Familiar Wife (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Mr. Cha.
By any chance…
Do you…
really recognize me?
Do you, Seo Woo-jin?
Did you…
lose your phone recently?
How do you know that?
No wonder.
You looked familiar.
I saw the photo on your phone's wallpaper.
I'm the one who found the phone!
No way. Really?
I'm serious.
You can't believe it either, can you?
I guess this was meant to be, right?
I guess so.
I guess it was meant to be.
This is amazing.
Mr. Cha.
I have a question.
The woman on your phone's wallpaper.
Is she your girlfriend?
Or your wife?
My wife.
I see.
Okay, understood.
Mr. Cha is married.
Hi. Good morning.
-You're here early.
Mr. Yoon Jong-hoo.
Am I right?
You must have a very good memory.
Or maybe…
I'm pretty memorable, right?
It's the former,
but I'll go with the latter.
It doesn't cost me anything.
Customer number 348,
please come to counter two.
Welcome. How can I help you?
I'd like to apply for online banking.
Please give me your ID first.
Thank you.
I like it when your hair is down.
Why do you always wear a ponytail?
I didn't wash my hair.
If you like it so much,
grow out your own hair.
Your application is complete.
I also need a new debit card.
-Can I get it right away?
-Of course.
Since you're getting a new one,
why don't you get this one
instead of your old one?
This is perfect for your demographic.
-I think you'll be much happier with it.
Just so you know,
I also switched to this one
as soon as it came out.
Then, I'll take this one too.
Okay, I'll assist you right away.
This was 30,000 won?
You bought this heap of weeds
for 30,000 won?
-But it's our wedding anniversary.
-Why would we celebrate that?
I'd rather you get us food instead.
You're crazy.
But it's our wedding anniversary!
Okay, I'll return it.
What's wrong?
-You'll break the ceiling.
-They need a taste of their own medicine.
-You'll break it!
Be quiet!
-Customer number 349.
That's not my ex-wife, Seo Woo-jin.
Isn't it a bit surprising?
What is?
There's one new person,
but the atmosphere has changed.
No one's asking
why things are taking so long today.
It's worth the wait.
Why? Because there's a newcomer.
-It's not that deep.
-I'm telling you.
The customers
who come every day can sense it.
How can I help you?
I'll be there soon with the money.
Just watch my spot so no one takes it.
That spot is gonna hit the jackpot soon.
There are so many people.
That jerk's here again. What do we do?
I hope I don't get him.
Customer number 350,
please come to counter two.
If I see you later,
I'll treat you to a meal.
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
The umbrella, right?
-I was the wrong order guy.
-Did you teach a class?
I said I'd treat you to a meal
if we met again.
Are you free now?
I can, but…
I know what we should eat.
Let's get brick oven pizza.
I'm buying her a meal
because I owe her one.
No, it's okay. I actually have plans.
You can forget about it. Thank you.
I know that woman.
She's JK Group's only daughter.
She teaches as a hobby.
I didn't know that.
Customer number 365,
please come to counter two.
Welcome. How may I help you?
Take everything out of here.
You'd like to withdraw?
One moment, please.
-Is Kim Hyeong-min your son?
Please enter the four-digit passcode.
The passcode is incorrect.
I don't think this is it.
Do you have another passcode?
It's wrong?
Then is this it?
I don't think that was it, either.
This is the last time,
so please enter it carefully this time.
What was it again?
Is it 0829?
No, it's 4301.
Right, it's 4301.
-The passcode is incorrect.
-I'm sorry, sir.
You entered it incorrectly three times,
so you can't make a transaction.
You'll need your ID
and family relations certificate
to reset the passcode next time.
-Damn it.
-I'm sorry.
When would I have the time to do that?
Let me try one more time.
I'm sure it's 0829.
I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.
You don't seem to get it, do you?
Don't you know me?
I come here every day!
My face is the certificate.
Plus, you have my ID on file.
This is so annoying.
Yes, we do know it's you,
so I'm sure you're annoyed.
But rules are rules. I'm sorry.
This freaking sucks.
Let me try one more time!
I'm sure it's 0829!
Yes, you're sure it's 0829,
and it freaking sucks, right?
Still, it's against the rules.
I'm sorry.
Customer number 366,
we'll help you at counter two.
Are you crazy?
Are you screwing with me right now?
Why are you smirking?
Hey, I've had it with you.
