Family Secrets (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

- [thud]
- [Alicja gasps] Oh, no!
- [clamoring, nervous chatter]
- [Alicja] Jan, stop!
[Alicja] No, Kaśka! Jesus!
- [Małgosia] Honey
- Kaśka?
- [Małgosia] Kaśka!
- [Klara] Is it the baby?
[Lucjan] Kaśka?
Dear God, sister, what's going on here?
Leave me alone, everything's okay.
Don't you see what's going on, father?
I think it's about to start.
Why can't it be over?
[Małgosia] Let me help!
[Beatrycze] Births aren't like that.
Once they start
it takes a while before they're over.
But I'm talking about the wedding!
Wait! What?
Oh! She's giving
If you don't leave me alone
I'll have this baby here!
[Alicja] Okay.
- I can deliver the baby, Kaśka!
- Shut up, Lucjan!
- [priest groans]
- [thud]
Mother of God, now this one.
- Someone do something!
- [Lucjan] Klara, move!
[Beatrycze] Father Andrzej!
[Alicja] Jan!
[theme music playing]
[Kaśka] I'm gonna kill 'em.
- [screaming] Get 'em. Go!
- [woman] Stop it, both of you!
- Jan, don't!
- [Kaśka] Jan!
[Dorota] Look out, Jan! Stop it!
- [Kaśka] Stop it!
- [winces] Ouch.
- Just don't watch!
- Jan, leave him alone!
- Alicja?
- Get her out of here.
- [wedding guests shouting]
- [grunting, groaning]
[Dorota] Emil, do something.
Do we know why they're fighting?
- [woman] This is ridiculous!
- Get him!
- Do something you, you're a father!
- He's hanging in.
They don't even know how to fight.
- [thud]
- [gasps]
- Yikes!
- [Kaśka] Oh! Ow!
- [Dorota] Jan! Jan?
- [groaning]
- [woman] Check his nose isn't broken!
- Okay.
- [man] This isn't your business!
- I know.
- Stay out of it.
- I just got upset, I'm fine.
[Anka] Dawid?
- [groans] He got me.
- [Dorota] Jan?
[Anka] Are you okay?
- [Anka] Dawid?
- [Jan groaning]
- [Małgosia] Alicja, why are you laughing?
- Sorry.
[Emil] Show me.
[Małgosia] Stop that laughing.
- I'm sorry.
- It's stupid.
[Alicja continues laughing]
[Emil] Look up at me.
- [nose cracks]
- [screams]
[Emil] It's all right, he'll be fine.
It'll heal in no time.
- Are you doing the eyelids today?
- No, my father is. I'm just assisting.
You could be doing them on your own.
When I saw your name on the building,
I thought, "All right, here we go!"
- Mm, oh yeah?
- Mmm hm.
I thought your dad
was finally gonna lighten up.
He won't lighten up until he's dead.
He's still got way too much energy.
[chuckles] And ambition.
I'll see to the patient.
[Emil] Agnieszka, please check on the
patient before she's discharged, okay?
[Agnieszka] All right.
What's got you so irritated?
If your relationship makes you so unhappy,
you should think
about why you're still in it.
Is that so?
That's so.
Are you leaving Jędrzej?
- We using an antibiotic?
- Yes, we will be.
Emil, I never said
I was going to leave Jędrzej.
He has a lot of good qualities.
Like the fact that
he's often away from home on trips?
- Isn't that enough?
- [chuckles]
Besides, you're taking advantage.
I was expecting to see my name
go up there on the front of the clinic.
Not Jaworowicz and Son.
What a fucking sneak.
[Emil] Apparently, you're not trying
quite hard enough.
[Jan] Oh Excuse me.
Hello Jan.
[Jan] Everything is ready.
About time.
[door closes]
Why did you change the sign?
You made me a partner, but what for?
To sound more familial,
to inspire confidence?
Actually, I hadn't thought of it
like that but maybe that is the case.
Maybe I was hoping that
I'd have a partner in you.
Then pay me like your partner.
Do you know why you're here at all?
Because your mother
asked me to give you a job.
Guilty conscience?
Doctor Agnieszka?
Stay out of things
that don't concern you, smartass.
- Does Mom know?
- Get out.
No way.
I'm not saying it's a solution.
Then why do it?
You want me to act like some pussy?
"Yes, Daddy, gee thank you, Daddy,
please, Daddy?"
Showing a little gratitude
couldn't possibly hurt.
