Farzi (2023) s01e04 Episode Script


Small businesses are instrumental
to the progress of this country.
From the neighborhood grocer
to the ball bearing factory,
all of you are contributing
to strengthening the economy.
It's a matter of pride.
Our government is trying everything
to help and encourage SMEs,
and it will continue to do so.
But we are threatened by a pandemic
that is gnawing away
at our economy from within
Congratulations. Well done on Dhanrakshak.
Thank you, sir. I'm just glad
people can finally benefit from it.
Now that it's launched,
When are you returning to us?
Sir, we still have to launch
and deploy it.
It'll take some time, sir.
We have invented a machine
that can protect the economy
from this threat.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you, the protector of good,
The samosas are delicious.
-How's the deployment schedule?
Dhanrakshak will be deployed
at banks in a month.
In Phase Two, maximum transactions
-Hello, sir.
-Please sit.
Sit, sit down.
I just came to congratulate
Michael and the team.
-Well done.
-Thank you, sir.
Congratulations, madam.
Thank you, sir.
Sir, can our machines
be in the market once
We'll discuss it in my office.
It will be a big headline.
Thank you, bye. Jai Hind.
-Bye, sir.
He's our "Dhanrakshak."
"The protector of good," my ass.
It's not a joke. Why are you laughing?
-Have a samosa.
I'm dieting.
You find that funny too?
Hey, that's a lot of clothes.
It's not just clothes.
There's a lot of other things.
Does she hear anything I say?
You have nothing at yours.
I don't know what you'll do.
Do you know his likes and dislikes?
Idli, dosa, poha, upma
I've packed all his meals.
They're labeled. And put in order.
And don't feed him trashy street food.
He's my son too. I fathered him.
Fathered him
But you forgot to be a father, Michael.
My blood says he's my son.
Really? We'll find out in four hours.
We'll see.
Let's go.
Don't worry. Call me whenever you want to.
-Hold my hand.
-Four hours.
Wanna bet?
Sir, what was his name again?
Wait a minute.
Where's your phone?
Play games on it. Dad's busy.
Mommy told me not to play games.
His name is
Arjun spells it N-A-Y-Y-A-R.
-You heard that?
-Yes, sir. But who is he?
And why watch him?
It's not official.
Get a private detective.
But who is he, sir?
Do as I say, man.
Why are you driving me crazy?
-Daddy, I'm hungry.
-Okay, son.
Forget that.
Today, we'll eat Mumbai's best pav bhaji,
-But Mommy said
-Forget that. Do you want it or not?
You don't want it? Hey!
I knew it.
It's just diarrhoea, son.
But my stomach hurts.
Don't tell Mommy we had pav bhaji, okay?
-Okay? Now, smile.
Has it been four hours already?
Sorry, something came up.
I'll come next week for him.
-Mom, potty!
Mom, come to the bathroom!
Morning. I want this five-minute portrait.
Sorry, I don't do these anymore.
But why? You're famous for it, man.
A lot of my friends
got their portraits done by you.
They all rave about you.
Because it's cheap, sir.
What do you mean?
Self-portraits are overrated.
Just take a selfie. Slap on a good filter.
It'll look great.
Who's the artist?
-How much is it?
-6,000 rupees, sir.
-That's way too much!
-Excuse me. Yes, Yasir?
-Should've gone lower.
-I'm at the cafe. Where are you?
What! It's all so expensive.
Order something. It's my treat.
I sold an original painting.
Yash, bring us two house specials.
-Who bought the original?
-A couple.
I told them it was a masterpiece
by a foreign artist.
And they bought it.
How is Grandpa? Does he miss me?
Has he asked about me these past weeks?
After the mess we made,
he's not going to just hug it out.
But visit him every week to apologize.
He will give in one day.
You know what?
I've tried.
I tried hard to regret what I did.
But I'm not feeling guilty.
I mean
I do regret letting down Grandpa.
But the stunt we pulled off
I'm not feeling guilty about it at all.
What? What are you saying?
If you don't actually feel guilty,
you can't really force it, right?
Sunny, I don't know what to say to this.
Just forget I said it.
I never said anything.
I'll keep apologizing to him.
These buns are everywhere.
-Yash listen.
-Yes, sir.
Get me anything else.
Rice and lentils Anything.
-Okay, sir.
What's happening?
Why do you come so early these days?
Where do I even begin? My life sucks!
I've been here since 5:30 a.m.