-Please leave.
-What the hell? Let go of me!
-You can't do this. Please leave.
-What's your name?
-This way, sir.
-Seo Woo-jin? Just you wait.
Let go of me! Seo Woo-jin.
I won't let you get away with this.
How may I help you?
-I'd like to transfer money.
-Okay, please wait a moment.
Woo-jin, can you bring me
the cards and bankbooks from the back?
-Thirty each.
-Okay, thirty each.
It's going to be a long night.
I'll buy you all coffee
if it's less than 5,000 won each.
-Joo Hyang-suk.
-I'll take your order.
I'd like an iced Americano.
-Me too.
-Me too.
I'd like a cold brew.
So, iced Americanos for the loans team.
A mocha… No, chocolate frappuccino.
No whipped cream.
I want a vanilla latte.
Then I'll have a green tea latte.
But Ms. Seo isn't here.
Maybe just an iced Americano?
She doesn't drink coffee.
-She'll have a strawberry shake.
-How do you know that?
-Here they are, Ms. Jang.
No problem.
Ms. Seo, you don't drink coffee?
No, I don't.
How did you know?
Mr. Cha told me.
He said you don't drink coffee
and that you'd have a strawberry shake.
-He did?
You didn't drink coffee all day,
so I took a guess.
And who doesn't like strawberries?
I'm a strawberry maniac.
Mr. Cha, you could be a fortune teller.
So, Ms. Seo…
Woo-jin, how was your first day at work?
It sort of felt like
I was working with 100 electric
muscle stimulators attached to me.
It was quite interesting.
I hope you can still say that later.
We deal with a lot of obnoxious customers.
You experienced it, too, with that guy.
-That crazy guy?
He's infamous here.
We've all been through it.
He's a gangster or something.
All he does is play games and gamble.
All kinds of people come here.
Here you go.
Hey, punk.
Even if it's before the holidays,
how can the bank not have new bills,
you punk?
I'm not a punk.
And stop talking down to me.
From people who yell and lash out at us…
Are you going to change
your passcode again?
Someone wiretapped me.
If I don't change it often,
they'll take my money.
…to anxious, delusional psychopaths…
Any time. If you call me, I'll…
…and sometimes,
even a lunatic who drops nuclear bombs.
No, sir. I'll call you back.
Damn it!
What kind of lunatic pooped here?
-What's wrong?
-What do I do?
What the heck?
I don't know.
You can't just leave.
Damn it.
What's this for?
What am I supposed to do with this?
-People like that really exist?
-Don't leave!
I didn't eat for days
after that poop bomb.
I heard that after three years
as a banker,
you practically become a monk.
Our people have
a lot of anger inside them.
We still have resentment
from the Japanese occupation,
so we're short-tempered and unstable.
We wonder if we're the only ones
being looked down on.
Hey sweetie,
why are you so distracted?
Can't you stay still? It's quite annoying.
It's my first time working sitting down.
I don't think I'm moving enough.
Why are you complaining about that?
It's not like she's hurting anyone.
That's right. Move around.
Stretch a little.
We need to move our bodies
in this occupation.
We could do some group stretches.
That's not a bad idea.
-I'm in.
-Me too.
-You're right.
That livens up the atmosphere.
-Come on, stretch.
-I'm so tense.
-She's a bit weird, isn't she?
-You try it too.
How should I put it?
She does seem to work hard,
but something's off about her.
There's that,
and isn't she flirtatious with the men?
Did you notice that too?
Same here.
You know those girls who act innocent,
but they're actually sly.
They act like they're easygoing
but talk behind your back.
Is that so?
-Now that you mention it, I guess so.
-I'm serious.
Let's be honest.
It's not like I don't know how to flirt.
I don't want to cause drama
in the workplace.
That's why I'm holding back.
-That's what I'm saying.
You should say something to her.
Don't let her look down on you.
I can't do that.
You have to.
The restroom is a bit far.
Do I need to let it out bit by bit
when it's busy?
You should tie your hair.
It's not like you're here
to be all dolled up.
Well, the thing is,
there's a cigarette burn
on the back of my neck.
Oh my.
It's from when I was young,
but the mark is still there.
No. I'm kidding, Ms. Jang!
-I'll tie it properly starting tomorrow.
I'll get going, then.
I don't think she's joking.
I think she's serious.
That hurts.
-I almost broke my bones.
-Oh no.
