Exterior Night (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

I terroristi

-Don't leave me.
-Come on, you gotta go.
MARCH 1976
Be quiet on your way out.
-Your belt?
You're going to Lia's today
to play with Carlotta, okay?
-Where are you going?
-I have to work.
Are you picking me up or is Grandma?
We'll see.
Who is it now?
Good morning.
Here she is! Pumpkin!
I got you some croissants,
here they are.
No, wait, put it in your backpack
and take it to school.
Or else you'll be late, go.
How long do we go on like this?
I don't want her to know
we're living together.
But we are living together.
Revolutionary and Catholic?
Ale, where are you?
-Where did you get it?
-The drawer.
We don't go looking in drawers.
-Is it real?
-No, it's fake.
Let's go.
All right?
Red Brigades!
Red Brigades!
Red Brigades!
MARCH 1977
Bye, sweetheart.
Bye, Mom.
Ale, come here.
-What is it?
-Mom's going away for a while.
Where are you going?
To Milan, for work.
When are you coming back?
In a few weeks.
You're going to stay with Grandma.
-And Valerio?
-He's coming to Milan with me.
I want to be with you.
No, how can we? You have to go
to school and I have to go away,
I really have to do this.
You be a good girl for your grandma.
Study, don't make her mad.
I'll be back soon.
JUNE 21, 1977
Excuse me, good morning.
Can you tell me where Via Lovanio is?
Go left and then left again.
Okay, so left and then left.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Fuck, it's stuck!
The safety!
What the fuck?
Go, go!
A new attack by the Red Brigades
this morning in Rome.
The victim is the dean
of Economics and Commerce,
Professor Remo Cacciafesta.
Three women were waiting for him
Why were you there?
What's wrong? It went well,
you were great.
You didn't trust us, huh?
A mission run by only women
The comrades were impressed
by your determination.
You thought we wouldn't pull it off.
You were there to help us,
-to fix things.
-I can't take it anymore.
We were there for your safety,
that's all.
-What's "can't take it anymore" mean?
If you leave me, I'll kill you.
Knock it off.
The Lamb of God,
who takes away the sins of the world.
Lord, I am not worthy to receive You
but only say the word
and I shall be saved.
Spring's coming.
-The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
The Corriere della Sera  , please.
-Your change.
Thank you.
Good morning. Thank you.
Excuse me, what are you doing here?
I was looking for you,
I'd like to confess.
Good, come. After you.
My wife
Lately we're having issues,
but not really,
because she's always been like that.
She's insecure, jealous,
for no reason.
She's beautiful.
You can't take your eyes off her,
but she's obsessive.
Too much.
Once I said to her that's enough,
I rebelled.
And she, without raising her voice,
that if I left her, she'd kill me.
But these are just things
that people say,
like that, without thinking,
because they lose their temper.
The machine guns
for Franco and Valerio.
Raffaele, the M12, Prospero
and Rita, Beretta 51s,
Barbara, the Skorpion machine gun,
Alessio, the Smith & Wesson.
I'd like to be there too.
No. If things go wrong, we need
someone from the strategic command
to carry on our work.
There'll be other opportunities.
The war doesn't end
with Operation Fritz.
Good. It's good.
It's good.
Prime Minister Andreotti outlined
the new government's agenda.
- Are we in time?
- Yes.
Pass me a biscuit?
-See you later.
-Yes, bye.
Good morning, Mrs. Moro.
Good morning.
Are we going to church?
No, let's go straight to the Chamber.
The president of
the Christian Democracy, Aldo Moro,
has been kidnapped this morning
by a terrorist command.
Moro had an escort of five people.
The terrorists opened fire,
four of the five men
When the news reached Montecitorio,
it was received with shock,
dismay and protest.
Agency new flashes are coming in,
here are the first statements.
Minister Tina Anselmi
Come, let's wait for Grandma.
I'm passing the line,
Ingrao is speaking.
I ask my colleagues to rise
to express our disdain
for this morning's infamous attack
on the democratic state.
We wish to extend
our deepest condolences
to the families of those
who were murdered
It was a bloodbath.