My flat's lease is up
and I haven't found another.
I'm hiding from my landlady.
The moment she sees me, she's like,
"When are you leaving, dear?"
I sneak out before she wakes up
and slip in after she's asleep. It sucks.
You know, you can stay at my place.
Till you find another place.
-I'll really do it.
-Please do!
Go on, I'll join you soon.
Do you have a lighter?
Thank you. Is Tiwari here?
Is Tiwari here?
He's running late.
A courier came for you.
The number you are calling is busy.
Please call again
The number you are calling
Where's Mr. Madhav?
I haven't seen him all day.
Where did he go?
-Have you seen Mr. Madhav?
Was Mr. Madhav here?
Mr. Madhav?
Mr. Madhav.
Yes, Yasir?
Check if he's in the garden.
He was here yesterday night, right?
Any word on him?
Grandpa must have gone out.
He goes out for press supplies, right?
He must be there.
What did you say?
Where's your hearing aid? Put it on.
Grandpa must be getting press supplies.
He must have gone out for them.
Don't worry. Okay?
At my age, we always fear the worst, son.
-Don't worry.
-Please go work.
We'll find Grandpa soon.
-We'll get him.
-We will. Thank you.
-Where's Yasir?
-Over there.
-Get to work.
-We don't know where he is.
-What do we do?
-Wait. Come.
-What is it?
-I looked everywhere.
Nobody knows where he is.
Let's look. He must be around.
-You called everyone?
-I did.
Call everyone he knows
and let us know if you find out anything.
-Let's go!
-Let's look for him.
Your girlfriend's husband.
Rekha sent me divorce papers.
I won't be out of her life.
Tell her.
Talk to her.
Tell Rekha, if she can avoid my calls,
I can avoid the divorce.
And listen.
don't flex too much.
Some tea for you.
I'll send you in. Just wait.
I'll handle it. Really.
I really will.
Sir! Please let me see the officer.
You can't see him. He's busy.
-Sit there.
-Go sit!
-My grandpa's missing.
We've filed your case, right?
Now, go and sit without a word!
Yes, sir.
I'm on my way.
Please come, sir.
Come in. Have a seat.
What the fuck
-Please don't worry.
-Sorry to disturb you.
-I said wait!
-I need two minutes.
-My grandpa's missing. Please listen.
Just two minutes, sir.
-File his case.
-We already did.
Then what's the problem?
We've filed it. We'll start the process.
Sir, he has memory loss.
There's no time for a process.
Please tell them to act,
or else they won't.
At least circulate his photograph.
Upload it on social media. Please.
Do you know the crime rate here?
And how understaffed we are?
I'm not asking for favors, sir.
I'm just asking you to do your duty.
-What was that?
-Nothing, sir.
He's lost it. Are you nuts?
You get your salary
because of the taxes we pay.
To take care of your family.
But it's like we're asking for favors
when we come here.
-Lock them up!
-Come! Move!
-Come on!
-Sorry, sir.
When have you paid taxes?
To make those fucking claims?
Whenever you buy a beer,
you pay taxes.
When you buy cigarettes, you pay taxes.
When you buy anything from a grocer,
you pay taxes.
You're gonna school the cops?
This is where that attitude gets you.
Grandpa is missing. And we are locked up.
No one's looking for him. What do we do?
What's the special tonight?
Nothing special, son.
A simple lentil soup with rice.
You didn't say you'd come.
I told you
I'd start sending you tiffin-service.
You never answered.
Now you cook instant noodles.
You and Lakshmi are the same.
-Not sure whose fault it is.
-What's that?
Tell me. Am I a bad guy?
Do you know where I went wrong?
Except for the two of you,
no one knows how good I am.
Who will tell them?
What do you mean? "Them?"
Rekha, right?
Rekha sent me divorce papers.
Listen to me, you both understand me.
You're like my parents.
Not just parents
You're way above that.
You gave me your daughter.
Please fight for me.
Michael, you're like a son to us.
You always will be.
But Rekha is our daughter too.
She's been through a tough time.
It wasn't easy for her
to make this decision.
the two of you are saying goodbye, right?
What are you saying, my son?
Rekha can't be here when you come over.
-Do you understand?
-You got it.
That's enough.
You've had enough to eat and drink.
No more, now. Please?
Don't drink like this, son.
One last drink?
Last-last. Last drink.
No more.
Hey, smartass. Get up.
That's fine. But that Sunny
His behavior was unacceptable.