I'm sorry. Are you hurt?
I'm a bit scratched up.
But no broken bones, thanks to my fat.
I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
That's okay.
It's my fault
for suddenly popping out like that.
What do you mean? Not at all.
I couldn't slow down
because I was feeling good.
-It's definitely my fault.
-No, it's not.
It's definitely my fault
for wearing black at night.
I'll let you have it, then.
It's your fault.
But the pharmacy and a beverage
are on me. Deal?
It's okay.
I treated it properly.
You can't say otherwise later.
Can't I just say one thing?
At the intersection,
I run a bar with my husband.
I'd like you to come by often.
That's fine by me.
I'm a big drinker,
so I drink alone from time to time.
Yes! I got a new customer.
This is great to gulp down
after a workout.
I heard it's good to drink this
when you're on a diet.
Of course.
Being properly hydrated reduces hunger
and improves your metabolism.
You really know your stuff.
I'll have some too.
I've been dieting for 15 years.
What about you?
Were you going home from work?
You're sharp.
I have a question.
Have we met before?
Why do you look so familiar?
I'm not sure.
Now that I look at you,
I think you're right.
Were you born in 1988?
-That's right. The year of the dragon.
-I knew it.
Daejeon Kindergarten, Seodong Elementary,
Jangwon Middle, Seoil Girls' High.
-Have you been to any of them?
I've lived here my entire life.
Let's say you're not.
Why is that even important?
The present is.
Let's be friends.
I'm not just trying to make you
a customer.
Okay, I'll drop the honorifics then.
You're pretty tough.
I like that too.
Okay, let's drop them!
Hey, Woo-jin.
Go in.
Gosh, seriously?
Mom, let's make it short today.
Mom, you'll hurt yourself! Your shoe.
Dad? Where?
Dad, over there.
I got you.
What are you doing?
-Gosh, it hurts.
I got hit too hard.
-Let's go to Dad.
-It hurts.
-I got hit too hard.
-Really? Does it hurt here?
Is your wife out?
Why would you come here?
No reason. Where's Ju-eun?
She's out running.
She's always on a diet.
She wants to lose the baby weight
in three months.
Why the long face?
Did something happen?
Actually, Sang-shik.
Never mind. Forget it.
What is it?
There's nothing we can't talk about.
-That's why.
-Hey, you punk.
You and I are both friends and family.
Do you have…
marital problems?
Are you having a hard time…
You know…
It's not like that, you punk.
If your ex-girlfriend came to work here,
what would you do?
-Still pretty?
-Is that important?
Of course, it is.
Who's this about?
Is this about you?
Did your ex-girlfriend come to the bank?
It's Mr. Ha.
We used to work together at the branch.
What a cruel twist of fate.
That's right. It's a twist of fate.
What a cruel twist of fate.
It'd be a shame if she was still pretty.
But don't you think
at least one of them should leave?
You'd be too uncomfortable
to work with her.
So uncomfortable.
Is this HR?
Mr. Yang?
This is Cha Ju-hyuk
from the Gahyeon branch.
Yes, I'm calling because
I was wondering if any other branches
needed loan officers.
They don't?
No. There's no problem.
are there any openings
in personal banking?
No, at the associate level.
Can you help me?
There are boxes in the pantry.
They're in the way.
I need to recycle them.
Yes, sir.
I put those there.
-We'll do it.
-No, it's okay. I want to do it.
Ms. Seo?
How is work for you? Do you like it?
It's fun.
I'm going to do my best to catch up.
But I guess you're not so lucky
when it comes to branches.
You know how hard it is here.
There are many shops and companies nearby.
So there are a lot of customers.
I love working hard.
I need a lot of work to learn quickly.
On top of that,
I don't know
if I should tell you this or not.
Ms. Jang
has trouble controlling her emotions.
You know, a kind of sociopath.
What? Really?
She's cranky, but I like her.
But then her emotions change suddenly.
There's a reason
for high turnovers at personal banking.
The guy before you got shingles.
He was 34 kg when he left.
-Can you believe it?
-My gosh, really?
I wonder if he put on some weight.
He had a great personality.
You even found my phone for me.
I just want to return the favor.
I happened to overhear this,
but there's a new position open
at the Mapo branch.
That's our main branch.
Why don't you move there?
You've only been here for two days.
If you stay here,
it'll be harder to leave.
So why don't you move there?