- Just try it.
- Are you fucking nuts?
Don't speak to me like that.
I get how painful this is.
But instead of talking it out
with your father like a man,
you're acting like a
Like what?
People won't admire you
in this world for just existing.
What do they admire you for?
For just existing.
You have long legs, gorgeous eyes,
and exotic beauty
so they admire you for just existing.
If this is how you talk to your father
then you really are idiotic.
Just because we sleep together doesn't
mean I have to listen to your opinion.
Wow. Seriously?
You're an immature little bastard, Jan.
- Fuck off.
- You fuck off.
This is my apartment.
In case you hadn't noticed.
Jeez, Anka, what's your problem?
[pop music playing]
[Jan] Praise the Lord.
[Jan] Uh, I'll have a double whiskey
on the rocks.
You fancy me?
Are you easy?
What are you gonna do about it?
Two more of what he's having.
Oh, man.
Jan, nice to meet you.
- [laughing]
- [thud]
I'm back.
[both laugh]
I wanna have a friend in you ♪
Feel something, feel something
Give you something ♪
Oh yeah! I want to tell you
I love you, I love you ♪
Oh yeah! I want to tell you ♪
[Jan groans]
- Jan, you can be whoever you wanna be.
- Ah!
And you?
Huh? Who are you?
Architect, man.
I'm asking you
in the Freudian-Jungian sense
Who you are down there
in the depths of your soul?
I think you're just as fucked up as I am.
[Robert] Nah.
I'm somebody who's much worse.
What? Say what now?
[cleaner] Gentlemen, what are you doing?
You can't do that!
Well you see, it's the first anniversary
of our relationship!
- [cleaner] Get off the tracks!
- We're going home on the tram.
[Robert laughs]
Come and join us! You're welcome!
But first, sweep up the water!
But I have a murderer inside me ♪
- [clamoring]
- [Jan] Jesus Christ
[Robert] Come on in.
Was there a break-in or
counter-terrorist raid in here recently?
You live here?
Don't you ever clean up?
Thought about it.
But then I changed my mind.
There's the couch.
Well, maybe it used to be a couch.
Hey, if you don't like it, then
Okay, as a doctor, I hereby order you
to take off the nasty sling.
And start doing
manual rehabilitation on your own.
[clears throat] This is disgusting.
Hey, buddy! We're closed now.
- You have to go home.
- [Jan retches]
[retching, spits]
[burps, spits]
What home?
Sorry about that.
- [Jan] Anka
- Ah, jeez
[door closes]
Shower and get lost.
Yeah, imagine that.
And no coming back, Jan.
The fun is over.
[Jan sighs]
All right, then.
Why is it we don't fit together?
Your father is right.
You're pretty much a hopeless case.
So I guess I'm gonna have
to prove something to someone again.
[Kaśka groans]
I'm so sorry for saving your life
while you were staring at your cellphone.
Maybe you'd let me buy you a coffee?
First it's coffee, then friendship,
then marriage, huh?
Your love, your love, your love ♪
- You are insane.
- Mmm hm.
[applause, cheering]
Your love, your love, your love ♪
Your love, your love ♪
We're running out of time ♪
Who are you to me? ♪
Remind me of your name again ♪
Recollect ♪
Wake me from my dream ♪
Obliterate my memory ♪
[machine beeping]
[Agnieszka] Better late than never, huh?
- Thank you.
- [clatter]
[nurse clears throat]
[Jan] Anesthesia.
Jan, would you like me to?
Thank you.
Would you wipe my forehead, please?
Jan, your hands are shaking.
Stop. I'll take over.
Jan, do you want me to call your father?
Don't you call him regularly?
Give me the scalpel.
Screw you.
Let's continue the procedure.
[Dorota] The operation was successful.
Nobody died. Obviously Jan managed.
[Emil] Do you hear what you're saying?
He clearly didn't manage!
He couldn't proceed,
and so Agnieszka threw him out!
- Thank you.
- [driver] Have a good day.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Get rid of him, please.
[chuckles] With pleasure.
- Can I help you with something?
- Can we talk, Anka?
No, she made clear she doesn't want to.
- Made it clear to who?
- To me.
Anka has asked me to tell you
she won't be talking with you.
You kidding me?
Get the message?
Should I give her the roses?
This is the last time, dude.
This isn't a drunk tank, okay?
He scheduled the surgery for a
Monday morning after a difficult weekend.
