency tone
used by large mammals
Like tigers to ward off animals
That have entered
their territory.
Many eyewitnesses
have reported
Experiencing debilitating
illness or paralysis
While in
the presence of bigfoot.
If there is infrasound
in this signal,
That will narrow down
our window
Of the potential animals
who use infrasound.
Let me tell you something,
there's not a lot of them
In the pacific northwest.
No other animal produces
infrasound in this region.
So if this signal
does contain infrasound,
That's another important
piece of evidence confirming
That sasquatch is
in our target area.
With the sound files in hand,
Bryce is headed to the studio
Of a world-class
professional audio engineer
To have them analyzed.
- Derek.
- Hey, man.
Hey, what's up, man?
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
How you doing? Come on in.
Narrator: Derek vanderhorst is
A top hollywood
rerecording mixer
Who has been working in
the industry for over 20 years.
His specialty is capturing
animal sounds in the wild
And then transforming them
into custom sound effects.
- Come on in.
- Right on.
- Have a seat.
- Excellent.
So did you get those sounds
I sent you?
I did, and I have them
loaded up.
Oh, great.
Let's take a listen.
[ howling ]
Pretty noisy.
I can clean that up
a little bit.
- Yeah, that would be great.
- Take a look at it.
This software is so specific,
we can actually go through
And reduce all the noise
we're hearing.
These lines here pretty much
just all the crickets in here.
[ indistinct sound ]
That's incredible.
Yeah, we can turn those down.
And these little marks here,
Those are just grasshoppers
Oh, wow.
Definitely a cicada here.
Right there.
But this kind of bold yellow is
what we're interested in here.
That's the call.
We can take a listen to that.
[ howling ]
I'm gonna turn that up
a little.
[ howling ]
Wow, that's wild. Yeah.
I mean, so you deal
with a lot of these sounds.
There's definitely,
in your mind,
That's a biological creature
making that noise?
I have a lot of recordings
of animals.
After you've heard them enough,
you can generally tell.
This wasn't created.
- Almost sounds like a primate.
- Yeah.
Right, when they scream,
you hear them when they howl,
They'll start high and kind
of start dropping in pitch.
This one is
super curious to me.
[ howling ]
Are there any low frequencies
embedded in that sound?
- I can see it down in here.
- Those bright yellows?
Yeah, at the very bottom,
but we can't hear it.
Is there any way
we can take a closer look
To see how long
those frequencies go?
I'll bring it in
to my software here.
We can take a look at this.
And let's take a look
at a side view of this.
So you see right here
is a big bump under 20 hertz.
I knew it.
I mean, that is right
in the range of infrasound.
Our bigfoot call that
we recorded has sounds
That are sitting below
20 hertz.
That's infrasound.
That means there could really be
a bigfoot on this recording.
Narrator: Coming up
All right, bryce.
This is batari.
[ growling ]
She's a little more aggressive
Because you're getting
a little nervous.
Got those low rumbles.
You can definitely feel
the presence
Of subsonic frequencies.
Our bigfoot call that
we recorded has sounds
That are sitting below
20 hertz.
Which means there was infrasound
which could help explain a lot.
When we lost r.P.G.
That first night
I don't know. I just --
I can't shake this one.
I suspected it was due
to the effects of infrasound.
Now I have derek telling me
that he detected a bunch
Of low frequencies in that
howl that mireya recorded.
We know that no other animal
in our target zone
Emits infrasound.
So just what in the hell
made this howl?
Is there a chance
that we have proof of bigfoot?
This is something
I haven't heard before.
[ howling ]
Think I'm gonna go across
The other side of the creek
And get this other
trail cam put up.
Narrator: While tracking
the sounds of a large animal,
Russell has discovered
an isolated water source
With evidence
of heavy game activity.
He's now setting up
a surveillance network
Around its perimeter
In hopes of capturing
the creature on camera.
Russell: Okay.
Now that I got it hanging on,
pretty solid. Nice.