You can always come up
with an excuse, right?
No, thank you.
There are always tough bosses.
And I need to lose a little weight.
I like it here.
But thank you for your concern.
Should I put these out back?
I'll take these first.
-Ms. Seo, I need to talk to you.
-Yes, Mr. Cha.
Did you just print this in color?
Why would you do a color copy?
Color ink is very expensive.
We're trying to save money
on paper and toner.
You can't be wasteful
just because it isn't yours.
Do you not care about the bank's money?
Do you think it's a joke
that a bank has so much money?
I'm sorry. I pressed the wrong button.
I paused it right away,
so it's only this one copy.
So what if it's just one?
One becomes two, and so on.
If resources are depleted
and Korea's economy collapses,
will you take responsibility?
What's the point if other people save?
One irresponsible person
will ruin everything.
I'm sorry. I'll be careful.
I will make copies in black and white.
You can learn a lot about a person
from their actions.
You need to have the basics.
She doesn't know the basics.
Are you crazy?
What's gotten into you?
-What did I do?
-With Seo Woo-jin.
Why are you nitpicking
about something so trivial?
Why are you acting like a mother-in-law?
Since when did you try so hard
to reduce the bank's expenses?
Was I wrong?
She's too careless and relaxed.
You're so weird.
Do you have feelings for her?
Of course not.
I said what I had to say,
and she heard what she had to hear.
When did you become so overbearing?
She's good at her job,
and she's charming.
Charming, my foot.
Do you even know her? Do you?
You've seen her for two days.
And I'm warning you in advance.
Don't jump to conclusions.
You never know what people are truly like.
She could be a psycho,
like Jekyll and Hyde.
You know, like the crazy two-faced guy.
What's wrong with you?
Are you feeling territorial?
Or sexually frustrated?
Sexually frustrated?
Mr. Yoon.
Ms. Jang asked me to get the key
to the storage room.
I'm sorry.
I made you come to the rooftop.
It's okay.
It's nice to skip work for a bit.
I'll let you get back to gossiping.
What are you going to do?
These are all complaints.
"Seo Woo-jin
from the Gahyeon-dong branch."
"She was unfriendly and insincere."
"She gave out our customers' passwords
in public and leaked information."
I didn't leak it.
He spoke loudly, so I repeated it.
That's how you leaked it.
Then you can't get out of it.
He's plastered it all over
the company message board
and the Financial Supervisory Service.
Read them at your desk later.
How are you going to deal with this?
I'm sorry.
I think I was too rash.
We know you didn't do anything wrong.
But I told you yesterday.
All kinds of people come here.
It's our loss if we get emotional,
even if we were wronged.
You've really made a mess.
That's why experience is important.
We have a lot of difficult customers.
If we acted on our temper,
we'd be losing it all the time.
We're all professionals,
so we're just putting up with it.
-What are you doing?
-It's okay.
If you can't do it, go somewhere else.
Or go back to headquarters.
I'm sorry.
I mean it.
I'll go and apologize first.
If that doesn't work,
you can talk to him.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm sorry!
She doesn't know the basics.
These are gifts for our bank's customers.
Yes, and this is a very special gift
for VVIP customers only.
I'm not sure these will show
how sorry we are,
but these are toiletry products.
And these are cosmetics for your wife.
Do you have a son?
These dolls are very popular these days.
-Kids love them.
-Do you think I'm a beggar?
I'll have the pink one.
You have a daughter?
All right.
-Mr. Byeon?
-Two pink ones later.
-Yes, of course.
Come in, Woo-jin.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, sir.
I'll be extra careful
not to do this again.
I'm sorry.
How can she apologize so nicely?
All right.
She knows how to apologize
for what she did wrong.
That's the attitude of a true banker--
Are you kidding?
She was being totally insincere.
That's not true.
I felt her genuine emotion.
How can she be more sincere than this?
Damn it.
-Are you taking sides?
-Not at all.
I sincerely apologize, sir.
I'm sorry.
What can I do to make it up to you?
Should I get on my knees?
Will you?
I will.
If you want me to.
My gosh.
Look at you.
You're so devoted to your company.
So if you really kneel,
you'll be the martyr
who got on her knees for the company.
And I'll look like a complete lunatic.
I can't let that happen.
Bow to me and apologize.
Say, "I'm sorry" three times loudly.
You don't want to?
All right, then.