He knew I shouldn't do it.
You're a doctor.
You should always be ready.
You don't know him.
Any father is better than none at all.
So? A clean apartment and a clear head?
That's how it is with you?
- Sometimes you need to clean your mess up.
- Mmm hm.
[keys jangling]
You can use my parents' house
out in the suburbs.
If you want to be alone.
To start cleaning up my mess, huh?
[indistinct chatter]
Agh. Leave me alone.
Enough of this commotion, brother.
You're getting married.
Sure about that?
[Maciej] Up we go
I have never ever seen such a mess.
What were you fighting about anyway?
[Anka] Are you dizzy?
I'm okay. Thanks, thank you
[Dawid] What don't you understand?
When a woman says "no," she means "no."
Is it your job
to always stick your nose in?
Apparently you still need
to be taught a lesson.
Stop this! Dawid!
I'm just giving him what he's asking for.
[Kaśka] What's wrong with you two?
Jesus Christ!
[groaning, grunting]
Agh! You fucker, you bit me!
This ought to fix you!
Stupid dumbasses!
[Dawid laughs]
Couldn't you have used warmer water?
Are you out of your mind?
Come on, a little testosterone
never hurt anybody.
Just you're just crazy!
[Kaśka] Hey!
Hey, wait up.
Wait a sec.
I'm sorry about Dawid.
Okay. And?
All right then, I'm sorry for Dawid,
for me, and for the whole damn world.
I absolve you.
Thank you.
Are you staying with him?
Okay. I understand.
No, you don't really.
Can you explain
why you went there in the first place?
Are you telling me
you're going to go after Kaśka now?
Something's drawing me towards that girl.
Jan, I don't know what you're up to
but I want you to remember
that this girl is Alicja's sister.
What makes you think I'm up to something?
Where did you two meet?
Was it just at the party?
What's this, an investigation?
All right. I'll drop it.
Maybe I just really like her.
Or maybe you like it when Dawid hits you?
Maybe. [chuckles]
Fight go your way?
Tie. For me.
- [Maciej] Hair strand.
- This one?
- Mmm hm. Try, try Yeah.
- Okay.
[Alicja] Yeah?
A little more. A little more.
Hairspray, hairspray,
have you seen my hairspray?
Ta, ta, ta Oh!
What's going on?
Just loneliness.
But you chose this, surely
Maybe you chose poorly? ♪
Da da da da
Da da da da da ♪
[Robert] I'm going to Fabryczna, I can
drop you somewhere if it's on the way.
- [Jan] At Kaśka's?
- [Robert chuckles]
That's a joke, right? I hope so.
But you wouldn't find her there anyway
because she'll be with us.
Where? At Fabryczna?
Jan, please give it a rest.
And next time
don't be such a hound, please.
Say hello to the girls.
I will, thank you.
So Fabryczna?
[both chuckle]
Let's go.
- [Alicja] Oh, hi, Anka.
- Oh, hi!
- Hi, Michał.
- It's Mikołaj.
- Mikołaj.
- We're late. Bye!
Bye! Michał, Mikołaj.
- Wasn't it just Łukasz?
- Who can keep track?
[Alicja] Robert!
[Robert] Ta-da!
[Alicja and Robert smooching]
- You already ordered?
- Well, of course I did.
Oh, you sweetie pie. I love you.
- [Kaśka] Here we go again
- You're the best, honeypie.
Dad used to look at Mom like that.
Seriously? You bring them up now?
[Kaśka] You don't miss Dad?
[Alicja] Um, no.
- [waiter] Here you are
- [Alicja] Thank you.
- There you go.
- Thank you. We'll manage from here.
- [waiter] A drink for you?
- I'll have a double gin and tonic, please.
[Jan] So what's up?
I wasn't expecting to see you here today.
And if you knew I was going to be here
would you want to avoid me,
or the opposite?
Hm I think your imagination
has taken over.
Imagination is better than knowledge.
[Alicja scoffs] Oh, jeez. Tell me where
you work so I know how to avoid you.
[Jan] Good one!
Listen, I've got a riddle.
Zero, zero, seven,
two hundred and thirty-seven,
one hundred and ninety-six.
Zero, zero, seven what?
[Kaśka] Two, thirty-seven, one, nine, six.
Ah, one more time, what's that?
Zero, zero, seven, two, three,
seven, one, nine, six.
And so?
Now you know my number. Reversed.
