Farang (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

So you need a temporary passport
to get Thyra back to Sweden.
Can they check your record in every country?
- Let's go.
So you beat up your foster father.
Something else I should know?
Enough with the secrets, ok?
You're looking at 20 years in prison.
Who did you buy it from?
Someone set me up!
I have a message from your boss.
She was gonna be his next victim,
that's why I put the stuff in his bag.
I'll give you everything I know places, names.
- What kind of names?
Names that will make your client insignificant.
Aren't we better go after the big fish?
Not with someone who's looking for personal revenge.
You should have gone home to Sweden, boy.
You'll never make it here.
I don't want you to go.
- I'm gonna miss you too.
You're all I have.
There's a box behind a tile in the bathroom.
What's inside it?
- What I need to disappear.
We both know who Rickard is.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
I just wanna know where I can find Rickard.
What now?
- The money's gone.
I hope she didn't steal the passports too.
It's my fault.
She's like that, she can't help it.
Wait here.
I waited for you, where have you been all night?
What you're doing up there?
What did you do? - Don't ask.
- Sit down.
There they are.
What do the police say?
I had to contact her family,
I was able to find her son.
Was she murdered?
- They say she drowned.
You know they don't do autopsy on certain people.
The passports?
- There was nothing, just the clothes she had on.
The son doesn't want the body,
he said: "Do what you want with it".
She could be a real pain in the ass
but I liked her after all.
How can a son refuse to have the mother's body back?
- Forget it.
Do you have any
I'm short.
Everything I have on me,
is this ok?
Be careful.
You think we'll ever see him again?
"An elephant can hide behind a lotus flower".
- What?
Shall we go home?
- Yes.
It's my fault they killed her.
- It's not.
She didn't wanna do it, I forced her.
- Stop it!
She'd have done anything for you.
She only had you, didn't you know?
Where are we going now?
- We're not going anywhere.
Isn't dangerous staying here?
- Yes but I have something to do first.
Don't move.
Will you go with me to Sweden?
- What? You hate Sweden.
You said you will never go back.
- I know.
But I miss fishing and the silence.
We can rent a little house in the woods.
- Let go.
You speak a good Swedish,
we'll be fine.
You can open your own place,
cook Thai food.
Birdie! What happened to you?
You didn't come to our meeting.
Where's the bag?
I need more time, a week
- The bag or the money.
It's impossible, I can't get that much money
listen, I know
Two days!
- You heard him, two more days.
See you, sweetie.
Are you busy?
- What is it now?
Any news about the guy I told you about?
Don't tell me you forgot.
- I didn't, I sent the picture to Bonn.
He said he will look into that.
- It's urgent!
And all this isn't?
- We have a unique opportunity, we can't miss it.
Who's the cop here?
- Maybe I am.
Bonn I need you to find something.
It's about a Farang.
A Swedish.
He came here to hide from the law.
Come up with something, it's urgent.
Send it to the sky.
What was that?
- He said we must send this to the sky.
We first met there.
A helpless old lady,
I couldn't leave her.
She said: "The sun is setting"
and we sat there until it was night.
Do I have to say something?
- What do you think?
I don't go to funerals.
- Do as you feel.
For mom's funeral they called a priest.
Imagine if she knew about it.
Where is she now?
- Råda cemetery.
- Yes, near grandma.
Is it a nice spot?
- Very nice.
You got what you wanted.
You'll stay in Thailand, no more cold.
Can I ask you something?
- Yes.
Mom and you
Were you really in love
or was I just a mistake?
We were really in love.
But me being me,
I screwed everything up.
She's been the only person I cared for, ever.
You see, I don't mean that
What happened?
Your wife beat you up?
I need your help.
- Sorry, I'm out of the game.
Do you know this guy?
He took something mine.
I need to get it back
or I'll be in deep trouble.
I'll pay you good money.
- I'm sorry but I have another activity.
Come on. it's a shitty job!
- Get in the car.
Get in the car.
Son of a bitch!
It's not perfect yet.
- One bullet went through.
It needs some adjustments.
Trust me, I'm an expert in security.
That's why they pay me so much.
- I'll pay you more.
You should speak with someone else.
Come on, you ain't got much to do.
There isn't much about him.
Fixed price?
- Should I just find him or?
Just find him, you'll get the rest afterwards.
If he's still here, I'll find him.
Why haven't you ever got in touch?
- For your own good.
I've been a coward.
That's why I ran and that's why I hid.
I didn't wanna die.
Ok but why?
I betrayed some guy
and he put a bounty on my head.
His name is Lars Kovač,
you can find him on the internet.
He's still looking for me,
that's why I'm no longer Rubén Brandt.
How much?
- How much what?
How much are you worth?
- 5 millions.
Don't even think about it.
Have you looked in the mirror?
We must get out of this together.
Save something and wait for me.
- Are you leaving me here?
For a little while.
I need money and passport back.
- I can help
You stay in the room!
You know how to change the SIM card?
- Yes.
Good, do it.
I'll send you a smiley every hour
so you'll know I'm ok.
If I don't get it
- You will.
But, if
- If you don't get anything for 3 hours, contact Pranée. Ok?
You can go now.
A friend of mine called Birdie, you know where he lives?
- Up there.
There you go, my friend.
Thyra! Hi!
Long time no see! How are you?