I'll write to headquarters
and the Financial Supervisory Service.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
No way.
Why do you have to bow to that jerk?
Are we some pushovers?
Can they treat us however they want?
Why are you getting worked up?
Lower your voice.
I'm angry. We're damned if we do,
damned if we don't.
I mean, bankers are humans too.
We're normal citizens.
Why don't we have basic rights?
She was unlucky.
Why did it have to be that jerk?
You're right. It was a rough initiation.
Anyway, Ms. Seo is
the most miserable one right now.
Bowing his head to that loser.
She might regret coming here and quit.
This isn't the dream job I wanted.
How frustrating.
Ms. Seo.
Mr. Yoon.
I haven't had lunch yet
because of the fuss earlier.
Do you need me to do something?
I'll be done in five.
I can't stop in the middle,
so I'll be quick.
What is it?
Do you know what Ms. Seo is doing?
She's eating a sandwich in the pantry.
-A sandwich?
Something about not being able to eat
with the fuss earlier.
Isn't that incredible?
She's so strong-minded.
She's really something.
How fun.
Mr. Cha, wait for me.
I parked my bike in the parking lot.
I did a lot of self-reflection today.
I need to fix this personality of mine.
By the way, do a lot of customers
file complaints to the FSS?
I only read our company message board.
It depends.
Did that happen to you too?
I didn't think the loan department
would receive complaints.
Well, that depends too.
Then what do you do?
If you have any tips, please let me know--
Why do you have so many questions?
Can't we walk in silence?
I have a lot on my mind right now.
Do you not like me?
I heard everything on the rooftop.
It's my first time working here,
and I have a weird personality.
I admit that I'm lacking in many ways.
But I'll try my best not to be a nuisance.
So please
be understanding of me.
If something bothers you,
call me to the rooftop.
I like straightforward people.
I'm being totally for real.
Thanks in advance.
See you tomorrow.
To be honest,
I really liked your first impression.
You seemed friendly
and felt like an old friend.
I'm not flattering you. I mean it.
I'll get going.
I really liked your first impression.
You seemed friendly
and felt like an old friend.
She's breathing in all the air pollution.
She's going towards Boeun-dong.
Does she still live there?
I guess so.
This alley…
It's been ages.
Mom, what's going on?
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
Have this.
We were going to leave
right after the wedding.
But since hardly anyone came
because it's a weekday, we stayed.
She wanted to keep working today,
but I won her over.
If we don't sell gimbap today,
what will we have left?
You should've called.
I would've picked you up.
It's okay. I know you're busy.
Still, it's nice to see you.
You're going to spend the night, right?
No, we'll go home right away.
Just pretend you can't say no and stay.
You said it's your wish
to have your daughter-in-law cook for you.
When did I…
Come in.
This is the second time I've been here
since you got married.
-Would you like something to drink?
-No thanks. I had one earlier.
Have a seat, Dad.
A lot has changed.
The furniture looks different too.
Dad, sit here.
-It's very comfortable.
Put your feet up here.
-Isn't it comfortable?
-Yes, it's nice.
You look like a president of a company.
What? You're home early.
-I'm going to get my nails done.
It's been ages.
You're here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cha.
They were at a wedding nearby.
And it's been a while
since they visited us.
I see.
I was going to make dinner,
but the fridge needs cleaning.
Do you buy all those ingredients
from a department store?
They must be expensive.
There's a supermarket nearby.
there's a big difference in quality.
Once you buy from a department store,
you can't go back to a supermarket.
Also, your parents told me
a cleaning lady comes twice a week.
But is there any need?
There's nothing to clean for two people.
It's a waste of money.
Don't worry. It doesn't cost us anything.
My mother pays.
Let me get changed.
There's a good Chinese restaurant nearby.
They'll deliver right away.
For their accommodations…
A hotel is fine, right?
I'll book a suite and a king-size bed.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
Is this Royal Hotel?
Can I book a suite room?
With a king bed…
What are you doing?
What about you? I was on the phone.
You're the one who's being rude.
They're your in-laws.
Right, I know.
They shouldn't barge in like this
without a word.
Isn't that really rude?
Even if it's your parents.
I asked them to come.
It seemed like they wanted to come.
What about me? What about how I feel?
I can't cook dinner right now.
And they always eat breakfast at 6:00 a.m.
-What do you want me to do?
-It's not like they want a feast.
