Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Painted in White

I've finally found you.
Touka, the White Mage.
I'm sorry?
Don't play dumb.
Why are you joining the Fairy Tail?
Because Sir Natsu is there.
It was just over a year ago-
I know about you.
Considered to be a counterpart to Avatar.
You are the creator of Rebellious,
a group of White Magic Cult.
White Magic has a nice ring on it,
but the idea behind it is dangerous.
They're seeking to turn the world
into a white nothingness,
called the White Creed.
My apologies. Aren't you
mistaking me with someone else?
It's true that my name is Touka,
but I don't know about white magic.
I excel at water magic.
And where did you get
that water magic of yours?
I've done my research.
You've stolen that magic from a dragon.
There have been reports everywhere
about someone stealing magical energy.
Wizards whose magical energy has
been stolen can die from Hypomagia.
More than a hundred such cases have
occurred in the past few months.
I've figured that the culprit is
a member of the Rebellious.
And it led me to you.
A great witch who has lived for
a hundred years, the White Mage Touka.
I don't understand what
you are saying at all.
Come with me.
No! Stop it!
What are you doing with our member?
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
At night, I even forget to notice
The continuation of dreams
I can't see
And the sounds of anxiety
that everyone holds
Let's accept it all
and make it come true
The time has passed at
an impossible speed
While I recall it,
the "present" is slipping away
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
If you hold onto hope
after coming this far
I'll seek the meaning of
the promises we exchanged
For the "Story" of the future
(Dyed White)
Help me! This man has
a crazy misunderstanding!
Give that woman to me, Laxus.
I can't just hand over one of ours
for no reason.
That woman is dangerous.
You need to stay away from her.
I don't care how dangerous she is,
once she has the crest, she's family.
Even if she were evil?
Like you?
I'm also not a good person either.
But I've decided to protect
the people in my guild.
So what should we do next, cha?
To find the White Mage.
I have a lead.
A lead?
You know where that person is, cha?
More importantly, Kiria.
How long do you plan to keep that around?
Oh, you mean this?
She's my toy.
I think I'll play with her for a while.
Th Thank you very much.
That's unexpected.
I thought you liked to fight
strong people.
I do. That's my favorite.
But I also love seeing those strong people
being reduced to this state.
The gap difference is making me
addicted to it!
I'll keep playing with you
if you become a good girl.
Doesn't that make you happy?
Yes, thank you very much.
Good. What a cute girl.
Come, I'll show you something good.
What a bad hobby, cha.
It won't last.
Kiria gets bored fast.
And she will cut everything
she gets bored of.
They are the good things that
I want to show you.
Natsu! Wendy!
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
Just obey them.
What happened to you?
Get a hold of yourself.
So "cutting her strength" has
made her become like this?
Obey them, like I do.
At least, they'll spare your lives.
Damn it, give us back our Er-
They are Dragon Slayers.
So we captured them
instead of killing them.
Please spare them!
They're my cherished friends.
Sure, I'll let them live
a while longer for you.
Thank you so much.
Erza! Get a hold of yourself!
Charle, Happy, Lucy, Gray
Are you all safe?
They shouldn't have gone far yet.
When I woke up,
Erza and Wendy were gone.
I saw that group take them away.
No way.
Natsu and Gray too?
I'm not sure about them.
We have to help them!
Aye, sir!
Then please leave now.
Our Water God became like this
because you came here.
I'll give you one of Ermina's boats,
so go out from here now!
Happy! Charle!
Did you find their ship?
About that
There is a different ship.
A different ship?
What should we do?
Let's hide!
We need to run away!
No need for that.
So small!
I happened to be passing by.
He looked like he was in danger,
so I shrank him.
You are
It's been a while, Lucy.
You seem to get into
more trouble as usual.
Long time no see, Brandish.
One of Alvarez's Spriggan 12
There are two fluffy-wuffies.
By the way,
the Spriggan 12 is disbanded,
Thanks to you guys.
Not that I care.
Running Alvarez without the Emperor
was a pain, so I left for a journey.
Ajeel is the king now.
He's reorganizing the government.
Are they gonna be okay with him
as their king?
He used to be one of Alvarez's princes.
Sure, he likes war.
But he's settled down since that battle.
He has Yajeel and Jacob, too.
As for Dimaria,
she lives quietly in the fields now after
she says she doesn't want to fight again.
It's hard to believe.
Invel and Neinhardt were thrown in jail
for plotting to start another war.
Larcade disappeared somewhere.
Irene, Bloodman, Wall,
and God Serena are all dead.
I lost Grandpa too in that battle.
I don't hate you guys for it.
I know you suffered losses too.
We can be friends, right?
Please help us!
Natsu and the others have
been captured!
With your power,
it would be a huge help!
No way. It's a pain.
She didn't even think about it!
When I saw you, I thought you might
be going after it, but I guess not.
Going after what?
Aquarius's key is on Guiltina.
I've come here to find it.
Whoopsie. Did I just help my enemy?
How silly of me.
Destroy my key!
Thank you for everything.
I don't mind being your friend,
but I'm not gonna give it up.
I'll take Aquarius.
I'll find her while you float here.
It's okay.
Our friends come first.
Bye, then.
Wait! Turn Gray back to normal!
What's wrong, Juvia?
Well, my love rival sensor
just activated.
Glad to see you doing fine, Lucy!
And your smile is cute!
It looks good on you!
Let's see which of us find
Aquarius's key first!
I'm going to be in Magnolia for a while,
and I will watch that woman.
