Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e04 Episode Script

Incursion of the Skrull

Hey, taxi.
You got a fare here.
Taxi, hey taxi. Over here.
Marine Hall, please.
Hey. Okay, sure, Mr. Fantastic.
I'd have stopped sooner,
but I didn't see who you are.
And step on it, Jack.
We're late.
Hold on to your socks.
These crystals
are the product of years
of radioactive pollution
on the ocean.
Watch their effect on one
microscopic organism
floating in the sea water.
Why are we always late?
Because Ben
never knows what to wear.
I've shown you this to warn you
of the perils of pollution.
Perils I alone can control.
Hey. A sea monster.
And I thought this
was gonna be boring.
I am from
the worid beneath the sea
that lies just
outside your window.
We have endured your
pollution for centuries
but we shall suffer it no longer.
Know that I am Namor
ruler of the kingdom of Atlantis.
Your time in the sun is over.
Punish them,
O tentacled avenger.
Flame on.
What is this?
A fiery man-child?
How intriguing.
Denizens of the depths,
cool him off.
Johnny got spritzed by whales.
Okay, fish breath,
it's clobberin' time.
How'd you like that,
you waterlogged loser?
Not bad, buttercup.
And I thought you was
just another pretty face.
One sea monster,
fit to be tied.
- Susie.
- I'm coming, Ben.
Your shield.
Use your invisible
- Not me. Him.
- Oh, no.
Get me out of here, Susie.
This interlude is ended.
- Hey, he's flying away.
- Stop him.
Hey, who was that
wing-footed nutbar?
He said his name was Namor.
Ruler of the worid under the sea.
And he plans
to be our ruler, as well.
He does have amazing powers.
And incredible eyes.
Well, I mean for a man
who lives under the sea.
The cool sea.
Home again.
How the astringent waters of brine
restore my courage and
fill my heart with gladness.
Would that these depths
remained ever pure.
Sentinels of Atlantis
salute your ruler.
I hate Earth food.
Bring me some plankton.
You really shouldn't treat
the help like that, my lord.
It's so hard to
find good starfish.
These Earth people vex you.
Why don't we go
to the Caribbean?
Just you and I,
for a little vacation.
Hail, O munificent
and mighty Prince Namor.
- Welcome home.
- Later, Krang.
His Majesty is in no
mood for your groveling.
I am here to serve.
My troops are ready to attack
the air-breathers at your command.
And when I am the victorious
conqueror of your new realm
I shall ask only one boon.
One prize,
fairer than all the rest:
The hand of the
beautiful Lady Dorma.
You overstep your station, sir.
My heart belongs to only one.
Leave me, both of you.
I must think.
You will be mine.
No matter what.
Did you not hear me, Lady Dorma?
I said leave me.
Aura Lee, Aura Lee
All my dreams fulfilled
- Hey, let me play something.
- Hey!
Since when are you a musician?
Since you stink.
Oh, it's such a beautiful,
romantic night.
- Isn't it, sweetheart?
- Mm-hmm.
You know, if there is a race of
water-breathing humanoids in the ocean
this analysis will prove it.
I'll just drown myself,
while you're busy, okay?
Yeah, sure, honey.
That's, uh That's nice.
No need to struggle.
My minions have been instructed to
attend to your need, as you now see.
Welcome to my kingdom, Susan.
Now, relax and enjoy the journey.
Ah, Atlantis.
My capital city awaits.
Is it not magnificent?
A pearl of the deepest deep.
Lustrous and mysterious
awaiting my return
in majestic silence.
My throne room is yours.
You can't get away with this.
Reed will find me.
And he, and Johnny
and Ben will take me back.
I can breathe.
I filled the great dome
with air for you.
Oh, you fascinate me.
I have never known
a female like you.
- What?
- I want you to remain here
so I can get to know you better.
That is impossible.
Nothing is impossible
for the prince of Atlantis.
You need have no fear.
I mean you no harm.
Prince Namor, I am
flattered by your attention
but I am married
to Reed Richards.
How can a mere surface dweller
compare to the
power of a prince?
I'm not interested in power,
Prince Namor.
Or in you.
You must take me back.
Remain here, willingly
or my warrior legions will
make the surface dwellers pay
for the pollution they
have unleashed on this planet.
You have 24 hours to decide.
But why?
I can't understand it.
It's just not like Sue to wander off
and not tell anyone where she's going.
What could have left
this kind of print?
Well, it's either
a duck-billed platypus
or a guy with
a real weird set of ankles.
Yes, that professor yesterday, Namor.
He flew around the room
with wings on his feet.
Holy mackerel.
And I'm talking real fish.
Hey, you don't suppose
If Namor's got Sue
he's got the entire
ocean to hide her in.
Select a bauble.
This is an unseemly display,
Your Highness.
Explain yourself.
This surface woman
is no suitable companion
for the ruler of the seas.
It is your responsibility
to your people
to choose a consort
more in keeping
with the dignity of
your family and office.
In short, one of your own kind.
Does the Lady Dorma have
anyone particular in mind?
I was right.
I've cracked the elemental bio-code
of the humanoid water breathers.
Now I can track them with
this new spectroscopic dowser.
We can use it to find Sue.
Hey. I already
had a bath last week.
Relax. This is a
special oxygenating fluid.
You'll be able to breathe
underwater for three hours.