-Just a simple--
-Still, no. It's too much.
I don't want strangers staying here.
What? Strangers?
You know how people do staycations.
They could go to a hotel--
You're not doing it for their sake
but for your convenience.
Wait. Mom, Dad.
You can't leave like this.
You have nowhere to sleep.
Of course, we do.
There's Ju-eun's place.
If not, we can stay at Aunt Seon-ja's.
We were too thoughtless.
We've never been treated
as part of the family.
I'm sorry we were clueless.
You two just care about yourselves, okay?
Dad. Mom.
Go inside.
Did they really leave?
Yes, they did. Are you happy now?
Don't be like that. I feel bad too.
Why did they have to come and
make me look like a bad daughter-in-law?
I'll call her tomorrow
and send her one million won.
That's not the issue here.
My parents just got kicked out.
Kicked out?
How could you say that?
Do you think I don't have feelings?
Your mom wants me to do everything
her way, regardless of how I grew up.
You saw it too.
She's not wrong about what she said.
What? About money?
She's not talking about our background.
She's talking about yours.
Where I come from, this is not a waste.
It's to maintain our dignity.
I've lived like this for 30 years.
What do you want me to do?
I grew up with my parents
for over 30 years.
Do you think it's easy?
When I asked you to go to Daejeon,
you were obviously reluctant.
Whenever your parents call,
I'm expected to be there.
Can't my parents
spend one night at our place?
You promised my parents that
before we got married.
If you don't like it,
give up the house and car my dad gave you.
Then you can complain.
Where are you going at this hour?
can he get mad at me?
At me?
Ju-eun, please comfort them.
I'm so ashamed.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
It's past midnight.
Where on earth is she?
658,000 WON
So you went to the hotel.
Of course, you spend a lot
running away from home for a night.
Fine, do whatever you want.
It's been a while
since we had breakfast toast.
Did you fight with your wife?
You did, didn't you?
You're living off your in-laws.
Why would you fight?
Shut up and eat.
Isn't that Ms. Seo?
Ms. Seo!
-Don't call her.
-Ms. Seo!
-Stop it.
-Mr. Yoon!
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
It smells so good.
If you haven't had breakfast,
how about some toast?
I did, but I feel hungry again.
Then how about just one piece?
We'll have one more, please.
With a lot of cabbage.
Is it good?
It tastes like jumping rope in a sauna.
I meant it's breathtakingly good.
You're so unique.
Ms. Seo.
I heard you worked in finance
before you came to our headquarters.
I majored in business administration.
I see. So you entered school in 2007?
No, in 2009. I took two gap years.
My dad passed away
when I was a senior in high school,
so our family didn't have money.
I worked part-time jobs for two years.
That's how I paid my tuition.
Are you the oldest?
No, I'm an only child. Just me and my mom.
It's so simple, right?
That's why I wanted to get married
as soon as possible.
If I meet a dependable man I can rely on.
I want to have as many kids as possible
and live a busy life.
I think it'll be good for my mom too.
My mom is unwell.
How is Mother unwell?
I mean, your mother?
She's just
a little unwell.
It's nothing serious. She's happy now.
Your wife didn't come home last night,
and you don't even think to call?
So this is how you want to play?
My mom is unwell.
What's ailing her?
Don't you think you're out of line?
How could you make me call you first?
Are you still at the hotel?
Do you even care?
You're hurting my pride.
I'm going to hang up.
You call me right back.
If you don't for over a minute,
I won't pick up. Got it?
Are you done?
When are you coming home?
I don't know. We'll see.
If you beg me to come home,
I'll think about it.
Come home.
I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
Stop acting weird.
I might fire you.
I'm going to go to the spa
and get a massage while I'm here.
I'll see you at home.
226,100 won.
-Your dollars have been exchanged.
-Thank you.
Thank you. Have a good day.
Oh no. The jerk's here again.
He can't even keep his balance.
I think he's drunk.
What are you looking at?
You should greet your customer first.
Hello, sir.
How may I help you?
I was just passing by.
What? The branch manager isn't here.
Where did he go?
He's out right now.
Do you want me to call him?
No, it's okay.
It's just that I hit something big today.
I was so happy that I had a drink.
I don't know
if it's because I mixed drinks.
But my throat is killing me.
Get me a glass of water. Something cold.
Okay. Just a second.
Here you go.
After last time,
look how enthusiastic you are.
I feel great.