He made a mistake. We're a bit on edge.
All right.
-Did you find him?
-We did.
He was wandering in an alley.
-Sign here.
-Go on.
Hey, write down your address.
-Is Grandpa okay?
Your number too.
Hey, hero, do I need to tell you again?
Your full name.
This is his favorite. I'll put it here.
At night, after dinner, two.
Leave before he wakes up.
He's right.
He's too unwell.
Seeing us will upset him even more.
We'll take care of him.
What are you saying?
-Come on
I dreamt of your mother this morning.
I miss the food she used to cook.
Your favorite dish
Lentil rice.
I'll make some.
I'll make it better than hers.
-Much better.
I've had my dinner, Grandpa.
You should sleep now.
We'll talk in the morning, okay?
Has he forgotten everything?
His memory's fading.
We must take him to a good doctor.
And find out what's going on.
But I'm hoping he won't remember
that he kicked us out.
-What? Did I say something wrong?
I heard Michael's getting divorced.
Phase One deployment began last night.
Banks and financial institutions
have installed Dhanrakshak.
Whenever it detects a fake note,
the central database will get the details.
It's a hit, sir.
This is just the beginning.
We have more ideas.
It can be installed on all mobile devices.
Common people can detect
fake bills by themselves.
Sir, we should start a campaign
against fake bills.
To alert people.
Because a lot of people
don't report fake bills.
They worry about losing their money.
RBI can issue guidelines to banks
that citizens should be compensated.
The party is on me.
His brain is struggling
to function normally.
It will affect his memory.
Is there a cure for it?
But at his age, it can be risky.
-Do you have any insurance?
What do you suggest?
who handle this kind of surgery.
So, it might take months
to get an appointment.
What if something goes wrong before then?
I'm sorry, but without a specialist,
this surgery is not advisable.
-I won't eat it.
-I'll have it.
I think a budget
of 250 to 300 crores will get sanctioned.
Half of it will end up
in Gahlot's pockets.
And the rest will go to his relatives
and friends through contracts.
He'll be caught if he feasts alone.
So it's a joint effort.
-Another beer, please.
I said it's a joint effort.
-And a whiskey.
-And those tables.
Ask them too.
Where's the Kathmandu stuff?
It's in the car, sir.
When ministers travel for government work,
who pays the bill?
The government, sir.
When they go on family vacations?
The government.
So what are we doing here?
We are on government duty, sir.
Who should pay for it?
The government, sir.
-Do they?
-No, sir.
-Do you have the money?
-No, sir.
Neither do I.
What do we do now?
-Sometimes our work
-Should work for us too, sir.
It's in the car. I'll do it.
Tell me what's the joke?
I'll have a laugh too.
What are you doing here, Michael?
Whose downfall are you celebrating?
Let bygones be bygones. Move on.
For you, it's bygone. For me, it's not.
Run while you can,
or she'll screw you
in the name of journalism.
let's go for a morning walk
at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.
At night, I'll take you
to Elco for some street food.
Has he spoken yet?
Go and eat something.
Go on.
I'll be back tomorrow.
I could've driven.
You are drunk, sir.
I just had one beer two hours ago.
-Who was that lady?
-The one at the bar.
Kamala Thakker. She's a journalist.
He was demoted because of it.
From being a top encounter specialist
to being called a murderer.
Instead of getting promoted,
Michael and Dave were demoted.
They recovered
counterfeit cash from a drug bust.
They knew there was a connection between
counterfeiters and drug racketeers.
A scam within a scam.
He worked day and night on it.
He almost exposed the entire cartel.
Mansoor Dalal was behind it all.
Michael was framed for 13 cases.
The charges were quashed thanks to Gahlot.
But he was suspended.
It takes guts to handle
such allegations, Megha.
Especially when one is honest.
He started drinking that day,
and hasn't stopped since.
Then his wife left him.
She took their son along.
And Dave?
You know what he wrote
in his suicide note?
That was the biggest shock,
and he still hasn't recovered from it.
It's safe.
Finish this for me.
I have to check an article.
Take this for typesetting and printing.
And, yes. One more thing
What's wrong? You're still here?
You were about to say something.
Who said I was going to say something?
Take it to them. Go.
Hey. What
You messed it all up.
What's wrong with you these days?
Have you forgotten your art?
Sorry, I messed up.
I'll fix it right away.
A half-hearted effort is no good.
If you do something,
do it with your whole heart.
A half-baked effort won't get you
good results or bring any satisfaction.