- I'm fine.
Are Lottie and Andreas here too?
We're leaving soon.
How about a coffee?
- Ok.
Wait mom, dad, look who I found!
Unbelievable, it's been so long
- Wait a sec, I'm going get something.
Alright, I wait here.
Hey, how's going?
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Where's my stuff?
- I don't know!
I know Birdie's got my stuff, my passport and my money,
where the fuck is it?!
I don't know!
- You wanna die? 'Cause I'm gonna fucking kill you!
Where's my stuff?!
Come on!
Alright is it up there?
Show me, come on!
Where's my money?
- I don't know
Birdie! Help!
It's him!
Do you wanna play spies?
- Yes.
Can you see that woman over there?
Over by her there's a phone,
could you go get that for me?
And if someone asks, say it's your mom's, ok?
Don't tell anyone.
Thank you.
- What do we do now?
You can find someone else to play with.
Thyra! Hi!
- Hi!
Vera told me you're here!
- Yes!
Are you on vacation?
- Yes.
Who did you come with?
- Just by myself.
At the reception they told me
you were with a man.
I really have to
- Thyra I know you escaped.
And I know why
- Let me go!
I spoke with Lottie and your contact,
I promised I'd get you back to Sweden tonight.
Ok. - Ok?
- Yes.
Sit down, please.
No not until you tell me a few things.
- What do you mean?
I've got some new information,
have you had many girls in Thailand?
Have you asked some of them to bring things home for you?
- No.
Do you know someone named Birdie?
Who is you're working for?
- I don't know anything. - You're lying.
I told you, someone set me up.
- Yes, you were.
How do you know?
- Because I do.
Have someone told you?
- Help me and I will help you.
Tell me everything you know.
Who did it?
- You have nothing to lose.
I don't know anything.
Why are you so loyal to those people?
Why are you still protecting them?
They don't give a shit about you,
they will let you die in here!
Look at your face!
I'm here, where are you?
Call me.
You must stay in the room!
- You're the man with Thyra Sjöström.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- Fuck you where is she?
I promised her foster parents to bring her back tonight.
Wait, what are you
- She could be your daughter, for fuck's sake!
I'll turn you in to the police,
you son of a
It's from someone named Thyra.
She's in a place called "Ken's Corner".
It's a shithole.
Do you want anything else?
- No, thank you.
Waiting for someone?
If you are, you're wasting your time.
Do you know anything about Fabian?
- Just cut it out.
Is he alright?
If you leave, you'll never see your father again.
He is your father, right?
"Uncle Rickard" that's ok
- What do you want?
Listen I only want my money back.
So pay attention
I have nothing against your father
but 1.2 millions is a lot of money.
And it's not even my money.
So, please if you know something about it,
just tell me.
We're going back.
Hey! Wait!
- You stay there.
He's got a gun!
Don't move!
Next time, you're dead and the girl too,
got it?
You want something?
- Why don't you go to hell?
Nothing at all?
- Yes I wanna talk to him.
Later. It's not up to me,
it's up to your father.
We'll keep your old man until he starts talking.
What do you do?
- Take a guess.
You don't look like a mechanic.
I'm in security.
- This doesn't look very secure.
Where are you from? Helsinki?
- Enough.
I'm from Mumindalen.
( theme park for kids)
You talk too much, aren't you nervous?
- Should I be?
Not if you tell the truth.
- What is it you wanna know?
What have you done with the bag?
- What bag?
You know well what bag.
What fucking bag?
I'm going, see you tomorrow.
Call me if there's anything.
Hey, guard!
Hey how is Niklas?
He died in hospital.
I'm sorry.
I wanna make a phone call.
- No, it's too late.
Come on, please!
- Wait
Where are you going?
- To pee - Leave the phone.
Hello everything ok?
I don't know what you're talking about
Whatever that Birdie told you
Rickard where's the bag?
Where is it??
Where is the bag?
Hello, Pranée here.
- Hi, it's Fabian.
I think I'm ready to talk now.
- Talk about what?
You said you wanted information, right?
I've got information.
If I help you, you help me out of here.
I have everything you need names, addresses
Whatever you want.
Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.
I'll be there first thing in the morning.
- Ok, bye.
You're still here?
You should go to sleep.
Get back inside, mom I need to think.
- At this hour?
It's about work it's very important.
That's what you always say.
I'm going to bed.
- Unfortunately, he bunt it.
Wait wait
he burnt it?!
Why the hell did he do that?
- What the fuck do I know?
Have you tried everything?
Are you sure that's the truth?
I'm pretty sure that's the truth.
So what now?
It's not a good idea letting him go.
- What you mean
Think he saw me
and he knows you.
He's not the type to run and hide,
you wouldn't be safe.
I see
I can take care of it, if you prefer.
you wanna do it yourself.
I have him here, waiting.
Who's gonna be?
What the fuck do I know?
You do it, I trust you.
What's that he has to do?
What is it?
I'm sorry.
He's worth a lot of money.
His real name is Ruben Brandt.
He's worth 5 millions,
he told on his associates.
I think the name is Kovač,
he put a bounty on his head.
Kovač? Lars Kovač?
- Something like that.
It's me, Birdie.
Jan Erik yes, of course
Do you remember Kovač?
Who was that betrayed him?
What was the name?
Ruben Brandt
Ok, thanks.
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