-Are the comrades all right?
-Any wounded?
-They're all fine.
I'm going to take a shower.
Will you get me a glass of water?
-Are you okay?
-Yes, let's go.
-Have you read the papers?
-Yes, we're all there.
Don't sit there, let's go over here.
You're there without a moustache,
Prospero, Bruno, I'm there too.
-How is he?
-One of his ribs hurts.
Maybe when we put him in the crate,
we pushed too hard.
-Have you given him anything?
-A couple of analgesics.
His bag is full of medication.
He wants a Bible.
Now everyone will want to join us.
Keep an eye out for infiltrators.
From the PCI, above all.
Do we send it all to  La Repubblica?
-Sorry, I gotta run.
-And the Bible?
I don't know. We'll figure it out
when I come back.
Go on, read it:
five young men killed.
-And what's the state doing?
-Nothing, they're all scared.
If Mussolini were still here
Benito Mussolini.
The rats would stay in the sewers.
-I could report you for your words.
-Report me,
-you don't scare me.
-No one wants to scare you.
Help me! Stop!
Help me!
He's sick!
-He's not breathing.
-Long live Italy!
Is there a doctor?
May I?
You are really beautiful.
Driver, stop the bus!
Hello? Yes.
Red Brigades.
We've left a communiqué
in an orange envelope,
in the Porta Pia underpass,
on top of the photo booth.
See you at home.
A sense of deep anguish
and absolute impotence
A coffee, please.
Such ferocity has paralyzed everyone
for a moment,
as if an unjust
and violent aggression
had entered our homes and
had struck some of our loved ones.
The nation's consciousness
is wounded,
a new resistance has risen up
with the harmony
and the determination
the blood of the dead and
the rights of the living demand.
I commit unto God's infinite mercy
the souls of those who have fallen,
carabinieri and police officers
beloved by their families
and from today very dear to us
and all the Italian people
Miss, your bag.
You took long enough.
I got a Bible.
-Did you see the funerals?
-Yes, but I turned it off.
I saw a bit of it in a bar.
They were all there.
All in the front row
All dressed the same.
Shopfront dummies.
A single machine gun volley
would have wiped them all out.
I'm coming.
I'll be right there.
Wait for me.
You do what you gotta do.
The communiqué?
I got it.
Let's go, I don't have much time.
I brought you
communiqué number three,
and Moro wrote a letter to Cossiga.
And to his wife too,
but that's private.
-I got the money ready for you.
Come with me.
I'll show you how we work.
This is our workshop.
This is ten million.
We'll keep washing it.
We have time.
Does he know we're going public?
-He asks for secret negotiations.
-Nothing must be hidden to people.
Wait a minute.
Moro wants to deal with us secretly.
It's exactly what we want.
-If we go public with it
Everyone has to know Moro
wants hidden negotiations,
Christian Democrat style.
He's scared of being forced
to reveal state secrets
and so we smear his name.
And we keep the second letter secret.
What second letter?
This one.
He wrote it to his underling, Rana.
His name's Rana.
We won't make it public,
so we can establish a secret channel
and start the real game.
We'll drive them crazy.
The letter to Cossiga and communiqué
number three to  La Repubblica.
The letter for Rana, leave it at the
church of Sant'Andrea della Valle.
I'm off.
Wait, the Bible.
See you.
See you.
-Do we go now?
It's a mistake and
you know it is too.
It's a precise strategy.
In politics, loyalty to an enemy
doesn't exist.
We only have to answer
to the people.
There are rules between enemies too.
It's not a question of loyalty,
but credibility.
And at what price
will we free him for?
Or don't we want to free him?
Listen, Adriana,
we're at war, we're an army
and we don't question orders.
In every Christian Democratic,
fascist, communist or monarchic army,
first you obey then you discuss it.
You have to buy a ticket.
You can't go in.
Call the cops!
Tickets please everyone.
May I see yout ticket?
I don't have a ticket.
Come with me.
Thank you.
Follow us.
Come with me.
I went to the movies.
The Wild Bunch  , to unwind a little.