Good choice.
We wouldn't get away safely
if we decided to fight here.
Was she really the White Mage?
I never thought she'd be in Fairy Tail.
Things are getting complicated.
What would you do in my shoes?
Thank you for taking good care of me.
But a true knight wouldn't attack
a sleeping opponent.
Natsu, Wendy.
You're back, Erza.
It seems her "strength-cutting"
is some sort of hypnosis.
Magic that comes through the eyes
only half works on me.
So I was able to get back to normal.
But I will make her pay.
All right, I've removed
the magic sealing stone.
It's time for our counterattack.
But we are
on a ship.
Now that you mentioned it!
I just enlarged a rock from
the sea bottom.
Take care.
The shaking
All right!
It's time for our counterattack!
What's happening?
She's gone?
She managed to escape?
I'm not running or hiding.
To pay back the humiliation
the enemy caused
is the Fairy Tail's way.
You broke my spell?
Magic that passes through my eyes
has its effect reduced by half.
Aren't you too naive to miss the chance
to kill a sleeping opponent?
Killing a sleeping opponent?
That wouldn't be much of
a punishment, would it?
Is this your doing?
I don't know why the ship stopped.
But thanks to that, we can move now.
I knew it was a mistake to
leave prisoners alive.
We should have turned you
into corpses.
Fire Dragon's Roar!
My ashes can turn even flames into ash!
Ashes normally come after
something burns.
My flame
That's cheating!
Natsu, my magic might
work better on him.
Sky Dragon's Sea-Raising Gale!
My ash is scattering?!
Now's your chance, Natsu!
What's happening, cha?!
By the name of Dragon Eaters,
let's eat them right now!
Thank you very much.
It's fine.
What did you do to her?
She's terrified.
I think she was just thanking me though.
Are you okay?
He didn't do anything to you?
I'm fine.
I'll scold Laxus later.
- Just tell us the truth.
- What did he do to you?
Still, it's raining like crazy.
Here, a towel.
Still doubting her?
She just smiled.
And not the good kind of smile.
Look who's talking.
I heard there used to be
the infamous Rainwoman.
Here, in this guild.
You're talking about Juvia?
That's a thing of the past now.
That's why she looks so moist.
You little!
That's enough, Touka.
As a member of the guild,
we'll protect you.
And as a member of the guild,
is there anything you want to tell us?
Everyone has a secret or two.
You don't have to reveal anything
you don't want to.
But if you're hiding something
that puts this guild in danger.
Then, you won't be a part of
this family anymore.
I think I'll go home today.
An obedient pet is nice,
but this is good too!
What's wrong?
Weren't you going to punish me?
She's strong.
What shall I cut next?
Your sense of shame might
be interesting!
Your hypnosis won't work on me again!
The way to fight hypnosis is awareness.
Once I'm aware, it won't work.
Then, what if I were to sever your
feelings for the one you love?
Don't do that!
How cute.
I really can't stand her.
It's not like I have feelings for him
or anything.
I never thought you'd be the one
who came to me.
Touka, the White Mage.
It seems you really know about me.
You are in my way.
Why are you joining the Fairy Tail?
Because they're too huge.
All that magical energy is
concentrated in one place.
Too much magic invites
chaos and destruction.
Those who oppose the Creed must
be returned to nothingness.
Fairies are just in fairy tales, after all.
If you think magic is evil,
then why do you use it?
I didn't say magic was evil.
Too much of it in one place
is the evil itself.
Anyway, I didn't come here
to argue with you.
I'll return you to nothingness.
What is this?!
Your magical energy is flowing into me.
Strong magic will give birth to "black".
Right. The "black" like Zeref was.
Before that happens,
I will dye this world white!
Run while you can.
Before the one within me
comes up again!
What's going on?!
Hurry up!
I can't hold her back too long
You want to get in my way, Touka?
Don't hurt people more than this,
White Mage!
I've got you!
Gajeel, use iron bindings, now!
Got it!
To think Gajeel was actually right!
Are you okay, Jellal?
I knew it, you're black-hearted.
Would that be white because
she's the White Mage?
Well, who cares!
Looks like she passed out.
Another personality?
So Touka and the White Mage are
two personalities in the same body?
What's actually going on here?
I told you, there's nothing I can't cut.
No matter what you can cut,
you won't be able to cut our bonds.
Since we got a commission for
subjugating dragons,
I had Wendy put an enchantment on it.
Dragon-Slaying Blade: Belserion.
I'll test it out on you.
I can blow away any ash spells!
Good job, Wendy!
What a troublesome opponent.
Armor Dragon's Steel-Fist Strike!
Fire Dragon's Iron Punch!
The Armor Dragon's scales can never be-
No matter how tough your armor is,
can it take my heat?
The Armor Dragon can endure
great heat, cha!
Then, I'll make it hotter, cha!
It won't work, cha!
Natsu! Do your best, cha!
Get burned!
Fire Dragon King's Purgatory!
He got through Madmole's armor?!
You and I are holding
the ends of the same rope
Pulling with a strong force
Creating a tense connection,
taut feeling
We've always helped each other out
no matter when
But leaning on each other
too much isn't good
It's time to let go
For both of us
Even if we part ways here
Our bond will never break,
it's an invisible belief
From this point on,
that will be something eternal
It's our story
O friend, this is where
we say goodbye
We can't keep supporting
each other forever
O friend, as if competing
against each other
We grow stronger by
standing on our own
(Next Episode)
(A Bitter Choice)
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