Your allowance.
No, thank you. It's okay.
I won a lot of money today,
so I'm in a good mood.
You can take it.
It's really okay.
Come on.
In these cases,
you just say, "Thank you, darling."
You got that?
I said it's really okay.
Are you swearing at me?
You just gave me the middle finger.
-You little…
-What are you doing?
Did you just hit me?
You punk.
Haven't you come to your senses yet?
Do you want me to teach you a lesson? Huh?
You seem very drunk. Let's talk.
Who the hell are you?
-Mr. Yoon!
Why are you butting in?
Who do you think you are?
Do you want to die too? Why you little…
Mr. Cha, you really missed a good show.
It was a clean victory, wasn't it?
I've never seen such clean technique,
even in the Olympics.
I agree. It ended in 4.6 seconds.
I'm sorry, Mr. Cha.
-I caused trouble as soon as I got here.
-No, you did a great job this time.
I know customers come first,
but do we have to handle
a drunk and violent customer?
I heard he pushed Mr. Yoon first.
So that was self-defense.
Good job.
I should've knocked him out first.
How embarrassing.
Woo-jin, did you ever play any sports?
I saw how agile you were.
You were like Bruce Lee.
Actually, before I started working here,
I briefly worked for the National
Intelligence Service security team.
-The NIS?
Right. No wonder you looked familiar.
Did you wear sunglasses
at the Inter-Korean Summit in Panmunjeom?
You were standing fifth from the right.
My gosh.
That's right.
How do you remember that?
-That's amazing.
-No way.
-How'd you know?
-No way.
I thought you were being serious!
You always lie.
It's not true?
-Are you joking?
-I'm seriously
Did we all fall for it?
What's going on?
Are you like Bonnie and Clyde?
You guys are so in sync.
-When did you team up like that?
-This is fun.
You two look great together.
I approve of this couple in advance.
-Me too.
-Same here.
-Thank you.
-Mr. Cha, you've gone too far.
Colleagues are just colleagues.
It's not easy to date someone at work.
Of course not.
There are people I've seen
for over ten years
I haven't developed
an ounce of feelings for.
That's what I'm saying.
Liking someone? Screw that.
Some people can't grow feelings
even after ten years.
But some people can after just two days.
I was just talking to myself.
Mr. Yoon, you were pushed so hard earlier.
Your lower body was weak.
It was all for the customer.
-Did you eat a lot?
You were eating so much.
Did you eat a lot?
I ate so much meat that the cow
has possessed me.
You're really something, Ms. Seo.
So different from how you look.
My expressions may be crude,
but I look sophisticated, don't I?
When I first saw you,
I thought you were the youngest daughter
of a chaebol or something.
-You had that aura.
-That aura.
-Oh, stop it.
I can't take this. That's enough.
-I think we have a similar sense of humor.
-I know. I'm glad.
I have someone I can relate to.
I've been feeling shy since I got here.
You seem to be adjusting well.
Are you sure you don't work out?
A shoulder throw is an advanced skill.
I'm built like an athlete.
Since it's just me and my mom,
I watch self-defense videos online.
But I didn't think
it would actually pay off.
I was surprised too.
I should watch them, too,
so I don't get knocked over.
I'm not sure.
Just because you watch it,
you don't get to be like me.
Then I'll just learn from you.
It'll be expensive.
Just a bit more.
If we win,
you all have to open up the bank.
-I got it. We'll keep our promise.
-Drink up.
-Why did you stop?
-Drink up.
-Drink more.
-Hurry up.
Drink up.
-Drink a lot.
-Let's go, Mr. Byeon!
Drink up.
-Drink up.
No, you're out
once your lips leave the bowl.
-That's not fair.
-Pass it over.
-You can't do it, Ms. Seo. Give up.
-What do you mean?
You're so strict.
You can do it.
Pass it. I'm done.
-Come on! No!
-Seo Woo-jin!
-Seo Woo-jin!
-Seo Woo-jin!
-Seo Woo-jin!
Why am I the only one who's miserable?
I didn't get married alone.
I didn't have them alone.
Give it back.
Give my whole life back.
Give me back everything, you asshole!
You're right.
I forgot.
When we first met,
you smiled a lot.
Times four, so it's two to five pi.
Minus five pi is zero.
Is the answer zero?
I solved it, but I'm not sure.
It's correct.
I like zero the most
among all the numbers.