Oh, and I could've written it down.
[Robert] Your sister can tell you.
[Alicja] No, you're my little meringue.
- [chuckles]
- [Robert] Do you love strawberries?
[Alicja] I love Robert.
[Robert] Which one do you love more,
strawberries or Robert?
You need a lift?
- The little one does.
- Sure.
- The little one doesn't need it.
- No?
- No, I'm going to walk home. Bye!
- Bye!
[Robert] See you later.
[Jan] Later.
Didn't you hear me say I was walking home?
Are you stalking me?
Zero zero, seven, two,
three, seven one nine six.
[woman] Hello, flower shop?
Flower shop? I
- [woman] Hello?
- Oh, I'm
Six, nine, one, seven, three, two, seven
[announcement over PA]
The train is now arriving.
Please stand behind the yellow line
until the doors are secure.
For your safety,
please remain behind the yellow line
Hi, who is it?
[panting, heavy breathing]
[Jan groans]
[heavy breathing]
[thunder rumbling]
[suspenseful music plays]
Step away from the fridge and
put your hands on the counter Now!
[chuckles] Oh, my God.
Place my hands on the what?
[scoffs] Of course it's me.
[Dawid] Well, so now you know.
Maybe it's for the better.
You'd have found out sooner or later.
Froggy, put that vase down.
You won't hurt anyone with that,
if that was your plan.
Man you're so beautiful.
Well, thank you.
- You're a drag queen?
- Yeah [chuckles]
Well, we can still be
normal with each other.
[explodes in laughter] Really?
- Ah, sorry!
- Well, I've seen every reaction.
Why did you dress up
as the Little Mermaid?
- [Kaśka laughing]
- Oh, no, that's just cruel.
I'm sorry! Really, I'm sorry
but I just had to ask!
Now, if you wanna ask if I'm sick
or abnormal or perverted or whatever,
let me anticipate your question: no.
I was born like this.
Ever since I was little I played dress-up
and my mother
didn't make a big deal of it.
I just started performing recently.
- [Kaśka] Mmm hm.
- But it makes me a happy person.
- And how was your night?
- Ah, nice of you to ask.
Hm. Pretty dull.
But do I really look like
the Little Mermaid, seriously?
[laughs] Yes!
Oh jeez, I adore you, do you know that?
And you are precious to me.
- Gimme a squeeze?
- Mmm hm.
Come here, you.
Ugh, that perfume you're wearing
is awful though!
And you need someone
to show you how to do your makeup.
Mmm hm.
- [Dawid] Hold still.
- Hm.
Oh, wow!
Check you out, froggy. Stop!
Even a drag queen
doesn't stare into a mirror that long.
Oh hey, come on!
Takes some getting used to, all right?
Yes, I know. After all, you just
had Kora Heart make you over!
That's perfect. Kora.
Does your man know that
he's gonna see you on stage today?
Your boyfriend?
And did you tell Mister Jaworowicz
Yeah, yeah, yeah
One little secret never hurt anyone.
Have you even considered
that he might not be okay with this?
Walking through glass
is out of the question
Hey, I'm serious, Dawid.
If it's bad you'll save me.
Like I saved you.
You have got the most amazing eyes,
you know?
[Kaśka] Hm.
And blue is your color.
- I'm telling you, bitch. Really.
- Seriously?
[Alicja] So fifteen hundred big ones!
This is just ridiculous,
here I am chasing after you with money.
It doesn't grow on trees.
You know that, right? Fifteen hundred!
Listen, Kaśka!
You moron.
What, so Mom's bribing me now?
Does she think that when
I see the money I'll run back to her?
She must really be bored.
And she'll never change.
She's always gonna need
an audience for her drama.
Kaśka, you know Mom means well.
And she's not trying to bribe you.
She just wants to make sure
you have means to live.
- She worries about you.
- She worries about me?
- Yes.
- Why hasn't she ever told me that?
'Cause she doesn't know how, Kaśka.
And you don't answer her
phone calls so it's more difficult.
Alicja, I recall you also had a moment
in your life
when you didn't want to talk to anyone.
[Alicja sighs]
That was completely different, okay?
Why didn't she transfer
the money to my account?
Well, because she was hoping
to meet with you?
Okay, listen.
She paid out the money evenly, right?
For you and me. She solemnly
handed me the money, I accepted it
So, please take your share
so I don't look like a nasty materialist.
But Alicja, you are a nasty materialist.