But the film didn't end,
some shit went down.
Are you angry?
We have to obey.
Why are you so mad?
Because it's a mistake.
Either I'm too naive
or I'm too stupid.
You are still thinking about it?
If Cossiga's letter stays secret,
nothing will happen.
The play is not up to them. We're
in charge, they need to be afraid.
Only I can't see a strategy.
To win, to stir up the masses, it
takes more than these little games.
Do you really think we'll win?
That we'll take power? That Italy
will become a socialist republic?
We can rebel, shoot, kill, die,
wipe out as many fascists as we can.
Che Guevara is our hero.
Our end will be to live like this,
then die in Asinara prison attack.
A beautiful death.
Listen, forget it.
You don't want to win,
you want to die like a hero,
like in  The Wild Bunch  ,
after a nice massacre of fascists.
-You just said it.
As late as possible, let's hope.
Yes, losing heroes, we're losing
heroes, I'm convinced of it.
So the revolution won't win.
I want to hear you say it.
No, I don't think so.
My real passion is not revolution,
nor the dictatorship of the
proletariat, the masses
but to transgress,
to rebel against orders,
I've never been able
to stand those in charge.
They take themselves too seriously.
Piece of shit.
I abandoned my daughter
for the revolution.
A year ago, I had an abortion
because you convinced me
that we should give ourselves,
our lives!
That the rest didn't count for the
victory of the proletarian revolution
and now you don't believe it anymore?
-I wasn't saying that.
-Yes, you said it.
I said a BR member
has to give up his private life.
I'm convinced of it,
if he chooses armed struggle.
You've never believed it, however,
you killed five poor family men.
I'd give my life right away,
you're mean to doubt it.
You just want to piss me off.
But I can't think of a socialist
Italy without capitalists.
My imagination can't go that far,
and I'm not a visionary.
Don't touch me.
Take a seat.
Yes, I know.
They asked me to see you.
-A humanitarian movement.
Everyone's in it,
Socialists, Catholics, Lotta
Continua, ordinary people.
The great democratic front
that increases every day.
And all of them want Moro
to be freed.
Autonomia Operaia
is also against the death sentence.
Not that we're aware of,
Autonomia Operaia approves.
At the university they're lining up
to join the BR.
How many?
Fifty, a hundred?
Even if it were a thousand,
sympathizers sympathize
and watch from the sidelines,
they don't take up guns.
This is not how you overthrow
the state.
What purpose does
the death sentence serve?
We won't be fooled like with Sossi,
freed on promises never kept.
This time the hostage dies.
-How much leeway is there?
-Lanfranco, we need facts.
We need
explicit political recognition.
Tell that to those who sent you.
This time the hostage dies.
Red Brigades, out you file,
we will put you all on trial!
What revolution? What armed struggle?
Let's put an end
to this whole muddle!
Officers killed by the Red Brigades
in the communist struggle
live on today!
A BR hideout
has been discovered,
where some of the perpetrators
of the March 16 massacre lived.
In it there were handguns,
machine guns, explosives,
a rifle, BR flyers,
three police uniforms
and two Alitalia uniforms,
similar to those worn by
the terrorists who kidnapped Moro.
-What are you doing?
-The key wouldn't turn. What's up?
-They've discovered Via Gradoli.
-Did they get Barbara and Mario?
They weren't there, so they say.
Or they got them and aren't telling.
And now to our second story.
Since this morning dozens of divers
have been searching
the bottom of Lake Duchessa,
to verify the macabre announcement
contained in a flyer
signed by the Red Brigades,
but whose authenticity
is still dubious.
The flyer announced
the Christian Democracy
president Moro's death.
Why do they say we killed him?
They even released a false
communiqué, it's ridiculous.
-The secret service.
What a farce
But why?
To let us know they're ready.
-For what?
-For a dead Moro.
To prepare Italians
for this possibility
and to gauge how Italians will react.
They think of everything.
I'm increasingly convinced
that we shouldn't kill him.
-Even the Communists want him dead.
-That's why we shouldn't.
-How's Barbara?