It's the most pure.
What do you mean?
Let's go.
I'm hungry after studying so hard.
Let's eat first.
It's only been two hours since you ate.
I'm still growing,
so I digest food quickly.
Let's eat first.
Gimbap is the greatest food.
It's just vegetables wrapped in rice,
but how can it be so delicious?
My mom loves gimbap too.
How is she?
Is she still having a hard time?
Dad was all she had.
Here's why I like zero.
In multiplication,
zero is the absolute power
that makes everything zero.
But in addition, it has no power.
It's because zero loves addition.
That's why it's so strong
when it comes to other symbols,
but it's so weak
when it comes to addition.
I like that kind of innocence.
A devoted love.
Just like my mom.
You just love reading into things.
By the way, my mom is so grateful to you.
She can't even pay you,
but you keep tutoring me.
It's my vacation,
so I'm doing so out of loyalty.
Out of loyalty?
Is that really all? Loyalty?
What else could it be?
My bangs.
There's love.
I'll be an adult soon.
Am I not good enough
to be your girlfriend?
You're not.
Why not?
You're not my type.
Darn it.
Let's go back and study.
It's not like you even have a type.
I'm not done yet!
Come on. You need to study.
Seo Woo-jin.
Come on.
Call me Woo-jin again.
Whenever I hear you say "Woo-jin,"
I feel so happy.
Didn't you say this makes you happy?
You're right.
From the dandruff on your head
to your toes,
I guess I like it all.
No, don't.
Why can't you just
let me be your girlfriend?
How dare you touch me?
-Just once. Please?
-Stop it.
-Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
Stop playing hard to get.
-Let's go.
-Thank you.
It's already paid, right?
Are we leaving now?
Let's go.
Go ahead. I'll be right out.
You can't leave Mr. Cha here.
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha.
Everyone left. Let's go.
Who are you?
I'm sorry?
Never mind.
I think I drank too much.
I'm drunk.
Be careful.
I'm fine.
You can go first.
This water sobers me up.
I'm going, then.
Come out after you drink this.
Don't fall asleep here, okay?
Where do you want to go next?
-Where we always go.
-Let's go.
What a lunatic.
Mr. Cha.
Are you okay?
Are you okay, Ms. Seo?
That little punk.
Why is he driving so fast on this road?
That scared me.
You should be more careful.
-You're not hurt, are you?
-No, I'm fine. Let's go.
Let's go, Ms. Seo.
I couldn't find vanilla,
so I got you walnut.
It's still good, right?
No, it's not.
You seem to like it just fine.
By the way, Mom.
Something really strange
happened to me today.
There's this guy
named Mr. Cha at our branch.
He called me Woo-jin.
For some reason,
tears suddenly welled up in my eyes.
I wonder why.
I guess it's been too long
since someone called my name.
Or was it because it reminded me of Dad?
Anyway, for some reason, I was sad.
And it made my heart ache.
Strange, isn't it?
Yes, it's strange.
Right, it's strange.
I haven't felt that way in a long time.
It's bad.
I can't eat anymore.
Can you buy me vanilla ice cream?
Ma'am. What is this?
There's ice cream in here.
You just ate a whole pint.
Stop being ridiculous.
We used to be like that too.
You should finish it.
It's too hard.
-You have to finish this by today.
What do I do with you?
How pretty.
Here you go, babe.
The same thing as you?
Woo-jin made this pathetic world shine.
I lived through every day
to make Woo-jin smile.
Sir, can you drop me off here?
Good night.
You go first.
No, I'll see you go in first.
My house is here, so you go in first.
Yes, that's your house,
so you go in first.
No, I'll walk you there.
This house has gotten older.
Mr. Cha?
Mr. Cha.
What are you doing here?
How did you know where I live?
So this is where you live.
I just…
My friend lives nearby.
I got lost.
What a coincidence.
How funny.
It's late. You should go in.
Which way was his house again?
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha.
This might
sound weird.
But by any chance…
do you…
know me?
My son-in-law!
She has weak stamina.
Should I just give her a ride?
I'm just giving my employee a ride.
Is that weird? Just go.
-Drive safe.
I'm not being polite.
I'm interested in you.
Come at me.
There are many pretty women in this world.
There's only one Seo Woo-jin.
I'm totally against it.
I approve!
Hands up!
Get out.
I really need to use the bathroom.
Can I go?
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