Mmm hm. True, I am.
- You don't want it? Money, money, money!
- Here.
- Give me that.
- Fine. Fine, fine.
I do miss her.
She misses you too.
Easy to fix.
You know where she lives.
Oh, Alicja. Nothing is that easy.
It's really not a surprise.
Truth is, nothing surprises me lately.
I'm seeing Jan.
- Seeing him?
- Mmm hm.
Jaworowicz? Uh, that's not good.
Why are you seeing him?
- Because you want to get back at Paweł?
- Seriously? Paweł?
Um, Sorry, do you see Paweł anywhere?
Because I don't.
I'd be thrilled if he were here
but I have no idea where he is
Do you know where he is?
Because it seems no one knows where he is.
So did you sleep with Jaworowicz?
Why do you even care?
I just want to help you, Kaśka.
I don't need your help with this.
If you're seeing Jaworowicz,
you do kinda need help.
[pop music playing over headphones]
[clamoring outside]
[music continues through headphones]
[Dawid sobbing]
He didn't accept the drag thing,
I take it.
This life is shitty.
So stupid.
How did you perform then?
Darlings, what's going on with you?
I've been calling you both for hours!
Lars is here from Norway.
You two could have been out having fun
instead of sitting here being miserable
due to your poor choices.
Whoa. We don't bash you for your lack
of interest in actual relationships.
So, you don't bash us
because we have them.
- Well said, Dawid.
- I just care about you guys.
Seriously, what good reason is there for
spending your days wallowing in suffering?
I mean, it's not like there's
really such a thing as "the one."
[both groan]
What about love, acceptance, a sense
of security? Doesn't any of that matter?
Honey if you don't give that to yourself,
you won't get it anywhere else.
You've gotten your butt
kicked by love lately, I know.
- [Dawid coughs]
- [Anka] And so have you.
Haven't you got anything to say?
I'm really sorry.
God, you look like shit.
- Ow, ow! [laughs]
- Oh, sorry. A bit too much?
[Jan] Are we waiting for anyone else?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
- I'm so surprised.
- So Mama didn't tell you?
Tell me what?
I'm just doing the shopping for her.
I wanted to move back,
but she chased me away.
She said she'd change the locks
but she didn't do it.
So I'm shopping for her. She agreed to it.
[Kaśka] Oh! Excuse me!!
There's a cyclone blowing up ♪
Feel it getting stronger ♪
Alicja, come here!
I can't! Are you crazy? I'm working here!
Dad's home again.
[sighs] Yeah, so what?
Did you hear what I just said?
Kaśka, he came back two months ago too,
and he'll do it again in two more.
What do I care?
Hm? You knew this?
Talk to Mom, okay?
[Alicja] Yes, mom told me he was back.
- [Kaśka] Why are you like this?
- Like what?
Why would you not tell me that?
It's just cruel!
- Why didn't you say something?
- Because I was afraid of this.
- Of what?
- Of this overreaction.
It's the same thing every time, Kaśka.
Why is it so weird
that I want a normal family?
Kaśka, how old are you?
Know any normal families out there?
Dad wants to talk to you.
He'll explain everything.
No, no, no, no. I have no intention
of meeting with him, no.
It's what I hate about him.
He can't even leave properly,
once and for all.
He comes back like a boomerang and every
time you think this time it's for good.
Give him a chance. Just let him explain.
I don't want to listen to him.
Let him go back to his shitty Bieszczady
mountains and leave us alone.
I'm done with him.
Oh, fuck.
[cellphone rings]
Are you there?
Jan, I don't wanna talk right now.
[Emil] This is your fault! All of this
trouble is because of you.
You just couldn't help yourself.
I don't want to have this conversation.
"I don't want to have this conversation”!
Maybe you don't, but you have to!
I was the only one there for you.
Yeah, so what?
What do you mean "so what"?
Do you even hear what you're saying?
We're already in trouble,
haven't you noticed?
We've [inaudible]
[Emil] Oh, don't start that again.
[Dorota] Your affairs,
your deceptions and excuses,
and now your moronic lies about
how you're not interested in my student.
You just wanted to find out
how much she knew.
If Paweł had contacted her.
Don't you say his name
in this house, okay?
Why don't you just admit out loud
that you want to screw her?
If I'd wanted to you to know
I'd have done that immediately.
But I don't fool around
with children like you do!
[Marek] Hi, honey.
No Alicja?
[sighs] No.