Don't forget, a masterpiece and a mess
Are just a stroke apart.
Then what is this? Get rid of it.
-What are you doing?
-Sorry, Grandpa.
Let go of me.
You're suffocating me, son.
You must forgive me first.
I do, son.
We bring you breaking news.
Fake notes worth six lakhs
caught in Delhi
Fake notes worth 4.5 crores
caught in Rajkot, Gujarat
A huge fake note syndicate exposed
in Uttar Pradesh. Around 3.2 million
Check thoroughly!
We found this on him.
Five people arrested with 2,000 rupee
notes worth 5.6 million in Kolkata
Our Dhanrakshak is a huge success.
We have started deploying it.
And we are already seeing the results.
We've formed a team
to monitor it continuously.
After deploying it in the banks
The counterfeiting force is installing
this chip in every cash machine.
It's why we are getting busted.
Our stocks are rotting in the warehouse.
Buyers won't go anywhere near our stuff.
It's all thanks to Michael.
Michael and his counterfeiting force.
He just won't leave me alone.
His team is a problem.
So what should I do? Close up shop?
What do we do, Jitu? Any ideas?
Take a look. Our men in India sent this.
What? Is this fake?
Try it in the machine.
-Who is he?
-We don't know.
People call him "Artist."
Get up!
How long will you sleep?
What the fuck!
-Firoz, you okay?
Who made this?
Get up.
Did you hear me? Come on, move.
Where are you taking him?
Take me too!
-Tell me where they took him.
-Shut up!
He's here, boss.
Did you really make this?
I did.
Do you know me?
That's why you're alive.
And poor.
You did a good job.
What do you think?
The paper is top class.
It looks real.
The watermark's off.
And the lines above Gandhi's head
are superimposed over each other.
The microprinting sucks.
It doesn't need a computer.
It needs an artist's touch.
That machine
will detect it.
Shall I give it a try?
Is this your bill?
I mean, it's not bad.
It just needs some work.
The paper's top class.
Come with me.
You're quite a rascal.
But you look like a gentleman.
A gentleman-rascal.
Rascal-gentleman. I like it.
What's your size?
Your shirt size.
I spare no expense on clothes and style.
When you dress well, success comes to you.
Pick one.
When you go to a party,
your clothes should announce your arrival.
Why are you sitting like this? Relax.
How do you like it here?
It's great.
I don't live in India
and no one knows I'm here.
It's my private property.
I brought you here.
You know what that means?
Join me.
Your design, my press,
my money, my network.
We'll rule, buddy. Yeah?
It's a great offer, boss
But I don't do it anymore. I've quit.
Sit back.
Greed never dies!
Do you know what that is? Greed.
Greed is in one's nature.
And human nature never changes.
I did it for another reason.
I know.
Your Grandpa.
I can't break his heart.
You are so cute.
Are they cutting a deal?
Tell me if they are.
We're partners.
I handle the money.
All those doors you went begging to?
They won't just open now.
They will bow down to you.
Why? Because you'll be rich.
If you are rich, you rule.
How you earn it,
where you get it from, no one cares.
So keep yourself happy.
Keep your people happy. That's all.
You made it, right?
You're a real artist.
Boss, I don't do it anymore.
I'll have you and your family killed.
I'll burn your press down.
I'll ruin your grandfather. Got it?
I could've said all that.
But did I?
Did I? I didn't, right?
I know talent when I see it.
I respect talent.
But try to understand my situation.
I'm a businessman.
I don't like competition.
It's as simple as that.
If you're not with me, you're against me.
And if you're against me,
how can I spare you?
Will you work with me?
-Turn around.
Don't stab my ass! Hey!
Here. Wear it and come with me.
Fucking assholes.
Is this how you make a deal?
Give me your hand.
They beat me up
and threw me out in this blouse.
At least send a car to make the deal.
I hope you didn't cut a deal
with these bastards.
They made me an offer.
Are we working with them now?
They are dangerous.
Let's lie low for a few days.
We don't have an option.
They threatened us?
Consider it a chance.
To get out of this hellhole. Come on.
How long will we live like street rats,
doing odd jobs?
Let's do something big.
His infrastructure, our talent
And Grandpa?
We've done all this for his sake.
Sunny, if we are doing this,
let's be honest.
You want to do this
to give your art a stage.
To show the world
that you are a great artist.
Don't bring Grandpa into this.
Creative Supervisor - Subbaiah KG
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