That's interesting.
Got all the bark rubbed
off of a tree
In the middle of the grove here.
That's just really soft,
and it's not gouged out.
I would suspect this
to be wildlife rub.
Narrator: Bears often rub
against tress
To mark their scent
and indicate their territory,
A habit that
many bigfoot researchers believe
Sasquatch might demonstrate
as well.
Russell: Well, I'm 6 foot.
I'd probably reach maybe
another foot and a half,
Two feet over my head.
When we got there,
this thing was massive in size.
You take the water source
and add a high rub
Plus the sound I heard
heading in this direction,
It could all be adding up
to the fact
That this area is significant.
If bigfoot is territorial,
It makes sense
that they would be marking
And laying claim
to this secluded watering hole.
I'm in a very interesting
I'll be staking out this area
later tonight.
So our bigfoot recording had
frequencies below 20 hertz,
Which we know is where those
infrasonic sound waves live at.
Narrator: Humans cannot hear
sounds of every frequency.
The range of hearing
for the average person
Is between 20 hertz
and 20,000 hertz.
The recordings mireya collected
contained sounds
Below human limits
at around 18 hertz.
Bryce: So I'm on my way to
a conservation center
That houses big cats
That are no longer
capable of living in the wild.
This sanctuary houses tigers.
Tigers are known to produce
infrasonic sounds
That are similar
to the low frequency signals
That were observable
in our recording.
I want to speak to the experts
at this facility
To gain a deeper understanding
of what infrasound is used for.
But more importantly,
I want to know if it's a clear
And present danger
for our team in the field.
Narrator: Bryce has arrived at
An exotic feline
conservation center
That protects over 70 rare
and endangered large cats
And seeks to preserve them
through breeding programs.
Their dedicated team of
scientists are experts
In all matters
of large cat behavior.
We're going to head back
to the feeding area.
Oh, wow.
Narrator: One of those experts,
luke cregut,
Has agreed to show bryce
around the facility.
So luke, can you tell me how
some of these larger cats
Communicate with each other.
Cats are very vocal animals.
They'll communicate with barks,
moans, growls, roars.
It's a warning sign to say,
"hey, I'm here. Go away."
Have you ever heard of
infrasonic frequencies
Giving people headaches?
- Absolutely.
So when they roar,
the infrasonic frequency,
When it hits you,
it'll stun you.
Your body will react,
kind of jolts your system,
And it gets
your adrenaline going.
So we actually have a female
that's very vocal,
And she should be hanging out
in the back in the feeding area
Because it's much cooler.
This is their enclosure,
but she likes
To hang back there,
and we can go take a look.
Maybe she'll give us
a little vocalization for you.
- That sounds great.
- Yeah.
Lead the way.
All right, bryce.
This is batari.
- Gosh, she's beautiful.
- Hi, batari.
She's wondering
what's going on.
She's gonna start
the growling.
And then as you can see,
she's a little more aggressive
Because you're getting
a little nervous.
They can actually tell when
you have an elevated heartbeat,
Maybe even
when you're perspiring.
They feel all of that,
and they react.
God, those low rumbles,
you can definitely feel
The presence of
subsonic frequencies.
[ growling ]
Yeah, she's got her eyes on us.
[ growling, roars ]
[ growling ]
God, those low rumbles,
you can definitely feel
The presence of subsonic
Narrator: Investigator
bryce johnson is in the field
Researching powerful infrasonic
frequencies in an effort
To better understand
bigfoot's vocalization
Capabilities and the dangers
that the team
Could be facing
in the target zone.
[ roars ]
[ growling ]
Yeah, I think we all felt
it here, even the camera crew,
Just that initial reaction
of, like
Absolutely, it got me, too.
- Yeah.
- Yep.
I definitely felt the intent
behind that message
When she roared.
It was, "get out.
I don't know you."
It was very territorial
in nature,
And that was just
a short burst.
My stomach is just immediately
on edge, you know?