I'll be breathing,
but I won't be torching.
Without my flame-on ability,
I might as well stay home.
What's this for?
An experiment that
might come in handy.
A- Ha. Excellent.
Ah, Lady Dorma.
A shell of mead?
Oh, you've been throwing eels.
I find eel throwing so
I did not know.
There are many things
about me you don't know.
So many things
I would like you to know.
Namor has been stricken
by that pale creature
from the airy worid.
He has become weak and soft.
- Well, uh
- Krang
I want to apologize
for the way I have behaved.
I realize now that you
are the true power.
Do you wish to hear more?
Oh, yes.
Take up the sword.
Lead your army to victory
over the land dwellers.
And take me as your queen
and co-ruler.
Your people are
destroying my worid.
Your engineers punch holes
in its deeps to find oil.
Much of which they spill
while trying to haul it home
in unseaworthy vessels.
Waste and filth
tumble down my rivers
each year into my ocean.
They are contaminating my worid.
As well as their own.
Many of us are aware of that.
We're trying to stop
the contamination.
It's too little too late.
Perhaps, but maybe there's
a way we can still be friends.
We shall be more than friends.
I was speaking of
my worid and yours.
We could join together
to save the oceans.
I know there is much
you could teach us.
There is much
I could teach you.
You, alone.
Conquer the sea dome and
engage the entry hatch. We're going in.
- Reed.
- Ah. He is a fool.
In the sea, I am supreme.
- Spiral out, Ben.
- Roger, Stretch-o.
- Geronimo.
- Intruders shall perish.
Flame on.
Sweet dreams, flounder butt.
Stay with him.
I'll look for Sue.
Where's my sister, creep? Talk.
Don't let
Namor get away, hurry.
Raise the sea dome.
The dome is flooding.
We must find Sue at once.
making a run for it.
The ocean's on his tail.
Namor, what happened to Reed?
Who did this to you?
Where is everyone? They're gone.
Yes, Your Highness, I know.
What? Where are they?
General Krang has taken every available
warrior to defeat the surface dwellers.
I authorized no attack.
General Krang is a great patriot.
- He has anticipated your command.
- He must be stopped.
Too late, I fear.
The hatch, Ben.
Get us through.
You sure don't know how
to treat guests, do you?
Well it's time you
learned some manners.
I shall not win you this day.
But there will be another day.
And you shall be mine.
This, I vow.
Oh, darling.
I signaled the Fantasticar
to meet us on the far parapet. Hurry.
A rebel general
is using Namor's forces
to attack our worid.
What are we going to do?
Fight, sweetheart.
We're going to fight.
My forces are
headed to New York City.
Lives will
be lost to no purpose.
I must intercede.
- Hey.
- Come on!
Oh, Krang.
You fool.
Hear me, Krang.
Stop and think.
You must stop this
invasión at once.
I'm afraid you have no authority here.
I have taken command.
But I am lord of the seas
and you serve me.
This is treason!
I am commander of all forces
and you are a foolish prince
who has surrendered his heart
and his kingdom
to an Earth woman.
That is treason. Onward!
Hey, there's that
fish-market Frankenstein.
I got a knuckle sandwich
with your name on it, halibut head.
No, wait. Hear him out.
I am at your mercy.
I have no army.
I have no kingdom.
Krang has seen to that.
You may be a threat no longer
but your general is.
And we have to stop him.
Wait. This invasión
is not of my doing
but I am responsible for it.
I will help you stop it,
but I will not harm Krang
or any other citizen of Atlantis.
- Do we trust him?
- Yes. Agreed.
My prince is joining
the Fantastic Four.
They will face overwhelming odds.
Follow them.
Them underwater yo-yos
are playing it for keeps.
So are we.
What's your hurry?
There are too many of them.
Thanks for the update, Mr. IQ.
These creatures
breathe sea water.
What would happen if
the water evaporated
and they couldn't
achieve respiration?
I'm up to my shingles
in bubble-heads, here
and you're playing 20 Questions.
Dry up.
That's it! Dry up.
These characters
are washed up.
Vile traitor.
Now, taste my wrath.
I will teach you to
betray the lord of the deep.
Look out, my lord!
- Ahh!
- Krang.
It was always you, my prince.
Always you.
The carnage continues.
Now, as Benjamin said, "Dry up. "
Back! Fight, you cowards.
Don't let him get away.
But the water will
put out my flame.
The wristband I gave you.
It's thermite. It'll burn underwater.
Prince Namor, your
troops have been defeated.
The city is saved.
Yes. For now.
I must return
to restore order in my kingdom.
And to see that
Lady Dorma is honored.
She paid the ultimate price
for her love.
And I paid
a great price for mine.
Lady Dorma is of another species
but my molecular
resuscitator may help.
Then again,
I may be too late.
We're going home, my lady.
I dropped General Krang in the prison
swimming pool at Riker's Island.
Good place for a sea slug.
There are probably only about 50
federal crimes they can charge him with.
- Darling?
- He has a kind of
nobility, doesn't he?
He's welcome to it
as long as he stays
under the ocean.
Where he belongs.
You weren't tempted
to join him, were you?
I mean, he is charismatic
and unique and
But not as cute as you,
you sweet talking son of a gun.
I had enough mush for one day.
Hey, who's up for pizza?
And if anybody
asks for anchovies
I clobber 'em.
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