Where is she?
[sighs] You're always
chasing what you don't have.
You had mom, you had us,
but you left for a new job.
You had it all
but you left and went to Bieszczady.
Now, you have me.
And yet you keep wondering
why Alicja isn't here.
You're always chasing after
what you don't have.
And when you finally catch it,
you run away from it.
It's pathetic.
Well, if I'm so pathetic,
why'd you bother to come?
You know what, dad?
Maybe maybe don't come back next time.
Thank you.
Kaśka, you're putting us in
an awkward situation, me and Robert.
- Here.
- No, thank you.
We don't know what story
to make up anymore.
Jan keeps trying
to find out what's going on with you,
Robert sends him to me.
I dunno what to tell him.
- Tell him you don't know anything.
- But that sounds crazy.
How can I not know anything
about my own sister, huh?
Hm. Besides, you know I can't tell lies.
Aw, you can't tell lies.
[Alicja] That's me.
Then just tell him to keep calling me
and maybe I'll answer someday.
That's what he's been doing
but you're not picking up.
Call him now and say,
"Jan, I don't want to see you anymore."
Or that you do.
But more likely you don't.
Well, go ahead.
[sigh] Contacts
Problem is, you wish someone else
was chasing after you, huh?
God, Kaśka.
Are you still waiting for Paweł
to come back to you?
[slam, thud]
[Alicja] Wow. Are you happy now?
I'm pregnant.
Well, I'd figured as much.
But by whom?
I'll be an aunt.
Bubbeleh, this is your auntie Alicja!
- Take my phone.
- No.
- Oh, bitch please.
- No.
It's old, just take it.
I can't let you give me your apartment
and also take your cellphone!
You can, you can.
Just specialize in geriatrics some day
and take care of me in my old age
and we'll be even. Hm?
Okay, but only if you keep
wearing your sequined dresses.
Do you also need to know
if a bear shits in the woods?
I always wanted a sister.
And you get a nephew, no extra charge.
How do you know? Maybe it's a niece?
Do you have to leave?
Be good to yourself.
- Okay.
- And it's good that you aren't seeing Jan.
- Hm, not so sure.
- I'm telling you
At least he's here.
Maybe it's time to stop wanting
what I can't have?
Girl, dreams are what keep us alive!
We'll see.
Don't cry now, don't cry.
And I left you a closet full of dresses.
Oh, thank you.
If you mess with her
I know. You'll murder me to death.
That's not a bad plan.
Need a hand?
- Give it a rest.
- Safe travels!
So, I told the producer of the session
"Since you don't have the money to fly me
to Abu Dhabi, that's cool, I get it."
"I'll try to help anyway."
Hm. And she was happy to hear that,
so excited, just saying,
"But how, but how?"
So then I told her that
I'll just do the makeup over Skype!
[Alicja and Jan chuckle]
Relax, she's not leaving,
she left her jacket behind.
It's nothing to worry about. These things
pass after the second or third month.
[Jan] What things?
- [Alicja kicks table] Robert, I told you.
- Forget it.
What things?
- He doesn't know?
- [Alicja] Um
The thing is, that she, uh
The thing is, uh, my sister
- Kaśka is here name, yeah.
- [Robert] She's pregnant.
- No other way to say it.
- So?
You see.
- All good?
- Super.
[motorcycle engine]
Oh, no way.
Alicja, where are you going?
Listen, I think you and I
need to get Kaśka out of here.
- I'm sorry, it's all my fault
- Mom.
I should've played
this situation differently.
- Mom?
- Know what I mean?
- life isn't a game, it can't be played.
- Mama
- Tell me I'm seeing things.
- it just happens
You're not listening.
[motorcycle engine]
See that?
Jesus Maria
He can't be here.
He's here.
["Unicorn" by The Librarians playing]
Come a little closer ♪
I'm not up to something ♪
Show me the way to you ♪
She'll be waiting on summer
Wishing she'd never been born ♪
I said, come on
Let's take a ride on my white unicorn ♪
Show me the way to you ♪
She'll be waiting on summer
Wishing she'd never been born ♪
I said, come on
Let's take a ride on my white unicorn ♪
I know a place
Where we could hide away from the storm ♪
I'm gonna take you
Babe, I'm gonna take you ♪
Waiting on summer
Wishing she'd never been born ♪
Pick up the phone ♪
I said, come on
Let's take a ride on my white unicorn ♪
[theme music playing]
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