It's intimidating.
So the power of infrasound
is truly incredible.
That tiger's roar reverberates
Through your entire
nervous system,
And, you know, it makes me think
about the team in the field.
We know when they feel
that dread
Or that overpowering presence
That they're in the vicinity
of an apex predator.
[ roars ]
Back in the target zone
Russell: Just listen.
Things can move very quietly
in the dark.
Russell is staking out the area
Near an isolated water source
Where he found possible
territorial markings of bigfoot.
Oh, look at that.
There's something out
there putting out a heat trace.
What is that?
That's a deer.
Good news is, he's grabbing
a drink of water
From the water source,
Which means predators
like bigfoot could be nearby.
I've been out here for
four hours.
There's nothing.
And I can't get anything.
[ breathing heavily ]
Hey, just give me a second.
I do not feel well.
That hit me fast.
Narrator: Two miles northwest of
a suspected
Bigfoot nesting site
Oh, this would be perfect,
this stump right here.
Narrator:Mireya and ronny
are getting ready
To deploy a new tactic
In hopes of luring bigfoot out
of hiding and into the open.
When you get the evidence
that we've been getting,
The nest,
the hawk, the footprint,
This is the time
to let him know
That we're not here
to harm them.
Bigfoot needs to get your trust,
and the best way to do it
Is to create an exchange
through the process of gifting.
Is gifting a common thing
in the bigfoot world
Where people leave stuff
and find stuff in return?
There's different camps.
Some people believe it's --
this is just hooey,
But I think that we should
try everything we can.
Gifting is something that we
observe in the natural world.
You know, gentoo penguins
will use gifting sometimes.
They will give a rock,
you know, to gain a mate.
But the idea that bigfoot
is coming in to take this gift
And leave something behind,
that is a really long stretch.
On the other hand,
science sometimes does require
A nontraditional approach.
Ronny says he's had results
this way before,
So I'm open to his suggestions.
Narrator: The area they'll be
focusing on for this new tactic
Is the zone
between the possible nest
And the location that
The suspected bigfoot
vocalization was traced to.
Mireya: The plan is to go search
between two points,
The nest and the origin
of where the sound came from.
That makes sense
because anywhere
That shows a sign of activity,
We have a much better chance
of tracking them,
Finding them, and actually
being able to see them.
This is awesome.
Well, I think
this could be our spot.
So you want to place a gift
out here?
- Yeah.
- What's a good location?
See maybe that rock right
in the clearing
Would be a cool little spot
to do it.
Game is gonna come
through here.
Kind of out in the open.
And they would probably
come here to get water.
It's almost like a ambush point
in a sense.
That would be a good spot.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Let's cross this little
stream then.
In the middle of nowhere,
There's this massive marshy
It's the perfect
bigfoot hunting zone.
This swampy field is filled with
the prey they need to survive,
And it's got good vantage
points on either side.
It's the perfect spot
for us to leave a gift.
So I'm going to put some marble
down on top of this apple.
So hopefully this will
bring him here.
I feel like that stands out.
Sure does.
- Here.
- I'll hold it.
Ronny: Where we're placing
this gifting is smack-dab
In the middle
of this clear field.
We wanted to set it up in such
a way that later tonight,
We can come back and we can
hide inside the forest line
where the gifting area is
And hopefully get us
a picture of sasquatch.
Now back at the command center,
Bryce is preparing
to call anthropologist
And world-renowned bigfoot
researcher dr. Jeffrey meldrum.
Dr. Meldrum has completed
his analysis
Of the 3d scan
of the possible bigfoot print
That mireya and ronny found
And is now ready
to give his assessment.
Hi, dr. Meldrum.
Hi, bryce.
Yeah, so I was very interested
in talking to you
About that 3d scan
that we sent you.
What did you make of that?
It looks intriguing.
I can certainly see
what caught your attention.
There is the suggestion
of kind of an impression
There in the forest floor.