-Fine, she's safe.
-Do you want to sleep here?
-No, it's better to stay separate.
-You want a coffee, some water?
-Water, thanks.
What happened?
I was going home and suddenly
I saw firemen, the cops
It was a close call.
Did someone betray us?
I don't know.
But many in the movement knew about
our base, you've slept there too.
Yes, we were there
for a couple of weeks.
I see spies everywhere.
This picture blows it for them.
This is our communiqué number seven.
They're playing, we're serious.
We'll give them another 48 hours.
And no more contact with outsiders,
it's too risky.
We can trust Lanfranco.
After what happened in Via Gradoli,
I don't trust anyone anymore.
Let alone a guy who plays poker
with the judges who are trying us.
Show me the photo.
No more personal initiatives.
We don't negotiate with socialist
mediators, we deal with the DC,
the government.
Zaccagnini, Andreotti, Leone.
Either the DC or the government.
No one else.
You have to tell the people
who sent you.
Why don't you do something?
I'm an intermediary,
I have no power.
The Christian Democrats
have to recognize us
and cut the psychiatric bullshit:
is he in his right mind, or not?
Aren't they ashamed?
-We need time.
-We've run out of time, get it?
You need to understand
that killing Moro is suicide.
You need the movement,
without anyone protecting you,
hiding you, you'd be done.
It's all over: you, us, the movement.
The movement is the water
where fish can swim.
Without water you're dead.
Free him, it's the most
revolutionary thing you could do.
Unleash Moro on them,
alive and pissed off,
because none of his friends
wanted to save him.
They're more scared of Moro alive
than dead.
It's so clear.
Moro's here with all of the DC!
-The executive committee has decided.
-We're also on the committee.
You're in the minority,
the sentence will be carried out.
It's suicide.
Let's move around.
-The movement is not backing us.
-I don't give a damn.
Who's taken up the armed struggle
against this corrupt, fascist regime?
Us or the movement? Enough talk!
Tell your friends, the professors,
the intellectuals
who pontificate in the left-wing
press, the old whores,
caked with makeup,
tell them that we're in charge.
That way we're doing them a favor.
If instead we free him
-We'll look like damn fools.
-They want us to kill him,
instead we'll free him.
In freedom
he can harm the DC much more.
Without getting anything out of it?
Kidnapping him was a coup.
-Putting him on trial, we showed
-We don't have to prove anything.
The Pope, the UN Secretary General,
we've had political recognition.
Let's not all stand together.
On principle, we can't kill
a helpless prisoner.
What's your problem? It's an armed
struggle, if you weren't sure
I have no problems
and I've proved it.
One thing is the cops
who were paid for that
-You got 100 lire?
-C'mon, 50 lire?
A hostage is one thing, killing
a helpless prisoner is another.
He's guilty like the others:
corruption, state massacres.
That's why if we free him,
we're stronger.
No, we'd show we don't have the guts.
And we don't care
about moral superiority.
For a proletarian, it's a defeat.
Only an intellectual or a poet
would think of freeing him,
and think, "What revolutionary thing
can I do today?"
But not a worker, not someone
who goes to the assembly line,
repeating the same action
millions of times and for that
shitty job he risks
being fired and starving.
-Let's go.
-Think of our people.
You've talked to him every day
for two months, fed him.
How can you just kill him like that?
It's a war. Don't you get it?
Come here.
We'll try him, we'll sentence him,
we'll kill him.
Only us,
because we're willing to die.
Even if that happened,
it wouldn't be the end of us.
Tell that to your friends,
because there are
heaps of true revolutionaries,
who want in
because they're sick
of all your nauseating chatter.
-It's been 10 years about revolution.
-Don't speak to me like that!
I've proved that I couldn't care less
about my life.
Yes, you have.
And now that we have our enemies'
boss, you don't want to do it.
This time we'll see it through.
All reference to people
and real events
has been artistically
elaborated by the authors.
The roles have been
reinterpreted for dramatic purposes.
Any connection with real people
is therefore purely coincidental.
Translation: Katia Brunetto
LinQ Media Group
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