I can see what appears
to be a toe row
With a couple
of very distinct toes
Across the center of the foot.
At first glance, it sure looks
like a sasquatch track.
It certainly does.
- It's definitely interesting.
Rather distinct toes,
a forepaw metatarsal pad,
The forepaw toes are
a little bit less distinct,
But that's the case
whether it's a sasquatch track
Or whether it's a bear.
So it's a little bit
of a toss-up for me
At this point with no
other information to go on.
Could tip either or with
just a little more information.
I'm really excited to see
this technology working,
And we can send you
any more tracks
That we possibly come across.
I appreciate you taking the time
to look at it,
And I'll relay this back
to the team.
Well, thanks for sharing it.
Okay. Thanks, dr. Meldrum.
Russell: Oh, man.
Narrator: After being up
most of the night,
Russell is getting
a late start to the day.
He tries to shake off
the lingering effects
Of a strange sickness
that suddenly came upon him.
Feels like it rolled over
top of me like a fog.
It's very similar to
the same symptoms
That r.P.G. Said that he was
feeling, headaches,
Exhaustion just rolled
right over top of you.
Narrator: Russell checks
the trail cams
He hung around the area
To see if anything
was spotted
After he had to shut down
his nighttime survey.
Russell: There we go.
The only thing I'm seeing here
is when I set it up yesterday.
If that was an infrasound attack
last night,
Then we're definitely
in the right place,
And the possibility
of a class-a sighting
Is increased dramatically.
I need to take another
look around.
There could be some evidence of
last night's encounter nearby.
It's getting dark quick.
Narrator: As night falls, mireya
and ronny make their way back
To the gifting sight
to begin their stakeout.
So the plan tonight
is just to go stealth,
Have all our thermals
and high-tech gear.
So we'll have the thermals,
So it's gonna give us
a little advantage.
We can see a wide spectrum as
we're coming through the forest.
You know, when we're on
these hunts at night,
We want to go out there
and reduce our light signature,
So we're going to be
deploying thermal imagery
Which allows us
to see heat signatures.
We'll use red lights.
Hunters use this.
Animal life can't really
see that signature.
When it comes
to bigfoot research,
We need to be
as stealthy as sasquatch.
Just went dead silent.
Dead silent.
It's like everything
in the forest just shut off.
That's weird.
Russell: I'm back by
my water source to see
If there's
anything else here.
Russell is patrolling the area
Where he encountered
a strange sickness
While surveilling a water source
just last night.
Look at this.
That seems kind of weird.
We have a stump
with a scapula on it
And a pine cone
placed in the center.
It doesn't look normal,
As if everything was placed
for a reason.
There's no natural way
this bone would've ended up
In the middle of this stump
directly in my path
As if being led right
to this point.
If a predator feeds
off of an animal,
There'll be other bones
and other things in the area.
There's nothing
in this entire area
Except for this
one shoulder bone.
This could be a gift
left behind for us.
Narrator: Three hours into
the team's stakeout,
There is no sign of activity.
So we're up on this ridge not
too far from the gifting spot.
The idea is hopefully
with the cameras set up,
We're gonna
capture something.
We're gonna hang here
as long as we need to.
Sounds in the distance,
like, coming towards us.
- Did you hear that?
- Whistling straight ahead.
Wait, stop for a second.
That was another whistle.
That's twice we heard
that whistle.
This falls in line with bigfoot,
the fact they'll whistle.
No one really knows
what they're communicating,
But it's believed that they're
talking to other bigfoots
To warn them
that we're in the area.
Eyes. Oh, my god.
Narrator: Next time on
"expedition bigfoot"
There's a really serious
smell through here.
It was a god-awful smell.
I turned and look and
Take your time, man.
I'm already getting feeling
that we're being watched.
The only way I guess
I could describe it was, like,
You know
you see horror movies.
[ bleep ]
It's something you don't
ever forget.
And it's not something
you hang around to see.
You get out of there.
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